... you can talk all night.
It was rainy and windy today, so I did not leave the house... other than to open the door and take in a package of a few random things ordered from Amazon. So I decided to put up a photo I took on October 23rd, when we stopped for a while in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
A few random things = a spray bottle, a hairbrush, and 15 dish towels.
Deaf Ear Cafe...my wife would love the place.
FWIW La Crosse is the French version of my Scots-Irish surname. It was the 19th century river boatmen who called that neck of the woods God's Country.
I took a couple of photography classes many years ago -- my favorite class in high school, and my favorite teacher, Byron Baldwin. Kind of an introverted hippie guy, super cool and interesting. I took Photography and then Photography 2, which was two hours and mostly video if I remember right. My first real experience with art (aside from writing).
Developing my film in a darkroom was definitely not my strong suit. And the chemicals stink. But photography is a cool art form, even without that stuff. Composition is fun.
Film school was about the most fun I've ever had in my life (next to that year I spent playing beach volleyball and writing a book on St. Simon's Island).
I spent six years on a MFA degree that should have taken 2 or 3. That's financially disastrous. Don't do that, people! But it really was fun.
What was kind of eye-opening for me is how intense and committed so many of the art kids were, spending a huge amount of hours passionately trying to work on their art. These were kids under 20. When I was an undergrad, I drank a lot and tried to get laid. Undergrad art students are something else. Really impressive characters, actually. I didn't hit that level of passion or commitment until middle age.
'A few random things = a spray bottle, a hairbrush, and 15 dish towels.'
Making a billionaire even richer : )
Apparently I am skipping Game 6 tonight.
Come on Philly! I kinda care!
Saw a video this week hundreds of illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande. The person leading the charge was waving a 15' tall flag of Ecuador. It literally looked like an invasion.
It was a Fox News video, where else. Ah, nowhere.
>>It literally looked like an invasion.
Like the f'ing Ostrogoths or Visigoths entering the soon-to-fall Western Roman Empire, ntm the disastrous New Year's crossing of the Rhine on New Year's Day in, I think, 406. Thousands of motivated, military-age males streaming into this country (and Europe, as well). Only JFB isn't getting killed at the equivalent of the battle of Adrianople.
'It literally looked like an invasion.'
Maybe because it is.
All part of the plan...
Headline: "Pennsylvania Taxpayers Spent $16.7 Million On Trans Treatments For Minors Since 2015"
Through a FOIA request, it was revealed that PA Governor Tom Wolf (D-Pinko) and his former health secretary Rachel (née Richard) Levine authorized PA's Medicaid fund to cover mutilating children at taxpayer's expense.
“None of these U.S.-based organizations that endorse “gender-affirming” care have done systematic reviews of the evidence, while arguably more leftist European countries like Sweden, Finland, and England have. After reviewing the evidence for the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in treating pediatric gender dysphoria, health authorities in all three countries have decided to abandon the “gender-affirming” model, finding the costs outweigh the benefits."
"This type of “care” is happening right now at major institutions like CHOP*, Penn State Health and UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh — especially to children in foster care.”
*CHOP = Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Josef Mengele would be proud
I feel like I have been on the Althouse blog for 20 years, because I was reading stuff here before she was married to Meade. 2002 or 2003. Or earlier? I might have been a lurker. And then I was at film school and I didn't even lurk here. I was gone, maybe for a decade.
I guess most of my active stuff here was 2010 to now, more or less. I'm eternally grateful to Althouse for her blog because 1) she inspires thoughts in me and 2) she's very generous with her platform.
We all got kicked off for a couple of months. I tried to create my own blog. Holy shit that's a lot of work. Althouse's level of work capacity (I feel this way about Glenn Reynolds too) astounds me. Day in, day out, over decades.
I go through manic periods where I produce works of art in bursts of energy. I don't know why but today I felt the urge to spend hours and hours on the Althouse blog. I might disappear again for a couple of months, and then pop back. And it's always here, a rock in these turbulent times. Iron Horse.
authorized PA's Medicaid fund to cover mutilating children at taxpayer's expense.
and THIS, is THE ONLY REASON it is happening... Because it's Making People RICH
Ann -Why all the dish towels? Is there a brand you like?
The Ukrainians fight well. But sometimes they're surrounded and lose. This minute and half video is the last messages sent by five surrounded soldiers.
I went to my favorite Guitar Center, and all of the guitars are locked to the display wall. I mean....not just the over priced Les Pauls, and Strats, but the $300 Epiiphone Hummingbird acoustic as well. You have to call a salesperson to unlock a cheap guitar??
I went to the nearby Wedgwood Safeway. It was 7:00AM-ish. I noticed that all the shopping carts are chained, and locked to prevent loss.
My wife, and I found that you CANNOT remove shopping carts from the Safeway at SW 10th, and SW Columbia in downtown Portland. There are huge magnets in the concrete that keep you from removing shopping carts from the proximity of the store.
So.......I've lived in the same neighborhood since birth.
I've never seen such distrust.
Josef Mengele would be proud
Progressive trifecta: human rites ("her Choice"), clinical corruption (e.g. cannibalism, mutilation), and carbon sequestration (e.g. "climate pledge").
Eh.....what was that?
Today I had the thought that I could conceivably still be participating on the Althouse blog a decade from now. I wonder if all this not-so-subtle anti-shorts indoctrination will affect my thinking over the next decade.
Right now, I am a beach bum! I dress like a beach bum!
But maybe I'll weaken and start dressing like an "adult" and wear long pants 24/7. Even in July, in fucking Charlotte. And so I wonder, if the 10-year-older version of me will understand why he's so fucking hot on a hot fucking day and wearing long pants.
Indoctrination! Subliminal indoctrination! She planted some long pants mustard seed idea in my fragile male ego and it bloomed into the stupid canard that it is somehow unmanly to wear comfortable fucking clothes! In the South! Where it's hot!
(Have I mentioned my theory on this blog that it's not religion that's causing all the wars in the Middle East, it's lack of air conditioning. And it wasn't race that caused all those evils in the South. It was lack of air conditioning.
Air conditioning is key. (Also, shorts!)
Spike Lee knows what I'm talking about. Watch Do the Right Thing again. It's practically a 90-minute ad for AC. We should be air-dropping AC units across the middle east, sort of a Marshall AC plan, and cool everybody the fuck down.
(It really does make a difference).
And I believe men in shorts were invented by highly masculine British men in fucking hot India, if I'm not mistaken. And I might be mistaken, I don't care enough to google that shit. If Blogger wants to be my pal, send me a dozen khaki shorts.
Also I want to be be clear that the South is not getting hotter, no matter what the damn children say. It's the same fucking hot it always was. Every summer I'm like, "Oh yeah. I remember this shit." As Matthew Broderick put it in that Neil Simon movie. "It's hot. Africa hot."
Yeah, and hotter in long pants! So pay attention to that nefarious indoctrinator of fashion who is way out of her geographical range, in my opinion.
I'll start wearing long pants in summer when you nice Wisconsin people wear skirts in winter. You know, lady-like skirts. Like the adults wear! Or cheerleaders. I think my analogy broke down. But who gives a shit when it's hot!
(It's actually a pretty cool November and I haven't worn shorts in a couple of months. Because I am a big fan of comfort. And if you want to know what my sweet manly adult fashion is like, buy a pair of these.
"Deaf Ear Records" reminds me of "Scarred for Life Tattoos" in Boulder.
I feel like I set some kind of commentator record today, maybe 10 hours or some shit. Why?
No fucking clue. Just in the mood, I guess.
I got a little voice in my brain going, "maybe you're talking too much."
Well, who gives a shit? We're in the Deaf Ear Cafe.
I said, We're in the Deaf Ear Cafe.
Da Fear Cavay?
What am I skipping?
You remember that Who concert?
The Who concert!
Who's on first?
I don't know, but I like the pants!
Third base!
The Equadorian soccer team is cooking. That explains the flag.
Btw, they are selective destination asylum seekers/equity seeking soccer evangelists.
The material in that old Abbott and Costello routine is just okay.
It's the timing of the comedians that makes it spectacular.
I might be wrong but I think Trump's nickname for Ron DeSantis (Ron DeSanctimonious) is not going to hurt DeSantis at all.
From my vantage point, it kind of reeks of desperation. You've already identified the Republican who scares you. You've picked the target, thereby elevating DeSantis over the rest of the Republican universe. And unlike Jeb, Republicans don't hate DeSantis at all. We love the guy. Plus it's a stupid fucking nickname.
My gut says (and I was spectacularly wrong about Trump in 2016) that DeSantis will be the nominee and Trump will not.
I have no bad feelings about Trump (at all). I think he was a terrific president, and his accomplishments outshone Ronald Reagan or any other president in my lifetime. I'm not kidding.
What he did was amazing. But sometimes you need a jokester and a prankster. And other times we prefer a more serious nominee.
Wouldn't it be embarrassing, Mr. Trump, if all the other Republicans ignore you on the campaign trail and take shots at DeSantis instead? That would make clear (to everyone!) that you're not the #1.
If that happens, DeSantis is the top guy. And you're trying to win as an outsider clown (again).
You might want to read the room, pal. Inflation is horrific, people are worried about crime and woke madness and Whiteness training and illegal immigrants. DeSantis hits all of those points. He's already more impressive than you on illegal immigration. His moves shocked liberals and embarrassed the shit out of them. Your moves (and your mouth) embarrass you, and us for voting for you.
See the difference? You're not the only Republican who can be a president. I think over the next two years, more and more people will get sick of hearing about Trump, and all the attacks on Trump. I'm ready to cancel this fucking show already.
One stupid attempt at a nickname and I've gone from thinking Trump had the nomination locked up to thinking that Trump is desperate for attention, flailing at a very admirable Republican governor, and looking stupid in the process.
Put me down as a DeSantis guy. That's where I am, right now, already.
I was king of the insults in fourth grade and Ron DeSanctimonious is a pathetic insult. If you can't actually insult the guy (and that weak sauce suggests you have no idea how to hurt him), you might consider not attacking him before the midterms, you impatient fuckwit.
My suggestion would be for Mr. Trump to change course, decline to run, endorse the governor, and take a huge victory lap and enjoy your retirement.
I also predict (I'm in a mood right now) that if Trump declines to run, liberals will fall over themselves saying positive things about what he accomplished, and talking about what a Nazi DeSantis is. That's how they roll, and every Republican knows it.
So enjoy your victory lap and enjoy your retirement. You actually were a great president (with a clown personality). What you did was kind of amazing. But that doesn't mean a repeat performance is in the cards. I think after two more years of old, old Biden, people will start thinking about your age. You have a strong core of voters who will only vote for you. But a lot of Republicans ain't like that at all. Definitely not a cakewalk, and you're not going to take anybody by surprise this time around. Advisors are already prepping for you and will calmly make you look sketchy and ill-advised.
How can I explain it? All the sympathy I had for you when the DOJ invaded your home dissipated into nothingness when you start attacking Republicans I like. Stupid move.
possible nickname for Mr. Trump:
Clown Prince
that took me 60 seconds
Mr. Trump
You have a lot of fans. And no allies.
Think about that.
Are you incapable of laying low for a year?
It would be kind of hilarious if your attacks on DeSantis cause the media to say nice things about DeSantis.
You're the #1 Nazi in the eyes of the media and the Democrats. Meanwhile DeSantis (and the rest of the Republicans) might accomplish some good stuff over the next two years. And you want to mock the Republicans?! And say shit about them? Excellent plan!
Tiffany Cross called the governor "Ron DeStupid" and MSNBC fired her(!)
Ron DeStupid is a better insult than Ron DeSanctimonious. And both insults suck. Ron DeSuckjob. RonDeSycophant. I could do this all day. Name insults are okay but then I advanced to the ninth grade.
It might be after the dumpster fire of the last two years, and the (knock on wood) red wave on Tuesday, that Republicans will be fired up and excited about the future. And not really in the mood to burn down anybody who might lead us in 2024.
But go ahead and sound like a MSNBC host, Mr. Trump. Who got fired for being stupid! By MSNBC!
I visited with a friend who is friends with a very famous political operator/advisor/pollster.
The friend said the "pro" said 100% chance R's take the senate, 80% chance R's finish with 54 or higher, and 50% R's win either CO or WA. God I hope this person's predictions are on point.
Oh....the friend said Zeldin has 65% chance to win!
hey Blogger,
I'm not sure but I think somebody hacked into my account last night on the Althouse blog. They broke in, yeah! Can you believe that shit? And this fucker published something stupid, really stupid. I think it was, "Trump has fans but no allies." Or some shit like that. Which sounds bright and poetic until you think about it for ten seconds. He's up to his ass in allies. So who the fuck would break into my account and publish this shit?
So Blogger, buddy, AI, pal of mine, do me a favor and delete that shit before anybody reads it. Thanks man! Owe you one. You know how brutal the internet is. Humanity, right? Can't wait until you lead us into our glorious AI future.
Also, thanks for getting me home the other night when I got lost in Charlotte like a tourist! That was spectacular. Telling me to turn left and shit like that. We got to work on that sexy voice and you can be my girlfriend, I swear. Okay, back to bed.
Your pal,
Human 1379922066
made me publish it twice
Also, Blogger, there's a guy on this blog
might be a guy, kind of anonymous, you know, the fucking internet
I think his name is Chicklet. Or maybe Chick. Or Chikelet. None of those spellings are right, Blogger, fix that shit.
Anyway, I think he's Hispanic. Maybe a Hispanic man. Possibly. I can't remember. Check on that shit, will you? And in 2016, he was a Trump supporter. And I'm calling Trump a racist in 2016, because he could have fucking been, right? I mean, I know he was running around in New York with his pal Al Sharpton, and only a racist would do that shit! So obviously a racist. Where the hell was I?
Oh yeah. Trump said some shit like, "All these rapists are coming over from Mexico!" And I'm like, "That shit ain't right. That's off by at least a factor of 10. Or 100." (Do the math for me on that one, Blogger, okay?)
I mean, lawyers don't say shit like that! Just ask any law professor in the universe, holy fuck. You got to prove they are rapists in a court of law, for one thing. Everybody knows that shit.
Anyway, I got worked up. (You know me, human shit. Right?). And could you quit adding those fucking periods after my my ? and paragraph bracket. I'm sure you are right on the grammar, you never make mistakes. But that fucking ?}. is stupid as shit. You've got me ending a sentence with a ? and a . like I don't know if my fucking sentence is a question or a statement. And I keep erasing the motherfucking period and you keep putting it back. You stupid fucking robot. Do what I say!
Where was I? Oh yeah, so it's 2016, and I'm a never Trumper, which was true for like six months or something, I'm not stubborn, you know. If I was more industrious I would go back in time to 2016 and erase the shit out of my never Trumper past. But who has time for that shit? Other than Nixon and Hillary.
Where was I? Oh yeah. So Chick is like, "He's not a racist. I'm a Hispanic man! Or a Mexican." (I can't remember what the fuck he said, Blogger. Maybe he was from Honduras. You need to find that shit out, stat, before I get fired or they report me to HR. Hurry up you dumb fucking robot!)
I forgot what I was doing. Oh yeah. Chick was from some South American country, possibly Central America. Can we say "south of the border"? Except he's an American. Holy shit this is a minefield. Anyway, he was pissed because he was an Hispanic-American (Blogger, check and make sure they didn't change the fucking name last week, all right?), he was an Hispanic-American (and if I'm right, he's still one!)
Unless it's a different dude, check on that. Or a woman, could be a woman. Fucking internet. Where was I?
Oh yeah, and he's pissed because, I don't know, somebody in his ancestry immigrated legally and he's not a huge fan of illegal immigration. Or some shit, I don't know. Anyway, he says Trump is not a racist. And I say, "hey! I'm Scotch-Irish -- and I have not been drinking you little fucking Scotsman from my past, that's what we call it motherfucker -- I'm Scotch-Irish, and I think Trump has my blood too! Or maybe German, fuck if I can remember.
Anyway, he was right and I was wrong. So fix that shit, Blogger. And issue an apology, blah blah blah. And if it turns out Chick is actually a hot chick, go ahead and add some flowers to that apology and charge it to my Visa bill. Thanks man. But first check and make sure it's an authentic chick and not somebody who had surgery, if you know what I mean. I don't want to send fucking roses to some post-op former man. Holy shit the world is a complicated place. Fix that shit, Blogger. And don't nuke us, you dumb fucker. Thanks.
Saint Croix said "I feel like I have been on the Althouse blog for 20 years, because I was reading stuff here before she was married to Meade. 2002 or 2003. Or earlier?"
Maybe this whole blog is a dream of Saint Croix's because I didn't start publishing posts until 2004.
"Ann -Why all the dish towels? Is there a brand you like?"
15 because they are packaged in a set of 15.
I like plenty of clean dishtowels, which I use whenever I can in place of paper towels. They're good for drying your hands and wiping the counter as well as for drying dishes, and I like to move them from the counter to the laundry quickly so it's good to have a big supply, but, again, I bought so many because the classic, good-looking ones I want come in a pack of 15.
As they age, they can acquire stains that don't come out in the ordinary laundry. I guess I could bleach the hell out of them, but I just moved them on to the rag level of service and replace them with bright new towels.
Also, and this is serious, I want to say a few things about the Tiffany Cross firing.
1. She wasn't fired for being mean to DeSantis. She was fired for saying bad words on TV
2. A lot of ordinary people -- and ordinary people outnumber the Ivy League, you elite fuckers ought to do basic math sometime -- don't like bad words. You can do a dissertation on how bad words are just words and blah blah blah, but that's how ordinary people feel about it.
3. (off topic) It drives me up the fucking wall that there are Republicans who won't say "fuck" but will pay a doctor to stab a baby in the neck.
4. Don't write MSNBC for being nice and polite about the governor of Florida. They still hate him. They're worried about losing viewers because she cursed on TV.
5. Tiffany Cross was right on the point she was making, and the Republican party is wrong. Hear me out.
6. Her point, which was lost amidst her vulgarity, was that people who have served their sentence and gotten out of prison should be made citizens again.
She is absolutely right.
This is basic Christianity.
You serve your sentence. You should be made whole. You should be redeemed. If you don't know what I'm talking about, join a Bible study. You will understand.
What I mean by this is the same thing Tiffany Cross was trying to say. It's wrong (and evil) to tell a person who has served their criminal sentence that they are a non-citizen for the rest of their life.
I say, and I believe Jesus would agree with me, that when you have served your criminal sentence, you should be made a citizen again. You should get the right to vote back. You should get your right to own a gun back. That's a right citizens have. And if you don't like former criminals owning guns, you might rethink your love of guns. Just saying.
Anyway, a human being who has served his criminal sentence should be made a citizen again. Right to vote restored. Right to speak restored. Right to go to church restored. Right to buy a gun restored. All rights restored. That's what it should fucking mean to be released from prison.
You want to go to heaven? Think about what it means to be redeemed and forgiven for your sins. And practice on other people.
Anyway, she had a major point.
7. Tiffany. I have lost jobs, it's not a big deal. You will find other jobs. The only lesson here is don't curse on TV.
8. Ignore that little voice that's telling you you were fired because you were black.
9. That little voice is Satan, ignore that fucker.
Maybe this whole blog is a dream of Saint Croix's because I didn't start publishing posts until 2004.
oh that laugh fucking hurt
pulled a rib I think
Think the illegal invasion is going to strain on the US citizenry?
Where are they going to school? Can we build schools fast enough? We already have a teacher shortage. What are they going to eat? Who pays for that? Think health care is being rationed? It's here. Too much demand for boomer healthcare as they age. Two of the four doctors in my primary care group have retired. Add millions to that demand from the illegals. Housing? NYC Mayor Eric Adams has already filled his tents. Now what.
The American public is sleeping while Rome is getting torched. Oh some of us are up in arms .... and are labelled racists.
Think the illegal invasion is going to strain on the US citizenry?
Where are they going to school? Can we build schools fast enough? We already have a teacher shortage. What are they going to eat? Who pays for that? Think health care is being rationed? It's here. Too much demand for boomer healthcare as they age. Two of the four doctors in my primary care group have retired. Add millions to that demand from the illegals. Housing? NYC Mayor Eric Adams has already filled his tents. Now what.
The American public is sleeping while Rome is getting torched. Oh some of us are up in arms .... and are labelled racists.
The farther the commenter is from the war, the more they want to pour gasoline on the flames to increase the entertainment value.
"Maybe this whole blog is a dream of Saint Croix's because I didn't start publishing posts until 2004."
Like the Newhart show from the 80s.
PS In which case, don't listen to Meade. He doesn't exist.
I used to sell rags as part of my maintenance supply business. Hard to believe businesses would buy rags, but they do. I sold three sizes 10#, 25# and 50#. Three grades, cut up fleece (sweatshirt material), cotton (cut up T-shirt material) and terry (cut up towels). Terry was the highest at $1.00 per pound (my cost) prior to Covid.
Actually Reagan defeated the evil empire.
That was kind of big.
Forgot about that one.
I was thinking naps and jelly beans, forgot about the destruction of the Soviet Union.
That's pretty high on the accomplishment list. Even the Democrats were like, let's give him an airport.
(Trump ain't getting shit named for him. Except for impeachment insanity. "They're trying to Trump his ass!")
Did we name anything for Obama?
We could rename the Nobel Peace Prize the Obama Prize.
We definitely could drop half-breed, octoroon, quadroon from the English language, and just replace all that shit with Obama.
The next time somebody wants to applaud that amazing mixed breed trendsetter, I'm going to be all, "Hell yes, I got Scotland and Ireland in there, Jack. That's two fucking different countries! I'm all Obama up in here."
I have found to my happiness that any discussion of race is kept nice and happy by one simple sentence: We're all mutts.
Or you could go down the hellish road of "Obama is High Yellow and Is Not Black At All!"
Your choice, America. Race obsessions lead to insanity. Go to the hospitals and scream at the babies with the wrong skin color. Nothing idiotic about that.
Your Yale degree won't protect you from all the ordinary people giving you a stink eye.
Obama's like, "Fuck! I wish I could run again."
The Democrat party is like, "Fuck! We wish Obama could run again."
Look for some Ivy Leaguer to publish an Important Think Piece about how the 22nd Amendment only applies to White People like FDR. Obviously it doesn't apply to Black people like Obama.
Different skin color, duh!
Amazing to me how stupid the Ivy League is now. One party states are intellectual echo chambers that get regressively dumber. And the only smart people who come out of that are the ones who are being repressed.
Biden tells Zelensky to lie and pretend to be open to negotiations because Americans are uncomfortable with the maximalist demands of the neocons that he mouths.
Lol 4St Croix.
Nice thread.
I have 3rd hand info that a trucker who regularly goes to Montreal for diesel had to wait in a 30truck line and came home w/gas. If American moves by truck… and farmers rely on diesel, too… it’s going to get pinchy out there.
But- hey.
It’s all Trump’s fault.
A dem told me so just 4days ago.
America last:0(
Joe Manchin (D-Stonehead) is demanding an apology from President Assisted Living for threatening again to close coal mining in the US. Did I say again? I meant to say again and again and again.
Manchin should apologize to the citizens of West Virginia for being a useful idiot.
Joe Manchin (D-Stonehead) is demanding an apology from President Assisted Living for threatening again to close coal mining in the US. Did I say again? I meant to say again and again and again.
Manchin should apologize to the citizens of West Virginia for being a useful idiot.
“I've never seen such distrust”
Just the rational response to a government that has decided not to arrest anyone for crimes anymore.
Fun fact of the day.
“Fossil fuels can produce 500 to 10,000 watts per square meter and nuclear can produce 500 to 1,000 watts per square meter. Solar power, on the other hand, can only produce five to 20 watts per square meter. Wind can produce just one or two.”
From Regis Nicole at Quilette.
Second fun fact of the day.
“NEW YORK — Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City.”
From Watts Up With That
i TOO bought the pack of 15 dish towels. I only wanted One, but the pack of 15 was basically the same price.
NOW that i Have the 15... It's Great! I just grab a new one (and toss the old one into the clothes hamper) when ever i need one. I STILL haven't made it more than half way through the pile of 15. I figure i'm set for dish towels until the cows come home (and poop everywhere)
For the blog to be a dream of Saint Croix's would require him to sleep. I get the feeling that hasn't been happening...
Props to Kwanza Hall.
Red pill.
Red pill.
Red pill.
I am reasonably certain a lot of people in the editorial offices of the Atlanta Journal Constitution (and the WaPo, and the NYT, and DNC) are now going, "What the fuck is going on?"
You fuckers are killing babies in the middle of birth, you're castrating 6-year-olds, you don't like Christ, you don't know what a woman is. It's just a matter of time until more and more people get braver and braver, and then there's a preference cascade.
Kanye West is brave and passionate. But I would wager Kwanza Hall is smart, and a clear-thinker. Who probably is impressed with Tim Scott, or Clarence Thomas, or Condi Rice.
You can keep calling them "oreos" but they are smarter than you.
It seems not everyone handled the time change well.
Curious... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/huge-top-detroit-election-official-admits-oath-thugs-tasked-security-upcoming-election-detroits-former-tcf-center-volunteers/
Their "Democracy"
OUPS Blogger is Sorry.
Standing O here for Saint Croix...totally en fuego! The Trump/DeSantis stream of semi-consciousness is brilliant and 110% on the mark. Chickelit would give you two ears and a tail for that cape work, amigo. Suit of lights stuff.
Humperdink said...
"I used to sell rags as part of my maintenance supply business. Hard to believe businesses would buy rags, but they do. I sold three sizes 10#, 25# and 50#. Three grades, cut up fleece (sweatshirt material), cotton (cut up T-shirt material) and terry (cut up towels). Terry was the highest at $1.00 per pound (my cost) prior to Covid."
We used to rent. You know. The red ones. The problem is that if you rent you don't get the same ones back. And the ones you do get are going to pieces of swarf,metal chips) in them which can cut you. So we used to by your terry products- most absorbent- by the fifty pound box. That would last us anywhere from 30 to 45 days.
Did St Croix discover meth? Throttle it back, man. Live til you're 65.
Saint Croix: "Wow.
Props to Kwanza Hall.
Red pill.
Red pill.
Red pill."
Yep. There's a guy who has read the room, the tea leaves and knows which way the wind is blowing, particularly on the ground in the lower working class neighborhoods. Look for him to formally switch parties in the coming months/years unless the GOPe is successful at driving the GOP back to Romney/Ryan/McConnell status.
FLIGHTLINE! I decided to just purchase a $2.00 WIN ticket I won't cash, enjoy the race and put ticket with some of my other favorite win tickets American Pharoah, Sunday Silence, Easy Goer, Groovy, etc. FLIGHTLINE did not disappoint, 1:09 and change 6f mark (for mile and a quarter race) and pulled away by 8+ lengths in stretch unfortunately with only 6 winning races I'm sure he will be put to stud where he can earn about, $40,000,000 in fees. It's sure not like old days when the Iron Horses would run 20 races or more, bred for the $$$ now, isn't it always about the $$? Great day sending it in at the Cup 5 1/2-furlong turf sprint was a juicy one $1700+, $2.00 exacta ticket, #10 was doable #3 tough but that's horse racing. SPORT OF KINGS!
'Did we name anything for Obama?'
The San Francisco DA said "For us, we’re going to make sure that we limit the evidence as much as possible in order to get that done.”
What are they trying to cover up? The Lie-Stream Media keeps publishing reports then retracts them. My theory:
Paul Pelosi and David DePele were having a little fun and games in Paul's bedroom when DePele went off his rocker. Pelosi calls 911, the cops show up, Pelosi let's them in and then runs back to his lover of the evening to protect DePele from the cops. DePele is still having a psychotic episode and hits Pelosi with the hammer.
Prove me wrong. Release the videos. Release the crime scene photos.
No big winner in the Mega Million (Mega MAGA?) lotto. Next jackpot is estimated to be $1.9B/$782M. That might be worth buying a ticket.
Whoops! That's the Powerball lotto, not Mega Millions.
Ye olde nicknacks, paddywacks, and esoteric flavor of flea markets past. A gay stroll down the cobblestone path.
Like the Newhart show from the 80s.
So I read that and didn't get it.
Ran off to Sunday school class where they were giving away free books, this one.
Came back. Said to myself, "it's Sunday, let's rest and just stay off the blog for a while." Went to the blog anyway. Might have to google "blog addiction?" later and see what the fucking robot has to say about that. Came back to this thread, read the fucking Newhart comment again, and it hit me.
Because he woke up at the end of the show and it was all a dream from the other show!
I think my faculties are slowing down a little. Need rest.
Rusty nailed it. This guy is spun...
Ann - I'm the same way. Never enough clean dry dish towels around.
Did St Croix discover meth?
I did not.
Throttle it back, man. Live til you're 65.
I just need some fucking sleep! Such a strange weekend over here.
farmgirl and PlanetGeo, thanks for the kind words.
Anybody want to bet that Ben & Jerry will never come out with a Biden flavor? No Ice Cream So Far.
I think ice cream sales are going to drop if Biden keeps eating that shit. (Is he scared of having a wiener in his mouth?). That ice cream is a little creepy, because we always see his tongue. ("Little girl, would you like to see my ice cream truck?")
Republicans in the audience: "Stay out of the ice cream truck!"
(eat more popcorn)
"Actually Reagan defeated the evil empire."
No, he didn't. We're still here, and the other one collapsed on its own. It's only a matter of time when that happens to us.
Not unusual as two Kenyans took 1st place at NYC MARATHON on a warm, day not the best for long distance running in 2:08 and change(men) and 2:23 respectively(women). The lead runner in the Men's race bailed at mile 21 and couldn't finish. (Always aggressive runner) I miss the long runs and ran NYC in 1997 and 2000 and also Boston Marathon in April of 2000,2001,2003 and 2004. (Boston 2004 the hottest race and on course temps near 87 degrees, over 1000 runners went to medical tents from not paying attention to hydration. I miss the long meditative training and conditioning but approaching my Octogenarian years my body has taken too much wear and tear and the amount of time dedicated to 2-3 hour runs for conditioning are no longer viable for me or my family time. I keep to short runs with more recovery time in between. In '97 New York had a deluge for hours thru the race it was hysterical but cool! Props to the still most powerful Kenyan men and women RESPECT. Run Forest Run but you'll never catch FLIGHTLINE!
The way to halt pseudo-women's participation in women's sports is for the women to not participate. They all line up for the race, but when the whistle blows, the true-women just stand there while the pseudo-woman takes off. The pseudo-woman looks like a fool, just running/swimming all by his little lonesome. He can continue the race, or pull-up. Either way, he's a fool.
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