July 5, 2022

"I am not a Trump supporter, in any way, shape or form. I have had the opportunity to have him on my show, more than once, and I have said no every time. I don’t want to help him, I’m not interested in helping him."

Said Joe Rogan, quoted in "Joe Rogan reveals if he will ever host Donald Trump on his podcast" (NY Post)(video at link).


Jupiter said...

I guess Joe Rogan isn't quite the inquiring mind you thought he was. Who would want to ask Donald Trump a question? What has he ever done?

tim maguire said...

Rogan only has guests he wants to help? That's quite a messaging shift that he may come to regret.

Howard said...

It was on Lex Fridmans podcast.

Inga said...

“He claimed that the 76-year-old ex-president was so divisive that people “abandoned their own ethics and morals” in order to criticize him, adding that Trump was an “existential threat to democracy itself.””

What’s worse is that people abandon their own ethics and morals to continue to support him. By now most people should’ve realized what Trump and Trumpism is all about.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did Rogan have Bernie on his podcast?

What up?

I suspect Rogan is so threatened by the blow-back of giving Trump a voice - that is the real reason. The FBI could raid him over it.

Achilles said...

Even Joe Rogan's courage has limits.

rcocean said...

Interesting way of looking at it. So Joe Rogan only has people on that he approves of, or wants to help. I guess that makes sense, since he's just shoots the breeze with people.

Anyway, all the conservaties who thought they had a friend in Joe Rogan, must be disappointed. They were like some Freshman Girl who thought the "cool" High school QB Liked her because he smiled at her once. Unrequited conservative Love. Sads.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

support a Crook like Biden?

No problem! He has a D behind his name.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anything that doesn't tow the democrat Chi Com Soviet line is a "threat to democracy" these days.

Will Cate said...

If Trump were on Rogan's show, he wouldn't say anything different that he says in his political rallies. There would likely be no insightful or illuminating question-answering from 45. So what would be the point? More views? Joe doesn't care about more views. He has personal and political reasons for not extending his spotify megaphone to Trump, it would seem.

Wince said...

Joe Rogan said...
I am not a Trump supporter, in any way, shape or form. I have had the opportunity to have him on my show, more than once, and I have said no every time.

Let me guess: Rogan denied Trump three times before the rooster crowed?

Blair said...

All this tells me is that, despite his success, Rogan doesn't really understand its origins, and therefore doesn't really understand his audience. It might take a while, but that's going to trip him up at some point.

JK Brown said...

Bad format for Trump.

While Rogan's show is good, his guest often seem hidden. Probably just the set up. They often say things worth listening to, but doesn't seem to be a good format for someone larger than life.

Wa St Blogger said...

What’s worse is that people abandon their own ethics and morals to continue to support him.

Do tell me, what ethics and morals have I abandoned? If you can't answer the specific, maybe you shouldn't expound on the general.

n.n said...

None of the above, right?

mccullough said...

Rogan would be smart to avoid higher profile politicians.

Don Imus show was unbearable due to the frequency of big name politicians.

Rogan has done a good job of sticking with mostly under the radar guests. They are more interesting.

Enigma said...

@rcocean: "Anyway, all the conservaties who thought they had a friend in Joe Rogan, must be disappointed."

Rogan has always been a "left libertarian." He supported Bernie Sanders, but made one seemingly sarcastic/absurd comment about supporting Trump. He openly says he's left wing on everything except guns, as he's pro hunting and pro 2nd Amendment.

The important thing in this era of oligarchs, state propaganda, and knee-jerk angry social media is that Joe Rogan (and Ann Althouse too) is open to all topics and wants to hear left, right, center, and weirdos speak.

YoungHegelian said...

This is simply cowardice by Rogan. "Helping" Trump? Simply by interviewing him is "helping" him? What if Rogan does a hard-hitting interview in which Trump reveals himself to be some sort of moral monster? Does that "help" Trump?

Trump is a major political player (in some ways, the most important political figure in the country), and is, style-wise, an interesting foil to Rogan. I mean, if you've interviewed Alex Jones, how can you get all squishy about "platforming" the most likely Republican presidential candidate of the 2024?

Michael K said...

By now most people should’ve realized what Trump and Trumpism is all about.

Inga, we realized years ago what Trump was about and why he was not a typical politician. Even Republican politicians lie to their voters. Trump kept his promises as well as he could given the resistance of both corrupt parties. You lefties tried very hard to find something he could be prosecuted and all you have left is that J6 infomercial. Only the stupid, like you, still think it will disclose some big secret. Schiff lied to you all and you eat it up with relish.

farmgirl said...

Rogan is a Bernie Bro. So there’s that.

It’s his show &how he feels.
I respect that.

Leland said...

By now most people should’ve realized what Trump and Trumpism is all about.

International Peace, state's rights, individual freedoms, and energy independence.

Heartless Aztec said...

Joe's general ourvre is having stand up comedians and people who engage in fisticuffs on his show. Occasionally he will have someone interesting on but not often enough to keep up with him on a real time basis.

Narayanan said...

Joe Rogan could ask Obama to come over or just use empty chair and talk to it

Kate said...

It's Joe's show. :shrug:

Bonkti said...

(Dana Carvey channeling George H W Bush pops into mind.) Wouldn't be prudent.

TreeJoe said...

I like Rogan for being Rogan, not being I hoped he crushed on Trump. Any listener he loses for this....well, they didn't actually listen to his show.

It's funny. We live in a time where the people you criticize is then used to define you as "aligned with the opposite political faction." See: Glenn Greenwald in the past 2 years or so.

Neither political party, nor those who consider themselves politically aligned, can handle a neutral person critical of their party without automatically ascribing the criticizer to an opposing team.

It speaks to the intellectual frailty and laziness of the masses today.

bobby said...

As a committed Trump supporter who would vote for him again, I know exactly what Rogan means. I rue many of Trump's qualities - but then, had he been more civilized, he never would have won and our society would be worse off today.

(P.S. "News Radio" is back on one of the stations I get, and I'm reminded of why I've liked Rogan for so long. Funny guy.)

Valentine Smith said...

What he really means is that even I don't have the balls to defy the communazis to that extent.

Robert Cook said...

Jupiter: "I guess Joe Rogan isn't quite the inquiring mind you thought he was. Who would want to ask Donald Trump a question? What has he ever done?"

Rogan is savvy enough to know that he won't get honest--that is, fresh--and thus, interesting and newsworthy answers to his questions, but more of Trump's expected boasts about himself and insults about others (and flattery to the interlocutor, if Trump sees a benefit to himself in being flattering). In short, Logan will have gained no insights into Trump as a person, which would make for an worthwhile conversation, while giving Trump a free platform to promote himself to his true believers.

Tim McGuire: "Rogan only has guests he wants to help? That's quite a messaging shift that he may come to regret."

He didn't say he only wants guests he wants to help; he said he isn't interested in helping Trump (obtain free advertising to promote his brand).

Jim at said...

Being lectured about morals and ethics by a Hillary Clinton supporter is pretty rich.

Rabel said...

I thought he was the, "We'll talk to anybody guy?"

Narr said...

Two great ships, passing in the fog. They, and we, will survive.

M Jordan said...

Not a big fan of Joe Rogan or any of the libertarian muscle-boys like him. They know everything, of course, but fail to see the value of the only guy on the planet who could stand up to The Blob. Oh, I know, I know, Trump's vulgar, crude, dumb, and an embarrassment. I'm smart, you see, and did I mention a LIBERTARIAN! Only I'm post-LIBERTARIAN meaning I'm smarter than I used to be which was really, shrewdly smart and worldly-wise. And did you notice my bulging biceps? They're bulging. Really. I lift ... constantly. But I'm not a big, dumb galoot: I'm super smart.


Mark said...

Rush made clear that the purpose of callers (or the infrequent guest) was "to make the host look good."

There's nothing wrong with that view.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Definitely not now, after what the cancel mob put him through.

LA_Bob said...

Inga said, "By now most people should’ve realized what Trump and Trumpism is all about."

Any chance you can explain, with perhaps unfair brevity, what Trump and Trumpism is all about?

rhhardin said...

I don't find Rogan listenable - too much nothing. It's not Trump's format either.

stonethrower said...

Joe Rogan is not who he thinks he is. Who is? But he also afraid, and that is a surprise.

loudogblog said...

I can relate to this. I am a registered Libertarian but I constantly have to distance myself from Donald Trump. I didn't vote for Trump and I never supported him. But as far as the progressives are concerned, if you don't support their candidate for President, you're a Trump supporter. Trump was at the right place in the right time in history. That being said, he is a dumpster fire. His ego is out of control. I don't dislike him but I feel that he does not have the temperament to be a good President.

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't think Trump would be a very good guest for Joe Rogan regardless. Rogan's format relies on a lot of back and forth and it last for hours. While Trump can have a very casual style in speeches. He seems much more concerned in getting his idea out and staying on that. While I'm sure Trump has the social skill to handle back and forth talk for 5 to 10 minutes 120 minutes plus would be hard for him.

Inga said...

“By now most people should’ve realized what Trump and Trumpism is all about.

International Peace, state's rights, individual freedoms, and energy independence.”

You are still under his spell. You’re assigning him qualities you wish he had. He doesn’t. Trump’s bottom line is Trump. He doesn’t care an iota for you or this country's democratic ( note the small d) principles.

Joe Smith said...

'Rogan is savvy enough to know that he won't get honest--that is, fresh--and thus, interesting and newsworthy answers to his questions...'

Then maybe Rogan, as the host who steers the interview, should ask interesting questions.

You know, different than the usual boring questions we've heard ad nauseam from friend and foe alike.

Critter said...

He thinks he can help Trump? With what? So weird these carny folk

Michael K said...

I've never listened to Rogan and am not interested in doing so. I'm not fond of podcasts unless I'm on a long trip.

I'm amused by the lefties who hate Trump and think anyone who doesn't is a "Trumpist."

Like Cook, they talk about all the lies but never list any specifics.

I think libertarians, like vegans, are always in too much of a hurry to tell you they are.

n.n said...

No handmade tales? No trial by press? No colored candidates? Help him presumes that the answer to every question, on balance, will reflect positively.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I thought he was the, "We'll talk to anybody guy?"

Clip from a Lex and Rogan podcast, talking about who can Rogan trust.

Link to video

Rogan says he likes comics... Trump's comedy is just not accessible to the great Joe Rogan.

Joy said...

Trump's ego is out of control? You do not see the same condition in all who are eligible to run. Trump wears his differently.

Joe Bar said...

I listen to Rogan somewhat frequently, and this surprised me. I listened to his interview with Sanders, and was bored to tears. There was no insight or revealing information, just continued thumping on his campaign points. Most of his other interviews are more detailed, and expansive. I mostly skip the MMA guys and the comedians.

Yancey Ward said...

Rogan is smart not to invite big politicians onto the show from either party. It would sully some of his appeal.

boatbuilder said...

"By now most people should’ve realized what Trump and Trumpism is all about."

You would think. And still they hate the guy.

Aggie said...

There's another reason Rogan doesn't want Trump on. It's either because he doesn't feel he has enough in common, or maybe even that he doesn't have enough confidence in his ability to probe in an interview. I'd like to know why Trump changed over from being a pretty standard Progressive Democrat to a Republican, for example, or to hear him outline what his values are.

Trump is only bombastic in crowd settings. One on one, he actually has quite interesting things to say, interesting perspectives and a broad range of knowledge. If Joe is worried that Trump is too polarizing, then he himself has fallen victim to the rote small-mindedness that has been the plague on Trump since he rode down that escalator. That brings Rogan down quite a few notches in my estimation - I thought he was pretty fearless, which is to say, self-confident and confident in his own skin. Maybe the Spotify-Uber-menschen have laid down the law.

Mary Beth said...

Now I'm curious whether Rogan thinks Trump would benefit just by it being known he was on the show or if the long-format questions and discussion would work in Trump's favor.

krnanjing said...

I was a huge fan of Joe Rogan.
He has had controversial guests in the past and has never been afraid to ask them hard questions that went against the guests persona.

Why not Trump,, Rogan????

Really sad from a fan.
This totally shatters Rogans's "independent interlocutor" persona!! Now just a total CNN/MSNBC style "tell me what you want to hear and give me the bucks" grifter!!
Guess even millions cannot persuade Rogan to be fair.
Joe: just go kill some elk that cant talk back!~

Maynard said...

For better or worse, Rogan is a conversationalist, sort of an updated and more intelligent Larry King.

Trump is a solo performer, also for better or worse.

mezzrow said...

Trump wouldn't appear on the show unless he could use Rogan to make himself look good, and Rogan doesn't want to be used by Trump. There really isn't any upside for Rogan on this.

He understands this. That said, nothing is forever. Remember that.

Why? "Events, dear boy, events..."

I don't expect Rogan to change on this, but I've been wrong enough to give that thought the credence it deserves. I'd rather listen to him talk to Duncan Trussel anyway.

rhhardin said...

I don't understand the hostility to Trump in the first place. He's a deal-maker, mostly by understanding that in any deal both sides have to come out ahead, and he's negotiating for the United States, not the other side. He even got a deal with North Korea before the Chinese stepped in.

Bloggingheads now are blasting him as a racist, the guy who did the most to advance blacks of anybody, in his presidency.

rcocean said...

Libertarians have more self-involved pompous assholes per capita than any other political party. It reminds me of athiests who are alway popping off with their unasked for:

"as an athiest..."

gpm said...

>>"News Radio" is back on one of the stations I get

I watched a fair amount of News Radio back in the day. My main recollection of Rogan in that show is that he ended up shirtless at some point in most of the episodes. NTTWAWWT.


Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "You are still under his spell. You’re assigning him qualities you wish he had. He doesn’t. Trump’s bottom line is Trump. He doesn’t care an iota for you or this country's democratic ( note the small d) principles."

Note: Inga has fallen for every single debunked lie thrown against Trump fir 6 years.

Every. Single. One.

Now here's the best part: unlike many other lefties who have realized pushing these debunked lies is not effective, Inga is part of that small number of loony lefties that still actually believes every one of those debunked lies.

Every. One. Of. Them.

Without exception!

Go ahead and ask her and let the fun begin! (Start with Koi fish feeding and her calling Melania a prostitute and go from there!)

farmgirl said...

It may be just me- or wishful thinking- but, I believe all that expounding and repeating tic of a way Trump speaks… is a front. It’s cover for what’s really going on grassroots. Like we can’t see past the distraction.

I believe this b/c I actually watched his interview w/that reporter on the bus- something Bush, maybe Busch… Trump was understated, he was polite- that guy was egging Trump on to be crude about the female reporter (not dressed especially professional, IMhumbleO)& positioned Trump to walk beside her(yukyukyuk).

Only to have this private, off the record part of the interview released as he was running for his 1st term.

He can trust NO ONE. So he gives them(&us) what we’ve (they’ve)been told to expect and STILL gets more done for our great country that this schmuck now.

My opinion. I like it.
Be best.

America 1st.

Narayanan said...

for proper ambience when Joe Rogan has conversation with DJT : I would suggest helicopter rotors spinning in the back

Narayanan said...

So may be Joe Rogan is concerned about 'baneful' [in his view] influence of Trump and is being baleful [in my view] about it?

Chris Lopes said...

"What’s worse is that people abandon their own ethics and morals to continue to support him."

No. What's worse is what his opponents were willing to do to get him. They burned through pretty much any credibility the press, congress, and the federal law enforcement community ever had. They turned a constitutional guarantee to a mere tool of partisan politics. Rogan's point is that helping Trump will just get us more of that. He's not wrong.

Chris Lopes said...

"You are still under his spell."

No he's comparing what life was like under Orange the Clown to what life is like under Grampa Simpson. The perfect world would be Trump's America without Trump.

walter said...

Imagine Joementia trying to make it through 3 hrs freestyle chat.

Candide said...

Even Rogan sounds uncharacteristically stuffy and patronizing talking about Trump.

Trump certainly brings out the worse characteristics of many people, but is it Trump’s fault?

effinayright said...

Chris Lopes said...
"You are still under his spell."

No he's comparing what life was like under Orange the Clown to what life is like under Grampa Simpson. The perfect world would be Trump's America without Trump.

Holding that view requires that Trump be denied any credit, any agency, for the positive changes that happened from Jan 2017 to Jan 2021.

IOW it would require people to say, "Any president could have done that. Trump was just a bystander, a beneficiary of forces he never controlled."

I suspect many Trump-haters harbor that opinion, as vapid as it may be. It's a variant of Obama's taunt to entrepreneurs:

"You didn't build that".

iowan2 said...

I like Rogan. His super power is getting people to open up, and asking the right questions. He gets the best out of the people he talks to.

After that? He has a belly button just like all of us.

I know Trump did what no other politician, of any stripe could have done, under an unrelenting on slot of DC organized lies. Move the entire Nation fowrard on his giant ego. De Santis will not survive the same treatment. no one can.

Anonymous said...

mezzrow nailed it.

"There really isn't any upside for Rogan on this."

Rogan is unlikely to gain long term listeners through this, seems more likely to lose them.

If he does his usual thing, he won't be enough of a sycophant for many Trump supporters. If he goes too easy, Rogan will look like a pushover. The chances of it nor working are not worth the risk.

cubanbob said...

Someone should ask Rogan how he benefited from Trump's tax and economic policies. I wonder if the ingrate would answer.

traditionalguy said...

The Joe Rogan experience is dedicated to making Joe the center of attention. And he is a worthy one to be that. But DJT has his own three ring circus complete with elephants , tiger tamers , high wire artists and daredevils. No way Joe wants that to how him up.

traditionalguy said...

The Joe Rogan experience is dedicated to making Joe the center of attention. And he is a worthy one to be that. But DJT has his own three ring circus complete with elephants , tiger tamers , high wire artists and daredevils. No way Joe wants that to show him up.

Mutaman said...

Drago said...

"Every. Single. One."
"Every. One. Of. Them."

Can you imagine the quality of education received by a guy who writes like this.

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

Drago said...

"Every. Single. One."
"Every. One. Of. Them."

Can you imagine the quality of education received by a guy who writes like this.

Mutaman still believes Trump colluded with Russia. Mutaman still thinks the Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation.

And talks about the education level of others.

The only people with less mental acuity than Joe Biden are his supporters. You are just really stupid.

Mutaman said...

Blogger cubanbob said...

" Someone should ask Rogan how he benefited from Trump's tax and economic policies. I wonder if the ingrate would answer."

Those ungrateful billionaires. After all Trump did for them.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Can you imagine the quality of education received by a guy who writes like this."

That's a very strange way to say: No, I can't think of a single debunked lie that Inga isn't still pushing.

Mutaman was wise to try and change the subject.

I suspect its because, like Inga, Mutaman still deeply believes every debunked dem generated lie re:Trump for the last 6 years.

Peas in a pod baby. Peas in a pod.

wendybar said...

rhhardin said...
I don't understand the hostility to Trump in the first place. He's a deal-maker, mostly by understanding that in any deal both sides have to come out ahead, and he's negotiating for the United States, not the other side. He even got a deal with North Korea before the Chinese stepped in.

Bloggingheads now are blasting him as a racist, the guy who did the most to advance blacks of anybody, in his presidency.

7/5/22, 6:21 PM


Mr. Majestyk said...

I listened to Lex Friedman's interview with Rogan. I was disappointed to hear that he would not interview Trump because he didn't want to help him. When asked about the opportunity to ask Trump probing questions, he basically said it would be too much work to get up to speed. He gave the exam of the Russian Collusion fraud (I don't use "hoax," as that term makes it sound harmless). Rogan said both the Dems and the Trump campaign spoke to Russia before the election, implying that maybe there is something to the collusion narrative. Either he is dumb, ignorant of major news revelations over the past few years (did he ever hear of the Mueller Report?), or he is just afraid of the blowback he'd get for talking to Trump. Whatever the reason, he fell a couple if notches in my estimation.

Lurker21 said...

I doubt Trump would hold any of that against him.

What Rogan does get right is that the real threat to our norms, institutions, and values, wasn't so much Trump as the powerful people who got rid of him.

Robert Cook said...

"You are still under his spell. You’re assigning him qualities you wish he had. He doesn’t. Trump’s bottom line is Trump. He doesn’t care an iota for you or this country's democratic ( note the small d) principles."

Well and succinctly stated. And true, too.

Robert Cook said...

"I'd like to know why Trump changed over from being a pretty standard Progressive Democrat to a Republican, for example, or to hear him outline what his values are."

Easy answer: He knew he would never have a chance of snagging a presidential nomination from the Democrats, but that he would have a chance with the Republicans by pandering directly to the Republican masses.

His values? Whatever he perceives as useful to him at any given time and in any given situation.

Ann Althouse said...

I don't know if Rogan's style of interviewing is something Trump would be willing to do at this point. Rogan is right not to give Trump the forum and let Trump do his usual tirades. But Trump used to do the Howard Stern show. He might be able to flow with Rogan. But he's not going to smoke marijuana or even take a sip of Buffalo Trace whiskey, so how could he meet Joe where Joe is? Elon Musk could do it.

With a politician he really supports, Joe can do a less freewheeling show. He did that with Tulsi Gabbard and with Bernie Sanders.

Rollo said...

Does Biden really care about America's democratic values? Does Pelosi? Do they have smaller egos? Is Trump as much in it for the money as they are? Trump is unconventional, but that doesn't make him more dangerous than other politicians. It could make him less dangerous.

walter said...

" Either he is dumb, ignorant of major news revelations over the past few years (did he ever hear of the Mueller Report?),"
If you listen to him regularly, you learn he has MAJOR blind spots re news and politics.
Keep in mind he was a Berno supporter because he likes him. Not based on policy or ideology really. He likes Bernie! That's it.

daskol said...

Even Joe Rogan's courage has limits

Indeed. This more or less kicked off the lex Friedman-joe rogan chat on lex’s podcast. And lex teased him hard about his shaky stated rationale for not hosting Trump (lex asked would you have trump on if I did Putin?). Anyway the conversation went on for several minutes and is more interesting than Joe’s initial ass-covering statement. Worth a listen, although I didn’t find the whole episode all that great. Joe is more interesting as the interviewer.

daskol said...

The convo is at the beginning of this episode. Again, worth a listen as it’s more interesting than the pulled quote: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2o1xhHMGSEYffVJCzFBiiq?si=oMUnA4WZRxCMk9weFtWhgw

Rabel said...

"Rogan is right not to give Trump the forum and let Trump do his usual tirades."

That statement is at odds with everything I thought I understood about Ann Althouse's views on speech.

Narr said...

Rabel comments on Prof's opinion at 1234.

My understanding of Prof's views on speech is that everyone is free to speak but nobody has a right to use someone else's microphone to do it. She doesn't let just anyone say whatever they want here; why should Rogan, in his domain? It's not like Trump lacks other venues.

That's my view, anyway, whether it's hers or not.

Rabel said...

As I understand it, more speech is better, always.

PM said...

Rogan got a taste of the lefty shitstick - will pass on more of that.

Readering said...

Sounds like Rogan won't invite Trump for the same reason Trump hasn't been offered a post-presidential deal for his memoirs. They don't want to undermine themselves as another platform for him to just go on and on about how he really won the election.

Narr said...

"More speech is better, always."

Don't let me stop you.

Narayanan said...

he would not interview Trump because he didn't want to help him.
what does this even mean? : other than Rogan does not have same goals as Trump?

why not take opportunity to find out what Trump goals are? IOW why does Trump want to be President again!

Kansas City said...

What I don't understand is why, if Rogan thinks Trump is bad for country, he did not have him on the show and ask him difficult questions to demonstrate his point.

Narr said...

If I had worked hard and created my own brand, and someone insisted that I must talk to a third party or allow a third party to use my platform because it would please them . . .

Well, good for Rogan.