July 13, 2022

"When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash..."

"... or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, 'drop to your knees and beg,' and he would have done it…"
Writes Donald Trump (at Truth).


rhhardin said...

An opening shot.

rhhardin said...

Trump expects a reply. It's an opener to more speech.

Earnest Prole said...

Narcissist catfight.

Gahrie said...

Big mistake. Own goal. Sure Musk's recent comments on Trump must have stung, but there's nothing to gain by attacking the most successful human of the 21st century.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

This is the Trump that I do not like and why I don't want him to run in 2024. Even if this is true, what is the point of saying this? Who cares? I want to hear what a candidate will do about crime, inflation, education and fentanyl.

If Trump supports DeSantis and holds his feet to the fire once DeSantis is in office, he can help turn this country around and leave a lasting legacy.

robother said...

Yeah, but would he roll over on command? That is the acid test of a lapdog.

Menahem Globus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beasts of England said...

That’s an unforced error by Trump. Total dick move.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I could have said, 'drop to your knees and beg,' and he would have done it…"

Wait hold up, which corporate giant captain-of-industry with cap-in-hand is he talking about!?! Trump...bubby...don't they all do that?

Next time say it again, only about Lockheed Martin. Lockheed won't just beg, they'll suck your dick too.

mccullough said...

So Musk played Trump and now Trump whines about it.

I prefer presidents who don’t lose elections.

Narr said...

Stand back, folks, and give the gentlemen space.

rhhardin said...

It's an opening for a zinger war by masters of zingers. What could be better.

rhhardin said...

Unlike the left, these guys are not driven by hatred but by love of a fair fight.

Mark said...

Laughing at the unstated act that Trump implies will happen after Musk gets down on his knees.

Given they both like to feel they got the last laugh, this could be QUITE entertaining for the rest of us.

papper said...

This is why I want to move on from Trump.

Big Mike said...

That’s an unforced error by Trump. Total dick move.


RMc said...

This is why he's polling so badly against Biden despite how awful everything is going.

The last three polls I saw had Trump beating Biden by six, two and five percent. (But neither is at 50%, tho.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It is absolutely True that Elon used our system to his advantage.

But who is really to blame?

Quaestor said...

Ron can now relax. The White House is his for the asking.

Humperdink said...

Bad move Donald. Musk is not the enemy.

Sally327 said...

I wonder if that's what Trump said to Stormy Daniels. Or does he only tell men he wishes to humiliate to get on their knees. To be begged, that is what makes Trump feel superior? What a petty a-hole he is. I'd say toxic masculinity except Trump has always seemed a bit feminine to me, although I know all these gender based constructs are verboten these days.

Temujin said...

Yeah. I'm not up for another few years of this nonsense, with Trump saying or tweeting unnecessary things. He's the most productive Executive we've had in decades and also the most destructive in terms of his own likability. When you make people dislike you, it makes it very difficult to motivate them to work with you. He continues to shoot himself in the foot unnecessarily because he is who he is and cannot help himself. It's part of what made him larger than life- loved and hated at the same time.

I'd much prefer DeSantis at this point. Smart, productive, a fighter, and typically 2-3 moves ahead of his detractors.

Unknown said...

I suspect there is another level to this: both Trump and Musk want to reform social media in largely the same way, but it remains to be seen who will be successful. Twitter is the enemy at the moment. Musk is trying to engineer a hostile takeover to remake Twitter. Trump is trying to create a competitor to Twitter. So while their ultimate goals are similar, their methods are naturally going to put them at odds.

Trump wants Musk to bow out of the Twitter purchase and to destroy it in the process. He probably thinks Truth Social benefit from this legal battle. As for Musk, who knows what he really wants -- except I feel pretty sure he has no interest in boosting or becoming involved with Truth Social. He promotes free speech but he does not want to associate too closely with MAGA or anything of the sort. Supporting Mayra Flores and Desantis was enough politics for him.

Musk either remakes Twitter or he establishes another social media platform, perhaps (unethically) using the due diligence he received from Twitter to help make it happen. In other words, Trump and Musk will never be on the same side, really, except maybe temporarily and for tactical reasons.

Wilbur said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...
This is the Trump that I do not like and why I don't want him to run in 2024. Even if this is true, what is the point of saying this? Who cares? I want to hear what a candidate will do about crime, inflation, education and fentanyl.

If Trump supports DeSantis and holds his feet to the fire once DeSantis is in office, he can help turn this country around and leave a lasting legacy.

I'd vote for El Trumpo - again - without hesitation, but my thinking is in line with Jefferson.

Gunner said...

Trump attacked Republicans during the primaries and his term much more efficiently than he attacked Biden in 2020.

Michael K said...

Blogger Jefferson's Revenge said...

This is the Trump that I do not like and why I don't want him to run in 2024. Even if this is true, what is the point of saying this? Who cares? I want to hear what a candidate will do about crime, inflation, education and fentanyl.

Yes. Agreed. I also agree with the rest of your comment.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump, his supporters, and the majority of the USA was cheated out of a second term via targeted voter fraud in WI, AZ, GA, MI, and PA. We all know this. So does Elon Musk. Today we enjoy 9.1% inflation, a proxy war with Russia to pay NATO bills and launder money through Ukraine. Our cites are turning to shit. And we have drag queen strip shows for children, and our federal government is holding Americans as political prisoners, while the J6 committee works on making questioning election integrity a crime.

In 2022 Trump needs to use his influence to help push out establishment candidates in the midterms.

Musk is being pragmatic, and I support his position on Ron DeSantis, even though I know I am 100% correct in the paragraph above. We all know it the fraud was real.

Reason’s I would rather see DeSantis than Trump as the GOP Nominee. 1) Trump got duped by Fauci, Birx, and pharmaceutical fascists and helped push the mRNA shots on the population making us all experimental rats in violation of the Nuremburg Code. 2) We somehow have to get the baby boomers to move on and retire from our Federal Gov’t. Enough already. Go home Nancy.

I’ve written before. Trump is Moses. He freed the electorate from our crooked establishment in 2016. Now they have chased us to the Red Sea. But, like Moses, Trump doesn’t get to see the promised land. DeSantis is Joshua. If there is any hope for us remaining a free people…he’s the one that MIGHT be able to get us there.

But I doubt it. I think it’s too late.

mezzrow said...

It's not 2015 any more. We're on the other side of something now.

See the generational transfer at work. We know too much now, and the situation is starting to bite. My money's on Musk.

madAsHell said...

That’s an unforced error by Trump.

That's my feeling as well, but I also failed to understand Musk's bid to buy Twitter.

Dave Begley said...

We can have the same or better results with DeSantis with none of Trump's drama.

Ron won't draw the fire from the Fake News and Dems like Trump does. What are they going to attack Ron on?

No drama. Better judgment. Great results. What's not to like?

Earnest Prole said...

Whiny Orange Bitch is not a winning strategy.

Lurker21 said...

This is unnecessary. It makes Trump look petty, vindictive, and unfocused. He's going to need an intervention if he plans on running again.

PM said...

'On second thought, maybe I will buy it and ban that asshat.' - Musk

hombre said...

Trump just can't ever leave it alone, can he? As political liabilities go, that is huge.

The old adage among canny politicians was: "If you wallow in mud with pigs, the pigs get dirty and you get dirty and the pigs love it!"

hombre said...

Trump just can't ever leave it alone, can he? As political liabilities go, that is huge.

The old adage among canny politicians was: "If you wallow in mud with pigs, the pigs get dirty and you get dirty and the pigs love it!"

MikeR said...

Heh. Make me choose between Trump and Musk and I will choose Musk in an instant.
And: Tesla makes great cars, moved the whole electric car industry over a light-year, revolutionized it. SpaceX makes great space ships, moved the whole space industry over a light-year, revolutionized it.
Incredibly out of touch with reality.
Trump is no longer helpful. Time to move on. Time for his followers to realize it.

mccullough said...

Flatterers have always played The Thin Orange Skin.

That’s how Son-In-Law created policy.

Paddy O said...

"The last three polls I saw had Trump beating Biden by six, two and five percent."

Given Biden's historically horrendous work, this is very bad polling against him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don’t have a dog in this fight.

tommyesq said...

Before we all bow down in praise of Musk, remember that Musk companies Tesla and SpaceX have received $7 billion in government contracts, billions more in tax breaks, loans and subsidies, and Tesla has sold at least $6 billion worth of government-backed electric vehicle credits from the federal government. Tesla also received a $465 million Energy Department loan issued in 2010, double the amount that Tesla raised when it went public that year.

Tesla extracted $60 million in tax breaks from Texas to build a plant there. New York gave SolarCity, a Tesla subsidiary, $350 million in cash and $400 million in loans to incentivize the company to move there in 2014, and Nevada has given Tesla more than a billion dollars in tax breaks and incentives in exchange for building a factory there.

The Washington Post (I know, not the most reputable authority) obtained documents showing the United States Agency for International Development had spent millions of dollars to purchase the company’s Starlink internet terminals to send to Ukraine.

Finally, state and federal subsidies to buyers of Teslas comes out to as much as $10,000 per car.

Not saying that any of this is wrong, or bad policy, but lets all remember that if Musk buys Twitter, to a not0insignificant extent we the taxpayers are buying Twitter for him.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I take it this was Trump’s response to Musk tweeting, “I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.” Interesting that he chose “sail” rather than “ride off”. Of course, you wouldn’t hang up your hat if you were going to ride off. In the cowboy context, hang up your hat would have the sense of settling down and staying put.

Big Mike said...

Ron won't draw the fire from the Fake News and Dems like Trump does. What are they going to attack Ron on?

Florida ran $21.8 billion surplus. They will excoriate him for not spending that money on Democrat priorities.

tim maguire said...

Jefferson's Revenge said...This is the Trump that I do not like and why I don't want him to run in 2024. Even if this is true, what is the point of saying this? Who cares? I want to hear what a candidate will do about crime, inflation, education and fentanyl.

It wouldn't surprise me if it's true--for most of his career, Musk's companies have been kept afloat by taxpayer dollars--but quite right. What's the point of this internal fighting? Who benefits?

gilbar said...

Gahrie said...
but there's nothing to gain by attacking the most successful human of the 21st century.

Who is it that you mean?
Mark Zuckerburg?
Sergey Brin?

OH! you mean the Steve Case of the 21st century!

D.D. Driver said...

The single thing I hate most about Trump (as a man, not as a politician, but as a man) is he is the classic case of Can-Dish-It-Out-But-Can't-Take-It. He does shit like this but will pout and cry about how mean everyone is to him. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit, Donny.

gilbar said...

Does Tesla make any money on cars yet? Or is it all still from selling carbon credits?
here's last year's take:
Tesla's dirty little secret: Its net profit doesn't come from selling cars

Eleven states require automakers sell a certain percentage of zero-emissions vehicles by 2025. If they can't, the automakers have to buy regulatory credits from another automaker that meets those requirements -- such as Tesla, which exclusively sells electric cars.
It's a lucrative business for Tesla -- bringing in $3.3 billion over the course of the last five years, nearly half of that in 2020 alone. The $1.6 billion in regulatory credits it received last year far outweighed Tesla's net income of $721 million -- meaning Tesla would have otherwise posted a net loss in 2020.

D.D. Driver said...

Trump is Moses

🤣 Tell me Trumpism is a cult without telling me "Trumpism is a cult."

gilbar said...

Tesla Market Share Set to Collapse as EV Competition Heats Up, Predicts Leading Analyst

Musk says Tesla’s factories in Berlin and Texas are ‘gigantic money furnaces’

Drago said...

Dave Begley: "Ron won't draw the fire from the Fake News and Dems like Trump does. What are they going to attack Ron on?"


Its like you havent been paying attention for the last 6 years...even though I know that you have.

The democraticals will conjure up whatever they need to and they will use the DOJ/FBI/Nat Sec organizations to execute it and then feed it to the media.

Anyone who thinks its not going to be 24/7 "DeSantis is the new orange hitler, and even worse!" Is fooling themselves.

And we do not yet know how DeSantis would handle that. He's done okay thus far on the state level but the coming attacks, if he were the nominee, would be global.

And DeSantis will still need to prove he can continue the expansion of republican identification amongst midwest rural/populist voters.

Signs are encouraging but we arent there yet.

And DeSantis still stands by his earlier stated position that if Trump runs, he (DeSantis) will not.

Readering said...

My first visit to Truth. Still no Android app? Trump should fire Nunes.

MikeR said...

@tommyesq "remember that Musk companies Tesla and SpaceX have received $7 billion in government contracts, billions more in tax breaks, loans and subsidies..."
Yeah, what? Did you cash your subsidy checks last year? Do you know anyone who refused?
The government dishes out a lot of money for garbage or for things that make things worse. SpaceX and Tesla have made the society much better, are helping humanity learn to do things that it needs to do. It's good that the government helped them develop the ability to do so. Sometimes the government does right.

Howard said...

This is how Trump is letting you out of your contract to worship him. He's letting us all know that he's not going to run in 2024. It's time to get behind Rhonda Santos.

JAORE said...

In a Trump v. Biden rematch I'd vote Trump, no question.

But I'd REALLY not want to have those be my choices.

Dude1394 said...

This is the continuing crap that keeps trump underwater. He can’t stfu.

I love the trumpster and will support and vote for him if he runs, but he makes it a lot harder on himself with this childish crap.

Leland said...

I'll accept that as a very dumb and crass thing for Trump to put out there. On the subsidy, that is an argument typically made by the left about Elon Musk. The fact is, whether Elon existed or not, the federal government subsidized electric cars. Elon Musk has also earned more wealth than Trump inherited.

Still, more of this please, DJT, because it just helps DeSantis.

Wa St Blogger said...

@David Begley

Ron won't draw the fire from the Fake News and Dems like Trump does.

I think your history knowledge is lacking. DeSantis has an (R) after his name. that is all the data the media needs to target him. It has been that way since I've been aware of politics (beginning with Reagan.)

If he does not do stupid stuff, the Media will make up stuff and then blanket the news cycle with it. It's an effective formula. Don't be seduced into thinking there will be a magical Republican that won't get slimed by media.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Hey, Elon, let's have a slap fight!"

DINKY DAU 45 said...

The former president is in the wrong bear's den. He doesn't stand a chance with one of the richest men in the world. WIPEOUT and not the song, would be an easy task for Musk if that was his choosing. Is he as petty as the former guy? Time will tell. Keep poking the bear.

Original Mike said...

"Florida ran $21.8 billion surplus. They will excoriate him for not spending that money on Democrat priorities."

How does he do that without an income tax? More to the point, why can't my governor do that?

Inga said...

Keep talking Trump!

Dude1394 said...

Dave begley, they will attack DeSantis exactly the same ways as they did trump. That is how they attack all republicans, for decades.

Hopefully the women voters will not get the vapors again after seeing the crap the democrats have done to themselves, their family and their country.

Unknown said...

Trump really can't stomach the thought that his moment has passed. He leads a movement, however reduced it has become since 2020. He is so self-centered that he'll probably declare his candidacy *before* the midterms, playing right into Democrats' hands with the J6 phony drama.

He should just be quiet and let Joe Biden and the Dems hang themselves. So many reasons to vote Republican: record high inflation, the beginnings of a recession, the Afghanistan debacle, woke ideology, energy dependency. Voters are primed to vote for the NOT DEMOCRAT candidate, but the more Trump associates himself with the cause, the better it is for Democrats.

He's become a millstone around the neck.

Russell said...

File under: yet another reason I'm super bummed that Musk is trying to back out of the Twitter deal (I hope he is merely negotiating as others have said). Musk making Twitter respect free speech again could have the by-product of burying this Truth social thing and forcing Trump to decide whether or not to go back to Twitter by un-banning him. And Trump's idea that Musk would be worthless without the subsidies is silly but Trump's analysis of business is wrong early and often so whatevs. And if the government was handing out money to luxury hotels, Trump would be first in line with his hand out.

Butkus51 said...

I said this 2-3 years ago when Tesla was rolling. If he somehow ends up dead those companies are virtually worthless. I'd imagine he has a lot of enemies.

Where are they going to get the extra electricity for all these cars?

The outlet they say.

Then they look at you like youre stupid.

Russell said...

And I'm sure others have noted it above, but Trump the Real Estate developer got government help in many ways such as special tax breaks early and often. So, lots of shots being taken here by the kettle against the pot over its color.

pacwest said...

And DeSantis still stands by his earlier stated position that if Trump runs, he (DeSantis) will not.

The only good outcome of a Trump/DeSantis primary would be if DeSantis crushes Trump like bug. Anything less and DeSantis comes out wounded politically and Trump is still Trump. A good reason for DeSantis to hold off til '28. Unfortunately a Trump/Newsom election isn't a sure thing.

Still, we are playing on a global stage, and Trump has a proven track record there. DeSantis remains just a hopeful imo.

I'd love to get 12 years with a Trump/DeSantis ticket, but The Donald doesn't play that well with others so that's probably not a good idea.

Kirk Parker said...


I am with you regarding Tesla, but I note that when getting down to details you don't have anything specific on SpaceX.

Let's not confuse government purchases with government subsidy here; If there are subsidies to SpaceX by all means go ahead and call them out. But I would like to point that SpaceX managed to put together a very credible and reliable launch vehicle that operates at a much lower cost than all the incumbents, and at a total development cost much smaller than anyone else.

Michael K said...

Blogger D.D. Driver said...

The single thing I hate most about Trump (as a man, not as a politician, but as a man)

From reading your comments I find it hard to believe you can narrow it down to "most."

You TDS is on a level with Inga's.

Michael K said...

I'd vote for El Trumpo - again - without hesitation, but my thinking is in line with Jefferson.

Me, too. The nagging problem for all of us is that Trump has a successful record in spite of all the left did to him. Can we trust DeSantis? I hope so as Trump is too obsessed with 2020.

chuck said...

Sigh. Trump should get a room . . .

Mary Beth said...

My first assumption was that the two of them cooked up this spat. I haven't read any of the articles about it. Is there anything in them what will make me think it's real?

Maynard said...

I like Elon and I like Trump. Both are (deservedly) egotistical self-made billionaires. Both are an acquired taste for a public and a media that has no discernment. Neither are suitable for American politics where the role of billionaires is to financially support the grifter media/politicians and not challenge their obvious corruption.

Democrats and Republicans will do what they have to in order to put these men in their place. Trump makes it easy, but do not doubt for a second that it would be much different for any self-made man in the political arena.

le Douanier said...

I like that Doc Mike is tossing out TDS accusations.

Even as it gets harder and harder for DJT fans to deny that DJT is deranged, thereby further proving that the never-DJTers were correct all along, some DJT fans still toss out the TDS thing-y even though it's getting trickier to deny the ever growing mountain of receipts re DJT is garbage.

On the other side, a lot of Ds seem quite excited about trashing JRB even though he's still in office w/ a lot of time on the clock hence there's more downside re governing: domestic and foreign. Far from defining attacks on JRB as "BidenDS" (BTW do folks throw out BidenDS accusations, or ODS accusations, or CDS accusations? I'm sure some do, but it's interesting that the Rs seem to really latch on to this sorta derangement syndrome argument, at least since BushDS), it seems that there's a lot of interest in fratricide re calling out JRB as garbage. But on the other side we have folks like Doc Mike that can't break from DJT's control. For folks like Doc Mike, DJT pushes and pushes, and then those folks push over and over. Cultishness seems like not the way to go for democracy. IMHO.

Michael K said...

Blogger Sprezzatura said...

I like that Doc Mike is tossing out TDS accusations.

If it applies to you, own it.

Narayanan said...

Trump wants Musk to bow out of the Twitter purchase and to destroy it in the process.
per Sundance analysis in CTH
Twitter is clandestinely and heavily subsidized in the tech back-end : so I get the zing about Musk and subsidy.

Will Musk receive same 'tech-support-enablement'? can Twitter function without it? will he allow Twitter continuing to be used as 'tool' for the system

D.D. Driver said...

From reading your comments I find it hard to believe you can narrow it down to "most."

You TDS is on a level with Inga's.

First, I have no clue who you are. You have made zero impression on me. Second, if it's TDS to say or moronic deadenders still believe in a "stolen election" that can never be proven in court with a 250 million dollar litigation war chest, then I plead guilty. 😁

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?"

Donald and I have this in common: we both know you better than you know yourselves.😚

Lurker21 said...

I haven't read any of the articles about it. Is there anything in them what will make me think it's real?

It's possible that it's fake, but Trump is impulsive enough to carry on something like this on his own initiative. If he had enough cunning to plan it, he'd know it's a bad idea.

Lurker21 said...

I haven't read any of the articles about it. Is there anything in them what will make me think it's real?

It's possible that it's fake, but Trump is impulsive enough to carry on something like this on his own initiative. If he had enough cunning to plan it, he'd know it's a bad idea.

Drago said...

pacwest: "The only good outcome of a Trump/DeSantis primary would be if DeSantis crushes Trump like bug. Anything less and DeSantis comes out wounded politically and Trump is still Trump. A good reason for DeSantis to hold off til '28. Unfortunately a Trump/Newsom election isn't a sure thing.

Still, we are playing on a global stage, and Trump has a proven track record there. DeSantis remains just a hopeful imo.

I'd love to get 12 years with a Trump/DeSantis ticket, but The Donald doesn't play that well with others so that's probably not a good idea."

I'm in basic agreement with this.

Michael K said...

You have made zero impression on me.

Well that's a relief but no surprise. You are an annoying lefty commenter. That's all I know about you.

Michael K said...

Democrats and Republicans will do what they have to in order to put these men in their place.

Not to mention the lefty TDS lunatics.

pacwest said...

thereby further proving that the never-DJTers were correct all along

Let's see. Record real unemployment. Rising wages. Effective border control. Bringing NATO into financial alignment. Canceling the completely moronic climate accords. Abrams accords. Calming the NORKS for a bit. Pushing back on China. Great for the Markets. Showing the bias/idiocy of the MSM and "social justice" (in my estimation his best achievement). What would these trends look like with 4 more years of Trump?

Which one of these were the never Trumpers right about? It's never about policy that benefits our nation with you people is it? But "oh, he's icky". Do you people even think?? WTF.

le Douanier said...

Obviously my comment needed to be censored cause the folks treading this thread need a space safe from such as I typed.

But, is it a good idea to still keep Doc Mike's response to my comment in the thread?

If nothing else it makes the thread confusing and hard to follow.

Plus there may be a reader (possibly more than one) that wonders if this blog is censoring comments to kill free speech. Maybe such a reader would think that censoring free speech is bad. Hence the blog would look bad.

OTOH, even if a reader notices this killing of free speech, presumably in this situation the killing of free speech was justified cause my comment did something or other that was not inline w/ the goal of this blog.

Carry on.

pacwest said...

moronic deadenders still believe in a "stolen election" that can never be proven in court with a 250 million dollar litigation war chest, then I plead guilty.

Is a stolen election the same as an illegally conducted election? If so the courts have handed down several rulings on that. If not then I find you guilty of splitting hairs.

Bonkti said...

Don't overlook that Twitter filed suit in Delaware, Joe Biden's redoubt and political fiefdom. I have to think Trump putting distance and the appearance of enmity between himself and Musk is a gift to Musk, perhaps an intentional one.

le Douanier said...

Now the thread is full of TDS jabber.

That's what happens when the Law Prof only deletes my comment but she does not also delete Doc Mike's response to my comment.

It's chaos! Althouse needs to delete my comment, and then she also needs to delete any comment that responded to my comment, to avoid thread chaos.

BTW, all comments go through the Meadehouse censor, so it seems like the real flaw was letting me into the thread at all. Allowing my words to be seen made it possible for Doc Mike (and others) to read what I wrote, Obviously that's bad. Nobody should read what I type. Duh.

Anywho, Meadehouse should probably stick to the normal policy of censoring and deleting every comment I type/"publish" such that none of my comments are seen in these threads. [Technically, the "publish your comment" button here doesn't mean publish your comment, it means see if Meadehouse will allow the comment to be published.] That's a better way of not looking sloppy to the Althouse Blog Readers after Althouse lets a few of my comments through her censorship, thereby resulting in her needing to delete me from a thread after people have already read what I wrote. It's probably best for Meadehouse to always censor/delte every comment I make here. The lameness of letting a comment through and then later deleting it from the thread is hard to hide, especially when Meadehouse doesn't also delete any response to my comment. Kinda odd to leave Doc Mike's response in the thread after ya delete my comment that he is responding to, IMHO. Even Doc-Mike-types may eventually notice that idea manipulation is going on at Althouse. They may start to question the sincerity of Althouse posts. It's hard to be for free speech and against free speech at the same time, w/o being a liar. Only one at a time.

Just sayin'.

Leland said...

Is there some redeeming quality to making assumptions based on complete ignorance of the topic and telling the world about your assumption and making others validate it? Asking for Mary Beth.

D.D. Driver said...

"Which one of these were the never Trumpers right about?"

Foxconn. A national eviction moratorium using his "pen and his phone" like Obama. Massive welfare checks and "stimulus" spending that has led to the runaway inflation that the Never Trumpers warned about. Blame Biden all you like but this all started with Trump and in fact Trump got pissy and pouty
because Mitch McConnell wouldn't hand out even bigger Welfare Checks to every man woman and child in America.

The Never Trumpers were right about these things.

PM said...

Right now, I don't want a left or right ideologue as a Presidential candidate. I want a positive, heads-up, focused business executive to drag us out of this mess. I liked Trump. He was smart and funny. But he's sounding bitter - for good reason or not - and I don't need it. Don't need anyone with a list and bones to pick. That's Bernie and Warren territory.

Bill AKA motorave said...

No one deleted your comment. I read every word and the doctor's comment is a couple after. you give yourself too much credit in your ability to devastate the opposition.

Bill AKA motorave said...

No one deleted your comment. I read every word and the doctor's comment is a couple after. you give yourself too much credit in your ability to devastate the opposition.

Chris Lopes said...

"I want a positive, heads-up, focused business executive to drag us out of this mess."

At this point, I would settle for a President who qualifies as a sentient life form.

Narr said...

Sprezzatura at 626pm, Doc K at 636pm. No comments between the two. Doc K truncated per usual practice, and there's no evidence that anything was censored by anyone.

There's one deletion from earlier than 626, attributed to the commenter; when Meadehouse deletes I see a notice that it was done by an administrator.

pacwest said...

The Never Trumpers were right about these things.

You are correct about the government checks started under Trump, and other than a couple of bucks here and there he never addressed deficit spending. Not excusing him, but that's common practice these days. Having not Trump in the WH wouldn't have solved that problem.

jg said...

This is exactly what you expect when someone attacks Trump. It's hard to imagine anyone being surprised or disappointed at this point. Just enjoy it for what it is.
I've been a Trump fan, but I would rather see a Tucker Carlson or even DeSantis presidency given how effective Trump turned out to be.

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