Biden to African leaders: "I may show up. The poor relatives always show up. The wealthy ones never show up. The poor come and they eat your food — stay longer than they should.”
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) December 15, 2022
Shorter list; what actually goes right with this guy?
"An effort at — I think! — self-deprecation went horribly wrong."
Dementia causing him to say what he really thinks.
Joe Biden is a Billionaire. What has he produced that has made the world a better place for anyone?
This is your normal Ann.
There is only one alternative to corruption out there right now.
It’s not just Twitter that has a “real-time location doxxing” problem.
Self-deprecation? Nope. I think he was trying to be funny and clever. Which is hard for him. Since he's a fucking moron.
Boy, his voice is weak and Shakey. He almost sounds like HAL when Dave starts dismantling him.
Inflation is double digits and retail sales growth came in at -.6%.
The economic numbers coming out right now are worse than the 2008 crash in fundamental ways.
This is a tired failing president. Given a choice the cognizant part of Joe Biden would resign right now.
Apart of him knows he is going to go down in history as having caused the second US Depression.
His best move right now would be to let Trump turn this around and share the blame.
As he promises them billions of our taxpayer dollars.
Meanwhile..."Intriguingly, no media outlet bothered to inform its readers or viewers that the prices have increased by 13.2% under President Biden's watch between February 2021 and November 2022.
The simple calculations don't need a rocket scientist. But no one is curious to make that. The mainstream media would rather play defense for the White House and pretend that its policies are working."
We have an open border with an invasion happening, skyrocketing prices, and a fraudulent president who loves giving away all of our hard-earned money.
Interesting. He’s clearly losing his grip. (Which may be plural —“grips”—more like a thousand little anchor points than a single big one). I guess that with dementia our wits break down; even a basic sense of humor crumbles. Because humor is a very sophisticated social tool. It requires awareness of convention and expectation, decorum and boundaries, so that the joke can play off them, violate or confound them, just enough and no more. He can no longer tell where the lines are, let alone dance up to them as gracefully as humor requires.
You think this is bad, you should see him end a war in Afghanistan.
Just follow the script Joe cause you aren't capable of winging it and you aren't funny.
But let's mock Trump instead.
Take the CornPop slayer at is words. He usually means what he says, but he says the quiet part out loud.
* Obama is an articulate and clean black man
* Black people are more likely to be fat and poor so they need better airline treatment
* Shoot people with shotguns blindly through the door
* The US will fight to defend Taiwan against China
Etc. Etc. When you are numb to this or in denial you can call it self-deprecation rather than just wrong or cognitively challenged. He's perhaps sharper than most 80 year old people, and that's the brightest side I can find.
That would kill any R candidate. forever.
The leftist press will dutifully ignore.
Turning faux self-deprecation into slow-Joe gaffe.
Question: does he ever speak fluently and coherently?
This no different than his 7 Eleven/Dunkin Donuts quip about Indians. He thought he was being funny.
Biden To African Leaders: "You Kids Get Off My Lawn!"
Biden Dog Whistle: "Black People, Go Back To Africa!"
Again, the Left gets the benefit of the doubt and the best possible interpretation of their acts... but Sandmann and the Libertarians.....
When Obama was President, everyone seemed to think it was about the public show and the brand. With the exception of Obamacare and getting reelected, what will we remember except that he was the first Black president, and he looked and sounded like someone from central casting.
When Trump was President, everyone seemed to think it was about the public shitshow. Sometimes Trump provided the shitshow, sometimes it was his opponents. In my estimation, we were surprisingly well governed by Krusty The Clown, often due to luck, often due to the fact that he worked more for the interests of people the government had underserved for a long time than any of the people before him.
Overall, what we are getting now is not quite as bad as I had feared in 2021, but Biden's personal decline is a testament to his lack of wisdom in accepting the job. A wiser man would have known his limitations. What will we get in twelve months? Eighteen? Who is at the wheel of this runaway train that is the United States of America? Does anyone seriously think Biden is actually in control of this administration?
If this is what he sounds like with prepared remarks, can you imagine what goes on inside his head the rest of the day?
Freudian slip.
He meant it.
I sense an opportunity to market a series of collectible cards with Joe Biden's picture and one of his dazzling quotes. The back of the card would would, of course, have his lifetime stats.
Collect 'em, trade 'em, swap 'em with your friends! They fit great in bicycle spokes, too!
Net proceeds to my favorite charity.
Beiden is a creep. He says he hates the poor, don’t come and see me poor people, you will just eat my food, you poor assholes. I am rich I’ll go see you, don’t try to come see me.
This plan to pay off African leaders to not build coal power plants is perfect Beiden and Kerry. We will give you billions, you will be rich, your poor people won’t have any electricity or a modern economy but that’s a small price to pay for cold cash.
Imperious old fools don’t do humor well, least of all self-depredation. For more timely evidence check out Pelosi’s press conference from yesterday. Imperious old fools.
One needs humility for self-deprecation.
This man has zero humility.
mezzrow: "...often due to the fact that he worked more for the interests of people the government had underserved for a long time than any of the people before him."
Such a simple and illuminating guiding principle....and currently utterly rejected by the "respectable" GOPe-ers.
He should've just stopped at, "I may show up."
Josephbleau: "Beiden is a creep."
That can't be true.
The list of establishment republicans publicly vouching for Biden's extraordinary "honesty", "decency" and "integrity" is endless.
“… often due to the fact that he worked more for the interests of people the government had underserved for a long time than any of the people before him.”
Trump was an America First kinda guy.
Best thing about him.
Joe's dementia and all the world participating in trying to cover it up is really old news.
Joe is literally, that Uncle we all had that spoke with no filter. Part is just Joe's ego the rest is age related dementia. There was a +80 year old female resident at the care center my mom was in. Healthy, always in the day room or walking the halls. She would never fail to ask me how big my dick was, and would a like a tug? That is on the mild side of her foul mouth. But we all understood, she was not cognatively 'with us'.
But there is a serious side to the Africa visit.
The EU and the WEF, is refusing to allow Africa to capture the continents vast Natural Gas deposits. Natural Gas, a foundational ingredient to produce Nitrogen Fertilizer.Biden is fully onboard. Rather that ALLOW the continent to become self sustaining in food production, Biden has promised to send tax payer money in the form of food subsidies to the Continent.
I have repeated often in these comments that the only shortage of food on the planet is due to horrendous government decisions.
This is not a govt, it is the entire new world order, intent on keeping an entire Continent, hungry, poor and dependent. What a collection of racist experts.
"Mr. President, Sir, please, I'm on my knees begging you. No matter how badly you want to go off script and ad lib, don't. Just don't. Just read the goddamned words that were written for you and move on. Please, please, please, please, please."
Yeah, we have a senile, anti-american fool who sends $Billions to the Ukraine to kill innocent people while millions of illegal aliens pour into our country. Who are they? Are they crooks, do they have diseases, are they spies, we don't know. And Biden doesn't care. He doesn't believe in the rule of law.
And if he goes overseas and acts senile and dumb, well that's Just "Good, ol' Joe". Haha. OUr funny, dumb, wacky old uncle who got to be POTUS. He could start WW III and 47 percent of the USA will still vote for him. He's not a Goddamn Republican. And all that matters.
"An effort at — I think! — self-deprecation went horribly wrong."
I think that's right. The self-deprecating line was "Be careful what you wish for." In response to "Many of you have invited me to your home countries."
So the implicit joke was, "You will have to play the host and feed me and take care of me and I might be a pain in the ass."
And then his mind went to money. "The poor relatives always show up." That was insult #1, straight to the face of his guests. You are poor and coming to the U.S.A. You always show up. We have a bunch of people trying to get here illegally. Everybody wants to come here.
Maybe his mind was on Trump! Because Trump was famous for talking about immigrants from "shithole countries" like Haiti and El Salvador and why we couldn't have more immigrants from Norway.
So Biden's mind is on money and Trump and rich people, and he says they would never visit your country. Biden's trying to insult rich people, I think, but he seemingly accepts their point of view. And that's insult #1 -- rich people would never visit your country.
And then after insulting rich people, and African nations, then Biden insults poor people. And maybe immigrants and illegal immigrants? "You can never get them to leave" and they overstay their welcome.
I think in his mind he's referencing an old joke about guests. "Guests are like fish, they start to stink after three days." (Benjamin Franklin said that, I think). Now that's funny colonial humor!
But it's horribly not funny to mock your guests to their face while they are visiting you! He's trying a little self-deprecating humor about what a bad guest he might be, and while doing that he insults his own guests, several African nations, rich people and poor people, and possibly anybody who has ever immigrated (or traveled) anywhere.
The LEAST funny part was: Here Africa, it's a check for $55 billion. We're a weeee bit overdrawn right now ($31 TRILLION) so don't cash it right away, it might bounce....
Scranton hard-scrabble Joey Biden doesn't have two dimes to rub together.
Interesting typo. Depredation might be more apt.
He knows how to grab an audience by the purse.
Didn’t read the comments but anyone expecting any astute observation from joe Biden is as ignorant as Joe. This is the stuff he has always done. Amplified by his apparent dementia. Get for what you vote folks.
He's not wrong about the poor. Why are they always eating my food? Why are they still hanging around my home? Can't they take a hint?
Once an ass, always an ass.
I propose a name change for that plant. No longer "Wandering Jew". How about "Wandering Joe"? Seems fitting way to remember ol'46.
He went on too long. He should have stopped at "I may show up!" Like so many politicians addicted to microphones, Biden doesn't know when to stop. Reagan did, so did Trump, and Clinton (Wm).
What they don't show, and I think they were right, is Biden scrubbing vinyl while he's saying it.
Is this Biden guy fundamentally evil? Signs point to yes
Joe... I have a feeling you're not in Scranton anymore.
I heard Biden is also selling an NFT image of himself for $99.
Speaking of things that went horribly wrong:
Remember that old joke,
How do you make a hormone?
Don't pay her.
Here's the Paul Pelosi version:
How do you make a hormone?
If he has a hammer, just pay him.
I am so sick and tired of this lying asshole who is there fraudulently. They lie about EVERYTHING. They all belong in prison for lying to the American people.
"According to the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics overstated job growth this year by at least 1.1 million!"
Tell me again how voting is going to fix fraud??
A sad old man.
Mr Wibble said...
The US deserves this addled degenerate scumbag as our president, and whatever disaster he brings to us.
12/16/22, 8:52 AM
Totally agree. This is what they want.
Ben Franklin's joke is funny because he reduces all of humanity ("guests") to dead fish. You delight in them at first ("delicious!") but they start to stink after three days.
If Biden tried to tell Franklin's joke he would add cannibals and make it ten times worse.
When Biden makes a point of saying something (Not a joke! That's not hyperbole!), it's usually not true. So this was his way of telling Africa that he won't be going there.
Young Joe was consumed with ambition, but I think he'd pretty much gone into hibernation by 2016. Everyone was saying it was Hillary's turn and Joe could take a hike back to Delaware. Then in 2019, the same people started telling Joe that he was the party and the country's last and only hope. It went to his head and woke up his dormant ambition. Now all the pomp of the presidency reinforce his delusions on a daily basis.
Calling Biden a moron is an insult to self respecting morons everywhere.
And this buffoon blunders from one disaster to another. Actually that's an insult to buffoons. Biden is more of a hair sniffing digit inserting poltroon.
Biden's handlers are working hard to make America just like Africa. Unfortunately, there will be no one to rescue us.
iowan2 said...
" But there is a serious side to the Africa visit.
The EU and the WEF, is refusing to allow Africa to capture the continents vast Natural Gas deposits. Natural Gas, a foundational ingredient to produce Nitrogen Fertilizer.Biden is fully onboard. Rather that ALLOW the continent to become self sustaining in food production, Biden has promised to send tax payer money in the form of food subsidies to the Continent."
You left off the part where big agg kicks back to the "Big Guy" through the BFCC (Biden Family Corruption Corporation)
Yeah, we have a senile, anti-american fool who sends $Billions to the Ukraine to kill innocent people
Today I learned that the Russian Red Army are "innocent people".
I don't get the anti-Zelenskyy hate on this board.
Yeah, we have a senile, anti-american fool who sends $Billions to the Ukraine to kill innocent people
Today I learned that the Russian Red Army are "innocent people".
I don't get the anti-Zelenskyy hate on this board.
He's the best! :)
He's a lot better (at least experienced) at self aggrandizement.
Take a knee, beg, DIE. 50 shades of South African Xhosa vs Zulu conflict in progress, selected by transnational special and peculiar interests for exploitation of the nation's natural resources.
Today I learned that the Russian Red Army are "innocent people".
I don't get the anti-Zelenskyy hate on this board.
Not hate. Just sanity. You are free to send your money to Ukraine but don't include mine with it.
It's what you get by mixing diminished mental capacity that wasn't great to begin with, and being in a position (and in positions for decades) where people always laugh at your attempts at humor and don't ever give honest feedback/say 'no.'
Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That's what Bilbo Biden hates-
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Cut the cloth and tread on the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!
Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished, if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!
That's what Bilbo Biden hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!
RMc said...
Yeah, we have a senile, anti-american fool who sends $Billions to the Ukraine to kill innocent people
Today I learned that the Russian Red Army are "innocent people".
I don't get the anti-Zelenskyy hate on this board.
Douchebag says something untrue and pitches a straw man argument out there.
Follows it up with a lack of understanding for how people could think something.
Zelensky to sent his wife shopping in France last week. She spent a years worth of wages for the average american in one day.
We paid for that.
It is no longer just stupidity. These people are mendacious.
Mark said...
"Once an ass, always an ass."
You voted for him. So what does that make you?
They know. We know. They know we know. they don't care.
We now have all the receipts for the stolen election, but Republicans, instead of standing up, are going along, helping to pass the Gay marriage bill, which is not "love is love," it's a means to jerk 501c3 status from churches who don't fall in line. They also tried to help pass amnesty, just barely failing
The Republic is doomed
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