November 16, 2022

"Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie received huge applause at an annual meeting of Republican governors Tuesday morning after blaming former President Trump for GOP failures in the last three elections...."

"The chorus of Republican office-holders calling for the GOP to move on from Trump is growing louder, driving the party to the brink of civil war just as the former president prepares to announce his 2024 comeback bid.... Christie, a former Trump ally who is now considering his own 2024 presidential campaign, said voters 'rejected crazy' in the 2022 midterms and that Republicans lost because of bad candidates. But he didn't just harp on last week's disappointing results: Republicans lost in 2018, 2020 and 2022, Christie said, with Trump the one constant who has weighed the party down across all three election cycles...."

Axios reports.


wendybar said...

Chris Christie was my Governor, and he sucked. He can suck eggs. He is a Rino. PERIOD. I don't care what these Politicians say, Trump works for us, which is more than I can say for any of THEM.

hawkeyedjb said...

For various reasons, certainly including Trump endorsements, almost all statewide offices in Arizona are held by Democrats. Losing in the name of purity is not a strategy.

Esteban said...

Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party since Obama showed up.

RideSpaceMountain said...

As if it's going to matter to me and and millions like me in 2024. I will vote for Trump. I will vote for Desantis. I would even vote for Jeb. I will not vote future of mandatory castration and government-issued pedophiles for my children.

wendybar said...

Progressives CHEATED in 2020 and 2022....and Christie is too busy bitching about Trump when the election fraud SHOULD be the topic. But NOOOOO...Rinos, gotta Rino and cave to the Progressives so they can keep their grift going.

Gusty Winds said...

Rather than address voter fraud, absentee ballot harvesting, and post election ballot curing, these morons are going to stick with the destroy Trump effort while they destroy themselves simultaneously. Kick ass!!!

rhhardin said...

The police used to weigh down crime too.

Gusty Winds said...

Rather than address voter fraud, absentee ballot harvesting, and post election ballot curing, these morons are going to stick with the destroy Trump effort while they destroy themselves simultaneously. Kick ass!!!

One party rule...pretending to be two parties.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I listened to s small batch of Trumps remarks. There is nothing out of Trump's mouth that is inspiring. He sounds lie a lazy old used car salesman. He uses the same tired phrases. I do not get the appeal.

Achilles said...


Let the red wedding begin. Nothing gets better until we remove the CoC.

Gahrie said...

The GOPe rears its ugly head once more....

Jaq said...

The man who demolished the storied “blue wall.”

Germany just invalidated an election over the same kind of issues we saw in AZ and PA, Btw, long lines of voters who could not vote due to lack of ballots like PA saw, which situation the “printer setting,” problem in AZ created as well.

Captain BillieBob said...

No one should listen to or take advise from Christie. Another corrupt Rino braying for attention. And he was a terrible governor.

Jaq said...

“ listened to s small batch of Trumps remarks. There is nothing out of Trump's mouth that is inspiring”

I am just curious if you see the logical flaw in your statement, and who curated the small selection of clips you watched.

Mr. Majestyk said...

This growing chorus of voices to move on from Trump because he somehow caused electoral setbacks in three straight elections (nevermind Democrat cheating and the united opposition of the MSM, Swamp, and Deep State) has the same feel as the claims after the 2020 election, quietly at first, that the Russians had "hacked" the election, which
then morphed into the louder and more absurd claim that Trump had "colluded" with the Russians to steal the election. They both have a "we'll say anything to get rid of Trump" vibe to them.

Amadeus 48 said...

I have been saying this since 2021. He lost the House in 2018. He lost the presidency in 2020. He lost the Senate in 2021. And he just did it again.

He is a loser.

Leland said...

I'd be happy for Trump to move on, but Trump won an election in 2016. When was the last time Christie won an election? Christie has been a part of the GOP longer than Trump, and until Trump came along, the GOP hadn't won the Presidency since 2004.

As I learn more about the duplicity of the GOP establishment in losing this election; I'm ready to vote strong in the primary and ignore all incumbents.

narciso said...

Go back under your bridge stay puft

John henry said...

Taking back the House is a "failure"?

What has Christie ever accomplished in his life?

John Henry lgbtq

Kate said...

I can't remember who said that DeSantis will run because he learned from Christie not to let the moment pass you by when your star is rising. It will never come again.

tim maguire said...

Chris Christie has no political future.

With his trademark brusqueness, Christie told state residents how they could enjoy the beach. "Run for governor, and you can have a residence there," he said.

Republicans listen to him at their peril.

Michael K said...

It sounds like they prefer the McConnell minority plan. Get rid of those icky Trump voters and relax. The graft will still flow.

Howard said...

Will the DNC support Trump in his nomination bid like they did for the little trumpies in the Republic Party primaries.

Big Mike said...

Was Chris Christie a better governor than Phil Murphy? From where I sit that’s a pretty low bar, but it’s not clear that Christie exceeded it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL then obviously Trump is finished.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Oh dear, civil war!

This kind of thing actually makes me think that Trump will win the nomination. As the GOPe are so determined to be fish-like flaccid and clueless. If they think that’s going to play with their base, they’re out of their tiny minds.

You can’t win a fight without throwing punches. Which of the GOP hopefuls do you think is most likely to come out swinging?

Achilles said...

Gusty Winds (Parody) said...

Rather than address voter fraud, absentee ballot harvesting, and post election ballot curing, these morons are going to stick with the destroy Trump effort while they destroy themselves simultaneously. Kick ass!!!

Their only goal now is to distract Republican voters from the truth. They have always been on the other side.

Arizona was openly and blatantly stolen and it was done by McCain republicans.

Nothing changes until we get rid of the McCain Republicans.

We have to get rid of the traitors and start collecting ballots.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Another political maxim is the farther you get from a lost election, it becomes less about who’s to blame on your side, and more about who you need to defeat on their side. The early carpers get trampled and forgotten as the new contest takes shape.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“For various reasons, certainly including Trump endorsements, almost all statewide offices in Arizona are held by Democrats. Losing in the name of purity is not a strategy.”

Laying supine in the face of fraud also not a strategy.

jim5301 said...

Hard to see Trump not getting the nomination. An indictment, which appears to be a sure thing, will only help his odds. Christie? Pence? Don't think so. DeSantis has about as much charisma as Scott Walker (though he is meaner which I guess is a positive in these days) so I don't see him getting there either.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim in Vermont.

It was an international news station featured on PBS. There was no American bias, which I am very sensitive to. I cannot stand our American press. They played the full clip of Trump speaking.

I didn't find anything out of his mouth to be inspirational. Just his typical shtick.

Drago said...

Howard: "Will the DNC support Trump in his nomination bid like they did for the little trumpies in the Republic Party primaries."

The New Soviet Democraticals had plenty of cash from the corrupt FTX organization to the tune of several billion so, if the ill-gotten cash is simply lying around over at DNC/Soros/Groomer headquarters, its no big deal to toss $2.5M to McConnell and get him to continue attacking republicans.

Drago said...

Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "I listened to s small batch of Trumps remarks. There is nothing out of Trump's mouth that is inspiring. He sounds lie a lazy old used car salesman. He uses the same tired phrases. I do not get the appeal."

Most GOPe-er Christie-humpers don't get the Trump appeal so don't feel as though you are alone.

The "Trump appeal" is that Trump is the only political figure in several generations to fight tooth and nail for the policies that the majority of the republican base want instead of what the globlist America-Last funders want.

It's really that simple, which is why you don't get it and never will.

BTW, those America-Last funders are solidly behind DeSantis.


It's probably because they know DeSantis will deliver the Trump policies they despise without Trump's baggage...........(wink wink).....

Lurker21 said...

Republicans did pick up seats in the House in 2020 and 2022, and there's plenty of blame to go around for this year's failure to retake the Senate. I don't believe Trump can win or should run either, but can't help noticing the overlap between anti-Trump rhetoric (He's a loser) and Trump's own rhetoric. Trump is an example of where we are as a country. We're all more or less in the same vulgar, fallen, human boat, and Trump becomes the scapegoat that we blame for what we've become, thinking that if we expel him we prove our righteousness and worthiness.

rcocean said...

Yes, Christie ran in 2016, got 14 percent in NH, and dropped out. And no one cared. And no one will care if he runs in 2024. His ego is even bigger than his fat stomach and his fat head.

BTW, Christie is guy who is responsible for FBI director Christopher Wray. He told Trump, the guy was "Super" and "The best pick for the job" based on personal knowledge. Christie was also responsible for a WH staffing plan that got scotched in 2016, when Trump found out Christie wanted to staff the WH with RINO's and Democrats.

This is leaving aside that Christie couldn't get elected Dog catcher in NJ after he left office with a 17 percent approval rating! WHy this buffoon is always in the news, despite not holding elected office for 4 years is beyond me.

rcocean said...

Basically, the RINOs and GOP establishment is doubling down on their previous behavior. Stop Trump and if that means handing over the Presidency to Kam Harris or Biden, so be it. Given Trump's 4 years in office, all the scaremnogering is silly.

hombre said...

Trump's biggest mistake was to appoint Sessions A.G. If he had appointed Christie it would have shut him up, the FBI would be cleaned up and Hillary would be a convicted felon.

rcocean said...

Why they just can't shut up and stop attacking Trump is beyond. Its not like the MSM isn't attacking TRump 24/7. but they have to pile on, to make sure the party is split and loses in 2024. Traitors or morons? YOu make the call.

hombre said...

The uniparty abides!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim In Vermont:

I am just curious if you see the logical flaw in your statement.

What is the logical flaw? I'm not allowed an opinion that wanders of the pro-Trump plantation?
Please enlighten me.

Rit said...

New Jersey is a blue-screen-of-death disaster. Corrupt through and through, and with perhaps the worst overall tax burden in the nation. When we do elect a republican as governor they are nearly always good talkers who at best manage to accomplish nothing and at times actually make things worse. Chris Christie and Christine Whitman are fine examples.

In some ways it's excusable as the voters who live in the northern part of the state virtually ensure that any republican who does win as governor will always be a lame duck with no legislative support. And like most plagues, the northern of our species have been migrating south and bringing their disastrous policies with them.

I voted for Chris Christie twice because the alternative is more often than not vile and corrupt politicians like Jim McGreevy, Jon Corzine, and Murphy. But, I ignored Christie in the 2016 primary and will continue to ignore him going forward. He is not someone you want as your president.

Rit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
D.D. Driver said...

We have to get rid of the traitors and start collecting ballots.

I don't think the GOP joining the dems will work. Each party has its own "cattle" it has get to the polls. The dems cattle live in population dense areas. It's easier to load their cattle onto a bus, or to send a lackey through the neighborhood to collect ballots from the democrat's cattle. The GOP's working class cattle live in suburban and rural areas. There will never be the same bang for your buck.

Elections are not about who has the most popular support. Elections are 100% about logistics. Call centers, ride shares, drop boxes. This is why the democrats love early voting. It's not "too hard" to vote on election day. But by spreading out voting its gives them more time to send harassing text emails and drive around "reminding" people to vote. The people they are collection votes from wouldn't bother unless you show up at their doorstep with a ballot. If one college lackey can collect 50 ballots a day, then adding two extra weeks of "early voting" means that lackey can round up another 700 votes for the "good guys." Do the math if there are fleets of thousands of college lackeys. It's rigged system. The dems aren't committing "voter fraud." They don't need to! The system is rigged!

We need comprehensive reform on GOTV campaigns. Political parties, candidates, PACs, etc. should NOT be allowed to do GOTV campaigns. There is too much mischief. This is should be the work of non-political groups. There should be some regulation on how political parties collect and use voter personal information. There should be a lot more disclosure of who is doing what and why so voters can understand whether the helpful "election ambassador" has a hidden agenda.

I also roll my eyes at the "there's too much money in politics" people who have no problem using a billionaire's money to give free "uber rides" to voters in their creepy database.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pro-Democxrat Trump Humpers, like the endless prattle delusional Trump Humper Twins, - think they can insult their way to a glorious Trump win. You will support Trump - or you will be insulted. and not even with accurate insults - just hot garbage.

Winston said...

"Get rid of the McCain Republicans". Now, there's a strategy. Didn't Lake do that when she told them to get the hell out? Well, that worked out well, didn't it. All this kill-the-Rino talk in this thread is so, so special. It's about as self-righteous as some of our lunatic leftist counterparts. We have some weak sisters in our tent, boo hoo. While it may be comforting to execute ones own underperforming troops, it will just land is back to where we are right now. Without unity we are dead (Tsun zu probably said that).

Without actually coldly analyzing the problem and adapting to reality, we are also dead. In AZ, I am told the registered voter turnout was around 55% (except for my county where it was closer to 75%)---in a vote by mail election. Why aren't we screaming about that lost opportunity rather than moaning about McCain (he's dead, Jim) or the plague of Rinos. Why aren't we ramping up to appeal to Libertarians? Why, if the other side cheats, are we not ramping up to cheat better?

The Trump question will be settled in the primaries. Will the GOP circular firing squad predictably reassemble then to excoriate the less than pure Republicans? Time will tell, but unless we unify, as distasteful as that seems, we are done and the country along with us.

Tina Trent said...

Christie's shtick is older than Trump's.

Trumpism is on the rise throughout Western countries confronted hard and good with rampant reality, even if Trump himself might should recuse himself and serve his own movement in a better way.

Kevin said...

Chris Christie already had his close-up.

It wasn't pretty.

rcocean said...

If you live in New Joisey, CHristie may be the best you can do. Frankly, I think voting for a moderate Republican (aka the lesser of two evils) in blue state isn't the way to go. Its a better bet to nominate a true hard core rightwinger, because then if you win you actually get someone in office who will be conservative.

Voting for Christie or Whitman just means things keep getting worse, just more slowly. Whitman has spent 20 years crying about "its my party too" and attacking other Republicans. Maybe it would be better if the liberals/moderate Republicans in the Northest just formed their own party. Call it the "Big Business Democrat" party. Should be a winner!

Achilles said...

Michael K said...

It sounds like they prefer the McConnell minority plan. Get rid of those icky Trump voters and relax. The graft will still flow.

Perot voters were the first to figure this out.

Bush W and Obama are teaming up to fight disinformation right now.

This is the first battle that needs to be fought. It is time for the CoC/GOPe to go be democrats.

We will replace them 10 to 1 with democrat voters and minorities that don't want to be replaced by illegal immigrants at their jobs and don't want to go to war with Russia so Mitt Romney and Joe Biden can launder our tax money through Ukraine.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Anything Christie doesn't know about failure probably isn't worth knowing.

iowantwo said...


Fighting for all they're worth, to stay firmly ensconced in the Minority. Happy with the title of 'Ranking' member, on whatever committee they get assigned to. A safe lucrative position, where they can freely blame others, and never actually work for the people.

Sebastian said...

"Trump the one constant who has weighed the party down across all three election cycles"

Correct. Doesn't mean the Christies in the GOP would have done better as national leader.

Will Trump have any actual Republicans, any governors or members of Congress, supporting him in the near future? Pompeo aside, his personnel was pretty lousy the first time--if he gets close to the nomination or actual election at all, who's gonna work for him?

The bad vibes point to a possible third-party spoiler run. Dems rejoice.

hombre said...

I spend a significant amount of time on conservative news blogs, etc., every day and I am just now hearing the BS about how DeSantis is a uniparty tool.

Is there a Media Matters for Trump supporters?

Jefferson's Revenge said...

My memory of Christie from a neighboring state was that he started out well and directly confronted the teachers unions but after a few years didn't do much of anything because he wanted to run for President. He had a few good years in the beginning.

hombre said...

Trump's defeat of Hillary taught Democrats about the price of complacency.

Just as they retained the Senate and defeated Kari Lake they will retain the Presidency. Sophisticated cheating in carefully chosen metro areas coupled with manipulation of the rules by Soros-funded secs of state and other deep staters will do the trick. So long as they control the black metropolitan vote the field is theirs.

When Democrats can elect the likes of QuidProJoe, Kamala, Fetterman, Kate Brown (Oregon),

hombre said...

Trump's defeat of Hillary taught Democrats about the price of complacency.

Just as they retained the Senate and defeated Kari Lake they will continue to retain the Presidency. Sophisticated cheating in carefully chosen metro areas coupled with manipulation of the rules by Soros-funded secs of state and other deep staters will do the trick. So long as they control the black metropolitan vote the field is theirs.

When Democrats can willingly vote for mediocrities like QuidProJoe, Kamala, Fetterman, Kate Brown (Oregon), Katie Hobbs and Gretchen Whitmer the stupidity of a sizable portion of the electorate makes cheating easier.

JAORE said...

I've heard this tune before.

Christie, and any others who blast Trump, will be treated well.... until they win the nomination.

Then, like that old maverick McCain, they will transform to Nazi, hateful racists.

And, FWIW, I wish Trump was not running.

Inga said...

Trumpists and extremists have been yammering for a civil war for years, now they have one in their own house. Couldn’t have happened to more deserving people. Why did the normal Republicans not have more courage to stand up to the Trumpist scourge?

Drago said...

rcocean: "Given Trump's 4 years in office, all the scaremnogering is silly."

Even the Althouse GOPe-ers are flitting about and pretending Trump didnt deliver conservative policies during his 4 years. They have completely reverted to 2015/16 talking points.

One of the Althouse GOPe-ers literally said Trump was just like Charlie Crist!

And they say they are the serious and realistic ones.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"Losing in the name of purity is not a strategy."

That's the GOPe strategy, so I would say it IS a strategy.

The GOPe sees their opportunity to run fake conservatives from the uniparty and regain their seat at the grifter table by giving MAGA the Tea Party treatment. It ain't gonna be pretty, but it will ensure that the GOPe hands the White House and Congress back to the anti-American Democrat party in 2024.

Yinzer said...

Apparently Stalin said 'it does not matter who votes, but who counts the votes'. Arizona basically allowed the democrat candidate for governor count the votes. It always seems that democrats are counting the votes. I am tired of seeing republicans ahead on election night, only to see the lead disappear as various late votes appear, and always just enough to make it look close but enough of a win that a mandatory recount is not triggered. Saw this play out in my own district with Neal Parrott having a substantial lead over Dave Trone only to eventually lose 51-49. but if you dare to mention this, you are a denier!

Yinzer said...

Apparently Stalin said 'it does not matter who votes, but who counts the votes'. Arizona basically allowed the democrat candidate for governor count the votes. It always seems that democrats are counting the votes. I am tired of seeing republicans ahead on election night, only to see the lead disappear as various late votes appear, and always just enough to make it look close but enough of a win that a mandatory recount is not triggered. Saw this play out in my own district with Neal Parrott having a substantial lead over Dave Trone only to eventually lose 51-49. but if you dare to mention this, you are a denier!

Yinzer said...

To Hunter's Hooker; so you need a tingle sent up your leg to get your vote? What exactly are you looking to hear that would do that for you? Undoing Biden's damage may not be exciting, but it is what we need.

Drago said...

Yinzer: "To Hunter's Hooker; so you need a tingle sent up your leg to get your vote? What exactly are you looking to hear that would do that for you?"

Probably something like this:

"Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says his vision for the future of the GOP is “remarkably similar” to Mitch McConnell’s, according to Politico."

That makes the entire GOPe perk up and get happy.

veni vidi vici said...

Office holders are one thing; let's see how the GOP base/electorate feels.

Rabel said...

"I can't remember who said that DeSantis will run because he learned from Christie not to let the moment pass you by when your star is rising. It will never come again."

Announcing a run for President soon after running for and winning the Governor's job in Florida will not be a good look for DeSantis.

rcocean said...

we need that crucial McCain-Liz cheney vote to win. Maybe cindy mccain can help once she gets through with her job given to her by Joe Biden. Or maybe Liz cheney can help, when she can can spare a moment, between trying to elect democrats and attacking Republicans.

Or maybe mitt romney can help us win. Unless he's decided to help some Democrat/idependent who he likes. Like Egg McMuffin.

And of course, there are all those Blue state Republicans who never win anything. A vital demograhpic indeed. if only we can get get christie or hogan in Md or that guy in Mass to help us. Of course, by "Help" i mean lose their states in 2024 by less than usual.

Rabel said...

One thing I'm certain about is that for the next two years there will be an ever increasing amount of never-Trump fakery in internet comment sections.

Drago said...

hombre: "I spend a significant amount of time on conservative news blogs, etc., every day and I am just now hearing the BS about how DeSantis is a uniparty tool."

There is nothing secretive about this. Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy's people have been coordinating with DeSantis for some time now and that has led to the influx of over $200M to DeSantis coffers from all the bigtime heavy GOPe/globalist funders.

Ken Griffen, one of those very wall street/hedge fund types who never supported Trump's economic, immigration or foreign affairs policies laid it out quite explicitly in a Politico interview just last week:

"WASHINGTON DC – […] While he’s supporting one of this cycle’s biggest culture warriors in DeSantis, Griffin said most hot-button issues — abortion rights, battles over sex education and LGBTQ rights — don’t define his interests. He wants to improve the diversity of the GOP and blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world — two things he’s consulted with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about. (read more)"

So, to summarize:
- Griffen and his wall street pals don't give a crap about those anti-CRT/anti-marxist plays by DeSantis in Florida nor about any other conservative social issue position
- Griffen wants to crush the populist movement (just like they helped crush the Tea Party movement)
- Griffen wants to rope the republican party back onto the globalist/Davos/WEF plantation

And the entire slew of these like-minded investors are fully on board with DeSantis. Also, the entire Bush clan et al are also strongly in DeSantis' corner....when they aren't busy cozying up to the obamas for public head pats.

The question you have to ask yourself is: Why would they do that if they didn't think they could get a reasonable return on their money.

So if you are "just starting to hear about the BS"......and now you may be realizing its not really BS at all, you should probably move on quickly to more relevant questions about just who is running who.

Is DeSantis simply using these donors/insiders money/influence now when he needs it but later on will deliver on America First policies over his advisors (all DC insider types and GOPe approved) and funders objections? Remember, DeSantis does not yet have a significant small donor list. He's basically in Jeb Bush funding territory: all the biggies, none of the littles.

Or is DeSantis truly what some wags are saying: a stalking horse for the GOPe to jump in after the deep state indicts Trump and takes him out of the running thus clearing the field for the "chosen"/"selected" candidate who will do precisely what the funders/advisors want?

DeSantis' team has been busy "refuting" these rumors by not really refuting them at all. When challenged on whether or not they had been in some discussions with Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy teams, their non-denial "denial" was something along the Clintonian lines of: No, we did not meet with Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy and their associates on a specific day in a specific place for a specific set of time.

It doesn't matter though. Its all out there now and its something DeSantis supporters (at this early stage) will have to address.

My ears are open: Someone convince me that DeSantis will tell ALL of his advisors and major funders to piss off and DeSantis is going to push hard for America First policies in terms of economic, fiscal/budgetary, foreign affairs, immigration and military preparedness/force structure.

I'm wide open. Hit me with all the evidence you'd care to share........

Note: I've been asking these same questions for weeks and weeks now and I've yet to receive a single answer from any DeSantis bandwagonites....not that I'm owed an answer naturally. But the silence on this thus far has been deafening...and telling.

Drago said...

Inga: "Trumpists and extremists have been yammering for a civil war for years, now they have one in their own house. Couldn’t have happened to more deserving people."

A free people arguing over the direction of a political party and the potential impacts on the long term health of the nation is hardly something to be feared.

But you are a New Soviet Democratical. The very idea of disagreement no doubt strikes you with fear and, given the nature of your party and the types of lunatics you have in there (such as the ones who want post-birth abortion and the lopping off of children's genitalia in the name of "woke" (non-science) "science"), I can understand your fear.

Best for you to stay in the herd.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All that stupid "ass kissing" stuff he said re: JD Vance.
When Trump speaks like that - millions think "no way"

Doesn't even matter that his policies are ace.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Never Trumper" - talk about tired.

I've been accused of that shit forever. Even tho I voted for Trump 2 times.
It's really a sad F way to encourage people to run in the other direction.

Drago said...

Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "All that stupid "ass kissing" stuff he said re: JD Vance.
When Trump speaks like that - millions think "no way"

Try and keep up. I know if you did it would be a first, so perhaps redouble your "efforts", such as they are:

"Don't Blame Trump
Any midterm autopsy ought to focus on how to close the national money gap, and how to turn out less engaged voters."

"In the long term, the way to solve this is to build a turnout machine, not gripe at the former president. But building a turnout machine without organized labor and amid declining church attendance is no small thing. Our party has one major asset, contra conventional wisdom, to rally these voters: President Donald Trump. Now, more than ever, our party needs President Trump’s leadership to turn these voters out and suffers for his absence from the stage."--JD Vance

You should read the whole thing, but I warn you, it has lots of paragraphs and I know that generally befuddles you.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Trumpists and extremists have been yammering for a civil war for years, now they have one in their own house. Couldn’t have happened to more deserving people. Why did the normal Republicans not have more courage to stand up to the Trumpist scourge?

Inga is right.

There are a bunch of Republicans that need to face it. You are democrats.

Go join her and be honest with yourself.

mccullough said...

Hopefully it’s DeSantis behind this.

Trump hurt in the last two elections but so did the GOPe. Saying we aren’t the Dems and the Dems are making it worse is part of a strategy. It’s not the strategy.

The GOPe doesn’t have any policies a majority of voters want. They have been the party of tax cuts and war for a generation now.

DeSantis isn’t going to win on a platform of Dem opposition, tax cuts, and war.

He needs to use the GOPe but not push their policies. Their policies suck.

D.D. Driver said...

Even the Althouse GOPe-ers are flitting about and pretending Trump didnt deliver conservative policies during his 4 years.

Conservative policies like giving away $2000 COVID Welfare Checks to people who don't need them? Is that "conservative"? Banning landlords from evicting deadbeats using the Centers For Disease Control? Is that conservative? Stealing family farms in Wisconsin to give it to his Taiwanese friends at Foxconn? Is that conservative? Before Trump I had never heard of a "conservative" gush over the greatness of eminent domain abuse. Issuing gun regulations by executive order? Is that conservative?

Trump is a BIG government authoritarian who thinks the CDC can tell you who can live in residence you own. Any "conservative" policies Foxconn Don may have had are purely accidental.

Lurker21 said...

Its a better bet to nominate a true hard core rightwinger, because then if you win you actually get someone in office who will be conservative.

But you won't win in a deep blue state. The Republicans who win in those states are as conservative as the state will elect.

I don't see Christie getting very far, but running for president is a great grift. For most of the candidates it's either an ego trip or a free ride at the donors' expense. Maybe it's both for all the candidates.

Jaq said...

The Senate races that we lost, we were outspent by a minimum of 3-1, which was focused money on specific areas and managed to overcome in those districts, using money and ground troops, a landslide for Republicans in the rest of the country.

We got outsmarted, not outvoted. Nancy Pelosi is done, but this is supposed to be a horrific setback for Republicans. A lot of you guys simply believe whatever you are told by people whom you rightly believe to be constant liars. It's kind of hard to believe.

Jaq said...

Drago, is that article full of name-calling? Because lots of people here find that very convincing. I think Aristotle laid out how the proof by name-calling works logically in his treatise: "Neener, Neener, Neener."

Jaq said...

In Inga's cult, dissension is never allowed. It leads to banishment. That's why she can't understand it when simple rank and file members of a political party do anything but accept the rulings handed down by their leaders, and mouths the thoughts provided them.

Known Unknown said...

Republicans (DeSantis or Trump or whomever) have no path to 270 thanks to relaxed election laws and mail-in voting. All of this backbiting is immaterial.

Known Unknown said...

People's taxes ---- > Government ---> Ukraine ----> FTX ----> Democrats

steve said...

Thanks, Chris. Helpful as always.

minnesota farm guy said...

@ Tim in VT

Does not surprise me that Rs were outsmarted. They always seem to be at least one cycle behind in the "tricks" business. It is an unfortunate byproduct that many of the Rs are in fact ethical, whereas the Ds have no shame since winning is everything!

minnesota farm guy said...

At some point those arguing for purity here are going to have to realize that the only way to defeat the Dems is for all Rs to unite behind one candidate and support him/her to the fullest regardless whether we are really happy with the candidate. The other important thing that I am sure I will be beating to death for the next two years is that the Republican nominee must be attractive to independents or the Rs might as well not even bother. Independents provide the votes that provide the winner. Independents do not like Trump!

Howard said...

I like Achilles no true conservative litmus loyalty Trumpsters test. He doesn't need you people because he represents the mute majority.

rcocean said...

If you want to talk about why we lost various Senate races:

1) Masters in Arz got zero help from Mitch Mcconnell. He had only $12 million in his campaign. His oppoenet Kelly had $79 million. Others helped out but the outside spending was still about 1 to 1.
2) With Laxalt it wasn't as bad. He had about $15 million but his opponent had $52 million. Mitch gave him some $25 million for TV/Radio, but Schumer gave the D the same amount.
3) The Republican in NH Buldoc had $2 million. yes, you read that right TWO FUCKING MILLION. The Democrat had $38 million that's 19-1. McConnell gave Buldoc $15 million for TV/radio ads. Schumer gave about the same to the Democrat.
4) The Republican party gave Oz - $100 million in outside spending. The amount was equaled by Democrats on Fetterman. $10 million of that given to Laxalt or Masters may have won them their seats.

And just as a sidenote:'

Democrat Shapiro in PA governorship race broke a record spending $44 million. His R opponent was abandoned by the RNC and spent $3 million. shapiro spent $27 million on TV ads. His R opponent? $1 million.

YOu can't win with these massive deficits.

veni vidi vici said...

The fat piece of shit who closed down bridges and highways, and then beaches so that he could go on a vacation and flaunt his fat pastey ass on the strand is a hero now because he intones "Orange man bad"?

If that's what the GOP thinks it is, the hellstorm that's coming in terms of low turnout etc. in 2024 is going to be one for the ages.

I can't wait, if they're that stupid. I need a good laugh.

Jaq said...

A lot of that money that the Democrats used to strongly outspend Republicans came from George Soros, $120 million, and $40 million in stolen investor funds from FTX.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Althouse has the formula down, now.
Post a couple links to msm articles about Trump. Then take the rest of the morning off while the commenters argue amongst themselves.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

RINOs are still happy to play the Washington Generals to the Dems Globetrotters I see. As others have noted, as long as their rice bowls are full they could care less about winning.

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