November 23, 2022

Color change — 6:37 to 6:50.



You don't notice this color change when you are there — the deep blue to something almost brown. It's a delight experienced only on viewing the photographs.


Lurker21 said...

Nice Pics, Henrietta Davida Thoreau.

The green in the sunrise interests me. It's there and it's naturally going to occur as blue and yellow meet, but I didn't notice it until recently because I'd absorbed the idea that sunsets and sunrises were always yellow, orange, and red.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Colorado shooter identifies as non-binary?

Does that mean it was not a hate crime as some were predicting?

They just couldn’t wait to make judgments and start pointing fingers.

The rule of Lemnity said...

We’re about to take the roads from Georgia to Tampa Fla. My sister wants to be with her grandkids.

Thoughts and prayers.

wildswan said...

If I were able to question Dr. Fauci I would ask him about the virology institute in Africa which his institute has been funding for years. Whether NIH has procedures for checking on safety; whether gain of function is being studied in the African NIH virology Institute; cut outs are being used to conceal funding as happened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The Vault Dweller said...

New slogan for Althouse Photography, "Better than the real thing."

Readering said...

#15 UCLA the 10th top 15 law school to announce it will no longer cooperate with US News on rankings. Still waiting on NYU, Cornell, Chicago, UVa, Penn.

Dave Begley said...

Nebraska Law Dean responded to me. He's disappointed in me. I was too aggressive and my tone was wrong. He also apparently thinks the law should support the legal proposition that former men should be allowed to compete in athletic contests with real women and girls.

Free speech is dead in the academy.

If any conservative pushes back against the liberal majority viewpoint, they are cancelled and blocked. We must submit meekly.

And when weren't lawyers aggressive?

Dave Begley said...

My unacceptable tone and too aggressive email below. I am so, so mean. Snowflake lawyers can't debate my comments in the marketplace of ideas.

"I see where today how both the Nebraska Law Review and Student #1 have erased my comments to their posts on LinkedIn. Down the memory hole. Erased, cancelled and censored. I guess my "free speech, free country, public forum" comment must have triggered Student #1. Too much to bear!

I hate to break it to Student #1 and Student #2, but in the real practice of law counsel can't just censor and block the opposing counsel. The judge or jury are entitled to hear from both sides. It's called the adversary system and it's how we get to the truth in lawsuits.

Since Student #1 and Student #2 are under 40, I urge them to read Orwell's 1984 where the authoritarian government rewrote history. Orwell based this on what the Soviet government had done with photographs before Photoshop. There's a 1984 movie to watch, but it isn't that good.

And Student #2, I wrote to Dean Moberly and expressed my opinion that you - and perhaps others on the editorial staff - should be removed from The Nebraska Law Review for sloppy and unprofessional editing of Student #1's Note. Student #1 asserted in her Note that former men don't have any physical advantage over women in athletic contests. She cited some studies. The average Nebraskan, on the other hand, knows that this isn't true. Not a single CF or Compare in the footnotes. If any of you saw clips of U Penn swimmer Lia Thomas lapping the field during a swimming race, you'd tend to believe your own lying eyes."

Dave Begley said...

We are in a culture war for the future of America but liberals want to disarm conservatives by censoring them and, at the same time, they are disappointed in us if we fight back.

Dave Begley said...

The Dean's email to me was a variation of civility bullshit.

Readering said...

Chicago top law school to break ranks, and first to declare it will continue to work with US News.

Readering said...

Dave Begley: I very much doubt yours us the minority position in this country with people of voting age. Although a poll would probably get a lot of folks not coming down one side or the other.