That's from the written introduction to "Will Prime Time Undermine or Elevate the Jan. 6 Hearings?/Our panelists discuss how televising the House committee sessions could shape the long-haul defense of democracy" — the new episode of the NYT podcast "Sway."
Panelists, we're told, "talk about what key moments and witnesses to watch for in the hearings and whether any revelations will, as one committee member, Jamie Raskin of Maryland, suggested, 'blow the roof off the House.'"
Will Americans watch? I won't. If there's anything that blows the roof off the House — funny to use the metaphor of an explosion in the Capitol building — I'll read about it in the news. I'm not interested in pyrotechnics. I don't put up with committee hearings anymore. I'm sure the highlights will be unavoidable clips, and I'll play those when the time comes. But I won't sit still for the politicians' presentation.
Will Americans care? I care about something, but I won't care in advance and place myself in the hands of partisan Congresspeople who want to push me around until I care about it their way.
ADDED: I will try to listen to this podcast... at least until I can't stand it anymore. Quite aside from the content, the sound quality is very poor, at a level that the most small-time podcaster would want to avoid. Why is the NYT putting out such low quality audio?
AND: Kara Swisher (the host) asks: "Is it good or bad that it's being produced like a TV special?"
ALSO: It's a 41-minute podcast. I almost made it to 9 minutes. That's it for me.
I have to pick the lint out of my belly button tonight. WHY would I want to watch Progressive lie to me, when I can just turn on CNN anytime I want to see the same talking points they use on every Progressive channel put out by the DNC?? When they show us ALL of the video from that day, I would counsider it, but until then, I refuse to take their cherry picked takes when the only people murdered that day were unarmed Trump supporters.
Our panelists discuss how televising the House committee sessions could shape the long-haul defense of democracy"
What "democracy"?
Our constitution explicitly guarantees that we are not a democracy. Our constitution was designed to protect us from mob rule.
Don't these so-called experts know anything?
John Henry
Read why Rep. Andy Biggs refuses to testify during this witch hunt....
I think a lot of people will take the Althouse course on this. Whatever is actually important will show up in the news post breathless presentation. My bet is that it'll be so heavy handed, so one-sided, with so many key questions not even allowed into the room, that nothing will come of it. The Dems will try to run on it but people are looking at what it costs for groceries and gas. And, say...haven't we seen this parade of bullshit before? (Russia collusion, anyone?)
There are still scores of people in jail, for well over a year, most of whom have not done anything that merits this incarceration. They walked into the Capitol. What do we do about that? How do we shine a light on their story? How do we even get a mic in front of them without putting them in a dangerous position for talking?
And why is Ashi Babbit's killer still part of the Capitol Police force?
I'll not give the Democrats a minute of my time. Lightning vs Rangers tonight at 8pm. Go Bolts!
"Why is the NYT putting out such low quality audio?"
They put out low quality everything. So to answer your question - tradition mostly.
"Will Americans watch?"
Americans have been watching ... but on YouTube, not CNN or NBC. On YouTube, you can see plenty of videos of cops mingling with the "terrorists," taking selfies with them, laughing with them, opening the doors for them. Inviting them into the buildings.
You can watch videos of the "insurrectionists" walking through Statuary Hall, mindful to stay behind the velvet ropes so as not to damage any of the precious artwork.
You can also see some nutjob carrying Nancy Pelosi's lecturn. I'm sure he didn't get too far with it, seeing as it probably weighs 100 pounds. That was pretty funny. Didn't look to threatening at all. One too many beers that day is my guess.
Not a single protestor was arrested with weapons that day. One person was killed ... by a DC cop who then went into hiding because he point blank shot and killed an unarmed woman.
Americans have been watching all along.
And we know a Kangaroo Court when we see one.
The worse possible outcome, as I see it, is that Trump acted like the Ugalde police chief, not sending in the troops to rescue the hostages and retake the capitol. Some reports have Trump saying that it was up to Speaker Pelosi to act.
I remember when Reagan was shot, Haig told reporters that he was in charge and that was the end of him.
What we have here is history repeating.
A production not a hearing.No evidentiary value.(In fact negative evidentiary value).
I can't believe they haven't figured out their moment has passed. With Biden such a disaster as president, nobody's going to get upset that out of the millions who tried to save us from a Biden presidency, a handful went a little too far.
Far more middle, non-aligned people are going to nod their heads and think, "if only it had worked" then will get outraged and want to go vote Democrat in November.
Will they talk about this?? If not, why this is the biggest problem of that day!!??!!
"As Speaker, Pelosi serves as the mayor of the U.S. Capitol, overseeing the sergeant at arms. As Democrats try to make a case that former President Donald Trump tried to foment the violence that occurred on Jan. 6, they have been unable to address the biggest contradiction: Trump authorized the Pentagon on Jan. 4, 2021 to send up to 20,000 National Guard troops to prevent any violence, and Congress turned down the request. Former Police Chief Steve Sund, who resigned in the aftermath, said he repeatedly requested such troops and was turned down by leadership."
I recall when Meade reminded us of Duckworth's Jan 6th "Celebration" comment.
It's a celebration for the left and the left's media.
The hack press loyalists will tune in.
& what Temujin said.
The entire committee is evidence of Congressional disfunction. There really should have been a truly bipartisan committee of properly defined patriotic House members to do a "just the facts" inquiry into what happened. So no Adam Schiffs for the Dems, and no Republicans who get in front of cameras on the right. Just a sober investigation.
But no. The Dems would rather have what they think will help them politically. And it won't.
I guess I should be happy about that, but I really think the country could have used a sober bipartisan investigation.
"Kara Swisher (the host) asks: "Is it good or bad that it's being produced like a TV special?""
The question answers itself.
Not interested in DC political theater. DC is Hollywood for ugly people. Not watching.
It was clear that the Jan 6 hearings would be nothing more than a show put on by Progressive Democrats from the moment that Pelosi refused to seat the Republican members named by the Minority Leader, as was long-standing tradition, and named Cheney and Kinzinger herself. The whole thing is a sham and a pretense intended to distract (ahead of the Midterms) from the appalling failures of the Biden-Harris administration - that is what it was intended to be and it is nothing other than that.
As I've listened to the buildup on this "spectacle", it has long felt like a prime-time game show. Who's hosting, Pat Sajak? Howie Mandell?
The Non-stop trashing and harassment of Republicans and Trump.
do the left have anything else?
Will Ray Epps testify? Nancy Pelosi? The National Guard commander?
Televising the impeachment spectacles was supposed to solidify the persuadable middle 20% against Trump. It didn’t. These Congress people don’t get how repulsive they are to regular people.
"There are still scores of people in jail, for well over a year, most of whom have not done anything that merits this incarceration."
To you and I the US capital is just a monumental work place for our representatives. For the left it is a sacred site. Their priests must never be disturbed while they rule over us.
Trump offered Pelosi and the DC police the NAtional Guard and was turned down.
Why don't the Democrats do something about crime, inflation, health care, soaring gas prices, the open border and illegal aliens forming carvans to crash through the border?
Instead they keep beating the same old drum and playing the same tired old tune. And its been going on for 1.5 YEARS. They already put Trump on trial in Feb 2021. And if they had NEW credible evidence to convict him of a crime, they would've leaked and reported it.
They're still putting Jan 6th protestes in jail for trespassing, some are still awaiting trial. You'd think the scum that runs congress would have the decency to idemnify Ashli Babbitt (and the other women) families since they were excecuted by the Captial Hill police. But they're more intersted in graft and giving Ukraine $40,000 million.
The same congressional scum lie and lie and lie. And yet no matter how much they lie, people assume they and the MSM are telling the truth.
The Benghazi hearing news bored me to death too, but then they exposed Hillary's private email server, and the missing emails.
And the rest is history.
Maybe we'll finally get something really juicy on Trump! (And the walls will close in!)
I'm playing golf today and will be too tired to care about anything except my short game...
Besides, Raskin is commie scum lower than cancer.
President Trump was in an impossible situation. As Lem says, perhaps he should have sent troops in.
But could he have done that constitutionally without Nancy Pelosi asking him to? I don't thinkhe could have. And she refused to ask either before or during. The president offered troops and support but she refused. Not much more the President (executive branch) could have done.
Even if President Trump could have sent troops, they had already been refused and it would have been that authoritarian fascism HE'S USING THE MILITARY TO TAKE OVER CONGRESS!!!!! we keep hearing that he is on the verge of implementing.
John LGKTQ Henry
AND: Kara Swisher (the host) asks: "Is it good or bad that it's being produced like a TV special?"
It's awesome, because that in and of itself will cause a significant number of people to realize "this is show business junk, not reality"
Thanks Dems!
'Some reports have Trump saying that it was up to Speaker Pelosi to act.'
Trump is not in charge of the Capitol police nor the DC police.
Had he tried to direct them it would have been yet another impeachment charge...
Isn't this just Schiff and Raskin reprising the role of Uncle Rico (Napoleon Dynamite, high school jock that never had and NFL career) but in the legal realm (two flops trying to impeach President Trump).
"I won't care in advance and place myself in the hands of partisan Congresspeople"
That's good enough for them. As long as the nice reasonable people stay on the sidelines, "not caring in advance," their charade works. It's when the nice reasonable people start getting angry at the abuse of power, at the injustice of imprisoning "insurrectionists," that they have to start worrying. But as Althouse's nice dispassionate indifference illustrates, so far Dems have nothing to worry about.
The J6 defendants have a legal right to every bit of the video that was shot during the protests.
Let me know when they get it
Until then, I'm not going to spend any time caring about the video that the Dems cherry-picked, when they won't release the whole thing so we can "contextualize" it
Kara Swisher is one of the worst. Right up there with Maggie Haberman.
I long grew out of my interest in seeing politicians speak about anything. The closest I can do is Jordon B Peterson interview of one, because I know he won’t be afraid to call them out. Otherwise, it isn’t hard to find “big”news stories, as they advertise them.
This interests me only in that it appears to be a show trial. Real trials, including an impeachment, have already or still occurring. This is for show. I suspect it will be grotesque to watch and the average person will be repulsed by it. So I will be interested in reactions. I won’t be looking for the advertised reactions.
My sister will. Heck, she watched the hearings over whether Marjorie Taylor Greene should be barred from appearing on the GA ballot. (She doesn’t live anywhere near GA.)
The riot was on January 6th, 2020. It takes 18 months to investigate and hold hearings?
It's a complete joke, another D witch hunt, which explains the lack of interest.
I suspect the January 6th Committee will be with us for years and years to come. All it needs is a little rebranding.
How about The House Un-Democratic Activities Committee?
>> innocent children are being called things other than Zheir right pronouns
Pronouns are so five minutes ago. We've moved on, and now demand that we be addressed by our preferred adjectives.
DanTheMan (brilliant, handsome)
Sway: noun
2. rule; control.
"the part of the continent under Russia's sway"
*phrase. If someone or something holds sway, they have great power or influence over a particular place or activity.
A podcast, by the NYTs, identifying as something other than an unbiased record of actual facts.
The f/k you say…
Nobody cares about this show trial.
80% of the people in America have already made up their minds.
About everything.
Of the remaining 20%, half of them are red pilled and believe that if they say so publicly, they will be cancelled, so they keep their heads down, their mouths shut, and will let their ballots speak next November.
About 10% of the population is truly oblivious, but is gradually getting beat over the head by reality at the gas station and grocery store.
There will be Tar and Feathers.
Your comment makes zero sense. Trump had minimal, if any, authority to 'send in the troops' to Capitol Hill. That is most definitely Pelosi and McConnel's (at that time) domain. The Capitol Police are responsible to them, not Trump.
Also, your examples are completely discordant. Haig had no authority to act and tried to make it look like he did. Pedro Arrendo had the authority and the means to act, and didn't. Neither situation fits Trump's position on J6.
Trump had little authority to act, and did largely what he could, both in his speech emphasising peaceful protest, and later.
The voices of the political prisoners of Jan 6th protest. I haven’t watched this- so… I’m just passing it along. It’s a dimension of the day.
I recall Senator Sam Ervin from my great home state of North Carolina, running the Watergate Hearings on live TV all summer long back in the 70s. Half a century ago, almost. And while the production values didn't impress me much, as there weren't any, the destruction of Nixon in those hearings was performed with the implacable resolve of a meteor headed for the Caribbean.
The Reagan Irangate hearings had better production values, but the story didn't quite go the way the legislators wanted.
The impeachment farces of BJ Clinton and Trump were fun TV but nobody took them seriously outside the beltway, really. Good publciity on TV for some legislators and lawyers, though.
So this time around I want a Michael Bay production, because the script is really, really bad. Give me video of the riots, with CGI explosions and jet fighters overhead dropping flares. Give me Vin Diesel roaring up in his SS, rescuing the country at the last moment. Otherwise, I'm going to watch Godzilla versus Kong again, because that movie makes more sense than anything the Dems can produce.
As I understand it, Capitol security rolls up through the House and Senate Sargent at arms. I think if Trump had sent armed forces in under his orders it would now be reported that he was leading an insurrection. Bad look either way.
THIS sums up the show trial perfectly.....
Lem said: The worse possible outcome, as I see it, is that Trump acted like the Ugalde police chief, not sending in the troops to rescue the hostages and retake the capitol.
You're kidding, right? If Trump had called in the troops to retake the capitol he would of been accused of staging a coup, and with good reason. Beyond that, it was the capital police that were killing people, not the other way around.
"Can't stand it anymore" - now that's a low bar.
"Why is the NYT putting out such low quality audio? "
I honestly think a non-trivial portion of the population can't hear the difference. Or more precisely, don't notice the difference. They overlap greatly with the ones that watch stretched out standard definition video on HD screens. On more than one occasion I've shown people the difference - switching back and forth between the two. They look at me like I'm crazy (for caring).
When there is a direct comparison, they can hear (or see) the difference but it just doesn't matter.
Our host almost made it to 9 minutes of the NYT podcast. I suspect that few viewers will make it past 9 minutes of the televised January 6 hearing "spectacle". They'll decide to go wash their hair or take out the trash or something else of higher value than the hearing,
Our host almost made it to 9 minutes of the NYT podcast. I suspect that few viewers will make it past 9 minutes of the televised January 6 hearing "spectacle". They'll decide to go wash their hair or take out the trash or something else of higher value than the hearing,
The Democrats always seem to overdo it. Shutting down the economy was a terrible idea. Paying people not to work is a ridiculous idea. Trump wanted to open things up by Memorial Day. DeSantis did so in Florida and they did fine. By that time it was starting to be obvious that the elderly and the obese were at most risk. Young people, including kids, were at almost zero risk. The culture wars show that Democrats always go to extremes, there is even a "Drag Queen" Methodist minister. Watch that denomination empty out.
It’s a shame Hollyweird producer Alan Carr is dead, as his flamboyant approach to such mega-hits as “Can’t Stop the Music” would serve this clownish committee well.
Temujin took the words out of my mouth. Yesterday I went grocery shopping at Walmart where milk (Walmart brand) is nearly $4 and meat is nearing the $20 range. Manager’s specials have become my holy grail.
Unless there’s some big news (doubtful) I can’t be exercised about a bunch of drunk dressed up hooligans running around the US Capitol. It was boorish and messy but no one was overthrowing the US govt. Honestly, if that’s all it takes what’s stopping Beijing for sashaying in to DC? Come on…
Wake up and smell the doom.
Watergate: Fifty-one days totaling 319 hours of broadcasts. PBS rebroadcast every hour daily on its night-time schedule. CBS, ABC, and NBC alternated coverage every six days.
Millions watched. Minds were changed. History took a different course.
Why is the NYT putting out such low quality audio?
It’s called “phoning it in” — Kara Swisher already announced she’s departing the New York Times.
Stalinist show trials come to the USA. The DemCong roll on.
"Some reports have Trump saying that it was up to Speaker Pelosi to act."
It was Pelosi's responsibility to act since the Capitol Police is her Congressional police force. Their jurisdiction, their responsibility.
If what is reported about his comments is true, Trump was bluntly correct.
"Lem said...
The worse possible outcome, as I see it, is that Trump acted like the Ugalde police chief, not sending in the troops to rescue the hostages and retake the capitol. Some reports have Trump saying that it was up to Speaker Pelosi to act."
Let's see. There were no hostages. The Capitol was never taken. It was up to Pelosi.
The capitol police killed 6 unarmed people and they got medals for it, give me a break
The Dems are facing historic losses in Congress this November because they really have screwed the pooch royally multiple times with their spending bills that are now destroying our economy and most everyone’s bank accounts. They have decided to hold this televised “hearing” in primetime and hired a former TV exec who is bringing “professional” production values to the broadcast. This is essentially a “Hey, look! Squirrel!!!” moment by Nancy Pelosi and her incompetent buffoons to try to distract the nation from their mission to destroy our economy.
If anything real comes out, you will hear about it from the ether, which is true for all news. I haven't readed the comments yet I bet someone else has thought of Jerry Rivers opening Al Capone's safe.
It's like the DNC wants to be second banana
There is much better programming with much better actors for people to watch, so they will tune this out. It will be more interesting next January when the bad actors are stripped of their committee assignments.
I don't have time for live broadcasts or podcasts or anything similar, especially by people trying to push emotional buttons. I might make an exception for a particularly interesting oral appellate argument. If the pundits or politicians have something to say, they can put it in writing and I'll read it. Putting it in writing forces them to attempt to be logical. But I thank Prof. Althouse for taking the time to listen to at least a few minutes of this podcast for us.
the democrats have decided that arresting the opposition is preferable to debating them. Old school Leninism. this approach has support with white liberal educated women, who will actually be surprised when the Marxists come for them. Party apparatchiks always are surprised when they find themselves on the wrong side of the party line.
What they haven't noticed is the rage and anger that is present, and becoming worse.
The next time there is an insurrection, it will be a real one. People are fed up.
I've heard a recent TV news broadcast, and the democrats are still running against Trump.
Show trials don’t care. I have a prediction though, the Democrats are desperately trying to find a way to change their fortunes. Desperation usually leads to stupidity, so I expect they will try something stupid that will blow up in their faces. I don’t think that it is necessary to watch it to find out because the internet will explode when it happens.
Her guests were Preet Bahara, David Axelrod and Sarah Longwell, the publisher of The Bulwark.
I'm not sure what you expected.
If there was anything 'explosive' out there, we would've already heard about it.
Over and over and over and over.
I still can't believe all the networks are abandoning their prime time programming for this bullshit.
As far as I'm aware, the President is not responsible for the civilian police and federal officers who protect the building.
So ultimately how a predicted crowd, with predicted riotous intent, stormed a well protected federal building staffed by guards with firearms vs. rioters with bludgeoning instruments, is a question that is deliberately avoided.
It's almost studiously avoided how well known the risk of such a riot was and how unprepared or even solicitous of the rioters the police were.
My comment got lost somewhere, I guess.
Sway: how appropriate for a NYTs podcast.
That’s all I had to say, but I said it better before…
The stories you will rely on tomorrow are already written.
Fwiw Just telling me Adam Schiff is in charge and Pelosi got to decide membership for the Republican representatives is enough to tell me this is a farce.
Oh the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth if the R's pull the same membership stunt in (e.g.) investigating Hunter Biden when/if they take the house.
If they really cared about this committee, it would be truly bipartisan rather than sporting all of two Republicans, one of which is a dead ender looking for an MSNBC gig after his best begging efforts still got him gerrymandered out of his seat, and the other so unpopular that she will almost certainly lose the primary in a landslide. This is the equivalent of grand jury testimony: perhaps interesting but intentionally one-sided. The fact that they have a TV special for this makes it a farce.
Having watched the Democrats, Never Trumpers, and the media lie about everything Trump for years, and having watched the kangaroo court that has been the prosecution of the January 6 "rioters," some of who did little more than take a tour of the building after being invited to do so, I have little interest. Obvious liars are obvious. They should be the ones being investigated, along with their senile idiot corruptacrat of a "President."
Going shopping this morning, the two local pbs radio stations were both promoting the impending hearings.
After one said, as part of their intro, the "deadly attack on the Capitol", I turned it off.
After yelling at my car's radio that Ashli Babbit was the only actual fatality that day. Her name is never spoken.
Just like James Hodgkinson's name, but from the other side.
Fu*k all these bastards.
I watched the Watergate hearings, the Iran-Contra Hearings, and the ones on 9/11.
I will cheerfully ignore tonight's circus.
When you need to bring in a former ABC producer to bedazzle your presentation, and you say publicly that the only intent is to hurt Republican's chances in the midterm, then I'd rather watch a "Real Housewives of New Jersey" repeat.
Podcast Insights dot com asks and answers the question, " ... how many podcasts are there?".
" ... most of the data out there is outdated, but we have an accurate method for determining the number of shows – and it’s currently over 2,000,000.
There are also over 48 million episodes as of April 2021.
Most are poorly produced and Sway is an example ... sort of a stream of consciousness, lightly edited semi-interview. Life is short and this Sway is the podcasting equivalent of empty calories.
I will not watch. I hope this backfires on them tremendously.
is this Zelenskyy moment for Democratic leadership?
==== Zelenskyy: ‘I Don’t Need A Ride, I Need More TV-time = Ammunition’
looking forward to memesters doing their thang
is this Zelenskyy moment for Democratic leadership?
==== Zelenskyy: ‘I Don’t Need A Ride, I Need More TV-time = Ammunition’
looking forward to memesters doing their thang
is this Zelenskyy moment for Democratic leadership?
==== Zelenskyy: ‘I Don’t Need A Ride, I Need More TV-time = Ammunition’
looking forward to memesters doing their thang
And we know a Kangaroo Court when we see one.
and what are USAmericans going to do about it?
And we know a Kangaroo Court when we see one.
and what are USAmericans going to do about it?
The LA Times is lying about the J6 committee. Today it published a story that says the GOP minority "would not cooperate" with the Speaker on naming members of the committee. That is a bare-faced lie.
"For the Jan. 6 committee, the Republican leadership chose from the start not to participate. The reason, of course, was to deny the committee the kind of legitimacy and public confidence that the Watergate committee enjoyed. So while the Jan. 6 committee has two Republicans — Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — it will be dismissed by Fox News and right-wing media as a partisan kangaroo court."
That is from today's paper. Nancy Pelosi rejected the GOP leader's nominations.
Jim said...the democrats have decided that arresting the opposition is preferable to debating them. Old school Leninism. this approach has support with white liberal educated women,..
Has there ever been a more coddled and overrated bunch of ninnies than "white liberal educated women"? They think in synch which I don't exactly admire. Are they too timorous to think for themselves?
After McGovern the Democrats had a telethon to raise money. Apparently they had one every year between 1972 and 1975. They had at least one more in the Eighties. Tonight's extravaganza, the Night of a Thousand Democrats, is the latest DNC telethon.
If they had anything, new or old, of even the slightest substance, we would have heard about it--loudly and endlessly--long ago.
This is a pure propaganda exercise.
I won't be surprised if the documentary is scored with "Tubular Bells" (theme to The Exorcist) or something derivative.
I just want a minute-by-minute play-by-play of everything Trump did during the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol.
2:27 - took a dump, 2:32 - masterbated while watching attack on tv, 2:47 - talked to Hannity about real estate investments, 2:51 - ate 3 Big Macs and large chocolate shake, 3:04 - took a dump, .. . .
gadfly: "Millions watched. Minds were changed. History took a different course."
You and literally hundreds of your co-leftist BlueAnon-ers will be the only ones watching your hero Adam Schiffty and his band of Merry Marxists.
Enjoy dummy.
Last Week DHS had another report claiming right wing terrorists are the number one threat to security in the US.
They have ALL the intel. (if they show you, they have to kill you). But they know for sure whats going on.
DHS has is carefully annalyzed all the the intel
Jan 6? Nope...not a clue. Did. Not. See. That. Coming. (even with the FBI using 702 lookups like a public telephone book)
We all know nothing is there, because Dems can't help themselves, they would have leaked it.
At most they might have a connection between Mar-a-Lago pastry chef's, lawn guy, and a proud boys, mechanics, toilet janitor. The connection will be unassailable proof
It will be a whole not of nothing... so me and wife are gonna watch a few "Justified" episodes.
If they had the goods, and not "indirect ligaments" or whatever they call assumptions based on their confirmation bias, they would not be afraid to have Republicans on the committee.
The House Democrats are a particularly repulsive group of people. On the major networks, they are preempting shows that people want to watch for a political propaganda special. Neither of those things will endear them to those network viewers who weren’t already rabidly anti-Trump. Unlike Watergate, which occurred before cable television and was shown wall-to-wall on all three networks, there are hundreds of entertainment alternatives now. Prediction: The ratings will be abysmal and the show trial of Trump in absentia will not gain Democrats a single vote in November that they don’t already have in their pocket now. Not one.
Its definitely BAD that's its being produced like a TV special. Its sick and damaging.
Haha- I found it.
Yup, way better.
Resident Althouse Lefty Dolt gadfly earlier today: "Millions watched. Minds were changed. History took a different course."
Schiffty Schiff: "...clear evidence..."
Liz Cheney (D-Pelosi): (lots of neo-con pro-dem talking points designed to assist the dems in November)
Raskin: "...will blow the roof off..."(!!!)
Reality after tonight for our BlueAnon morons:
From the Washington (Democracy Dies In Darkness) Post: "Committee aides sought to temper expectations of any shocking revelations during Thursday’s hearing and instead framed the session as an opening argument..."
Maybe the producer will have worked with AOC on some reinactments.
Imagine her (hot) horror as the great unwashed steal lecterns in nearby buildings.
You just know they wanted to do her.
Network programming must be pretty horrible these days if they think this will draw more viewers.
The only thing they could show that might get me to tune in would be Pelosi swinging from a rope.
Monitor in grocery store that usually shows sports channel had a highly made-up gal relaying the horror.
Did ESPN broadcast it?
@gadfly: Watergate is a hard act to follow. And Watergate wasn't even that great a show.
At any rate, and by any standard, Pelosi & Company are pathetic. They are mendacious and vicious, though. I'll grant them that.
Narayanan said...
And we know a Kangaroo Court when we see one.
and what are USAmericans going to do about it?
Vote Republican in November. We're looking at the GIOP picking up 4-0+ seats in the house, 4+ in the Senate, and a bunch of governorships
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