August 15, 2022

Fissures emerge!

Here's the article at The New York Times: "Some Republicans Make a More Restrained Case for Defending Trump/When some G.O.P. members of Congress attacked the nation’s top law enforcement agencies immediately after the F.B.I.’s search of Mar-a-Lago, it underscored deep fissures within the party."

Here's the front-page teaser that had us laughing: "As Republicans Move to Defend Trump, Deep Fissures Emerge in the Party."

Why was that so funny?

1. "Fissures" is an unusual enough word that it gets your attention. It's a metaphor, but what do you picture? Something going wrong with a fleshly body? A landscape? It's a new image, anyway, not something overused — like the "walls" that are forever "closing in."

2. The teaser version has the fissures showing up for the first time — emerging. But the Republicans have been fissure-ridden over Trump for years. The headline at the article page is more accurate: There were already "deep fissures," but the deep fissures became even more pronounced — they were "underscored" when some Republicans strongly defended Trump and other Republicans preferred to speak in a more "restrained" way.

3. In the text of the article, it says "deep fissures were visible," which doesn't sound as though the pre-existing fissures were changing at all. It was just another occasion for us onlookers to see the fissures. 

4. Why is this even a subject for an article? When I started this post, it was the top left headline on the front page, the most important news story. But it's just a story about how different Republicans express themselves with different degrees of intensity or subtlety over the Mar-a-Lago raid. We're told that the first Republicans to speak "reacted with fury" — saying things like “gestapo” and “tyrants.” But later, "more moderate voices in the party chastised their colleagues for the broadsides against law enforcement, making a more restrained case for defending Mr. Trump while also carrying out oversight of the Justice Department." It's a story because it's a chance to reframe Republicans attacking the FBI and the Justice Department as Republican attacking each other.

5. Yeah, I'm done laughing at "fissures emerge." 


RMc said...

Gone fission!

Jaq said...

It's confession by projection; fissures have plainly emerged among Democrats. Yang and Andrew Cuomo come to mind right away, so their playbook demands that a story be written projecting this onto the Republicans. It's propaganda 101 that it's important to confuse these issues in the public mind.

John henry said...

"Anal fissures" is what first came to my mind.

A pretty good metaphor for virtually all politicians in both parties. A pain in the ass.

John LGBTQ+ Henry

Dave Begley said...

The Fake News needs keep the narrative and the controversy going.

The press is all about controversy and the horse race. That's how they attract eyeballs.

gilbar said...

What was the NYTs reason for this article?
Since most readers are NOT Republicans it must be aimed at non Republicans.
Do you have a Whistling Past the Cemetery tag?

typingtalker said...

It's a story because it's a chance to reframe Republicans attacking the FBI and the Justice Department as Republican attacking each other.

Because we know that Democrats are as homogenized as milk and docile as an old pony at the fair.

JAORE said...

Republicans pounce on Republicans.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Absolutely there are fissures! Between:

- Republicans who want to defund the DOJ
- Republicans who want to drastically reduce it's funding
- A small number of republicans who are actually democras


Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Democratic Party disagreements are wrinkles that you don't even notice unless the lighting is just right but Republican disagreements are massive fissures that can be seen from outer space and are somehow always growing. This is in the NYTimes political reporting style guide that all reporters and opinion piece writers are issued during orientation.

Beasts of England said...

Republicans pounce into disarray!!

Inga said...

Hee haw. Oh that is so funny, I bet you and Meade were braying like a couple of donkeys.

Sebastian said...

"Fissures emerge!"

As you hint, just when the walls are closing in.

"Why is this even a subject for an article?"

Why, oh, why? But even Althouse knows by now.

"It's a story because it's a chance to reframe Republicans attacking the FBI and the Justice Department as Republican attacking each other."

Not just "Republicans pounce" but "Republicans pounce on each other": a two-fer.

But here's the thing: progs eat it up.

Lurker21 said...

There may be deep fissures in the party, but some people just express themselves in different terms than other people. If one representative speaks of "gestapo tactics" and another doesn't, that isn't in itself a sign of a deep fissure or a wide chasm.

Perhaps part of the reason the loudmouths get so much publicity is to make more temperate politicians and voters reject them and disassociate themselves from the loudmouths' positions. That's more political show than reality. Even for us online proles, it's possible to avoid overheated rhetoric without becoming turncoats.

narciso said...

Like fish on a bicycle

narciso said...

We want the bureau to do its job ot has bedn derelict at least since 2015, and this weekends events in chataqua confirm it

mezzrow said...

Without reading any of the references, my impression from the headline is an encouragement to crank up the pressure, embodied in things like the daylong FBI "search". The tools are available, and they have been shown to be effective (points at boxes of nuclear secrets).

"That's our story, and we're sticking to it."

The fissures are underlined, so the enemy will either crack or explode from the pressure. Continue and increase until you get one or the other. Time's a wasting. It certainly helps to divert the political focus from the current economic and global debacles.

The most powerful offensive tool the administration has available has been deployed. If you look on in disbelief, get over it. Time to figure out your "now, what?"

Witness said...

"Why is this even a subject for an article?"

because the business model needs clicks

Christopher B said...

Don't remember if it was IowaHawk or not but its evergreen. When Republicans screw up, that's the story. When Democrats screw up, the Republican reaction is the story.

Ann Althouse said...

""Anal fissures" is what first came to my mind."

Yeah, that was part of what we were laughing about. Meade texted me:

"You can do anything. Grab them by the fissure.

"They let you when you’re the paper of record"

wendybar said...

Inga said...
Hee haw. Oh that is so funny, I bet you and Meade were braying like a couple of donkeys.

8/15/22, 8:14 AM

No, they leave that to the ASSES in the Democrat party.

Gk1 said...

I wonder how many washington agencies have decided they would rather be funded by the democrats only and whether that ever influences their decision to do the democrat's dirty work?

Its evident the answer is "yes" but its weird to watch the FBI blow its cover and now have to rely on democrats to get their funding from now on. Ask the IRS post Lois Lerner if that was a good bargain or not.

Jersey Fled said...

One of these days I'll start making a list of all things it's verboten to question according to the Left.

Let's see...

Election results
Climate change

Feel free to add at your discretion

Whiskeybum said...

Fissures emerging in those walls that are closing in is more like it.

Gusty Winds said...

If they are still counting Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as Republican's, of course there are divisions.

The Deeper division is that the MAGA majority of the GOP base wants McConnell out as majority leader IF the GOP takes the Senate. Nobody is very thrilled about Kevin McCarthy becoming speaker of the House.

The real division is Dem/Establishment GOP/Deep State vs. MAGA/America First. We want the whole house cleaned. The lies, wasted tax money, insider trading, and weaponization of federal bureaucracies is out of hand and become too powerful and oppressive.

Kind of like the administrative bloat on college campuses.

tim maguire said...

Republicans Pounce! On each other!

Yeah, Republicans in deep blue states like Maryland aren't talking the same way as Republicans in deep red states. What a surprise.

Gusty Winds said...

The premise of the story is right. There is a battle for the heart and sole of the GOP. The voting base is majority pro-Trump. We tolerate the established GOP because they are the lesser of two evils.

The term 'fissure' is used on purpose here. It's just like when they labeled the Tea Party teabaggers. Trump voters as "Deplorables" (which we proudly owned). Now we're seditious traitors, racists, sexists, homophobes, blah, blah, blah.

We use "Libtard" as and all encompassing term. It conveniently and accurately covers everything.

Jamie said...

Wow, Inga, that's quite a reaction.

jim5301 said...

The chasm isn't about a mere policy dispute. It is about whether or not you believe in the rule of law. If you criticize the judge who signed off on the warrant without knowing what he knew - see non-public underlying affidavit, then you are admitting that you don't believe in the rule of law, which underlies everything this nation stands for. It is very sad that so many people in high places don't want to live in a democratic republic.

Misinforminimalism said...

Given the underlying facts in the article:

1. Some GOP are on the warpath over FBI treatment of Trump, while
2. Other GOP are more restrained in their criticism,

Wouldn't a more accurate headline be: GOP united in opposition to FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago?

MadisonMan said...

Interpret the NYTimes as a Democratic Party Press Release. This simplifies life.
I did not immediately think of anal fissures. Ouch.

Bob R said...

"You can do anything. Grab them by the fissure.

"They let you when you’re the paper of record"


wendybar said...

Mr Wibble said...

A good rant from today in a similar vein. Basically, why Trump supporters are so angry at the GOP establishment.

8/15/22, 8:56 AM
Great much truth in there it slaps you in the face. Thanks for sharing!!

Inga said...

“Wow, Inga, that's quite a reaction.”

Was it rude? Yes it probably is rude. But in fairness, one person’s laughter may sound like “braying” to another person.

Anonymous said...

" If you criticize the judge who signed off on the warrant without knowing what he knew - see non-public underlying affidavit, then you are admitting that you don't believe in the rule of law, which underlies everything this nation stands for."

After Russiagate, and the host of other FBI shenanigans (Whitmer, Comey/Lynch and Clintons, Mueller) the reserve of 'wait and see' is being replaced with 'show me right f'in now'.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

When I hear “deep fissure” I think of the Marianas Trench, the deepest point on the planet earth. 🤔

Could they be coaxing us to think of the lowest circle of hell, reserved for treachery?

Link to Althouse post

Narayanan said...

simple physics show that

if walls are closing orthogonally
all that piston action will cause
fissures in the walls

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It’s fissures all the way down. 🤦🏽‍♂️

GRW3 said...

A fissure would develop, not emerge.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Those DOJ asshoes have fissures. Of course!

Michael said...

A fissure is a crack or gap in something hard, like rock or ice or bone. Whatever the dictionaries say. Using it as a metaphor, as for a political party, suggests that the party was previously hard/solid but now is cracking. (Which it wasn't and probably isn't, except in the pages of the Times.)

Kevin said...

Feel free to add at your discretion

What’s taught to your kids in school.
Your need to defend yourself.
Open borders.
Discrimination against white people based on race
Abortion on demand.
Biden’s mental state.

jim5301 said...

TRISTRAM - so what does any of that have to do with the judge? Was he involved in those matters?

MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said...

"...Meade texted me:

"You can do anything. Grab them by the fissure.

"They let you when you’re the tissue paper of record.


traditionalguy said...

The only thing currently emerging is the truth about J Edgar’s boys being into political manipulation of evidence which has been a long hidden practice behind 80 years of fictional PR making the corrupt FBI out to be super heroes.

And the Fissure suddenly being seen is the one between the bribed DC crooks on Red China’s payroll and American citizens that used to enjoy real vote counts. That system blew up when the scam vote mis-counting in the 2016 election was Un-rigged by Admiral Rogers. Hillary wants her money back, or at least she wants to see Trump arrested for theft of her paid for election fraud. Fair is fair.

narciso said...

There were six previous recusals

John Borell said...

Paper of record my ass.

Breezy said...

Dems think Republicans or conservatives expressing their own opinion is creating fissures. We all must think and speak alike, you see. While the Dems all speak the from the same playbook, dictated from on high. They are not allowed to create fissures.

dbp said...

When we look from hard liners to moderates, it would appear that fissures are emerging, even though there have always been hard liners and moderates in the Republican party.

It's kind of like thinking that mountains are becoming flattened out when considering America the Beautiful.

For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain

When we moved our glance from peaks to plains, the peaks didn't become plains. Flatness did not emerge.

tim maguire said...

Inga person’s laughter may sound like “braying” to another person.

The other person may think it, but they won't say it if they were raised right.

Gk1 said...I wonder how many washington agencies have decided they would rather be funded by the democrats only and whether that ever influences their decision to do the democrat's dirty work?

It is in the nature of the bureaucrat to want to expand their own power and influence. It's only natural that they will support the party that supports their own power and it's equally natural that they will convince themselves that they are acting for the public good rather than petty personal interest no matter how petty and personal their real motivations may be.

Howard said...

I was listening to a podcast with Jesse Ventura describing how Trump is basically a disciple of Vince McMahon and plays a WWE villain color commentator.

Everyone else is in on the gag on both sides of the fence. It's all fake pretend angst. A great distraction from the Davos billionaires behind the curtain.

Yancey Ward said...

This newest Trump scandal is already falling apart. A week into this, and we still don't have any leaks about what was actually in the seized materials, just assertions of what might have been in them.

I wrote it almost a week ago- it is standard procedure to declassify at the end of the admiminstration all files the President is taking with him from the White House. Obama did this. George W. Bush did this, Bill Clinton did this. And it isn't the President who set this up- it his staff and lawyers, and the GSA who does the actual boxing and shipping. Really- what exactly is it idiots like Jim, Inga, Freder and others think- that Trump boxed this stuff up himself and loaded onto a van?

You want to know the real tell here outside the lack of factual leaks after a week? The tell was that the very first story about this passed out the rumor it was nuclear weapons plans/codes etc. This was the first story written because it was the only way to overcome the fact that as President, Trump could declassify at will. How stupid does someone have to be to think Trump was requesting and reading nuclear weapons plans in the first place? I am someone who doesn't think Trump is dumb, but if you do, then you have to concede that the stories that Trump was requesting, reading, and stealing such documents is even dumber.

n.n said...

NYeT is showing us his... her... its... their crevasse.

Howard said...

These are mixed geologic metaphors. Fishers do not emerge, Marine terrorist (terrace) deposits emerge. Fishers (fissures) and cracks and crevasses open up.

n.n said...

"Anal fissures" is what first came to my mind.

A pretty good metaphor for virtually all politicians in both parties. A pain in the ass.

#MeToo A pain in the ass, of course, of course.

A pain for the Ass. Let us bray for equity and inclusion.

Nicholas said...

Peering into the fissures, one question that learned Althousians might be able to help me with is this: was it lawful for the FBI to exclude Trump's lawyers from the building whilst carrying out the raid? Is there any clear cut constitutional right to have counsel present at the execution of a search warrant? I have not heard of any Court challenge being made into the raid, maybe that news has not made it over the Atlantic to me, but surely Trump is challenging it?

Amadeus 48 said...

Matt Taibbi--no Republican he--said it well on Substack:

"If it backfires, if underlying this action there isn’t a very substantial there there, the Biden administration just took the world’s most reputable police force and turned it into the American version of the Tonton Macoute on national television. We may be looking at simultaneously the dumbest and most inadvertently destructive political gambit in the recent history of this country."

Randomizer said...

The fissures have been there, but none of the elite media were looking in that direction. The fissures emerged about the time John McCain was the Republican nominee. Mitt Romney fed the fissures? Increased the tectonic pressure? I don't know where to go with the metaphor, but Mitt is now recognized to be a dick-head.

Trump called out the swamp and has had an influence on Republican primaries. If there is a deep fissure in the Republican Party, never-Trumpers are being kicked into the ditch.

Michael K said...

jim5301 said...

The chasm isn't about a mere policy dispute. It is about whether or not you believe in the rule of law.

That Epstein judge sure does and he will tell you that Epstein was just a nice guy with a lot of good friends. And he accidentally hung himself on his lamp cord.

Christopher B said...

Despite the usual invocation of the Will Rogers quip, the Republicans have been equally fractious along the lines of Wall St v Main St, and the Grassroots v the Rockefellers for as long as I can remember. GHWB famously claimed Reagan's policy prescriptions in 1980 were 'Voodoo Economics' before they became almost GOP gospel.

The great strength of Republicans has been the fundamental compatibility of the goals of the coalition members (limited government, sound money, strong defense) while the Democrats have to just about straight-up bribe members of their coalition to stay in the fold.

The 'Trumpism without Trump' coalition is going to shakeout eventually but I'm not so sure that the Democrats will ever get over their fixation that they are a Permanent Majority.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

Sometimes, instead of seven paragraphs, a single word will suffice. In this case, Propaganda.

Drago said...

jim5301: "The chasm isn't about a mere policy dispute. It is about whether or not you believe in the rule of law."


What, at this point, do jim5301's comments even matter?

JAORE said...

The NYT papers over any D fissures.

Breezy said...

Joe Manchin created a fissure…. Then he filled it in by agreeing to a tit for tat IRA deal with Schumer. Now he needs to create another one, as the powers that be don’t intend to fulfill their part of the IRA deal. Will he?

Ann Althouse said...

I think it was Jesus who said "Follow me, and I will make you fissures of men."

jim5301 said...

Michael K - You mean the Epstein who was a member of Mar-a-Logo? The one represented by Dershowitz, the one who got a sweetheart deal from Trump's Labor Secretary? The Epstein who had a bromance with Trump. The same Epstein that Trump had this to say about- "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he like beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." Is that the Epstein you are referring to?

Leland said...

I always think of “fissures emerging” as a volcano about to explode. If an apt metaphor here, then I wouldn’t take it as a good one for Democrats. Volcanoes are not self-destructive, rather they destroy the things around them.

Anyway, the FBI is incredulous as an institution and can no longer redeem itself. This was apparent when they hid female athletes being sexually assaulted such that the FBI SAG could further their career outside the FBI. Now we know they lie an warrants and affidavits and nobody in DC cares, even the juries.

Ann Althouse said...

Inga is using the word "braying" because I used it yesterday, here and, though I phrased my criticism diplomatically and refrained by calling her out by name, she correctly inferred that I was pushing her back.

She had embarrassed herself by mocking a person for making spelling mistakes, when in fact the sign was using the "China is asshoe" meme.

Ann Althouse said...

I wrote: "Be careful before braying about how dumb someone else is. You may have a blind spot. It’s safest to show respect to all, and frankly, intellectually challenged persons deserve respect. And you might find yourself in that category some day. Even today."

Every time you make fun of someone you take the risk that there's an angle you are missing. One could adopt a gentle tone simply to be kind. But another reason is that if it turns out there's something dumb about what you're saying, no one will sympathize with you.

So out of kindness or just self-protection, it's good to refrain from laughing in anyone's face. Or just choose carefully. Decide what you want to do.

cfs said...

This is just another version of the Republicans "pounce" or Republicans "seize" narrative. The subject of any article regarding Democrats' actions is never about what they said or did. Instead, it is the Republicans'response to their actions that is important. This time, they framed it as the republicans "pouncing" at each other. That is the most important thing to be discussed or questioned.

Inga said...

Althouse, it’s been twice now that you have been rude and called my laughter “braying”, if you require civility and kindness at all times in all circumstances from your commenters, you might think about setting an example,or calling out some of your other commenters from time to time for similar offenses, or else someone might call out your own civility bullshit.

Gospace said...

jim5301 said...
The chasm isn't about a mere policy dispute. It is about whether or not you believe in the rule of law. If you criticize the judge who signed off on the warrant without knowing what he knew

The judge doesn't know anything. He signed off based on what he was told, which may or more likely may not be the truth.

He signed off on a raid of the home of a foremer POTUS- an unprecedented act. And in the world of judges, he's a minor cog, a magistrate judge, not confirmed by the senate. If he had any sense of decorum- he'd have said- "NO! find someone higher up to do this! I'm not touching it with a temn foot pole."

Inga said...

Althouse, it’s been twice now that you have been rude and called my laughter “braying”, if you require civility and kindness at all times in all circumstances from your commenters, you might think about setting an example,or calling out some of your other commenters from time to time for similar offenses, or else someone might call out your own civility bullshit.

Inga said...

Drago laughs like a ass/donkey daily with his stupid LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL’s, after he lies about liberal commenters with some of the most vile accusations which are completely untrue, as he’s been doing for years with no pushback or chastisement from you. Lately he’s been accusing liberal commenters of being groomers of young children, repeatedly saying that liberal commenters are in favor of showering with young children in their own family. With not a word from you.

jim5301 said...

Ann - I don't understand why it is so horrible to say mean things about people who will never even be aware of what you said, but perfectly fine to constantly be horribly rude to other commentators. I see you as just playing to the crowd when you call out Inga since much worse comments are common on this blog.

Narayanan said...

Joe Manchin created a fissure…. Then he filled it in by agreeing to a tit for tat IRA deal with Schumer.
who is tit who is tat?

did WV Hillbilly Manchin even ask advice from Trump about dealing with a NewYawker

Inga said...

And as for kindness, you Althouse, have been one of the most unkind, rude, even cruel (not in the sense of cruel neutrality) people over the years. Take time to examine your own short comings, you have many that have been seen over the years in your own responses to certain commenters. And for pity sake try to at least appear to be fair in your dealings with liberal commenters here. You have a blind spot or willful bias toward your nastier conservative commenters. No wonder you have so few liberal commenters.

Drago said...

Howard: "I was listening to a podcast with Jesse Ventura describing how Trump is basically a disciple of Vince McMahon and plays a WWE villain color commentator."


Sounds like the very kind of "evidence" the Jan 6 committee could use. Very persuasive.

Get on it.

Jaq said...

"But another reason is that if it turns out there's something dumb about what you're saying, no one will sympathize with you."

I prefer it that way, I give no quarter, and ask no quarter. If I am wrong, I want to know before I say it again.

Iman said...

Republicans Pounce on the Party of Generational Grift!

n.n said...

fissure (n.)

c. 1400, from Old French fissure (13c.) and directly from Latin fissura "a cleft," from root of findere "to split, cleave, separate, divide," from PIE *bhind-, nasalized form of root *bheid- "to split."


Diversity of individuals, minority of one.

Jaq said...

Yeah the Epstein that Trump banned from Mar a Lago after hearing about his activities, the Epstein that apparently bribed Reinhardt to work for him while he was a US Attorney investigating him, and then managed to use is US Attorney connections (he didn't quit outright, he took a leave of absence) to get immunity for human traffickers.

The connections, considering that they lived in the same small town, are pretty thin gruel to support a Bill Clinton/ Epstein type of relationship.

Did you know that Reinhardt created an LLC ,with an address belonging to Epstein, months prior to switching sides in the investigation? Good thing for certain people that he is dead right now, people like the crooked magistrate Reinhardt.

Jaq said...

Actually, I do give quarter, certain people I almost never respond to because it's just not sporting.

Jaq said...

I wonder how the FBI felt about "the rule of law" when they made false statements on the warrant application to spy on Trump? Shouldn't a warrant to spy on a presidential candidate meet the highest levels of legal rigor?

Google "Clinesmith" "Guilty plea" FBI "FISA Warrant" if you have not been informed by your news sources that the FBI lies on warrant applications before you try to call me out on the statement that the FBI has a history of lying to get Trump.

The FBI knew that the AlphaBank accusation was BS on day one, it's been shown, and yet they pretended it was real and let it fester for years.

The FBI knew that the "dossier" was fabricated by the Clinton campaign almost immediately, and yet they let the Mueller travesty run on and on, crippling Trump's presidency from Day one.

The FBI are scum.

Howard said...

Is Althouse openly requesting Civility Bullshit?

Iman said...

Here I thought Howard was running his mouth again, but it’s only his fissure.

TreeJoe said...

I think we are coming up on 20+ months now since I noticed this phenomenom:

70-100+ million americans can be outraged at something done to or towards Trump, and the media and involved bureaucracies (including the legislative branch) act like that outrage is just totally unwarranted and the country's institutions should be trusted.

They never show they recognize the trust is almost entirely gone.

In 2020 I watched cities in riot, police stations being attacked, government buildings being destroyed/firebombed.

I can't name a single person for that months long violence-orgy who has been paraded in cuffs and put behind bars. Let alone groups of people.

I watched a former secretary of state blatantly mishandle classified information in the pursuit of hiding her communications from federally required disclosures, make ridiculous public statements never acknowledging her own actions, literally destroy records and evidence, and then the director of the FBI saying she had no intent and therefore there's no criminal charges.

I could go on and on and on.....but the idea of the FBI/DOJ being for the equal application of the rule of law has been burned, squandered, wasted away.

And in every freaking case, news outlets like the NYTimes is there to defend the indefensible.

Now we have an unprecedented raid (and it was a raid) by the FBI against a former president led by an executive branch of the opposing party. On the basis of classified information. 18 months after he left office. With some speciousness around the warrant and execution of the raid. And without an immediate and public airing of what led up to it, why it was necessary, and what the next steps are - no proactive disclosure or leadership.

And you can hear the collective media expression "The MAGA Crowd is out of touch."

I don't even want Trump to be president again (because of his leadership style), and I hope this results in a reckoning. This type of stuff can't be swept under the rug or acted like it's behind the scenes, when really it's right in front of our noses.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I think it was Jesus who said "Follow me, and I will make you fissures of men."

We need a Godwin’s Law for Trans.

hombre said...

What crap! Any Republicans arguing for moderation in responding to the DOJ/FBI now has been napping for several years.

As usual the issue is not Donald Trump. Trump is just the catalyst for changing the way decent, law abiding people ought to view federal law enforcement, the IRS, the leftmedia and Democrats. They're shamelessly corrupt.

hombre said...

What crap! Any Republicans arguing for moderation in responding to the DOJ/FBI now has been napping for several years.

As usual the issue is not Donald Trump. Trump is just the catalyst for changing the way decent, law abiding people ought to view federal law enforcement, the IRS, the leftmedia and Democrats. They're shamelessly corrupt.

Anyone who assumes that conclusion depends on the outcome of the search warrant controversy is either ammoral or an ignoramus.

Jaq said...

" short comings," LOL. The jokes write themselves.

Amadeus 48 said...

"We may be looking at simultaneously the dumbest and most inadvertently destructive political gambit in the recent history of this country."

No one knows how this will turn out. In the past, "the walls are closing in on Trump" has proven to be a sucker bet. I am biased, but Garland hasn't made any case so far that this raid was necessary, wise, or prudent.

When I was practicing law, we always tried to consider the idea that less is more, because causing another party to have an insight that goes your way is the most effective persuasion. The Dem/media coalition has no concept of less when it comes to Donald Trump. They always overdo it.

Have they thought about the fact that Trump and his acolytes like to fight? Have they ever considered letting Trump blow himself up? He can do it. Remember the shocked silence at his rally in Battle Creek when he suggested that the late Rep.John Dingell (a secular saint to organized labor and blue collar workers, many of whom were at the rally) might be looking up from Hell? Left to himself, Trump could quickly become tedious.

Meanwhile, I hope you own popcorn futures.

Amadeus 48 said...

"And as for kindness, you Althouse, have been one of the most unkind, rude, even cruel (not in the sense of cruel neutrality) people over the years."

I haven't noticed that at all. The closest Althouse has come to a put down in most instances has been a searching question, a suggestion that someone stop attributing views to her that she doesn't have, or a suggestion that someone answer his or her own questions rather than expecting her to do it. Cruelty to or mockery of commenters is not her style, although she dishes out plenty of pushback and mockery to the media sources she cites.

Inga, you have generally have had the run of the place for years and years--you and others provide a voice saying "not so fast, there" on a lot of issues. That is what an open forum is supposed to do.

Michael K said...

You have a blind spot or willful bias toward your nastier conservative commenters. No wonder you have so few liberal commenters.

They are mostly at lefty blogs that ban all Republicans. Amazing to see your rant as Althouse has tolerated you for years.

Drago said...

hombre: "What crap! Any Republicans arguing for moderation in responding to the DOJ/FBI now has been napping for several years."

Or.........actively working with the other side.

Drago said...

Howard: "Is Althouse openly requesting Civility Bullshit?"

Why would Althouse have to request what the lefties already provide for free every single day?

Maynard said...

And as for kindness, you Althouse, have been one of the most unkind, rude, even cruel (not in the sense of cruel neutrality) people over the years.

Wow! That sure sounds like a crazy person who has completely lost their shit.

We will become a fully Marxist society in 30-40 years because there are plenty of people who "think" (i.e., feel) like Inga.

hombre said...

I posted a comment on this piece at NYT. In it I cited five of the documented FBI transgressions and also referenced the Inspector General's report, concluding that FBI misconduct was well documented and suspicion about their integrity.

A flurry of angry responses followed all insisting on Trump's guilt and providing unverifiable facts in support, e.g., Trump has admitted guilt.

Of course, I never discussed his guilt, only the proven FBI misconduct and the unlikelihood of the "fissures." Their responses fall into the suspicions confirmed category. Critical thinking? Nah! Reasoned responses? Nah!

Kevin said...

And as for kindness, you Althouse, have been one of the most unkind, rude, even cruel (not in the sense of cruel neutrality) people over the years.

I find Althouse's level of tolerance remarkable -- particularly given the current environment.

She listens to criticism, goes deeper into issues when comments warrant, and allows people to go on and on even after they've been clearly warned.

She doesn't have to get up every morning and create this forum for you. She owes you nothing.

And if you don't find it to you liking, you can click elsewhere.

To quote Silva from Skyfall: Think on your sins.

mezzrow said...

"Follow me, and I will make you fissures of men."

Dang it, Althouse. Earworm. I'll hear that for hours, now.

No good (or lapsed) Baptist goes unpunished. Still, I did laugh.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Ann - I don't understand why it is so horrible to say mean things about people who will never even be aware of what you said, ”

I didn’t say it was horrible. I said you risk embarrassing yourself when it turns out you’re the one who didn’t get it. You laugh that somebody else was dumb, then you look like a jackass when you didn’t understand why they were not dumb. Just some advice on how to protect yourself in conversation. Ironically, my advice wasn’t understood but was regarded as a reason to attack me and perform additional jackassery.

Gk1 said...

"If you criticize the judge who signed off on the warrant without knowing what he knew"

Well we know he was a lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein and defended his pilot and scheduler for pedo island in 2008. How did this guy become a judge?

How could it have come down to using this Judge of all people. What are the odds?

Rousting and breaking into an ex-presidents residence is UNPRECEDENTED in our nations history. Did they not see this was problem to use an Epstein confidante?

Inga said...

Oh dear god, Althouse was only being kind, don’t misunderstand her motives!

Or maybe she was trying to fan any flames that were going to only singe me. She was trying to amplify the unkind comments in a underhanded way, cloaked in supposed kindness and “advice”. Sorry, I know what you were doing and have done in the past. You are guilty of the thing you coined, civility bullshit.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Lately he’s been accusing liberal commenters of being groomers of young children, repeatedly saying that liberal commenters are in favor of showering with young children in their own family. With not a word from you."

Inga, victoria from pasadena, gadfly, amongst other Althouse lefties, are in record explicitly claiming the Biden family is "perfectly nornal" LONG AFTER knowing Biden's daughter accused Cornpop Killer of showering with her repeatedly as an adolescent in her diary as well as knowing there is extensive video of Hunter Biden going Full Crack/coke/meth-head with trafficked underage prostitutes.

And that is in addition to supporting policies that allow psycho "teachers" openly sexualize very young children in schools and hiding that from parents

So yes, I stand by my earlier comments completely:
- Young children should not be sexualized by psycho leftists in schools
- it is NOT normal for adult men to shower with their adolescent daughters
- it is NOT normal for adult men to smoke crack/snort coke/take meth while cavorting with underage trafficked prostitutes

I will always believe those things and nothing you groomer enablers can say will change my mind.

So complain away that we wont let you cultists get away with positioning yourselves as moral superiors. You will be reminded of your previous statements as often as is required.

As it should be.

Michael K said...

She was trying to amplify the unkind comments in a underhanded way, cloaked in supposed kindness and “advice”.

Another victim. You are sure in the right political party.

Achilles said...

jim5301 said...

Ann - I don't understand why it is so horrible to say mean things about people who will never even be aware of what you said, but perfectly fine to constantly be horribly rude to other commentators. I see you as just playing to the crowd when you call out Inga since much worse comments are common on this blog.

You and Inga are not accorded respect because you are just completely dishonest shitheads.

You know the Russian Collusion hoax was garbage and you know the FBI and Clinton campaign have been caught fabricating the entire shit show.

You know that Brett Kavanaugh didn't rape anyone.

You know that Brian Sicknick died of natural causes.

You saw an unarmed Ashlii Babitt shot in cold blood by a rogue violent and completely un threatened police officer who fired into a crowd of capitol police who were surrounding Babbit.

You know you support open borders.

You know you are supporting higher taxes on the middle class.

You know you are supporting new IRS agents to persecute the middle class.

You support open racism in schools through Critical Race Theory.

You support men competing in women's sports.

You support war with Russia.

Yet you cannot be honest about anything on this list.

And you persist in taking the FBI and Democrat party at face value despite the fact they have been caught lying about Trump and trying to frame Trump multiple times.

You are just terrible dishonest and really stupid people.

If you want respect try not being a dishonest shithead and not supporting persecution and censorship.

Yancey Ward said...

I think Achilles just about covers it for you, Jimbo.

Narayanan said...

headline reads like FJB may have acheived analfissures transmission

Jim at said...

Or maybe she was trying to fan any flames that were going to only singe me.

Maybe if you admitted you were wrong and shut up about it, the issue would go away.
Ever think of that?

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