.@laurenboebert you have played a major role in elevating anti-LGBT+ hate rhetoric and anti-trans lies while spending your time in Congress blocking even the most common sense gun safety laws.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 20, 2022
You don’t get to “thoughts and prayers” your way out of this. Look inward and change. https://t.co/mxt6wFMVEv
Ocasio-Cortez wants only Police and criminals to have guns, and she doesn’t want there to be too many police.
I wasn't aware Boebert was a member of "The Squad" effort to defund police.
Not sure what Lauren Bobert has said, but the Left sure hates her. Therefore, she must be good.
The Left will never learn. People have free will. People decide to acquire guns and kill.
If our country was more religious and moral, these mass shootings wouldn’t happen. We didn’t really start having them until this century. The first big one was the Texas Tower shooter and the next big one was Columbine. Quite a stretch of time.
Where did hope go? Where did love go?
Nice to see AOC isn't using the tragedy in Colorado for political purposes...
Looking forward to the comments on this--not.
Obama is the one who started the instant mass shooting blame game. A gift he keeps on giving us. The left loves it.
Meanwhile back at home, crime in NYC is just fine. Remember right?
And don’t tell me this is just like blaming liberal policies in Milwaukee for Darrell Brooks and the Waukesha Christmas parade. It’s not. Sorry.
shooter was another known wolf who threatened his mother, with a bomb, last year,
Cortez is a dumb communist cunt.
Yeah Readering, you may want sit this one out. Facts and logic will be utilized.
CO Springs - not in Lauren's district.
AOC of defund the police fame, says what?
The police were called and arrived within minutes.
Why? because when trouble occurs - people call the police. People depend on ... the police.
btw - we do NOT know yet the motive for this crime.
Was it a hate crime? probably.
However- it could be a scorned lover crime. It's not known yet.
Of course if it is a hate crime - the entire GOP will be blamed.
Also - I have noted some reports that specify that the perp was yet again - on the FBI's radar? If so - yet another FBI fail.
It's one thing to want good things to happen so you can take the credit for them. But people like AOC want bad things to happen, so they can blame their enemies. Pathetic.
Perhaps the "ALL AGES Drag Show" at an adult gay bar "triggered" someone?
Boebert's tweet = adult
AOC = man-baby.
As of the time of this posting (3:16PM EST), CNN's story on the shooting says:
The motive of the shooting isn’t yet known, but police are investigating the possibility of a hate crime.
So, why don't we all just cool our jets until we actually know what the shooter's motives were. Hate crimes against gays certainly aren't unknown. Neither is gays killing each other, nor gays getting murdered for reasons completely unrelated to their orientation (e.g. drunken fights in parking lots over all sorts of stupid stuff that escalate to violence inside the bar).
The anti-trans stuff isn't anti-trans - it's anti-trans taking over women's sports and sexualizing our young children. and destroying children and teens with radical and confusing life-altering surgeries and drugs that should be lift to the parents.
AOC is a liar and a fraud.
AOC is getting her hate on.
Sandy Occasional-Cortex misses the irony of her mere existence.
Interesting how leftists always blame the people who had nothing to do with the shootings.
I mean, what is there to say? AOC thinks that anyone who does not agree with her in all things is objectively a terrible person. Furthermore, it is standard operating procedure for the Democratic Party to blame Republicans for all gun deaths, unless it is inconvenient to the Democrats in which case the story is buried and not revisited, assuming it is reported in the first place.
We all disappoint AOC so. How difficult it must be to be the paragon she is.
Well first, AOC, Christians do prayers, not "thoughts and prayers." We leave "thoughts" in matters like this to lefties despite our concerns that they don't have any.
In that vein, AOC, if you can think, "look inward" and think about New York 2022 House elections. It's beginning to appear that even some New Yorkers are not pinheaded enough to put up with AOC, Hochul, Cuomo stupidity forever - maybe.
Big Mike said:
"Ocasio-Cortez wants only Police and criminals to have guns, and she doesn’t want there to be too many police."
She got her way -- all the victims were disarmed.
Less than 2 years ago - a young man who hated Trump (said so on his facebook page) - shot and killed 10 people in a Boulder CO grocer store.
I don't recall blaming AOC.
readering said...
Looking forward to the comments on this--not.
Dumb fascists who want to take our freedom and rights to self defense should feel shame for their stupidity.
The shooter threatened o blow up his mom's house.
It was the gun's fault obviously.
readering said...
"Looking forward to the comments on this--not."
Remember when you complained nobody here wanted to have a serious dialog with you and they called you names? Remember that?
The above is why. Dickhead.
All this finger pointing fails to note that the perp will almost certainly be revealed to have been a heavy user of marijuana. It's increasing legality and link to these aggressive behaviors is the real scourge that needs to be rooted out.
"I have noted some reports that specify that the perp was yet again - on the FBI's radar? If so - yet another FBI fail."
Not really sure if we can keep going to this argument. There must be tens of millions of us on the FBI radar now.
All politicians cannot resist standing on top of a pile of corpses like they were a custom stage purpose built so they can make some holier than thou speech.
I am disappointed to learn that -- at least so far -- the House's new Republican-party majority is not planning to kick AOC off all her committees.
AOC will get many retweets and likes on that. It has the perfect blend of toxic and poison.
Transgender spectrum disorder is trendy, stable with trans/homosexuals, counterproductive with trans/neos, deadly to boys, but especially to girls in a transient confused state.
Gun control means reprimanding Democrat "heroes" who shoot first and administrations that run guns in violation of civil rights and common sense.
Immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform.
Single/central/monopolistic solutions that drive progressive prices and availability.
Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism), Inequity, and Exclusion (DIE).
Aoc is playing with a double-edged scalpel. She sincerely believes in human rites performed for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes. Lose your Pro-Choice ethical religion.
Meanwhile, Schumer laments that our civilization is not viable because of progressive sexual dysfunction, social contagion, political congruence ("="), and the wicked solution.
Where did hope go? Diversity, Inequity, and Exclusion (DIE)
Where did love go? #HateLovesAbortion
The police were called and arrived within minutes.
Second-responders, necessary, but inadequate to discourage opening [mass] abortion fields or mitigating social progress.
Interesting how leftists always blame the people who had nothing to do with the shootings.
Aoc's religion denies women and men's dignity and agency.
Ocasio-Cortez wants only Police and criminals to have guns, and she doesn’t want there to be too many police.
Third-world elitist mentality. First-world authoritarian.
They have the memory of a gnat. All of them.
Three mass shootings (at least) in the last week or so. Were the others "anti-LGBTQ" also? (Noting again that to lump Ts in with Ls and Gs is anti-gay.)
Meanwhile, what about the thousands of people of color who have been murdered this year and last? Do Black lives matter to AOC? Does she even notice the slaughter that happens every weekend in some cities? In Dem-run cities? In Dem-run cities with strict gun control laws?
Seems to me the Usual Suspects jumped on this pretty fast. Last time this happened, it was a Muslim. After which, Loretta Lynch said, "We have your back,". To the Muslim community.
Might have been prudent to wait to see if the shooter was higher in the Accredited Victim Group hierarchy than gays.
Pretty WASPy name.
Motivation not currently explained.
Also, two comment threads in a row where the c word is casually thrown around.
Do better guys. Try to speak without shit in your mouths. Even if you like shit in your mouths.
AOC wanted political congruence ("=") of trans/homosexuals. The anti-"trans" stuff is a social construct of her our own creation. One step forward, two steps backward.
Was it a hate crime? probably.
My drugs. My partner. Trans/homosexuals do not favor lower classes (e.g. trans/bisexual) in the transgender spectrum.
"even the most common sense gun safety laws"
Nah, you mean banning guns.. that is not 'gun safety'.
Notice the 4 knifed to death in Idaho... and 25 police trainees mowed down by a car.
As for the gay bar.. the guy who is the 'suspect' MADE BOMBS two years ago as well as threaten to bomb to other places (and other crimes.) Was he let go? Did he serve any jail time? WHY WASN'T HE IN PRISON?????
Oh, Colorado... woke as they come.
So AOC's 'gun safety' would not matter... but if in that disc they had had a gun.. maybe he would not have shot so many.
serious (rhetorical sounding) question
What State, does Lauren Bobert represent in Congress?
What State, does AOC represent in Congress?
I was going to write "At least this guy is facing the death penalty, since he killed 5 in Colorado, while the racist who murdered 10 black people in a grocery store gets to live because he did it in New York". Then I realized I ought to check whether Colorado has a death penalty, just to make sure, and found it was abolished in 2020 by the current governor, AOC's fellow Democrat Jared Polis. That was a stupid thing to do.
Love how they try to glom on to any LGBT goodwill when gays and trans have ruined club life for L.
Nobody does thoughts and prayers anymore after Anthony Jeselnik nails it as worthless narcissism.
AOC - Keep your leftist authoritarian tweets off my thoughts and prayers.
can't queens have their idiot back,
"Police identified the gunman as Anderson Lee Aldrich, who was in custody and being treated for injuries. A man with that name was arrested in 2021 after his mother reported he threatened her with a homemade bomb and other weapons, authorities said. They declined to elaborate on that arrest. No explosives were found, authorities said at the time, and The Gazette in Colorado Springs reported that prosecutors did not pursue any charges and that records were sealed."
She's just saying that because Lauren is SO HOT.
AOC & Boebert
What the fuck is wrong with voters?
Five dead? Just another Friday in Chicago. Who's to blame for that? Who?
Another way of seeing this is that AOC thoroughly discounts thoughts and prayers. Not surprising for an often thoughtless atheist.
Also - I have noted some reports that specify that the perp was yet again - on the FBI's radar? If so - yet another FBI fail.
FBI too distracted harassing Trump.
Lexie's hoping to be Biden's next Secretary of Empathy.
Nobody does thoughts and prayers anymore after Anthony Jeselnik nails it as worthless narcissism
Empathy, sympathy, stand with, Tweets, hearts, thumbs, fists, etc.
Make that "Empathy Czar." It sounds more powerful.
AOC is a hate-filled liar. She NEVER offers "Thoughts and prayers" because she's an athiest
That aside, the Left keeps winning because they maintain "Message Discipline". Whenever there's a murder or mass shooting they scream "NRA and their Conservative supporters are killing people!" over and over.
The only exception is when the shooter is a right-winger. Then they accuse Rightwing/Republican politican of "Supporting Hate and KILLING PEOPLE!".
Love how they try to glom on to any LGBT goodwill when gays and trans have ruined club life for L
A trans/bisexual spurned, judged and excluded from trans/homosexual games.
Boebert is also known for her anti-mom rhetoric...
Five dead? Just another Friday in Chicago. Who's to blame for that? Who?
Xhosa on Zulu violence is not a hate crime, not even apartheid, because they're both black for diversity's sake.
and found it was abolished in 2020 by the current governor, AOC's fellow Democrat Jared Polis.
Colorado is a politically congruent, forward-looking, Green sanctuary state. #HateLovesAbortion
Even I didn't see that coming from n.n.
Oh bugger off you ignorant fascist twat. You and your ilk are a disgrace to America and ,indeed, the human race. KMA,LMHB,& BO.
Notice the 4 knifed to death in Idaho...
Bladed instruments are the primary instrument of choice in homicides, robberies, and other criminal actions. Also, self-abortions with illicit drug (e.g. Fentanyl) use.
and 25 police trainees mowed down by a car.
High-mass assault-style vehicle. On one occasion it was children and grannies celebrating Christmas. On another occasion it was police trainees. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter
Aoc is playing with a double-edged scalpel. To be fair, Colorado is a sanctuary state, one of several Democrat districts, where thoughts and prayers, empathetic appeals, and sympathetic Tweets are in fashion.
anti-mom rhetoric
Keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence aborted, perhaps cannibalized, redistributed, and sequestered in darkness? It sounds like a pornographic fetish.
Black, white, left or right, mass shooters are mentally ill.
If the guy was pushed over the edge by creepy trans sexual news, it is not reporting hte news that did it, it is the bad creepy behavior that did it.
Most trans and gay and whatever do not act like freaks doing or condoning strip shows for kids. Not to mention school teachers talking sex in grade schools.
"Not really sure if we can keep going to this argument. There must be tens of millions of us on the FBI radar now."
Perhaps they should have their radar recalibrated?
Just a thought...
He should have just attacked a Christmas parade featuring mostly hetero white people, then nobody would much mind.
So a 22 year old Islamic self-declared member of ISIS who threatened him mom with a bomb (but cops/prosecutors declined to prosecute or use a red-flag law) commits armed violence? Of course that’s gun rights proponents’ fault.
"2 year old Islamic self-declared member of ISIS "
Oh..photo surfacing of a White Black possible future aspiring birthing unit.
"So a 22 year old Islamic self-declared member of ISIS .."
Well, if that is true, story buried by Thursday
You people are giving AOC way more attention than she has earned.
She is really living of the the old axiom "there is no such thing as bad publicity" All the shaming in the world only validates her.
It will be interesting if the Twitter community adds context to AOC's post.
None of the "commonsense gun laws" (TM) proposed has the ability, or even the likelihood, or even a chance of preventing criminal violence.
I see "CGL" proposed, and all it ever amounts to is disarm the law-abiding while criminals continue without the least hindrance. To hell with that and to hell with those anti-rights criminal-supporting proponents of such nonsense.
"Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
It's not a perfect parallel, but it's similar enough: The one really needful thing is prayer.
holdfast said...
He should have just attacked a Christmas parade featuring mostly hetero white people, then nobody would much mind.
Or some black people in Chicago.
AOC pulls so much vacuum between her ears that they didn't need a corkscrew at the bars where she worked. She simply leaned over the top of the bottle and the cork was sucked right out.
Enough with AOC and the rest of these Democrat social terrorists!
Good for Nothing!
"Good for Nothing!"
I don't know... some of the memes are entertaining.
Or some black people in Chicago.
Or people of brown. People of yellow, too. But especially people of white... peach, unless someone can probably... nay, plausibly, be judged and labeled a far-left extremist (e.g. Nazi) or competing interest of one.
Generally, any violence within a diversity class (e.g. transgender spectrum), or trans sanctioned diversity classes (e.g. people of color rape trans/homosexual female, celebrity rapes underage girl, illegal alien rapes underage girl and the "burden" of evidence is aborted in darkness) is soon forgotten.
Forward! and don't spare the babies.
Even I didn't see that coming from n.n.
Could you be more specific?
Hopefully Boebert's response to AOC's bloviating schoolmarmery reads something like:
Go Fuck Yourself, you shitferbrains pathetic bony-assed scold LARPing as a tribune of the working class while in $4000 suits and $2500 shoes.
Seriously, how is the foregoing any less productive than AOC's self-serving bullshittery of a tweet?
AOC, you don't get to selective anecdote your way out of 2A.
Shut up little girl with the big mouth. Nobody cares what you are spewing THIS time.
donald said...
Cortez is a dumb communist cunt.
11/20/22, 2:11 PM
THIS^^^ Sorry, not sorry, but when the word fits....
At least the FBI is good at finding and arresting selfie takers and mothers at school board meetings!! Good for nothing, Biden Gestapo.
You people are giving AOC way more attention than she has earned.
She is the quintessential attention whore, is she not? But your complaint is with the blog hostess; who chose to publicize the ignorant rant of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez with her post. We are merely replying to her decision to post the tweet without negative comment. Res ipsa loquitur, as the lawyers say.
Sometimes only one word works Bender. This is one of those times.
She got 30% fewer votes this time than during the last mid-term. So don't expect her star to rise much higher. Mostly now it's only amplification of her antics by the right that is keeping her in the public eye.
Ugh. AOC is such a distasteful POS. She peaked as a bartender. Everything from her on out has been Peter Principle in action. Of course, we have a Congress and a White House full of Peter Principles in action so in that, she's not alone. But her level of ignorance and never letting that get in the way of amplifying her thoughts is what makes her stupidity particularly unavoidable and cringe-inducing.
She's a mess. And will, at some point, be the Speaker of the House, or will run for President. Such is the state of our leadership.
wendybar wrote: "Shut up little girl with the big mouth. Nobody cares what you are spewing THIS time."
Well, our esteemed host cared enough about what AOC said to make it an entry in her blog. And AOC has 758,000 Twitter followers.
I loathe AOC, but she seems to have a lot of people who care about what she "spews", whether they love it or hate it.
Wait-a-minute, is AOC trying to say she wants to date Boebert?
You don't get to 'common sense' your way through draconian, totalitarians and unconstitutional grandstanding.
You don't get to 'common sense' your way through draconian, totalitarian and unconstitutional grandstanding.
AOC will be 35 in two years.
Lots of local leftists are now trying to state that this is the fault of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because apparently this criminal was a member of said church... even though he hadn't been to a service in ten years.
So this is now being used to cudgel the Church of Jesus Christ and blame Christians everywhere.
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