October 6, 2022

"The Secret Service says it checked again and still can’t find any records that identify visitors to President Biden’s Delaware residences — where he has spent roughly one-fourth of his presidency...."

The New York Post reports on its Freedom of Information request. 

“If the Secret Service is doing its job, there has to be visitor records,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “If there aren’t any records, the scandal is much bigger than just a lack of transparency.”

Biden took office last year vowing to uphold “the highest standards of transparency” and the White House congratulated itself shortly after he took office for resuming the partial release of West Wing visitor logs, which then-President Donald Trump discontinued in 2017.

Biden’s press office said in a release, “These logs give the public a look into the visitors entering and exiting the White House campus for appointments, tours, and official business — making good on President Biden’s commitment to restore integrity, transparency, and trust in government.”

Then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki said last year and again in January that Biden would not voluntarily publish visitor logs from Delaware. “I can confirm we are not going to be providing information about the comings and goings of the president’s grandchildren or people visiting him in Delaware,” Psaki said last August. “The president goes to Delaware because it’s his home. It’s also where his son and his former wife are buried. And it’s a place that is obviously close to his heart,” Psaki said in January....

If he only goes to Delaware because "it's his home" and he's doing his purely personal things, why is he spending a quarter of his time there? Should he not be working harder? Or does he work remotely but not receive any work-based guests?


Jaq said...

Hunter's clients, and that is not even a joke, A couple months ago Joe went there for about an hour unannounced, you can't tell me it was to use the bathroom. His corruption is dragging us into WWIII, but the main reason the billionaires wanted him, specifically for the job was that he is openly for sale and they are swimming in money they can't possibly spend all of.

Kevin said...

There are obviously records of some sort showing who visited.

I look forward to the FBI raiding Biden and his associates to get them back into government control.

Dave Begley said...

Secret foreign agents are delivering money and giving Joe instructions.

JRoberts said...

All good questions, but don’t hold your breath while waiting for answers.

If I were still an employee and unilaterally decided to work from “home” 25% of the time (and be paid), my employer would have every right to question what I was doing while on the clock.

Our elected officials, regardless of their office or party affiliation, have forgotten who works for whom.

Enigma said...

@Althouse wrote: "If he only goes to Delaware because "it's his home" and he's doing his purely personal things, why is he spending a quarter of his time there? Should he not be working harder? Or does he work remotely but not receive any work-based guests?"

I suspect that's where the cabal and Regent meet to direct his actions each week. Think of it as winding up Biden as a clockwork toy or checking the strings on him as a marionette. All sorts of political thrillers and sci fi movies come to mind. It's the job given to Obama's handlers after taking their Greek columns back to Hollywood.

wendybar said...

Meh. Joe has gotten away with a lot worse. The Deep State set it up this way. They don't WANT us peons to know what they have in store for us. Everybody close your eyes and go back to sleep.

gilbar said...

What is the problem? THIS is what 82 million votes wanted.
If you people have problems, maybe we should stop counting votes that don't come from people

Beasts of England said...

’Should he not be working harder?’

He’s already logging close to ten hours per week on his time card - cut him some slack…

J Severs said...

@MrWibble: Bullseye!

mezzrow said...

Are the authors of the Post story safe and well? Have they been locked away in a closet yet?

The Post is demanding to see badges, and this Prez don't need no stinkin' badges, amigo.

michaele said...

I would certainly think that the secret service has to do due diligence on whoever visits the president when ever and where ever. How can there not be records?

Leland said...

The closing questions begins with a presumption that it is actually Biden running the White House. If you begin with the assumption that he is just a figurehead, then no one need waste their time with visiting Biden in Delaware.

BTW I would support not logging to coming and going of family to a family residence. However, I'm not naive to believe that is the only people coming and going or that even as a figurehead, we shouldn't know who they are.

rwnutjob said...

It's harder to run the scam directly out of the White House

Jersey Fled said...

Lots of people go to Delaware to shop because there's no sales tax.

gilbar said...

Serious Question(s)
Does the Secret Service even know WHO is visiting? Do they run NOT background checks?
If someone just walks up, do they let them in? Do they NOT check a list of appointments?
Could the answers to these questions actually be No?
If yes, then there's a list... WHERE IS IT?

William said...

Nothin' to see here, folks. Move along.

Static Ping said...

"Transparency" is one of those things politicians always promise since most voters do not consider it a priority and when the promise is violated few people notice. It is an empty promise. The only reason to even notice it this time is supposedly Biden was supposed to be the antidote of the "highly corrupt" Trump, which was laughable since Biden is one of the most corrupt people in Washington for the past 50 years.

That said, it does bring into question who is providing Biden with security, since apparently it is not the Secret Service.

Drago said...

The Praetorian Guard has never been transparent.

traditionalguy said...

Escaping records of visitors is normal Wartime security for a Commander in Chief. The enemy can figure out his planned attacks on them from the skills of his visitors. And everyone knows that his enemy is George Soros’s enemy: the United States of America. From the Obama days on it has been the planned destruction of our Republic.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I think it's to hide the medical aspects

Dude1394 said...

This story awaits the rest of the medias pillow over its face.

Lurker21 said...

They won't publish visitor logs because it might reveal the various medical specialists brought in to keep him functional.

That makes sense. If there's a conspiracy with all kinds of nefarious comings and goings, it's in DC. I can't think that getting in to see Biden in Delaware is going to get anyone anything, since he's clearly not in charge. On the other hand, maybe seeing Jill will get things done for you.

Michael K said...

Mr Wibble said...

They won't publish visitor logs because it might reveal the various medical specialists brought in to keep him functional.

This plus the Chinese visitors want privacy for the payoffs.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Biden doesn't need security with respect to the Delaware visitors. Those folks own him. Why would they damage their favorite possession?

hombre said...

The public likely cannot be allowed to see the visits of medical personnel need to prop up ol' QuidProJoe.

Secret Service, meh. Democrats corrupt everything and their base approves.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"I am not a crook!"

Aggie said...

The Secret Service is doing their job, all right. The Legacy Corporate Mainstream Media is not doing their job - or there would be paparazzis camped out along every roadc coming in, snapping a kazillion pix of each and every ward heeler and bagman coming for a delivery, oops, visit.

mikee said...

Don't go looking for zebras when you hear hoofbeats, think of horses first. Joe just can't last a whole week being publicly displayed in DC. He needs to be given several days' R&R per week.

Not quite thinking of zebras: It is possible that Joe, during his time in Delaware, is simply undergoing medical attention for his age and dementia related infirmity. Maybe resting in a room with extra oxygen, or getting oatmeal with probiotics sprinkled on top, or being dosed with drugs to allow him to walk and talk back in DC for a few more days. In addition to falling off his bicycle in attempts to show how healthy he is....

And if anyone thinks Joe is running his family cartel of influence and bribery on his weekends at home, is it more or less likely that he can accomplish such a feat there, while his staff has to run his presidency the rest of the week? Remember the SNL skit where the Gipper acts like a doddering old man in public White House appearances, then becomes a brilliant, energetic leader with his staff when the reporters leave the room? Yeah, Biden's not doing that.

iowan2 said...

Congress subpoenaing its own members, seizing members cell phone.

100% partisan committees taking sworn testimony in secret.

No visitors log for the President.

Using federal agents to wage lawfare against your political rivals.

President Obama keeping classified documents in his Presidential Records, he has yet to turn over to the National Archives.

The list of precedents set by Democrats is getting long. I wonder if Democrats are going to like the rules they created.

Mike said...

Based on the goofiness of some of Biden's policies, I imagine that he's consorting with people delivering Plan 9 From Outer Space--as revised by AOC and her Squad.

As to the idea that he's just "visiting his home". I remember the great press hoo hah over the time that George W. Bush spent at his ranch in Texas.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Also: "the partial release of West Wing visitor logs"

Translation: "we manage the visitor data we release, for our own benefit"

Also: "president’s grandchildren or people visiting him in Delaware,” Psaki said"

Translation: "no information on anybody visiting in Delaware". The mention of grandchildren is pure distraction.

The press! What a bunch of lapdogs!

Achilles said...

Dave Begley said...

Secret foreign agents are delivering money and giving Joe instructions.

They aren't really secret.

Sure we don't know specific names, but everyone knows Joe is working for China.

Rabel said...

Be careful, Althouse.

You're getting awfully close to fucking with a Biden.

Saint Croix said...

“If the Secret Service is doing its job, there has to be visitor records,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.

It seems to me that the #1 job of the Secret Service is to protect the president's life. So, yeah, they need to identify everybody who comes into his house. Of course!

But that does not mean that the Secret Service needs to write down everybody's name and keep records of all his visitors. Why would you do that? Pencil pushers keep records. When the Biden administration announces they aren't keeping records, that's a notice to journalists and other interested people that if you want a record of people visiting the president, get a cameraman out there and start taking some pictures.

Obviously the Biden administration is secretive (and corrupt). We know that already.

But why blame the Secret Service?

I like Judicial Watch, but you ought to take a bullet for somebody before you accuse the Secret Service of being dishonest or corrupt. To my mind they are the most esteemed branch of the federal government. Compare them to those FBI fuckers, for instance, or the CIA.

EdwdLny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EdwdLny said...

Yea, the treasonous pedophile and his enablers don't want any witnesses while he sells the country down the river and diddles children. What a vile pig he, his family, and his enablers are. Scum.

Howard said...

Whatabout the Secret Service phones on J6? Huh? Crickets. Nothing to see hear. Move along.

Maybe the SS is only required to log in the visitors that Biden remembers seeing.

Maybe the movers and shakers meat with Biden's handlers because SloJo is playing submarines with Dr. Jill in the bubble bath.

gadfly said...

“If the Secret Service is doing its job, there has to be visitor records,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “If there aren’t any records, the scandal is much bigger than just a lack of transparency.”

This is the same Tom Fitton, yes, the president of the conservative activist group Judicial Watch, who advised Trump that the White House files belonged to him and that he should not have let the National Archives and Records Administration "strong-arm" him into returning the documents. There is nothing conservative about telling lies to TFG about the government documents at Mar-a-Lago.

As is true at all locations occupied by the president, Secret Service does not determine who is permitted to enter the facility. Instead, USSS agents and officers conduct physical screenings to ensure no prohibited items are allowed onto the property. White House staff keep visitor records based on who is actually permitted by staff to enter the president's quarters.

Tom Fitton needs to be fired.

Achilles said...

The regime is falling apart.

Joe Biden is almost certain to be out before Republicans take congress.

cassandra lite said...

“If the Secret Service is doing its job, there has to be visitor records."

You can see Biden's SS agents yakking it up, comparing notes, with Obama's SS agents when the two are behind locked doors. Every weekend.

There can be no other explanation that satisfies Occam.

Howard said...

You know what Achilles? I thought that you've been falling apart for the last several years with your crazy rantings conspiracy ideation and your ludicrous Meathead diet with testosterone injections. Yet you're still here. Human beings are very resilient.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Weekends are 28.5% of the year, a three-week vacation is over 5.5%, and the eleven federal holidays are 3%. That adds up to 37% of the year, and Biden is only spending 25% in Delaware.

Rabel said...

Just friends stopping by to talk about grandchildren, weddings, and yoga routines.

Bailey Yankee said...

Barley Mill Road is very narrow through there. Largely wooded and very little shoulder. There would be no place to park and wait. On the other hand, gilbar has it right. No one sees a president without having been checked for security. The Secret Service are lying.

JaimeRoberto said...

The complain that he's not working hard enough is a bit like the complaint about the restaurant where the food is terrible and the servings are too small. But then he's not the one who's in charge anyway, so stuff gets done without him. And by "gets done", I mean royally screwed up.

Also, maybe there should be a "transparency bullshit" tag.

Dave Begley said...


Good one. I'm expecting the FBI to show up at Meadehouse any day now.

Fee legal advice to Ann and Meade. Don't talk to the FBI!

Original Mike said...

The Secret Service protects the President but doesn't record who they let in.
The Presidency is a 9-5 job with weekends, holidays, and a 3-week vacation off.

There's a whole lotta stupid in this thread.

BG said...

The New York Post should have asked Gladys Kravitz instead.

Michael K said...

Blogger JaimeRoberto said...

The complain that he's not working hard enough is a bit like the complaint about the restaurant where the food is terrible and the servings are too small.

Brings up Yogi Berra's complaint about a restaurant. "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

Big Mike said...

Easy thing to check. Can the Secret Service produce logs from when George W. Bush was at his Crawford ranch? How about from when Barach Obama was on vacation. If so, then Joe Biden surely looks awfully guilty of something.

Ralph L said...

It’s also where his son and his former wife are buried.

Biden's dead wife is his first wife, not his former--they weren't divorced. Psaki really isn't very precise for such an important position.

Paul said...

Lots of reasons they would not give out the log for Biden's place...


Russian Oligarchs...

Ukrainian Oligarchs...

Mexican Cartels....

Chinese intelligence agents...

12 year old girls...

Pallets of cash going to Iran Mullahs (minus 10 percent for 'big daddy'...)


The Godfather said...

Sure, visitors to the President have to be scheduled, vetted, admitted, etc., and the Secret Service is supposed to do that, but suppose you wanted to hide that information . . . . Get it done by someone other than the SS, and then the SS can truthfully say "We have no information." Has anyone asked the CIA? Does anyone think the CIA would answer truthfully? It doesn't even have to be a government agency. How about the Mafia? Bet they could do it, and keep it quiet, for a price.

Bender said...

The Archives are entitled to those records. If they cannot be found, then the FBI needs to execute a search warrant for the home with an army of armed agents seizing anything and everything they find.

Tina Trent said...

Waggling his dead wife and daughter around as an excuse to conceal his activities from the American public is reprehensible.

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