June 24, 2022

SCOTUSblog has just gone live, covering the Supreme Court's case announcements.

Nine cases still remain to be decided, with more opinions coming a half hour from now.... 
I am not expecting all nine remaining opinions to be issued today. But I think there is an outside chance we get the press release at the end telling us that the next session will be the last, when the court would announce all remaining opinions "ready" from this term.

ADDED: The first case, Becerra, is too complicated to discuss here. It's about Medicare payments. But it's interesting that it's a 5-4 case, written by Kagan and joined by Thomas, Breyer, Sotomayor and Barrett. It's only the second case this term where Roberts and Kavanaugh haven't been in the majority. If Kagan is writing, that means she was assigned the task by Thomas (the senior Justice in the majority).

AND: Roe and Casey are overruled! 

Alito writes — here.

Roberts concurs.

"Thomas writes separately to reiterate his view that the due process clause also does not protect a right to an abortion."


Gahrie said...

So..no news about the leak...surprise, surprise, surprise.

At least we knew Lois Lerner's name, even if she never got punished.

Misinforminimalism said...

FWIW the court's calendar shows today as the last identified "opinion issuance day."

Ann Althouse said...

"FWIW the court's calendar shows today as the last identified "opinion issuance day.""

But it's thought that they add at least one more day. Not long ago, yesterday was listed as the last day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The rage and melt-down from the left... it's going to be epic.

Wince said...

SCOTUS: LIVE from Budokan!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The opinion is here. “Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.”

wendybar said...

THANK GOD!!! Now for the riots. Stay safe everyone. Stay safe.

cfs said...

They have about five more cases for this term so I assume they will add an opinion day for next week.

I've never seen so many people upset that they do not have a federal right to kill their child.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Roe is gone
It make me sad
Because I love roe
On toast
With fava beans
And a nice Chianti

Oso Negro said...

Thanks Donald Trump!

Dave Begley said...

Riots begin at 8 pm tonight.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Approved rioting.

who-knew said...

Now we get to see if the calls for "A Night of Rage" that DHS has warned us about amount to anything. And just how far the DOJ/FBI is willing to go to assist and shield the perpetrators. I wonder what the over/under is on the media calling them "fiery but mostly peaceful"

cfs said...

"Dave Begley said...
Riots begin at 8 pm tonight."


We no longer have riots. They are now called an "insurrection" or a "threat to our democracy". Unless of course, it is a "peaceful but fiery" protest.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The same brilliant minds that told us yesterday's ruling means the government must furnish everyone with an AR-15 will be the same ones saying this ruling outlaws abortion. And the arguments, if I can use such a definitive word for the amorphous statements issues so far, will devolve from there.

Narayanan said...

Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion;
strange inexplicable choice of words

Q: does Constitution confer or affirm [9A language ===>>> points to affirm retained rights]

this could be where all your learned confusing troubles and troubling confusions lie

Gusty Winds said...

I can’t wait to hear Elizabeth Warren’s reaction. It’ll be some epic shrieking.

Everyone ok in Madison?

FullMoon said...

OK, I know this is serious stuff, but I cannot forget the image of an overweight elderly female demonstrator in front of Kavanaugh's home screaming while waving an oversized plastic coathanger .

Seared in my memory.

Gusty Winds said...

With control of the WH, Senate, and House of Representatives the Democrats can now make abortion on demand legal nationwide. They could have done it under Obama but didn’t. What are they waiting for? They can write it, Slip in some taxpayer $$ for Planned Parenthood. Maybe even another $40 Billion for Ukraine. They can probably even get a few RINOs on board.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Gusty Winds said...
With control of the WH, Senate, and House of Representatives the Democrats can now make abortion on demand legal nationwide. They could have done it under Obama but didn’t. What are they waiting for?

Well, see, they have this little problem:
Thanks in part to ultrasounds, 2/3 of Americans oppose most if not all 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions.

Whereas Democrat activists demand abortion up to or past the moment of birth. Which is why Senate Democrats all filibustered the Born Alive Infant's Protection Act

So, they could try to pass a law the public would like, but they won't. Because banning 2nd & 3rd trimester abortions would get them lynched by their activist class

Or they could try to pass the bill that already lost 51 - 49 (IIRC, it might have been worse than that) in the Senate.

I really hope they do try to pass that law again. It will be a big help for Republican candidates in November, for their opponent to be on the record supporting 9th month abortions