June 1, 2022

The Return of the Loch Mendota Monster

At 5:16 this morning:


tim in vermont said...

Water snake? Muskrat? Plesiosaur? Hard to tell on my phone.

gilbar said...

people Wanted Proof... THERE is your Proof!!

chickelit said...

Well, the waterfowl don't act threatened.

wildswan said...


Temujin said...

Democratic Party operative.

Robert Marshall said...

Otter, beaver, muskrat . . . soggy rodent whatever?

gilbar said...

chickelit said...
Well, the waterfowl don't act threatened.

That's Because, The waterfowl are IN ON The Conspiracy !!!
You're Not Seeing the Conspiracy.. Because the Conspiracy is SO BIG!!!

David Begley said...

It’s real. Be afraid. Very afraid.

Floris said...

Also, wasn't that Bigfoot taking a dip in the upper left?

mezzrow said...

Did somebody drop a Gator in that lake? I wish I could pitch the idea to Leon Varjian.

Happy to see the geese standing in your way (instead of mine) this time of year. They are lovely - on the water and in the sky. In my supermarket parking lot? Not so much.

Nancy said...

1. Wow! You live in paradise.
2. Any bear that went after one of those goslings would not live to tell the tale. That is the voice of bitter experience, and I didn't even do it on purpose!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leave it to Beaver.

iowan2 said...

aquatic mammal, muskrat, mink, beaver. Dont think otters are this far north.


MadTownGuy said...

I still say it's Carson the Muskrat.

Narayanan said...

thanks for video >>> now for drone filming for up close encounters === adopt Ukrainian drone bombers

Mrs Whatsit said...

I think it's a beaver. We see them all the time on the lake where I live. They hold their chins out of the water and swim fast with a sharp wake, just like that. Not a monster, but not so good for your trees, which they'll chew down, or your water quality as they can carry giardiasis. Good luck getting rid of them, though!

mikee said...

The monster is clearly composed of about 8 pixels, and thus is readily able to be defeated, if necessary, by any Mario brother.

Rusty said...

It's a beaver. A big one. It's Wynona's big brown beaver.

Narr said...

Blogger often scrambles the videos; now the Monster link shows purplefaced Pinocchio.

Plus, Blogger sometimes eats my contributions. This seems to be my day. Probably a half-dozen this morning, but I see later timestamps on other threads.

Narr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

iowan2 said...
aquatic mammal, muskrat, mink, beaver. Dont think otters are this far north.
plenty of Otters on French Creek in Allamakee county iowa.
Trout pouching Otters, they don't Even have fishing licenses; let alone trout stamps :(