August 8, 2022

"If you, like me, had been compartmentalizing a Trump 2024 run for mental-health purposes, I’m sorry to break it to you..."

"... but he looks like a man who is definitely running for president in 2024. His CPAC speech this weekend was a rude awakening as to both his intentions and the strength he would bring to that campaign."

There was no bigger roar from the crowd during the speech than during the following section, and there was no bigger shit-eating grin on his burnt-toast face than the one that came following the roar: 
I ran twice. I won twice and did much better the second time than I did the first getting millions and millions of more votes than in 2016. And likewise getting more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country by far. . . .  And now we may have to do it again. We may have to do it again.

Shit-eating grin on his burnt-toast face.... We need to get rid of Trump and return the GOP to the more civil, mature adults in the party. You know, the ones who say things like "shit-eating grin on his burnt-toast face." 

I became immersed in the poetry of "shit-eating grin on his burnt-toast face." Because if Trump is the one doing the eating — shit-eating — then why is he simultaneously a food substance — burnt toast. Does food eat? I began to think of the shit as a Nutella-like spread for toast. Do you picture the shit-eater eating it plain, like pudding, or using some medium, as with the legendary shit sandwich? Did you ever think deeply about the shit sandwich? Was it on toast? Was the toast burnt?

I'm so glad the excitable Tim Miller, from the illustrious Bulwark, gave me something to think about, this Monday morning. Some days, your food for thought is a shit sandwich... on burnt toast.

The man speaking to an adoring crowd at CPAC... owns an entire new crop of succubus surrogates....  His hands may be tiny and soft, but his grip on the party is pretty tight.

Let's see those hands:


wendybar said...

A man who didn't take a paycheck actually working and fighting for YOU!! THAT is why politicians on both sides hate him. They hate us, and want us to suffer instead.

Inga said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't want him to run. I'll vote for him if he does win the nomination - but that's it.
Be nice if the democrats nominated a sane non-corrupt ticket like Howard Schultz and Tulsi gabbard - but that will NEVER HAPPEN.

I like Trump's policies and I love the Trump economy we all enjoyed before the Chi Com's purposefully destroyed everything on behalf of their money grubbing power-obsessed pocket people - the democrats.

But Trump inspires great hate on the left. It's that hate gives the left the jolt they need to do horrible things. They cheat and that cheating is real.

Lurker21 said...

Tim Miller and the Bulwark have been doing a lot to "normalize" Trump.

You look at them and read their articles and Trump doesn't look like the crazy or offensive one.

P.S. Thanks for ruining Nutella.

Dave Begley said...

More classic Althouse.

I agree with Power Line's John Hinderaker. Trump is the only potential GOP candidate who might lose to the 2024 Dem nominee (probably Sheryl Sandberg).

I was talking with a Republican woman this weekend. Like so many women, she just hates Trump's style and personality. That's why he might lose.

Imagine the independent and GOP women who would vote for the young, smart and record-free Sheryl Sandberg. She's a blank slate. A Rorschach test.

And for me, I'm so, so tired of his drama. Especially when we could nominate a younger and smarter person like DeSantis or Pompeo. Give me the Yale baseball player or the guy who was first in his class at West Point.

Earnest Prole said...

Because if Trump is the one doing the eating — shit-eating — then why is he simultaneously a food substance — burnt toast. Does food eat?

You've never heard the term food chain?

Kevin said...

Let's see how the Trump-less America is doing:

-- Has the country "returned to normal"?
-- Have the divisions in the country started to close?
-- Is the media more truthful and less partisan?
-- Are scientists more ready for the next pandemic?
-- Are islamic terrorists less likely to strike?
-- Have other nations increased their respect for the United States?
-- Does it seem that "adults" are in positions of power?
-- Is the finger on the nuclear "button" more sane and rational?

These are the things we were promised.

The burden is no longer on Trump to make his case.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Personally I was wowed by Viktor Orban. W-O-W, what a speech.

If you haven't watched it, watch it. Orban was on fire. I agreed with everything he said during his brief remarks.

Wilbur said...

Ha. I just noticed in the photo above that Trump bears a passing resemblance to 60's-era Liberace.

It would be worth his running and winning just to witness the cataclysmic head explosions from our Leftist friends the world over. But admittedly it will never replace the joy of waking up the early morning-after in 2016 and discovering he had won.

Schadenfreude was on the menu that day. Because it was less about about Trump winning (then), it was about that grifting liar Hillary losing. Um, make that "Hillary!"

She still hasn't recovered. I felt like Cesar Romero as The Joker, squealing "How delicious!"

Sebastian said...

"We may have to do it again."

Losing the White House, losing Congress--are the Dems paying him or is he still working for free?

JPS said...

"for mental-health purposes" is, I think, unintentionally revealing.

I'm thinking more resiliency, all around, would be a good thing. I'm remembering when Trump won, and some journalist wrote and published an open letter to his young child about how such a disaster could have occurred. To borrow from Oscar Wilde, it would have taken a heart of stone to read it without laughing.

John Podhoretz, who detests Trump, gave the letter the treatment it deserved:

"I, too, have written a letter to my daughters following Tuesday night. Get out your handkerchiefs. This is going to wreck you.

"Dear Daughters,
Trump won.
Signed, Daddy
P.S.: You'll live."

(As he posted this on twitter, he got responses like, Oh, yeah?! Well they won't if Trump blah blah blah!)

Temujin said...

I can hardly wait. The Entertainment factor will be Yuge.

zipity said...

Like Trump has said many times, they hate and want to destroy working class Americans, Trump just happens to be in their way...

rastajenk said...

Bulwark, huh. That says enough.

narciso said...

thats why omidyar pays him the big bucks, lol,

Leland said...

Who is Tim Miller? What candidate was he supporting and how did they fair at CPAC?

I know the Bulwark as that place that supports open borders, so long as the immigrants don’t leave Texas or Arizona. Their founders have a remarkable talent for picking milquetoast Republican Presidential candidates that haven’t won a general election in almost 20 years or a primary in nearly over 10 years. I hear they are taking their talent to picking losers further down the ticket.

Drago said...

Inga: "Revolting."

Men showering with their adolescent daughters, having sex and doing drugs with underage Chinese and Russian girls and video taping it for all of posterity, and so much more....?

Inga: completely "normal".

So, that kind of fills you in on where Inga falls on the "revolting" scale.

Rockeye said...

I know Ron DeSantis would be better for the job. I know this and yet I yearn for Trump to roll back into the White House just so I can experience the wailing and caterwauling of those who have proven without a shadow of a doubt, hate me and want me crushed.
I just hope that if/when he does do so, that his personnel choices are improved. Gutting the federal apparatus is likely too much though a boy can dream.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the Democrats just hired 87,000 IRS agents.


Ann Althouse said...

"Ha. I just noticed in the photo above that Trump bears a passing resemblance to 60's-era Liberace."

Trump is gender-nonconforming. But he gets no credit for it from the gender hawks.

Robert Cook said...

"A man who didn't take a paycheck...."

It didn't hurt Trump to forego the (relatively) paltry salary in return for the billions he gained by being the president.

Earnest Prole said...

I just noticed in the photo above that Trump bears a passing resemblance to 60's-era Liberace.

Trump is Flamboyantly Fabulous -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

Beasts of England said...

I enjoyed this line, as well:

And speaking of 2022, Trump’s speech revealed that not only will he have a tailor-made message for GOP primary voters, but he’ll have an entire army of newly-elected evangelists who have pledged a blood oath to his Megachurch.

Perhaps young Tim should remember that a significant portion of the Rep base is quite religious and would be highly offended by his analogy. I wouldn’t place myself in that category yet it repulses me. This and other screeds from the Bulwark are more offensive than Trump, but I’m sure their paymasters are delighted.

AMDG said...

Blogger wendybar said...
A man who didn't take a paycheck actually working and fighting for YOU!! THAT is why politicians on both sides hate him. They hate us, and want us to suffer instead.

You are incorrect. I intensely dislike him because he will sacrifice the well being of the nation to salve his wounded ego. If he did love this country he would fade away.

He has already cost the Republicans the control of the Senate in 2020 due his temper tantrum regarding Georgia.

His idiotic endorsements in this cycle will likely cost the Republicans the Senate. Without Trump Walker probably does not run in Georgia.

There are millions of independent voters who will not vote for him under any circumstances in 2024 who would otherwise vote for a Republican. You can love him all you want but you need to keep that in mind.

The way 2024 this will play out is that he wins the Republican nomination in a crowded field and then loses the general to Newsome. The Democrats will maintain the Senate and win back the House thus the Democrat dreams to destroy the Republic (two new states, packed Supreme, GND etc.

If the Republican field is limited and he loses the nomination his ego will not allow him to acknowledge the loss and he will undermine the nominee and Newsome will win.

In summary, the fat tub of goo needs to take his ego and go home and shut up.

Ann Althouse said...

"You've never heard the term food chain?"

Good point.

I should have said plant-based food.

Drago said...

Sebastian: ""We may have to do it again."

Losing the White House, losing Congress--are the Dems paying him or is he still working for free?"

Sebastian still going to bat for his establishment pro-Schiffty GOPe suckups like Raffensberger.

Not to worry Sebastian. I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg has lots more Zuckerbucks to spread around Raffensberger and his staff just as he did in 2020. Maybe your pals can lie about another phone call with Trump to assist in the next shampeachment!

Ann Althouse said...

Toast doesn't eat.

Drago said...

"I, too, have written a letter to my daughters following Tuesday night. Get out your handkerchiefs. This is going to wreck you.

"Dear Daughters,
Trump won.
Signed, Daddy
P.S.: You'll live."

He should have sent it to Sebastian.

Ann Althouse said...

Also, I could have said does cooked food eat.

He was compared to a cooked food — toast — so the relevant animal foods — if cooked — would not themselves eat.

Rusty said...

Inga said...
You certainly are.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

There’s nothing lamer than unsubstantiated hatred.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Remembered when Althouse talked to Goldberg in bloggingheads or bloggtv or something or other.

She said so and so is toast, stick a fork on him.

Althouse had a great comeback.

Something about sticking a fork in a toaster. Dangerous.

Christopher B said...

Sebastian said...
Losing the White House, losing Congress--are the Dems paying him or is he still working for free?

Please look at the actual results, and don't overfocus on the Georgia Senate races. While Trump did lose, after adding 10 million votes to his popular vote total in 2016 and getting more than any GOP candidate ever, the GOP gained 16 seats in the House and successfully defended 19 Senate seats out of 23, against only 12 Democratic incumbents on the ballot.

rhhardin said...

Toast and shit sandwich would be Shit on a Shingle (SOS), also called foreskins on toast.

Mike said...

What is this Bulwark thing? Is that where Bill Kristol went to hide when he lost his mojo?
There are a lot of pundits in this world who are not as smart as they think they are.

And since I've got a lot to be humble about, I'm probably not as smart as I think I am.

Realizing that tends to keep one grounded in the real world. I should send a case of that realization to the folks at Bulwark.

Gusty Winds said...

Fox is reporting this morning that DeSantis is going to hit the road to support Trump endorsed primary candidates. Plus he is openly going after Soros and his dirty money that spent on electing DAs that have destroyed America's cities.

It'll be interesting if DeSantis aligns with Trump. He know MAGA is behind him, but MAGA also wants a fight. We were already bent over and betrayed by the GOP establishment, so it's time to go for broke.

That would be the GOP establishment's worst nightmare. Who knows what the next two years will bring? I would expect things in the American economy and culture get worse.

Is anybody really surprised Trump is going to run again? If a Trump-DeSantis ticket could be formed maybe they can overcome swing state fraud. If successful, Trump would be limited to one term, and DeSantis would still be quite young in 2024. But, I'd imagine he'd rather be Governor of FL.

DeSantis' Presidential candidacy is the 2024 variable. Not Trump.

Arizona is the State to watch. Not Wisconsin. Kari Lake is making Maricopa election fraud front and center, taking on the crooked Dem Sec of State. If she can win, there is hope. If Kari Lake loses, Trump doesn't stand a chance at regaining his rightful seat in the Oval Office.

Aggie said...

Ron deSantis brings a lot to the table with political charisma, but it's important to remember that his toughness is very well-supported by a sympathetic state government that wants to see him lead and win. He is still learning his leadership role. I like his integrity very much, but don't think he's ready for the POTUS role - yet.

Trump isn't done with Washington DC yet. And now, Trump has consolidated his base with the inept help of Biden's 4-year reign of chaos and corruption. And when I hear about Trump being a bad choice because of the Democrat's hate reactions, well - where is the problem, exactly? Who owns that problem? Not Trump.

For 4 years some pretty decent Americans, a lot of them Independents, sat and watched bad behavior in shock and disgust at the displays of deliberate incivility and often, unwarranted violence. But another 4 years later, they're not shocked nor disgusted any more. They're just boiling mad and ready to rumble - the rallies show this enthusiasm. In a few month's time, when a feral mob starts chasing down some poor slob with a red hat just to beat him bloody, or some bunch of Karens tries to run a group out of a restaurant, I wouldn't be surprised to see a very different spontaneous reaction from the crowd.

John henry said...

It is not the general and not 2024, of course, but doesn't his performance in the primaries show us something about how Repos feel about him?

Except for Eric, every single candidate he endorsed last Tuesday won. Overall, he is something like 96% out of 150 or so endorsements.

I was in Chicago in 2016 and was tempted to register on election day and vote for him. I looked into it and it seems like it would have been legal using my hotel as my registered address.

In 2024, I may just go to some state with same day registration just so I can vote for him.

Coming back to the hotel Wednesday night was AWESOME!!!! We were staying across the river from Trump Tower and there were a million people out there shaking their fists at the sky, shouting at clouds, wailing and gnashing their tooths. I had a hard time not laughing. A good thing my son was with me "Shut up and keep walking. Don't say a word. These people are crazy."

Tuesday night my son was bushed and wanted to stay in. I had an invite to an activity in Trump Tower and made him go with me on the basis of history. Great party. The hotel set up a giant TV outside the ballroom with 40-50 chairs. A few people were inside enjoying the stellar food. A lot were outside cheering the returns.


Gusty Winds said...

Dave Begley said... I was talking with a Republican woman this weekend. Like so many women, she just hates Trump's style and personality. That's why he might lose.

This is a real factor. Men want results. Although these Trump hating GOP women would have banged guys like Trump in in High School and College, they now pretend that milquetoast can get us out of the mess we are in. Problem is they hate women like Kari Lake as well.

Where the college educated white women go, is where the country will go. They are more the type to signal their political leanings with the issue of the moment on social media profile picture du jour. "Stay Home, Save Lives" etc...

But, unless the voter fraud is addressed out in the open (like Kari Lake is doing)...none of it matters. The establishment will maintain control.

Gusty Winds said...

All this analysis. The reality and truth is Trump won the 2020 election. You think he carried FL, OH, NC...and then lost the fraudulent slow rolled, behind closed doors fake counts?

If the GOP doesn't openly go after the fraud they lose. Guaranteed, no matter who the nominee is in 2024. Fight fire with a big ass hose. Shine light on the issue so everyone is watching. Prove the 2020 fraud is a "big lie". Americans know it isn't.

At the moment both WI GOP primary leaders for Gov (Michels [Trump endorsed} and Kleefisch[Walker/Pence endorsed])are both afraid to touch the subject. If they don't between now and Nov...WI blue counties will pull the same shit and they lose. Ron Johnson is probably send packing too.

Does anyone really believe after successful election fraud in 2020, the establishment isn't gong to do it again? Getting rid of drop boxes in WI doesn't fix the absentee ballot abuse, ballot harvesting...and "curing".

rhhardin said...

Great Trump clip Woman Swimmer

The left can't spot self-deprecation. Rush had the same effect on them, in the old days when he was funny.

hawkeyedjb said...

AMDG said...
"His idiotic endorsements in this cycle will likely cost the Republicans the Senate."

And here in Arizona, his endorsements will give us a George Soros governor, and Democrat senator, secretary of state and attorney general. We'll see how much damage they can do in four years. A lot, I predict.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


"It didn't hurt Trump to forego the (relatively) paltry salary in return for the billions he gained by being the president."

I read the article. There isn't one word stating he gained the billions "by being president." The businesses he owned continued to operate, employing people, paying salaries and expenses, and taking in revenue. Just like they would have if he hadn't been the president. The argument seems to be that $400,000 isn't a lot of money for Trump and therefore he shouldn't get credit for it. Usually from the same people who claim he isn't really a billionaire.

gilbar said...

if the democrats nominated a sane non-corrupt ticket like Howard Schultz and Tulsi gabbard

If (IF!) the democrats nominated Howard Schultz and Tulsi gabbard, the ONLY people in the country that wouldn't support them, would be democrats.. I reckon they'd get 80% of the vote

Howard said...

Cool. We can't get enough advertisements of Trump leading the parade as the titular head of the Republic Party. Go Big or Go Home

Beasts of England said...

‘It didn't hurt Trump to forego the (relatively) paltry salary in return for the billions he gained by being the president.’

That’s a completely dishonest phrasing, Cook. Those are the estimated gross revenues of his company during his presidency. Claiming that those were ‘gained by being president’ suggests that his company wouldn’t have had those if he weren’t president. You’ve presented no such case or evidence.

MB said...

I do not want another four years of media Trump hate. But, I'm also afraid that they will do the same to any Republican who wins because they have learned that it works. Making it not work - by electing Trump again - might be the only way to make them stop. It won't be instant, they'll still go full-force negative on Trump, but I think it might be the best chance for the next Republican president to not have the same tactics used on him.

wendybar said...

AMDG said...@ 10:03AM. Keep on voting for the same old, same old Rinos and expect them to do ANYTHING for us. Trump would have done a lot more good, if those Rinos and the never Trumpers shut up...and fought with him against the progressive left. Instead, they held hands and voted for this delusional old man who is f*cking up the country. I would vote for DeSantis if it is him instead of Trump, but nobody else. The rest of them need to be voted out.

Joe Smith said...

'It didn't hurt Trump to forego the (relatively) paltry salary in return for the billions he gained by being the president.'

Cook is such a dumb fuck.

Being president isn't the reason Trump made money.

His businesses continued to operate and generate revenue.

You know, business that employ thousands of people who pay taxes and whose salaries put food on their families' tables?

What a terrible person (Cook, not Trump)...

narciso said...

because ducey brings the excitement, how about mcsally, she seems to have failed twice,

Rabel said...

Give the media a couple of years to work on you guys and you'll hate DeSantis as much as you hate Trump.

Christopher B said...

"If you, like me, had been compartmentalizing a Trump 2024 run for mental-health purposes..."

Tell me Trump lives in your head, rent free, 24/7 without saying it.

Carol said...

"In 2024, I may just go to some state with same day registration just so I can vote for him."

There's yer voter fraud: republicans"testing" the system.


hombre said...

It would be nice if someone other than Trump, but promoting similar policies, would be the GOP nominee. It appears that all RINOs think like leftist women and the two groups coupled with the inevitable Democrat "rigging" will likely bar his victory.

OTOH, it is delusional, to suppose that DeSantis, Cruz or any other conservative nominee would not be demonized by the leftmedia resulting in the usual twisted panties. That and the election rigging are probably good for 20% of the "vote" tally.

Trump's election shined a spotlight on the corruption of Democrats and their media pimps resulting, incredibly, in more shameless turpitude from them. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of the electorate are either complicit in or indifferent to Democrat villiany. Republicans may pick up a few seats in the House, perhaps even a slim majority. But a resurgence? I don't think so.

Kevin said...

Trump is gender-nonconforming. But he gets no credit for it from the gender hawks.

It's because they're not serious.

Nor are the people clamoring about an existential climate emergency who won't consider nuclear power.

Things will get better when we laugh and point at them like the clowns they are.

Sebastian said...

Gusty: ""Dave Begley said... I was talking with a Republican woman this weekend. Like so many women, she just hates Trump's style and personality. That's why he might lose." This is a real factor."

Of course it is. It can be ignored in deep-red states but not in purple ones or the country as a whole. I wish it weren't so, but unlike some in the right-wing circular firing squad, I prefer to deal with reality.

"Where the college educated white women go, is where the country will go."

Pretty close anyway. The GOP should get a clear majority of white married women, educated or poorly educated. Many if not most hate Trump. Ergo, the GOP needs an alternative. If winning is the goal, rather than stewing in resentment over 2020.

Of course, the "college educated women" also like abortion, so the challenge is pretty major.

AMDG said...

Blogger wendybar said...
AMDG said...@ 10:03AM. Keep on voting for the same old, same old Rinos and expect them to do ANYTHING for us. Trump would have done a lot more good, if those Rinos and the never Trumpers shut up...and fought with him against the progressive left. Instead, they held hands and voted for this delusional old man who is f*cking up the country. I would vote for DeSantis if it is him instead of Trump, but nobody else. The rest of them need to be voted out.

8/8/22, 11:25 AM

Then I implore you to go all in on DeSantis, just forget Trump.

You can denounce “Rinos” all you want but that does not change the fact that Trump has shed support among independents. People who can’t afford to buy groceries and gas do not care about Liddle Donnie’s bruised ego.

A vote for Trump is a vote for,the GND
A vote for Trump is a vote for federalizing of elections and the elimination of all voter ID requirements.
A vote for Trump is a vote for DC and PR statehood.
A vote for Trump is a vote,for nationwide unrestricted abortion until the moment of birth.
A vote for Trump is a vote for the implementation of CRT principles in all walks of American life

He cannot win.

With all that everybody knows about Biden, Hunter, and what the Dems want current polls show that if the election between Dementia Joe and Liddle Donnie were held today it would be a tossup.

Heywood Rice said...

Trump tries to topple a powerful Wisconsin Republican in his futile quest to reverse his 2020 loss

Mr. Trump backed Adam Steen, a largely unknown and underfunded far-right Republican who said he would aim to claw back the state’s 10 Electoral College votes from 2020 — a legal impossibility — and enact sweeping changes to the state’s voting laws.

Mr. Steen’s far-right views are not limited to elections. He is opposed to all abortions under any circumstances and he said in an interview on Monday that he would seek to make contraception illegal in Wisconsin.

“This is way deeper than a political discussion. This is a moral issue,” he said. “To me, you’re ending a life. Yes, I would definitely outlaw contraception.”

stlcdr said...

"shit-eating grin on his burnt toast face"

Just wanted to see that again. Very poetic. But is still (?) doesn't put me off.

Burnt Toast for Pres!

Ficta said...

"His idiotic endorsements in this cycle will likely cost the Republicans the Senate."

Remember the teenage witch Christine O'Donnell (okay, I know she wasn't really a witch)? I'm convinced the reason the establishment RINOs didn't cave on immigration amnesty following 2010 is because her primary win (and subsequent loss in the general) put the fear of God into them. The Georgia senatorial election losses have hopefully had a similar "pour encourager les autres" effect. The Scots Irish have figured out that, if you always vote for the party no matter what, they won't feel the need to do anything for you. So the beatings will continue until the establishment get their act together or they're all gone.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I know Ron DeSantis would be better for the job. I know this and yet I yearn for Trump to roll back into the White House just so I can experience the wailing and caterwauling of those who have proven without a shadow of a doubt, hate me and want me crushed.”

I do think that DeSantis would be better at cleaning up the mess that is our federal government. He’s more a detail guy, and, yes, a lawyer, to boot. By his actions, a very good lawyer. One of Trump’s weaknesses, at least in my view, is that his underlings could pull the wool over his eyes, and did. What was needed, up front, was an investigation of the shenanigans going on by top bureaucrats at the FBI and DOJ. There should have been mass firings of the Counterterrorism Division at the FBI, along with the Dir, DD, and AD. Then let them sue to get their jobs back. The Mueller prosecutors should have been fired the minute that they used their LawFare developed misinterpretation of Obstruction to go after Trump. And fired his DAG, for allowing it (his AG was idiotically convinced to recuse himself). D Comey and DAG Rosenstein served completely at the convenience of the President. This is one place where I see DeSantis being much more successful. He has shown that he fully understands how to legally use his Executive power to clean up his government. What Trump should do is change his residency, and hire DeSantis as his VP.

Michael K said...

Robert Cook said...

"A man who didn't take a paycheck...."

It didn't hurt Trump to forego the (relatively) paltry salary in return for the billions he gained by being the president.

Like a good Socialist, Cook has no idea how much money Trump would have made those years if he had not been president. There is pretty reliable data that his income declined while president.

Michael K said...

He has shown that he fully understands how to legally use his Executive power to clean up his government. What Trump should do is change his residency, and hire DeSantis as his VP.

I don't know if DeSantis' ego could handle that but it would be an ideal combination. Trump is still trusted by a lot of people who don't trust any politicians. I agree his running would supercharge lots of idiots like Inga.

Michael K said...

You can denounce “Rinos” all you want but that does not change the fact that Trump has shed support among independents. People who can’t afford to buy groceries and gas do not care about Liddle Donnie’s bruised ego.

Another Bulwark reader. The polls don't agree with you about independents but you are obviously ineducable.

Jupiter said...

My understanding of "shit-eating grin" is that it is a grin displaying indifference to being attacked. As best I can surmise, the idea is that you can throw all the shit you like at this person, and he will swallow it down and keep on grinning. That doesn't sound like an altogether favorable situation, but it is the only interpretation I can put on that weird phrase.

There is the image, "grinning like a mule eating cactus", implying that the physical grin resembles the rictus of the animal pulling his lips back from his teeth. But I don't see how shit-eating can be taken in any such literal sense.

Sebastian said...

"One of Trump’s weaknesses, at least in my view, is that his underlings could pull the wool over his eyes, and did."

One of many. He was clueless as a manager, picking a team and controlling the people who nominally worked for him. He was easily manipulated. Even Birx and Fauci managed.

So far DeSantis, comes across as a pro, picking his battles while standing up to the usual MSM vilification, knowing what he wants and knowing what he's up against, without piling on needless baggage.

Michael K said...

And here in Arizona, his endorsements will give us a George Soros governor, and Democrat senator, secretary of state and attorney general. We'll see how much damage they can do in four years. A lot, I predict.

I disagree although I did not vote for his endorsed candidate for Governor. Katie Hobbs is pure Soros. I don't think she can get elected without cheating. Of course, cheating is the Democrat specialty. Sinema ended the crossover vote for Kelley. He is a zero anyway but she showed her true colors.

AMDG said...


The Georgia senate losses were due to Trump and his surrogates depressing the vote by telling voters their vote didn’t count. Trump literally forced Losffler and Purdue to campaign on “Stop the steal” instead of focusing on the damage a Democrat Senate would do.

His endorsements this cycle have been horrible. He trumpets his success rate but the controversial ones (Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania) got less than 40% of the vote and will probably lose in the general. Oz couldn’t gain ground on a guy who had a massive stroke!!!

As a Georgian every time I think of what Trump has done to the last three Senate races in this state I become enraged.

One thing that Trump has shown clearly is that since the election he has shown a complete lack of judgement and is unfit to be President. Anybody who trusts the judgement of people like Sydney Powell and Lynn Wood over the likes of Bill Barr does not belong in any position of authority.

His brand is damaged to too many people. If he loved the country he would fade away.

Inga said...

“Mr. Trump backed Adam Steen, a largely unknown and underfunded far-right Republican who said he would aim to claw back the state’s 10 Electoral College votes from 2020 — a legal impossibility — and enact sweeping changes to the state’s voting laws.

Mr. Steen’s far-right views are not limited to elections. He is opposed to all abortions under any circumstances and he said in an interview on Monday that he would seek to make contraception illegal in Wisconsin.

“This is way deeper than a political discussion. This is a moral issue,” he said. “To me, you’re ending a life. Yes, I would definitely outlaw contraception.””

This is why Trump will lose by even larger margins in 2024 than he did in 2020. Outlaw contraception, what next, outlaw condoms? The Trump party has gone completely nuts and their overreaches will doom them in any national election.

hawkeyedjb said...

Inga said...
"The Trump party has gone completely nuts"

Yes. But then, both parties have gone completely nuts. I cannot believe I have lived long enough to see the Democratic party embrace the notion that men can get pregnant and have babies, and women can have penises. This is idiocy, denial and sickness on a scale I never imagined. You can keep pointing out the nonsense taken up by Donald Trump and his supporters, and I will agree with you. But if you think a sane alternative is to be found in the party that encourages the mass insanity that has taken over discourse on matters of race, gender, policing and economics, you are wrong. Common sense has been replaced by depravity.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Larry Merchant's 1971 book, "...And Every Day You Take Another Bite," found its way under the Christmas tree. We knew what preceded the ellipse! We grinned at the concept of a shit sandwich. We were 12 or so.

Looking at the cover of Merchant's book, I was repulsed enough by the idea of a shit sandwich. I was horrified, however, at washing it down with milk.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Ficta:

The Georgia senate losses were due to Trump and his surrogates depressing the vote by telling voters their vote didn’t count. Trump literally forced Losffler and Purdue to campaign on “Stop the steal” instead of focusing on the damage a Democrat Senate would do."

Complete and utter BS.

The entirety of the Georgia republican base could easily see the corruption and fraud and Raffensberger and Kemp and rest of the zuckerbucks paid off buffoons pretended everything was going swimmingly.

Then Raffensberger's own odious staff went full Schiff-ty mode with lying repeatedly about the phone call and then were exposed when a transcript of the call was released.

Republican voters were turned off by the quisling and worthless Kemp and Raffensberger.

Next up for AMDG: How Trump made the "severely conservative" pro-BLM Romney go squishy.

Drago said...

Inga the dolt: " Outlaw contraception, what next, outlaw condoms?"

Are the russian dossier-ites in the room with you right now?........

Jim at said...

But Trump inspires great hate on the left.

If it wasn't Trump, it would be somebody else.

Hate is all they have.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Anybody who trusts the judgement of people like Sydney Powell and Lynn Wood over the likes of Bill Barr does not belong in any position of authority."

That would be the Bill Barr who allowed the greatest conspiracy against a sitting US President to go completely unpunished.

But only completely.

Thanks Bill Barr!

Drago said...

Sebastian: "So far DeSantis, comes across as a pro, picking his battles while standing up to the usual MSM vilification, knowing what he wants and knowing what he's up against, without piling on needless baggage."


Once the media gets done with DeSantis all the same RINO squishes will turn against him as well.


Now we'll wait for the harrumphs and tsks tsks from those who will abandon DeSantis at the first blush of real political battle.

And Christina Pushaw? She's so effective she'll be the first to be viciously attacked by the lefties and then abandoned by all the "respectable" "principled" conservatives.

Drago said...

AMDG: "You can denounce “Rinos” all you want but that does not change the fact that Trump has shed support among independents. "

Sell it to the Air Force Mayo. Sell it to the Air Force.

Inga said...

Everyday Drago is finding new commenters, even those of his own party to attack, lol, keep doing what you do Drago, very entertaining. As time goes on and more conservatives here jump off the Trump circus wagon, Drago will really lose his shit.

Drago said...

Bruce Hayden: "There should have been mass firings of the Counterterrorism Division at the FBI, along with the Dir, DD, and AD."

The Senate Republicans made it very, very clear that if Trump dared to do ANY of the things you mention that they would vote to ensure his impeachment.

And these Senate "failure theater" Republicans carried that on for over 4 years. McConnell made it clear that Trump could not have real supporters of America First policies put in place in the Fed Govt. Paul Ryan made sure no funding for the wall would be forthcoming. The odious Richard Burr handed all the power of the Senate Intel committee to Mark Warner (look for Burr to wind up with a series of cushy tech company board seats as a payoff for helping the dems pull off the collusion hoax.

It was Ryan who sidelined Nunes to make sure the ONLY member of the Gang of 8 that would stand up to the collusion perpetrators could not expose them.

This list is endless.

But hey, it was all Trump's fault! Mean tweets! Too much push back! Why can't Trump just be like GW Bush?

JK Brown said...

Nothing against Trump, but every time I see that McDonald's spread, I can't help but thinking how horrible McDonald's food is just a few degrees off from very hot. It is not food for a pick-n-eat spread without heat lamps. The time to lay that out, much less take the picture means that food is not fit for consumption at that temperature.

Jim at said...

You can denounce “Rinos” all you want but that does not change the fact that Trump has shed support among independents.

That lack of support would certainly explain why he received nearly 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016, wouldn't it?

Jim at said...

The Trump party has gone completely nuts and their overreaches will doom them in any national election.

You keep repeating this bullshit without a shred of proof.

It's what you think will happen. Nothing more.
And considering your track record, smart money would be against you.

AMDG said...

Blogger Drago said...

The entirety of the Georgia republican base could easily see the corruption and fraud and Raffensberger and Kemp and rest of the zuckerbucks paid off buffoons pretended everything was going swimmingly.

Then Raffensberger's own odious staff went full Schiff-ty mode with lying repeatedly about the phone call and then were exposed when a transcript of the call was released.

Republican voters were turned off by the quisling and worthless Kemp and Raffensberger.

Next up for AMDG: How Trump made the "severely conservative" pro-BLM Romney go squishy.

8/8/22, 2:30 PM

Yes, Republican voters were so turned off by Kemp and Raffensberger that they re-nominated them overwhemingly over Trump's preferred candidates. Meanwhile Trump's idiotic endorsement for the Senate is polling 10% behind Kemp in the general. If Trump had just decided to stay out of Georgia Warnock would be toast, but oh, no, the Fat Tub of Goo to had designate Walker as the MAGA candidate.

Drago, you need to pull your head of Trump's colon long enough to understand that Trump cannot win. Anyone who wants to see MAGA move forward must reject Trump.

Most Georgia Republicans are as sick of that fat tub of goo as I am

John henry said...

In 2015, according to his 100 or so page financial disclosure form with the FEC, Donald Trump had a net worth of more than $9 billion.

If he lied on that, all his opponents missed a massive opportunity to take him out of the race almost before he got in.

So, contrary to all the "estimates" that others have published, this seems to have been his true net worth then.

How much do you think it is today, Robert Cook?



About the same?

If the same or less, seems like the presidency cost him rather than benefited him. Financially, anyway.


TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"He cannot win."

I feel like I've heard that line somewhere before.....

John henry said...

A bit off topic:

How many presidents have been union members at some point in their lives?

I can only think of 2, both republicans, both reviled as worse than Hitler.

Cheney was a member of the IBEW, IIRC, but he was only VP.

Any demmies been union members?


AMDG said...

Drago said...

Once the media gets done with DeSantis all the same RINO squishes will turn against him as well.


Now we'll wait for the harrumphs and tsks tsks from those who will abandon DeSantis at the first blush of real political battle.

And Christina Pushaw? She's so effective she'll be the first to be viciously attacked by the lefties and then abandoned by all the "respectable" "principled" conservatives.

8/8/22, 2:35 PM

The media has been going after "DeathSantis" since he did not toe the the line on COVID. He has handled this better than than the Fat Tub of Goo could ever handle it.

The fact is that DeSantis has matched his rhetoric with action. When it comes to the Fat Tub of Goo there is much bluster but nothing behind it. Hell, the greatest successes of his administration (judges and the tax cuts) were due to thos rinos McConnell and Ryan instead of Trump.

John henry said...

I keep hearing DeSantis for VP in 24. Some here have mentioned him.


Not that he would not be a good VP but we need him as a presidential candidate in 28 and being VP would kill his chances for that. Quick, name all the sitting VPs that have been elected to the presidency in the past 210 years.

How about the old switcheroo. How about run DeSantis as president in 2024 and president emeritus Trump as VP?

The idea would not be that VP Trump would be the traditional presidential flunky. The idea would be for him to be president of the senate and actually wield the powers of that office.

Imagine him up there in the catbird seat every day the Senate is in session banging away with the gavel. Getting things done but, more importantly, stopping things.

A boy can dream, can't he?


Sebastian said...

AMDG: "As a Georgian every time I think of what Trump has done to the last three Senate races in this state I become enraged."

Here on the rational right that actually wants to, you know, win winnable races, with the right-most electable candidate, to keep Dems from doing their Dem things, we feel your pain and share your rage. The Inflation Reduction Act, for starters, would have been completely preventable, with even all RINOs lined up, had the clown been less insane. It's on him.

Robert Cook said...

"Like a good Socialist, Cook has no idea how much money Trump would have made those years if he had not been president."

Probably not as much, given that much of his income while president came from billing the government for use of Trump properties.

Pure self dealing.

madAsHell said...

My understanding of "shit-eating grin" is that it is a grin displaying indifference to being attacked.

I thought it was a reference to a possum.

The internet is wonderful. It lets you confirm anything you want to believe.

Gospace said...

Liz Cheney has already denounced Governor DeSantis as being dangerous for America.

The MSM and Liz will attack, viciously, any Republican doing what the Republican base wants. And will do the same to any Republican nominee for POTUS no matter how liberal or conservative they are. I’ve watched it occur my entire life.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I disagree although I did not vote for his endorsed candidate for Governor. Katie Hobbs is pure Soros. I don't think she can get elected without cheating. Of course, cheating is the Democrat specialty. Sinema ended the crossover vote for Kelley. He is a zero anyway but she showed her true colors.”

I don’t think that she will get away with it this time for a number reasons. First, she is the Dems’ gubernatorial candidate, and anything that she does to aid her gubernatorial bid using her post as Secretary of State will be very visual and evident. With the changes in AZ law, making the sort of stuff she did in 2020 criminal, I wouldn’t be surprised if she were arrested. That wouldn’t be a good look for a gubernatorial candidate - arrested for (now) criminally violating election laws. And her opponent would not let her get away with it - which is probably one reason that the Republican primary for Governor was delayed so much. Kari Lake was the one candidate who could make that sort of thing stick against Hobbs. And finally, there were upwards of a half million fraudulent votes in 2020 for Biden that Hobbs helped steal. That’s maybe a half million disenfranchised voters, and many will probably be enthusiastic for revenge. Also note that Hobbs’ cheating in 2020 gave us FJB as President and the serious border problems faced by the state. Maybe that wasn’t why she cheated, but she still is guilty of the ramifications.

Drago said...

Sebastian: "The Inflation Reduction Act, for starters, would have been completely preventable, with even all RINOs lined up, had the clown been less insane. It's on him."


Sebastian still falling for the Failure Theater act.

If the dems needed a single republican vote, or 2 or 3 they would have dredged them up without any problem. Toomey would have delivered. Burr would have delivered. Even Cassidy might have handed it to them. Or Collins.

The majority of republicans in the Senate only vote conservative because their votes aren't needed by their dem pals.

But you go right on believing that Romney and the rest are just dying to fight for conservative causes.....if you can drag him away from his beloved BLM marches.

Oh, let me guess: Romney HAD to march with BLM because OrangeManBad.

The excuses run non-stop for the RINOs.

takirks said...

Say Trump wins, again. I would lay you reasonably good odds that they'd just do the same thing to him, all over again.

The root thing here that needs to be observed: Trump was destroyed just as much by the Republican establishment as he was by the Democrats. The Uniparty does not want an outsider having any power in what they see as their fiefdom, Washington DC.

All this legislation you see being passed? The increase in the IRS staffing? That's their revenge on the voters that put Trump into office over their anointed one. The establishment thinks it owns the country--Why else would Wray pull the crap he did, testifying before Congress? He has to make his plane, the one we pay for, so he can get to his vacation? WTF? Since when do people in government get to use Federal assets on vacation? Do Air Force C-130 pilots get to take their aircraft off to vacation in the Poconos?

The stench wafting off of Washington DC is that of a mouldering corpse, and that corpse is our Constitutional Republic. It's dead; stick a fork in it. Wray's being able to get away with what he just did makes that clear to even those deeply in denial about it all.

And, what's worse? The elected Senators who're supposed to be holding him accountable as the head of the FBI? They let him get away with it, like they couldn't do anything at all about it.

Freder Frederson said...

If he lied on that, all his opponents missed a massive opportunity to take him out of the race almost before he got in.

So, contrary to all the "estimates" that others have published, this seems to have been his true net worth then.

Since all his companies are LLC's and he refused to release his tax returns (oh, I'm sorry, he was going to release his returns as soon as the audits were done), it is very hard to determine what his actual net worth is.

Your logic sucks.

wendybar said...

You can denounce “Rinos” all you want but that does not change the fact that Trump has shed support among independents. People who can’t afford to buy groceries and gas do not care about Liddle Donnie’s bruised ego.

Like your RINO'S care?? Keep on believing. You must believe in the Easter bunny too.

Gospace said...

Numbers. They tell you a lot.

In the general election in GA Biden won by a whopping 11779 votes. (Numbers from Wikipedia)

For the senate Ossoff received 99114 less votes then Biden. Huge. OTOH, Perdue received 963 votes more then Trump. Those would be the sun total of never Trumpers who showed up to vote. So that leaves 98151 Democrats who voted for Biden but didn’t cast a senate vote. About 4% of Democrat voters vs about 0.04% of Republican ballot switchers.

Oh, wait- there are third party candidates! On the presidential vote, 69471 votes. For the Perdue-Ossoff senate race 115039.

Overall 47783 people cast a vote for POTUS who didn’t cast a senate vote. For any candidate. Biden won by 11779- he had to take a vast majority of the non-senate voters to win, far past the margin he took of people who voted in both.

If you understand numbers- this screams fraud.

Perdue was an incumbent. The race shouldn’t have gone to a runoff. He did worse both in real numbers and percentages in the runoff. There’s only one person to blame for that- Perdue. He, and the GA Republican Party, didn’t motivate GA voters to turn out to vote.

Maynard said...

There are several reports that the FBI is raiding Mar-a-Lago as we speak.

The Soviets are in charge.

Michael K said...

Since all his companies are LLC's and he refused to release his tax returns (oh, I'm sorry, he was going to release his returns as soon as the audits were done), it is very hard to determine what his actual net worth is.

Forensic accountant Freder is on the job. I notice no comment about the FBI raid on Mar a Lago today. We slowly became a police state when we were not paying attention. The Biden handlers and Merrick Garfinkle have shown their true colors. As if the Garland Gulag was not enough warning. The old Soviet Union had nothing on the Democrats. They will end up the same way. This last bill is a big step in that direction.

Michael K said...

All this legislation you see being passed? The increase in the IRS staffing? That's their revenge on the voters that put Trump into office over their anointed one. The establishment thinks it owns the country--Why else would Wray pull the crap he did, testifying before Congress?

Good observation. I agree.

Michael K said...

Probably not as much, given that much of his income while president came from billing the government for use of Trump properties.

Pure self dealing.

Bullshit as usual, Cook. His income was $2.4 billion according to your source. Billing the government added up to $1.1 million total during his presidency.

That's a rounding error on what Biden left behind in Afghanistan.

Sebastian said...

Bruce: “One of Trump’s weaknesses, at least in my view, is that his underlings could pull the wool over his eyes, and did.”

Example from Scott Atlas: “I also asked how she had been appointed—that seemed to be a bit of a mystery to everyone. I was told by Jared, more than once, “Dr. Birx is 100 percent MAGA!”” More from Michael Senger in Tablet on Birx’s scheming. 100% MAGA according to Trump adviser Jared.

AMDG: “If Trump had just decided to stay out of Georgia Warnock would be toast, but oh, no, the Fat Tub of Goo to had designate Walker as the MAGA candidate . . . Most Georgia Republicans are as sick of that fat tub of goo as I am”

We hear you. But pulling the lever (or whatever you do in GA) for Herschel is still better. No point in doing a reverse Trump out of pique.

Drago said...

AMDG: " Most Georgia Republicans are as sick of that fat tub of goo as I am”"


Achilles said...

Gusty Winds said...

At the moment both WI GOP primary leaders for Gov (Michels [Trump endorsed} and Kleefisch[Walker/Pence endorsed])are both afraid to touch the subject. If they don't between now and Nov...WI blue counties will pull the same shit and they lose. Ron Johnson is probably send packing too.

The Democrats who are pretending to be Republicans like Vos and Kleefisch are part of the fraud machine.

Achilles said...

AMDG said...


The Georgia senate losses were due to Trump and his surrogates depressing the vote by telling voters their vote didn’t count. Trump literally forced Losffler and Purdue to campaign on “Stop the steal” instead of focusing on the damage a Democrat Senate would do.

AMDG and the FBI are on the same side.

We see you.

Bruce Hayden said...

“There are several reports that the FBI is raiding Mar-a-Lago as we speak”

It’s apparently over his response to some subpoena or some such. As with other targets, the raid is very likely unjustified, and done solely for the in terrorem effect on Trump and his voters. We shall see how that works out electorally.

John henry said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

Since all his companies are LLC's and he refused to release his tax returns (oh, I'm sorry, he was going to release his returns as soon as the audits were done), it is very hard to determine what his actual net worth is.

That is bone numbingly stupid even fro you, Freder.

What do you expect income tax returns to show about net wealth?

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are #1 & #2 richest people in the world. Most years Musk has no income whatever to pay taxes on. Most years Jeff Bezos has less than $100,000 income to pay taxes on.

Does that mean they are not wealthy?

Wow! You really outdid yourself this time.


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