September 20, 2022

Is the NY Post just missing the humor?

I'm reading "Gen Zers insist on wearing sexy clubbing outfits to the office: ‘Like who’s going to stop me?’"
In a recent TikTok video, Dani Klarić, a young interior decorator/creative director, gleefully shared her workday outfit: a white miniskirt, a short-sleeve shirt worn totally unbuttoned to reveal a lacy yellow bra and a pair of sheer yellow thigh-high socks. "If I had a corporate job this is how I would go dressed to work," the TikToker says confidently in the post, which has garnered more than 200,000 likes. "Like who’s going to stop me?"

Key word: "If." She has a job: It's making TikToks that get likes. And the Post is scampering to show — what? — that it can keep up with what's in social media? But it can't! And it even said the word that exemplifies dull, trudging Jebbishness: "garner."

Now, to be fair, this article does quote somebody at Rent the Runway who has such a cool name that I almost feel like believing her: Suzanne Smallshaw:
“They’re saying goodbye to the basic black suit or sheath, instead opting for more printed, bold options as they return to office,” Smallshaw explained, adding that denim utilization is up 56% since 2020, indicating a more casual workplace.

Denim and bold prints don't say "sexy clubbing." 

Then there's this from David Bradshaw, president of some Boston HR firm, and he's observing that companies have lost the nerve to say no to in-office "sexy" dressing by women:

Bradshaw said that some companies aren’t fighting the cropped blazers and midriffs, and they’re just letting employees wear “pretty much what they want” as a “perk” of sorts. Gen Z may get to have their cake and show off their toned midriff to cubicle mates.

Perhaps the "no" will need to come from the other women, the ones who don't have the hard-to-achieve "toned abs." TikTok would work well, I think, for getting out a message that it's a micro-aggression to show off toned abs.... and — now that I've mentioned it — to dress sexy in the office... or anywhere.


Buckwheathikes said...

Remember back when the media didn't sit around watching Tik-Tok all day, reading Reddit and scouring GoFundMe for stories they can rip off and calling that journalism?

How much is Tik-Tok paying influencers to link to it? Must be a lot.

tim maguire said...

Perhaps the "no" will need to come from the other women

It certainly won't come from men, who will get hauled into HR the moment they show any hint of noticing. The non-handsome ones, anyway.

Reddington said...

The TikTok poster comments on her own video that it’s a joke. A month ago. Journalistic malpractice.

Amadeus 48 said...


Did you see the way she's dressed? She's asking for it.

Human nature never goes on holiday.

Sebastian said...

"And it even said the word that exemplifies dull, trudging Jebbishness: "garner.""

Do you think it might be in part because some people feel awkward using "gotten"?

Not saying garner is right here, but sometimes it is, to convey active reaping.

Curious George said...

"Dani Klarić, a young interior decorator/creative director, gleefully shared her workday outfit: a white miniskirt, a short-sleeve shirt worn totally unbuttoned to reveal a lacy yellow bra and a pair of sheer yellow thigh-high socks."

Knee high socks. I work from home now, but if I was back in my office days, I would encourage this trend.

Quaestor said...

Sexual harassment at the office. It's a one-way street, so don't complain.

And don't you dare look.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“If” is it.

Humperdink said...

Hooters dress code goes mainstream!

RideSpaceMountain said...

Oh to be young again in the big city, picking up social-climbing airheads with promises of c-suite jobs with limited responsibility and then ghosting them after 2 weeks. You wouldn't have given half of them a mop-job, but just like blowjobs my dick has led me places I wouldn't even go with a gun.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What a nightmare for a young Crumb at the office today.

JAORE said...

“If I had a corporate job ..."

Big freaking IF, child.

I've known people that claim they were born in the wrong time. Mostly delusional narcissists.

THIS young lady was bon at exactly the right time. Fame and income for.... this.

JAORE said...

Oh yeah, I forgot...

Who is going to stop me?

How about HR?

typingtalker said...

Like most fashion "trends/fads" this too shall pass.


gilbar said...

WAY back, in the 1990's, when the insurance co i worked at First started having casual days,
they issued a memo, listing acceptable (and unacceptable) items of clothing.

Unacceptable were things like miniskirts and capri pants.

I remember saying (privately) to a coworker, that i thought that was terrible, 'cause i LIKED seeing women in miniskirts and capri pants. My coworker said, that NO, it was GOOD that those were banned, because if they allowed miniskirts and capri pants; EVERY woman would be able to wear them... He asked;
"Do you WANT to see Becky S*, wearing miniskirts and capri pants?"
and i realized, that Dress Codes were GOOD. For every leg and upper thigh that you'd Like to see, there is At Least ONE, that you DO NOT want to see

Becky S* a Very nice 35 year old, that weighed about 280lbs

Temujin said...

"...Dani Klarić, a young interior decorator..."

She's a shitty designer.
I base that opinion on her choices. Because someone went to school for design, or worked in a design firm, or did neither, but has friends who tell them they "should be a designer" does not mean that they should, or that they even have good taste. There are a lot of shitty designers out there, There are also a lot of good ones- really stars- that no one knows about.

Anyway- how does all of this gel with what I've been reading about young men taking a shine to wearing jackets and suits again? What if the men start showing up wearing suits and looking all classy and the women show up looking like teen-aged sex dolls? Would that put us into some kind of bizarre parallel world of Mad Men?

Joe Smith said...

Not the cutest gal but she's not obese and she has nice legs, so good for her.

I'm guessing these days that HR can say nothing about how someone dresses.

They can't even keep a school teacher in Canada from wearing enormous, zeppelin-sized prosthetic tits to work.

Nancy said...

Those are her knees not her thighs.

Spiros said...

Maybe this young woman is ovulating and she (unconsciously) dressed to impress men. This is science. And if this sort of thing happens just a few days per month, we should just tolerate it.

mccullough said...

Work from home is here to stay.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The sad thing is they're not terribly far off the mark. Try to hire a youngin lately? It can be an ordeal. We have 3 new ones at work and they're a handful. Mostly for the accounting department.

MadisonMan said...

I'm not sure there's humor in that particular TikTok. Self-absorption? Bad Fashion? A certain LookAtMe-ism? All yes.
And I agree with Buckwheathikes: How is this journalism, to report on what someone does on TikTok?

wildswan said...

If she wears the clothes for sexy clubbing then can the guys use the talk and make the moves appropriate for sexy clubbing. I think not. But her in an office could be a great comic routine. In fact, TikTok gets a job could be a series.

Achilles said...

Is the NY Post just missing the humor?

The NY Post is trying to generate traffic. They actually need to make money. This is how you generate traffic.

About 5% of people want erudite "serious" news without having to pay for it.

These people generally have a stick up their ass and like to look down on other people. But their self awareness is lacking and they can't even look at how their self selectiveness and chosen associations have led the "News" industry to it's current state.

So what we have is a bunch of people who think highly of themselves looking for "free" information that confirms their view of themselves as better than people who click on stories like this.

And they wonder why they are constantly misled by these "erudite pretty" news conglomerates that are funded by billionaires.

Paddy O said...

What, does she think she's the heiress to the O Henry candy bar fortune, Sue Ellen Mischke?

Michel said...

Where we do see a lot of sexy outfits these days is at funerals but I think that has nothing to do with defiance. Young women going to grandad’s funeral know they should be wearing black to a funeral and the only choice in their closet is a little black cocktail dress.

Work dress will inevitably drift towards the standards set outside the office, as it has done for at least the last one hundred years. The Ivy League look in the 1950s, for example, was the result of Wall Street firms adapting the more relaxed standards of the university students they hired. It became even more relaxed with the preppy look later. What seems very formal to us now was a relaxing of standards at the time. Because most of us dress up to go out clubbing and rarely at any other time, club dress will have an influence in the future that university campuses had the past.

rehajm said...

Z has had it very very good. In traditional careers they’ve been in demand since they were college freshmen. Three of the kids we hired left this summer- two because they were asked to work Fridays and one who was offered a $50k signing bonus with another firm after two weeks on the job.

That’s changing under the Biden economy. Changing slowly, then all at once, as they say..

Lilly, a dog said...

Dani Klarić has hot girl privilege. Does she have an Onlyfans? Asking for a friend.

Anthony said...

This is what Winning looks like.

Wilbur said...

Why not a macro-aggression?

You should be aggressive about this.

Jupiter said...

I remember sexy, and it did not look like that.

Narr said...

60" boobage, massive strap-ons . . . I'm old enough to recall some quaint discussions here about codpieces.

One of the features of university library life was the Professional Development Day, when we locked the doors and assembled w/o regard to rank, title, and job description to hear from the admins and each other what was going on, to include airing of grievances.

One year the U admin sent an HR woman over to discuss professional attire and presentation.
An attractive, articulate, credentialed young African-American woman with two-and-a-half inch glittery nails, lots of bangles, too much makeup, tight animal-print top, short skirt, and heels.

I thought for a moment that she was demonstrating how not to dress for work, but I was naive.

A friend pointed out that for many young people today, "work" means dressing nice and showing up.

Rocketeer said...

"Not saying garner is right here, but sometimes it is, to convey active reaping."

Just so, Sebastian! That this is a pet peeve of Althouse's is one of my pet peeves: there is a difference between "getting" and "garnering;" "getting" is passive while "garnering" is active.

M said...

So women will dress like whores when they are supposed to be acting professional and then whine and cry when men have the audacity to look at them exposing themselves. Remember when feminists claimed that having women in the workplace wouldn’t change said workplace? Then they whined about childcare, next unattractive men clumsily trying to flirt with them, then the white supremacy of having to be on time and now they want to come to work with half their goodies hanging out. So embarrassed to be a woman these days.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You won’t own anything, you will eat bugs, but you will look sexy doing it.

Michael K said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

The sad thing is they're not terribly far off the mark. Try to hire a youngin lately? It can be an ordeal. We have 3 new ones at work and they're a handful. Mostly for the accounting department.

Yes, the interview may be the toughest.

Vonnegan said...

Turn the office AC down to 68 and they'll put some clothes on. Problem solved.

Leland said...

A few years ago, I had a meeting near Piccadilly in London. Heading to the meeting, I only had an address that led to a nondescript door. I go in and to greet me is a bouncer and an elevator. I was on the list and the elevator called. I got on, then a few woman that would match this TikTok’s description got on. They stopped a floor early, which was LiveNation. I sadly continued to my floor.

Doug said...

It's official. Althouse is over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps this was mentioned already?

I see very heavy women often in tight revealing clothes.

Saint Croix said...

always liked James Garner

Support Your Local Gunfighter is amazing

Saint Croix said...

have her try on the bra

see if it fits

no no no!

(good one Paddy)

Wilbur said...

I used to tell the the women at work "If you're showing, I'm knowing".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Paddy O 👆🏽

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The jebbish link to “How Cruz is advancing and will continue to advance” is an interesting plot point in the story of how Ted Cruz garnered Ann Althouse’s vote in the 2016 Wisconsin primary, but I microagress.

donald said...

I’d hit it.

Howard said...

Who cares. Maybe sex is coming back to the young. Then, that will be a crisis just like the current "no sex" crisis that followed the hookup culture crisis.

gspencer said...

Without doubt Dani will be asked out for drinks on Fridays. As for getting meaningful promotions, that phone call won't be coming.

Narr said...

That Seinfeld bit takes me back, thanks.

One of the commercials that I get on Y.T. is for a bra for small-breasted women.

I always watch it through--I like women's breastesses, even the small ones as on today's lucky winner.

Mikey NTH said...

I suppose it would depend on what office for what business. Fashion Industry may think it doable. Accounting firm, not so much.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "The jebbish link to “How Cruz is advancing and will continue to advance” is an interesting plot point in the story of how Ted Cruz garnered Ann Althouse’s vote in the 2016 Wisconsin primary, but I microagress."

I think Left Bank actually meant for this comment to mean something.

I guess.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's just more culture rot.

Dressing casual is one thing.

Green hair, tattoos, heaving bosoms, tacky punk nightclub sex clothing...

In the past, you'd never get a real job.

Mark said...

Your elderly commentators are also missing the humor.

walter said...

My fave are those inverted nose rings that ask you to speculate on the hygiene of their inner nostrils.
What about men? In shorts?

Mikey NTH said...


Perhaps at one of the less choosy all-night filling stations?

effinayright said...

Narr said...
That Seinfeld bit takes me back, thanks.

One of the commercials that I get on Y.T. is for a bra for small-breasted women.

I always watch it through--I like women's breastesses, even the small ones as on today's lucky winner.

Over at Aceofspades HQ there's a promo showing a woman with six-pack abs.

Trouble is, she's got tiny tits, like acorns on an ironing board.

Not interested.

Too skinny---might get caught on a bone.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Everyday is Halloween and safe space day. hilarious. You old fogies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden was heckled in 10 Downing Street, London with "Let's Go Brandon."

Now that's funny.

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