October 17, 2022

2 things about Jill Biden — seen this morning in a casual scanning of the headlines.

1. "Jill Biden Gets Mercilessly Booed at Eagles Game During Coin Toss" (RedState): "Biden was designated the honorary captain for the night and was standing at midfield during the coin toss when they flashed her picture on the big screen. That’s when the booing erupted and let her have it. It must have been pretty substantial from what the people were saying...."

2. "Democrats in Tight Races Turn to Jill Biden on the Campaign Trail/Requests for the first lady, who is also the president’s most popular surrogate, are piling up ahead of the midterm elections. Her visits can deliver a morale boost and a fund-raising opportunity" — that's a NYT headline that showed up (with slightly different wording) at the top of the NYT home page. They must really think that's an important message... or the best mood-booster they've got at the moment, chosen, perhaps, before the Eagles game booing.

I've seen so many articles in the NYT that seem designed to enthuse Democrats. I'm heartily sick of them, and the efforts are ludicrous. They're not even effective at doing this thing I don't think the NYT should be doing. I mean, look:

“She does not offend people in a way that a president can because she’s much less polarizing and political,” said Michael LaRosa, a communications strategist and her former press secretary. “It’s why she was sent all over rural Iowa and New Hampshire during the campaign and why she can go places now that the president can’t.”...

Compared with her husband, Dr. Biden is the more disciplined communicator. Her missteps, which are rare, have occurred not off the cuff but during the speeches she works to commit to memory. Over the summer, she was criticized when she compared the diversity of the Hispanic community to the breadth of breakfast taco options available in Texas.

She is incredibly protective of Mr. Biden....

Pathetic that's the best you can say when you are trying to puff.

ADDED: Here's video. It's not just booing. It's also chanting, and they're not saying "Let's go, Brandon." Bonus:


mikee said...

Donald Rumsfeld — 'You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.'

I, for one, think it is great that Jill Biden, Doctor of Education U-DE, is the best the opposition has going for it. May her ignominy grow to match her ego.

Christopher B said...

More disciplined and truthful than Joe Biden was a low bar to clear .. checks watch ... forty years ago.

gilbar said...

she Should be booed.. Yesterday some senile old fool, that Dr Jill supports, said that:
The american economy is "Strong as Hell"
If, because of this ex cocktail waitress (and former babysitter), senile sex perverts are ALLOWED to roam the country, saying bullsh*t that That.. She SHOULD be Booed

Jersey Fled said...

Compared with her husband, Dr. Biden is the more disciplined communicator.


We can't trust Joe to not embarrass himself when speaking in public.

Dave Begley said...

Didn’t Joe win Philly by a big margin?

tim maguire said...

1. If it was a home game, booing her means they accept her as on of them. Philadelphia sports fans are funny that way.

2. What a sad state of affairs that Jill Biden is Joe's most popular surrogate given how generally disliked Lady Macbeth is in most quarters.

Michael K said...

No mention of her fashion choices?

Bob Boyd said...

She is incredibly protective of Mr. Biden....

Like the NYT.
And the FBI.

Kate said...

Except for Hillary, all FLOTUS are supportive of and more popular than the president. It's their job. And most of them aren't going to pop a reporter in the nose for insulting their spouse, which means the press feels comfortable saying whatever they please. They can effuse about her strength and courage, or they can call her attempt to refresh the Rose Garden a Hitler move.

It does make me wonder, though, about a "First Gentleman". The first female candidate whose husband looks like he'll tackle a journalist has my vote.

Sebastian said...

"this thing I don't think the NYT should be doing"

Not that again. They're doing exactly what they think they should be doing.

You're right that it may be ineffective, even in terms of their own goals. But just being seen to fight the fight is a goal in itself.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

The Pres would be great if he'd only stick to the written text. First Lady would be great if it weren't for the fucking speech writers.

AMDG said...

“ She is incredibly protective of Mr. Biden....”

If Edith were really protective of Biden she would no not have let him run.

J Severs said...

Philadelphia fans are famous for booing Santa Claus.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Dave B. Most people at Eagle games come from the suburbs and are male. While Biden also won the suburbs, I believe it was mostly white women who voted..

TreeJoe said...

The unelected wife of the President is seen as the better fundraising surrogate than....the VP?

It really would be fun to be a fly on the wall of those discussions.

rhhardin said...

It's not the people that are the problem.

PB said...

Puff? The word you're searching for is fluff.

Oh Yea said...

Sort of funny when I realize had more respect for Michelle Obama as a political opponents first lady than the incumbent, which wasn't a high bar.

Drago said...

The New Soviet Democraticals have been leaking support from their much needed white suburban women bucket as the democraticals grooming and radicalization of young children has been exposed and the destruction of our education system by the dems and their nevertrump allies is on full display everywhere. See : Youngkin victory

DOCTOR(!!!!) Jill Biden is seen by the dems and their nevertrump allies as their only tool to possibly stave off more of this leakage.

Interesting note: not many New Soviet Democraticals are asking for the obambis to pop in for some campaign assistance. Not that it matters given how little time the obambis and their team have given they are directing the executive branch through Klain and the other leftist dolts.

Humperdink said...

What a stupid decision by the Biden brain trust (such as it is) to have Dr. Jill exposed to Philly fans. Are they not aware that Santa Claus was booed when he parachuted into Veteran's stadium and missed the landing mark? The standing joke is that Philly fans would boo a cure for cancer.

narciso said...

THink of her like angela lansbury in manchurian candidate with or without a deck of cards

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The NYT got rid of their public advocate. The last semblance of objectivity they had.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

"...her former press secretary." Oh, now there's an objective source for a journalist to go to.

Jaq said...

I am sure that when a member of the Biden crime family comes to town, the filthy lucre flows.

BUMBLE BEE said...

After all her Vogue covers, Glamor covers and their respective Dr. Jill fashion articles I should think she should at least be on the cover of Furniture Today.

Achilles said...

AMDG said...

“ She is incredibly protective of Mr. Biden....”

If Edith were really protective of Biden she would no not have let him run.

This is an important point.

She doesn't give a shit about Joe.

But the power and fame she gets from his position is important to her.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Coming from a Philly guy, the most reprehensible thing about her was that she called herself a "Philly Girl". No one from Delaware, or even the PA suburbs, is ever allowed to call themselves a "Philly Guy or Girl". Lord, to us Delaware is a foreign land. It is literally south of the Mason Dixon line.

To be a Philly Guy/Girl you must have lived a significant part of your life, at least your childhood, within the environs of the city of Philadelphia. The city. Not the suburbs.

Details matter.

Fandor said...

Dave Begley..YES, Biden did "win big" in Philadelphia. Obama won BIGLEY in in 2012. And, believe it or not, not one person in the city of brotherly love voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. Not one! Or, so it has been said.

Mrs Whatsit said...

It's incredibly lame that even the NYT uses "incredibly" as an intensifier. Are even the editors teenagers?

Rusty said...

TreeJoe said...
"The unelected wife of the President is seen as the better fundraising surrogate than....the VP?

It really would be fun to be a fly on the wall of those discussions."
What is it with democrats and mediocrity? It's like they vie with each other to be as ineffective as possible. Unless it comes to fucking things up.

wendybar said...


BUMBLE BEE said...
After all her Vogue covers, Glamor covers and their respective Dr. Jill fashion articles I should think she should at least be on the cover of Furniture Today.

10/17/22, 8:20 AM

And I agree with Achilles..."If Edith were really protective of Biden she would no not have let him run."

She is an elder abuser. I would be so embarrassed if I were her, but she pushed the delusional one to run.

Curious George said...

"The Pres would be great if he'd only stick to the written text."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cheat to win in targeted precincts around the nation and perhaps the folks don't like you.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Not only did Philadelphia Eagles fans boo Santa Claus at a home game in the 1960’s, but they also threw snow balls at Santa. Good thing for Jill Biden that it is too early for snow balls from the stands…

hawkeyedjb said...

In the past, news outlets generally didn't refer to holder of the Ed.D. degree as "Doctor," mainly because it was considered one step above a degree from the Close Cover Before Striking school of diplomas-for-dollars. They had to change their standards to satisfy the ego of the petulant spouse of a political mediocrity. And they were thrilled to do so.

Terry di Tufo said...

If she had flipped them one while smiling she would have been invited back for every home game. Eagles fans.

Maynard said...

Didn’t Joe win Philly by a big margin?

Yes. He won 105% of the vote, falling short of Obama's 110%.

The vote totals were similar in Detroit and other urban centers.

Nothing to be concerned about. Just move along.

John henry said...

It may be true Phillies fans boo as a sign of love. Or it may be whistling past the graveyard.

It doesn't matter.

Nobody in America knows or cares about the subtleties of eagles fans.

All they know is that she got booed and, the believe, that means they don't like her.

John stop fascism vote republican Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Devastating Drudgetaposition. Althouse is on a roll. Between this and the one-third correction in the poll, just slightly outside the standard +/-3% range, the “so you finally noticed” crowd will really need to work on their comprehension skills. Maybe even ask themselves “am I more like the NYT or like the reaction to it?”

Aggie said...

After all, she is the acting President.

Roger Sweeny said...

Here in Massachusetts, it is a long-standing tradition to boo any politician introduced at a sporting event. Since this is Massachusetts, they are almost all Democrats, and they are all re-elected notwithstanding the boos.

Lars Porsena said...

Blogger Maynard said...
Didn’t Joe win Philly by a big margin?

Yes. He won 105% of the vote, falling short of Obama's 110%.

Yes, I, too, remember the Lightbringer's astounding vote totals.

Amadeus 48 said...

Philadelphia fans have perfected the art of booing. The boo birds are famous for it. Dr. Jill just got a Philly welcome.

I heard a sports show host say that he knew he had been in Philadelphia too long when a caller proudly announced that his son's first words were "F**k Dallas" and thought it was good parenting.

PM said...

Let's go Brandy!

Yancey Ward said...

They weren't booing, they were saying Boooo.....iden!

Jefferson's Revenge said...

To expand on the Philly fans throwing of snowballs, it was Ed Rendell, our past D Mayor and PA Governor, who paid the guy in front of him at the Eagles game $10 (I think) to see if he could hit someone on the field with a snowball.

The Eagles games were MUCH more dangerous years ago before they built the new stadium. That was when tickets were cheaper and it was a liquored up blue collar city crowd. They actually had a judge on-site at the stadium to process disorderly conduct arrests.

Now it;'s bad but not as bad. It's suburban drunks, who are not as adept at violence as city drunks.

Biff said...

The story about Jill Biden getting "mercilessly booed" reminded me of Hillary Clinton getting raucously booed by first responders at the "Concert for New York City" a month after 9/11. It was a minor scandal (at least for some of us) when the concert DVD came out, and the boos were replaced by cheers on the audio track.

It seems so obvious that there would be loud boos for these two figures at their respective events that one can only be impressed by the cluelessness of their advisors.

Misinforminimalism said...

"Breadth of breakfast tacos"? From Katie Rogers, BA (Loyola Chicago), MA (Northwestern).

Stick a fork in it, higher education is dead.

walter said...

Let's go Taco!

Lurker21 said...

How many surrogates does Biden -- or any president -- have? Do we take the minimalist view that only the Vice President and the First Spouse can credibly serve as stand-ins for the president, or the maximalist view that most of the media have been Biden's abettors for years?

Booing can be hard to notice. It just sounds like an "ooo," and who doesn't want to be ooo'ed sometimes. But you can also hear he "Fuck Joe Biden" chant going in the background. I had to hear it a few times to get the first word right.

Ice Nine said...

>Amadeus 48 said...
Philadelphia fans have perfected the art of booing. The boo birds are famous for it. Dr. Jill just got a Philly welcome.<

Riiight... That leaves one wondering where does the accompanying "Fuck Joe Biden" chant fit into that theory?

walter said...

But Obama is coming to help Tony and The Lesser Mandela!!!

Shoeless Joe said...

She doesn't care about the boos or FJB chants. The reelection plan is to get 150% of the vote in both Pittsburgh and Philly and win the state by 70,000 votes, just like in 2020. Screw the deplorables and Democracy.

hombre said...

The mediaswine are just that!

Like QuidProJoe, they "choose [their] truth over facts."

tim maguire said...

Yancey Ward said...They weren't booing, they were saying Boooo.....iden!


MB said...

Dr. Jill and crew look silly making cheering gestures while the crowd yells that. It makes them look delusional. Or, if I want to be charitable, simply stupid.

I would like to have a president whose spouse does not feel the need to shelter and defend them from the American public.

CJinPA said...

Here's video. It's not just booing. It's also chanting, and they're not saying "Let's go, Brandon."

One of the replies calls it fake and I think I agree. The "F-ck Joe Biden" chant sounds exactly the same as the one that made "Let's Go Brandon" famous. And I can't find any other video of it happening at the Eagles game.

CJinPA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alanc709 said...

Scotty, beam me up... said...
Not only did Philadelphia Eagles fans boo Santa Claus at a home game in the 1960’s, but they also threw snow balls at Santa. Good thing for Jill Biden that it is too early for snow balls from the stands…

The original Santa for that game was a no-show- the Santa they booed was a guy culled from the crowd at the game, and everyone there knew what was going on.

MalaiseLongue said...

Pauvre Mme Ceauşescu.

Anonymous said...

"Jill got off easy. It wasn't snowing."
- Santa

Static Ping said...

There's also the matter that it is generally in poor form to attack the family of a politician, unless the family member in question is overtly politically active. You are not supposed to boo First Ladies, and there is a reason why First Ladies get involved in non-controversial projects. The only real exception to that was Hillary, who got herself directly involved in major legislation and therefore made herself a target. (That's not to say it does not happen anyway. Ask Andrew Jackson's late wife.)

Jill Biden is in a sort of gray area. Officially, she is just a First Lady. For the more politically knowledgeable, it is unclear what her role is exactly. It is obvious that Joe is senile and Jill regularly has to assist him. The question is what level of power she has. It could be anything from merely aiding and abetting a figurehead conspiracy to being the woman behind the man. That said, she is still preferable to Joe, who combines the worst traits of senility, corruption, and general stupidity, or Kamala, who is somehow a worse communicator than Joe. If Jill gets attacked, the media can at least bring out the "how dare you" card.

Jason said...


Jason said...

Weird. Melania Trump wasn't overtly political. And she was savaged at every fucking opportunity.

We even had Hollywood millionaire producers tweeting homoerotic pedophile murder fantasies at her minor child.

JaimeRoberto said...

I guess the pandemic is over if Dr. Jill is able to take time away from her patients.

BIII Zhang said...

What's so funny about this is that we can see how pathetic old school "journalism" is at Gatekeeping.

It's impossible for the New York Times to just "not report" that she was booed, and therefore nobody who wasn't there would know about it. Which is how they've always operated.

Everybody has a camera. Everybody has Twitter. Everybody can see. We don't need the New York Times to tell us whether the emperor has clothing or not. There is no longer any use for the New York Times.

Charlemagne Tha God has more readers than the New York Times.

BIII Zhang said...

What's so funny about this is that we can see how pathetic old school "journalism" is at Gatekeeping.

It's impossible for the New York Times to just "not report" that she was booed, and therefore nobody who wasn't there would know about it. Which is how they've always operated.

Everybody has a camera. Everybody has Twitter. Everybody can see. We don't need the New York Times to tell us whether the emperor has clothing or not. There is no longer any use for the New York Times.

Charlemagne Tha God has more readers than the New York Times.

BIII Zhang said...

"They weren't booing, they were saying Boooo.....iden!"

Yancey Ward comes out as Smithers.


effinayright said...

Mrs Whatsit said...
It's incredibly lame that even the NYT uses "incredibly" as an intensifier. Are even the editors teenagers?

No. Facebook and Twitter have cornered the market for teenage editors: they pay them to be fact-checkers.

RigelDog said...

Dave Begley said: "Didn’t Joe win Philly by a big margin?"

So they say....

Amadeus 48 said...

I said above, Dr. Jill just got a Philly welcome.

A Philly welcome is not a welcome. That is because you are not welcome.

Outta here, youse! Igles gonna fly.

Leland said...

The booing is just getting into the Halloween spirit. And then listen to all those fans that want carnal knowledge of Biden, lawful or not. I bet she can’t wait to throw out the first pitch for a Phillies NLCS home game.

cubanbob said...

The Dims should have Disney create a Biden animatronic to deliver speeches in the White House stage set. The dummy would look an speak more coherently than Dementia Joe.

Readering said...

I've seen so many posts on this blog designed to enthuse Republicans.

Narayanan said...

why they are not using preferred pronoun Doctor?

Anonymous said...

Killadelphia, the city of brotherly shove.

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