October 11, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard explains why she's leaving the Democratic Party.


Kate said...

But where is she going?

Howard said...

Good for her. It took long enough. She probably thinks she can beat of attacks from unsat disgusting fat body Ronda Santis to win the presidency. Anyone who surfs on New Years Day in New Hampshire is alright in my book. Someone needs to save the Republic Party. The Democrat Party has no such saviour.

RideSpaceMountain said...

There's always room in my party for you Tulsi. In my party, in my heart, and in my pants. Please don't tell my wife.

tim maguire said...

Good for her. Though it's hard to see where she would find a home--Andrew Yang is trying to form a centrist party, but I don't think she's turned against the looney left on the same issues that he has--not a lot of overlap in their positions either.

J Melcher said...

... and the Democrat party is obviously not welcoming to Muslim women who refuse the hijab...

Andrew said...

Is she single?

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I cannot explain it but there is something about Tulsi that I do not trust. I like some of what she says but she seems to me to be a perfectly constructed package designed to get media attention. There is no substantive basis for that statement. Just a feeling. If I am wrong I will apologize to her. Personally. Over a drink. And dinner. Etc.

TrespassersW said...

Sounds more like the Democrat Party left her.

And I'm going to be shocked if I'm the only one making that obvious observation.

Amadeus 48 said...

I approve of independent thought (make your best arguments). Tulsi Gabbard's departure will not make the Democrats better, but it will deshackle her from a group that is going in a very bad direction and is trying to take the rest of us with them.

Lift a toast to the courageous Tulsi Gabbard.

DOJ/IRS/FBI/CIA actions against her start in three, two, one...

Eva Marie said...

Trump Gabbard 2024 here we come.

Saint Croix said...

I've always liked her. So honest.

Kai Akker said...

Tulsi has obviously been reading the Althouse blog comments. The social and political critique so many make right here. It seemed only a matter of time -- but, my God, what a long time! -- before some common-sense Democrats said they had had enough of their party's totalitarian evils.

mikee said...

Do the Republicans just recruit her, or do they have to bid against the Libertarians and Vogue?

Original Mike said...

Spot on list of grievances.

Rusty said...

Who knew? Tulsi Gabbard has more testosterone than all of the usual suspects.

Aggie said...

@Jefferson's Revenge 08:16: Yes - precisely this. Ms. Gabbard is always plotting next moves to political advantage. She is very conscious of her perceived public persona, of how it is reecived. And, she is less than honest - although she projects being a forthright person.

I would expect her to re-craft her image as an Independent.

Will Cate said...

Andrew said... Is she single?

Married since 2015.

Tim said...

As I have said before, while I disagree with her on most issues, at least she is not crazy. She is what a Democrat should be, someone you can disagree with but not worry about the country if she were to be elected.

The problem is, where can she go? She could win as a Republican in some Congressional districts, and maybe in a few swing states as a senator. But winning the primary to get on the ticket will be difficult. And we have no viable third parties.

James K said...

I cannot explain it but there is something about Tulsi that I do not trust. I like some of what she says but she seems to me to be a perfectly constructed package designed to get media attention. There is no substantive basis for that statement. Just a feeling. If I am wrong I will apologize to her. Personally. Over a drink. And dinner. Etc.

I think she's genuine, but she does hold pretty standard Democrat views on economic policies.

Achilles said...

mikee said...

Do the Republicans just recruit her, or do they have to bid against the Libertarians and Vogue?

Republicans need to realize that no matter what their goals are for society that if they use government to fix the problem it will cause problems.

Sometimes the benefits outweigh the negatives and the government solution is necessary.

But most of the time Government fucks up anything it tries to do.

Tulsi Gabbard is solid on the bedrock principles: Free Speech, Equal Protection etc.

She is really awful on economic freedom.

The only way most people in here could be in the same party with her is to embrace federalism much more emphatically.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m concerned with the U.S. launching a pre-emotive nuclear strike. Since the 2014 CIA coup in Ukraine, the U.S. public has been fed an insane diet of warmongering to justify taking out Russia.

The Russia collusion hoax dug deep into the minds of Democrats. Even on the GOP side, 8 years of warmongering has turned most conservatives into lunatics consumed with bloodlust.

I go to bed every night praying for the survivor of my grandchildren.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Tulsi for president!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Very succinctly put.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Another mainstream American who can't abide the wokeness of the New New New Democrats. What is unique is she ran to try and save her party from Joe two years ago and has NOTHING to gain immediately from this, given her circle of friends and her native state. This ain't a cynical Arlen Spector switch or Jim Jeffords jump. It appears to be driven by principles. I admire that.

Saint Croix said...

For years I was a registered Democrat, and I voted Republican. (I live in the South, it was quite common).

In many places people register without identifying with a party. Why?

I think a lot of people feel like they have to be secretive about voting Republican.

That's because the media is overwhelmingly Democrat. And they have been shrill for decades in calling Republicans, and white people, racist.

Nobody wants to be called a racist.

If black people vote Republican, they get called "self-hater" or "oreo" or "Tom." Nobody wants to be called that.

There's a huge amount of emotional pressure -- you might even call it coercion -- to vote Democrat.

For many of us, registering Republican is an act of rebellion. Being pro-life is an act of rebellion.

Obviously our politics is approximately 50-50. And yet our media culture is not like that at all. It's more like 90-10 (or worse).

Our media is largely a one-party state. And there's a furiousness about minority voices, like Fox news, or talk radio. They want to shout out those voices, and silence them.

Saint Croix said...

The Democrat party defines itself in racial terms, and they think racially. (They think it's fine when they do it). They write books about it. They teach Whiteness in schools and define Whiteness as evil.

It would be a very helpful thing, if large numbers of hispanics, or black people, voted Republican, in just one election. Because white liberals -- and some black liberals and brown liberals -- have a real blind spot, and they don't see it.

I was in a pancake house the other day, and I was amazed at how color-blind our society has become, and how interracial we all are, and how nobody really cares about that shit. (Except the elites, and the academics, and people on the internet talking to their screens).

We elected a black president. And instead of patting ourselves on the back and loving our country, we got a lot of hatred for Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln(!), Mount Rushmore, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Star-Spangled Banner.

All those people trying to sneak into our country. Why? So many of us here seem to hate it.

planetgeo said...

Long time coming. Glad she finally made the move. But like a lot of us, she doesn't really fit in on either side. Too honest. And independent enough to speak out.

Her move provides a moment to raise the question of whether "teamism" is actually good for this country, or any country for that matter. On one level, yes, it does make sense for people sharing a broad spectrum of beliefs and values to organize and coalesce into a party. But what happens when that party, or worse, BOTH opposing parties go off the rails and just reflexively oppose any and all policies of the other and demand complete loyalty to "the team" no matter how bad a given policy might be.

Well, you get the current Democrat blue team VS the GOP red team. And you get forums, well, like this pretty rational one endlessly beating up one another if they represent the "other team" on any issue. And you get some players endlessly carping about Althouse not joining "our team."

Teamism. Sometimes the day arrives when you should think about leaving home without it. Thanks, Tulsi.

gilbar said...

she has my vote.

Achilles said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I cannot explain it but there is something about Tulsi that I do not trust.

Look up her religious affiliations.

The Hindu religion generates these little strange community sects/temples that are interesting.

I had an uncle join one for most of his life. They are hard to understand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good. She's a smart gal. Leaving the toxic corrupt Democrat party is something everyone should do.
But alas - the D-poison is strong with the hivemind.

Drago said...

mikee: "Do the Republicans just recruit her, or do they have to bid against the Libertarians and Vogue?"

This is the wrong question.

We have effectively moved to a situation where the divide is along More Freedom/Populist/WorkingClass/Diverse vs Massively More Govt/Establishment/BigBusiness/Globalist Total Control factions, and there are dems/liberals (but not fascist leftists) and reps/conservatives (but not nevertrumpers) on both sides.

The fascist left and nevertrumpers are all on the Complete Govt Control side.

Spoiler: they always have been.

And we are simply seeing this shake out in real time. All the McCainiacs/Raffensbergers/Romney's/Bushes/Cheney's et al are fully aligned with the democratical/BigTech/etc left. George W absolutely adores the obama's and their crew. And why wouldn't he? They pay well, as do McConnell's ChiCom pals.

Meanwhile, historically strong leftists have moved to populist/republican side with examples everywhere.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Honesty is no longer allowed in the D-hack press or in the mob-boss party of Cliden, Belosi, and Plinton.

gilbar said...

she seems to me to be a perfectly constructed package designed to get media attention.

let's stipulate, for the sake of argument, that that is true..
SO? look at the alternatives

At the Very Least, Tulsi can read an opinion poll. She goes where the people go. That's GOOD
You want MORE? i REALLY doubt, that Tulsi is Hoping to start a nuclear war

Quaestor said...

I admire her courage, and I pray Ms. Gabbard has tons of that nobility in reserve because she will need every ounce of it. Biden's Gestapo already has her marked.

I also pray she's wise enough to avoid the third party trap. Ours is not a parliamentary republic. Ruling coalitions have never worked here. The last soi-disant independent with substantial tract did nothing but put a serial rapist in the White House and launched the political career of one of the most corrupt personalities since Boss Tweed.

gilbar said...

mikee said...
Do the Republicans just recruit her,

I see her running as a true independent.. Unless the republicans are smart enough to woo her

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BTW - watch the whole thing. That first part is just a warm up. She lowers to boom.

hawkeyedjb said...

Tulsi Gabbard took out Kamala Harris in the presidential primaries. Then Harris ended up as vice president. I would feel much better with Gabbard waiting to take Brandon's spot than the cackling idiot we now have.

Beaver7216 said...

Both major parties seem broken beyond repair at this point. There seems to be a lot of money out there to form another party and do more than simply cause a deeply flawed Presidential candidate to win. If we had a true Congress with diverse opinions we could keep overly autocratic Presidents in check. And confuse the hell out of the media.

Robert Cook said...

"I’m concerned with the U.S. launching a pre-emotive nuclear strike, etc."

Well Shouting Thomas! You've actually made a comment that I wholeheartedly agree with!

Jaq said...

Trump/Gabbard is a hill I would die on.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I thought you probably blog this. It always struck me that your commentariat included a lot of Tulsi fans. If the Althouse commentators reliably mirror the American electorate it’s clear that she continues to have a future in politics. But I suspect we’re not exactly the political norm.

As noted upthread, she’s another person who can rightly say that the Democrats left her before she left them.

(Yeah, the adverb was deliberate.)

James K said...

I've hoped Dershowitz would do the same, but he keeps naively hoping that he can be a voice for reasonableness in the party. Or maybe he's just too old and set in his ways, as if the party is like a religion.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Otoh. Tulsi is too hot to be president.

Joe Smith said...

Tell us what you really think : )

Sounds like she's running, but nobody cares about Hawaii elector-wise.

Joe Smith said...

I won't vote for her.

Hillary says she's a Russian spy.

traditionalguy said...

To get a promotion she has to leave the Marxist-Dems. Their leadership qualifications are limited to senile Septuagenarians. Tulsi is a young and intelligent communicator of her own ideas…a perfect fit for MAGA Republican leadership coming back to power in DC.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Beaver has a point. We used to have separation of powers and 3 branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. Each was protective of it's own powers and would defend its prerogative across party lines.

Now we have 2 branches, D and R. A D or R in Congress will do anything that a D or R President wants and vice versa. Same with the courts. There are no more checks and balances. It's just tribal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The funniest part of the corrupt modern democrat party - are all the old WHITE losers who run it.

TrespassersW said...

Howard said...
Good for her. It took long enough. She probably thinks she can beat of attacks from unsat disgusting fat body Ronda Santis to win the presidency.

That's exactly the insightful commentary we've all come to expect from Howard. Now, where did my eyeballs roll off to?

Jason said...


Sebastian said...

"can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms"

I appreciate the reddish meat thrown to the commentariat, confirming our confirmation bias and all, and I know Althouse was never a party person in the first place, but methinks she and Althouse are not that far apart. Which is encouraging.

As others have noted, Gabbard might have been reading not just Althouse but the comment section here. The "elitists cabal" bit is a version of the prog hegemony point we've been making for years, to the occasional irritation of our hostess.

Creola Soul said...

Zel Miller, who served as Governor of Georgia and later as US Senator, didn’t change parties but voted with and sided with the Republicans. He later endorsed George W. Bush. He wrote “I didn’t leave the party, the party left me.”

Humperdink said...

Be careful here adoring souls, she voted President Soiled Pants in 2020. She's pro-abort. She sees the political winds are not behind her (now) former party. She's a political opportunist. I don't trust her.

Humperdink said...

Has anyone else noticed that our dear friend Howard is all about fat shaming Republicans? This, after he posts repeatedly about his Olympic swimming exploits? Just guessing, but I am thinking he would make Shamu look anorexic.

Humperdink said...

Has anyone else noticed that our dear friend Howard is all about fat shaming Republicans? This, after he posts repeatedly about his Olympic swimming exploits? Just guessing, but I am thinking he would make Shamu look anorexic.

Hassayamper said...

I could definitely vote for Trump/Gabbard or DeSantis/Gabbard, if we had a Republican House and Senate that could keep her nuttier economic and gun-control ideas under their thumb. She's an honest, intelligent patriot, unlike almost everyone else in her former party.

rcocean said...

After Hillary and other D's called her a "Russian Agent" for standing against our crazed warmongering in Afghanistan and the Ukraine, it was only a matter of time before she left.

Unlike the R's, you fall in line and support Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, etc. or you're O-U-T out in the D party. Its why Pelosi and schmumer can pass extreme radical legislation with 1 vote edge in the Senate, and 10 vote margin in the House. Party Discipline.

We'll see whether there are enough old Boomer Indies and R's who crush over a pretty brown girl in short skirt to get her elected to office.

Hassayamper said...

I'd much rather have her in charge than some "Lifelong Republican" Lincoln Project warmonger like Liz Cheney.

Levi Starks said...

There’s a politician in a local race in the StLouis area who spends a lot of his commercial explains that he’s not like other Democrats.

Achilles said...

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m concerned with the U.S. launching a pre-emotive nuclear strike. Since the 2014 CIA coup in Ukraine, the U.S. public has been fed an insane diet of warmongering to justify taking out Russia.

The Russia collusion hoax dug deep into the minds of Democrats. Even on the GOP side, 8 years of warmongering has turned most conservatives into lunatics consumed with bloodlust.

I go to bed every night praying for the survivor of my grandchildren.

The Federal Reserve has been purposely destroying the world economy and the Biden Regime has ruthlessly crushed the domestic fossil fuels industry in the US.

This has caused a situation that will result in massive unrest this winter. In the US people complain about high gas prices. Everywhere else people are going to starve and freeze to death.

The Biden Regime is pushing Putin to use nukes.

The Biden Regime needs WW3 to blame this disaster on.

Kai Akker said...

---Teamism. Sometimes the day arrives when you should think about leaving home without it. Thanks, Tulsi.

Rather easy comment to make. Tulsi will join a team, as she always has. Unless you think the nation is coming to elect you President by acclamation, Planetgeo. Sometimes il faut choisir. Whether it is entirely to your perfect liking or not.

Lurker21 said...

Gabbard's father was a conservative Republican politician who became a Democrat because Republicans have trouble getting elected and have no influence in Hawaii. It seems like Tulsi was brought up in a strange mix of hippie-green-organic-eco-paganism and conservatism that reminds me of Michael Savage or the Whole Foods guy.

She also seems like the kind of "post-racial" politician that some people thought Obama was going to be, but that's "post-racial" for Hawaii and doesn't have much to do with the deeper racial divides on the mainland. People have trouble pigeonholing her, perhaps because Hawaii is so different from the rest of the country, perhaps because the generation that came of age in this century is so very different from earlier ones, and perhaps because she's done her best to defy categorization.

Forty percent of the country will vote for a Democrat no matter what and forty percent of the country will vote for a Republican no matter what. That leaves very little room for independent or third party candidates. The electoral college imposes another hurdle or barrier. Perot couldn't crack it, and managed to rise to second place in only two states.

Robert Cook said...

"Both major parties seem broken beyond repair at this point."

Yes. Both in thrall to the corporate entities who own most of Congress. There are a few Dems left who are probably trying to do their job for their voting constituents, (Katie Porter is one I am impressed by), but the party as a whole is corrupted, as the Republicans have long been.

Ann Althouse said...

"a pre-emotive nuclear strike"

You must mean pre-emptive, but I did stop and think about what "pre-emotive" could mean. Murder the whole world *before* you experience any feelings?

Readering said...

Nobody likes a crank, except the bookers on cable news.

Drago said...

Achilles: "This has caused a situation that will result in massive unrest this winter. In the US people complain about high gas prices. Everywhere else people are going to starve and freeze to death.
The Biden Regime is pushing Putin to use nukes.
The Biden Regime needs WW3 to blame this disaster on."

I still have quite a few amigos who remain DC beltway bandits and who themselves chat with a great number of other governmental types across many agencies/depts. I put a couple of them on the spot on the question of: probability the US will plant tactical nuke in Ukraine and set it off and blame Putin and then declare a national emergency and, voila!, force us to use mass mail-in ballots in Nov.

At first they laughed....a bit....and then we started talking thru it. After that conversation I put the odds at 50% that this current New Soviet Democratical/nevertrump/GOPe government would/will do it. And if a nuke is used in Ukraine in the next month, it will 100% have been the US.

It will be the Gulf of Tonkin/Remember the Maine/Syrian gas attacks/Iraq WMD all over again. And hello Biden Emergency Powers declares Nationwide Mass Mail-In Ballots required.

Shouting Thomas said...

Auto-fill keeps doing that every time I try to type pre-emptive.

gahrie said...

I think that what Tulsi is hoping for is for the Democrats to have a disaster this November, and then she can offer herself as a road back to normalcy.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I don't agree all of her policy positions, but she has principles.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

"a pre-emotive nuclear strike"

You must mean pre-emptive, but I did stop and think about what "pre-emotive" could mean. Murder the whole world *before* you experience any feelings?

The Regime is acting out of Compassionate Narcissism.

They are murdering the world for our own/the greater good.

"Pre-emotive" could mean that these people have derived their actions from a need to please themselves.

Kai Akker said...

---But alas - the D-poison is strong with the hivemind. {HunterBidensHooker[

Feels like the logjam has been getting jostled since Althouse was repulsed by Biden's hate-you-Rs speech. Or you could go back to WalkAway, Candace, Blexit, Kanye, and so on. Another little jostling from the LA Council scandal. This reality-check from Tulsi is a big shake-up.

And there stand Pelosi, Schumer, BLMers and their ilk, just downstream of that big logjam. There is only one outcome from here.

Gunner said...

I 100% guarantee that Tulsi will never be labeled a liberal again unlike the Lincoln Putzs and Rinos like Steve Schmidt and Max Boot are still called conservatives.

Joe Smith said...

I don't get the whole 'Tulsi is hot' thing.

Do you people not get out much?

I was just in Las Vegas, where it's hot and women wear skimpy clothes.

Tulsi is a 6 in Vegas on her best day.

Get a life, boys...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I would imagine that leaving the Democratic Party was in her Fox News contract.

Shouting Thomas said...

However, the pre-emotive thing seems to also be pertinent.

Over at Instapundit, I’m being told repeatedly by conservative men that only a sissy is afraid of a little nuclear war. Their inability to connect emotionally to the horror of this is psychotic.

A story to illustrate. I told it to a woman friend.

When my wife was dying in the hospital, I would take time off from sitting by her bedside from time to time to go home, shower and try to sleep. Often, I fell down, pounded my fists and feet on the floor and screamed: “Please God, don’t take Myrna away from me!”

“You’re lucky you can do that,” my woman friend responded. “Most men can’t.”

Gypsy Jenni said...

Tulsi Gabbard (party, TBA) and Nikki Haley (R) for Presidential 2024 ticket.

robother said...

The tape of the LA Latinix council-members perfectly illustrate Tulsi's point about how Democrat identity politics pits racial groups and identities against each other. How is it that only Gabbard among all prominent Democrats can see this? Or how influential Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires have become in perpetrating woke neo-liberal economic policies that are destroying the working and middle class America?

Kevin said...

The Conscience of a Sane Person

wendybar said...

Progressives are calling her a Russian asset, and applauding flaming corrupt liar Hillary Clinton and saying she is vindicated for calling somebody who thinks for herself that. All the brainwashed Clintonites are rejoicing. Their Queen got rid of the last normal moderate left in the Corrupt America hating Progressive party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heretic! Guards = seize her!

Michael K said...

Blogger gahrie said...

I think that what Tulsi is hoping for is for the Democrats to have a disaster this November, and then she can offer herself as a road back to normalcy.

I tend to agree. On Economics, she is pretty far left but still sane.

Blogger Readering said...

Nobody likes a crank, except the bookers on cable news.

Readering is worried. Unless there is a massive steal in November, you should be.

Josephbleau said...

“Otoh. Tulsi is too hot to be president.”

Untrue, look at Finland.

Jaq said...

There is an argument against free will which claims that it’s been proven that we make decisions before we are aware of it, but of course that’s question begging.

Jaq said...

My favorite spellcheck malapropism is “although” for “Althouse.”

hombre said...

Me too, years ago. I disagree with her on some stands she took during the debates, but these assertions seem obviously true. I don't know that there are many principled Democrats left, but I hope this strikes a chord with them. I will send it to my son the Portlandian.

Tulsi is no conservative. Nevertheless, she is one of my heroes!

planetgeo said...

Kai Akker: "Rather easy comment to make. Tulsi will join a team, as she always has. Unless you think the nation is coming to elect you President by acclamation, Planetgeo."

Actually, I submit that Donald Trump in 2016 was in fact the first person elected President of the United States "by acclamation." I can easily make the argument that he was in reality the first "non-Republican Republican candidate to win the presidency," who was actively fought not only by the entire list of traditional Republican candidates but also by many of the top leaders of the party, and eventually conspired against, hampered, and deposed in 2020 by collusion between Team Blue and Team Red.

So yes, I believe that the conditions today are such that a plurality of the country today sees the farce of two colluding and corrupt parties and therefore are ready to vote for an independent candidate...whether that candidate happens to nominally seek candidacy of the less toxic party or not.

hombre said...

Me too, years ago. I disagree with her on some stands she took during the debates, but these assertions seem obviously true. I don't know that there are many principled Democrats left, but I hope this strikes a chord with them. I will send it to my son the Portlandian.

Tulsi is no conservative. Nevertheless, she is one of my heroes!

Drago said...

Achilles: "The Regime is acting out of Compassionate Narcissism.

They are murdering the world for our own/the greater good.

"Pre-emotive" could mean that these people have derived their actions from a need to please themselves."

"Danny, Danny. There's alot of, uh, well, badness in world today. I see it in court everyday. I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to do it. Felt I owed it to them...."

Rusty said...

Humperdink said...
"Has anyone else noticed that our dear friend Howard is all about fat shaming Republicans? This, after he posts repeatedly about his Olympic swimming exploits? Just guessing, but I am thinking he would make Shamu look anorexic."
Nah. It's just his way of telling us that he doesn't have to ask his wife for his balls when he plays with the other female dominated husbands.

n.n said...

A return to principles would be welcome, and boring. That's the way, I like it.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Tuck your boners back in, boys; she's a WEF stooge. Controlled opposition. Steer clear. A cuter Jacinda Ardern [that poor creature], just waiting to be activated.

Temujin said...

Smart and beautiful. I think she has a future.

Steven MqCween said...

Unlike self-neutered Republican politicians, Tulsi Gabbard has the balls to mention the Democrats' "anti-white racism." Despite her new age, eastern mysticism political philosophy, that's enough to get my vote.

Mutaman said...


Stephen said...

Tulsi Gabbard was a fool when she was a democrat, and will remain one regardless of her new party affiliation.

Kai Akker said...

---Get a life, boys...

And all those Marilyn Monroes you see every day in the coffeeshop. No, better-than-Marilyns, you told us. You have a rich fantasy life, Joe Smith.

Michael K said...

Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...

I would imagine that leaving the Democratic Party was in her Fox News contract.

You mean like Brennan's contract with CNN ? Never Trump 24/7?

Kai Akker said...

---Actually, I submit that Donald Trump in 2016 was in fact the first person elected President of the United States "by acclamation." [planetgeo]

As they say, you're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Your version is nonsense; Trump went through all the GOP primaries and caucuses and amassed the most delegates to win at the Republican convention. He chose a bread-and-butter Republican for his VP running mate. The rest of your argument sounds like self-indulgent wishful thinking, to me.

ColoComment said...

Many here are calling her "principled," but I disagree. She has sat by for two years while the Biden, Pelosi, Schumer forces have rammed through hyperactive spending programs reliant on borrowed funds that have fueled inflation. Two years while Biden's administration has infected our military, transportation, health, energy, and other executive agencies with the woke-itis policy and regulatory virus that deflects & detours them from achieving their core missions. Two years of Democratic party inspired divisive rhetoric that has brought the country to a point where any indication of political compromise has become a death sentence for a politician.
She rode the two-year wave of Democrat Party pre-eminence, and only now, when it appears that the political pendulum is on a return swing to the right, does she formally & officially disagree with the destructive policies of these last two years.
She may have a pleasing face and now be saying the right words, but principles? Bah humbug.

Michael said...

I'd love to see a DeSantis/Gabbard ticket just for the VP debate and the pure joy of watching Tulsi once again expose Kamala as an empty suit.


Quaestor said...

My favorite spellcheck malapropism is “although” for “Althouse.”

You'll never get Althouse to see the humor in that. She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile.

Quaestor said...

planetgeo writes, "I believe that the conditions today are such that a plurality of the country today sees the farce of two colluding and corrupt parties and therefore are ready to vote for an independent candidate...whether that candidate happens to nominally seek candidacy of the less toxic party or not.

Suppose an independent Tulsi Gabbard wins the presidency in 2024. How will that positively affect the nation? The Democrats will see she her as a turncoat and seek her ruination by any means, fair or foul, but mostly foul. The Republicans will see her as the spoiler candidate who denied them the White House. This adds up to political stalemate, which is generally desirable in normal, civilized times. Blessed boredom.

However, American society is currently far from normal. It's hardly even civilized if not completely mad. If we are ever to be normal, civilized, and sane again the next president must be an activist chief executive with a powerful and friendly majority in Congress and in the Supreme Court just to repair the damage inflicted by the shadowy figures who control the meatpuppet Biden. (There is no Biden, only Zool.) Stalemate don't cut it.

Saint Croix said...

Tuck your boners back in, boys; she's a WEF stooge.

Dude, seriously, you're going to have to do better than "World Economic Forum" to cool my jets.

"Commie fucker! Commie fucker!"

Shit like that. You need to get my attention.

Do you really think some moderate accusation is going to dampen my enthusiasm? She's a "stooge" of the WEF? What does that mean, she went to a meeting? I'll defend her all fucking day.

(I've googled Tulsi twice, got to stop doing that shit).

(Also you know we're Republican because we google "Tulsi marriage," which is kind of sweet if you think about it)

pious agnostic said...

I've said this before. There is a timeline where she is president, and Russia isn't in Ukraine; inflation isn't 9%; gas isn't $6 per gallon.

Saint Croix said...

Liberal men have the same problem by the way.

Here's Bill Maher defending his selection of Ann Coulter for his show.

(Audience is booing)

“Yeah, that’s called a newsmaker. A policymaker. You’ll have to suck on that."

Saint Croix said...

I don't get the whole 'Tulsi is hot' thing.

Do you people not get out much?

I was just in Las Vegas, where it's hot and women wear skimpy clothes.

Tulsi is a 6 in Vegas on her best day.

Dude, you're literally trying to say that 40% of Las Vegas women are hotter than Tulsi Gabbard.


I have been to Las Vegas, and the image I remember is how many senior citizens are sitting on stools and playing the slots

I think you're going to have to limit your sample size a lot more than that, Mr. Take-a-Statistics-Class.

Joe Smith said...

"And all those Marilyn Monroes you see every day in the coffeeshop. No, better-than-Marilyns, you told us. You have a rich fantasy life, Joe Smith."

You don't get out much, do you?

"Dude, you're literally trying to say that 40% of Las Vegas women are hotter than Tulsi Gabbard."

That's not what it means at all.

It means a 7 is more beautiful than a 6. It has nothing to do with percentages.

Math is hard (and my supposition isn't really even math).

I'll let your tiny brain think about this for a bit...get back to me.

Quaestor said...

Just for the record, the demonic being that processed Dana Barrett in the first and by far the best Ghostbusters spelled its name Zuul. I may continue to use my misspelling as a copyright dodge. There may be money in a There is no Biden, only Zool t-shirt.

Rollo said...

It would be nice to have a president with symmetrical features again. Biden looks like Batman's Joker and seems untrustworthy.

Mikey NTH said...

I say good for her.

And for all the rest, Gabbard speaking her mind, on why she is leaving the Democrats may* be one of those small stones that starts an avalanche. There may* be many others who think as she does but do not have the courage yet to speak out. Her example may* cause others to do the same in a "preference cascade".

I expect the full weight of Leftist opprobrium to fall on her and quite soon. If she does not cave under that then who knows what will happen. Trump started a preference cascade in the GOP and that could happen in the Democrats.

*I say MAY because I can't predict the future.

Mutaman said...

Blogger Mikey NTH said...

" I expect the full weight of Leftist opprobrium to fall on her and quite soon."

Nobody on the left cares about her.

Saint Croix said...

It means a 7 is more beautiful than a 6. It has nothing to do with percentages.

I prefer using percentages. It's more reality-based as opposed to fantasy-based.

If I say someone's a 9, I say she's hotter than 90% of humanity. If she's a 10, she's hotter than 99% of humanity.

I get that you are grading on some meat market scale, like you have "prime" and "choice" in your mind.

I like beauty and I'm attracted to beauty but I don't want to be an idiot about it.

Drago said...

Saint Croix: "If I say someone's a 9, I say she's hotter than 90% of humanity. If she's a 10, she's hotter than 99% of humanity."

Uh, no. That's not how that works.

Mason G said...

"I like beauty and I'm attracted to beauty but I don't want to be an idiot about it."

Choosing a politician based on beauty would be inching into the "idiot" category, wouldn't you agree?

Rt41Rebel said...

"I prefer using percentages. "

I've been using the bit system for at least a decade. 0 or 1. That's really all it comes down to anyway.

Saint Croix said...

Math is hard (and my supposition isn't really even math).

Actually, it is math.

You're suggesting it's a bell curve.

With a tiny percentage of people at the top (really beautiful) and a tiny percentage of people at the bottom (really ugly) and the vast majority of people in the middle.

So when you say she's a 6, you're saying she's barely above the average human being.

Bunkypotatohead said...

She should go home and enjoy the rest of her life in beautiful Hawaii. She isn't going to save the USA...it isn't worth saving anyway.

Saint Croix said...

Joe, you probably don't realize this, but Tulsi Gabbard has been on the scene for a while. I've been looking at her, I don't know, 10 years? She's older now, not as hot as she used to be.

I don't actually put numbers on women any more, it's childish, but when you said she's a 6, I was like, "motherfucker, that is wrong."

But you are right, it is a bell curve rating system. Technically you did not say that. You are of the opinion that it involves no math at all, and the numbers change when you visit Las Vegas. But I am trying to give you a little credit for seeing where I was wrong. Bell curve, not even distribution. So I will not mock you too much for thinking that a 9 becomes a 6 when she's on holiday. I realize you are so dizzy from the heat of the westerly winds that you might have forgotten that women live throughout the world, and when you seek to describe them to other men, and use the man language of "She's a 6," if you hope to communicate with us you will have to remember that the world exists outside of your 6 block range. Or wherever the hell you are living where all you see are 9s and 10s, you fantasist.

Okay. May I also add that dating Las Vegas showgirls is boring as shit, as they talk about their dance moves and zipper malfunctions (again), maybe you have the patience for that. I am older and I dream about hot conversations. All right? Anyway, I state with confidence, she's a fucking 9. A married 9, so I'm going to quit rating her.

(Apparently my subconscious woke me up to say this shit. Going back to bed).

Rusty said...

Stephen said...
"Tulsi Gabbard was a fool when she was a democrat, and will remain one regardless of her new party affiliation."
When she spent here career dealing with people like our usual suspects her decision becomes obvious.

rwnutjob said...

I'm glad Tulsi got out of the water and saved herself from drowning; that doesn't suddenly qualify her for Captain of the Ship though.

Kirk Parker said...

Saint Croix,

You're sounding more than a bit unhinged here. YES Gabbard is an alum of the WEF Young Global Leaders program.

Kirk Parker said...

And I'm entirely with rwnutjob @ 7:01am. Well said.

TJ said...

On the two "team" comment earlier: regardless of D or R behind the politician, ALL should be on the American team. IMO, the fact that one of the teams currently isn't is significant.

One team, two parties with different methods to accomplish the same goal...oh, were it true.

Joe Smith said...

'I don't actually put numbers on women any more, it's childish, but when you said she's a 6, I was like, "motherfucker, that is wrong."'

It's not really math (to me) because there are no calculations, just assignation of a rating based upon subjective criteria.

A 6 to me might be a 10 to you.

Vegas has nothing to do with it other than the fact that I was there for a sporting event with a lot of young, attractive women on the right-hand side of the bell curve.

I don't normally go around rating women either, but I am just so sick of (mostly men) fawning over average-looking women.

Tulsi may be above average or below average, but to read the comments some seem to think she has a second career as a Victoria Secrets model; she doesn't.

Sorry to be so harsh on you...

Saint Croix said...

You're sounding more than a bit unhinged here. YES Gabbard is an alum of the WEF Young Global Leaders program.

ha ha

my point was, who gives a shit?

it's like alleging you got a photo of her shaking Bill Clinton's hand.

She changed parties. Be happy!

Kirk Parker said...

Who gives a shit?

Well, given that the WEF YGL is explicitly a grooming program for making leaders who are more committed to the globalist program than they are to their own countries, I'd say the answer to your question is "anyone who gives a shit about America."

That's not to say everyone who is a WGL alum is permanently tainted, but I would sure like to know how they got into the program, what they thought of it then, and what they think of it now. And if the answer isn't, "They invited me and I figured Know Your Enemy was a good idea", then I really really really want to hear about their Road To Damascus moment regarding the organization.

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