July 5, 2022

"A woman goes through a completely unique experience and surgery and finding oneself doesn’t change that."

"Being a little girl is a whole epic book, you know? You can’t have that just because you want to be a woman."

Here's the whole interview, which begins with her explanation of why she thinks the United States needs a new flag. I'll make it start where Morgan introduces the topic, What is a woman? He asks her for her definition, and she answers before reflecting on what to say about trans women:


Morgan moves straight to the question of trans women participating in women's sports. He supports trans rights, but not that. She enthusiastically proclaims, "I totally agree."

But she doesn't stop there. She proactively asserts, "Just because you change your body parts doesn’t make you a woman." He offers her some insulation from public opinion: "You feel that?" And she says, with vigor: "I know that for a fact." 

Morgan informs her that she might be setting herself up for an attack. She answers: "But it's the truth." 

After 2 and a half minutes, they move on to the next topic — the time she talked to Prince for 2 hours. He gave her what we're told was "great advice": "Remember, its' not about you." It's about art and how you make people feel."

In the end, they come back to the flag topic, and she tells us, "I love my country.... I'm proud of my country. I'm proud of where I'm from, being a woman, being black. I can honestly say I love everybody."


Kate said...

"Being a little girl is a whole epic book." You were right to highlight that. It's evocative.

It's dangerous, too. When I remember what being a girl means to me, and then I think of a biological man claiming womanhood, I feel very angry at transwomen. And then I get angry with all of society, which prizes a lived experience except when it's a woman's.

If transwomen wanted their lived experience to mean something unique, I would welcome that. Instead, they want their lived experience to replace mine.

farmgirl said...

Am I the only one who thinks the energy between them is so cute?
Speaking Truth to the wannabes &bullies of power.

America first!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Cancel time!

TreeJoe said...

I like her more for this.

And since when did simple statements result in interviewers saying "You might be setting yourself up for an attack."

We live in a time in which violent response to speech are not only accepted, but embraced by cultural mainstream voices. Islamists, Leftists, now extreme Trans voices...all learned the lesson - the threat of violence will move the culture your way.

Wilbur said...

I'd be interested in hearing what our friend Morgan considers to be "trans rights". They don't include the right to participate in women's sports, he asserts.

The right to vote? Marry? Bear arms? Have an abortion?

Tina Trent said...

That's what a woman is.

Enigma said...

The left has already split in two. The traditional mainstream left has already been cancelled or ejected by the hard left, resulting in a 3-way party split. It's setting up to be Clinton's "triangulation" in reverse, where Macy Gray and JK Rowling and Joe Rogan and Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema and Tulsi Gabbard must work with the right to have any political voice at all.

Conservatives and sane leftists draw the line somewhere on reality, facts, and pragmatics. Zealots and revolutionaries never know when to stop or when they've reached an optimal but non-utopian state of affairs.

gilbar said...

What is HAPPENING to the world??
I thought, we'd ALL Agreed? That Chix with dick were BETTER than womb people?
1st Bette Midler, now her?

Heartless Aztec said...

And another voice of sanity breaking through the frequencies of chaff.

Beasts of England said...

Love her voice, and she was great in ‘Training Day’.

rhhardin said...

Women are buffeted by feelings every moment, conflicting from time to time. It's being in the moment. A guy will have stability - his feelings may change but they don't affect much, so the order of the world is the same. Attributed to different traffic amount between brain hemispheres.

richlb said...

I think the table is turning on the trans-women in women's sports topic. A preference cascade is coming down. Remember the people who will now change their minds and try to convince you it was their opinion all along.

richlb said...

I think the table is turning on the trans-women in women's sports topic. A preference cascade is coming down. Remember the people who will now change their minds and try to convince you it was their opinion all along.

MayBee said...

I didn't watch the video yet, but I like what you excerpted.

michaele said...

She seemed very present and authentic in the interview...didn't have canned and ready to spill out answers.

MayBee said...

I'm trying to figure out why this push for trans right has become so front and central and aggressive.

Is it that some people just always have to feel like they are "helping"? There has to be some new group that only they care about, and only they know how to create the society that will "help" these people?

It just feels like we went from 0 to 60 in no time. It went from "not a thing we talk about much" to "the most important and you are a bigot if you don't think like I do" in record time.

JAORE said...

Nobody knows what it is to be a woman except, apparently, biologists and M-to-F trans people.


Brave woman.

wildswan said...

"Being a little girl is a whole epic book."

That sums up the whole thing wrong with insisting that a guy who cuts parts off himself is a woman whereas in reality every woman is the sequel to her little girl epic.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"Being a little girl is a whole epic book, you know? You can’t have that just because you want to be a woman."

I've been thinking along similar lines a lot lately and wondering how long it will be before I, a 58 year old man, will be expected to sit and be lectured on masculinity by the likes of "Elliot" Page.

Bruce Hayden said...

About time. The sad reality is that no matter how badly these guys want to be women, they can’t.

Leland said...

I wasn’t aware that Kate, Farmgirl, and Tina are biologists. I do agree with them, because it is the same for a boy. I’m willing to accept that it is different for a transsexual, but that difference doesn’t get to wipe out the experience of little girls and little boys.

farmgirl said...

Michaele, true.
Why is she so fidgety, though? Nervousness?

Randomizer said...

What a refreshing interview. Macy Gray doesn't hate anyone and she isn't a victim. That's a woman who knows her own mind. Macy knows she doesn't have all the answers, but she is thinking for herself. I bet she doesn't spend much time on social media.

n.n said...

Trans/homo, perhaps trans/bi, orientation, with physical gender attributes simulated through medical, surgical, or psychiatric corruption.

n.n said...

I'm trying to figure out why this push for trans right has become so front and central and aggressive.

As trans/homosexuals before, diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism, sexism, class warfare) always, and selective-child (i.e. wicked solution) in progress, leverage. Take a knee, beg, good women by Nature. Social progress, Mengele mandates, at ever younger ages.

wendybar said...

She's right, so it's time to cancel her.

ConradBibby said...

MayBee: The Marxists-collectivists truly want to tear it all down and start over ("year zero"). All traditional, western social, economic, and political arrangements are being undermined so that people can be made to conform to a collectivist state, and not feel any lingering allegiance to family; religion; western values, history, and traditions; the concept of individual rights and personal freedom; capitalism; our constitutional form of government; etc. They are actively trying to bring it all crashing down so that it can be more easily replaced by their vision of society. The trans movement is just one small element of this overall project.

Iman said...

The Left will ALWAYS place more value on good intentions than results.

And they must always perceive themselves to be heroic.

MayBee said...

Leland said
"I’m willing to accept that it is different for a transsexual, but that difference doesn’t get to wipe out the experience of little girls and little boys. "

Yes! Say you feel you are the wrong gender. Or in the wrong body. Ok, that is its own experience. Why not just be trans? Why all the stuff about "gender-affirming" surgery? Why the idea that you can't use the name you were previously known by (dead name!)? Why the insistence that you are a pregnant man? Or that men get periods?
Why can't it just be, people who present themselves as men? Trans people? Why isn't it ok for that to be a category of lifestyle, rather than demanding it is the same as people born women or born men and living that way?

Breezy said...

We really are a pathetic bunch if we have to wait months before we have momentum behind a group of people willing to stand up against others who are manipulating reality to suit their whims.

Shame on us and thank you, Macy.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

I saw a film about two weeks ago, a comedy, and for some odd reason they bleeped over the word homosexual every time one of the characters used it. Is the H-Word now verboten?

walter said...

"He offers her some insulation from public opinion:"
She has some insulation by way of being a black woman.
2 checkmarks worth.

LA_Bob said...

It seems that just the other day
We read of one named Mara Gay
Lamenting abortion's fate
And going on to state
That sexuality in all forms
Is something to celebrate.

And in a different post today
We read one named Macy Gray
Who, on trans issues anyway,
Sets the record straight.

LilyBart said...

The sad reality is that no matter how badly these guys want to be women, they can’t.

But isn't it better to come to terms with reality than to try to force a lie? Doesn't mean they can try to live a 'feminized' life if they want, but the less 'medical intervention' they do (chemicals / surgery), they better off they'll be from a physical health standpoint.

I think that, at some point in their lives, after pursuing 'medical affirmation', they'll feel frustrated with the suboptimal results of the medical approaches and often difficult side-effects, and become horribly embittered. Maybe feel 'lied to'?

Susan in Seattle said...

Good for her.
I'm tired of the term 'transphobic' when 'transpuzzled,' 'transfrustrated,' even 'transangry' seem more accurate.

Jupiter said...

Well, now we know what Macy Gray thinks. Is she a biologist?

Yinzer said...

It does not seem to have caught on to the commenters here that Macy has already been bullied into backtracking on this. Too bad she could not stand up more strongly for women.

wendybar said...

Yinzer, it is typical of what happens when the left wing mob attacks you for having opinions that don't align with the narrative. They are the bullies they claim everyone else are.

Tina Trent said...

Leland: It doesn't take anything beyond grade school science to know the biological difference between males and females. And yes, I graduated from grade school. I was complimenting Gray, the best singer to come along since Aretha.

You know, the lady who felt like a natural woman.

Jupiter said...

"When I remember what being a girl means to me, and then I think of a biological man claiming womanhood, I feel very angry at transwomen."

Really? Why would you care what some idiot who cut his own dick off says about himself? Is this some kind of stolen valor thing?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Kate said...
If transwomen wanted their lived experience to mean something unique, I would welcome that. Instead, they want their lived experience to replace mine.

Very well said

Jupiter, does this one answer your questions a 1:21?

NT Dave said...

Instead of giving estrogen to biological men to make them feel more like women what happens if they're given more testosterone? I have to think it's been tried but I haven't heard anything. A cursory search shows that there are therapies for men and women who need testosterone/estrogen but I haven't found anything that relates to dysphoria.

LilyBart said...

Jupiter said....Why would you care what some idiot who cut his own dick off says about himself? Is this some kind of stolen valor thing?

Oh, please, you know very well its not just that. Most of us don't really care what you or anyone else chooses to do with your body (as an adult). If it were just accepting differences, and being tolerant, ie "you do you!", that would be fine.

The problem is the trans activists and their 'allies' are telling us that trans people ARE their self-identified gender, no different that people born that way. So biological men are entering women's sports creating unfair competition and taking opportunities from women. And they're entering places that should be reserved for women (ie women's abuse shelters, women's prison's, women's dressing areas, spa areas, etc) - places were women are quite vulnerable. And activists are entering schools and other places of childhood development to teach young kids that they *can* change gender if they want to, and that how they *feel* about their gender is real while their biology is not. They're influencing kids to take life / body altering drugs, and to have surgeries when they're really too young to understand the ramifications, the risks, or even to know what they really want. I fear they're preying on gay kids, autistic kids, emotionally unwell kids etc in the service of trans gender ideology.

And the people being marginalized by all this are just supposed to shut up and act like its all just fine.

Mea Sententia said...

A completely unique experience? Yet it is shared by four billion people on the planet. And the other four billion people get to share the other completely unique experience.

I suspect every childhood, if written, would be a whole epic book.

cfkane1701 said...

I had a work friend some years ago, Chris. But in Chris' cube was some award that Christine had won a few years back. She was a pretty Latina from CA who had followed her no-account girlfriend to MN.

Was. What Chris looked like when I knew her was sort of a pint-sized cholo. Buzzcut, untucked plaid shirts, jeans, etc. It was fine. I didn't care. Her stories were interesting. I lent her a book I liked.

Then I made the mistake of looking her up on FB. Her pronouns were he/him. Up until that point, I just thought she was a butch lesbian, which again, was fine. But Chris wanted me believe her masquerade was real.

The phrase in my mind when looking at her pronouns was: you didn't earn that. You can't live as a woman, win awards as a woman, receive all the affirmative action in CA as a Latina, and then call yourself a man. Growing up as a man, even as a white man, is not easy in this country. There are things that are expected of you, unfair things, but you live up to them anyway. You bear your burdens, with no one but your good friends to express them to, and even they will just nod their head and say, "I hear you. Hang in there."

She was appropriating my status without having gone through what I've gone through, and in no way do I consider myself a victim. She decided to be a man at the finish line. I started at square one. She didn't earn those pronouns.

That's probably what Macy Gray and many if not most women think when confronted by a man who's decided he's a woman: you didn't earn those pronouns. I agree. Macy Gray and women like her will hopefully put an end to this foolishness. I hope so.

realestateacct said...

I once saw a white man in drag and blackface as Aretha Franklin sing "I Feel Like a Natural Woman." I still laugh when I think about it. I hope the man survives happily to this day and that he didn't keep any pictures.

PM said...

Only a girl can become a woman.

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