"... in the country this year, winning a congressional seat in Southwest Washington that few saw as competitive. Gluesenkamp Perez, a Democrat, defeated Donald Trump-endorsed Republican Joe Kent on Saturday in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, with roughly 50.5% of the vote."
A quote from Gluesenkamp Perez that's just about perfect: "We are moderate and we are people that work for a living. We are people that pay our taxes and want good schools and want a functioning society. We are tired of politicking and we are tired of extremists, and we just want to know that our kids are going to have a same or better shot at a good life as we did.... I am not an ideologue. I am not a show pony. I am here to work, and I live like the district does...."
Given Perez's comments, if true, she will be very lonely among House Democrats.
I do not understand how her quote in the last paragraph has anything to do with the modern Democratic Party. Including the word "work."
Around and around. Time will tell if she follows the winding but narrow conservative path.
Washington is 100% mail in voting.
It has been an absolute joke for 30 years.
Nothing about the elections in that state are honest.
And Perez is going to support the globalists in DC. There is nothing honest about any of these people.
She said the right words.
Her words and actions do not match.
What a lucky district. Sounds like they couldn't go too far wrong either way.
Hope this lady isn't corrupted or destroyed by the corrupt machine she's walking into. She sounds like a decent person.
Yeah, she’ll still be supporting and voting for insane policies and profligate spending.
But she’ll talk a good game.
Why not give her support right now, while she is still apart from the corruption you foresee ahead of her?
The incumbent Republican voted to impeach Trump, and that's why this other Republican was her opponent. She was apparently running as an earnest hardworking citizen. You should hope for the best for people like her.
"She grew up in Texas, the daughter of a Mexican immigrant father who met her mother on a visit to Washington. She graduated from Reed College in Portland with a degree in economics. She and her husband live in rural Skamania County in a house they built, and co-own a Portland auto-repair shop with eight employees."
shes a goddamn commie wrecker, bonapetite portland,
Skamania County is the location of Mt. Saint Helens.
I do like the quoted portion.
I honestly think truckers make better legislators, but if you can't find a trucker, an auto shop owner is the next best thing.
"We are tired of politicking and we are tired of extremists..."
We'll see how she votes.
How can anyone with a degree in economics be a democrat?
"Johnny prints 5 trillion dollars and give away 3 trillion, and spends another trillion on climate change. How much does Johnny have left to indoctrinate and mutilate children? Show your work."
Why would anybody give any Democrat the benefit of the doubt on any issue, without first having documented independent proof? Look no further than the races that weren't resolved with a day of vote counting, when every single one of them is in a Blue-controlled district. As the counting proceeds, miracles of miracles, lo and behold how many Democrats are eking out narrow wins! Is it higher than 90%? How much manufactured success would it take to raise a question?
'It's a process !' It certainly is.
For years now, I’ve read (here in the comments sections) that Democrats are anti God, anti family, anti work, communists, and more unrealistic bullshit. It seems as if none of you even know a Democrat in the real world. Perez is typical of most Democrats I know.
Althouse believes things Democrats say. Bless her heart.
The quote was perfect if coming from a Republican; it’s a head-scratcher or a work of true sociopathy if coming from a Democrat.
Q: How could someone who thought like that be a Democrat?
A: They can’t.
Shes obviously racist.
Dear Inga,
Guess who the democrats screwed the last 2 Democratic presidential primaries?
Rather than listen to what you and your ilk say, I pay attention to what you do.
it’s a head-scratcher or a work of true sociopathy if coming from a Democrat
It depends on what came first: progressive prices, redistributive change, or finite availability. The baby, a fetal term of art, perchance a human life. A friend or a "benefit", love or all that's fair in lust.
“Guess who the democrats screwed the last 2 Democratic presidential primaries?
And guess who Democrats chose instead? Other Democrats. You, in particular are incredibly stupid.
So why is he a Democrat?
She buys into the latest gender ideology for kids. Typical Democrat, she'll say anything but vote with the party just about 100% of the time. Maybe she's a moderate Democrat and will vote only 97% with the leftists. We can then call her independent and moderate.
Any close election victory (by a Democrat) has to be accompanied with a large asterisk or taken with a grain of salt, and after the constant phony regular guyism of Joe Biden, politicians claims to be jes' folks don't fly anymore either.
Republicans barely trust their own politicians, so it's not likely they'll be enraptured by her performance. She's saying what she needs to say, like any other politician.
I am reminded of the Democrat winners in recent elections who promised to get rid of Pelosi. Most of them just fell quickly in line behind the leadership with the rest of the party.
A representative can stray from the party on an issue or two (in her case, gun control) but they're expected to follow the party line, especially in these days when Our Democracy is always at risk if the party leaders don't get their way.
Well the Washington State 3rd Congressional District is "Portland Adjacent". Vancouver and Chehalis are the two urban areas in the District--otherwise mostly rural. And the lady is the owner of a small business in Portland. Seeing what's happened in Portland in the last couple of years (from a small business owner's point of view) is enough to give any intelligent Democrat "religion" of a sort. Sounds like she's talking the talk--let's see if she can walk the walk in the House.
Well see how this turns out. When she gets to Dc, she’ll find out she can only do exactly what the Speaker allows her to or she’ll flip out over how all those hard working folks she represents are treated by their government. By the end of January we should know if anything she said was genuine or if she falls in line like a good little democrat.
Amazing all these Democrat victories with less than 51% of the vote. Impressive all these close races breaking that way.
"We are moderate"
Just about perfect to appeal to nice women. Just about perfect misdirection about the actual policies of the actual Dems. Under Pelosi, did any Dem ever deviate from the party line?
But it's not just propaganda. Ordinary lefties now consider themselves "moderate" by comparison with progs rising among Dems. Hence the 34% "moderates" in WSJ election data.
But seriously, what is the "moderate" position on the border, on green subsidies, on loan cancellations, on increasing the debt, on federal court nominees, on energy supplies, on sex change hormones for kids, on CRT in schools etc.? If there is a "moderate" position, who among Dems actually advocates it? And if there is such a Dem, who actually votes against the party? We know Manchin and Synema rarely do. So, who?
Blogger Inga said...
For years now, I’ve read (here in the comments sections) that Democrats are anti God, anti family, anti work, communists, and more unrealistic bullshit. It seems as if none of you even know a Democrat in the real world. Perez is typical of most Democrats I know.
Inga, two of my children are Democrats. Both are lawyers and one is an FBI agent. Both have far left beliefs and my son, the trial lawyer, describes himself as an anarchist. He was always a problem, since childhood.
Like Fetterman, she’ll vote the way the Dem majority leader wants her to vote. Given the even split of the House, there won’t be much room for “representing constituents” on either side.
So, now she's going to become a decisive, moderate Democrat vote in the House willing to stall the Biden agenda?
Nice words. Let's see if she follows through. Few do on either side of the aisle.
As blog owner/operator, this would be a post to pin a 12 month calendar tickler to, and see how things turned out in November 2023.
Nobody commenting on this actually knows Marie G. Perez. By their deeds you shall know them.
American Democracy was a ballot issue and Democracy won. The Authoritarian rule in the US was stifled, Bolsonaro also lost. The one-man rule was defeated way back with King George, the American people are not having it again. Remember the guy they beat senseless, and he said, "why can't we all get along" GEN X and the Millennials will reign deluxe in 2028 and they do not see this country as a white only, Christian man governed place. The old guys got to go. No president elected over 65 new rule, The Chuck Grassley's got to go (106?) c'mon man. It will take time to clean the stain up (took 100 years at least for blacks and women after their emancipation to come to fruition and some of that still in play) It's the Lord's Day be grateful you even get a chance to put your 2 cents in.
From her lips to God's ears. The fact that so many commenters here are prepared to dismiss her wholesale before she has even taken her seat and persist in the fantasy that they sing with the angels while all Dems sup with the devils makes me think they are simply addicted to the Manichean battle regardless of what it might be about. Best of luck, Ma'am.
Key word in your BS diatribe is “seems”, inga.
Float, float on.
“Skamania”… describes the music scene in teh 90’s.
Everyone is losing site of what was important: Liz Chaney got her comeuppance!
None of these other races ever matter.
Nobody commenting on this actually knows Marie G. Perez. By their deeds you shall know them.
@Ampersand, amen. Ignore anything any politician says. Watch what they do. This goes double for self-described “moderate” Democrats.
However her election, in that district, should be a wake-up call to die hard Donald Trump supporters. That a Republican lost in a “gimme” election means that blind, irrational Trump-hatred isn’t just limited to the likes of Ann Althouse, Ann Coulter, Mitch McConnell, Jim Treacher, and hard core Democrats. It’s irrational, but outside the Republican base it’s pervasive. His personality and lack of ability to build a political organization doesn’t help one bit.
Kent got zero money and support from the GOP leadership, and if anyone thought it was not a competitive race, they were likely assuming the Democrat was a shoo-in. The excerpt (haven't read the full article yet) is lacking in pertinent details.
Also, look at the overall races: In almost every "upset", the Dems outspent the GOP by multiples. That and the strategic genius of the two Micks running the House and Senate GOP leadership will guarantee Dem wins far as the aye can Si.
Blogger Sebastian said...
"Ordinary lefties now consider themselves "moderate" by comparison with progs rising among Dems. Hence the 34% "moderates" in WSJ election data"
Moderates believe in democracy, don't mock stroke victims, and don't concoct insane conspiracy theories about gay hammer sex parties when 82 year old men are attacked in their homes. So yes, we are the moderates.
"Why not give her support right now, while she is still apart from the corruption you foresee ahead of her?"
We've all seen this movie with the last few batches of Pelosi-inductees to the House meatgrinder. She'll be voting partyline with Nancy from jump, ne'er to stray if she doesn't want to be primaried back to the St. Helens dust bowl to tend the register at the service station.
And this "We are moderate" schtick is being used to imply that Kent was not. He's been on Carlson's show several times and articulated commonsense "average Joe"-friendly politics and policy; a veteran opposed to the forever wars agenda and to the state of grift and unaccountability in DC.
No wonder the Two Micks McConnell/McCarthy leading the GOP didn't want anything to do with him and starved him of cash and support.
Best of luck to her, though; the Squad does need a "wise Latina" to buttress AOC's good looks.
The Democrats have made vote by mail a new normal, allowing their very-not-silent majority among the citizenry to be heard at the polls. Congratulations to the Dems on their success. Now the Republicans, who can also vote by mail, will have to win hearts and minds to obtain the majority of votes. It should take them less than a generation, I hope, but I think more than a few 2 year election cycles to overcome their demonization and appeal to more people.
Who knows how to do pro-Republican PR better than the Alinskyite left does anti-Rethug demonization?
And then there is this...Another Democrat MIRACLE!!!!
Another seat sacrificed to The Fat Tub of Goo’s oversized ego.
The rule used to be that a republican couldn't win a close election in a democrat controlled district or state, due old style cheating, with voting dead people, etc. But now with massive mail in voting and extensive vote harvesting, among other schemes, the result in this case makes me think that republicans almost can't win any election in a democrat controlled district or state. Look also at Laxalt, Kari Lake, Dr. Oz, etc.
It looks to me like the democrats have a path to retaining the House. All these outstanding vote counts in contested House elections could break for the dems.
“Why not give her support right now, while she is still apart from the corruption you foresee ahead of her?
Presumably, you’re trolling us. I live in this district and, while it is deeply conservative, it has an abundance of CNN-fed LIV’s whose professed beliefs run counter to the way they live their lives. Perez is the usual just-folks phony wearing her parents values as a disguise. She’ll be gone in two years.
"my son, the trial lawyer, describes himself as an anarchist"
This is the funniest thing I've read all day. That's an American anarchist for you!!!
PS Not meant to make fun of your son or the hardships, it's just friggin awesome that the anarchists in this country are trial lawyers
Duh Duh Driver is still misspelling Lizard’s surname.
She never played b-ball for University of Houston or the Boston Celtics or coached Temple University…
Joe Kent would be a good sensible Congressman and we can't have that.
Ms. Gluesenkamp-Perez’s election makes it clear the peasant revolt has been successfully quelled. The servants once again know their place, and have returned to support and maintain warm protective mansions of their masters. It is only way we can all enjoy the protected democracy our masters risked so much to protect.
Tea Parties are only meant for those who live upstairs and belong to polite society. Everyone understands their place, and balance is restored.. Without this basic societal structure, it is impossible to promote equality.
Once again, we are black coffee drinkers. Feels warm, safe, and familiar.
Someone tell David Brooks it’s ok to come down for teatime. The coast is clear, and there’s lots of toast and jelly.
The working class may now return to their regularly scheduled programs.
FTX Laundered Billions Through Ukraine, Funneled Funds to U.S Democrats
FTX founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was Democrats’ second largest donor during the midterm elections cycle this year, only coming behind George Soros.
Bankman-Fried gave at least $40 million to Democrat candidates and causes in the midterms.
Now it has emerged that billions of dollars that was flowing into Ukraine was laundered through FTX and pumped back to Democrats and elites in America using cryptocurrency.
At this early hour, it__appears__ that tens-of-billions in American “Military Aid” to Ukraine, which was allegedly to be used to fight Russia, was cash that Ukraine DID NOT use to fight Russia, but instead invested into FTX!
And, as you might guess from the Bankruptcy filing… . it now seems that all the money .. . is gone.
Yes, you read that correctly: Instead of using US Military Aid to fight Russia, Ukraine “invested” part or all of it, into FTX, and right now, it looks like all Democrat Donations
I may have mentioned I divide my time between the bluest and reddest parts of this country, but I grew up in a place in the Pacific Northwest that closely resembles southwestern Washington. The vote then (and now) was almost perfectly divided between Republican and Democrat, but there was no real sense of political division because everyone knew plenty of people from both parties. So when I read the sensible words of a person who runs an auto-repair shop with eight employees and compare them with the dopey words of Althouse’s dopey commenters, my sense is that you’ve turned politics into a religion with a doctrine so dogmatic you can no longer recognize an ally. The vast majority of people in this country, right and left, share far more in common than they do with the extremes.
Our future increasingly looks like corrupt, incompetent one-party anarcho-tyranny with meaningless sham elections, along the lines of the PRI hegemony in Mexico for most of the 20th century.
Under such circumstances, a Democrat politician who is a small business owner, and understands what it means to sign the front of a paycheck rather than the back, may be the best we can hope for.
"We are tired of politicking and we are tired of extremists, and we just want to know that our kids are going to have a same or better shot at a good life as we did.... I am not an ideologue. I am not a show pony. I am here to work, and I live like the district does...."
And that's how you win over a Trump endorsed candidate.
Reed College? Apparently she was too extreme for Evergreen.
So yes, we are the moderates.
Sure you are, groomer.
Another seat sacrificed to The Fat Tub of Goo’s oversized ego.
Nope. Jaime Herrera Beutler gave that seat away.
“So when I read the sensible words of a person who runs an auto-repair shop with eight employees and compare them with the dopey words of Althouse’s dopey commenters, my sense is that you’ve turned politics into a religion with a doctrine so dogmatic you can no longer recognize an ally.”
Get back to us when she has a voting record. Or don’t, ‘cause I guarantee it’ll be in lockstep with all the insane, destructive, and kleptocratic shit the Democrat Congress is going to spew.
“Jaime Herrera Beutler gave that seat away.”
Absolutely true. A strange act of political seppuku. I have to think she has a sweet lobbyist’s job lined up somewhere and she was trying to gin up a little cred with the Donks.
And yes, I voted against her in the primary in full knowledge that Kent (or frankly, Any Other Name) might lose to the Donk. Worth it.
Listen, if she can stick to her guns and move the Democrats back towards their working-class roots I'm a fan. The party of Rich Privileged People Who Know What's Best For The Serfs needs people like that who can give them a sanity check. Unfortunately, if she does stick to her guns she's likely to get Tulsi'd.
A Trump endorsement is likely worth 5 to 10 points - for the opponent. It's why the Democratic party spent so much money on Trump-endorsed Republicans in the primaries.
Ms. Perez seems quite 'normal,' which means pretty much nothing. Party leadership decides what comes up for votes in congress, and if a first-term representative doesn't vote the party line, she'll find herself facing a party-funded primary opponent. For the same reason, it doesn't matter if Fetterman is compos mentis or not; he's alive enough to vote as he's told and literally nothing else matters.
Don't believe a word she says. She is a far-left extremist.
My dad owned and operated an auto repair shop for 35 years. He was an honest and hardworking man who did everything in his power to give 4 children a good life. He 100% succeeded in that.
However, I'm not naïve. There are auto repair shop owners who are incompetent, deceptive, and/or crooked.
I'll remain observant. I'll be interested to see what her voting record looks like after a year. Does this non-ideologue vote for Pelosi as Democrat leader? Does this "moderate" vote at or near 100% with the Democrats in the House?
Depending on these outcomes does Althouse return to the scene of this post and retroactively apply a new "MiNO" (Moderate in Name Only) tag to Gluesenkamp Perez?
I've seen a lot of Kent bashing on Twitter. I've seen him many times on TV and he's perfectly normal. And also a veteran. If Republicans in this district couldn't find their way to vote for him, they aren't Republicans.
I've seen him on TV plenty of times and he's perfectly normal; a mainstream conservative. If Republicans in this so-called Republican district can't find their way to vote for him I suggest they're not all that Republican at all.
The fact that so many commenters here are prepared to dismiss her wholesale before she has even taken her seat …
@Peter, how can I break it to you gently? People lie, and people who run for political office do it more, and more slickly, than most. Let’s suppose she is a lefty extremist running in a (relatively) conservative district. Would she come right out and say so? Or would she call herself a “moderate” (whatever that means in todays Democrat Party)?
I got interested in, and active in, Republican politics at the local level in the late 1970s, and off and on have been active ever since. In the course of my activities I have met many politicians from both parties. Some of them can give you a firm handshake, look squarely in the eye, and in a totally sincere voice they lied to my face. And they knew, that I knew, that they were lying. And they did it anyway. Why should she be different?
… and persist in the fantasy that they sing with the angels while all Dems sup with the devils makes me think they are simply addicted to the Manichean battle regardless of what it might be about.
Well, Peter, at 76 I will be singing with the angels (hope they can teach me how to sing in key) or supping in the other place soon enough. But the struggle really is Manichean. People such as you fall into one of three categories: someone the Democrats have screwed over, someone they have not yet screwed over, or sufficiently high up the totem pole to do the screwing. And you know what. I. Don’t. Care. Anymore. If. You. Get. Screwed. In supporting the Democrats you are screwing yourself, unless you’re one of the screwers, in which case you know you have my contempt but you don’t much care.
She's not extreme. She just supports extreme policies.
"A Trump endorsement is likely worth 5 to 10 points - for the opponent. It's why the Democratic party spent so much money on Trump-endorsed Republicans in the primaries."
This was a seat where the Republican incumbent voted to impeach Trump after he was already out of office.
It has nothing to do with his endorsement.
"If Republicans in this district couldn't find their way to vote for him, they aren't Republicans."
I wouldn't go that far.
But I would suggest it was a combo of JHB loyalists, NeverTrumpers, people abstaining and the left smelling blood in the water.
Somebody wrote up thread, she'll be gone in two years if she doesn't walk the walk.
Same as Jay Inslee in WA-04 after beating Doc in '92.
She will vote witt the extremist far left. That = extremist far left.
I looked into this race.
Joe Kent was a green beret. His wife died in Syria.
So, he has a good backstory.
He ran pretty well, but got some nasty attacks because he once voted for Bernie Sanders. (He says he did that in the primary, operation chaos.)
Here's where Joe ran into trouble: after the primary he got too into J6 stuff, and took a photo with Nick Fuentes, and also started down some goofy trails, like saying the Army-Navy game should be cancelled and academies should focus on war fighting only. Its not a bad idea, per se, but its maybe not a priority. He also made some statements that white people could face discrimination, etc. which probably don't work in rural WA state - where everyone is white.
So, he faced a bunch of attacks comparing him to Hitler, being a socialist, and J6er.
Oh, he's also anti-Ukraine war.
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