The post title is something a disappointed voter said, in tears, in 2012, after the failure of the effort to recall the duly elected Governor of Wisconsin.
You can see video of the desolate man here, embedded in a post of mine from 2017. I used it in one of my 6 reflections on the Washington Post's new motto "Democracy Dies in Darkness."
I'm steeling myself for the emotionalism of the day. There will be winners and losers, but how desperately mournful will the losers be?
If you actually believed in democracy, you wouldn't assert that if you don't win, democracy has died... especially if you'd spent the last 2 years denouncing those who won't acknowledge the legitimacy of their own defeat.
The moon is dyng in darkness. 3:40 AM, North of Madison and there is a big bite out of the upper left of what was a full moon. Did Trump announce tonight?
Dying is most used as the present participle of the verb to die, i.e. to cease to live. Dyeing is the present participle of the verb to dye, i.e. to turn a material from one color to another. Dieing - a very uncommon word - is the present participle of the verb to die, but specifically in the sense of cutting metals with a tool called a die ...
I dread the drama, but I also dread the feeling that the election is rigged and voting is a waste of time. I hope for a smooth, normal rollout of results. It's a small hope, quashed by the number of people who want the cachet of living through the end of democracy.
I wish someone would track down that Leftist chucklehead and ask him if democracy did indeed die in 2012.
Given that he is obviously ruled by his emotions, not logic, his response would change on the day that you asked him.
I looked out my window expecting to see a full moon. There’s been one for the last few days. And part of it was covered! Clouds? I looked out again after taking a shower and more of it was covered. Why didn’t I know about this?
After a year-plus of trying to ignore it, I’m finally getting really annoyed with the people who can’t talk about the elections without complaining about vote stealing. People like Sarah Hoyt (Instapundit’s overnight correspondent), an immigrant with a poor grasp of how it works in the US, seems to think elections in the mid-west can be stolen by the Democratic machines in Philadelphia and Atlanta.
Their concerns about election integrity are legitimate, but they have their own brand of “there are two kinds of elections—those where we win and those that were stolen.” It’s simplistic and damaging. We need to reform the process of elections—more funding to clean up voter roles, an expectation that people will vote in person on paper ballots with ID, but enough with the hyperbole.
Hopefully the deep state has started on a path to death. The democracy thing is just a new jingle from the kids who want to pick up their marbles and spoil the day.
Are they boarding up the windows in Downtown Madison to get ready for the rioting yet??
I’m headed to Lincoln to campaign for my buddy. Three bottles of Cava on ice in my car!
but how desperately mournful will the losers be?
I think you miss spelled "violent" there.
If the expected red wave happens The fascisti will be out in full force decrying the "death of democracy" (tm) by setting fires and breaking windows.
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
tim maguire said:
Their concerns about election integrity are legitimate, but they have their own brand of “there are two kinds of elections—those where we win and those that were stolen.”
No kidding. I roll my eyes at her. I can understand the issue with 2020; if Biden had a sixth of the public support Trump had, accusations would be harder to stomach. But I don't see any proactive issues from conservatives other than whining when they dont get their way. I thought they just let liberals do that.
These end of democracy statements make no sense any way you read them. People saying that are out campaigning for Pete’s sake. As are the opposing candidates. Let’s be real.
Of Sarah Hoyt and others who "always" express their concerns about elections in terms of vote-stealing:
Their concerns about election integrity are legitimate, but they have their own brand of “there are two kinds of elections—those where we win and those that were stolen.”
Hoyt has been in the US for a long time now, but she did indeed grow up in a corrupt, socialist nation (Portugal), and a lot of her Instapundit commentary is of the Cassandra variety. She is also a woman of great passion and the way she writes about both positive and negative events in American life reflects that passion.
But I don't recall: 1. her talking about Obama's elections (for instance) as having been "stolen"; or 2. her claiming that voting machine irregularities were the sole or even the primary problem she saw with 2020.
Now, I didn't actually count references in a Bottomless Pinocchio quest, and I no longer go to Insty every day, but my recollection as that she was just as pissed as I have been for two years about massive unverifiable mail-in voting, vote harvesting election day registration without verification, lack of voter ID, electoral rule changes right before the election that violate state laws (coincidentally happening in hard-fought states, which may only reflect the fact that in places like WA, they actually did the work of passing their electoral shenanigan assistance laws years ago), mysteriously found ballots at critical times and in critical places, mysteriously stopped counting that then mysteriously restarted without proper observation...
Maybe, if she's been focused on machines lately, it's because she's a science fiction writer who knows that if voting machines really were messed with in order to change vote totals (or whatever the allegation is), it would leave a record in the code that would be verifiable evidence. Unlike so many of the other things that indubitably happened in 2020 but the effects of which cannot be quantified, like the electoral changes in PA, for example.
The Fact of the Matter IS:
When a democrat talks about 'democracy'.. They are talking about the democrat party
The Party is ALL that matters to them
Voted. The ladies were polite and efficient; good feeling. So I'm thinking.... The one good thing about Joe Biden as a President is that his term in office, when completed, will demonstrate the power inherent in our system of governance to survive even the highly dubious installation of a demented crook and nincompoop in the top office of that government.
This will remind Americans -- all those who aren't fatally poisoned with hate toward their own country -- of the remarkable virtues of the Constitution our founders created. And it will give yet another lesson to the world, all those who are capable of seeing it and understanding it (which could well number in the billions and certainly includes Putin and Xi), that our nation thrives on its rule of law, its generosity of spirit, and its ultimate commitment to liberty and equality.
We're not perfect. Biden could still destroy a lot. But I think the above is at least a 90% probability.
Kai Akker said...
"Voted. The ladies were polite and efficient; good feeling. So I'm thinking.... The one good thing about Joe Biden as a President is that his term in office, when completed, will demonstrate the power inherent in our system of governance to survive even the highly dubious installation of a demented crook and nincompoop in the top office of that government."
What it proved to me is that 81 million people are perambulating idiots and should never be left alone around rotating machinery, a kitchen stove or a voting booth.
In Pennsylvania, the state Supreme Court finally said you can't count unsigned absentee ballots and you can't mix those ballots in with the signed ballots.
You'd think that following the law is simple, but not when our state's governor in 2020 said not to.
Wonder why we're suspicious of the integrity of our elections? That's just the latest example.
What wendybar said at 5:18a. I'm waiting for that action.
Chicken littles or little chickens?
"I'm steeling myself for the emotionalism of the day."
Steel yourself for the emotionalism of the next week or so, as the 'leaders' in Pennsylvania and a few other states seemingly learned nothing at all from the 2020 election and will take many more days to figure this thing out. And they're not just figuring out who got the votes, but how to count the votes, and what is allowed or not as a legal vote.
Seriously. You'd think people are voting in Romulan or something and they need to bring in a Romulan translator to read the ballots.How is it possible that after all this time, the Pennsylvanians still cannot make the elections simpler and easier to finalize? Why, it almost seems as if the Democratic leadership of that state prefer things to be a bit muddy, so that, if needed, they will have the time and means to come up with the needed votes.
There's this: Florida has just under 22 million people. Pennsylvania has just under 13 million. Florida will have all of it's votes counted and done by mid evening tonight. It'll be done. Pennsylvania will go on for days, possibly two weeks. And it'll be a mess, and litigated by either or both sides. And whoever 'wins' in Pennsylvania will go to the Senate with questions hanging off of them.
If you are going to create the environment that makes it obvious to question the integrity of the election, then don't be surprised when people do question it, and don't use BS terms on them like 'election deniers'. You should more accurately be calling them 'election clarifiers'.
"If you actually believed in democracy, you wouldn't assert that if you don't win, democracy has died... especially if you'd spent the last 2 years denouncing those who won't acknowledge the legitimacy of their own defeat."
Very well said. The answer to all this crap about dying democracy in a single sentence.
“If you accept a democratic system, this means that you are prepared to put up with those of its workings, legislative or administrative, with which you do not agree as well as with those that meet with your concurrence. This willingness to accept, in principle, the workings of a system based on the will of the majority, even when you yourself are in the minority, is simply the essence of democracy. Without it there could be no system of representative self-government at all. When you attempt to alter the workings of the system by means of violence or civil disobedience, this, it seems to me, can have only one of two implications; either you do not believe in democracy at all and consider that society ought to be governed by enlightened minorities such as the one to which you, of course, belong; or you consider that the present system is so imperfect that it is not truly representative, that it no longer serves adequately as a vehicle for the will of the majority, and that this leaves to the unsatisfied no adequate means of self-expression other than the primitive one of calling attention to themselves and their emotions by mass demonstrations and mass defiance of established authority.”
-- Kennan, George F., American Diplomacy (1984), p. 123.
“If you accept a democratic system, this means that you are prepared to put up with those of its workings, legislative or administrative, with which you do not agree as well as with those that meet with your concurrence. This willingness to accept, in principle, the workings of a system based on the will of the majority, even when you yourself are in the minority, is simply the essence of democracy. Without it there could be no system of representative self-government at all. When you attempt to alter the workings of the system by means of violence or civil disobedience, this, it seems to me, can have only one of two implications; either you do not believe in democracy at all and consider that society ought to be governed by enlightened minorities such as the one to which you, of course, belong; or you consider that the present system is so imperfect that it is not truly representative, that it no longer serves adequately as a vehicle for the will of the majority, and that this leaves to the unsatisfied no adequate means of self-expression other than the primitive one of calling attention to themselves and their emotions by mass demonstrations and mass defiance of established authority.”
-- Kennan, George F., American Diplomacy (1984), p. 123.
I eagerly await the Death of Democrat-cy.
It is true of every partisan, but especially so of liberals at the moment, that they conflate their tribal or personal success with that of the country as a whole. The recent use of the adjective "our" democracy reveals more than those speakers realise. It might be the death of Democrats (though not likely), but not of democracy itself. Similarly, something might signal the death of the Republicans, but not the republic. Relatedly, when politicians tell you "this is the the most important election in our lifetimes," it often is the most important election in their lifetime. for the rest of us, maybe not so much. There is a special narcissism in this, that sometimes extends out to the tribal level, to view the world this way.
I will eat the same breakfast tomorrow that I ate today.
I hope democracy dies good and hard.
The left needs to be torn out of the fabric of the nation forever.
As others have noted, all this gabble about the death of democracy makes sense if you remember that "democracy" means "rule by Democrats". Let us hope that it is dying. Stick a fork in it.
There is a relevant passage in William Manchester's Goodbye, Darkness: A Memoir of the Pacific War. Manchester was a young Marine in World War II. In the book, he resolved his long-standing conflicted feelings over his service by traveling to the South Pacific in 1978.
He called on Ricky Bordallo, the territorial Governor of Guam (who survived the Japanese occupation) and was with him on election night, when Bordallo was defeated for re-election. Bordallo was disappointed, but he said "I lost... but the people haven't; the people never lose a free election."
OTOH, I recall reading of the reaction of the Chilean Left to the 1973 legislative election result. The centrist and rightist opponents of President Allende united to win 87 seats to 63 for the Allendist side. One major leftist newspaper's headline was "La puebla 63, los mommias 87" ("the people 63, the mummies 87").
IOW, only leftists counted as "the people".
Before dawn on the day of the 2022 election, the moon turned red. Early voting in the heavens.
There's this: Florida has just under 22 million people. Pennsylvania has just under 13 million. Florida will have all of it's votes counted and done by mid evening tonight. It'll be done. Pennsylvania will go on for days, possibly two weeks. And it'll be a mess, and litigated by either or both sides. And whoever 'wins' in Pennsylvania will go to the Senate with questions hanging off of them.
I expect Oz to lose by cheating. Most of the other Trump endorsed candidates should win as their states are not as corrupt as Pennsylvania with 200k "missing" ballots.
The governing regime was deemed not viable and summarily aborted with diverse representation. Who cries for the democratic/dictatorial duality now? Oh, the karmic irony.
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back.
... baby back. Take a knee to democracy, my consensus.
Lefty Mark's tears in that video were sweet.
"seems to think elections in the mid-west can be stolen by the Democratic machines in Philadelphia and Atlanta."
Yes, she is wrong about that- the ones in the midwest are stolen in Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Minneapolis, and Cleveland.
Hoyt, like a lot of writers at PJMedia, is playing a role.
Maricopa County, home of the GOPe McCain machine is already having "tabulator troubles."
We will see how this goes. Hobbs the other D candidate refuses to recuse herself from ballot counting.
Is there anything funnier than that clip?
I'd have to reread "Catch-22", but off the top of my head, no.
Steel yourself for the emotionalism of the next week or so, as the 'leaders' in Pennsylvania and a few other states seemingly learned nothing at all from the 2020 election and will take many more days to figure this thing out. And they're not just figuring out who got the votes, but how to count the votes, and what is allowed or not as a legal vote.
Yup. Not only corrupt Pennsylvania but Maricopa County in AZ, home of PHX and all the CA immigrants. Not all. I'm one but consider myself a refugee.
If you actually believed in democracy, you wouldn't assert that if you don't win, democracy has died... especially if you'd spent the last 2 years denouncing those who won't acknowledge the legitimacy of their own defeat.
yeah, that says it all
tim maguire said...
After a year-plus of trying to ignore it, I’m finally getting really annoyed with the people who can’t talk about the elections without complaining about vote stealing. People like Sarah Hoyt (Instapundit’s overnight correspondent), an immigrant with a poor grasp of how it works in the US, seems to think elections in the mid-west can be stolen by the Democratic machines in Philadelphia and Atlanta.
PA is part of the "industrial mid-west", and Philadelphia is in that State.
If you're going to throw stones, you should make sure they're not boomeranges.
And my rules is simple: If you act like you're trying to steal the election, then all your victories should be considered illegitimate.
Do you oppose photo ID? Kicking non-voters off the ballots? Do you think it's ok for elections personnel to block legally valid poll watchers?
Do you block audits of election results?
If any of the above, none of your victories are legitimate
Demos-cracy is aborted at The Twilight Fringe.
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