November 6, 2022

Sunrise — 6:31.



Jaq said...

Democrats are protecting Paul Pelosi’s attacker from immigration authorities, but he was definitely inspired by MAGA. Just ask Democrats, and they would never lie to you about anything.

FullMoon said...

Fetterman standing with Obama and Biden.
Has the look of a WWE villain.

tastid212 said...

Unreal photo!

If Fetterman wins and then resigns for medical reasons after taking office, does the Governor get to appoint his replacement? I’m not clear on PA law; can someone clue me in?

gilbar said...

West Sees Little Choice but to Keep Backing Ukraine

“We welcome President Zelenskyy’s readiness for a just war based on respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and its legitimate right to defend itself from aggression,” foreign ministers from the Group of Seven, a club of large advanced democracies, said in a statement on Friday.

non metaphorically I think, people Need to ask themselves: is THIS the hill, you plan to die on?

rhhardin said...

Going to bed an hour earlier tonight.

Saint Croix said...

Listening to Gloria from Patti Smith. Christian punk rock? Maybe? I've heard of her but never listened to her music before. Damn good so far.

Saint Croix said...

ha ha

Patti Smith married Fred Smith.

The running joke at the time was that she married Fred only because she would not have to change her name.

I'd be like, "You changed your name, Patti!"

She'd be all, "I kept my name."

"No, no. That's my name. You're Mrs. Smith."

We could do that shit all day.

wildswan said...

Emily Oster and Putin have one thing in common - they both expect the rest of us to just understand that we can't expect them to accept defeat. Leftys are like that. Maybe in this country we need seminars on left fragility in which leftys confront their reactions, their fear and trembling when people question left policies. In order to make these "orchids" comfortable, they could come in wearing pussy hats and masks and carrying bricks in a BLM tote bag. Each session they'd wear their paraphernalia for a minute less, accustoming them to the idea of regular clothes. But the real aim is to teach them how to ask questions about statements clearly labelled "progressive" and how to read data supporting positions they disagree with without screaming.
As for Putin, I think the parable of Abraham and Lazarus applies.

Saint Croix said...

So my Dad and I are having lunch and we're talking about Billy Joel, Piano Man, because it was playing on the radio. I think my Dad quit listening to music after Piano Man, so that's pretty much the last pop song he knows, I think. And we both love that song.

So I ask the Millennial who is the hostess, what she thinks of Billy Joel. And she says,


And I'm like, "Billy Joel. He was just on the radio? Famous pop musician Billy Joel?"

It was kind of a terrifying generation gap conversation and I was on the wrong fucking end of it. Kind of like James Bond opining that you listen to the Beatles while wearing ear muffs.

Saint Croix said...

I was in a conversation with a whole dog park full of Millennials, and I was trying to remember the name of the famous dog that died.

Old Yeller!

Could not remember that fucking dog's name. In fact I have trouble remembering all the names of the live dogs in the dog park, as well as the Millennials.

Anyway, I couldn't remember fucking Old Yeller's name. And the kids are no help whatsoever.



I'm like, "What the fuck is the matter with you? Lassie's not dead. Holy shit."

I'm like, "Wait a minute, it's Sounder, that's it. Sounder!" And that's not it. Sounder is about a black kid with a dog. I'm not sure if the kid is Sounder or the dog is Sounder. Somehow I confused Old Yeller with fucking Sounder.

I need the kids to remember shit for me!

So I tell these Millennials, "You know, it was the dog who died in Stripes. Bill Murray movie. Stripes. Cause Bill Murray got the whole fucking army to admit they cried when Old Yeller died.

And these fucking kids have not seen Stripes. Although they have heard of Bill Murray.

I've been generation gapping all week long. This is my future I guess.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Cops abusing their power.

Link to video

Saint Croix said...

The Difference Between Church and Bible Study

Part I: (Liberal) Church

A lot of people who aren't Christians, who are outsiders, or worldly people, or a different religion, or atheists, they think Christianity is this nice liberal place where everything is beautiful.

That's because most of your major Christian churches are run by liberals, and liberals have nice liberal fantasies about how the world should be.

So in church everybody's happy and holding hands and it's all nice and beautiful. No evil here! It's all great!

Big liberal fantasy, the church. Okay? That's church. I love it, it's fun, it's nice. But it's a fantasy. And the fantasy is, "we have gotten rid of evil because of our niceness."

So liberal churches (like my church, the Episcopal Church) will say things like, "Every human being is dignified and we should love them all." So that's beautiful, and it makes us all happy to hear it. But it's a fantasy, a liberal fantasy. Not every human being is dignified. My golden retriever is dignified. He holds his head up high and looks like he has secret wisdom and shit. And there are lots of human beings that are worse than dogs.

(My golden retriever would roll in dead squirrel so he smelled like squirrel and he could maybe catch a squirrel, kill it and eat it. And I'm like, "holy fuck you rolled in a dead squirrel you dumb dog!" And he's in the bath for an hour. Not a dignified day, believe you me).

Anyway, that's liberal church. And a lot of conservative churches, too. Love your enemies! Give them a hug! All they need is a hug! It's this wonderful liberal fantasy. And the idea is that maybe we can make it a reality. But to have this fantasy, you got to lie, lie, lie about the world.

The reality, is there is evil in the world. And it has to be confronted. And some of this evil (all of this evil?) is in our own hearts.

Not only is there evil in the world, according to Jesus, there's evil in the afterlife, too. Jesus called him Satan, or Opposition. (In the UK the opposing party is called the Loyal Opposition. Jesus just called Satan, Opposition).

No unity. There's a fight going on. Even in the afterlife. God gives us all free will. And he's not going to strip us of our free will in the afterlife. He doesn't want slaves. He wants us to freely love him. So if you're in the afterlife, you can go bad. And Jesus is like, I'm calling him Satan. Opposition. Opponent. The Other.

And liberals are like, we can't talk about this. Because it's a fight, or a war, and we're trying to be Peaceful, and love our enemies. Let's sing another happy song!

Anyway, that's liberal church.

Gospace said...

I'm seeing a lot of threads like these about the dangers of covid:

They all talk about the dangers of the dreaded covid- and all recommend the vaccine that doesn't work. Numbers don't lie. The vaccines don't work. But let's skip that part.

Seems all the [pro-vaxxers, and there are a lot of them. all recomment that 1. We mask up, now and forever apparently and 2: We all socially isolate, now and forever, apparently. No discussion about tradeoffs, how masking kids destroys their speech development, with some even claining it doesn't! Nope, we must do everything possinble to prevent spread of the dreaded covid, damn any first and second order effects fro the actions THEY deem necessary.

What I see the pro-vaxers recomending, except for the vaccine that doesn't work, are purely reactive measures. Nothing proactive to prevent or mitigate disease prevention, but purely reactive measures. Now, if the vaccine actually worked, which is doesn't, despite the one thread I posted thats says it DOES WORK, (I think I posted that thread...) that would be a proactive measure.

What do I mean by proactive? Well, let's say you want to live as normal a life as possible, and yet, reduce your risks. You want to meet with other, gather in groups, party down, what shoulld you do?

Well, what's your vitamin D blood level? Is it around 50 ng/ml? Do you know what it is? If you don't, get tested, then supplement until you get to 50 ng/ml and stay there. For me, that's 2000 IU daily above what's in my multivitamin/mineral and ½ gallon of whole milk per week. Dependent on latitude, race, obesity, and a few other factors, YMMV. Wait- race makes a difference in medical needs? Why yes, yes it does.

Go to and follow their I-PREVENT PROTOCOL. Even using some, if not all, of their supplement recommendations will help.

What I recommend and credit most for my avoiding the dreaded covid so far- daily nasal irrigation, with a solution that includes xylitol and erythritol. (Used to be just xylitol, I added erythritol during the covidiocy.) Amazon has a whole bunch of nasal irrigation systems. You can buy them through Ann's Amazon portal.

Can't stand the idea of nasal irrigation? Use a nasal spray. Search nasal spray and covid- there's at least a half dozen formulations that are effective in killing not on;ly the dreaded covid virus, but viruses in general. (Which xylitol does...) All the pro-vaxxers, and antivaxxers, agree on one thing- the dreaded covid engers the body through the nasal passages, Kill it there, before it gets further. Maybe it won't kill all the invaers, but enough so that the body takes care of the ones that get through. In addition to nasla sprays, there are solutions you apply to your nostrils with cotton swabs. IMHO- the daily nasal irrigation is the best solution, but sprays and swabs are a good second choice. A simple saline rinse will help with nasal symptoms, but to kill viruses, you need an additive that kills them. Xyltol/erythritol would be 1 tsp each to pint of water. For povidine-iodine or any of the others, I've no clue.

Live in fear, or live. That's the choice. And there's a huge difference between taking reasonable precautions and living in fear.

Saint Croix said...

The Difference Between Church and Bible Study

Part II: Bible Study

So this woman was accused of cheating on her husband. "Fucking cunt cheated on me! She needs to die!" And Moses said that the punishment for adultery is death.

So the righteous people in this society -- think of angry and righteous men who are going to kill bad people -- drag the whore over to Jesus. And they all have stones. And they are going to stone her to death. Because she's a slut, and that's what we do with sluts.

And the righteous people, who (almost) never cheat on their wives, are furious at this whore. And so the religious leaders are like, "Hey Jesus! Moses said we kill the sluts! So we're going to stone this whore to death. Because she's a fucking cunt and we hate her."

And Jesus is eyeballing these 30 or so righteous men who are going to stone this whore to death. (This is a great movie). Imagine Jesus like Clint Eastwood, eyeballing all these fuckers. And all the nice people have run away. Because they don't want to die. And what we have (if you are paying attention, is a Conflict between Good and Evil). And it's not one of those liberal internal conflicts. This is us vs them sort of conflict. This is a war.

What does Jesus do? He bends over into the dirt and plays around with the dirt for a while.

The men with the stones are like, "What the fuck is he doing?"

Jesus is writing in the dirt with his finger.

In the Bible study, we're like, "what's he writing?" Nobody knows! All the disciples have run away, scared as shit. Jesus is on his own, 1 against 30. There's no way he can fucking win. How's he going to get out of this one?

Finally, Jesus stands up. He eyeballs all of them. And he says, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

So all these Jewish men -- they are like an Israeli commando squad, ready to kill this fucking harlot -- they're looking at each other.

And the 80-year-old Jewish guy is thinking about his own sins. (Old people do this shit, because we're about to die and we're worried). And he drops his stone and walks away.

The 20 year old with the stone is like this. "Where the fuck are you going?"

Then the 75-year old Jewish guy drops his stone and goes away.

The 20-year-old is infuriated. "I'm not a sinner! Let's kill this bitch! Come on!"

The 65-year-old Jewish guy is like, "I'm out. I'm out. I did some shit. My bad."

A whole bunch of 60-year-olds are dropping stones. It's like a preference cascade. It's like all the black people are voting Republican. The 20-year-old is freaking the fuck out.

"Let's kill this bitch!"

The 40-year-olds bail. Everybody is dropping their fucking stone.

The 20-year-olds, there are a couple of them, we'll call them Woke Motherfuckers, are really losing their shit. "She must be punished for her EVIL."

The 30-year-old, he's like a bank manager. He remembers that he cheated on his wife when he got drunk that one time. Drops his stone. "I'm out! I'm out! Fuck this!"

Now there are only two of them, the 20-year-olds. They've got two stones. And it's two on two. They got to kill Jesus and the woman. They're getting a little nervous. Jesus is a notorious bad ass. No telling what he'll do.

Both of them simultaneously drop their stones and get the fuck out.

While all this is going on, Jesus is playing in the dirt. And he stands up and looks at the woman.

"What happened?" he said. "Aren't they going to stone you to death?"

"No, sir," she said. "They dropped their stones."

"I will not stone you to death, either. Go and sin no more."

That's the sort of bad ass story you get in Bible study. It is quite a bit different than church.

Big Mike said...

@Saint Croix, thirty years ago a country group called The Confederate Railroad had a modest hit with a song titled.”She Never Cried.” It’s about a guy breaking up with his girlfriend, and he conveys just how heartless the woman is by saying that “she never cried when Old Yeller died.”

You’d have to be pretty heartless to do that.

Howard said...

Patty Smith hasn't aged a day since nice she was on the Mike Douglas show in the mid 70's. She looked like a middle aged woman the as now.

Sitting here gulping coffee at zero Dark Thirty before a predawn swim with my provaccine libtard friends not reply ng on molecules for health and vitality. Instead hard physical labor and exploring nature with friends. Not sour to the world or it's people struggling to make sense of rapidly changing modern life with a prehistoric brain and operating system. Sure, I use a neti pot with salt bicarb xylitol and baby shampoo, I eat lots of sardines, salmon regularly and cod livers in their natural oil a couple times a week. A magnesium before bed.

The best medicine however is love. True deep love. Seek it and it will find you.

gadfly said...

Sailors take warning!

Humperdink said...

SC ... not my cup of tea.

Humperdink said...

From Ace of Spades: ""Ron DeSanctimonious?" Really? What is this...5th grade recess?

I can't think of a better example of why Donald Trump shouldn't run for president in 2024. Governor DeSantis is one of America's best governors, and a shining light of conservative principles. That Trump feels the need to criticize him in spite of his obvious success as a pro-growth, pro-freedom conservative is indicative of Trump's insecurity, self-centeredness, and his overwhelming desire to be the center of attention. If he feels threatened by Ron DeSantis perhaps he should examine the differences between his policies and public persona and how DeSantis runs Florida and deals with a hostile media, in particular how DeSantis is always looking forward, rather than constantly relitigating the past.

I completely agree.

wendybar said...

Journalists told us Paul Pelosi’s attacker was wearing only underwear. Journalists told us there were two hammers. Journalists told us there were three people in the home. Journalists told us Pelosi did not indicate an emergency when police arrived and then walked back towards the attacker.

Journalists are aghast that people would believe journalists. Frankly, they have a point. The news media is less than reliable these days.

rhhardin said...

I got up an hour early too.

wendybar said...

When are the FBI going to START looking into left wing domestic terrorism?? WHY do the media ignore it?? We all know the answers to that...

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Humperdinck and Ace are 100% correct. Not only was Trump’s content re DeSantis stupid the timing was self destructive. Very disappointing.

Jaq said...

Much of the western part of it was seized from Poland by the Hitler-Stalin Pact
Odessa was founded by Catherine the Great
Crimea has been ruled out of Moscow for all but 15 of the past two hundred years, when it was forcibly annexed by Ukraine only in 1995, in the chaos following the fall of the Soviet Union.
Actually Ukrainian Ukraine is a small ethnicity which speaks a bastardization of Russian and is ruled by hyper-nationalists who want to extend their dominion over the peoples who got stuck in that fake country's borders after the fall of the Soviet Union.
The ethnic Russians have been successfully fighting them off for eight years and plainly don't want to be ruled by them.

Those are the actual facts, and why ethnic Ukrainian desire for lebensraum is America's problem can only be because it is part of a long term war agains Russia that we are not being consulted on as voters or even told about.

Jaq said...

Don't worry wendybar, the lies of the FBI and CIA stop at the water's edge.

Jaq said...

It's kind of funny that we are supposed to refer to the Ukraine as "Ukraine" in English, according to Kiev, when there are actually no articles in Ukrainian, the word "the" does not exist in their language. "Borderland" translates into English as "The Borderland," like The Netherlands, It's almost as if dropping the "the" was just an erasure of uncomfortable history for Kiev.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The way to halt pseudo-women's participation in women's sports is for the women to not participate. They all line up for the race, but when the whistle blows, the true-women just stand there while the pseudo-woman takes off. The pseudo-woman looks like a fool, just running/swimming all by his little lonesome. He can continue the race, or pull-up. Either way, he's a fool.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

When are the FBI going to START looking into left wing domestic terrorism?? WHY do the media ignore it?? We all know the answers to that...

Never. They're part of antifa and BLM organizations.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

We drove down to Newport OR for our yearly stay at Schooner Landing, a time share. It sits on the bluff above the Pacific Ocean, at the north end of Newport. We always drive to Salem, fill the car at Costco, then take OR22 and OR18 to Lincoln City, then down US101 to Newport. That's much faster than trying to drive in stop-and-go traffic on OR101 through Tigard, McMinnville, etc. The temperatures were in the high 30s and we were seeing mixed rain and snow.

Friendo said...

The apocalypse approaches...

Saint Croix said...

SC ... not my cup of tea.

That's fine, brother!

As my dad says, "You can't please everybody."

You'll find a lot more nice stable personalities in church than mine. I'm one of the wild ones.

And the tea comment is kind of funny because I might be one of the few people in the South who detest tea. I hate that stuff. Iced tea is evil. If King George had taxed it and I was around, I'd be like, "Who gives a shit about tea taxes? Tea can suck it."

wendybar said...

So an illegal alien attacks the husband of the third in line to the Presidency of the United States, and local officials REFUSE to let ICE interview the attacker??
WHY?? Are they afraid an ICE agent will tell the truth, and their house of cards all falls down?? What a joke the whole Pelosi debacle is.
They should be ashamed of themselves for starting the lie about the attacker being MAGA
Tell the truth...for once in your god-damned life Pelosi!

Saint Croix said...

thanks Big Mike

I am a huge dog man

In Charlotte we have a bar called Lucky Dog.

It's a sports bar and dog park combined into one.

I go there to drink beer, watch sports, hit on Millennials, and play with the dogs. I let them lick me all over.

(My own dog is not a licker. She's a heartbreaker).

Michael K said...

Blogger Jefferson's Revenge said...

Humperdinck and Ace are 100% correct. Not only was Trump’s content re DeSantis stupid the timing was self destructive. Very disappointing.

Have you seen that DeSantis ad that he was referring to ?

Didn't you cringe, too?

I like DeSantis but that ad was weird.

Saint Croix said...

I'm not a country music guy (except for Johnny Cash).

But I get why people would like this. Here is the Old Yeller song

She never cried when old Yeller died
She wasn't washed in the blood of the lamb
She never stood up for the star spangled banner
And she wasn't a John Wayne fan

Her baby blue eyes had the warning signs
That woman was bad to the bone
She never cried when old Yeller died
So do you think I'll cry when she's gone

So desperate, I answered an ad in the personals
Hoping to find me a date
A good lookin' non smokin' full figured Leo
Was looking to find her a mate

We hit it off, we got it on
My love was growing so strong
Then I started seeing a side of that woman
I should have seen all along

She never cried when old Yeller died
She wasn't washed in the blood of the lamb
She never stood up for the star spangled banner
And she wasn't a John Wayne fan

Her baby blue eyes had the warning signs
That woman was bad to the bone
She never cried when old Yeller died
So do you think I'll cry when she's gone

I can't believe I just didn't see
The writing there on the wall
Listening to those Barry Mannilow records
Was just one of her character flaws

Sometimes she was rude, unnaturally crude
But this good old boy let it pass
But when she cussed in front of my mom
I told she could kiss my

She never cried when old Yeller died
She wasn't washed in the blood of the lamb
She never stood up for the star spangled banner
And she wasn't a John Wayne fan

Her baby blue eyes had the warning signs
That woman was bad to the bone
She never cried when old Yeller died
So do you think I'll cry when she's gone

She never cried when old Yeller died
And I ain't gonna cry when she's gone

(Also another good one is Elvis singing Hound Dog)

Saint Croix said...

If you have a lot of self-control, your sex will be quiet and your orgasms will be small.

If you are a passionate man or woman, your sex will be loud and your neighbors might complain.

So pick your poison.

I'm no longer repressed, but now I have to worry about crying in public.

Artists do it best!

Saint Croix said...

Also, control is overrated as a way to God.

It's not control or power that takes you where you want to go.

Christians mock Christian Bale as Moses because he is waving a sword around.

In the Bible, Moses was scared of public speaking and he was a shepherd.

Saint Croix said...

I love the lyrics of Hound Dog, by the way.

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time

Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

Well, they said you was high-class
Well, that was just a lie

Yeah, they said you was high-class
Well, that was just a lie

Yeah, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

BG said...

I keep saying to myself that I will be SO glad when this election is over. But then I realize the nastiness will just keep going on until something (unknown) really, really big happens.

The last few days we have been receiving questionable flyers from purported conservative entities regarding our gubernatorial race here in Wisconsin, criticizing Michels. I found an article that describes what is happening. (FYI, I previously tried to find Liberty Group, Inc. on the internet and had no luck.)

Saint Croix said...

Now I'm wondering.

Am I just a hound dog?

Am I crying all the time?

Have I ever caught a rabbit?

(You tell me, America!)

The good news is that nobody, I mean nobody, has ever called me "high class."

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Elections are a threat to democracy when the results kick the Democrats out of power.

Jaq said...

Hound Dog is about a guy whose acquaintance is hitting on his beautiful girlfriend.

"You ain't never caught a rabbit, and you ain't no friend of mine."

Not sure if Bob Dylan covered that one, but that's my theory. If anybody else can tie those lyrics to some other real world situation, I would like to hear it.

Saint Croix said...

Hound Dog is about a guy whose acquaintance is hitting on his beautiful girlfriend.


The guy is crying.

I assumed his ex-girlfriend was crying.

His guy friend is crying. That makes a lot more sense.

"You never caught a rabbit."

Does that mean that Elvis is saying his friend never fucked his girlfriend?

I love these musicians who believe their partners and turn on the malign outsider with unbridled fury.

My Boyfriend's Back is the one I associate with this genre.

So the dude is the hound. Mystery solved. Thank you sir.

Saint Croix said...

Michael K

He's targeting Christians and (I think) black Christians.

Brilliant strategy.

African-Americans are not a great fit in an atheist or agnostic Democrat party that hates on God, family, pregnancy, and babies.

The voice sounds like a preacher and it will appeal to many Christians. Not in my church, but other churches. And the images of DeSantis hugging black people is intentional.

gadfly said...

Hold onto your hats folks! Gadfly agrees with the new name that Trump gave Ron DeSantis after the Florida Governor's holier-than-thou campaign video.

DeSantis is now "DeSanctimonious.

Narr said...

OK, I watched the ad.

Yikes. What if DeSantis actually believes that crap?

Jaq said...

“Never caught a rabbit” is never landed a pretty girlfriend on his own.

“I thought you were high class” is kind of self explanatory.

I will be honest though, I don’t get the “crying” bit. The rest of it though always sounded to me like he was talking to a guy who did not put bros before hos. But now that you mention it, I might be wrong. It always seems like there is one part that doesn’t fit.

Saint Croix said...

I was thinking "caught a rabbit" as in "the rabbit died" as in "made a woman pregnant."

I think you're right, though, Elvis is belittling a man. The damn song makes no sense any other way, that's why it confused me.

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