November 10, 2022

"Yes, Trumpy populism was halting and self-contradictory, but the variety that emerged in Republican circles after Mr. Trump left office was downright fake."

"Correctly perceiving working- and middle-class discontent with corporate power and economic insecurity, Republicans in 2022 tried to channel it into cultural grievances, ginning up outrage over 'woke' sensitivity trainings in the workplace, for instance. A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best. Instead, the right continued to pursue its old program of undermining the New Deal. Fake G.O.P. populism challenged 'woke capital' — companies that it believed had become overly politically correct — but didn’t dare touch the power of corporate America to coerce workers and consumers, or the power of private equity and hedge funds to hollow out the real economy, which employs workers for useful products and services — or used to, anyway." 

Writes Sohrab Ahmari in "Why the Red Wave Didn’t Materialize" (NYT).


gilbar said...

ginning up outrage over 'woke' sensitivity trainings in the workplace, for instance

yep! No One REALLY cares that they have to go to weekly white harassment meetings
no one REALLY cares that promotions will be based on skin color
no one REALLY cares that Only trans (or, Maybe gay) men will be allowed in

Dave Begley said...

"Instead, the right continued to pursue its old program of undermining the New Deal."

There's zero evidence of that.

The Left is using Trump to attack conservatives and populists.

Trump created a movement and added many new people to the GOP, but he is no longer useful. His negatives - and bad judgment - outweigh the positives. He can't win a general election.

The smart - and realistic thing - is to support DeSantis. Much better judgement and no baggage.

I'm tired of Trump's drama.

tim maguire said...

At least The New York Times continues to be completely clueless about the Trump phenomenon. So that's something.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Unions? no.
Unions are not useful or needed anymore. Talk about a fake ginned-up political notion.
Reality? Gen Z showed up - and they voted for abortion.

Leland said...

Whatever Trump is or was, the NYTimes hasn’t figured it out. Unions are not the answer to a woke corporation either. The New Deal is creating the recession, as the original New Deal prolonged the Great Depression. Good luck on your subway ride home in NY Sohrab Ahmari.

Kay said...

I agree but I don’t think the dems are doing much to address this stuff either.

rhhardin said...

Unions ought to be disempowered. The idea that X and Y can get more rights against Z by joining forces than they had individually is against rule of law. In particular they can't get Z to negotiate with them.

The red wave didn't materialize because of unmarried women breaking heavily democrat where everybody else broke republican. No unions there.

farmgirl said...

No secret that Trump isn’t a kingmaker- after all, there is only one unique Trump.
Our country is just into good and hard.

Here’s to “holder &harder”.
Hope they’ve got the stones for it.

America last.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump... Still a desperate coordinated effort to get rid of him. Paul Ryan, all Media...Karl Rove, same narrative. Who did Paul Ryan and McConnell back that had a great night?

Unmarried Women along with Gen Z helped stop the red wave. From the Washington Examiner:

Married Men - Dem 39%, GOP 59%
Married Women - Dem 42% GOP 56%
Unmarried Men - 45% Dem, 52% GOP
Unmarried Women - 68% Dem, 31% GOP

I'm assuming unmarried women need abortion access at a much greater level than the three other groups. Plus, more than likely it's unmarried women who probably hate men the most. This is a strange juxtaposition. If abortion access is important to them they must be sleeping with people with penises...who deep down they actually resent.

Tina Trent said...

Massive union malfeasance is one of the prime reasons manufacturers moved jobs overseas. Look at Chicago and Detroit, steelworkers' frequent absenteeism and refusal to work or inability to be fired if they did shoddy work were protected by the unions. Even union chiefs admitted that in the 80's. Ditto the auto industry in Detroit. Ditto trade show, electricians, carpenters, and Teamster unions.

Also, if leftists want more passenger rail, look at the massive fraud and misuse of disability funds in AMTRAK and the LIRR unions.

Unions are not currently the answer. And I have both decertified and organized one.

Dave Begley said...

And those teachers' unions have shown themselves for what they are.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Shorter Sohrab Ahmari:

"NO! Why isn't MAGA hating the same corporate power that I hate in the same way that I hate it! They should be anti-corporatist in the same way we're anti-corporatist! Their Monopoly guy has purple hair, but they should be going after the one with the monocle! No fair!"

Kate said...

The NYT published Ahmari? Wow, we are in end times.

who-knew said...

"A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best." This is assuming facts not in evidence. What unions do best is enrich the union heads (at east when they aren't enriching the mob).

Butkus51 said...

10% (theyre lying) inflation is where its at now.

lets go for 20

Cappy said...

He's right, you know.

CJinPA said...

A winning Republican strategy would target both woke corporate excess AND corporate screwing over workers and communities (to the extent it happens.)

Why choose between the two? Why keep carrying water for corporations when they use their billions every day to message progressive ideology? You want someone to protect you from high business taxes and regulation, ask your buddies on the left. The ones you welcomed into your boardrooms in the name of replacing evil straight, white males and signaling your woke virtue.

Christopher B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher B said...

A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers..

He is, maybe deliberately, mistating who is aligned against Woke Capital and for corporate power. At least in terms of tech companies, as evidenced most recently by the reaction to Elon Musk taking over Twitter, workers are either driving the Woke Capital train or at least willingly taking the ride, and even somewhat 'woke' companies like Starbucks and Amazon just a strenuously oppose unionization as the mythical robber barons in spats did.

The populist attack on corporate power is being driven by the customers, not the workers.

As Joel Kotin puts it

A tale of two Americas

Yesterday’s Midterms were not a victory for conservative or progressive ideology, but an assertion of the growing power of geography in American politics. It was less a national election than a clash of civilisations.

Virtually nowhere in blue areas did Republicans make gains. Both the north-east and California – the central players in Democratic Party politics – stayed solidly blue. Even the most well-regarded GOP candidates, such as Lanhee Chen who ran for California state controller, struggled to make inroads in Democratic territory.

Meanwhile, the senators and governors of the leading red states – Texas’s Greg Abbott, Georgia’s Brian Kemp, Florida’s Ron DeSantis, Ohio’s Mike DeWine – all won handily. Almost all blue-state governors remained the same as well, although the Democratic incumbents often won by smaller margins.

So, what is happening in this increasingly inexplicable country? Essentially, there are now two prevailing realities in the US. One is primarily urban, single and, despite some GOP gains in this demographic, still largely non-white. It functions on the backs of finance, tech and the service industries. The other is largely suburban or exurban, family centric and more likely involved in basic industries like manufacturing, logistics, agriculture and energy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You can trust the NYT to dig deep into the minds of conservative-leaning Americans. LOL.
oooo come over here and taste the WaPo NYT narrative. *holds up a swinging gold shiny object* *look into my eyes*

Florida voted for freedom from the left's woke tyranny. Many successful GOP winners who articulated parents concerns - did well. Unions? LOL.
ESG - is being forced into corporate culture. It's a metric to make rich environmentalists richer. It's a metric used to coerce corporation to comply with woke culture. It's a metric used by investors to evaluate the amount of wokeness a company has. It's like woke corporate blackmail.

Enigma said...

NYT, now do a story on the fake portion of the left.

What's your take on AOC's expensive "eat the rich" merchandise and how she drove Amazon out of her district?

Voting realignments follow self-reflection and self-awareness. Both parties have been following old dogmas and traditions for several generations now. Purging takes a while.

ElPresidenteCastro said...

The GOP needs some time of quiet introspection. They definitely don't need the NYT's take on "Fake G.O.P. populism."

GRW3 said...

I never heard the Republican party promote what they are for, just what they were against. One of the things they have to do is understand that short of FNC, none of their message is carried by the media. They are going to have to do paid advertising.

I think it's time for Trump to start planning his presidential library. There his ego could be writ large. It will be a huge tourist attraction.

It took the progressives many years and election cycles to commandeer the Democratic party.

Narayanan said...

That Media are showing concern for Ron DeSantis should tell voting republicans proles something!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The dems are printing and spending money we do not have. They are deficit spending us into recession and worse.

but wait - the NYT says - you better support unions - or there is something wrong with you.

Gusty Winds said...

"Republicans in 2022 tried to channel it into cultural grievances, ginning up outrage over 'woke' sensitivity trainings in the workplace, for instance."

Anybody see DeSantis' victory speech Tuesday night? It was awesome. And he went after the rejection of "woke ideology" loud and clear, without any hesitation.

If Trump is successfully pushed to the curb in the short term, DeSantis will be instantly Nazified by these establishment and left wing entities now propping him up. You might as well keep Trump around to at least take the beating. He's proven he can.

These people praising DeSantis now, are the same people who said DeSantis committed human trafficking crimes when he sent the Venezuelan immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. They are the same people that claimed he was "killing people" by letting FL remain open during COVID. They are the same people who criticized him for taking on Woke Disneyworld.

Unmarried women HATE guys like Donald Trump and...Ron DeSantis. They will vilify his lovely, cancer surviving, smokin' hot wife too...just like they did Melania.

If we join the bandwagon and let them do this to Trump (Moses)...they will do the same thing to DeSantis (Joshua) . And the earlier they can get rid of Trump, the more time they have do define DeSantis.

MikeR said...

The unions stuff is silly, but the article makes a point. The GOP has moved, but not far enough. They should be opposing the Ukraine war right now, but a small fraction of House members is all there is. Trump's core project of undermining the Deep State hasn't gotten very far.
And, of course, abortion.

Mike Sylwester said...

A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best.

What unions do best in the USA is to compel higher pay and better benefits for teachers and other government workers.

Temujin said...

"Republicans in 2022 tried to channel it into cultural grievances, ginning up outrage over 'woke' sensitivity trainings in the workplace, for instance. A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best."

A NYT article thinking like a progressive to liberal and projecting it onto conservatives as to how they should be thinking. It's literally a waste of written space. Want to know how actual conservatives think? Leave the bubble and go out to actually meet and talk with a few. We're not pining for unions. And, yes- sensitivity training is an insult to everyone involved with it.

The fact is, Ron DeSantis won hugely and won because he went right after those cultural arguments, did not shy away from them, and came at them with sensical, data driven reasons. It's how you do it, how you present it, and how armed you are with the facts, so that when the national attacks come- from the NYT and others- you are able to carefully, surgically slice them up.

Most of the GOPers from the Trump stable were not ready or equipped to answer the bell on this. It doesn't mean they would not have been good in office or even that they're bad people. But it does mean they were the wrong candidates.

Mike Sylwester said...

Republicans in 2022 tried to channel it [discontent] into cultural grievances, ginning up outrage over 'woke' sensitivity trainings in the workplace

Is there something wrong about ginning up outrage over 'woke' sensitivity trainings in the workplace?

If workers do not want to participate in such "trainings", then that is a legitimate workplace grievance that their labor unions should complain about.

Big Mike said...

A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best.

This is more Times bullshit — ignorant rantings spun by ignorant people to be swallowed whole by the gullible. So tell me, Sohrab Ahmari (and Professor Emerita Althouse), is this was true then why is it that when most non-union factories get a chance to organize, they nearly always reject it? Is it because the workers are stupid while the two of you are smart? Or is it because they know something you two don’t?

For the record, right now the face of American unionism are the teachers, and it is not a good look.

Carol said...

DNC was all hands on deck last week at Reddit - "the GOP is gonna GUT social security and Medicare!!"

Always with the GUT word.

Never could get any details out of the links to Maddow et al.

But I guess it worked.

Leland said...

Speaking of NY and sensitivity outrage, SNL writers can’t handle Dave Chapelle as a host. See, they have to lie about Dave Chapelle by claiming he’s transphobic, which to Chapelle’s point is more outrageous than murdering someone. And that is where NY writers are these days. Murder on the rise isn’t the problem. Republicans not onboard the woke New Deal agenda are the problem. Black comedians concerned about black on black crime are the problem.

n.n said...

People... persons... men, women, and identities want to abort the baby... fetal-baby... person of pink, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester the "burden" of evidence, and have her, too, for social (e.g. progress, diversity [dogma]), redistributive (e.g. Medicare/Medicaid/Obamacares, labor arbitrage), clinical (e.g. Planned Parenthood), political (e.g. planned parent/hood, democratic/dictatorial duality), and fair weather (e.g. climate stasis, environmental arbitrage) causes.

Mike said...

More mush from a lefty.

Lurker21 said...

I don't see that. Republicans thought they could win on the economy -- with a little concern about boys on girls' teams and men in women's bathrooms on the side. I didn't see much culture war in Republican campaigns or much Paul Ryanesque libertarian mumbo jumbo about "dismantling the New Deal." Republican candidates wanted lower taxes and less regulation, but they were smart enough not to go on too long about "unleashing the free market." It was strictly "Biden's an incompetent and he's ruining the country." They thought -- I thought, maybe you thought -- that would be enough. It wasn't.

I can see that unions have some uses and don't hate them or regard them as illegitimate. I can feel some of Ahmari's wrath against corporate overlords ruling unchecked by any pushback from labor. But be careful what you wish for. Harry Truman's America that had such inflation as we're seeing now also had powerful unions and crippling strikes. Gerald Ford's and Jimmy Carter's America, another inflationary epoch, saw industrial sclerosis or calcification because of entrenched union power. So yes, if anybody's still talking nonsense about "undoing the New Deal" they should stop, but don't go too far in the other direction. We aren't in the position we were in the mid-twentieth century when we didn't have to care about foreign competition.

P.S. Ahmari isn't on the left. He's very conservative on social and cultural issue, and he's been accused of being a "theocrat," but he's trying to work out some accommodation with the left on economic issues. He's something like a 19th century conservative, distrustful of unchained capitalism's effects on society, culture, and religion.

Lexington Green said...

"I've had it with his shit."

Many such cases!

The more strongly you supported Trump, the more excuses you made for his missteps, the more of a personal price you paid for all that, the angrier you are at his narcissistic and destructive behavior. He was essential at one time, now he is in the way.

BJK said...

Counterpoint: The red wave did materialize, but it was counterbalanced by outrage over Dobbs & Democrats using the early-voting window to better effect, particularly with the young voters who are less prone to show up on election day.

The current elections are less about persuasion and more about mobilization; that's why Democrats can do their best to hide candidates in a bunker and avoid debates....because their base has already voted before learning who they're voting for.

Joe Smith said...

Most voters, even blacks and Hispanics, don't want their kids mutilated and don't want teachers hosting drag queen story hours in kindergarten.

Single white women are the driving force behind the democrat's insanity.

It's always been about culture.

Michael K said...

Those celebrating at the NY Times should read Joel Kotkin's column about the red and blue states.

Meanwhile, the senators and governors of the leading red states – Texas’s Greg Abbott, Georgia’s Brian Kemp, Florida’s Ron DeSantis, Ohio’s Mike DeWine – all won handily. Almost all blue-state governors remained the same as well, although the Democratic incumbents often won by smaller margins.

So, what is happening in this increasingly inexplicable country? Essentially, there are now two prevailing realities in the US. One is primarily urban, single and, despite some GOP gains in this demographic, still largely non-white. It functions on the backs of finance, tech and the service industries. The other is largely suburban or exurban, family centric and more likely involved in basic industries like manufacturing, logistics, agriculture and energy.

Usually, the media assume these two Americas represent equally viable political economies. But this is increasingly not the case. In population terms at least, red America is now growing far more rapidly than blue America.

We are waiting to see if cheating can prevent Arizona from joining the red states.

Saint Croix said...

That might work more if the pro-life movement wasn't a populist movement

led by working-class people who know what a baby is

and what a woman is

many of them black and brown

you fucking elite liars in elite New York media can run and hide and lie and lie and lie, but we will embarrass the shit out of you one day

better tell the truth now while you can

prep your girls

otherwise your woke monsters will not be happy

and guess who they will blame?

Joe Smith said...

'Unions ought to be disempowered.'

Public unions should be outlawed.

n.n said...

Trump represented a departure, albeit short-cicuited, from sclerotic ideologies that include redistributive change (e.g. progressive prices), retributive change (e.g. affirmative discrimination, DIE), wars without borders (e.g. Obama's second Iraq war, Biden/Maidan/Slavic Spring in Obama's World War Spring series), [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform (CAIR), allegations... projections of diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism, classicism), Mengele mandates (e.g. transgender conversion therapy, popular experimental therapeutic treatments (your choice, maybe, under threat of cancellation)), transscientific theories (e.g. [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] [global] climate change), progressive prices through shared responsibility, Green general purposes technology, democratic gerrymandering, demos-cracy is aborted at The Twilight Fringe, etc.

Once written, twice... said...

It seem that “hillbilly politics” is no longer working for the Republicans? The Don played you rubes.

Ray - SoCal said...

Lots of projecting going on about whom is protecting who.

The Democrats have become the party of big business. Or really the party of the credentialed, that run Wall Street and our major institutions. The GOP is becoming more of the workers party, with the eGOP still in thrall to some parts of big business.

Ampersand said...

Amari utterly ignores the fact that the reforms he claims to champion are not widely sought, would be difficult to implement, and offer no political benefits.

He is living in a parallel universe.

tim maguire said...

rhhardin said...The red wave didn't materialize because of unmarried women breaking heavily democrat

The two groups that broke left--Gen Z and single women--are also the two groups most likely to want somebody else to take care of them. They voted for Uncle Sugar. Countering that means Republicans need to be careful about the sink or swim rhetoric some have a weakness for, but also starting a movement for personal responsibility.

The first and best, most concrete step to take is school vouchers so kids aren't trapped in bad schools that teach them that ignorant irresponsibility is the highest human right.

robother said...

Fake. Unlike Fetterman, who now supports fracking completely, contrary to every statement he made prior to this election. Blue collar workers in PN can take that to the bank, because Democrats are not fake at all.

Robert Cook said...

"Unions? no.
"Unions are not useful or needed anymore."

They absolutely are.

MadTownGuy said...

Shorter Amari: GOP should join the (D) party.

Mike Sylwester said...

Gusty Winds at 9:02 AM
Unmarried Women - 68% Dem, 31% GOP

Part of the explanation is that unmarried women are disproportionately Black.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Althouse, Lurker21 committed "calcification". Now it's a trend. Bring on the new tag!

mikee said...

I predict, channeling Captain Hindsight from South Park, that every opinion piece on the elections will promote as the prime cause of Republicans' less than stellar accomplishments exactly whatever the opinion writer was using as their primary dead horse to beat about Republicans from before the elections.

Robert Cook said...

"I agree but I don’t think the dems are doing much to address this stuff either."

They aren't, you are correct. There are some individual Democrats in Congress who may want to address these issues, but the Democrat leadership are too long ensconced in their positions of power, and they are captured by the same high-paying corporate donors who have captured the Republicans. This is why a demagogue such as a Trump can bewitch so many people. Having no innate beliefs or convictions, he readily tells aggrieved Americans what they want to hear, and they lap it up desperately. The Democrats are the authors of their own diminishing appeal to working people, yet they refuse (or cannot) see it, as this would require them to acknowledge they cannot have their cake and keep the loyalty of their longtime voters at the same time.

veni vidi vici said...

The uncomfortable truth of the Trump phenomenon is that he ran in 2016 as a 1970s Dick Gephardt style rust-belt Democrat.

He had literally verbatim overlaps with Bernie Sanders in many of their respective position(s) on matters domestic and foreign-policy-related.

The corporatist McConnell/McCarthy Republicans don't know how to speak that language, much less understand the ideas undergirding it, and thus have no idea how to integrate themselves into the landscape of working people's lives. As a post-Trump entity, the Republicans will drift back to Washington Generals-like "lose with dignity" irrelevance, particularly as long as the current leadership holds fast to power.

The Democrats have the same problem regarding aged-out leadership that can't let go. The fears common to elderly folks are what's been guiding the country too long, explaining many if not most of the problems facing America and why it's currently in this pickle. Everyone in charge is around 80 or older, and too afraid of what they might lose personally to let go of the reins.

Inga said...

“A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best.”

Yes. But then you have right it’s who’ve bought hook line and sinker that the company is on their sides and will look out for them, offer them a fair wage, offer a safe work environment, treat them like valued employees. Um…no. Unions are back on the rise again. Covid taught workers they don’t need to be the mules for their employers who only want more productivity while offering less compensation. Workers wake up, the right corporate hierarchy does not give a shit about you.

Robert Cook said...

"Public unions should be outlawed."

I disagree with this on principle, but when I consider the police unions, I can see potential positives in outlawing at least some public unions.

BIII Zhang said...

Let's review:

* US House taken
* Nancy Pelosi dethroned as Speaker. She will now exit the House of Representatives entirely.
* US Senate now in Republican control (oh, they're trying to slow roll it, and that's how you know)
* Democrats forced to circle wagons around Biden and he's now forced to run

But yeah naw mate, no Red Wave or anything. Jimmy Kimmel told me so.

pacwest said...

I'm tired of Trump's drama.

This is the heart of the Republican problem right now that is best exemplified by the Drago vs Hunter's Hooker argument going on in this blog. Like Drago I think that if you think there won't be DeSantis drama you are living in lala land. Without Trump the Republican Party would be in the hands of the Romney/Ryan's. We owe a great debt to Trump for setting us on this path, but like HH I agree that Trump is no longer the best standard bearer for the movement he started.

DeSantis wouldn't be be possible without Trump. If you're tired of the fight, tired of the drama it's probably best to check out of politics. Drama works for the Dems and it won't stop no matter who the is the Republican standard bearer.

Joe Smith said...

"I disagree with this on principle, but when I consider the police unions, I can see potential positives in outlawing at least some public unions."

The problem is, there is no adversarial relationship.

The head of the public union asks for xyz, and the government says 'OK' knowing they will get union contributions and votes. Besides, the government can just print money and don't really care about the costs.

If it's the UAW let's say bargaining with GM, both sides must negotiate.

Even FDR was against public unions...

Saint Croix said...

10% (theyre lying) inflation is where its at now.

lets go for 20

Inflation was actually worse for ordinary people because the index doesn't measure stuff like gas and food (you know, those things we have to buy).

These standards have been around for a while. You don't include gas or food because those price swings are really dramatic.

I think we should include gas and food because we have a political party that is trying to run up the price of gas (which runs up the price of everything). So that is a huge fucking lie.

Don't sweat the lie, however, because people are not stupid and they know the price of gas is way, way up, regardless of what economists or the NYT or Joe Biden has to say about it.

Ice-T was robbed at a gas station.

The inflation report came in lower today so people think/hope that inflation has peaked. Stock market is having its best day of the year, at least my stocks.

Saint Croix said...

I disagree with this on principle, but when I consider the police unions, I can see potential positives in outlawing at least some public unions.

FDR hated the public unions, Cookie.

The teacher's unions are sending a lot of people into the Republican party.

The basic problem with public unions is they create a class of people who are robbing the treasury for their group, which creates anger and hostility from every person who isn't in that group.

Saint Croix said...

unmarried women are disproportionately Black.

It may be that a lot of black men have a hostility to the idea of being a wage slave.

Feminist courts have seized assets and given them over to mothers.

Meanwhile, fathers have no rights whatsoever.

This disparity has caused marriages to plummet and abortion rates to skyrocket. And it's made a lot of women very unhappy, which is why we are now seeing castration fantasies published in the NYT.

Jupiter said...

"Trump created a movement and added many new people to the GOP, but he is no longer useful. His negatives - and bad judgment - outweigh the positives. He can't win a general election."

It's funny, Dave. What you are saying, is exactly what the Left-Wing Media are saying. Exactly. It's almost like you've heard it so often it has begun to echo around in your head. I wonder why they would want you to believe that?

Saint Croix said...

In Christianity, marriage is for love.

In feminism, marriage is for money.

The way for men to respond to this, in my opinion, is not to avoid marriage, but maybe avoid legal marriage. In general I think citizens should avoid the legal system whenever possible. Don't sue people, don't commit crimes, try to stay out of court.

Have a spiritual underground marriage with a priest. Like Shakespeare did for Romeo and Juliet. (Just the three of you, in a chapel somewhere).

Marriage makes the woman feel happy and secure, because she has a love commitment. And it makes the man feel happy and secure, because half of his assets are no longer vulnerable. Women commit to men for their paycheck, and men commit to women for their sexuality.

As you get more and more secure, you can (and probably should) have a legal marriage with a big wedding and spend a lot of money, I guess. For many people, marriage is a financial transaction.

But that's not the Christian way. I would urge priests to do secret spiritual weddings for anybody who wants one. You do not work for the state and that is not what you do.

Jason said...


All the public employee unions are just as shitty as the police unions - and for precisely the same reasons.

Rollo said...

Teachers' unions good, police unions bad?

Um ..., no.

phantommut said...

If only Republicans would walk and talk like Democrats...

n.n said...

Nancy Pelosi dethroned as Speaker.

A shame that she will no longer wield her hammer... mallet... gavel. Off with their heads!
#YouToo karmic irony

Shouting Thomas said...

I think Trump is too old for office. I voted for him twice. If he is the GOP candidate in 2024, I’ll probably vote for him.

Trump was the most principled and honest president of my lifetime. The lefties on this board have their heads squarely up their asses. I was a leader of the anti-Vietnam war movement in the Midwest. Trump was driven from office for pulling back the curtain on the 2014 coup in Ukraine and both parties’ money laundering scam in Ukraine. Trump did something no president has dared to do. He tried to stop CIA war profiteering and war mongering. If you’re an anti-war leftist, Trump has to be your guy.

His policies generated the greatest economic era in U.S. history, and he succeeded to some degree in protecting American workers from having their wages undercut by open borders. Trump is the guy who demonstrated to you that the news is fake and corrupt.

He was bamboozled by Birx and Fauci. He failed to come down like a ton of bricks on BLM’s Nazi reign of terror. And he got stampeded into producing the vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine. He has to be held responsible for these failures.

Our incredibly smart, progressive Democrats have bumbled their way to the precipice of nuclear war. They torched and looted our cities with their paramilitary Brownshirts, BLM. The progressive left turned out to the Nazis they imaged Trump to be. The Democratic Party has to be punished for these crimes. It looks like the DNC’s thugs will get away with it, which means they’ll probably call out their Nazi goons again in 2024 if Trump is the candidate. Kinda funny in a black humor way, isn’t it? It was the DNC/BLM that actually did the Nazi stuff.

n.n said...

Unlike Fetterman, who now supports fracking completely, contrary to every statement he made prior to this election. Blue collar

Frigid fellows do not bray. Hee, haw.

That said, granny was aborted in Michigan, and sequestered with neither a hope nor a dream of viability. You can say it's for redistributive change, social justice, and climate stasis, bust as for me in #HateLovesAbortion I can believe. Bray it, granny.

Flint Justice Act... never mind.

Drago said...

Once written, twice...: "It seem that “hillbilly politics” is no longer working for the Republicans?"

Ask "Senator" Ryan of Ohio. Assuming you can get him on the phone.

n.n said...

Unions have profited from fascism and taken a knee to labor arbitrage, including: [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform (CAIR), and environmental arbitrage, including: Green/raw deals.

Drago said...

"So, what is happening in this increasingly inexplicable country? Essentially, there are now two prevailing realities in the US. One is primarily urban, single and, despite some GOP gains in this demographic, still largely non-white. It functions on the backs of finance, tech and the service industries. The other is largely suburban or exurban, family centric and more likely involved in basic industries like manufacturing, logistics, agriculture and energy."

Manufacturing, logistics, agriculture, energy and......SPACE baby!

Space. And its just really cranking up now.

Unattorney said...

For every two Republicans who voted, three failed to vote. We can be proud we stuck to our principles and didn’t use those evil early voting tricks. Only democrats should be allowed to lock in votes early and vote from home. If grandma is too old stand in line to vote,she should not vote.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

All realistic political platforms are inherently self-contradictory. That's the nature of stitching together a coalition of disparate interests sufficiently robust enough to call itself a political platform.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Let's review:

* US House taken"

I'll believe it when I see it. Until then the "fortifying of our elections" continues behind closed doors and stretched out over weeks.......

Again, McConnell and McCarthy and Romney-McDaniel are AWOL, as always, and aren't saying anything of importance at all. It's left to a Harmeet Dillon and other icky non-GOPe-ers to fight that battle.

RMc said...

Why didn't the Republicans do as well as they wanted to? Let's ask a newspaper columnist for a paper who obviously despises Republicans!

The smart - and realistic thing - is to support DeSantis. Much better judgement and no baggage.

Naah. The minute DeSantis becomes the face of the GOP, the media will attack him as hard as they did Trump -- harder, actually, because Trump is entertaining and know how to fight back. DeSantis, I'm not so sure.

Christopher B said...

tim maguire said...

The two groups that broke left--Gen Z ..

The dude that posted this on Twitter bungled the generation designation. Most everybody ends the Boomer generation sometime in the mid-1960s and ends the Millennial Generation at or around 2000. That makes Gen X births fall in the mid-1960s to mid-1980s time frame. Gen Y aka Millennials follows Gen X and the post-Millenials are Generation Z.

In other words, hardly anybody in the "Z" or post-Millennial generation is voting age. The group that is age 19-45 right now is the Millennials.

Mr. T. said...

This column is remarkably stupid and misinformed. Even the far-left #istandwithjackie New Yorker today is whining amd grousing that Moms for Liberty had an impressively successful election outcome.

Saint Croix said...

Republican Party Staves Off Red Wave

Saint Croix said...

10 Ways To Cope When An Election Doesn't Go Your Way

farmgirl said...

… “gooder &harder”…
F/king spellcheck.

Michael K said...

I disagree with this on principle,

So, the fact that FDR thought they were wrong does not affect you. I can see that you are sturdy in your "Hate the Police" principles now that you are safe in Florida.

Michael K said...

The first and best, most concrete step to take is school vouchers so kids aren't trapped in bad schools that teach them that ignorant irresponsibility is the highest human right.

Yes, DeSantis won his first election on this. The Arizona legislature passed a voucher law and Democrats tried to reverse it with an initiative but hopefully it lost. In fact, I think a judge threw it out before the election.

One problem is that expensive private schools have gone "Woke" too. Maybe some middle class private schools will help.

Michael K said...

Public employee unions were illegal until Kennedy legalized them with an EO. They serve no useful purpose except to the leaders who do quite well. When Walker made union membership by teachers optional in WI, membership dropped like a rock. California's decline was accomplished by public employee unions. The union trades votes for taxpayers' money. The taxpayer has no say in that deal. When Arnold tried two reform initiatives in CA, the teachers' union mortgaged their headquarters building to get enough money to fight it. He was even more naive than Trump and put his initiatives in a special election instead of the next primary and got swamped with union money.

Mutaman said...

The rats are leaving a sinking ship.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "The rats are leaving a sinking ship."

Another example of the New Soviet Democraticals getting their narrative streams crossed, again. As always.

How can the "ship" be sinking? I thought that 15 minutes ago it was the most serious danger to the United States that has ever been faced and needed a full scale and sustained government response?

This is similar to how Trump is the dumbest person that's ever lived (he was promoted to "dumbest" above George Bush, GHW Bush, Reagan and Eisenhower) yet somehow managed to accomplish so many things across multiple dimensions.

I suggest mutaman do a huddle up with his New Soviet Democratical pals to figure out what a good "middle ground" on contradictory talking points should be and then stick to it.

Good luck mutaman! See if you can swing the democratical BS'ers closer to your BS point.

It will still be BS, but at least you'll have pride of authorship. No small thing that.

Robert Cook said...

"So, the fact that FDR thought they were wrong does not affect you. I can see that you are sturdy in your 'Hate the Police' principles now that you are safe in Florida."

I left Florida for NYC. I am no longer in NYC, but I'm not back in fucking Florida!

Michael K said...

What Shouting Thomas said.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

I'm a member of a union and it's clear this guy has no idea what he's talking about. My union, as most (if not all), is a woke leader.

It would be safer to stand up in a union meeting and say "We really need to work longer hours for less pay" than to ask the unions to oppose or slow down the Woke movement.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Unattorney: "For every two Republicans who voted, three failed to vote. We can be proud we stuck to our principles and didn’t use those evil early voting tricks. Only democrats should be allowed to lock in votes early and vote from home. If grandma is too old stand in line to vote,she should not vote."

Thank you.

The current republican party leadership, no not Trump, refuses to create a national sustained capability for GOTV operations.

Recall Romney's horrific "Orca" project in 2012. One of the worst examples of complete and utter failure in the history of technology and politics.

But that isn't going to change anytime soon, if ever. McConnell/McCarthy/Romney-McDaniel are locked in tighter than an Alabama tick. So if you want to complain and be listened to, you'll just have to blame Trump.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best.

The fuck they do. Unions empower union bosses and Democrats. What they most certainly do NOT empower is the workers

Drago said...

"A much more effective way to check corporate power would actually be to empower workers — which is what unions do best."


What unions do best is fund organized crime activities. Union pension funds built Vegas...and then were never actually repaid. But in a "good way".

guitar joe said...

"At least The New York Times continues to be completely clueless about the Trump phenomenon."

Maybe, but the NY Post anointed DeSantis yesterday and has a pretty scathing criticism of Trump on its front page today ("Trumpty Dumpty"). The Wall Street Journal editorial page also has a very unkind attitude towards him. He's lost Murdoch, so he's finished. I'll bet Fox will soon reflect Murdoch's take on Trump.

guitar joe said...

"At least The New York Times continues to be completely clueless about the Trump phenomenon."

Maybe, but the NY Post anointed DeSantis yesterday and has a pretty scathing criticism of Trump on its front page today ("Trumpty Dumpty"). The Wall Street Journal editorial page also has a very unkind attitude towards him. He's lost Murdoch, so he's finished. I'll bet Fox will soon reflect Murdoch's take on Trump.

guitar joe said...

"At least The New York Times continues to be completely clueless about the Trump phenomenon."

Maybe, but the NY Post anointed DeSantis yesterday and has a pretty scathing criticism of Trump on its front page today ("Trumpty Dumpty"). The Wall Street Journal editorial page also has a very unkind attitude towards him. He's lost Murdoch, so he's finished. I'll bet Fox will soon reflect Murdoch's take on Trump.

Mutaman said...

"This is similar to how Trump is the dumbest person that's ever lived "

Fake news! Drago is the dumbest person who ever lived.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Fake news! Drago is the dumbest person who ever lived."

I'm trying to figure out how this "type-y" thing works so I can respond to you...

....give me just a minute...just a minute.....btw, how long will it take the electrons to flow along Teh Interwebs thingy?

Maynard said...

What Shouting Thomas posted.

Joe Smith said...

'What unions do best is fund organized crime activities. Union pension funds built Vegas...and then were never actually repaid. But in a "good way".'

A long time ago I was a member of one such union.

The money was all being funneled through organized crime.

The 'I made him an offer' kind...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gusty Winds - The person who is trying the hardest to get rid of Trump? That would be Trump himself. He's just to insular to understand it.

Michael K said...

I left Florida for NYC. I am no longer in NYC, but I'm not back in fucking Florida!

Thank God ! I'm not in Florida but I am happy to see there is one less communist there. Don't even think of Arizona. We have guns and other icky things here.

Drago said...

Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Gusty Winds - The person who is trying the hardest to get rid of Trump? That would be Trump himself. He's just to insular to understand it."

Then all your problems are solved!

Spiros said...

Republicans won 50 million votes (52.5% of the total). The Democrats took 44 million (or 46% of the total). Minus California and New York, the Republicans have a 10 point lead nationwide. So there was a "red wave" but it didn't result in too many wins because of gerrymandering.

Also if you neutralize abortion (the way DeSantis did) and take Trump's obnoxious behavior and his handpicked morons out of the equation, the Republicans might go up 15 points.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Geeze... I thought Republicans were all out burning crosses!

BUMBLE BEE said...

To think the Times was so kind to Stalin that they got awards.

boatbuilder said...

To this guy, there are only two kinds of people--bosses and workers.

He is a Communist.

If he really thinks that outrage over "woke" training sessions was "ginned up," he hasn't actually met any workers.

Which is why he's a Communist.

Who does he think is responsible for subjecting the workers to "woke" training sessions? (Hint--the same people who want "workers" to be "empowered." I.e., Communists).

Lest this makes me sound like a cranky old right-wing nutcase who sees "Commies" all over the place, I am indebted to James Woods for the correct and appropriate rejoinder.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Unions serve a very useful purpose for the corporations. Management gets to negotiate the valid grievances of the workers away to save the joba of the drunks, druggies and fuckups. Been there... seen that... time after time.

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