He blogged about not buying "a fairy house on Etsy" because — as WaPo puts it in "Alleged assailant filled blog with delusional thoughts in days before Pelosi attack" — he "was frustrated that the doors were painted and so could not be used by a fairy."
In DePape's words: “They have lots of fairy houses but NONE of them are MADE for fairies,” he wrote.
WaPo casually defames Jordan Peterson:
In late August, DePape became engrossed in the decision by Twitter to ban Jordan Peterson for his posts about transgender people. The Canadian psychologist turned conservative podcaster had once said that being transgender was comparable to “satanic ritual abuse.”
Jordan Peterson did NOT say that "being transgender was comparable to 'satanic ritual abuse.'" Peterson compared the belief that one is transgender to the belief that one has been a victim of satanic ritual abuse. He did not suggest that transgender people are like satanic abusers! He was discussing the phenomenon of "social contagion."
Back to WaPo:
DePape published six posts in support of Peterson and then continued with his own caustic takes on transgender people, saying they should not be a protected group. “They were not BORN a freak. They are not INHERENTLY a freak threw no fault of their own. … They are CHOOSING to be FREAKS,” he wrote in one post.
DePape also misunderstood Peterson, but not as badly as The Washington Post misunderstood Peterson.
"Peterson the belief that one is transgender to the belief that one has been a victim of satanic ritual abuse"
Anyway, doesn't it make you mad when they deliberately misrepresent the views of someone trying so hard to do good in the world?
This is what satanic.
When do we, the little people, get to read DePape’s posts? Are these curated?
WaPoo needs editors and fact-checkers. This really is disgraceful inaccuracy about Peterson.
A gosh-darn media platform owned by a billionaire!
I think they lie both casually and deliberately.
Frankly, if the guy genuinely believes fairies ought to be a protected class within the scope of the Fair Housing Act I'm okay with that.
The relevant inquiry is more likely does high potency marijuana induce psychosis?.
“Zero touch with reality,” Scott recalled. The family checked Kyle into a psychiatric facility, where his delusions got worse. He thought his dad ran the mafia and had put Joe Biden in office. He demanded that his parents give him $10 million.
Meg and Scott were sure their son was messed up on some hardcore drug. But when the institution ran a drug test, Kyle came up positive only for his prescribed Attention Deficit Disorder medication and for THC — that is, marijuana...
Johnny killed himself in 2019 at the age of 19 by jumping off a six-story building. “There are no caps on potency,” said Stack. “They’re cultivating higher and higher concentrates of THC. You literally can’t buy what you could get in the ’80s and ’90s; marijuana that mild isn’t around anymore”...
Since then, legal marijuana has been transformed into a potent and unrecognizable product.
“When I speak at parent nights at schools, most adults still think it’s like the weed we smoked when we were teens in the ’80s, [which had] between 3 to 5% THC per gram of flower,” said Laura Stack, an advocate against cannabis abuse in Colorado. “We never had today’s high-potency concentrates, vapes or edibles.”
Laura’s son Johnny was driven into acute psychosis by years of high concentrate THC usage. He believed his dorm room was bugged and that the mob was after him.According to multiple studies, for those who have ever suffered a full cannabis-induced psychotic break, the chance that, if you still keep using, you’ll eventually develop permanent schizophrenia is almost 50 percent. That’s a higher conversion rate than amphetamines, opioids or LSD.
But what really makes THC more dangerous than those other drugs, experts say, is that so few people consider it dangerous at all. “We know fentanyl is bad. We know meth is bad,” said Dr. Libby Stuyt, a recently retired addiction psychiatrist in Colorado. “We don’t know that marijuana is bad.”
THC concentrates are highly physically addictive, experts add. “It is almost impossible for people to quit,” said Stuyt.
Fairy spec house builders have learned from bitter experience to always paint the doors on new fairy houses. Otherwise, homeless fairies will just move in and start living there and not pay any rent and the next thing you know you'll have a fairy crackhouse on your hands, the place will be covered in graffiti and full of toxic trash and fairy shit and have you ever tried going to the cops and asking them to evict fairies from your fairy house? Long story short, they won't help you.
Cue this story fading from view in 3, 2, 1...
WaPo did not misunderstand Jordan Peterson. WaPo misrepresented Peterson.
The first time I ever heard of the drug ibogaine was in 1973 in hunter Thompson's bio about the 72 election.
He wrote, falsely, that Ed muskie used it and it made him a zombie. It seemed like ayn interesting drug to me but I thought Thompson had made it up. A few years later I found that it was a real substance and does induce a zombie like trance state. (merck index)
That was also about the last time I had heard of it until yesterday:
People come and go from the house and the vehicles, neighbors say, in part to partake in the use of a potent psychedelic drug, ibogaine.
Have we reached peak weirdness yet on this story? How can this be topped?
Was pelosi doing ibogaine? Does Nancy pelosi do ibogaine? It might account for some of her quirks.
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
DePape also misunderstood Peterson, but not as badly as the Washington Post.
DePape wasn't doing it deliberately.
I think you could make an argument that DePape is less crazy, evil and destructive than the Washington Post.
This isn’t a game anymore Ann. They are being dishonest about everything.
They are manufacturing hate and justifying the violence of the left. Past, present, and future.
They are going to lose the election and that will be the final straw. They are going to resort to mass violence to protect democracy and they are justifying it now with all of these obviously manufactured events.
I'll bet the safe phrase between Pelosi and DePape was "salamander fairy".
That would be a hard one to remember.
The real story about DePape is that his mind was ruined by drug use. The Dems push and promote drug use. The Dems are the party of drugs.
How did DePape get in the house?
DePape's weapon of choice to bring along was a hammer?
Why would he let Pelosi take a private pee in the middle of a home break in?
Why would Pelosi describe him as a friend?
Occam's Razor: Pelosi picked up the wrong dude for some 2am delight while Nancy was away.
the left lie.
WaPo lies.
You should see the local democrat ads here in CO. Lies!
DePape's stepdaughter accuses him of abusing her and her siblings when they were young. She says he was also abused as a child. Long, long article here about Oxana "Gypsy" Taub from before all this. She also claims a family history of sexual abuse.
If there are pedophiles in government, maybe DePape's grievance was that he wasn't invited to join in.
@ Darkisland
Ibogaine is one of the substances being used in psychedelic therapy. They're claiming some impressive successes with it in treating depression, anxiety, PTSD and addictions.
Fairy houses are garden decorations. If you're still using gnomes, or elves, or trolls, the rest of the world has moved on. If you still have a lawn jockey, for the love of God, move on.
If pelosi is hanging out with kinky gay lovers, escorts services, doing ibogaine or some of the other weird speculations, that would make him subject to blackmail
Could this all be a setup, like a honeypot, by Putin's kgb?
Will we find out before the elections?
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
Release the surveillance video. Release the SFPD bodycam footage. Release the 911 call and find and interview the mysterious “3rd person” who let the cops in. Then get the perpetrator’s side. THEN write a story about what most likely happened, because the “facts” as presented (perp 15 miles from home wearing only underpants?) do not add up to a believable account.
Additional advice for “journalists:” find a source other than Paul for the alleged “where’s Nancy?” and “this is MAGA country!” statements ascribed to the perp, tell us how the BLM activist got from Berkeley across the bay to Pacific Heights dressed only in underwear, or at least explain where his clothes went, and maybe try and verify any prior contact Depape and Pelosi had. That’ll get you started.
If Paul Pelosi is gay, then why did Nancy stay married to him?
I have seen reference to the "Etsy" site in the past, but never visited it. From this, it sounds like an "Ebay of esoterica."
Elon Musk goes there on Twitter...
Hillary Clinton
The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories. It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result. As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions that follow.
Elon Musk, Replying to @HillaryClinton
There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye
The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday...
As SF's gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
I hope that this Supreme Court can address defamation law, so that garbage like this can be actionable. Journalists should face consequences when they lie this blatantly. Right now, they know they'll get away with it.
"If Paul Pelosi is gay, then why did Nancy stay married to him?"
Cf. Leonard Bernstein, and Felicia.
I did look up ibogaine last night and found that it is being used in therapy for substance abuse and more. The little I read makes it sound like it might be useful. It is Schedule 1 in the US though. No legal use or availability.
Not controlled in Mexico and other countries though.
I just found it odd that in 50 years or so I do not recall running across any mention of it.
A site search for ibogaine of NY times finds 5 mentions going back to 1994.
2 in Washington post going back to 2012. One result seems to be about youtube(I could only read the headline though)
In other words, not exactly a common drug in popular culture.
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
Dave Begley said...
If Paul Pelosi is gay, then why did Nancy stay married to him?
Money and power.
Paul Pelosi is very wealthy. The pelosi family is old California money and political movers and shakers
In the well-heeled areas of berkeley, fairy dioramas are a thing.
Just like the Biden family, the Pelosi family is representative of all the sickness, perversion and corruption of today’s Democrat party. Drug use. Cheating on a spouse. Insider stock trading.
It is an open secret what happened.
The gay bars closed at 2.
The incident happened at 2:30. Everyone was in their underwear except for the 3rd person involved who answered the door for the police that isn't being named.
But the leftist shitheads need justification for the violence they have committed and plan to commit.
There is a line between neutrality and playing dumb. The media is openly and obviously trying to create hatred and division. People need to stop playing along with this.
This wasn't a case of misunderstanding Peterson, it is a case of lying about Peterson.
Yeah, we have a lot of "fairy gardens" in our neighborhood here in Madison. I assume they are put together by children, but maybe this is an adult hobby.
Dave Begley said...
If Paul Pelosi is gay, then why did Nancy stay married to him?
Who made his money trading stocks with information the speaker of the house provided.
You have to know how depraved and corrupt these people are by now.
Marriage is nothing but a contract and a tool for these people. They care nothing about the foundations or customs of a society.
There's the URL. I'm having trouble making the link work.
One more try: there
The broken window shown on the Shellenberger article is not the entry point. Even if the glass is tempered, I can't see someone getting through that hole without significant abrasions.
DePape did not break the window and then reach around and open the door either. The nearer door has a lip and thus closes first. It almost assuredly does not have a lever to open it. The visible lever handle is on the opposite door, away from the window. You'd have to reach past the wall, past the nearer door, past the lever pivot, and then push the lever down. That's 5-6 feet.
So either DePape is a Chinese acrobat or that picture does not show the entry point.
MartyH said...
When do we, the little people, get to read DePape’s posts? Are these curated?
Somewhere between 'after the election' and 'Neverland'
San Francisco is teeming with available young gay men. Even assuming without evidence that Pelosi is gay, anyone trying to argue that "the simplest explanation" is that Pelosi went all the way to Berkeley and picked up a gibbering, unwashed, aging schizophrenic just sounds silly.
Depape's a crazy man. He got it into his head to seek out Pelosi and went to her home. He smashed a glass door with a hammer and clawed out the panes and spacers, leaving broken glass all around the outside.
Once inside, crazy man did crazy stuff. Sat down to wait for Nancy. Allowed Paul use the bathroom, where he made a call, talking in code so we not to inflame the man with the hammer if he overheard. The police coded the call as a "wellness check," because that's how San Francisco codes mental health incidents.
Police arrived and another family member let them in. Crazy man freaked out at the sight of the police, told Paul "you betrayed me" and attacked him with the hammer. Paul tried to fight him off and got badly injured.
There's your simplest story.
@ John
Yeah, I don't remember ever hearing of ibogaine before I listened to a podcast recently about a guy who went through a psychedelic treatment with it. He went out of the country for the treatment and he didn't say where.
If you're interested, the podcast was The Shawn Ryan Show, episode #10, interview with Marcus Capone and his wife Amber. The guy had serious TBI problems from being an explosive breacher at DEVGRU. He reported amazing results. It's a fascinating episode for many reasons.
Former SEAL and CIA operator Shawn Ryan talks about his own psychedelic therapy experience in Episode #24 and also reports tremendous benefits as a result.
And to think, some people don't trust the mainstream media like the Washington Post. What could be the cause of that?
Peterson has to correct people because they twist his words to mean something different than what he said.
Biden has a whole administration correcting what he actually said to what the administration wants a policy.
And Mel Gibson had the cameo role of the father returning from war to his fairy-house-building daughter at the end of the movie Fairy Tale. Which raises whole molehills of cancel culture.
Ann, it's worth wondering why we're seeing so many more articles about Depape than we ever did about James Hodgkinson.
Gay or straight, if 82 year old Pelosi still pokin' 'em he deserves some admiration.
Very slightly OT:
"not as badly as The Washington Post misunderstood Peterson"
There's misunderstanding, and then there's prog slander. It's good of Althouse to notice, and to risk appearing to defend Peterson, but the prog rot goes deeper than even this post indicates.
The phenomenon of old men with lots of money going over to the gay side is not rare. Malcolm Forbes is one example. Maybe it is a cure for ED.
“Was pelosi doing ibogaine? Does Nancy pelosi do ibogaine? It might account for some of her quirks.”
Do you do ibogaine? It might account for your quirk of signing your name to every dumb comment you make.
I once had an imaginary salamander in a terrarium, but it wasn't a fantasy salamander. It was a real, normal, imaginary salamander.
DePape was a human sacrifice survivor trying to escape.
Change my mind.
The guy attacking "FREAKS" turns out might be a "freak" himself?
This story is so familiar.
This author has been removed by the comment.
Strange how Rolling Stone(D) came out with the perfect template for the man who attacked Mr. Pelosi.
Meanwhile - what might be the truth?
I don't want medicoes giving me mind-altering substances, but then the traumas I have suffered have perhaps not been very great in comparison to some of the cases mentioned above.
Who can say?
The Fairy Garden phenom seems to be just another Neo-Victorian atavism to me, like so much else in our uncreative, exhausted mainstream culture. (And what's with a -miniature- fantasy salamander? Why not a YUGE fantasy salamander? Loser.)
"Where's Nancy?" is the question I would ask if I broke in, with her as the target, or if I came in on a date with Paul. Same words, different tone of voice. There has been little reporting that I have seen that makes me believe one story over another. My biggest questions come from the absence of information - no one around there has Ring or Nest doorbells that recorded DePape's approach to the house? No traffic cams or other surveillance? Does DePape have a cell phone? Was the location turned on? If so, what time does it show him arriving?
Given that Pelosi's daughter praised the guy who attacked Rand Paul, I have little sympathy here. Nobody should be violently attacked, and inflammatory political rhetoric certainly does risk inflaming the psychopathic, but Democratic leaders only care about it, and the media only reports about the risks it poses, when they have some hook they can use to blame the right.
I just ran a Google News search for "Hodgkinson" and "Pelosi." Nothing. Hodgkinson is the deranged Bernie Sanders supporter who nearly killed Steve Scalise in 2017. Unlike this DePape guy, Hodgkinson had no history of mental disturbance. When the Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi's OWN FAMILY, are willing to do a full-throated, full-stop denunciation of political violence against Republicans, and the "their literal fascists" rhetoric that the likes of AOC and others like to spew, then we can maybe get somewhere. When all the media articles about a particular attack (like this one) use ONLY examples of right-wing extremist voices and violence that may (or may not) have been influenced by right-wing rhetoric, then it's clear that they only care about attacking the right, not actually toning down inflammatory political rhetoric.
And they don't get to denounce "whataboutism" until they actually explain their own hypocrisy on the subject. Until then, this kind of rhetoric warrants your "civility bullshit" tag, Ann.
If Paul Pelosi is gay, then why did Nancy stay married to him?
LOL. She's 80 years old. He's 82. She and he had 5 kids in the 1960s. For all we know they haven't had sex in 52 years.
I don't do ibogaine, Inga. I do wonder if the Pelosi's do. What do you think?
You are a nurse of long experience I believe. Have you ever run across ibogaine use in a patient?
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
The latest is people claiming that DePape was a fan Jimmy Dore, the left-wing radio host who's appeared on Tucker Carlson. If you're looking for a missing link or gateway drug to take lunatic DePape from extreme left to extreme right, Jimmy Dore might be it. Or maybe people who hate Dore are mounting an effort to discredit him. Crazy people have something like a switch in their heads that when flipped takes them from one obsession to another.
NBC reported that DePape was in the bedroom with Paul Pelosi. Pelosi went onto the bathroom where his phone was charging and called 911.
There was a third person in the house who let the police in. "Curioser and curioser", said Alice ...
Inga now probably believes that DePape was paid by Putin and Trump to have sex with Pelosi and give him a case of monkey pox.
Where is Robert Mueller when we desperately need him?
What about Ed Buck?
Politically connected, wealthy Demmie in LA:
From Wikipedia:
Two African-American men, the first in 2017 and the second in 2019, were discovered dead in Buck's West Hollywood home, later to be determined as due to drug overdoses. Several reports indicated that Buck had a history of bringing African-American men to his house, where he would reportedly inject them with high doses of crystal methamphetamine for sexual gratification.[1] He plied the men with drugs and then sexually assaulted them while they were unconscious or immobile.
Could Pelosi be another? Instead of meth, using ibogaine, which has the effect of immobilizing them user. Zombiefication.
It might explain why depape was there from so far away. He has, according to the Post, access to ibogaine. He may be the dealer. Perhaps Nancy's dealer which is why he was asking for her.
Let's not hold back. Let our imaginations soar! At least till after the election.
NOTE WELL: I have no knowledge and have not even heard gossip or rumor about the above. Simply having fun exploring some possibilities, however farfetched.
John Stop fascism vote republican Henry
“There's your simplest story.”
Cool. Then security camera footage will verify that.
What? They won’t release it? Can’t imagine why….
DePape misunderstood. The Post lied.
There’s a big difference.
Liberal Twitter is freaking out because Elon Musk tweeted the truth in reply to Hillary's bullshit parroting the DePape media narrative. Paul Pelosi was in a drunken 2am dispute with the male prostitute.
The memes flying around are hilarious. Nobody believes the lefts bullshit except college educated white suburban women of course.
What I don't understand is what to liberals have against a little 2am gay sex?? Let the man be who he is. A criminal inside trading closet homosexual who likes to get wasted. I couldn't care less about what he does for sex. Or how much he drinks...and drives. But you'd think with that much money the asshole could hire a driver.
The insider trading and wealth accumulated by the Pelosi's is what should really bother everyone.
The resident dullard weighs in:
Do you do ibogaine? It might account for your quirk of signing your name to every dumb comment you make.
For a while there when she was banned for stupidity, Inga used a pseudonym. The intelligence of her comments did not improve when she was allowed to post under her own name.
I don't think octogenarians are all that horny. I don't think DePape could have made much of a living as a gay hustler....There are a lot of questions about this case, but some of the speculation is the kind of speculation that DePape himself might indulge in. Tom T. at 10:47 presents a reasonable explanation...Well, to be fair, octogenarians aren't much given to drunk driving. Lots of them don't even drive. And, of course, many octogenarians don't have the reflexes and market savvy to make tens millions of dollars with their shrew(d) (clever pun) investments....Anyway it will be interesting to see how this story develops and even more interesting to see if it fails to develop as has the Epstein case.
The point about trans people CHOOSING to be freaks is actually a good one. I can certainly sympathize with someone who "feels" like they should have been born of the opposite sex and that they would fit into society better as a member of the opposite sex. There have probably been countless people over time who felt that way. But the normal thing to do in response to those feelings would be to accept the chromosomal hand you've been dealt and make the best of it. It's not to have your genitals amputated.
Simply having fun exploring some possibilities, however farfetched.
Plausible, but not probable. People... persons trigger nationwide insurrections, billion dollar indulgence (sans taxation), indictment, and incarceration for the same. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter (SSBLM)
I read the WP sentence to mean victim of abuse. How could being transgender equate to being the satanic ritual abuser?!?
There’s a certain satisfaction in knowing - like with the Biden and Clinton families - the Pelosi family is one giant corrupt lie.
They’ll all burn in hell, but nice to see that they are getting a taste of it in the here and now.
Most people misunderstand Jordan Peterson. He's a sick puppy with a brilliant mind. Not as sick as Ye and much brighter
"Just like the Biden family, the Pelosi family is representative of all the sickness, perversion and corruption of today’s Democrat party. Drug use. Cheating on a spouse. Insider stock trading."
These behaviors are not unique to Democrats, or to member of Congress. In fact, they're quite widespread behaviors, generally, among those with access to drugs, amenable sex partners, and/or confidential stock information.
"They’ll all burn in hell, but nice to see that they are getting a taste of it in the here and now."
As much as you obviously relish the idea, no one will burn in Hell, given that Hell, just like Heaven, is an imaginary non-place. (And, how could disembodied spirits feel any pain if there were a Hell, souls lacking nervous systems and all?)
RNB said, "WaPo did not misunderstand Jordan Peterson. WaPo misrepresented Peterson."l
I intended to write a comment along this line (and others wrote similar comments), but on reflection I wonder if the WaPo writers, editors, and whatnot are really smart enough to understand Peterson and defame him.
Peterson really would have to dumb himself down for most folks to understand him, down to the point where he really wouldn't say anything at all.
“Cool. Then security camera footage will verify that.
What? They won’t release it? Can’t imagine why….“
Maybe they don’t want to publicize the weak spots in their security?
Really good catch on WAPO, Ann. Thanks.
Perhaps Peterson's lawyers will assist the WaPo with gaining a better understanding of Peterson.
It would be wholly appropriate.
Howard said...
Most people misunderstand Jordan Peterson. He's a sick puppy with a brilliant mind. Not as sick as Ye and much brighter
Tell me, O Lump unto My Feet,, why Peterson is "sick".
Inga said...to John Henry..
Do you do ibogaine? It might account for your quirk of signing your name to every dumb comment you make.
Why do you assume JH is his real name?
Let's find out:
As we all know, "John Henry was a steel drivin' man."
John Henry, are you a steel drivin' man?
And, no, references to Steely Dan don't count.
And while we're at it, is Inga her real name? Somewhere on these comments I found she gave her address as "123 Fake Street".
Hmmm...makes me wonder...
Here's some actual reporting:
I am not sure even the most gullible democrat (I know I am repeating myself here)believes the story of Paul Pelosi's "attack" by a MAGA home invader. Now they are asking us to believe the Police report had mistaken a "3rd person opened the door to the police" during the attack to "There was no security at the Pelosi household on the night of the attack" Oh for pete's sake. How stupid do they take the rest of the planet? Libs, just take the "L" and move on. This won't ever get any better for you and just makes you look like complete partisan assholes.
"The phenomenon of old men with lots of money going over to the gay side is not rare. Malcolm Forbes is one example. Maybe it is a cure for ED."
In the past, I've disagreed with Michael K, but respected his intelligence in presenting an opinion. This is an exception.
Over the years, I've had discussions with gay friends. "Every guy has the tendency," they'll tell me. My response after a few of these discussions: "I've been drunk to the point that my inhibitions were down. Never fu*ked a guy, never been fu*ked by a guy. Never wanted to fu*k a guy or be fu*ked by one. Like women, always have."
I remember when a friend showed me his dad's Playmate of the Year issue of Playboy. August 1967. Lisa Baker PMOY, Dee Dee Lind centerfold. That's how much that mag left an impression on me. I remember seeing those pics at 12 and thinking, "Oh, my. I like that."
You don't gave sex with men because of some sudden change. You've always leaned that way. I talked to a pastor who told me that addiction to porn gets ratcheted up to the point where guys end up looking at gay porn and getting BJs at bars. Shows you what growing up in a protected culture does: You don't realize you're being lied to. Guys look at gay porn and have gay sex because they're gay.
I know there are psychiatrists who will tell you that you can later switch sides. Keep in mind that these folks and other behavioral science professionals tell us a guy can be a woman trapped in a man's body and can bear children.
It's possible Paul Pelosi is gay. Why his wife stays married to him can be easily explained: She comes from a generation that never really discussed these things, had no reason to question his sexuality, or had other things that took up her time. Or maybe it's not so easy. But if he's gay, he was gay the day he married her and always was.
Not a steel driving man, effinay. I'm too lazy. Allergic to hard work and have spent my professional life trying to stamp it out. I'm an automation/robotics wizard. I would have been the man driving the steam hammer. And trying to convince John Henry to learn how, too.
Am I real? Call me at 787-550-9650 and let's see if I can convince you.
And I've got 3 words for you audible.Clips.Husband
Privacy on the web is a dangerous illusion. It does not exist. I've been posting under my real name since 1989.phone and address have been public just as long.
It's never been a problem.
Hiding behind a handle expecting anonymity is a mug's game. Inga found that out a couple years ago. Right Inga? (it was not me)
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
"Maybe they don’t want to publicize the weak spots in their security?"
Oh pulease! We're talking a mentally unstable nudist activist, not Mission Impossible casing the joint for gaps in the security cameras (both Pelosi's and their neighbors).
It appears the story has fallen apart so badly the police are now having to create a new one.
so, guitar joe says..
that HE'S not gay; and THEREFORE.. There is NO SUCH THING, as bisexual.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
"The phenomenon of old men with lots of money going over to the gay side is not rare. "
I have a better theory about that A lot of women stop having sex after menopause. Men stay horny till the day they die. It's not a preference, it becomes nearly necessity. It happens in prisons too.
"HE'S not gay; and THEREFORE.. There is NO SUCH THING, as bisexual."
Same thing applies. You don't "become" bisexual later in life.
"Men stay horny till the day they die."
But they don't remain potent, in most cases.
Robert Cook said...
"They’ll all burn in hell, but nice to see that they are getting a taste of it in the here and now."
As much as you obviously relish the idea, no one will burn in Hell, given that Hell, just like Heaven, is an imaginary non-place. (And, how could disembodied spirits feel any pain if there were a Hell, souls lacking nervous systems and all?)
And Cook is back spouting off his cult rantings.
Good thing we have a first amendment and we allow these religious nuts to spout their unsubstantiated garbage.
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