From "Proud Boys storm drag queen event for children at Bay Area library, deputies say" (ABC7 News).
"The men made homophobic and transphobic remarks against a member of the LGTBQ+ community who was hosting the event," [Alameda County Sheriff's Dept. Lt. Ray Kelly] wrote in an email. "There was no physical violence. Deputies responded to the disturbance and are conducting follow up to identify the group of men and their affiliation....We will initiate our hate crime protocol and will also address the annoying and harassing of children. More details to follow.... The men were reported to be members of the Proud Boys organization."
Disrupting the grooming session… a worthy endeavor.
Indoctrinating kids is child abuse. Progressives want to make your kids become sexual at 5 so they can do what they want with them. They are trying to make this NORMAL. It isn't. We live in alternate universes. I don't belong with Progressives. They aren't normal. It is a mental disease.
Abashed is a better state for folks who promote this garbage.
They really are incredibly obsessed at pushing “drag queens” at small children.
In a world where children are told that they have the right to give or withhold consent for their parents to give them a hug, these people also feel that it is correct to jam small children into the middle of an explicit (in all senses) culture war fight.
They really do seem to place a very high priority on this grooming activity.
"Hate crime" is to crime what "Social Justice" is to justice.
Traditionally, there was a cross-dressing element in the performances of clowns and fools, but it was comical and it wasn't foregrounded or connected to ideas about sexuality. Modern day drag shows go places where you don't want your kids going.
But why "Drag Queen Story Hour"? Why not just have Story Hour? If you really need a gimmick to bring children and families in, why not come up with a more original gimmick? I won't even say a less controversial one. There's too much "monkey see, monkey do" in America now.
"The men made homophobic and transphobic remarks against a member of the LGTBQ+ community who was hosting the event,"
That's it?
When did speech become a crime?
People disrupted an event in a public setting and no physical violence occurred. Why is this being investigated?
This is a push to spread the 50 year old San Francisco live show "Beach Blanket Babylon" to the mainstream.
BBB became a thing in 1974 when gays were coming out of the closet and for the first time allowed to show their real selves in public. The first push to bring BBB thinking to the mainstream happened in the infamous Rob Lowe / Snow White singing medley in the 1989 Academy Awards. Jaws dropped. It came across as really, really, really weird and stupid at the time.
The problem with teaching young children complex stuff is that they simply do not understand alternative views, and they lack the ability to compare. Children do not understand sarcasm/irony until age 9 or 10.
So, do you really want more confused, anxious, troubled children? If yes, throw things like this at them before they are developmentally ready for it... The right calls it grooming, but I call it faddish, half-baked, wasteful, and doomed to fail. Recall that Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" 1980s anti-drug campaign was followed by the legalization of marijuana a generation later. Recall that the strong crack cocaine laws led to a sharp backlash for excessive punishment.
Homophobic and transphobic remarks are a lost art.
Or, if it's election night, and you're excited and you wanna celebrate because some fudgepacker that you date has been elected the first queer president of the United States and he's going to have you down to Camp David, and you want someone to share the moment with. Even then, don't knock. Not on this door. Not for ANY reason. Do you get me, sweetheart?
In what sane society is a Drag Queen Story Hour considered good fare for children in grade school? To what end? For what purpose? None of this "kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions" nonsense. If you're not grooming them at this point, what are you doing?
There is no need. You want to teach the kids to read, to love reading, to love stories. To hear stories about good and bad, doing right things, and treating each other well. You don't need a man parading around as a woman encouraging young kids to ignore their biological selves at an incredibly early age to learn those lessons. Not only do you not need it, to have it is to clearly be promoting it, and encouraging kids at an early age when- let's face it- they're susceptable to anything, to try your lifestyle.
Kids will turn into young adults early enough. They'll learn more and question more as they grow and gain some life experience. To shove this bullshit down the throats of young children is bizarre at best, criminal at worst. Abuse for certain.
Last time I checked, yelling pretty much anything is protected speech.
Don't want to get yelled at? Don't don't be a man dressed up as a prostitute and read books to 6-year-old kids.
What sick obsession leads a transvestite to do this?
That's the question nobody is asking...
Rhhardin: It's not a subtle point you're making.
Hate crimes is so Soviet. The concept should be abolished.
I guess you people forgot how Drago artists Milton Berle and Red Skelton influenced children. Perhaps Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon playing BFFs to Marilyn Monroe should be banned.
Simply put you people embrace devolution to embrace puritanical ideology creating the perfect mirror image of the wacky puritanical woke idiotology.
If Jebus hisself was defending Mary Magdalene in the public square, you people would stone him to death. Comedy gold
At least folks here aren't denying that this Proud Boy event is real this time.
When are we bringing back the minstrel show for kids?
Appears that the crime being investigated is hateful annoyance of children. We'll need the testimony of children. We'll need Janet Reno's technique of asking the same questions repeatedly until they produce the desired answers.
Why are drag queens promoted while blackface can ruin a career? It seems they both involve the privileged mocking the characteristics of an oppressed people.
Howard- Tony Curtis and the others were not performing in schools in forty of young children . Nor were the sexualizing their comedy content. How do you not see that?
Lets see - you can burn down minority businesses if you are a white left antifa terrorist... but don't you dare protest the trans-movement.
got it.
Oooh... hope this makes it to the Supreme Court. Free speech man!
I’m old enough to remember when “chicks with dicks” was a specialty porn fetish and not a major party platform.
Serious (though WAY LATE) question
What WAS (is) the point of Drag Queen Story Hour?
Trannies intermingling with little kids.. WHY?
To make the kids think that Trannies are Normal, and Acceptable, and Fun?
HOW is this NOT grooming?
But, Of course, making kids think that Trannies are Normal, and Acceptable, and Fun wasn't REALLY the point, was it? Wasn't the point More: Make kids think that Trannies are COOL, and Desirable, and something you'd Want TO BE?
That was More it, wasn't it??
Help me out.. What WAS (is) the point of Drag Queen Story Hour?
Howard: "I guess you people forgot how Drago artists Milton Berle and Red Skelton influenced children. Perhaps Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon playing BFFs to Marilyn Monroe should be banned."
It is no surprise Howard the groomer enabler goes Full Motte and Bailey to defend the very actions that just a few weeks ago he was claiming didnt exist at all?
Hey, remember that classic Berle/Skelton/Curtis/Lemon scene where those great actors showed up in stripper outfits at a gay bar (named "It Won't Lick Itself") and twerked their genitals in the faces of young children while the children were told to put money in the strippers underwear?
Classic Howard fare.
I guess today is one of Howard's "You're dambed right I ordered the Code Red" days when it comes to supporting child sexualization and grooming.
On other days Howard is in Full Denial Mode regarding the actions of Team Groomer.
He probably just flips a coin each morning.
Jefferson's Revenge: "Howard- Tony Curtis and the others were not performing in schools in forty of young children . Nor were the sexualizing their comedy content. How do you not see that?"
He sees it..and he approves of it.
And today is a Passionate Defense of Democratical Groomers day for Howard. Tomorrow Howard may revert to Groomer Denial.
Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
Lets see - you can burn down minority businesses if you are a white left antifa terrorist... but don't you dare protest the trans-movement.
got it.
6/13/22, 9:39 AM
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."? Blacks are out...Trannies are in.
My initial response to drag queens reading to kids was about the same as most. But now I think it's like Halloween for kids. Some grown-up dressed up in a costume, which is what drag is, and it goes no further than that. I draw the line at an explanation of why they do it - a gay person and everything that entails. But to kids, they're clowns - a perfectly accurate observation.
"In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid ... restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish ..."
That's so different from, "do or say something wrong and you'll be cancelled." If I thought humans were rational, I'd be puzzled how people can be in favor of both.
OMG ! Proud Boys are "transphobic."
“this Proud Boy event”
Skepticism is always in order when it’s cosplay and involves Federal agents, as the nice policeman admitted. I don’t know any conservatives who play dress up to protest. None. Ever.
Read Kunstler's "Proud of Yourselves" at Clusterfuck Nation.
Cuts through the b.s.
"They really do seem to place a very high priority on this grooming activity."
Yeah. It's almost like a healthy society would shower hatred, contempt, and even violence if necessary, on any homosexual who dared to admit his repulsive defect.
It's you people who are sexualizing everything. It's due to your repressed personality that uses guilt and shame as a crutch.
So when is anyone going to join me in pushing legislation to rescind hate crime laws federally and in the states? I've been predicting this outcome and fighting these laws since 1997. I can't do it alone. Do something, or we will end up in camps.
Those proud Boys should not have disrupted someone else's event. The smart thing to do is to schedule a reading event of their own, show up with some wonderful old classics, books about frontier life, or seafaring, nothing political, dress like men, be polite, and if they are refused, appeal up the chain: city council, county commission, state legislature, on the grounds of gender discrimination.
Leftists never stop trying. We never start.
Can a "woman" be a drag queen? Asking for a friend.
Actually, I'm asking because the reader in this story-hour called 'herself' Panda Dulce, and used she/her pronouns. Which must mean that Ms. Dulce is a "woman," no questioning allowed, not even by Matt Walsh.
Yet I thought that the point of a drag queen was that the performer was male, but dressed in female-typical clothing and used exaggerated feminine mannerisms, for comedic effect. (Typical clothing, that is, of females engaged in prostitution or stripping.)
I'm so confused. Imagine how the little kids must feel.
But, this appears to be the central mission of public and school libraries these days, so keep calm and carry on.
And remember, these are children. Behave like a parent, a scoutleader, a good citizen. They are still children if they are brainwashed children. It's your job to be cheerful and kind.
It seems to me that a young child would most likely look at a drag queen as a sort of clown-type figure. The kids are at a very innocent age and are certainly not sitting there unpacking (pardon the phrase), the whole psychosexual underpinning of such a camp performance. So, most likely they're simply thinking, "funny clown reads me a story". Which makes me wonder, will drag queens someday take their place next to clowns as nightmare horror material for this generation as they age into their teens? I mean, all the adults I knew when I was little thought clowns were just delightful, comical entertainment to us kiddies. Still, we were the generation who grew up to think of most clowns as creepy cousins to Pennywise. There's definitely potential for backfire here.
" I don’t know any conservatives who play dress up to protest. None. Ever."
Buffalo shaman would like a word.
As would all those people in Trump hats, shirts, etc at his rallies who dressed up for the rally in specially purchased Trump gear.
Sounds like the Proud Boys were engaging in free speech on public property. That doesn't sound like a crime.
On the other hand, adults were pushing sex on little kids.
Homophobia is a projected condition of hating, fearing that transphobia, another projected condition, will not be normalized by the general population, and will be trans/homo, trans/bi inclusive.
Drag queens, transvestites, et al are trans/social, not transgender. The Rainbow spectrum is not only color exclusive, and, in the case of white, [violently] dismissive, their colors are tarnished and progressive.
How come when non-Leftists show up somewhere to protest it's always called 'storming', but when Leftists actually storm something it's called 'mostly peaceful'?
Yeah, rhetorical, I know. . . . .
we were the generation who grew up to think of most clowns as creepy cousins to Pennywise. There's definitely potential for backfire here.
Trans/socials are the cultural jesters, and, with conflation, and social progress, trans/homo equitable inclusion in the Rainbow spectrum that will mirror the pulse of conflict with trans/bi impurities.
Rhhardin: It's not a subtle point you're making.
The speech isn't hostile. It's saying expect no special treatment for being gay, and it's meant as a message.
It's interesting that college age kids have Trigger Warnings and Safe Spaces while 5 year olds are expected to be exposed to every depravity the left can think of.
Beth B said...
It seems to me that a young child would most likely look at a drag queen as a sort of clown-type figure. The kids are at a very innocent age and are certainly not sitting there unpacking (pardon the phrase), the whole psychosexual underpinning of such a camp performance.
John Wayne Gacy was played a clown at childrens birthday parties. He was trusted. Look what trust did for parents of the kids he murdered. Not saying the drag queens are murderers, but I don't know these Drag Queens, so I don't want them around my kids. I don't want ANY weirdos around my kids even if they are just reading. Not the place.
Buffalo shaman would like a word.
He is a Climate Change warrior who often showed up at protests. Some Conservative. Don't believe everything you read or watch on CNN.
What say you NOW Mark?? Find another. You were wrong.
What is it about the speech that showed the speaker was fearful of homosexuals or transsexuals?
That's what "phobic" means right? Not that you disagree, or that you dislike or hate something, but that you are FEARFUL of that thing.
How did the writer determine the speakers were fearful?
Them Proud Boys are everywhere these days it seems.
The presence of the so-called "Proud Boys" gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly conservative, male role models.
Rhhardin: Hey dipstick, I was just quoting the next line in the dialogue that you lifted verbatim without citation from the movie As Good As It Gets.
"The men made homophobic and transphobic remarks against a member of the LGTBQ+ community who was hosting the event"
I'd be interested in knowing the nature of the "homophobic and transphobic" remarks.
Were they truly awful "phobic" remarks, or are we looking at yet another case of anything less than complete, unquestioning support for the individual's agenda qualifying as hate speech?
I notice an increasing trend of articles asserting that someone said or did something horribly "-phobic" or "-ist", but good luck finding what actually was said or done. It's a neat trick that allows activists to demonize others without giving readers the opportunity to judge the facts directly.
"Phobic" is the suffix of choice for ignorant and shallow people to deploy against the normies.
Good for them.
I mean, seriously, how long do you think people are going to sit around and just take this crap without eventually pushing back?
The fact it's even gotten this far proves the push back was long overdue.
Kids don't need drag queen guidance to play dress up.
“Hey dipstick…”
Peak Howeeeeeeee!
Them Proud Boys are everywhere these days it seems.
They're the plausible progression from bugaboos that previously occupied the political landscape.
It's interesting that college age kids have Trigger Warnings and Safe Spaces while 5 year olds are expected to be exposed to every depravity the left can think of.
I'd never made that connection. But you're right. It is interesting. Telling in the obvious ways, but something deeper too. Unsettling to think about the connections between the behavior of the people who refuse to grow up and the punishing of their younger selves.
How about the teachers, whose salary we pay, read the goddam stories.
Blogger Howard said...
It's you people who are sexualizing everything. It's due to your repressed personality that uses guilt and shame as a crutch.
I guess Howard has not been to a "gay pride parade" in SFO. They sell tickets to see it. I took some English friends to see it 25 years ago. They could not believe it was allowed.
Projection is not just in theaters, Howard. The left used to have lots of comedians. No more. Somebody had a substack column on that the other day. "That's not funny !"
Someone mentioned clowns, which got me thinking...
You know how a lot of people have an irrational fear of clowns (irrational, unless they've seen "IT," I suppose)? That fear seems to have stemmed from childhood encounters with clowns, no matter how innocent they were.
Are we going to start seeing a rise in people who have an "irrational" fear of Drag Queens in the not so distant future as these children grow? I mean, some of these drag queens look blatantly satanic as it is, complete with horns protruding from their heads; now compare that to otherwise innocuous clowns. Might actually give a whole new meaning to the word "transphobic" if there is an actual phobia associated with drag queens.
My brother doesn’t like gay guys. Queers, if you like. He’s homophobic. Which I define as fear of- not hate. I believe he was raped when in a federal prison (long story) when he should have been a mental hospital. Not to include our gay family members. He trusts them. How many? At least one(beautiful)man- but, pretty sure there are a couple in the closet.
I’ve never asked.
About either the presumed rape… or the closet.
Howard, in Georgia they put wheels on beds and rode by the Capitol fellating each other.
In Georgia. In SF, they wear butt plugs and little else in public, some wear dog collars and little else and crawl around gettng whipped by their "owners," and many, many have public anal sex.
They're pathetic sickos. Of course, many gay men feel the same way and avoid the sickos.
But do try to get through one day without lying
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