Republicans had a long fruitful run as the Party of Reagan. And then long came Trump. (Who I don’t think has mentioned Reagan even once.) Crash and burn baby!
The ironic thing is that even if all of Trump's early endorsed candidates won last week, he would have gotten very little credit for it. MSM and Never Trumpers would have just said that Biden's negatives were what propelled those people to victory, that any Republican candidates would have won in this election. So it was high risk, low reward to begin with.
Apparently, people who know about finance and are supposed to tell the public what they know KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CRIPTO. The alternative is just too depressing to contemplate. Not to mention probably illegal to talk about.
I've been watching Nassim Taleb videos. He's probably looking at this cripto bust and saying 'See, I told you so" in Japanese.
Kurt Schlichter captures my feelings right now more eloquently than I can express.
Here's one of the key takeaways: Before we go further, we need to be clear because some folks are a bit sensitive when the subject of the ex-president comes up. Get over it. He works for us. We owe Trump nothing. He’s a politician. He owes us.
And another But the idea going around that all we need to do to get our Republican mojo back is to banish Trump is demonstrably wrong. It’s too convenient, and it puts off the deep and searching personal inventory we need to do as a party to figure out how we can start to get the checks in the boxes that have Rs next to them >50% of the time again.
We all know that if Trump does not win the nomination he will totally sandbag the person who does. After all, he was cool with calls for his Vice President to be hanged.
You created a monster. And now he is coming for you.
How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance? Jimmy Carter announced mid December 1974. He visited my college the following spring, but I did not go see him speak, not taking him seriously.
Never a dull moment huh? Oh wait Drago and Achilles vs. the squishes should be pretty fucking dull, or at least tedious. I would absolutely love to see the fucker win. He deserves it. That said, I think the rest of us deserve a bit more. Not sure if it is on offer though... Christ what a long road we have ahead of us. Who knows? Maybe Biden will lose what's left of his mind, or something really dramatic like a hammer attack, no wait. Reality will come up with things to amaze and amuse us I am sure. Taiwan I suspect. Ukraine is getting lively! FTX as a rerun of Epstein? Who is writing this shit? The whole season has jumped the shark in my opinion.
I think the GOPe will close many primaries and make it impossible for Trump supporters to participate. They will probably rig the primaries just like the Democrat party did.
Desantis will have zero chance in the general in that scenario and there will probably be a 3rd party.
But that is OK with the Romney wing of the Republican Party.
They will blame Trump for this failure too.
Just like they blamed Perot for George Bush losing.
Just like they blamed people for not voting for Mitt Romney.
Kurt Schlichter captures my feelings right now more eloquently than I can express.
Here's one of the key takeaways: Before we go further, we need to be clear because some folks are a bit sensitive when the subject of the ex-president comes up. Get over it. He works for us. We owe Trump nothing. He’s a politician. He owes us.
And another But the idea going around that all we need to do to get our Republican mojo back is to banish Trump is demonstrably wrong. It’s too convenient, and it puts off the deep and searching personal inventory we need to do as a party to figure out how we can start to get the checks in the boxes that have Rs next to them >50% of the time again.
I second this.
The process needs to be open and free wheeling. There are two scenarios where someone beats Trump:
1. Someone comes in and points out Trump trusted the GOPe and failed because he was too friendly with the corrupt DC establishment. They promise to good after the swamp with pliers and a blowtorch and to put shitheads like Biden and McConnell and Pelosi and Romney in jail for their obvious corruption.
2. The GOPe closes most primaries and restricts who can participate in the process shutting Trump supporters out.
Donald Trump gave money to both political parties as a business man, so someday he could become a fascist dictator who will destroy democracy and control us all until he decides to start WWIII.
I don't know what's going to happen in 2024 but I'm pretty confident there'll be a significant uptick in the number of spittle flecked keyboards and monitors in the next few days.
I'll make you this prediction. Trump will make statements about actual policies he intends to put in place. His opponents will not. Trump will behave as if America is in trouble. His opponents will behave as if Trump is in trouble. There will be tremendous and increasing problems all this winter for America, for Trump. And by spring the candidate who talks about solutions for America will pull ahead. We're no longer free to swirl about insulting each other and studying statistics from polling as if we were watching sports. It was fun. But it's over. By next spring we'll all know it. I predict.
Old fat rich deluded... The only thing Trump isn't is a Russian Asset. Hillary is a Russian asset.
I hope people stop going to his rallies and I hope all of his funding dries up. I hope his staff leaves him and the only person left standing is nerd Mike Huckabee. wow - loserville.
“How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance?”
An interesting point. Especially with all the blame for the midterms.
Regardless of how you feel about him, Trump has been President. Which means he knows interesting shit about all sorts of folks. It’ll be fun to see how that plays out in his campaign. Maybe it isn’t about the nomination. Maybe it’s about revenge.
So National Review editorial already out: No. Following report Murdoch told Trump he might endorse a Democrat, not one of the 2 encumbents, against 45.
I meant to add. Republicans have been fucking up sure things most of my voting life.
Its going to take 10 years, but Republicans need to go after the swing states, with the legislature and clean up the voting. Florida has a good template.
Once written, twice... said... "We all know that if Trump does not win the nomination he will totally sandbag the person who does. " No. No we don't. You don't either.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said... "get real excited... Trump polls even with dementia Joe. Real impressive, that is.. yessiree." Then don't vote for him. Why is this so difficult?
Will he be allowed on the ballot in all 50 states? Don't you think some states will try to keep him off? What if every blue state passes a law that says in order to appear on the presidential primary ballot you must collect 500 signatures and publish your last 10 years' tax records?
This will be entertaining. Funny how the announcement that the FBI cleared Trump of any wrongdoing related to the Mar-a-Lago raid got buried in the news yesterday. And another FBI cosplay drama folds its tent.
As the old line goes, "Everybody has to believe in something. I believe I'll have a beer."
That will be a good practice for the next year or so. I'm not wildly enthusiastic about Trump 2024 but I can wait and see what the primaries yield both on the GOP and the Democrat side.
As Kamala Harris has proven, you can be a lousy candidate (dropping out before the first Democrat primary), you can insult the eventual President in a debate (I was that little girl on the bus) and you can be a blithering idiot--and still wind up as Vice President.
Not running if he took classified docs to M-a-L - which he did. Pics are worth a thousand words. TFG signed the tougher penalty in the latest presidential docs legislation. I predict that Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC Circuit will get the case next year.
We await Judge Raymond Dearies' actions which will soil Judge Loose Cannon's pretty robe with shit just ahead of the 11th Circuit overruling the Trump judge.
Contrary to the expectations of some the media mostly refused to air the announcement.
I know that is shocking. They did comment though. For example MSNBC:
The opinion piece, disguised as news, stated, “Trump is already fomenting a bitter civil war in the Senate GOP caucus and may demand a Red Wedding in the House GOP caucus as well. This evening (with multiple possible indictments pending) he makes his presidential restoration campaign official.”
It was in the 2012 primary campaign season that I got banned from Powerline. I was just out of the Army and I wasn't much for taking crap from Romney supporters who are the same people attacking Trump now.
I am looking forward to this.
The real problem in DC is not the democrats. It is the Republicans. We have known this since the time Papa Bush forgot what his lips said and helped Democrats raise taxes. Since then Republicans have helped keep our borders open and raised government spending every chance they got.
Trump was not explicitly anti-GOPe in 2016. The only way to beat him in the primary now is to be even more explicitly anti-GOPe than Trump is.
I hope someone does that and beats him. I don't think it is likely though.
It is more likely the GOPe tries to shut Trump supporters out of the primaries.
I, like others, held my nose and voted for the Bushes, and McCain, and Romney and their milquetoast GOP, who wanted nothing more than to get along with and be thought well of by Democrats.
Meanwhile Democrats gleefully played for keeps, lurching ever leftward and going scorched earth on our values and institutions, until I’m now a stranger in my own country.
I went along with trade with policies which favored China and really anyone but the American worker, with the endless wars I was assured were important, and genteel responses to the gutting of our culture.
THEN came Trump. He was my last choice of the 17 or so in the primary. I thought he demeaned the process with his weird nicknames and namecalling, and childish taunts. But when he won the nomination I held my nose and voted for him, because - Mrs. Clinton!
As president, I focused on what he DID, rather than what he SAID, and liked him more and more. I did love how he treated the press. In the past, someone would call a Romney a racist and he’d hasten to explain and/or beg for forgiveness for being willfully misrepresented. Trump’s response was: fake news! I loved that, and the way he made liberal heads explode. I also admired, at first grudgingly and later whole-heartedly, the way he had taken on and beaten three wildly powerful entities: the media, the Democrats, and the GOPe
I don’t think he got anything resembling a fair chance as president. He was relentlessly pursued by one fake scandal after another; he fought the full force of the media, educational, and entertainment institutions; he was the plagued by disloyalty within his own party and even his administration; the Swamp was revealed to any who cared to see, in their full corruption, arrogance, and anti-democratic instincts. In 2020 I am convinced that he won the election and that he had every right to be pissed.
HOWEVER: I think both sides in the current Republican pissing contest are wrong, are destroying our chances of winning anything, and are playing into our enemies’ hands. Let’s save our hatred for them.
When you've lost William A. Jacobson and Don Surber
you've lost a lot of Trump supporters who, like Surber and Jacobson, still support and appreciate Trump, but recognize he's not a winning candidate in 2024.
So, if Trump is not the nominee in 2024, should he go scorched earth and run third party?
Readering said...How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance?
My question is, how often do folks announce they are running and then don’t run? That’s what my fingers are crossed for—that he’s angling for influence rather than office.
Some here have said that the GOPe may try to use closed primaries to try to disenfranchise Trump supporters. However, as a Floridian, I can tell you that isn't how closed primaries work. They simply require that you be registered as affiliated with the party you are voting for in the primaries. If you aren't registered as a Republican, you can't vote in the Florida Republican primary. However, you can change your party registration up until a few weeks before the election. If you want to be unaffiliated, you can vote in non-partisan elections in the primary, but not the partisan ones. If you are a Democrat, you can't cause mischief by voting for the Republican you think is most extreme and easiest to defeat, and vice versa. In Florida, almost all of the Trump supporters are already registered Republicans, and any Trump supporters who aren't can easily change their registration prior to the 2024 primary election. The GOPe would have to try a different tactic here.
"As president, I focused on what he DID, rather than what he SAID, and liked him more and more." The only president in my memory who hasn't actively screwed over the middle class and the poor. I'll vote for him again. So tell me never Trumpers. What did he do that damaged this country?
Now that he's in, I'm glad of it. Let this happen and let's see who comes out of it. We need to have this.
If DeSantis is to win, he'll have to do it by beating Trump. There is a part of me that is not sure DeSantis is ready for it (and a part of me that wants him to stay as our Governor). But there's another part of me that sees DeSantis as someone who is clearly a DC insider, yet has enough of an independent streak and a force of will to get a LOT of things done that we need done. He knows the system, knows how to work the system, and can focus on the work needed.
However, DeSantis will not be about draining the swamp. Trump, on the other hand, will be. And this time, with a vengeance. And the Swamp knows it. So they will use everything in their power, some of which we won't see, to keep Trump away from it. And that makes me pull for Trump.
If DeSantis wins, I'm fine with it. If it's Trump, he'll have earned it and I'll be fine with that. It will be a massive show to watch.
lonejustice said... Achilles wrote: "It was in the 2012 primary campaign season that I got banned from Powerline."
I've been reading and following Powerline for almost 20 years. If you got yourself banned from Powerline, you had to have been one really big asshole.
Power line is a running joke on the blog boards like this. There are many people who have been banned from there and it is the most insular community of Romney supporters on the internet outside of hotair.
You are new here. I recommend checking out Ace and Sundance at conservative treehouse at least once also.
Given the tenor and shallowness of your posts though I don’t think you can deal with information that challenges your beliefs and you will go back to your powerline bubble at some point.
"...If you are a Democrat, you can't cause mischief by voting for the Republican you think is most extreme and easiest to defeat, and vice versa...."
Unless you change your party affiliation from (D) to (R) in time to vote in the primary, or if you're a registered (R) but always vote (D). Then you can promote a straw candidate
I'm looking forward to a bruising republican primary with lots of candidates. If you want my vote don't just tell me what your platform is tell me how you are going to implement it. Talk is cheap get out there and fight!
We owe Trump a debt of gratitude for bringing the corruption of Democrats and their mediaswine consorts into the light.
Unfortunately, it appears he has also brought forth cosmic stupidity among a substantial portion of the electorate, particularly Democrat women and young people.
If he would bow out of 2024 gracefully, I suspect some of his legal trouble would go away and he could be an effective kingmaker.
The party of Reagan had 12 years and then it began to decline politically. In a lot of ways it also became the party of globalism (one of two). Reagan's name, like FDR's before him, no longer had the appeal to do much. Trump incorporated some of the criticisms of Reaganism and of the mad enthusiasm for global free markets, and that accounted for much of his appeal. He wouldn't have been able to achieve what he was able to, if he'd been always talking Reagan and Reaganism.
oh, my goodness, they showed the previous president on the news this morning ("the Florida man" as the POST calls him) and talk about sleepy, low energy Don. Yikes that was like a funeral I thought Melanie looked like her implants were going to fall out from that make believe smile. Well, there Ya go, good luck with the 4x loser (18,20,21,22) yikes "making the same mistakes and expecting different results" say it, insanity! C'mon man,gotta do better than that. Wager on McConnell rejecting Scott easy win paid $29.00 for every $2.00 bet(depends where you wagered.
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Selfish prick.
ignored by all the media? That would be glorious.
Pop the champagne corks, it looks like another Democrat President.
If it is between Trump and DeSantis, I'll vote for DeSantis.
If it is between DeSantis and some Democrat, I'll vote for DeSantis.
If it is between Trump and some Democrat, I'll vote for Trump.
BUT I SURE AS HELL WON'T VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT... our country can only take so many self inflected wounds.
Republicans had a long fruitful run as the Party of Reagan. And then long came Trump. (Who I don’t think has mentioned Reagan even once.) Crash and burn baby!
Ron the Second will defeat Dementia Don.
Pass it on.
Nope. Not this time
The ironic thing is that even if all of Trump's early endorsed candidates won last week, he would have gotten very little credit for it. MSM and Never Trumpers would have just said that Biden's negatives were what propelled those people to victory, that any Republican candidates would have won in this election. So it was high risk, low reward to begin with.
A 21st century Harold Stassen is born!
This video was shot 6 months, way before the story broke about a cryptocurrency going bust.
The signs were there and...
link to video
Apparently, people who know about finance and are supposed to tell the public what they know KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CRIPTO. The alternative is just too depressing to contemplate. Not to mention probably illegal to talk about.
I've been watching Nassim Taleb videos. He's probably looking at this cripto bust and saying 'See, I told you so" in Japanese.
Kari Lake is now available, fulltime, for the VP slot.
DOJ will indict Trump.
It’s a lock. Just like the Badgers will defeat the Corn on Saturday.
I'm in
Not just in, ALL in.
Gonna break my rule and send him $100 tomorrow if I can figure out how to donate to him instead of the republican party or subsidiary pacs.
Not donating to or through Act Red, either.
John Henry
get real excited... Trump polls even with dementia Joe. Real impressive, that is.. yessiree.
Anything can happen in two years. My plan is to sit back and chill for a bit.
"Dementia Don?" What are you talking about?
Kurt Schlichter captures my feelings right now more eloquently than I can express.
Here's one of the key takeaways: Before we go further, we need to be clear because some folks are a bit sensitive when the subject of the ex-president comes up. Get over it. He works for us. We owe Trump nothing. He’s a politician. He owes us.
And another But the idea going around that all we need to do to get our Republican mojo back is to banish Trump is demonstrably wrong. It’s too convenient, and it puts off the deep and searching personal inventory we need to do as a party to figure out how we can start to get the checks in the boxes that have Rs next to them >50% of the time again.
Foxconn Don.
We all know that if Trump does not win the nomination he will totally sandbag the person who does. After all, he was cool with calls for his Vice President to be hanged.
You created a monster. And now he is coming for you.
Once written,
You say "crash and burn" of the repos like if was Abad thing
If I thought or president emeritus could make that happen, I'd send$500
John Henry
When I moved from California to Georgia, I decided I wanted all my new doctors to be younger than me.
I’m now feeling the same about all my elected representatives- especially our next President.
How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance? Jimmy Carter announced mid December 1974. He visited my college the following spring, but I did not go see him speak, not taking him seriously.
This is to 1) pump up his warchest to pay his lawyers, 2) deflect upcoming litigation.
Republicans don’t do coronations. So good.
If they haven’t learned in two years time how to fight the fraud, then it won’t make a bit of difference who the Republican candidate is.
I hope he is humiliated. Everything is his fault.
Trump colluded with Russia and abandoned the American working class by selling them out to China.
Democrats are winning so much we will get tired of winning…thanks Trump.
Never a dull moment huh? Oh wait Drago and Achilles vs. the squishes should be pretty fucking dull, or at least tedious. I would absolutely love to see the fucker win. He deserves it. That said, I think the rest of us deserve a bit more. Not sure if it is on offer though... Christ what a long road we have ahead of us. Who knows? Maybe Biden will lose what's left of his mind, or something really dramatic like a hammer attack, no wait. Reality will come up with things to amaze and amuse us I am sure. Taiwan I suspect. Ukraine is getting lively! FTX as a rerun of Epstein? Who is writing this shit? The whole season has jumped the shark in my opinion.
Dave Begley said...
Ron the Second will defeat Dementia Don.
Pass it on.
I actually think this is likely.
I think the GOPe will close many primaries and make it impossible for Trump supporters to participate. They will probably rig the primaries just like the Democrat party did.
Desantis will have zero chance in the general in that scenario and there will probably be a 3rd party.
But that is OK with the Romney wing of the Republican Party.
They will blame Trump for this failure too.
Just like they blamed Perot for George Bush losing.
Just like they blamed people for not voting for Mitt Romney.
Please no primary season of 17 dwarves.
I hope for a clear choice between Trump and a single 'not-Trump' for most of the primary season.
Big Mike said...
Kurt Schlichter captures my feelings right now more eloquently than I can express.
Here's one of the key takeaways: Before we go further, we need to be clear because some folks are a bit sensitive when the subject of the ex-president comes up. Get over it. He works for us. We owe Trump nothing. He’s a politician. He owes us.
And another But the idea going around that all we need to do to get our Republican mojo back is to banish Trump is demonstrably wrong. It’s too convenient, and it puts off the deep and searching personal inventory we need to do as a party to figure out how we can start to get the checks in the boxes that have Rs next to them >50% of the time again.
I second this.
The process needs to be open and free wheeling. There are two scenarios where someone beats Trump:
1. Someone comes in and points out Trump trusted the GOPe and failed because he was too friendly with the corrupt DC establishment. They promise to good after the swamp with pliers and a blowtorch and to put shitheads like Biden and McConnell and Pelosi and Romney in jail for their obvious corruption.
2. The GOPe closes most primaries and restricts who can participate in the process shutting Trump supporters out.
The first option has a path to victory.
The second option seems more likely.
Donald Trump gave money to both political parties as a business man, so someday he could become a fascist dictator who will destroy democracy and control us all until he decides to start WWIII.
I don't know what's going to happen in 2024 but I'm pretty confident there'll be a significant uptick in the number of spittle flecked keyboards and monitors in the next few days.
I'll make you this prediction. Trump will make statements about actual policies he intends to put in place. His opponents will not. Trump will behave as if America is in trouble. His opponents will behave as if Trump is in trouble. There will be tremendous and increasing problems all this winter for America, for Trump. And by spring the candidate who talks about solutions for America will pull ahead. We're no longer free to swirl about insulting each other and studying statistics from polling as if we were watching sports. It was fun. But it's over. By next spring we'll all know it. I predict.
Old fat rich deluded...
The only thing Trump isn't is a Russian Asset.
Hillary is a Russian asset.
I hope people stop going to his rallies and I hope all of his funding dries up. I hope his staff leaves him and the only person left standing is nerd Mike Huckabee. wow - loserville.
“How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance?”
An interesting point. Especially with all the blame for the midterms.
Regardless of how you feel about him, Trump has been President. Which means he knows interesting shit about all sorts of folks. It’ll be fun to see how that plays out in his campaign. Maybe it isn’t about the nomination. Maybe it’s about revenge.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
Republicans don’t do coronations. So good.
I think you are likely to be wrong about this.
If they haven’t learned in two years time how to fight the fraud, then it won’t make a bit of difference who the Republican candidate is.
This is truth.
So National Review editorial already out: No. Following report Murdoch told Trump he might endorse a Democrat, not one of the 2 encumbents, against 45.
It’s like Hitler himself is trying to become the next Grover Cleveland by pretending to be Teddy Roosevelt.
Looks to me like Abbott has upstaged him. The governors appear to be calling the shots now. I hope.
Even if he doesn’t win he just made America great again.
I have to agree.
The problem of the Republican Party is not Trump
I meant to add. Republicans have been fucking up sure things most of my voting life.
Its going to take 10 years, but Republicans need to go after the swing states, with the legislature and clean up the voting. Florida has a good template.
Once written, twice... said...
"We all know that if Trump does not win the nomination he will totally sandbag the person who does. "
No. No we don't. You don't either.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"get real excited... Trump polls even with dementia Joe. Real impressive, that is.. yessiree."
Then don't vote for him. Why is this so difficult?
Blogger Breezy said...
"Anything can happen in two years. My plan is to sit back and chill for a bit."
Sanest thing posted yet.
Will he be allowed on the ballot in all 50 states? Don't you think some states will try to keep him off? What if every blue state passes a law that says in order to appear on the presidential primary ballot you must collect 500 signatures and publish your last 10 years' tax records?
Blaming Trump
Solway is right
effinayright said...
"A 21st century Harold Stassen is born!"
No that would be Stacey Abrams & Beato
This will be entertaining. Funny how the announcement that the FBI cleared Trump of any wrongdoing related to the Mar-a-Lago raid got buried in the news yesterday. And another FBI cosplay drama folds its tent.
As the old line goes, "Everybody has to believe in something. I believe I'll have a beer."
That will be a good practice for the next year or so. I'm not wildly enthusiastic about Trump 2024 but I can wait and see what the primaries yield both on the GOP and the Democrat side.
As Kamala Harris has proven, you can be a lousy candidate (dropping out before the first Democrat primary), you can insult the eventual President in a debate (I was that little girl on the bus) and you can be a blithering idiot--and still wind up as Vice President.
I'll wait and see what happens.
Just in the nick of time. Isn't the election just around the corner?
And Ivanka doesn't want to be involved, i.e. she's opposed.
Not running if he took classified docs to M-a-L - which he did. Pics are worth a thousand words. TFG signed the tougher penalty in the latest presidential docs legislation. I predict that Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC Circuit will get the case next year.
We await Judge Raymond Dearies' actions which will soil Judge Loose Cannon's pretty robe with shit just ahead of the 11th Circuit overruling the Trump judge.
Paul said...
BUT I SURE AS HELL WON'T VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT... our country can only take so many self inflected wounds.
Self inflected wounds must be really bad.
Contrary to the expectations of some the media mostly refused to air the announcement.
I know that is shocking. They did comment though. For example MSNBC:
The opinion piece, disguised as news, stated, “Trump is already fomenting a bitter civil war in the Senate GOP caucus and may demand a Red Wedding in the House GOP caucus as well. This evening (with multiple possible indictments pending) he makes his presidential restoration campaign official.”
It was in the 2012 primary campaign season that I got banned from Powerline. I was just out of the Army and I wasn't much for taking crap from Romney supporters who are the same people attacking Trump now.
I am looking forward to this.
The real problem in DC is not the democrats. It is the Republicans. We have known this since the time Papa Bush forgot what his lips said and helped Democrats raise taxes. Since then Republicans have helped keep our borders open and raised government spending every chance they got.
Trump was not explicitly anti-GOPe in 2016. The only way to beat him in the primary now is to be even more explicitly anti-GOPe than Trump is.
I hope someone does that and beats him. I don't think it is likely though.
It is more likely the GOPe tries to shut Trump supporters out of the primaries.
As long as Republicans don't run 6 identical guys against Trump again, he has a huge fight ahead.
Well. Seems like he can run, but he can't hide.
Readering: "How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance? Jimmy Carter announced mid December 1974."
1974 is probably the best timeframe to select to determine proper announcement timing in.....(checks notes)....2022.
Thanks readering. Finger on the pulse once again.
Where did Joementia disapear to? Rumbly in the tumbly?
D.D. Driver said...
Foxconn Don.
Joementia killing our domestic energy supply and driving up inflation?
GTFOH you moron.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "get real excited... Trump polls even with dementia Joe. Real impressive, that is.. yessiree"
Sounds like he should be easy to defeat. What a great break for Team GOPe! Now get out there and Fight For A Better GOPe Future! Join Up Now to Create A Primary Campaign To Save The World From OrangeManBad! Everyone Is Doing Their Part!
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "ignored by all the media? That would be glorious."
Yes yes. By all means lets adhere to the New Soviet Democratical press practices of ignoring republican candidates!
Another Hard Core GOPe-er Self Identifies.
USA === running for
UK === standing for
what accounts for usage variation?
"No. To paraphrase Voltaire after he attended an orgy, once was an experiment, twice would be perverse." ~National Review
"No. To paraphrase Voltaire after he attended an orgy, once was an experiment, twice would be perverse." National Review
This whole thing makes me sick.
I, like others, held my nose and voted for the Bushes, and McCain, and Romney and their milquetoast GOP, who wanted nothing more than to get along with and be thought well of by Democrats.
Meanwhile Democrats gleefully played for keeps, lurching ever leftward and going scorched earth on our values and institutions, until I’m now a stranger in my own country.
I went along with trade with policies which favored China and really anyone but the American worker, with the endless wars I was assured were important, and genteel responses to the gutting of our culture.
THEN came Trump. He was my last choice of the 17 or so in the primary. I thought he demeaned the process with his weird nicknames and namecalling, and childish taunts. But when he won the nomination I held my nose and voted for him, because - Mrs. Clinton!
As president, I focused on what he DID, rather than what he SAID, and liked him more and more. I did love how he treated the press. In the past, someone would call a Romney a racist and he’d hasten to explain and/or beg for forgiveness for being willfully misrepresented. Trump’s response was: fake news! I loved that, and the way he made liberal heads explode. I also admired, at first grudgingly and later whole-heartedly, the way he had taken on and beaten three wildly powerful entities: the media, the Democrats, and the GOPe
I don’t think he got anything resembling a fair chance as president. He was relentlessly pursued by one fake scandal after another; he fought the full force of the media, educational, and entertainment institutions; he was the plagued by disloyalty within his own party and even his administration; the Swamp was revealed to any who cared to see, in their full corruption, arrogance, and anti-democratic instincts. In 2020 I am convinced that he won the election and that he had every right to be pissed.
HOWEVER: I think both sides in the current Republican pissing contest are wrong, are destroying our chances of winning anything, and are playing into our enemies’ hands. Let’s save our hatred for them.
When you've lost William A. Jacobson
and Don Surber
you've lost a lot of Trump supporters who, like Surber and Jacobson, still support and appreciate Trump, but recognize he's not a winning candidate in 2024.
So, if Trump is not the nominee in 2024, should he go scorched earth and run third party?
Trump made me realize that I hate neocons more than democrats and that I made mistakes every time I voted for a Bush.
Readering said...How often do folks announce they are running this far in advance?
My question is, how often do folks announce they are running and then don’t run? That’s what my fingers are crossed for—that he’s angling for influence rather than office.
“ Democrats are winning so much we will get tired of winning…thanks Trump.”
Unfortunately, every single Democrat win (Afghanistan, etc) has been a loss for America.
It's act 3. Women are more against him than ever.
Some here have said that the GOPe may try to use closed primaries to try to disenfranchise Trump supporters. However, as a Floridian, I can tell you that isn't how closed primaries work. They simply require that you be registered as affiliated with the party you are voting for in the primaries. If you aren't registered as a Republican, you can't vote in the Florida Republican primary. However, you can change your party registration up until a few weeks before the election. If you want to be unaffiliated, you can vote in non-partisan elections in the primary, but not the partisan ones. If you are a Democrat, you can't cause mischief by voting for the Republican you think is most extreme and easiest to defeat, and vice versa. In Florida, almost all of the Trump supporters are already registered Republicans, and any Trump supporters who aren't can easily change their registration prior to the 2024 primary election. The GOPe would have to try a different tactic here.
I see Trump has gadfly hot and bothered. They should get a room.
"As president, I focused on what he DID, rather than what he SAID, and liked him more and more."
The only president in my memory who hasn't actively screwed over the middle class and the poor. I'll vote for him again.
So tell me never Trumpers. What did he do that damaged this country?
Now that he's in, I'm glad of it. Let this happen and let's see who comes out of it. We need to have this.
If DeSantis is to win, he'll have to do it by beating Trump. There is a part of me that is not sure DeSantis is ready for it (and a part of me that wants him to stay as our Governor). But there's another part of me that sees DeSantis as someone who is clearly a DC insider, yet has enough of an independent streak and a force of will to get a LOT of things done that we need done. He knows the system, knows how to work the system, and can focus on the work needed.
However, DeSantis will not be about draining the swamp. Trump, on the other hand, will be. And this time, with a vengeance. And the Swamp knows it. So they will use everything in their power, some of which we won't see, to keep Trump away from it. And that makes me pull for Trump.
If DeSantis wins, I'm fine with it. If it's Trump, he'll have earned it and I'll be fine with that. It will be a massive show to watch.
Achilles wrote: "It was in the 2012 primary campaign season that I got banned from Powerline."
I've been reading and following Powerline for almost 20 years. If you got yourself banned from Powerline, you had to have been one really big asshole.
Get'em. Get'em good Donny. Make them suffer.
lonejustice said...
Achilles wrote: "It was in the 2012 primary campaign season that I got banned from Powerline."
I've been reading and following Powerline for almost 20 years. If you got yourself banned from Powerline, you had to have been one really big asshole.
Power line is a running joke on the blog boards like this. There are many people who have been banned from there and it is the most insular community of Romney supporters on the internet outside of hotair.
You are new here. I recommend checking out Ace and Sundance at conservative treehouse at least once also.
Given the tenor and shallowness of your posts though I don’t think you can deal with information that challenges your beliefs and you will go back to your powerline bubble at some point.
Clyde said...
"...If you are a Democrat, you can't cause mischief by voting for the Republican you think is most extreme and easiest to defeat, and vice versa...."
Unless you change your party affiliation from (D) to (R) in time to vote in the primary, or if you're a registered (R) but always vote (D). Then you can promote a straw candidate
Regardless of who the Republican nominee is, if they can't get more than 81 million votes they don't have a chance.
D.D. Driver said...
Foxconn Don.
Joementia killing our domestic energy supply and driving up inflation?
GTFOH you moron.
Do you like Taiwan Don better? I sort of like the ring of Taiwan Don now that you mention it.
I'm looking forward to a bruising republican primary with lots of candidates. If you want my vote don't just tell me what your platform is tell me how you are going to implement it.
Talk is cheap get out there and fight!
We owe Trump a debt of gratitude for bringing the corruption of Democrats and their mediaswine consorts into the light.
Unfortunately, it appears he has also brought forth cosmic stupidity among a substantial portion of the electorate, particularly Democrat women and young people.
If he would bow out of 2024 gracefully, I suspect some of his legal trouble would go away and he could be an effective kingmaker.
The party of Reagan had 12 years and then it began to decline politically. In a lot of ways it also became the party of globalism (one of two). Reagan's name, like FDR's before him, no longer had the appeal to do much. Trump incorporated some of the criticisms of Reaganism and of the mad enthusiasm for global free markets, and that accounted for much of his appeal. He wouldn't have been able to achieve what he was able to, if he'd been always talking Reagan and Reaganism.
Thankfully, I didn't know about this until I logged on this morning. Had plenty of other things to do yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Pretty much how I'm going to treat the next 18 months.
Democrats are winning so much we will get tired of winning
Nobody tell this moron who controls the US House of Representatives.
If you got yourself banned from Powerline, you had to have been one really big asshole.
Or offend Paul Mirengoff's tender sensibilities.
He did a piece on professional sports taking sides on the culture wars and going woke. Incredulously, he said ESPN has/had stayed out of it.
I kindly suggested he pull his head out as ESPN was leading the charge.
If that's being one, really big asshole ... so be it.
oh, my goodness, they showed the previous president on the news this morning ("the Florida man" as the POST calls him) and talk about sleepy, low energy Don. Yikes that was like a funeral I thought Melanie looked like her implants were going to fall out from that make believe smile. Well, there Ya go, good luck with the 4x loser (18,20,21,22) yikes "making the same mistakes and expecting different results" say it, insanity! C'mon man,gotta do better than that. Wager on McConnell rejecting Scott easy win paid $29.00 for every $2.00 bet(depends where you wagered.
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