August 17, 2022

"Execute drug dealers/Move homeless people to outlying ‘tent cities’/Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protests/Strip job protections for federal workers/Eliminate the Education Department/Restrict voting to one day using paper ballots."

Those are "Six drastic plans Trump is already promising for a second term."

That's a WaPo article warning readers: "In recent speeches, the former president has begun specifying new policies he’d pursue if he returns to the White House, with an emphasis on crime, voting and shrinking the government."

Are you alarmed? Does it all sound fine to you? I'll make this a poll. You can click as many as you like (but only click the last one if you rejected all the others).

Which of Trump's new policies sound good to you? Click as many as you like or just the last one. free polls


Dave Begley said...

All sound GREAT to me!

RideSpaceMountain said...

Disappointed this doesn't include defunding America's 4th estate/branch of government - the unaccountable and unelected intelligence/counterintelligence branch foisted and authorized by the patriot act almost 20 years ago. This is the 'deep state'.

Nothing else will matter unless he crushes it. They have declared war on him and us, and until they are defeated, everything else on the agenda is in danger.

hawkeyedjb said...

Don't be surprised if the Democratic party also thinks it's a great idea to pronounce election rules from Washington. If the Republicans don't take control of the House in November, that's exactly what you're going to get.

Rusty said...

"Execute drug dealers" Well. Give them a fair trial first. Then hang em. You know. Like the fair trial congress gave Trump. I'm totally against using federal troops to quell rioting. That's what we have rooftop Koreans for.

Temujin said...

With a bit of tweaking, he's on to something. Also, our national media and pretty much everyone on the Left takes every utterance from Trump's mouth as being something that is concrete, and sure to be his intent. He says a lot of things, many of them using superlatives. What he's saying here is something the country gets and our betters in the media and in Washington don't seem to get:

We have a massive national problem with drug addiction and overdosing in our country, and as such, with homelessness and crime. We have a massive, bloated, ever growing and never shrinking Federal government which has found it's way to work against its citizens, so it's time to shrink it and remind it who it works for. Eliminating our Dept. of Education is a good start. It's not necessary to ensure a good education. In fact, I think the evidence of our senses would tell you that it accomplishes just the opposite. And our election system is a joke. We need to ask our citizens to see if they can take the responsibility as citizens seriously for one day every 2-4 years. One day too hard? OK, make it a weekend. Make it 2 days. But that's it. And from the very start, electronic voting was rife with the possibility of fraud. The Pentagon is hackable. What do you think your county elections board has over the Pentagon when it comes to security? Be serious about this. How much would you trust the worker at a typical government office (say the DMV) with anything of meaning to you? Because that's who's currently in charge of your election polling places. That and Teachers Union reps. Two days of voting with paper ballots is fine with me. It works.

So yeah. Aside from the 'executing drug dealers' and moving homeless to outlying 'tent cities', I'm fine with what he's said. (you move homeless to outlying tent cities, you set yourself up for ever growing dystopian villages with no laws. It would be almost like Los Angeles.)

Lucien said...

One day voting sounds good (with provisions for true absentees and active duty military), but I think that’s up to the states. Eliminating the Department of Education could be done federally, but why stop there? We did just fine for centuries without a Homeland Security Dept., and can again. Atomic Energy Commission?

Ending the War on Drugs would finesse the drug dealer issue. Trump’s supposed to be against endless wars, right?

hawkeyedjb said...

It's not clear which office Mr. Trump thinks he will be running for. Mayor? Sheriff? I admire a lot about him, but his expiration date seems to have passed.

God of the Sea People said...

Executing drug dealers and using federal agents to clamp down on "unrest and protests" seems pretty off-brand for Trump. I would rather him talk about reining in the power of federal law enforcement agencies, than how he intends to use it.

Mr. D said...

First three are terrible ideas. Given how federal power is now arrayed against him, you would hope Trump would understand why it’s a bad idea. Capital punishment for drug dealers? No capital punishment at all, I say. Homelessness is more of a mental health issue than anything else, so tent cities don’t do anything to improve matters. The other three? Yes.

Original Mike said...

I voted for 4: homeless, federal workers, education department, and voting. I'd tweak each one, but all 4 are in the right direction of addressing current problems.

Now put up Biden/progressive policies.

Unknown said...

I clicked all but execution. Need details. Fifty pounds of fentanyl a bit more serious than half ounce of weed.

J Melcher said...

Trump wants a kitten so he is begging for a pony.

Spiros said...

Is Trump talking about the death penalty or death squads killing drug dealers?

Lilly, a dog said...

Eliminating the Dept of Education is one of the few that isn't frothing-at-the-mouth lunacy.

Jimmy said...

Another hard hitting, insightful article by the apparatchiks at Pravda on the Potomac.
All the articulate simps are on vacation, so they let the newly minted recently indoctrinated write one article.
I miss the 2016 version of Democrat reality. all that righteous indignation, while attempting to hide the fact that they aren't reporting, they are creating 'truth' to latter rally against.
'Journalism' in the dog days of Summer 22.

Beasts of England said...

Sounds like a good start. Hopefully that’s just the plan for his first week back in office.

Freder Frederson said...

You (commenters not Althouse, just to be clear, don't want to be called an asshole again) are always claiming that us anti-Trumpers are always calling Trump a fascist or authoritarian, yet we can't actually point to any such policies.

Well concentration camps are fascist.
Executing drug dealers (and I am pretty sure he is not referring to the Sacklers) after a perfunctory trial is fascist.
Firing federal employees and replacing them with political shills is fascist.

If you all think these are good ideas, then you are certainly leaning towards fascism.

Howard said...

Yeah. We need more of this type of hard right now nonsense hard-nosed take no prisoners approach the Republic Party wants to make the country great again and again.

Shout these talking points from the rooftops.

Achilles said...

I want to see the quotes.

It is dishonest of you to build a poll of Trump's "proposals" based off of characterizations printed in the WAPO.

The WAPO is certainly lying and falsely characterizing what he said. They haven't been an honest publication for years.

Building your poll based off what the WAPO printed and not using Trump's actual words gives the WAPO credence they do not deserve.

It is people like you that put up posts like this that support this evil organization and allow them to define public discourse. You could easily find one or two of his speeches and break it down. You could also go find an honest source of information.

But instead here we are letting some hack in the WAPO start the conversation from a completely dishonest place.

Achilles said...

hawkeyedjb said...

It's not clear which office Mr. Trump thinks he will be running for. Mayor? Sheriff? I admire a lot about him, but his expiration date seems to have passed.

It is unclear why you think anything printed in the WAPO about Trump is honest.

Freder Frederson said...

Atomic Energy Commission?

What is meant by this? That we got rid of the AEC so we can get rid of a bunch of other agencies? The AEC was split into two entities, the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. What is your point.

Freder Frederson said...

As for one day paper ballots being the most secure? Have you ever heard the phrase, "stuffing the ballot box"?

Clyde said...

Holding elections is done at the local, not federal level. That dog won’t hunt.

And to be frank, I’m skeptical of anything the WaPoo has to say in characterizing (or more likely mischaracterizing) what Trump may be proposing.

Lurker21 said...

Trump has to concentrate on the things people care about most and on the things he can actually deliver. If we catch a cartel leader, a 200 year sentence or execution would be appropriate, but if you talk about executing drug dealers people won't interpret it in that way and will be think that their kid who gets pills for his friends is going to get the chair.

Similarly, something has to be done for the homeless, but tent cities outside the city center implies that the same squalor goes on and is just relocated -- maybe to your own suburb or exurb -- and magnified by concentrating the homeless population. It's bad optics.

Abolishing the Department of Education is the kind of empty promise politicians always make. Like relocating the embassy to Jerusalem, sure, but in this case Congress has to agree, and that's unlikely to happen. Trump has to concentrate, modulate, and focus, but that would limit the showman in him and he and his biggest fans wouldn't like it.

Robert Cook said...

"Disappointed this doesn't include defunding America's 4th estate/branch of government - the unaccountable and unelected intelligence/counterintelligence branch foisted and authorized by the patriot act almost 20 years ago."

Why would Fuhrer Trump want to defund the intelligence agencies? He is going to need them working at full capacity to keep his subjects from getting too uppity or independent.

Robert Cook said...

"We have a massive national problem with drug addiction and overdosing in our country, and as such, with homelessness and crime."

Which has not been quelled by our half-century of "war on drugs." We should do what Portugal has done, decriminalize or legalize all drugs, and use the funds saved from paying for trying and incarcerating drug addicts and pay for treatment for them.

Buckwheathikes said...

Execute drug dealers? Already a federal law, passed uncontroversially by the Congress. Trump is in the mainstream on this issue.

Tent cities? We already have tent cities. Trump is hardly the first one to suggest that the location of the tent city is important. People in urban tent cities have easy access to drugs. How is that helpful to ending their homelessness? Again, Trump's plan is uncontroversial. Do Democrats want to keep homeless in cities? Why?

Deploy federal force against crime? How is this controversial? Don't we want force used against criminals? Isn't this why we have laws? Ahhh, I see, the Post conflates crime with "protests." Ahhhh, yes, Trump wants to end protests. End of Democracy. Yada. Yada. Yada. Washington Post is full of BS. Not voting on this one since it's a rigged question.

Strip job protections for federal workers? You mean the government. The government employees require no more or less protection that any other US citizen. Either extend those job protections to everyone or remove them. Hardly controversial. Aren't we all equal before the law? Again, Trump is not advancing any argument here except to limit the power of the federal government. Hardly controversial.

The Education Department spends its time coming up with new ways to indocrinate kids. Our school districts are local for a reason. We don't want FBI jackbooted thugs raiding our fucking school board meetings. That's hardly controversial, even for Trump.

None of this will ever happen. Because Democrats have rigged our elections and we've let them get away with it. Until that issue is solved, even if that means by force, we won't ever again have a free and fair election.

John henry said...

Voting like Puerto Rico (Paper ballot, 1 day, very limted absentee ballots, paper ballots mared with pencil, finger dip) absolutely

Execute drug dealers, perhaps. I'd need to see some more details.

Move homeless people to tent cities outside cities, sure.

Deploy federal forces against crime? NO! NO! NO! NO! (except federal crimes of course)

Strip federal civil service protections, probably not

Eliminate the education department YES!

Not in the list but President and President Emeritus has said that he would like to move agencies out of DC. Yes, I'd like to see that. Send them to Detroit, Cleveland, Camden, Bismarck, Tulsa, Cheyenne and so on. frame it as a national security issue. If China nukes us, they agencies will be safe.

But a question: How many of these are things that he has actually said? Or is WaPo just inferring it. For example, he has always seemed against federalizing the police.

John LGBTQ+ Henry

TickTock said...

Federal force/police a very bad idea. See recent history of FBI.

Enigma said...

Just noting that many, many, many federal jobs were created by Democratic administrations as "policy placeholders" to block action during Republican administrations. When the rules allow a herd of gatekeepers and tricksters who cannot be fired, many redundant roles are filled with young and ideologically-friendly people. They then sit there as lumps for 40 years.

"How many federal employees does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"Answer 25: One person to hold the lightbulb and 24 to rotate the conference table in circles."

Bob Boyd said...

That's a WaPo article warning readers:

Warning readers: That's a WaPo article

William said...

Are any of these proposals like the Trump initiative to fight Covid by making everyone in America drink bleach? Just because the Post says it's a Trump proposal does not mean that it's a Trump proposal. Beyond this and perhaps contra Trump not every Trump proposal comes to fruition. I seem to remember him promising to build a big, beautiful wall.

rehajm said...

Two of these are a bit mixed up. Should be: Move the federal workers out of DC to outlying 'tent cities'. No stripping of protections will be needed since no self respecting federal worker would live outside the beltway...

Static Ping said...

Executing drug dealers seems somewhat pointless. High level drug dealers are always a target for assassination anyway, so the danger of being executed is not really much of a dissuasion. Even if the current occupants suddenly decided to retire in face of the death penalty, there are many other people who have a great deal to gain and little to lose that would jump at the chance. Then there is the matter that many of the high level drug dealers are in foreign countries. Furthermore, the death penalty system would need to be streamlined as waiting 15 years for execution is not nearly as effective. Finally, executing low level drug dealers, especially teenagers, seems cruel. That said, I would not be opposed to having the death penalty on the table for particularly egregious offenses, like selling known tainted drugs.

The homeless encampment idea is not especially great, but compared to what many cities are doing now it is an improvement. You cannot base your municipality around the needs of drug addicts and/or the mentally ill, which the large majority of the homeless are.

As for using federal resources to deal with crime, etc., again, not ideal, but better than letting the city burn down as many cities do. Portland is closer to a criminal enterprise at this point, and many major cities have arguably abandoned any pretense of law and order.

I see no downside to the last three ideas.

gilbar said...

The problem with saying that all republicans are "worse than hitler", is:
what happens when hitler shows up?

In the Immortal Words, of Buck Dharma:
If they Really think we're the Devil; Then let's send them to Hell

Andrew said...

All of the above, except the last.

Normally I'd disagree with the first. But not in the age of fentanyl distribution.

Misinforminimalism said...

It's behind a paywall so I voted without being able to read any of the context, which I suspected (correctly) would make these "extreme" positions less extreme. In particular, he's not just advocating for moving the homeless off the streets (which needs to happen), but to "bring in medical professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists and drug rehab specialists" to assist. Homelessness is a mental health and drug problem, primarily, and he's hitting that point, not just sweeping the problem under the rug (which is what "housing first" does, precisely).

If you want to read the article without further enriching Jeff Bezos.

I'd like to change my vote. Can I have my ballot back so I can have a do-over? I can't remember if we decided that was a good thing.

James K said...

Expanding the power of the federal government to local law enforcement (especially 'Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protests') is a really bad idea. Hasn't he learned from the J6 prosecutions how that can and will be abused by Democrats?

Andrew said...

PS "Last" meaning the choice of they all sound bad. I agree with one day elections with paper ballots. I think it should be a national holiday, to replace Juneteenth.

Just an old country lawyer said...

A good start, as the old lawyer joke goes, but only that. Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments, eliminate every federal department except State, Justice, Treasury and Defense, and above all, FBI delenda est.

Tommy Duncan said...

Donald Trump is forcing Americans to consider different perspectives and actually engage in meaningful discussion. That is an invaluable service.

rehajm said...

Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protests

This one is trouble in execution but it does try to address the problem of local leadership wanting to destroy their own cities...

Anecdote: I just sold my condo in Boston last week. After a proper downsizing the movers packed up a few things and I shipped them south into storage. One of the young movers who packed us up in Boston drove the truck and was unpacking when we got to talking about the state of the city. I mentioned my wife had tapped out after the rioters broke the windows in our building. The guy nodded and mentioned his dad, a player in local Boston politics ('Lewis') had told him You ain't going nowhere.... He mentioned it a couple of times to me. I'm still not sure if it was just friendly banter, approval by this guy, or kind of a threat. In hindsight I think it was one of the latter...

Maynard said...

They missed the most important proposal: Relocate Washington DC government agencies to other parts of the country.

Misinforminimalism said...

FWIW only one of these suggestions is so radical that our system would implode if we were to pursue it: stripping federal workers of trappings of nobility. Kill a few drug dealers? Yawn. And the homeless? If people actually cared about homelessness they'd do something that might put a dent in homelessness. But move the Department of Energy to West Texas and make the "public servants" employees at will? They'd impeach EVERYONE.

MadisonMan said...

I want to see the quotes.
I want to see the video of him saying these things, with the surrounding context included.
And I agree with Maynard. I would happily see Transportation moved to, say, Kansas City (or Denver, or Chicago). Education moved to Missoula. HHS moved to Jackson MS. Energy moved to Tulsa. Commerce to Atlanta.
There is no reason in this age that they need to be centralized in DC, which is not in the middle of the country anyway.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

Leland said...

Bob, you and Althouse can point out the disclaimer, and Fredo will still take it as gospel. Reading the commenters, there sure seems a bit more people with moderate opinions that suspect these items were handpicked and likely rephrased to seem very extreme. Still, I’m for stripping federal employees of job protection. Everyday Americans can’t announce they plan to “resists” their CEO and not face consequences.

Temujin said...


Well concentration camps are fascist. Its virtually the same thing Democratic Mayors and Governors are doing around the country. In Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Austin, and others. They have made designated tent cities. But they've done so in the middle of neighborhoods or on the grounds of grade schools. While I don't agree with Trump's (supposed) comment, it would be an improvement over my grandkids having to watch some drugged out moron jerk off outside of their school.
Executing drug dealers (and I am pretty sure he is not referring to the Sacklers) after a perfunctory trial is fascist. Agreed. How about we close the border to them as a starting point?
Firing federal employees and replacing them with political shills is fascist. Who said anything about replacing them?

Original Mike said...

I wouldn't build tent cities on the periphery for the homeless, I would build barracks downtown.

Dave Begley said...

Mike Sylwester:

Love is the Law!

Ambrose said...

So much of the Trump debate on the left focuses on what he might have done, what he considered doing, what others told him to consider doing and now what he might propose in the future.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"It is dishonest of you to build a poll of Trump's "proposals" based off of characterizations printed in the WAPO.

The WAPO is certainly lying and falsely characterizing what he said. They haven't been an honest publication for years.

Building your poll based off what the WAPO printed and not using Trump's actual words gives the WAPO credence they do not deserve."

This, entirely. It's like we're a nation of amnesiacs. Even some of the conservative commenters here seem to take this seriously. Given the source, it isn't remotely serious.

typingtalker said...

I suggest that if Ann repeats this poll or does another that she include a "none of the above" option. As it is now, there is no way to differentiate between someone who wants "none of the above" and someone who simply doesn't want to participate in the poll.

John henry said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

As for one day paper ballots being the most secure? Have you ever heard the phrase, "stuffing the ballot box"?

Come down here to Puerto Rico, Freder and we will show you how it is done. We not only have 1 day elections with very limited absentee ballots, we only open the polls for about 6 hours.

Paper ballots
Marked by pencil
Inked finger (with proprietary wavelength UV ink) checked before inking and after voting
Strong Voter ID cards that can only be used for voting
Poll watchers from each party checking voter names against the master list befor voting
Public, televised, ballot counting at one location for all 3mm ballots
Very high registration
Very high voter turnout

Something we don't have is jokes about election fraud ("Voter early vote often", "I voted" stickers on tombstones and so on) They would not make any sense since it is impossible to cheat.

Questions, doubts or controversy about election fraud.

Questions about who won the election after uncertified results at 7PM or so on election day. This is from the state election commission. They take a week or two to certify official results but changes from the uncertified election results are rare.

That is what paper ballots get you.

NOTE: For the 2020 election they loosened up the absentee ballot rules and we had large numbers of them for the first time. There were some controversies and some delays in getting final tallies in a few races. Nothing major. I still don't like absentee ballots except in limited cases.

So fuck voting machines and the people who support them.

John LGBTQ+ Henry

tommyesq said...

Move homeless people to outlying tent cities.

At least we would be providing them with tents - right now they have to make/improvise their own!

Scotty, beam me up... said...

According to an internet search, there are currently 24 countries that have the death penalty for drug dealing, including the United States. In the US, I am guessing that it might only be used for something very egregious as El Chapo is currently serving life at Super Max and he was the head of a vicious drug cartel. There would need to be definitions / limitations on what would be a death penalty case for major drug dealers as marijuana is vastly different than Fentynal for drug intoxication. Most if the countries on the list are Muslim countries, a number are dictatorships, or a mix of both, with small number of democracies like the US, India, and South Korea. Hell, Singapore gives out 40 lashes with a cane for just possession of chewing gum, so I am guessing they execute drug dealers of all illicit drugs and a good chance that they execute users of the same drugs. I am also guessing that their crime rate is low to non-existent there but I wouldn’t want to live in a place where I am punished for inadvertently breaking the law. North Korea is on the list, but they execute people for almost anything. Don’t have a portrait of the current dictator hanging prominently in your home? Execution for being a counter-revolutionary against the dictator. Unlucky to catch Covid? Execution to prevent the spread of Covid. It certainly cuts down on the number of mouths to feed in the Hermit Kingdom. As for the US, I am guessing that many who might qualify for the death penalty are minorities, particularly blacks, as they currently appear to constitute the majority of arrests for drug dealing. Of course, in Soros backed DA’s cities, many of these drug dealers are caught and released with little to no prosecution and incarceration - maybe that is why Trump was to make drug dealing a federal felony with the death penalty to take it out of their hands.

John henry said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

Why would Fuhrer Trump want to defund the intelligence agencies? He is going to need them working at full capacity to keep his subjects from getting too uppity or independent.

Fascists like you have been saying things like this since 2015. It may not have been disprovable then because we had no track record.

But now we have 4 years of his actually having the power to be a dictator/authoritarian/"fascist" etc

Can you point to some dictatorial examples? Some authoritarian things he has done? I don't remember any.

Unless you can point to some examples, you are full of shit. Again? Still?

I do have a theory that he, and others, are working to defund and disband the FBI. But that is a subject for another comment thread. I FULLY support this if my theory is true.

John LGBTQ+ Henry

Scotty, beam me up... said...

According to an internet search, there are currently 24 countries that have the death penalty for drug dealing, including the United States. In the US, I am guessing that it might only be used for something very egregious as El Chapo is currently serving life at Super Max and he was the head of a vicious drug cartel. There would need to be definitions / limitations on what would be a death penalty case for major drug dealers as marijuana is vastly different than Fentynal for drug intoxication. Most if the countries on the list are Muslim countries, a number are dictatorships, or a mix of both, with small number of democracies like the US, India, and South Korea. Hell, Singapore gives out 40 lashes with a cane for just possession of chewing gum, so I am guessing they execute drug dealers of all illicit drugs and a good chance that they execute users of the same drugs. I am also guessing that their crime rate is low to non-existent there but I wouldn’t want to live in a place where I am punished for inadvertently breaking the law. North Korea is on the list, but they execute people for almost anything. Don’t have a portrait of the current dictator hanging prominently in your home? Execution for being a counter-revolutionary against the dictator. Unlucky to catch Covid? Execution to prevent the spread of Covid. It certainly cuts down on the number of mouths to feed in the Hermit Kingdom. As for the US, I am guessing that many who might qualify for the death penalty are minorities, particularly blacks, as they currently appear to constitute the majority of arrests for drug dealing. Of course, in Soros backed DA’s cities, many of these drug dealers are caught and released with little to no prosecution and incarceration - maybe that is why Trump was to make drug dealing a federal felony with the death penalty to take it out of their hands.

tommyesq said...

Homelessness is more of a mental health issue than anything else

I would suggest that it is at least as much a substance abuse issue.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Freder Frederson said...
As for one day paper ballots being the most secure? Have you ever heard the phrase, "stuffing the ballot box"?"

Yikes, Freder! Not sure if that's a taunting troll or a world-class lack of self-awareness.

John henry said...

Blogger TickTock said...

Federal force/police a very bad idea. See entire history of FBI and predecessor agencies


It's not just recent history, FBI was born out of and into corruption and has been corrupt for 100 years.

John LGBTQ+ Henry

MayBee said...

I don't want Trump to run, because I want the people who shut everything down during COVID to pay the price. I want Whitmer to pay for what she did. I want a HUGE signal to go out to politicians that their COVID emergency powers will not be the new normal when something scary this way comes.

DeSantis can run in that direction. Trump got strong armed into shutting down the country.

Unknown said...

Only two tweaks I would make are:
1. To be sure to actually execute drug dealers and not have them age gracefully on death row.
2. Lock the homeless away in mental hospitals staffed by newly unemployed federal workers.

John henry said...

What's wrong with drinking bleach?

I try to drink at least a liter a day.

Right now drinking a coke with icecubes made with bleach.

I think drinking bleach is a good idea from a public health standpoint.

John LGBTQ+ Henry

tommyesq said...

Well concentration camps are fascist.
Executing drug dealers (and I am pretty sure he is not referring to the Sacklers) after a perfunctory trial is fascist.
Firing federal employees and replacing them with political shills is fascist.

Note the qualifiers that Freder has to add to the characterizations of alleged Trump proposal given to us by WaPo to get to something unseemly.

Mark said...

This is a quote of the Washington Post, not a quote from Trump. And as usual, the Post is pushing slop.

Execute drug dealers? Trump did not say that.

Homeless? They are already living in tent cities. Trump said that they would simply relocate them and build permanent housing for them. (The Post displays further ignorance by insisting that any action would need to comply with a court of appeals decision after the Supreme Court declined cert. -- that's not how it works.)

Federal force? Many states and localities, e.g. Washington D.C., are already calling for that.

Strip federal bureaucrat job protections? He said that corrupt and incompetent bureaucrats should be more easily fired. What's wrong with that? Why should unelected elements get to undermine democratic government?

Eliminate the federal department having vast control over the state/local concern of education? Nothing new there. Past presidents have called for that.

Protect elections and restore past voting practices that ensured ballot security and allowed for elections to be decided quickly? Well, that's common sense.

An honest Post would present these proposals as not all that remarkable. But of course the Post propagandizes them as ten-alarm attacks on civil society.

Answering a poll that presents anything the Post or NYT prints as having any basis in fact/reality is worse than a waste of time -- it is complicity with their deceit.

Gospace said...

Freder Frederson said...
Firing federal employees and replacing them with political shills is fascist.

And having a federal workforce that contributes 96% to one political party isn't?

Alexander said...

Execute drug dealers: sounds good, approve on face value.

Move homeless people to outlying ‘tent cities’: homeless people should be moved into either prisons if committing crime, asylums if mentally ill, or rehabilitation/halfway homes if neither. "Tent cities" is perhaps an oversimplification but removing them from where normal people live and work is good.

Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protests: yes, but only against my enemies. The "but what if the pendulum swings back" ship has long sailed, and if Trump or another R with a backbone took over they should absolutely use the power of the state to slam down on the opposition when opposition gives them any legal leeway to do so.

Strip job protections for federal workers: yes, same logic as above.

Eliminate the Education Department:yes, same logic as above. Could add a few other departments to the list as well.

Restrict voting to one day using paper ballots: yes, both to remove fraud and also same logic as above. Remove low interest, low agency voters from having say in power by self elimination.

n.n said...

Execute disorderly... Democrat policy
Move deplorables... Democrat policy
Deploy federal forces... Democrat policy
Strip job protections... Democrat policy
Eliminate the Education Department... not Democrat policy that favors single/central/monopolistic solutions
Restrict voting to one day with a paper trail... democracy dies with Democrats


tim maguire said...

Dislike 1-3, like 4-6.

Which, well how about that!, makes me a middle of the road Althouse reader.

rcocean said...

trump was POTUS for 4 years and we had peace and prosperity. Trying to scare people about another TRump term in office isn't going to work.

FullMoon said...

One of Trumps major concerns was bringing jobs back to USA. THAT would solve a lot of homeless and drug addiction problems.

You lock up a hundred addicts for a month, all are physically clean and sober. Maybe twenty decide to quit drugs forever.

No jobs available, eventually back to same old thing.

n.n said...

Eliminate the Education Department... not Democrat policy that favors single/central/monopolistic solutions

Eliminate quality of education... Democrat policy in several districts with the least affordable but subsidized progressive prices and returns.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

When one reads the article and checks the actual context and quotes, the word "promising" is completely false.

Fake news from the enemies of the people. Same as it ever was.

James K said...

I don't want Trump to run, because I want the people who shut everything down during COVID to pay the price. I want Whitmer to pay for what she did. I want a HUGE signal to go out to politicians that their COVID emergency powers will not be the new normal when something scary this way comes.

DeSantis can run in that direction. Trump got strong armed into shutting down the country.

Trump mainly left it to the states, as he should have. His real mistake was leaving Fauci and Birx in place, or at least in not bringing in a dissenting voice (Scott Atlas) until far too late. Also getting gaslighted into hyping the questionable (and as we now know, largely useless and dangerous) vaccines. I agree that all the governors like Whitmer and Cuomo should pay a huge price.

Michael K said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

You (commenters not Althouse, just to be clear, don't want to be called an asshole again) are always claiming that us anti-Trumpers are always calling Trump a fascist or authoritarian, yet we can't actually point to any such policies.

Boy, that "poll" sure brought the lefties out ! Getting rid of 40,000 federal workers is tempting.

Howard said...

John Henry: hopefully just for the residence time and the underground pipes. There's no use for the bleach at the point of use. They are very inexpensive filters these days. Bleach overuse is why we have a background in our atmosphere of carbon tetrachloride.

MikeD said...

Regarding "tent cities", his actual statement appears to be quite humanitarian: “The only way you’re going to remove the homeless encampments and reclaim our downtowns is to open up large parcels, large tracts, of relatively inexpensive land on the outer skirts of the various cities and bring in medical professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists and drug rehab specialists and create tent cities,” Trump said on Aug. 6 at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas. “You don’t have time to build buildings, you can do that later, but you have to get the people off the street. We have to bring back, we have to reclaim our cities.”
BTW, Post writer believes he knows what Trump "really means" and Althouse's little poll exaggerates even that!

Freder Frederson said...

And having a federal workforce that contributes 96% to one political party isn't?

You have any actual statistics on that? Didn't think so. A good chunk of the federal workforce consists of law enforcement and military.

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hombre said...

Homelessness and crime are mostly local problems and should be dealt with locally. A federal death penalty for drug dealers would conflict with local laws and is not a good idea. One day voting, if it eliminates absentee ballots, disenfranchises travelers, servicemen and ill people. A bad idea that is probably illegal.

OTOH, federal civil service protection and the Department of Education suck!

If this is not WaPo fake news Trump is getting some bad advice. I couldn't support all this.

hombre said...

Freder: "Firing federal employees and replacing them with political shills is fascist."

I may not be the first to say that many federal employees are now overpaid shills for the Democrats. Replacing them is not fascist. It is defending the Republic.

Rabel said...

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"When one reads the article and checks the actual context and quotes, the word "promising" is completely false."

And there are still people here who fall for it.

Joe Smith said...

If he drones fentanyl labs in Mexico and mines the Southern border wall then he's got my vote : )

Joe Smith said...

'I clicked all but execution. Need details. Fifty pounds of fentanyl a bit more serious than half ounce of weed.'

Weed is legal in a lot of places, and this is about dealers, not users...

D.D. Driver said...

The guy who just had his home raided thinks we need more federal law enforcement. To harass other people who deserve it. And since Republicans will be in power forever this should work out swell.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

As for one day paper ballots being the most secure? Have you ever heard the phrase, "stuffing the ballot box"?

Anybody with any expertise in computer security will tell you that paper ballots are way more secure than voting machines because its much more labor intensive to fake paper ballots.

Jim at said...

First three are terrible ideas.

My thoughts exactly. I don't have a solution to those issues, but I do know what he's suggesting ain't it.

Giving us more federal thugs roaming the streets? Hard pass.

D.D. Driver said...

I love that only "RINOs" care about federalism and "real Republicans" now want a federal response to everything. No problem with Trump taking family farms and giving it over to Taiwanese conmen. No problem with Trump using his "pen and his phone" to prohibit landlords from evicting deadbeat tenants. No problem with record federal spending (someone else will pay for that, right?) Now we think a great idea to have the centralized federal government in charge of all elections and "fixing" local homeless issues?!? What could possibly go wrong?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

By the way, John Oliver used to agree with me about the vulnerability of voting machines.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

4 & 6. The rest are unconstitutional.

God of the Sea People said...

How about "Finish the wall?"

Jim at said...

You have any actual statistics on that? Didn't think so. A good chunk of the federal workforce consists of law enforcement and military.

See, this is why you're a dishonest POS and people think you're an asshole.

You know good and well we're talking about the federal bureaucracy and not the military. And that 96 percent number is most likely too low.

But just as an example, Washington DC voted 92-5 D in the 2020 election.

So, yeah. We'd love for some of those out-of-control bureaucrats to be kicked off the federal teat.

Inga said...

Maybe Trump should consider a Federal Abortion Investigation Bureau. Get right up in those wombs and figure out if the aborted pregnancy ended naturally or not.

Rusty said...

"Boy, that "poll" sure brought the lefties out ! Getting rid of 40,000 federal workers is tempting."
And you know the best part? We'll never miss them!

Joe Smith said...

With the proviso that the tent cities be built in DC, Martha's Vineyard, Pacific Heights, New Canaan, Palo Alto, Bel Air...

Darkisland said...

One day voting, if it eliminates absentee ballots, disenfranchises travelers, servicemen and ill people. A bad idea that is probably illegal.

Military and their families if stationed off island got automatic absentee ballots. Ditto off island college students.

Police, firefighters and others got to vote early, like 6am but on the same day. Ballots were brought to the I'll who could not get to the polls.

Nobody didn't get to vote. But except military and students, all votes were cast on election day.

Travelers were told to choose which was more important to them, the travel or voting. We were told to arrange our travel around election day. Legal under federal, state laws as well as federal & state constitutions.

Elections need to be accessible and nobody can be denied the right to vote. A slight inconvenience is hardly a good reason to make elections insecure.

I always feel sorry for you folks in the upper 50 on elec

John LGKTQ+ Henry

Rusty said...

He said to get reactions. It worked.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Rusty, no, the WaPo said this to get reactions. Sadly it may work.

Michael K said...

Now we think a great idea to have the centralized federal government in charge of all elections and "fixing" local homeless issues?!? What could possibly go wrong?

You might, being a lefty and all. Personally, I would fire 40,000 and disperse the rest around the country.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Leave the homeless in the blue cities where they belong.
The mayor of NY is putting illegal aliens up in hotels. He can do the same for the bums he governs.

cubanbob said...

Ship the homeless to the richest Blue State zip codes. Same for illegal aliens. Repeal the civil service act and let the president fire at will and remove their civil immunities so they can run the same risk as the ordinary citizen. Under the guarantee clause have a national uniform voting requirements such as being a citizen, not presently incarcerated, no motor voting/same day registration, be a resident in your precinct for six months and a day, no early voting, two days for elections and no state can release results until all precincts have reported their results to the Secretary of State. The only way to stem the corruption in government is to take election fraud seriously and to put the fear of God in the federal workforce. And yes, eliminate the Dept of Education and a large number of agencies and bureaus and cut back on the rest.

Freder Frederson said...

You know good and well we're talking about the federal bureaucracy and not the military.

So the military is not part of the federal bureaucracy?! Even if we ignore uniformed military (and how you can not call them Federal employees is beyond me), guess which government agency has the most civilian employees? Which agency do you think has the most contractors? Which agency do you think employs the most foreign nationals?

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