June 18, 2022

"Members of a production team for 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' were arrested by US Capitol Police in a congressional office building Thursday night and charged with unlawful entry...."

"CBS confirmed in a statement to CNN that on Wednesday and Thursday 'Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was on-site at the Capitol with a production team to record interviews for a comedy segment on behalf of' the show. 'Their interviews at the Capitol were authorized and pre-arranged through Congressional aides of the members interviewed,' CBS said. 'After leaving the members’ offices on their last interview of the day, the production team stayed to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls when they were detained by Capitol Police.'... 'This is an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney,' the Capitol Police statement said."

 CNN reports.

How bad is it to trespass on the Capitol Building? With the January 6th Committee working hard to horrify us about an incursion on the premises, it's an inopportune time to need to be arguing what's the big deal.


Jake said...

For anyone involved in a show trial.

Drago said...

They were obviously casing the halls of congress to determine the best way to launch a violent physical attack on republican congresspersons in to advance a coup and help democraticals maintain control of the House.


Many in congress have already seen clear and convincing evidence of this behind closed doors and its also clear the ChiComs have a hand in fomenting this insurrectionist crew given the ChiCom purchase of the Bidens and Eric Swallwell traitorous actions with his ChiCom lover and handler.

This is worse than Watergate, Pearl Harbor and 9-11.

We need to subpeona all phone and electronic records from every member of the treasonous democratical House leadership to see just how far this rot goes in addition to Kevin McCarthy having sole control over the investigative search committee membership starting this coming Jan.

If the democraticals have done nothing wrong they should have no issues with any of above steps for which they have established ample precedent .....

Butkus51 said...

I look at it like this. I can never go to DC. They may let me in a building and then arrest me and keep me in jail with no charges.

I dont want to take that chance as I vote Republican now.

Lying, crazy eyed Schiff lets them in. Isnt he part of that "commitee"?

game, set, match

TreeJoe said...

I assume they are all jailed at that time?

JAORE said...

Bad guys bad. Good guys good.

Sure the insurrection difference... But how many just trespassing January 6 people are still in jail? How many took bad plea agreements?

I'm sure MSNBC will straighten out my curious way of thinking.

Humperdink said...

Everyone knows this story will disappear in a New York minute.

When ask to comment, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pealosi, FBI Director Wray replied: "No comment as it's an ongoing investigation."

Temujin said...

Give them solitary confinement with no bail for about 17 months and see if it gets anymore coverage than the current J6 incarcerated are getting.

Hey, at least they all got to work with this guy. A man with a plan.

Buckwheathikes said...

"With the January 6th Committee working hard to horrify us about an incursion on the premises, it's an inopportune time to need to be arguing what's the big deal."

Of course, whenever it suited Democrats, they'd create a pseudo-protest and attempt to grind down the wheels of Congress. One merely has to look at the Justice Kavanaugh hearings to see this fake protesting in action. Senators were literally trapped inside of enclosed elevators to be harangued until they agreed to change their votes.

That's all gone tho. J6, you see.

Jane Fonda used to "parade" in front of the Capital building and routinely get arrested during her protests. She was arrested dozens of times. Of course, always safe in the knowledge that she'd never be prosecuted because it's all just an act to get publicity. She wasn't really protesting.

But that's all gone now. J6, you see. Insurrection.

Women used to "March on Washington." You know, they'd come by the millions, led by anti-Jew socialists, and take over the Mall, hold speeches by Madonna, wear p*ssy hats and the like. But that's illegal, according to Washington DC prosecutors. Many of the J6 "insurrectionists" have been convicted of illegal parading and are now in prison. So that tactic is gone.

Oh, and look ... just in time for 9% inflation, 100% increases in gas prices, completely unaffordable housing, and the November mid-term elections, when Nancy Pelosi will be relieved of her gavel and wine glass, and ole Chuckie Schumer is put back in his chamber - this time for good.

No, there won't be any marching on Washington, DC when Republicans take over. That might "end our Democracy as we know it."

You folks made this bed. You will lie in it now.

baghdadbob said...

For a moment I thought they were talking about Trump the Insult Comic God. That would have been insurrection! Darn that dyslexia.

Lurker21 said...

It wasn't serious. They were only having an insurrection.

Drago said...

I sure hope this insurrectionist crew didn't cross any of our Sacred State Lines to perform this ChiCom/Putin-backed intimidation/coup attempt.

Crossing our Sacred State Lines is a huge deal to the Althouse lefty Usual Suspects.

wendybar said...

Once again, we will see 2 sets of rules in this country...

Iman said...


mikee said...

I presume that the inspiration for this invasion of the Congress was the top man himself, Stephen Colbert, and that the investigation into his criminal conspiracy will proceed forthwith to misquote him, malign him, and just freaking make things up, to demonstrate his criminal nature and involvement in this crime. Better get a gibbet or a firing squad or a guillotine ready, because we all already know we'll need it to prevent him from doing this democracy-destroying action again.

n.n said...

They were invited inside, but the Capitol guard did not assault them, did not force a riot, and no one was aborted with prejudice. D2.0

Tank said...


Oh Yea said...

Hope they didn’t cross any state lines on their way to the trespassing.

Big Mike said...

The story I read claimed that this crew were pounding on doors and attempting to force their way into locked offices. Amazingly, the Capitol Police arrested them —no doubt Nancy Pelosi, to sho they report — had words for the watch commander.

Michael K said...

They were pounding on the doors of McCarthy's office and Rep Boebert, who they have been sliming recently.

Creola Soul said...

So, I presume these folks will be held without bond for eighteen months or so, then, maybe taken to trial. While that’s underway, a new House Committee will be formed to investigate how this happened and why.
Right? Nah, never going to happen. What it will do, if it doesn’t happen, will be to provide at least some of the 1/6 crowd an argument on equal treatment. If the D’s try to ignore this, it will show up in ads this fall……I promise. Anyone will be able to write them. As Louis L’Amour often said in his novels “You boys saddled this bronc. Let’s see if you can ride him.”

David Begley said...

Tucker Carlson and Jessie Waters reported that someone on Schiff’s staff let them in the building after hours. Indict Schiff!

JaimeRoberto said...

Given that they are from Colbert's show I assume they are planning on some kind of gotcha against the Republicans, but I can't figure out the angle.

Mark Nielsen said...

They were no doubt WITHIN 40 FEET of someone.

Andrew said...

I grew up as a kid in Virginia. We used to take field trips to DC, every other year or so. I remember visiting the Capitol Building several times. Being young and naive, I was overcome with the historical significance of the place. It was the center of the country. It truly felt like sacred ground, no less than a Civil War battlefield. The building's grandeur, and the aura surrounding the people who worked there, was mesmerizing. (I was a nerdy kid.)

Now, it's a joke. A beautiful building, to be sure, but one filled with dwarfs and pygmies who aren't worthy of it. "Let's all watch the ordained and anointed members of the House walk the impeachment papers to the Senate chambers. How solemn and dignified the ceremony!" The people who govern there are at best fools and mediocrities, and at worst enemies to the common citizen. They are a collection of petty tyrants, a "Parliament of whores." Maybe they always were, but now the mask is fully lifted. The building itself is a symbol of America's decline.

What happened on January 6 is more serious than some on the right make it out to be. If someone actually committed physical assault at the Capitol, fine - prosecute them. But the crimes committed by our ruling class against the American public, and against President Trump himself (the FISA court, the FBI setups, the Steele dossier, etc.), make the events of January 6 seem like a pinprick.

It's to the point that I'm actually on the side of the Late Night crew in this story, until I know more details. Because screw the whole establishment, and their precious building. I've become a hippie in my middle age years, even though I'm still a right-winger. But tell me, where have all the real hippies gone? Why, they've cut their hair, and they're in control now.

Narayanan said...

With the January 6th Committee working hard to horrify us about an incursion on the premises,
and to boot that put VP Pence's life in jeopardy!
quelle horreur! avant la certification

Q: have they always closed off Capitol for Electoral College Certification?
Q: are D's and R's boot-strapping a new tradition for future ?

Jupiter said...

The Capitol Police are the Democrat Gestapo. They are out of control. And they are opening new offices all over the country.

retail lawyer said...

Will they be held in jail without trial for more than a year? Or another example of selective justice?

M Jordan said...

There are stark differences between the trespassers on Jan. 6 and Colbert’s coupsters. No crowds, no media, no threat to AOC this time, no Ashli Babbit’s body hitting the floor. But to my mind, this trespassing event is worse because of its insidious nature. Why were they there? Why was Schiff the key master? Why now, of all times, when the Jan. 6 insurrection message is shrieking to be heard?

Republicans are aggressive, Dems are passive-aggressive. And the former is a bigger threat than the latter every time.

Owen said...

“… the production team stayed to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls…”

So, exactly like J6, then. Equity demands they be jailed without counsel for at least a year awaiting indictment. Steven “C*** Holster” can include a weekly segment on his show updating us on the plight of these warriors for truth.

Tina Trent said...

Colbert played an abusive closeted dominance queer (his word) in the 90s. Why is that OK?

Quaestor said...

Capitol police opened the doors for the anti-fraud protestors. Colbert's Capitol invaders entered after working hours without any sort of implied permission from the cops.

Trump's reply to Colbert's overdue response when it comes: Your lame explanation and blameshifting are entirely satisfactory -- FOR ME TO POOP ON!

Quaestor said...

Capitol police opened the doors for the anti-fraud protestors. Colbert's Capitol invaders entered after working hours without any sort of implied permission from the cops.

Trump's reply to Colbert's overdue response when it comes: Your lame explanation and blameshifting are entirely satisfactory -- FOR ME TO POOP ON!

Curious George said...

Did Capitol Police shoot anyone?

Tom T. said...

"but I can't figure out the angle."

Looking for some Borat-style ambush material.

effinayright said...

Any Capitol Police suicides yet?

effinayright said...

Humperdink said...
Everyone knows this story will disappear in a New York minute.

When ask to comment, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pealosi, FBI Director Wray replied: "No comment as it's an ongoing investigation."

Yet those same people have been "commenting" almost daily, accusing Trump of organizing and fomenting the "insurrection".

What disgusting shitheads.

Big Mike said...

Science fiction author Larry Correia has a blunt take on the original Capitol incursion (some bowdlerization by me):

The ugly truth the beltway can’t grasp, it isn’t that regular America doesn’t care about Jan6. It’s that they hate you for making their lives miserable, so when they saw you cowering, they thought good, now they know how it feels to be afraid.

The gov f**ked over regular America with Covid, then let cities burn because democrats were having a tantrum, then left half of them feeling cheated and disenfranchised… and you’re shocked none of them give a shit when pols got temporarily discomforted for one day?

The further you get from the beltway, the more Americans hate and distrust their government. Why shouldn’t they? You do nothing but f**k them over while your pet media blatantly lies to their faces.

They hated you a year and a half ago. Now you’ve f**ked the economy, their money is worthless, they can’t buy gas or food, and you’re shocked that they don’t give a shit about your pathetic Soviet show trial, crying about how you felt scared for one day?

Where was the big public trial about the abysmal f**k up in Afghanistan, so many Americans wasted time, money, and lives on?

Where was the big public trial for the hundred other Biden f**k ups?

We all know the answer.

Which just further illustrates why we despise you.

Quaestor said...

Trump, the Once and Future Insult Comedy President.

rcocean said...

The idea - i think - was to film them pounding on the doors of R's and then pretend this was done during office hours and the R's were too afraid/cowardly to open up. CBS Late show uses the public airwaves to broadcast their show. WHy they're allowed by the FCC to produce DNC propaganda is beyond me.

Two Jewish Congressmen from SoCal, probably with connections to "the Industry" helped get them into the building. The seven who were arrested included several highly placed producers: Feldman, Plunkett, martinez, and Goldstein.

Michael K said...

They will get off with a smile and a pat on the back, just like David Gregory did with his illegal pistol magazine.

Bilwick said...

Too bad Robert Smigel can't be put in a special cell with Colbert--FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

JaimeRoberto said...

Given that they are from Colbert's show I assume they are planning on some kind of gotcha against the Republicans, but I can't figure out the angle.

They were knocking on GOP reps doors at 8:30 PM, after everyone had gone home and would most likely spin it as; "We tried to get a statement from Rep. XYZ, but they refused to come out of their office!". Kind of like the old Daily Show trick of doing somewhat legitimate interviews with people, then editing in questions designed to make the person sound stupid or crazy.

Lurker21 said...

I loved Triumph on the original Conan O'Brien show. NBC should have kept him. Too bad he couldn't get a better gig than Colbert.

But, is "For me to poop on" really that funny 30 years later?

Narr said...

They'll be getting awards.

cubanbob said...

Who wants to bet against this gang not spending a night in jail, not being prosecuted and having their arrest records expunged?

Creola Soul said...

There are rules for how this is to work. There were times I needed to meet with Congressional staff after hours. The Capitol Police would call the person you were visiting, they would come to the Police desk and the staffer would escort you to their office. When the meeting was over the staffer escorted you back to the Capitol Police desk and they escorted you from the building. You were never unaccompanied. Those were and are the rules.

Iman said...

Smigel just lost a lot of goodwill, any association with Colbert is poison.

Paul said...

Billions to upgrade security and then....

Wouldn't take much for a Chinese or Russian agent with a suitcase bomb to just walk in and blow the damn building to shit.

MikeR said...

Everything is filtered through the lens of "insurrection". Every action they examine is judged given that the protesters were trying to overthrow the US government.

Chris Lopes said...

"But, is "For me to poop on" really that funny 30 years later?"

It wasn't really that funny 30 years earlier. Conan had the ability to make even mediocre material (the lame penis sketch on SNL for instance) work. Colbert's only claim to fame before his current gig was spending years doing a really bad Bill O'Reilly impression under y guise of satire. He's never been funny.