Said Donald Trump, quoted in an update to a Breitbart article that is now titled "Trump Dined at Mar-a-Lago with White Nationalist, Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes Alongside Kanye West; UPDATE – Trump Responds, ‘Had Never Met and Knew Nothing About’ Fuentes."
I can't believe Trump doesn't control who has access to him! Either he's lying or he's reckless.
I guess Ye sets his own terms and Trump makes a calculated decision to accept (and maybe he doesn't mind signaling that he's doesn't categorically reject white nationalists). Here's how Ye presents it:
— ye (@kanyewest) November 25, 2022
AS good people jump off the Trump sinking ship - the whackos jump on.
This is not good.
Had to ask reading the blog this morning: Are you boycotting the New York Times in favor of WaPo?
Kanye - is he out to sabotage himself and others? Not so sure it's a good idea to welcome the human torpedo.
How many people have you met that don't have the same opinions and beliefs as you do?
Should you be associated with their beliefs and opinions simply because you've met them? Or because you're meeting with someone else and they're tagging along?
Or perhaps assumed to validate and endorse them even if you haven't met them before?
I seriously don't get the idiotic urge to go "Trump met with X, therefore he believes all that X believes!"
Maybe we'd be a bit better off if that sort of stupidity wasn't thought of as the epitome of political reporting.
One of the images of "got get your people back" is Alex Jones.
This is pure insanity.
YE has a god complex... worse than Trump.
Is YE going to hand it all to the dems? Or will Trump?
Stay tuned. Dems are giddy at the prospect.
Everyone who soap-opera loves Trump - please watch that video. & Wake up.
It helps Florida Governor.
All this "Yiannopoulos" knows the real story. How? Was he there, too?
Cray Cray.
Kanye excels
Yes, AA...tough to believe that anyone who gets near him isn't vetted.
My takeaway is that white nationalism is bad, but black nationalism will get you fawning coverage in the press...
I suspect that this is another case of Trump's ego biting him in the ass. He probably doesn't feel the need to vet friends of people that he agrees to come to his place for dinner. He's probably like, 'well, I like this person, so his friends must be OK, too.'
There's got to be at least one interesting book in the Trump phenomenon--and I'm pretty sure it's not Haberman's. Maybe he reminds people of Ye: I might become the most famous person in the world, I might accomplish great things, I'm somehow obsessed with celebrities because I am one. But we have seen four years of Trump as Pres. Although staffing was a bit wild--hiring people who hated each other and disagreed, showing little loyalty to those those who left and, as Ye says, often still identify as loyalists--Trump as far as I can tell was cool and somewhat cautious in his decision making. He didn't keep his more dramatic promises, but he made progress on them. He did nothing that was obviously foolish, dangerous, unlawful or unconstitutional. He doesn't mind being in court over the 2020 election, even though re-litigating an election is bad for the country, and unpopular with voters, partly because he has been caught up in various kinds of litigation since he was about 20. But: no criminal charges, to say nothing of convictions.
Melania seemed to be smiling quite happily at the announcement. Does she actually enjoy it all more than say Pat Nixon ever did? Are these two happier with each other than say Megan and Harry?
I was hardly aware of Trump until Forbes in 2015 or 2016 wrote up the whole history of how Trump ranks in Forbes. Every paragraph was hilarious. Trump fighting constantly for a higher rank, or for a few years, to get back into the "richest" rankings. "You don't valuate my assets properly." "Well, you don't exactly make it easy. Our staff spend a lot of time on this." He always gives the Forbes folks a nice lunch in Trump Tower. One year they're out where the glass walls form a kind of horizontal peak, thrusting out over the sidewalk on 5th Avenue. A crowd forms, people recognizing Trump and waving. Then there is more commotion, clearly something is going to happen in the greatest city in the world. Trump remembers: "oh yeah, the Pope is in town. Let's back out of here. This isn't my day, it's the Pope's day." God I find that funny.
Joe thinks Hunter is the smartest man he knows so I’m going with his judgment from now on LOL
Mar-a-Lago is a private club. Presumably members and invited guests are free to bring whoever they want. If Ye showed up with Kim Kardashian for dinner with Trump I doubt he'd turn her away. It's not like he's still in the White House and there are official logs and everyone has to be cleared in advance.
In Trump's defense, Mar-a-Lago might just be the only private club in Palm Beach that would allow a black man who isn't an employee walk through the front door...
If the Ever Trumpers think this is more of Trump's spectacular 3-d chess & "he meant to do that" ...
The hell?
Hitch your wagon to crazies... and the crazies will show up at the door. Even if it is Mar-A-Lago.
Trump-YE-BhboogalooFBI 2024! Because the bigger the insanity - the more people think Biden's mob-boss crookedness is ... delightful.
YE himself is essentially telling Trump to F off. Yo- Trump - you're not crazy enough for YE. Ah - crazy cray cray stew.
'fer dinner.
trump likes to meet with celebrities. Plus, he wanted to get Ye back supporting him in 2024. Seems like he didn't succeed.
Anyway, Trump will be punished for meeting with Ye and Fuentes. Look for him to be banned from social media, banned from ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS, investigated by the DoJ and for Biden to sic the FBI on him.
Bad move by Trump!
Seriously, it is interesting how Democrats and Leftists can meet with anyone and its just A-OK, but if the Republicans or Rightwingers meet with the "Wrong persons" that means they endorse and support them. This sort of censorship and the politics of personal destruction has been going on for a long time. Just another Weapon in the Democrat/Leftist toolbox to destroy anyone they don't like.
Notice that the President of the United states, Joe Biden is STILL calling Trump a Nazi because Trump said "There were fine people on both sides" at charlottsville. That was FIVE years ago.
I'd go with what Trump thinks and not the visitor.
A candidate has to seek votes from a wide variety of people, including those with some unsavory views. Trump's relationship with his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren shows that he's pro-semitic.
If this fella wants to run for President- against Trump: this is perfect sabotage propaganda.
Trump can speak for Trump.
Anyone else is selling something.
Be best.
America first.
I searched on the Internet to find exactly what Fuentes has said that should make us think he is a "holocaust denier". I could not find that information.
Trump's response:
This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Shortly thereafter, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about. We had dinner on Tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. The dinner was quick and uneventful. They then left for the airport.
Lurker21 @1:47PM is perfectly correct.
This is quite the typical lefty/NeverTrump (but I repeat myself) nothing-burger but the McConnell-Romney-tards think this a great time for another "The Walls Are Closing In!"(TM) moment.
The GOPe-ers are still feeling their oats over re-installing Murkowski over the republican nominee in Alaska so they are jumping on this typical legacy-media clickbait faster than their DailyKos allies.
"I can't believe Trump doesn't control who has access to him! Either he's lying or he's reckless."
You try telling Kanye West that he can't bring his new friend to dinner.
Kerry shook Nicolas Maduros hand willfully. Maduro is on the 10 most wanted list. Hates gays with a passion. A dictator. But John was right there with him, holding his hand, smiling and laughing.
Crickets everywhere.
Kerry shook Nicolas Maduros hand willfully. Maduro is on the 10 most wanted list. Hates gays with a passion. A dictator. But John was right there with him, holding his hand, smiling and laughing.
Crickets everywhere.
I can't believe Trump doesn't control who has access to him! Either he's lying or he's reckless.
You've never had someone bring an uninvited guest to dinner?
And if you had, did you make them wait outside while you Googled them and reviewed every one of their social media posts before they were allowed inside?
"Had to ask reading the blog this morning: Are you boycotting the New York Times in favor of WaPo?"
No. Just didn't see bloggable things there today.
loudogblog said...
I suspect that this is another case of Trump's ego biting him in the ass. He probably doesn't feel the need to vet friends of people that he agrees to come to his place for dinner. He's probably like, 'well, I like this person, so his friends must be OK, too.'
11/25/22, 1:33 PM
He must not be on Facebook. If there's one thing I've come to realize from scrolling through it, it's that some of my friends have friends who are absolute idiots. It's not a left/right thing, it's mostly a lack of reading comprehension skills with random flashes of crazy thrown in.
"I can't believe Trump doesn't control who has access to him! Either he's lying or he's reckless."
Probably a little bit of both.
Trump is always the subject of intense surveillance by the political left. Remember when Epstein showed up at Mar a Lago? Trump threw him out but that part never got mentioned.
The problem is not color nationalism, black, white, or whatever, it is diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs (e.g. "people of color"), color quotas, and affirmative discrimination under the nominally "secular" Pro-Choice ethical religion. #HateLovesAbortion
And Joe Biden walked around Beijing in a Mao jacket. Who looks worse?
Trump can speak for Trump.
Anyone else is selling something.
Quotes that don't quote... is known to be part of the NYT, WaPo et al JournoListic style guide.
Were there is good, bad, and deplorable, there is leverage. Where there is good, bad, and tolerable, there is our Constitution. Trump supports an open society, welcome by some, a turn off for others.
TDS. Is there anything it can't explain?
It takes very little effort on the part of legacy media to rope in the usual suspects on the left and the McConnell/Romney Faux-right who are always happy to self-identify.
Joe shithead Biden met with some dude that decided he was a girl a couple of days before the last election. Does he believe that dudes can call themselves girls and then are?
When he wasn’t an Alzheimer’s sufferer I doubt he did. I’m sure he called them freaks and queers. But today is a different time huh?
I can't believe Trump doesn't control who has access to him! Either he's lying or he's reckless.
Because if you are seen with the wrong people then Ann hates you.
You must only hang around people the Regime finds respectable.
If you are seen with people that the Regime has labeled as Other than Ann has decided you are reckless and therefor dangerous.
Obama was seen with Black Nationalists and anti-semites.
But that is OK with Ann because those are good Regime approved Black Nationalists and Antisemites.
This whole post is just absurd.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
AS good people jump off the Trump sinking ship - the whackos jump on.
This is not good.
As GOPers and Oligarchs jump on the Desantis sinking ship, good people jump off.
"Obama was seen with Black Nationalists and anti-semites."
I believe the 'LA Times' had the video but never released it...
This kind of stuff is so moronic. It goes like this:
X says something bigoted or nasty
Y meets with X about something unrelated to that.
Therefore Y has endorsed X and supports being bigoted or nasty
Or we get (depdending on who it is):
X says something bigoted, or nasty
Z has X on his talk show and confronts X and disagrees with him
THerefore Z has endorsed X and is bigoted or nasty.
The USA is getting more and more like the old stalinist USSR. You'd better not talk to Trotsky or Kamenev or Bucharin because why would anyone who's not a fascist running-dog wrecker do that? Who but a Nazi would say there were fine people on both sides, eh comrade?
The Trump Humper twins arrive to reveal their extreme immaturity.
I'll go with I don't care.
If there is a problem, it is Trump, an announced candidate for 2024, giving access to Ye, who is clearly troubled and needs to get his own house in order. If it was a private dinner to reach out to Ye, no one should know about it.
In theory Mar-a-Lago is a private club.
Trump is evolving into a world-class victim.
It all adds up over time.
So a guy named Fuentes is our leading white supremecist now?
So a guy named Fuentes is our leading white supremecist now?
And like the sun rising the Trumptards (Drag Queen and Achilles) see no problem with this. For these twaddle twits Trump could shoot a man in cold blood on 5th Avenue and they would nod and rationalize how the victim had it coming.
This was stupid on Trump’s part because the dominant e story for a week is that Trump broke bread with Fuentes. Even though it does not trouble the Trumptards they cannot get Trump elected. It just provides another reason why the majority of people want him to fade away.
Speaking of Fuentes it turns out that both Fuentes and AOC attended Boston University. It is high time that BU be shut down until we can figure out what the hell is going in there.
Here's how Jack Posobiec and Libby Emmons frame the dinner.
AMDG: "And like the sun rising the Trumptards (Drag Queen and Achilles) see no problem with this. For these twaddle twits Trump could shoot a man in cold blood on 5th Avenue and they would nod and rationalize how the victim had it coming."
Precisely as predicted, the McConnell-Romney-Ryan-Frank Luntz-tards have completely internalized the talking points of the left.
Again, this was predicted.
Looks like David French, Bill Kristol, Max Boot and Jonah Goldberg can expect many new followers and subscribers for their newsletters, which will especially please Jonah who looks like he could really use a "friend" right about now.
I will, however, congratulate AMDG for not launching another gratuitous attack against Melania even though it might have gained him/her/xer a few more kudos from Team GOPe/Dem-lite. That's probably a positive step forward.
I suppose further congratulations are also due to AMDG and his/her/xer's ilk for their double GOPe "win" in Alaska (they successfully re-elected Murkowski in the Senate and with the help of the dem allies secured the democratical win for the House seat).
On top of all that, AMDG's proud GOPe-er "principled" non-icky republicans are currently engaged in selling out the republican base voters on illegal immigration amnesty, defense of marriage protections for churches, funding the global climate change grifters and sending tens of billions more dollars into the Ukraine/democratical Grift Machine, amongst other sell out issues.
Yes indeed the non-icky "principled" and "respectable" AMDG-approved GOPe-ers could shoot AMDG in cold blood on 5th Avenue and AMDG would smile and with his/her/xer's dying breath curse the Bad Orange Man while clutching the latest sham Frank Luntz "polling" numbers.
Given the current rhetorical trajectory we are witnessing, it's safe to predict that before we are done the AMDG's will end up praising the legacy media for their having buried the Hunter laptop story for the "Greater Good" in defeating Trump.
AMDG: "This was stupid on Trump’s part because the dominant e story for a week is that Trump broke bread with Fuentes."
You are full of buttons and the legacy media know just which ones to push. They have you trained quite well....and they know it...and they use it over and over again.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "The Trump Humper twins arrive to reveal their extreme immaturity."
Your time would be better spent doing basic research into who the primary funders are for the candidates you claim to support and you claim to know alot about so as to avoid any further embarrassnents as we eitnessed in the O'Dea for Senate discussions.
Or just stick with whatever you are force-fed by the establishment, do what you are told and dont rock any boats. It appears you strongly believe its been working "great" for you thus far.
Mason G: "TDS. Is there anything it can't explain?"
Kevin: "You've never had someone bring an uninvited guest to dinner?
And if you had, did you make them wait outside while you Googled them and reviewed every one of their social media posts before they were allowed inside?"
Shhhh! This is no time for perspective or rationality!
Team Luntz has their latest "the walls are closing in!"/"chaos!" item the legacy meda have fed them to be upset about and they will not relinquish it easily.
The TDS suckers need their daily fixes like junkies.
Worse than junkies really, since there are detox programs available for drug-addicted junkies. For the TDS "mainliners", there is no known cure. Just an ever increasing Liz Cheney-ian future.
The left: *You're all white nationalists, racists and Nazi LBGQ haters!*
The Ever-Trumper brigade: *You're all *stupid* Cheney McConnell Ryan Chamber of Commerce cucks +GOPeee - You must blindly fall in line and worhsip the Cheeto jesus. We command everyone ignore all the losing, whining and reckless loser dick stepping. When Trump craps on a winner.. we EverTrumper Trump-Humpers obey. What's wrong with you stupids?*
2 sides of the insane coin.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "2 sides of the insane coin."
I see your "analytical" skills remain as dysfunctional as always.
Again, your time would better spent doing more research on the candidates you claim to know all about so as to avoid future embarrassments.
Trump-Humper twin #1-
No one is good enough or pure enough, except King-maker Trump.
Kanye West just seems a hard guy to do business with.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Trump-Humper twin #1-
No one is good enough or pure enough, except King-maker Trump."
Show us the alternative and explain why that person will better deliver on the policies, economic and social, than Trump.
So simple, yet you cannot do it.
So you stamp your feet and follow your GOPe "gods" that you believe can do no wrong.
I never thought Althouse blog needed a Joy Behar, but here you are.
Maybe Fuentes is a White Hispanic Nationalist.
Meanwhile, Chucky Schumer has fully owned "replacement theory".
Given the figures and circumstance, I'm not so quick to think a "guest", especially of political controversy, would be presumable.
Show us the alternative and explain why that person will better deliver on the policies, economic and social, than Trump.
@Drago, will it stun you to learn that I agree with you? BUT, before a President can deliver on economic and social promises, the President has (1) get elected, and (2) have a lot of people in the House and Senate who either owe him or politically agree with him politically. But I did not realize until this past election that anti-Trump sentiments are not merely confined to the fools, idiots, and third-rate jerks infected with TDS who comment here, but is widespread and deep. Ann Althouse (who is neither a fool nor an idiot nor a jerk) is not an anomaly, either. There are just too many American females who possess a visceral, irrational hatred of Donsld Trump. And I see him doing nothing to change that. Unless and until he does he’s unelectable. Period.
This election just past he raised a lot of money. He did not use enough of it to put Mehmet Oz over an ugly, brain-injured racist who once pushed a shotgun into the face of a black jogger. Bad enough that Democrat DAs have allowed jogging while female to become a high-risk activity. Jogging while a black male should not put an individual at risk of being shot to death. Nor did Trump get Masters elected, nor Laxalt, nor Zeldin, nor even Herschel Walker. By the way, Ron DeSantis was easily talked out of helping Zrlfin do it’s not as though he’s precisely a profile in courage.
Donald Trump won in 2016 because (1) he was underestimated, (2) he was running against one of the most hated and polarizing figures in modern American politics, and (3) his opponent’s campaign was based on a mathematical model that turned out to be no better than climate models in its predictive capabilities. He’s not a political genius. His policies may be marvelous, (certainly I like them), but he can’t implement any of them unless he makes the changes he needs to make in terms of political strategy that will let him win an election.
Big Mike: "His policies may be marvelous, (certainly I like them), but he can’t implement any of them unless he makes the changes he needs to make in terms of political strategy that will let him win an election."
I agree with much of what you wrote in your post, however....and you knew there was one coming, I will ask once again: how will DeSantis deliver on policies I support if:
A) None of DeSantis' advisors nor major funders support ANY of those economic, trade, foreign affairs and deep state reform policies that the populist and economic nationalist part of the republican base supports
B) DeSantis is going to get destroyed throughout the midwest working class voters based on his congressional suckup support for ALL the Romney/Ryan/Boehner globalist crap, particularly TPP and TTIP (which were NAFTA on steroids) and voting "no" on displaced worker supports via TAA. DeSantis voted as a pure Paul Ryan/John Boehner acolyte which is why some suggest he is trying to yada yada yada past all that with his doubling down on the cultural issues. Think the dems will give a pass on all that? He'll be Romney-ized in 15 minutes flat
C) I do believe, given who sits on DeSantis' staff and where all the money is coming from, that the deals have already been cut which guarantee DeSantis will never take on our out of control national security/DOJ/NSA state, will never hold the ChiComs economically accountable and will never truly press our EU/NATO non-partner "partners".
So, where am I wrong and why?
@Drago, I realize this is a pretty much a dead thread so I hope you stop back by.
My response is that the 2024 nominee probably won't be Ron DeSantis (since the newsmedia have a good two years to do oppo research on him and make things up if they can't find enough dirt). I tend to agree with your points A & B, but that doesn't mean that I think Donald Trump is the only alternative to Ron DeSantis.
But if it does turn out to be DeSantis in 2024 then I will try my damnedest to get him elected and I will take what I can get out of his economic policies and not stop coming. If I can't get roast turkey and yams and sausage stuffing I still want to leave the table with a sandwich if a sandwach is the only alternative to coming away from the table empty-handed.
IMHO your point C accidentally puts your finger on why the Left eats our lunch (and our children's). They take what they can get but relentlessly pursue their long term interests. Conservatives have had a sad tendency to walk away from the table with nothing if they cannot get 100% of what they desire. I write this as a county vice-chairman for Reagan-Bush in 1984 (a mostly ceremonial position to be sure) who had someone tell me he wasn't going to vote because Ronald Reagan was not conservative enough for him.
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