June 14, 2022

"The January 6th Unselect Committee is disgracing everything we hold sacred about our Constitution. If they had any real evidence..."

"... they’d hold real hearings with equal representation. They don’t, so they use the illegally-constituted committee to put on a smoke and mirrors show for the American people, in a pitiful last-ditch effort to deceive the American public...again. Our Constitution protects the right to confront accusers, honors the right to fair trials, and holds the right to legal representation as paramount in our justice system. Equal representation and the opportunity to offer rebuttal evidence is fundamental in our legal process. The Committee has obliterated those rights and is making a mockery of justice. They have refused to allow their political opponents to participate in this process, and have excluded all exculpatory witnesses, and anyone who so easily points out the flaws in their story. MAGA witnesses were interrogated behind closed doors and ordered to not record their own testimony. Members of my staff, my friends, supporters, volunteers, donors, were subjected to hours upon hours of inquisition – oftentimes having nothing to do with January 6th. Their very lives were turned upside down for obvious reasons. They were told it was an ongoing investigation and any reproduction of the interrogation would be viewed as an attempt to interfere in the investigation. They were gagged, threatened, and in some cases ruined. Yet, the Unselect Pseudo-Committee has coordinated with their media puppets to broadcast their witnesses on national television without any opposition, cross-examination, or rebuttal evidence...."

Here's the whole 12-page document from Donald Trump, attacking the "Unselect Pseudo-Committee."

ADDED: Much of the document lays out factual assertions about the 2020 election. Whether he's right about any of that or not, it counters what is the Committee's crucial contention: He had to know that he'd lost. 

The document ends with what feels like his 2024 campaign statement:

This is merely an attempt to stop a man that is leading in every poll, against both Republicans and Democrats by wide margins, from running again for the Presidency. The reason I am leading in the polls is because Democrats have caused record inflation, sky high gas prices, energy dependence on our adversaries, the education system is in crisis, illegal aliens are invading our border, the supply chain has crippled our way of life, parents can’t get baby formula, mandates have crippled businesses, and our way of life has been crushed by government regulations. The United States is being destroyed.

The Democrats know that I would correct all of this, and they are doing everything in their power to stop me – but we can’t be stopped. We have to Save America.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I agree with everything Althouse excerpted. To extend and revise Ms Heard’s complaint, trials strive to treat defendants fairly because the force of law is in play. Show trials like this televised event are the opposite of justice because only the force of majoritarian politics has power and the process is designed to humiliate the witnesses and targets. I find it exceptionally odd that the man in charge of Capitol security and the head of the FBI were excluded from being called or interviewed. The responsibility for security in the Capitol is exclusive to Congress and was off-limits to the Kangaroo Court. They are all but insuring that a real investigation be executed by the next Congress by shoving this totalitarian show trial in our faces and commandeering prime time broadcast media to do it.

Jaq said...

No kidding, we told gadfly that this was all a bunch of crap, anybody can search these posts and comments and see it, so that proves , by Adam Schiff's standards, that gadfly knows it's crap, and still he blathers on about it.

He says that Trump is too stoopid to have written this rebuttal, but he's been told that Trump did write it, so that proves that gadfly is lying about it. Any court could prove what gadfly knows and believes just by asking us what we told him.

This "trial" is right out of Kafka. This is the kind of stuff he mocked. There are no rules of evidence, why can't Trump's reasons for questioning the legitimacy of the election by aired. If it's such a slam dunk case, it wold be good for America to lay to rest any doubts about the election. That's not gonna happen, and we all know why.

''Take, for example, President Trump's speech on Jan. 6,'' Dershowitz said on ''Spicer & Co.'' ''He said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully.

''They doctored the tape,'' he continued. ''They edited those words out. If a prosecutor ever did that, they'd be disbarred. You can't present part of the tape and deliberately omit the rest of the tape in order to mislead the audience, especially when the other side has no opportunity to cross-examine, no opportunity to present its own evidence.''
- Newsmax

wendybar said...

They have to stop him, because he showed the American people that Congress is useless. He got more done, with Nancy and her goons, attacking him at every point of his presidency with fake claims of RUSSIAN COLLUSION that Hillary Clinton actually paid for. Imagine having a president who got things done?? Can't have that. How will the Political class get rich if they can't pit us against each other. THEY don't WANT to fix anything, because they would have NOTHING to run on. Sick of it all.

David Begley said...

Dear Donald:

Haven’t you learned by now that the Dems don’t play fair? Why didn’t you anticipate massive cheating by the Dems and do something about it in advance?

When you found out you couldn’t send the National Guard to DC, you should have figured out the Dem plan for America’s Reichstag fire. You should have called off the rally or at least not speak at it. Didn’t you learn a thing? Not smart!

tim maguire said...

The January 6 Committee is a far closer approximation of sedition than anything that happened on January 6.

Kai Akker said...

So if you're trying to decide whether to enter the 2024 race and compete against Trump in primaries -- what view do you take of a possible defeat?

Let's say DeSantis is prepared to go for it. Trump will blast him and anyone else in direct competition. If DeSantis wins, which is quite possible, it would be uge.

But what if he loses? Are his hopes of a Presidential campaign in the future gone too? Look at Rubio -- 2016 was a huge setback to his hopes. Much less low-energy Jeb. A defeat by Trump has an extra "thumping" quality that must force a politician to think twice about even risking it.

Rusty said...

The Jan. 6 show trial? That's for people like Howard and gadfly to touch themselves over. To people like that our Constitution is an impediment.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I saw a TV commercial on Fox last night from Trump. Sure looked like an election ad. He may be putting down a marker to keep DeSantis from running. I would vote for either but I think DeSantis would win a larger majority than Trump. There are still those who may finally see the value of his policies but who would not vote for him out of personal stubbornness. I would rather have their public vote and voice for the same policies via a DeSantis vote.

I think that DeSantis comes with a huge R majority on the House and Senate. I don’t think Trump will have the same coattails.

D.D. Driver said...

I like the part when he calls it (wait for it), an unselect committee. Bwaaahahah where does he come up with this stuff?

I'll read this later, I've go to go to my great job at the "Eighth Wonder of the World" down at the Foxconn plant in Racine. 🙄

Achilles said...

Kai Akker said...

Let's say DeSantis is prepared to go for it. Trump will blast him and anyone else in direct competition. If DeSantis wins, which is quite possible, it would be uge.

Desantis has said publicly and repeatedly he believes the election was stolen from Trump in 2020 and that he believes if Trump wants to run in 2024 he deserves the nomination.

Desantis has said in no uncertain terms that he will not run in 2024 if Trump runs.

The desire of people to vote for career politicians because they are coifed and well spoken despite the results of the last 40 years makes no sense.

DanTheMan said...

Trump is the ham sandwich.
The goal is drag this "investigation" out, at the end of which the Committee will refer Trump to Garland for indictment on charges of insurrection.
Garland will seat a grand jury, and drag it out as long as he can, with an indictment of Trump the preordained outcome.
The indictment will be enough for many states to refuse to allow Trump's name on primary ballots.
So, if Trump runs with all of that hanging over his head, the R voters will have to decide whether they can risk voting in the primaries for a candidate that may be constitutionally ineligible come November.

That's the end game for the D's... make sure Trump can't legally run.

Should they achieve that, DeSantis is the likely candidate to take his place.
Be careful what you wish for, Democrats.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If the Kangaroos believe their own hyperbole then they have a duty to present it fairly for examination but this is the second pseudotrial they have held on the J6 question. Impeachment II didn’t turn out well because the minimal defense allowed was too much for Pelosi’s minions to overcome so now we have their second round with even less defense allowed, such as excising exculpatory evidence from every witness statement. Kafkaesque indeed.

jaydub said...

The Jan 6 committee is effectively a campaign contribution in kind to Trump '24. They will never get the stink off this abomination before '24 rolls around, and even Dems seem to be puking at the thought of another Dem majority in the '22 midterms. Hopefully, Trump picks Desantis as his running mate.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I think Dantheman makes some good points. The legality of the trial and indictment does not matter. It’s an excuse to keep him personally off the ballot. The one thing the D’s are good at is the long game. Morally repulsive as it is, they are good at it.

But I think the movement goes beyond Trump now. The D’s are fighting the last war, the one against Trump. The current war is actually being driven on the right by average, normal citizens tired of the D bs and failures. Virginia Governor race was a good example. Trump was not a major factor, even though the D’s tried to make him one.

Freder Frederson said...

Whether he's right about any of that or not, it counters what is the Committee's crucial contention: He had to know that he'd lost.

So are you contending that the George Costanza defense is a valid one? "It is not a lie if you believe it."

And he used his belief in lies to grift $250 million from his supporters, claiming it was for court challenges when apparently it went right in his pockets.

Kate said...

Save America is a pretty good slogan.

Mike Sylwester said...
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Mike Sylwester said...

The committee's key idea is that Trump knew he did lose the election, and so his accusations that he lost only because of election fraud are lies, told in order to incite the "insurrection".

However, much of the public ....

* believes likewise that Trump lost only because of election fraud

... or else ...

* Trump did lose the election, but he does believe sincerely that he lost only because of election fraud. Trump does have a right to complain about election fraud.

Those two groups of people -- comprising (I think) a large majority of the population -- do not take the committee hearings seriously.

jaydub said...

"And he used his belief in lies to grift $250 million from his supporters..."

Yeah, that's the ticket Freder. Run with that one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are all about the MIND CRIME.

Your thoughts are illegal.


Inga said...

“Only I can fix it!” …once again. And they keep falling for it. The man didn’t know he lost the election, seriously? And they fall for it. How much dumber can they get, is there any limit to the cultish mindset?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are using Stalin-Schitt(D) tactics as well. Lies.
They are actually saying Trump refused to leave on his last day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga is all in for the crime against thoughts and opinions.

Half of the nation thinks Biden's goons cheated for him. so what? Gonna arrest all of us?

This after 4 years of Inga's insistence that Mueller had the goods on Trump and that Maddow was correct in her Hillary Clinton built-story that Russia stole the election from Hillary.

M Jordan said...

It puzzles me why Dems would let their Trump hatred take them this far down this dark path. DantheMan offers one possible explanation: keep Trump off the ballots. Maybe. But I don’t think it would work any more than the Russian collusion investigation worked, the Mueller investigation worked, or the two impeachments worked … and smart Dems know that.

A more likely possibility is they’re simply slow walking everything just to smear and distract for as long as they can but knowing, in the end, they’ll come away with a big fat Mueller nothing. They are probably painting the escape door onto the wall of the corner of the room they have paint themselves into even now.

But I think they blew it when they invited Liz Cheney onto their troika. She is now the monster Dr. Frankenstein fled from. Just last night a rift appeared concerning potentially indictments between her and the committee chair Thompson, him saying no indictments were forthcoming, her saying Hold on there, buddy boy.

Oh how I will laugh if this Cheney monster goes full Cheney. The missing WMD will finally appear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lloyd W. Robertson said...

At a minimum, Trump makes an excellent case for real, reputable and responsible hearings, on a range of matters related to the 2020 election. One simple question is why Nancy Pelosi called off any kind of real security on Jan. 6. I've long suspected McAuliffe or other senior people wanted something bad to happen at Charlottesville so it could be blamed on Trump.

I used to teach American Government in the U.S., and I was puzzled at the lack of interest in amending the Constitution. Was the failure of the ERA such a disappointment that activists have given up? The electoral system has its problems, including determining what counts as an official slate of electors from a state. No one except Kaus every seriously suggests addressing any of this?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Committee's crucial contention: He had to know that he'd lost.”

I don’t think that is the Committee’s contention, let alone a crucial one. They also entertain the possibility that he lost touch with reality. It is Trump’s crucial contention that he didn’t lose. His political problem is that if makes the case that his losing to Biden was disastrous to the country, what’s the guarantee he won’t lose again? The conservative play is to go with someone else.

The Republican Party’s problem is that it has lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections. It has come to rely on the electoral college not following the popular vote to gets its Presidential candidate into office. In failing to carry enough states outright, the idea of replacing Democratic electors elected by state voters with Republican electors selected by the state legislatures was hare-brained, to say the least, which was understood on January 6 even at Fox News.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga is all in for the Left's move to make it a crime to hold thoughts and opinions that go against The Party.

Half+ of the nation think Biden's goons cheated for him. so what? Gonna arrest all of us?

This after 4 years of Inga's insistence that Mueller had the goods on Trump and that Maddow was correct in her Hillary Clinton built-story that Russia stole the election from Hillary.

Now we have the same shitty media who refuse to discuss or cover Biden family international gritting and US Tax payer money laundering for personal gain.

But then - the Clintons paved the way for that shenanigans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC (D-NorthKorea+Avanetti+Schitt) demand that Trump be arrested, indicted and shot at dawn.

But it's the left who are full of love and tolerance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC (D-NorthKorea+Avanetti+Schitt) demand that Trump be arrested, indicted and shot at dawn.
But it's the left who are full of love and tolerance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's more than keeping Trump off the ballot.
It's a warning shot that anyone who dare interfere with the left's hold on power will be intimidated, harassed and ultimately made to pay for their disobedience. You will support the Democrat Party, or else.

Mrs. X said...

“In failing to carry enough states outright…”
Au contraire, Trump was carrying enough states outright when I went to bed on election night. The vote counting was paused and presto! he was losing. Some people did something.

DanTheMan said...

The D's know if you can "fortify" the election in Philly, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Atlanta the R's have no chance.
So they will do it again.

Koot Katmandu said...

I said this right after the election that the powers will not allow Trump to run again. They will find a way to stop him. They know he will win in any fair election so they will stop it. They will lock him up or worse if they need to.

Kai Akker said...

---It puzzles me why Dems would let their Trump hatred take them this far down this dark path.

Seemed entirely a device to seal off the '20 election "results" and prevent detection of any Democratic voting frauds. If those alleging fraud could be painted as traitors, success.

DantheMan's scenario is ingenious and I think beyond Nancy Pelosi. But who knows? Even her daughter said you could find yourself decapitated by her mother before you knew you were anywhere near the target range.

Inga said...

“Au contraire, Trump was carrying enough states outright when I went to bed on election night. The vote counting was paused and presto! he was losing. Some people did something.”

The “something” that was done through the night was the counting of the millions of mail in ballots. Why do you think Trump said that the counting should stop before the mail on ballots were actually counted? Stop falling for Trump bullshit.

Lurker21 said...

He's right. But I don't know if Trump's appeal is still there or if it will last until 2024 or if it could possibly grow enough to put him in the White house. People are tired of hearing about 2020 and maybe getting tired of Trump. If he runs again, he won't have the same freshness that he had in 2016. A new, more mature, wiser Trump might be able to make headway (while curbing the enthusiasm of some of his fans), but we know he doesn't want to do that, and probably can't.

Or maybe it's just that the words "twelve page memo" make the heart sink, whoever it's from.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Reminds me of my Italian umma who used to get "pieces of the Cross" from the Mary Knolls AND WOULD KEEP SENDING IT IN! She had enough pieces of the CROSS to resurrect all 3 crosses on Calvary. "There's one born every minute!" She lived to be 103 imagine the take the Mary Knolls
took in.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

M Jordan said. But I don’t think it would work any more than the Russian collusion investigation worked, the Mueller investigation worked, or the two impeachments worked … and smart Dems know that.

But M- those things did work. It kept Trump on the defensive and limited his allies, the Ukrainian investigation helped bring in a D House and the totality of it created enough leverage to keep him from winning in 2020. Voting fraud aside, it was the unproven innuendos and slander from the D's and their investigations that cost Trump the win. It made Biden look safe. Of course, that did not turn out too well but it kept the Ds in power, which is their only goal anyway.

rcocean said...

Thanks for posting this, i'll have to give it a look.

What's going on with Trump, and it started with the illegal FBI investigtion/spying on his campaign, and continued with a bogus Hillary inspired "Russia Mueller Investigation" and 2 fake impeachments, is unheard of in USA history.

The DC establishment decided to destroy Trump - norms, traditions, and settled legal presedents be damned. Pelosi has a 10 vote margin in the House, and got 2 of 200 Republicans to vote for the J6 committee. She then broke all tradition, and chose the Republican committee members herself. Two - Cheney and Asszinger - who had voted to impeach Trump.

So, who's the blame? Mitt Romney, Mitch mcConnell and Kevin mcCarthy. IF they were screaming bloody murder over this farce and slow rolling things threw the Senate and threatening Retaliation - Pelosi would've backed off.

Instead, they silently suppport destroying Trump. Because they don't want to win. They don't care if the POTUS is a Democrat. And they are uninterested in passing any Conservative legislation.

rcocean said...

I think Trump in 2024, could resurrect the old 1946 campaign slogan:

"Had enough?"

rcocean said...

The real culprits in Jan 6 were Pelosi and whoever was responsible for leaving the Capital Building almost unguarded. The Trump adminstration had suggested/offered NG troops, the offer was not taken up. In fact, many of the Capital Hill police let in the Protesters. So, they weren't even on alert.

This, plus the refusal to release the CCTV footage or identify the FBI assets involved leads me to believe this was a trap.

wendybar said...

They canceled Wednesdays hearing. Are they ashamed of the low ratings??
Or are they getting ready for the Supreme Court to announce an end to Roe....meaning there will be riots in DC on Wednesday?? You decide!!!


wendybar said...

NEVER forget. Democrats cheered rioters for 8 MONTHS, (and Kamala helped bail them out) before they were "OUTRAGED" by January 6th.

Drago said...

Inga: "The “something” that was done through the night was the counting of the millions of mail in ballots."


AFTER republican poll watchers were booted or told the counting was stopped for the night (which has never happened before).

In Fulton Co GA, it was due to a "burst water pipe"...a couple blocks away...but not to worry. The democratical poll watchers alone were there in multiple key democratical controlled cities to continue counting after the republicans were sent home.

Totally kosher......

Roger Sweeny said...

"mandates have crippled businesses ... The Democrats know that I would correct all of this ..."

Oh, a big steaming pile to the second sentence. It would require major legislative changes and a boatload of competent, driven people in positions of authority to even correct a little of that. Neither of those were noticeable in the first Trump administration.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's the prime time trial that reveals Hillary's Private server and all it accomplished for her bank account?

Where's the prime time show trial that reveals all of Hunter Biden's drugs, stripper impregnating, family name international money laundering for personal gain to the tune of millions upon millions - most of which is tax payer washed dollars. & that "Big guy."


Now we have a unfair one-sided show trial that attempts to prove that Trump and his supporters - (and even merely people who voted for him because they knew Biden is a Potemkin Joke), are all criminals because they voted for Trump. or - they are all criminals for THINKING that there was shenanigans in targeted precincts in targeted states that inserted ballot harvesting "votes" (that cannot be traced) to aid in the insertion the left's chosen insider-deal Potemkin candidate.
*oops - mind crime.*

Call the re-education camps.

Drago said...

wendybar: "They canceled Wednesdays hearing."

Of course. A couple of their least stupid democratical members now realize that only their moronic Inga/gadfly foot soldiers are going along with this Stalinist Show Trial crap while the nation burns down economically just as the dems wanted but thought they could blame Putin for.

But no one except the BlueAnon dead enders are pretending to buy the obvious lies.

Which is why the horrific Gina McCarthy, the Climate Czar-ina, has been screaming for months at the social media companies to purge everyone who doesn't agree with the psycho dems green-lack-of-energy-policies.

Doug Hasler said...

The J6 Committee is another step down the path of destroying all of the norms and mores that lubricate the wheels of representative democracy. While the creation of congressional committees is not discussed in the US Constitution, such authority is implied in the authority of Congress to establish its own rules. Is it a good idea for the current House Democrat majority to establish a committee without allowing the minority to select their own appointees to the committee? Awful idea . . . but hard to argue that it is "illegal" or "unconstitutional". Unless they find a way to give it away, the Republicans are going to hold a majority in the House after the November elections. The Republican Party will come up with some form of retribution to punish the Democrat minority for not allowing Republican leadership to appoint members to the J6 committee. The same process has played out in the Senate . . . for much of its history, Senate rules allowed the filibuster to be used against a President's judicial nomination. It was rarely used . . . until Senate Republicans used it to defeat a number of President Obama's judicial nominations. Then Harry Reid (and the Democrats) changed the rules to eliminate the filibuster for federal court nominations -- other than the Supreme Court. That rule remained in place until Democrats moved to filibuster Trump's nomination of Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, at which point Mitch McConnell and the Republicans eliminated the filibuster for all judicial nominations . . . so that weapon was no longer available to Democrats who would have opposed the Kavanaugh and ACB nominations. The adoption of these scorched earth tactics by both parties goes hand in hand with the extreme partisanship among both political parties . . . increasingly, the center of gravity of both parties rests with the far left, or far right wings of each party.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How can the COLLECTIVE elite LEFT find a way to arrest and harass HALF of the ENTIRE nation because they have WRONG-THOUGHTS?

jim5301 said...

I see Trump cites a lot to the new :2000 Mules" movie - which I would have to pay $20 to see. Trump made about $250 million off his post-election stop-the-steal fund-raising campaign. One would think that he would at least make available the "killer evidence" for all of us to see free of charge.

Joe Smith said...

When the Rs take the House, there had better be one big, ugly, motherfucking reckoning.

If they play nice (as usual), it will only encourage the Ds next time they get power.

Ds need to go to jail for a long time for J6 and for Trump/Russia.

It needs to be epic.

Sebastian said...

"That's the end game for the D's... make sure Trump can't legally run."

Let them do it. Advantage: GOP. 1. Losing loser Trump off the ballot. 2. Maximum motivation for the disgusted Trumpist base. 3. Althouse and the Althouses of America can safely vote (R).

D.D. Driver said...

The best evidence that Trump knew he was full of shit is that he voluntarily dismissed his lawsuit in Georgia. There are three reasons why litigants do this:

(1) They can't afford to pay the lawyers. (Trump had a giant war chest so this isn't true.)
(2) The stakes are just too low and not worth the fight. (Can the stakes get higher, here?)
(3) Their case is bullshit and the fight is futile. (Bingo!!!)

Of COURSE Trump knows his election fraud claims are bullshit. He also knows his supporters will believe anything. He is PT Barnum. There is one born every minute.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

This is merely an attempt to stop a man that is leading in every poll, against both Republicans and Democrats by wide margins, from running again for the Presidency.


The reason I am leading in the polls is because Democrats have caused record inflation, sky high gas prices, energy dependence on our adversaries, the education system is in crisis, illegal aliens are invading our border, the supply chain has crippled our way of life, parents can’t get baby formula, mandates have crippled businesses, and our way of life has been crushed by government regulations. The United States is being destroyed.

Completely true

The Democrats know that I would correct all of this, and they are doing everything in their power to stop me – but we can’t be stopped. We have to Save America.
Mostly true.

Trump sucked at hiring people. I would like to think that he's learned from that, but have yet to see any evidence that he has.

DeSantis seems to actually be able to hire people to advance his agenda. Which is why I'm leaning towards him for 2024

Buckwheathikes said...

"He had to know that he'd lost."

As long as we're defining words, I wonder if Ann would define "lost" in this sentence?

Does it mean that Biden got more votes? Because nobody disputes that.

It also doesn't mean Biden "won" the election.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
The best evidence that Trump knew he was full of shit is that he voluntarily dismissed his lawsuit in Georgia. There are three reasons why litigants do this:

You left out: the point of the lawsuit was to get information, and he got that information by dismissing the lawsuit.

No vote counters who were NOT engaging in vote fraud would ever have behaved the way the Fulton County vote counters did.

Between kicking out the press and poll watchers because they were done counting for the night, and then generating more vote counts the minute everyone was gone, no sane person can trust anything that came out of Fulton

Which county flipped GA

We know who's full of shit here, DD, and it's not Trump

Christopher B said...

M Jordan said...

But I think they blew it when they invited Liz Cheney onto their troika.

Oh, absolutely true!

As a number of folks here and elsewhere have said the Democrats are desperate to keep Trump in the news as the face of the GOP. They weren't smart enough to realize that NeverTrumpers like The Wyoming Lizard are desperate to do exactly the opposite so they can retake power.

They would have been much better off with the GOPers that McCarthy wanted to name. They'd have had high drama and fireworks just like they did for Sham-peachment.

wendybar said...

"Pay no attention to those election observers illegally thrown out from the counting rooms as windows were boarded up. Pay no attention to the suitcases full of ballots that were wheeled out for counting after hours in Atlanta. Pay no attention to that phony broken water main, or the simultaneous changing direction of the electoral tally numbers, from swing states at around 2 a.m."


wendybar said...

"Pay no attention to the truck driver who was asked to haul ballots to one state to another -- the same ballots. Pay no attention to the uncreased ballots all voting for just Joe Biden. Pay no attention to this research from a completely different quarter than d'Souza's, from AT contributor Jay Valentine about nests of voter fraud from computer experts. Pay no attention to hordes of witness testimony about fraud in individual states. And ballot-harvesting? The topic of d'Souza's video? Anybody notice that Democrats are currently advocating for legal ballot harvesting, and are already getting away with it in California? Funny how they like that idea."


Greg The Class Traitor said...

MAGA witnesses were interrogated behind closed doors and ordered to not record their own testimony

If true, and if they followed that order, that was their screw up.

"I'm recording this interview"
"You're not allowed to record this interview"
"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I might incriminate myself"
"There's nothing in that question that could incriminate you"
"Can I record this interview?"
"Then I refuse to answer that, and any and every other question you have, on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. because I'm testifying here under oath, and I dont' trust you not to warp what I say into a perjury charge."

Repeat until done

Never, ever, ever go into a law related interview where you're not allowed to record yourself

Kai Akker said...

---Trump made about $250 million off his post-election stop-the-steal fund-raising campaign. One would think that he would at least make available the "killer evidence" for all of us to see free of charge.

Better call Nancy for your freebie whining, Jim. More likely prospect.

wendybar said...

WHERE is RAY EPPS, and WHY is NANCY and her select Democrat committee ignoring what HE did.
WE ALL KNOW HE WAS A FED. They think we are stupid.

Mark said...

If Trump cared about the country rather than just Trump and his reputation, he would not want to put the country through six more years of this s**t.

Yes, the way he has been treated is grossly unfair. But vindication will cause greatly more damage than just sucking it up and letting history speak for itself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mind Crime Questions that Cheney, Avanetti, Schitt and Pelosi will NOT ALLOW!

"The Jan 6th committee is not trying to seek the truth. Otherwise they would look at what the various states found about election irregularities and illegalities in their states. [..] As a law abiding citizen my questions are why did Speaker Pelosi refuse National Guard offered by President Trump? Why were some Capitol Officers seen opening doors and inviting people in? What role did the FBI and Antifa play? Did some violent protestors get paid? Why did the committee infer Capitol Officers were killed that day when no officer was killed? Why are they ignoring the murder of unarmed veteran Ashli Babbit? Who is the peaceful protester outside the Capitol who allegedly was beaten by officers? What is going on with the investigation into the pipe bombs left at RNC and DNC?"

Your question are denied. Says North Korea Cheney.

Remember Jon Sullivan? wow did he disappear . He was an Antifa who broke windows to get in, and filmed himself talking to others bragging about how he "got into the capitol" and was going to smash stuff up.

D.D. Driver said...

The best evidence that Trump knew he was full of shit is that he voluntarily dismissed his lawsuit in Georgia. There are three reasons why litigants do this:

You left out: the point of the lawsuit was to get information, and he got that information by dismissing the lawsuit.

One born every minute.

victoria said...

I smell desperation, DT

Vicki from Pasadena

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
Of COURSE Trump knows his election fraud claims are bullshit. He also knows his supporters will believe anything. He is PT Barnum. There is one born every minute.

Anyone who believes that honest poll workers would block the campaign's poll watchers from being able to watch what they're doing?

That is the biggest chump, sucker, and loser on the planet, bar none.

Vote counter want their results to be trusted. In order to achieve that, they act in ways that look trustworthy, and dont' act in ways that look untrustworthy.

Because otherwise the people they declare to be the loser, and that person's supporters, have no reason to accept the results of their count.

In Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta, the "vote counters" deliberately chose to "count" in ways that make their work look untrustworthy.

You can be a moron, and reward that, or you can be someone who values democracy and elections, and penalize that.

Trying to sweep it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen?

That just tells us you think most elections are actually done dishonestly, and therefore supporting investigations of obviously fraudulent ones will just open up a can of worms for all the less obviously, but still fraudulent, ones.

Do you value democracy? Do you value elections?

Then stop sending the message that they're worthless, and start calling out all the corrupt behavior Democrat vote counters engaged in in 2020.

We can decide things with votes, or with violence. If you insist on making the voting look untrustworthy, you get on complaint when we move to violence the next tiem we "lose"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after riot, medical examiner says
An autopsy revealed that Sicknick, who died hours after the Capitol riot, suffered two strokes at the base of the brain stem caused by a blood clot.

Yet - the North Korean Left continue to lie about his death.

jim5301 said...

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Carl Sagan

wendybar said...

Trump made about $250 million off his post-election stop-the-steal fund-raising campaign. One would think that he would at least make available the "killer evidence" for all of us to see free of charge.

6/14/22, 9:19 AM

Now do how much all of the Left Wing Politicians made off of the FAKE RUSSIA COLLUSION hoax that Hillary paid for. We are still waiting for the "KILLER EVIDENCE" Shifty Schiff promised us on THAT. Keep on believing Jim. You are one of their useful idiots.

wendybar said...

jim5301 said...
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Carl Sagan

6/14/22, 9:56 AM

And the progressive left and their propaganda media did JUST THAT. THEY are the reason nobody trusts the media anymore. The Progressive left are the totalitarians YOU have been waiting for Jim. Enjoy the downfall.

wendybar said...

jim5301 said...
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Carl Sagan

6/14/22, 9:56 AM

And the progressive left and their propaganda media did JUST THAT. THEY are the reason nobody trusts the media anymore. The Progressive left are the totalitarians YOU have been waiting for Jim. Enjoy the downfall.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mark said...
If Trump cared about the country rather than just Trump and his reputation, he would not want to put the country through six more years of this s**t.

Yes, the way he has been treated is grossly unfair. But vindication will cause greatly more damage than just sucking it up and letting history speak for itself.


Trump isn't driving the "the election was stolen" narrative, that's coming from us, who watched as the election was stolen.

Sending out millions of unrequested ballots, with NO security measures to make sure that the ballots returned were voted legally?
Shutting down your "vote count" in the middle of the night, while you still had votes to count, kicking out any outside observers, and then "surprise!" when you "Start counting" again it just so happened that there were now enough ballots to flip your State to Biden?
Blocking poll watchers from being able to actually monitor what the "vote counters" are doing?
Massive chain of custody failures, with no attempt to punish the people involved

If you cared about the country, instead of being desperate to "beat Trump", you would look at that, say "no one's going to ever trust another election they lose unless we do something about this", and then work to honestly discuss and address all those issues

That you refuse to do that? THAT is what a monster who wants to destroy the country does

Kai Akker said...

---But I don't know if Trump's appeal is still there or if it will last until 2024. [Lurker21]

Trump fatigue is real. But who would know better than Nancy Pelosi who the Democrats' worst enemy is? And she keeps showing us the answer. Jaydub has it right, these hearings and all the machinations are direct contributions to a new Trump campaign.

Ron DeSantis is good, but too coiffed for Achilles, I guess. It does seem that he has never had one thought since adolescence that wasn't get me to the White House, how do I get to the White House. Their positions are diametrically opposed, but on that score, his middle name might as well be Rodham.

Should that be disquaifiying? No, I guess not. But.

Remember that dry-ice burning cold hatred with which Nancy Pelosi tore up the State of the Union speech that night over Trump's shoulder?

I will trust her judgment on this one, and she keeps saying, Trump is fatal to Democrats.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mark said...
If Trump cared about the country rather than just Trump and his reputation, he would not want to put the country through six more years of this s**t

Who's pushing the illegitimately constituted J6 Committee and its attacks on Trump?

That's not Trump, that's not Republicans, that's Democrats.

If you weren't completely full of shit, what you would be saying is "If Democrats cared about the country rather than just themselves and their power, they would not want to put the country through six more years of this s**t"

But they do. Because they care about nothing but themselves and their power, and they have nothing to offer America other than hatred

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's more like the 9/11 Commission Report presentation. There was no al Qaeda testimony.

It makes sense, since VP Kamala Harrys said Jan6 was worse than 9/11, and Pearl Harbor

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not keen on more Trump - but I would love it for the revenge factor alone.

Bonus - Trump understands how to Make America work for ordinary Americans.

The corrupt left ONLY work for the their own insiders - the insider rich.

Mark said...

If you cared about the country, instead of being desperate to "beat Trump", you would look at that

Trump should defend himself. But after he says he's not going to run again.

I voted for him twice. I applaud and am thankful for many of the great things he accomplished. The greatest of which will come to fruition in a few days.

I also know that the country does not need another six years of never-ending strife and drama. Besides, just like Obama was not, Trump is not The One. There are others who are perfectly capable of leading the country with strength and determination.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jan 6th was worse that WWII to these self-absorbed cretins. Strange how most of it was a sham created by the same people who brought us the fake Whitmer kidnapping story.

The Whitmer kid-napping story was created by FBI. FBI bribed 4 people who never met before.
One was bribed with 60,000.

Bonus - one of the FBI agents involved with the fake, is a wife beater.

Not found on NPR or PBS Newshour.

Ray Epps not available for comment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I've watched the Rap Epps videos where is stands there and says "Tomorrow we are going IN to the Capitol"

Those videos are GONE on youtube. Amazing.

D.D. Driver said...

Anyone who believes that honest poll workers would block the campaign's poll watchers from being able to watch what they're doing?

Boy, those would make AMAZING facts in Trump's lawsuit if that really happened, don't you think? Don't you think those villains should be put on the stand and subjected to cross-examination? I wonder why voluntarily Trump dismissed his lawsuit.

P.S. Can someone tell me what "information" he obtained from the litigation that he couldn't have obtained through open records?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

strange things not in the press

Michael K said...

I also know that the country does not need another six years of never-ending strife and drama.

That was guaranteed when the vote counters dismissed the GOP watchers and created enough votes for Biden. The left wing crazies who run Biden are taking the country into years of chaos and ruin because they are following a theoretical ideology that has never worked. They have no experience with building things and this is all a faculty lounge exercise except 330 million of us are along for the ride.

There is no chance that ending "fossil fuel" will result in anything but disaster. There is no infrastructure to generate the electricity to power all electric vehicles. They never even considered petrochemicals. The idiot Samantha Powers thinks they can feed the world using "manure and compost" as fertilizer. Sri Lanka tried that.

We will soon have a severe recession and food shortages will not be helped by forcing 15% ethanol in gasoline. It's as if a generation of malignant children took over the government.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

my post 10:38

that's Epps and Sullivan.

Michael K said...

Here is a good explanation of the lunacy of the Biden regime on energy.

Europe is, if anything, even crazier. Anybody who has spent a summer in Germany knows solar is wishful thinking.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know what? It's possible Jan6 coverage, almost a year and a half after, has garnered more stories than the same one year and a half after 9/11.

There's a story for you. #BigIfTrue.

Achilles said...

DanTheMan said...

Trump is the ham sandwich.
The goal is drag this "investigation" out, at the end of which the Committee will refer Trump to Garland for indictment on charges of insurrection.
Garland will seat a grand jury, and drag it out as long as he can, with an indictment of Trump the preordained outcome.
The indictment will be enough for many states to refuse to allow Trump's name on primary ballots.
So, if Trump runs with all of that hanging over his head, the R voters will have to decide whether they can risk voting in the primaries for a candidate that may be constitutionally ineligible come November.

That's the end game for the D's... make sure Trump can't legally run.

Should they achieve that, DeSantis is the likely candidate to take his place.
Be careful what you wish for, Democrats.

Desantis is not that stupid. Ted Cruz would be stupid and desperate enough to make that move, but not Desantis.

Desantis will not take Trump's place if the Democrats use fascist bullshit to keep him off the ballot.

Desantis will correctly take the position that the Democrats are fascist pieces of shit and that Trump has every legal right to run and be on the ballot.

If they use this bullshit to "Indict" Trump anyone who supports any other candidate is just working with the Democrat Party and the fascists at that point.

LA_Bob said...

Michael K,

The Powerline article missed the biggest lunacy of all.

They want to rip out the current system before the (mythical) green replacement is ready. That'll go over well.

And it's really all just politics. As with the COVID policies, they just want to say they're "doing something" about global warming.

Achilles said...

Mark said...

If Trump cared about the country rather than just Trump and his reputation, he would not want to put the country through six more years of this s**t.

Yes, the way he has been treated is grossly unfair. But vindication will cause greatly more damage than just sucking it up and letting history speak for itself.

Because the best way to fight fascist shitheads is to give them what they want.

You Nevertrumpers are just the smartest.

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"If Trump cared about the country rather than just Trump and his reputation, he would not want to put the country through six more years of this s**t."
But you want to put this country through at least two more years of the sh*t YOU voted for?
You aren't equipped to judge Trump.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
Me: Anyone who believes that honest poll workers would block the campaign's poll watchers from being able to watch what they're doing?

Boy, those would make AMAZING facts in Trump's lawsuit if that really happened, don't you think? Don't you think those villains should be put on the stand and subjected to cross-examination?

Are you really that stupid?

We watched the video of it happening. We've got affidavits filed under penalty of perjury from poll watchers saying that happened.

And we've got courts refusing to look at the data.

DD, you are a pathetic ass. Every single person who voted for Trump had our votes stolen by the vote fraud. Maybe you live with your head so far up Trump's ass that that's all you can see, but there's been dozens of lawsuits about the many frauds of the 2020 elections.

That one was voluntarily dismissed does not invalidate all the rest.

But I guess you have to live in that fantasy land

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
Me: Anyone who believes that honest poll workers would block the campaign's poll watchers from being able to watch what they're doing?

Boy, those would make AMAZING facts in Trump's lawsuit if that really happened

Includes video of Philly poll watcher forced to use binoculars to try to watch Philly "vote counter"


Took a 5 second search

Gospace said...

SO let's say Trump is kept off the ballot- in states he wasn't going to win anyway. And turnout explodes for Trump in the other states- which have enough electoral votes to elect Trump. Why, it would be almost like the 1860 election in which Lincoln wasn't on the ballot in 10 of the then 33 states.

Will the states that left him off the ballot attempt to secede?

Mark said...

you want to put this country through at least two more years of the sh*t YOU voted for?

The sh*t I voted for?

The sh*t I voted for was Donald Trump. Twice.

But you knee-jerkers need to understand that Trump is not the ONLY ONE. You also need to learn to read.

Stephen said...

No matter how you slice it, the evidence shows a man unfit for office.

One possibility--he is capable of rational thought. In which case, the legal and moral test of knowledge includes willful blindness--that is, intentionally looking away from or ignoring facts which would establish knowledge, in circumstances where there is a high probability that those facts exist. If Trump is capable of rational thought, the evidence makes out an overwhelming case of willful blindness--everyone who worked with Trump testifies to the fact that Trump was unwilling to listen to or explore any factual accounts contrary to his narrative, while showing extreme credulousness for, and repeating, accounts supporting that narrative, even after he was told that they were were idiotic, crazy or bullshit--to use Barr's terms. Easy to find knowledge on those facts.

Alternatively, he was delusional, in the sense that he is not capable of processing any information inconsistent with the idea that he had won. In which case, he may not have the level of legal and moral culpability associated with knowing wrongdoing, but he is clearly unfit to govern.

There are no other real alternatives, are there?

mikee said...

AlGore tried to steal the election of 2000 by requesting recounts in only a few selected Florida counties. He had to have known he had lost.

Hillary fomented a pre and post election conspiracy spread across multiple federal agencies and the press to deny the validity of the election of Donald Trump in 2016. She had to have known she had lost.

Donald Trump watched the election rules get changed in a manner that eliminated many of the safeguards that insure only valid votes are counted, and then watched suspicious vote count behavior across multiple states wherein he lost by small margins. He had to have known he had lost.

Which of the three exercises in political chicanery above is most valid, and which was least valid?

Daniel12 said...

Greg, you, like the rest of your ilk, would only be convinced the election was fair if Donald Trump won it.
Not down-ballot Republicans doing better than Trump.
Not recount after recount validating the results.
Not failed lawsuit after failed lawsuit.
Not an admonition from a judge over that minor poll watcher incident.
Not the parade of Republican election officials who said there was no fraud.
Not even a parade of Trump advisers and his AG saying they all knew he lost and there was no fraud, and that they told him over and over.

Because, once again, for you the fact that Trump lost is all the evidence you need that it was fraudulent. But yes, others live in a fantasy land.

Trust me this land is not my fantasy.

D.D. Driver said...

Took a 5 second search

Cool. Now do "why did Trump dismiss his Georgia lawsuit if the evidence is so strong?"

Bonus question: what did he do with all of the money he raised for the lawsuits he didn't actually prosecute? 🙈🙉🙊 Did he give it back?

Achilles said...

D.D. Driver said...

Took a 5 second search

Cool. Now do "why did Trump dismiss his Georgia lawsuit if the evidence is so strong?

I notice how you changed the subject real fast after it became obvious your first point was completely destroyed.

The courts all across the country were throwing out all lawsuits on procedural grounds before hearing any actual evidence.

There were 1000's of witness statements signed under oath. Not one single court would even look at them and you think this somehow supports your position.

I know you are a big fan of LOL 81 million votes shits his pants and the corporate censorship.

But they don't lock out poll observers for no reason. They don't ship in millions of votes the day after the election with 95% of them going to Biden for no reason.

You just look stupid defending the 2020 election.

Achilles said...

Daniel12 said...

Greg, you, like the rest of your ilk, would only be convinced the election was fair if Donald Trump won it.

Now do Russian collusion 2016.

D.D. Driver said...

There were 1000's of witness statements signed under oath. Not one single court would even look at them and you think this somehow supports your position.

Do you believe this is true? You are wrong. That is exactly what I am talking about. I hear lot's of crybaby shit about how "no courts would listen" would listen boo hoo. This is a fucking lie. The Georgia court was ready to hear the case and Trump ran away. Why?

In your heart you know the answer. 🤫

D.D. Driver said...

Ivanka knows why Trump dismissed his lawsuit.

Michael K said...

You just look stupid defending the 2020 election.

They look stupid for more than that. How about a county that orders a million mail in ballots with a population of 600,000, including children?

How it's done.

Daniel12 said...

DD they don't -- in their hearts it's an article of faith that Trump won and that only he could have won. That's the only way this neverending election nonsense could continue, despite flop after flop, and how they're also able to completely disregard otherwise trusted voices who tell them it's all bullshit.

Drago said...

Mark: "But you knee-jerkers need to understand that Trump is not the ONLY ONE. You also need to learn to read."

DeSantis has already stated clearly and repeatedly he will not run if Trump runs.

Does DeSantis hope Trump will not run in 2024? I'm guessing absolutely.

Beyond DeSantis, as of this moment, there are no other republicans that are contenders that wont pull a Romney/Sasse/Bush on us.

I'll be pleased if other non-swamp types emerge as possibilities, but this is the reality on the ground as of now.

Daniel12 said...

Michael K, you just cited a piece by Tony Perkins -- not an election expert! He's president of the Family Research Council, a christian policy and lobbying group -- which references the MIT election lab but the link goes to Breitbart, which then quotes the MIT lab explainer on VBM, which identifies concerns some raise with mail-in ballots, but Breitbart omits the next sentence: "As with all forms of voter fraud, documented instances of fraud related to VBM are rare."

Does that matter to you, that you are stuck in a web of biased election know-nothings citing other biased know-nothings selectively quoting the intro explainers by people who know their shit?

Drago said...

victoria: "I smell desperation, DT

Vicki from Pasadena"

Understandable, given its coming from your side.

Mrs. X said...

"But vindication will cause greatly more damage than just sucking it up and letting history speak for itself."

We'll have starved and/or frozen to death before history has a chance to render its verdict.

"in their hearts it's an article of faith that Trump won and that only he could have won."

Some nice mindreading there. The converse--in your heart of hearts it's an article of faith that Trump couldn't have won--is far more likely to be the case.

Readering said...

Looking forward to the criminal proceeding where DJT is afforded everything that is held sacred by him in the Constitution.

Kai Akker said...

---The left wing crazies who run Biden are taking the country into years of chaos and ruin because they are following a theoretical ideology that has never worked. [Michael K]

Yes. And those left-wing crazies must be said to include the supposedly sober Federal Reserve, whose devotion to a utopian fantasy has made it impossible to avoid the chaos and ruination of asset values that seem to be underway. They thought they had all the necessary answers. Their efforts to manipulate the markets to create a perpetual prosperity will end up doing the reverse, although not perpetually. I fear we will all be paying for the extreme fallibility of human beings. Cf the learned Irving Fisher's "permanently high plateau" from 1929.

Nor is it just our Fed. Following the Fed's example, central bankers around the world thought their expertise and shrewdness could maneuver markets through downturns like 2008-09 and manufacture prosperity with endless credit creation. An old gimmick, dressed up anew as "Quantitative Easing," which sounded better than Easy Money. Until reality eventually said otherwise. Their hubris has come back to bite them where it hurts. If only it were just them.

Drago said...

Readering: "Looking forward to the criminal proceeding where DJT is afforded everything that is held sacred by him in the Constitution."

The Walls will forever be Closing In for the russia collusion BlueAnon Dead Enders.

It's apparently a permanent condition.

Daniel12 said...

"Some nice mindreading there. The converse--in your heart of hearts it's an article of faith that Trump couldn't have won--is far more likely to be the case."

If you have a better explanation for why Trump election truthers won't listen to the courts, the Trump legal team that backed down, the Republican election officials in swing states, the Attorney General serving at the time, many other Trump advisers in his inner circle, the Fox News election data lead, and many others who wanted Trump to win, but will listen to a bunch of internet randos, I'd like it hear it. I'm rubber you're glue ain't that explanation though.

It's tough to realize you're swept up in a conspiracy theory.

Wa St Blogger said...


It's tough to realize you're swept up in a conspiracy theory.

What did it take for you to finally walk back from the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory? What evidence did it take for you to realize there was no there, there?

Tom said...

I’m not a Trump supporter and I don’t know that he really lost. The entire election was shady. American will not survive another election like that one. I thought it was fishy as I watched the returns on election night, long before Trump said it he thought it was fishy. And I still like the election should he fully audited Georgia and Arizona have found major issues. Pennsylvania refuses to look.

If Trump had his day in court immediately following the election, maybe a mob doesn’t show up at the capital.

No justice, no peace right?

D.D. Driver said...

Some nice mindreading there. The converse--in your heart of hearts it's an article of faith that Trump couldn't have won--is far more likely to be the case.

This is not at all what I am saying. In my heart, I believe people that should prove the shit they allege. Especially when there are explosive allegations.

If you say Trump colluded with Russia, I say: prove it!

If you say the Dems and the Ghost of Hugo Chavez stole an election, I say: prove it!

Where do people prove things? In court. I said all along (going back to November or 2019), prove it in Court and I will believe it. Prove it. You allege fraud, don't send me Brietbart links. Prove it with admissible evidence. Trump had an opportunity to prove it and he wasn't up to the challenge.

There is as much evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" as there is that "Biden stole the election." In both cases, there is none. But don't try to convince the true believers.

Readering said...

The permanent condition is being followed around here by Drago.

Rusty said...

My bad.

Wa St Blogger said...

@D.D. Driver

prove it in Court and I will believe it.

I am with you 100%. I simply want to know. None of this "no standing" crap, no dismissal due to timeliness. No "We lost the thumb drives", "we lost the audit tapes", "we erased the drives" crap either.

If you want to shut the right up, let it play out with full discovery and disclosure. What are they afraid of? If the right withdraws the allegation like it was done in Georgia, then we have a strong suspicion that it was smoke in mirrors. One withdrawal isn't sufficient, though.

I would turn on Trump in an instant if he knew it were false and dropped his suits as soon as they were allowed to go through. I want integrity and I want all these suspicious circumstances clearly addressed. If they were all legit, then I am an antiTrumper. That should be the easiest thing for the left to do to diffuse all of us Trumpkins.

Iman said...

Let me know when the cast of “Hamilton!” takes the stage, thx.

Jim at said...

The “something” that was done through the night was the counting of the millions of mail in ballots.

With nobody watching them.

That's been our fucking point from the very beginning.

Narayanan said...

The real culprits in Jan 6 were Pelosi and whoever was responsible for leaving the Capital Building almost unguarded.
has it ever needed guarding before for any prior electoral ratifying?

Narayanan said...

do R's deserve to win if not interested in clearing up 2020 and start with clean slate?

Drago said...

Readering: "The permanent condition is being followed around here by Drago."

Note to self: readering is confused about how blogs work.

Protip for readering: Commenting on comments in a blog comment section is a strange thing to be labeling "followed around here by".

But then again, the lefties are all Taylor Lorenzs at heart.

Drago said...

Iman: "Let me know when the cast of “Hamilton!” takes the stage, thx."

I hear the newest lefty heroes Liz and Dick Cheney will be doing a duet to much democratical acclaim!

Drago said...

Given Biden's Earpiece utter and complete suck-uppery to the Saudis these days, it seemed an appropriate time to set the Wayback Machine all the way to 2018 (yes, that will freak out russia conspiracy lunatic lefty Inga who panics whenever anyone recalls anything older than 15 mins ago).

Here we have the paragon of principle, Howard, opining on Trump's engagement with Saudi leaders:

Howard said...
These sand tics are responsible for 911 and you cucks are sucking their dicks, just like GW Bush when he played the bitch bride in their wedding dance.

10/13/18, 11:22 AM

Good times good times...

Lurker21 said...

It's hard to believe that Trump actually got a majority or even a plurality of the popular vote. Half the country or more was opposed to him through his whole presidency, and the Democrats were blaming him for COVID, which cut further into his support.

But it's certainly not impossible that fraudulent ballots and unlawful rule changes cost him four states and the election. There are enough indications of electoral shenaningans to make one suspicious. It's also not impossible that Biden would have won even without the fraudulent votes. 10,000 or 20,000 fake votes aren't hard to make or hide. 80,000 or 150,000 would be harder to create or conceal.

We will never know who "really won." That uncertainty is hard for people to live with. And in the bigger picture, free and fair elections depend on a media interested in finding for the truth, rather than just covering for one side and attacking the other. Since we don't have that, there's bound to be a lot of cynicism about the electoral process.

Drago said...

Here's another fun flashback from our favorite dimwit Inga

Inga...Allie Oop said...
With all the bashing of Muslims that goes on in these threads, it’s odd that the Saudis seem to get a pass as they are Trumps business partners and were Bush buddies. Next time we hear about American journalists getting beheaded, it would be a good time to mention how an American resident journalist got dismemberered by the some of the strictest of Muslims, the Saudis. I won’t even mention that the majority of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis as was Bin Laden. This love affair with Saudi Arabia is beyond bizzare.

10/13/18, 11:49 AM

More good times...

Tom said...

See, that’s my issues with the “prove it in court”.

The courts kept dismissing the claims in technical grounds. There was not one evidentiary hearing.

That’s what frustrated me.

It looked fishy to me. Was it fishy? I think enough to look harder and have a full vetting in court.

Without the courts, all that’s left is a mob.

Witness said...

I guess I understand why he wants to call it a trial and rail about how it doesn't follow the procedures of a fair trial. I'm not sure why I would accept any of that.

(P.S. there weren't evidentiary hearings about the election in many cases because the plaintiffs' lawyers didn't provide any evidence. In some cases because the 'evidence' they had was so bad they'd risk sanction for presenting it.)

Drago said...

More fun:

Adam Kinzinger@RepKinzinger
"Just to be clear: tomorrow’s hearing has been moved to next week. This change was made to space out the #January6thHearings; nothing else. I look forward to leading this hearing and presenting our findings to the American people."
12:03 PM 14 Jun 22

"This change was made to space out the #January6thHearings; nothing else"


Michael K said...

(P.S. there weren't evidentiary hearings about the election in many cases because the plaintiffs' lawyers didn't provide any evidence. In some cases because the 'evidence' they had was so bad they'd risk sanction for presenting it.)

Another Biden voter. So the Texas lawsuit, which was denied for lack of "standing," had "evidence' they had was so bad they'd risk sanction for presenting it."?

Try harder.

Michael K said...

Where do people prove things? In court. I said all along (going back to November or 2019), prove it in Court and I will believe it. Prove it. You allege fraud, don't send me Brietbart links. Prove it with admissible evidence. Trump had an opportunity to prove it and he wasn't up to the challenge.

And if the Court refuses to hear the case ? Most of the denials were on issues like "standing." Where is the state of Texas to go if the USSC refuses to hear that case on "standing?" The attacks on courts and lawyers who tried to represent Trump won. The USSC chickened out. I think we now see why with the Kavanaugh attempted assassination.

Then fact that you lefties fight disclosure so hard keeps this alive.

D.D. Driver said...

The courts kept dismissing the claims in technical grounds. There was not one evidentiary hearing.

Do you realize that Trump dismissed his suits in Georgia?

The "technical ground" was that Trump was full of shit and dismissed his own lawsuit when it was put up or shut up time.

The deadenders still clinging to the election fraud hoax remind me of Rachael Maddow 2.0 and the pee tape. It's beyond embarrassing at this point.

Michael K said...

The deadenders still clinging to the election fraud hoax remind me of Rachael Maddow 2.0 and the pee tape. It's beyond embarrassing at this point.

You have your own bubble and I have nothing but pity for you. Bless your heart.

Leora said...

Some of you need to watch "2000 Mules." It is quite convincing that there was widespread illegal ballot harvesting in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Phoenix. It does not overstate the case. In addtion, the changing of election procedures in questionable ways (some already declared illegal in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania) in addition to the 2000 Mules ballot box evidence taints the election.

I think it is not possible to know who won in 2020. I think it's important to talk about it and prevent the recurrence of this sort of uncertainty. This isn't a couple of precints in one swing state - it's a real national problem.

Mark said...

"Then fact that you lefties fight disclosure so hard keeps this alive."

You do realize Trump has fought every disclosure and many of his staff refuse to even show up to testify?

Your straw men even look like straw. Dementia is hard on you, Dr. Mike.

Daniel12 said...

"We will never know who "really won." That uncertainty is hard for people to live with. And in the bigger picture, free and fair elections depend on a media interested in finding for the truth, rather than just covering for one side and attacking the other. Since we don't have that, there's bound to be a lot of cynicism about the electoral process."

It really comes down to this. All of this stems from this initial premise that the election was stolen, and from there it's easy to be cynical and know that the media (which roundly sucks when covering politics) won't help you.

The problem is just the actual evidence that the election was stolen. It's terrible.

Conjecture here (all it would take is a well placed 100,000, so you can never really know).

Amateur data mining there (these 2000 people were within 100 feet of several polling stations though the videos don't show them doing any fraud despite the ominous music).

A bunch of votes were added all at once (they added the mail-ins which skewed hard Dem, not least because Trump told Reps not to vote by mail).

It's all the same stuff. None of it ever goes anywhere, these are mostly the same points for over a year, and you've all been complaining about lack of investigation for a lot longer than an investigation would take.

Someone upthread asked me when I stopped buying in to Russian Collision. I was mildly intrigued, sure he had business interests there and possibly debt, titillated by the pee tape potential, and completely dismissive of it when nothing panned out.

Might be that time for you.

Michael K said...

Blogger Mark said...

"Then fact that you lefties fight disclosure so hard keeps this alive."

You do realize Trump has fought every disclosure and many of his staff refuse to even show up to testify?

Your straw men even look like straw. Dementia is hard on you, Dr. Mike.

It's a shame to see dementia at your young age. I am unaware of Trump "fighting disclosure" and I suspect you are also unaware of anything but your delusions.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
This is not at all what I am saying. In my heart, I believe people that should prove the shit they allege. Especially when there are explosive allegations.

But I DID prove the shit I alleged. you just dont' care, because you're pro vote fraud

The Dem vote counters did block Trump campaign poll watchers from being able to monitor what they were doing
Dem vote counters did stop counting election night while they still have votes to count, which is never done, kicked everyone out, did whatever the hell they wanted to the ballots, and then the next day when they started "counting" again, Shazam! They had enough votes to put Biden ahead.

These are all clear matters of public record.

Once you've allowed people access to the ballots without controls, there's nothing you can do to prove they committed fraud. That's why you have poll watchers, and that's why in honest elections the poll workers dont' obstruct the poll watchers

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Daniel12 said...
Greg, you, like the rest of your ilk, would only be convinced the election was fair if Donald Trump won it.

I'll use small words, so even a moron like you can understand:

If you block poll watchers from closely observing what you're doing with the ballots, you're cheating.

When partisan vote counters cheat, I always believe that means the other side won.

Democrat vote counters cheated in WI, MI, PA, and GA.

That means the only reasonable choice is to award them to Trump,a nd the victory.

I've said this multiple times. you've never actually tried to respond to have I've said, because even you know I'm right and your'e wrong.

You just don't care

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Daniel12 said...
Not down-ballot Republicans doing better than Trump.
Large numbers of ballots that only have votes for the Presidential election seem strongly indicative of people working hard to make lots of fake ballots, and thus wanting to only have to fill in one bubble each

Not recount after recount validating the results.
Once you've allowed the "vote counters" to mess with the ballots, the damage is done, and no recount can catch the crime
That's why you have poll watchers

Not failed lawsuit after failed lawsuit.
Judges throwing a lawsuit out on standing grounds does not prove there was no vote fraud

Not the parade of Republican election officials who said there was no fraud.
I watched the 2004 WA Governor's race, where King County (Seattle) "vote counters" kept on "discovering" new boxes of ballots that they'd "missed" before, and were "counting" now. And kept on doing it until they flipped the election.

The GOP Sec of State never once did ANYTHING to stop the obvious fraud.
So a "GOP" Sec State who says "nothing to see here" is a person to ignore, with contempt.

One who jumped in the second anything questionable was reported, stated "yes, that's questionable, and wrong, and we owe it to the voters to fully look in to this", rather than immediately running out and doing CYA for the "vote counters", could possibly be trusted when he claimed "nothing bad here actually happened".

Got one of those? Or just a bunch of Schultzes?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
Me: Took a 5 second search


Bzzt. I stated evidence of fraud. You said "yeah, prove it". So I did.

Then you go back to wanking about Trump

Because your'e utterly full of shit.

I don't give a flying fuck about Trump, his shitty legal team, or their lawsuits or lack thereof.

Vote fraud is an assault on we voters. It steals our own personal votes just as much as if someone stood in the puling place doorway with a gun and wouldn't let us in to vote.

I call out the fraud that I observed, that my vote was being stolen, that I was being deprived of my democratic rights.

I told you why I understand that to be true.

If you can't respond to that, you need to STFU about their being no fraud.

Trump isn't here, I am. Stop beating up your straw man and engage with the actual argument

D.D. Driver said...

But I DID prove the shit I alleged. you just dont' care, because you're pro vote fraud

A YouTube video is not meaningful evidence, goofball. If that's all it takes to "prove" up your allegations don't you think Rudy and the Pillow Guy would have won a few more cases? Why would Trump dismiss his Georgia case if he had such awesome evidence?

Daniel12 said...

Greg says
That means the only reasonable choice is to award them to Trump,a nd the victory.

See? For you, and your ilk, the only way to know it's fair is for Trump to have won it.

Signs of conspiracy theory:

You slot anyone who disagrees with you into the conspiracy theory. (sec of State)

Contortions to make some random piece of information for your narrative (Odd that Dems would commit felony election fraud for trump but not down-ballot, because they were in a rush really???)

Invalidate a whole set of disconfirming facts -- recounts useless.

Ignore the prior crashes and burns. Remember the wild Dominion accusation? All the stuff from Sydney Powell? No wonder you're down to your last couple examples.

Turn a little wrong into the throwing out the entire election. A couple poll workers were pushed too far from the counting in the one court case in all the land that returned anything for Trump, so we've got to flip this list of swing states.

Read these closely. Read your stuff closely.


Readering said...

Well, glad that was cleared up.

Lurker21 said...

Evidence of fraud is accumulating, but you have to be willing to consider it. If your mind is set on the idea that there was no fraud, or if you demand absolute proof that fraud tipped the election to Biden and reject all indications of possible fraud until that's proven, you'll close your eyes to what's coming out.

Rusty said...

I don't have to prove that the Dems cheated. You have to prove to me that 81 million people voted for Biden. Because what that means it that despite the vaunted intelligence of the left 81 million dimwits voted for this fiasco. It also means that the bell curve is skewed significantly to the left.

Mark said...

You need to read outside of your narrow sources, Dr Mike.

Why Trump took his case to bar disclosure all the way up to the Supreme Court in Febrary ... which declined to take the case.

Much like the prior one, fighting disclosure of information.

It's almost like you aren't even trying ... either that or you lack a credible news source. Your choice.

From Feb 2022:

"The Supreme Court said on Tuesday that it will not take up former President Donald Trump's case challenging the disclosure of his White House documents to the House January 6 investigation, a formal conclusion to his unsuccessful bid to keep those records secret.

The court had previously rejected Trump's emergency request to block the National Archives from turning over the materials while the court considered whether to take up the case. The documents Trump was trying to block in court are already in the hands of the House Select Committee investigating January 6."

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
But I DID prove the shit I alleged. you just don't care, because you're pro vote fraud

A YouTube video is not meaningful evidence, goofball.

Yes, it is, moron.

Are you trying to claim that didn't actually happen?

If that's all it takes to "prove" up your allegations don't you think Rudy and the Pillow Guy would have won a few more cases?

Not when the Courts aren't willing to do anything.

Besides, I dont' have to prove it in a court of law, because it's not going to change anything.

But I, correctly, know the election was stolen. Trump knows it too.

And all the "Trump really knows it was a fair election" are bullshit, because it wasn't.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Daniel12 said...
Greg says
That means the only reasonable choice is to award them to Trump,a nd the victory.

See? For you, and your ilk, the only way to know it's fair is for Trump to have won it.

What's it like to take a position that's such garbage that the only way you can defend it is to completely ignore what your opponents are saying?

You can omit the details I gave to back up my position. But that doesn't require the rest of us to pretend it Didn't say them. And it doesn't keep the rest of us from noticing that you have no response.

So, you keep on wanking. Have fun

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