June 28, 2022

I've got 6 TikToks for you tonight. Let me know what you like best.

1. Your girlfriend who has a boyfriend is really annoying

2. The coffee is the perfect color and the paper towel is repurposed.

3. Moby is displeased with President Biden.

4. Helena Bonham Carter has a poem she sends to people she feels are a bit lonely.

5. In the 80s, Ricky Gervais aimed to be something of a David Bowie.

6. If you want a really sweet relationship....


Lash LaRue said...

2. Good gumbo requires a darker roux.

Wa St Blogger said...

Moby uses majority wrt to American people. I don't think it means what he thinks it means.

PB said...

Moby doesn't seem to realize that Biden and the Dems ARE doing something. Screwing evernthing up!

Whiskeybum said...

#1 Delaney Rowe continues to do hilarious impersonations

(In my opinion, all the others ranked from weak to disgusting - I’m lookin’ at you, Moby)

Marc in Eugene said...

I knew #2 was dcplateking, before watching it; how, am not sure. And his effort gets my 'best liked' nod, too-- not the finest hour for the TikToks today. HBC needs a few happy poems sent her way, I think.

tcrosse said...

I would love to see Helena Bonham Carter employ her awesome dramatic talents in recital of the one about the Man from Nantucket.

Charlie said...

I'm not sure there exists a more unlikable and loathsome character than Moby. It's like they created him in a lab.

wildswan said...

Meditation on Tik Tok #4
When I go out with nothing on
And feeling rather weary
The police catch me at once.

Meditation on Tik Tok #3

I am an evil scum
Scum, rumity scum, rumity scum
I have no gift to give
scrumity, scum, scum
Except the gift of life
Scum, scum, scum
Scum, rumity scum, rumity scum.

Mutaman said...

Althouse (Meade) doing her (his) best to avoid talking about Hutchinson's testimony.

Mea Sententia said...


Michael said...

We'll see how well that "scumbag" remark ages over the next 5 months. If not well, of course, it will be because Biden didn't take Moby's advice.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Althouse (Meade) doing her (his) best to avoid talking about Hutchinson's testimony”

1. It came out after my morning blogging.

2. The lack of any adversarial process makes the hearings of dubious value. I resent having to consume them in the form presented.

Barry Dauphin said...

I’ll bet it would be interesting if the sweet relationship guy and Moby had to share a jail cell.

Mutaman said...

"The lack of any adversarial process makes the hearings of dubious value"

What "adversarial process" underlies your constant blogs about Hunter Biden?

michaele said...

I was all set to click away from #2 and then came the muffin "reveal" with the perfect timing in his droll description. I laughed so it's my winner.

Eric said...

Moby really has to get out more.

Temujin said...

Well...this batch did not hit me tonight. Some nights seem to hit me better than others.

And it's not the first time Moby was wrong. By the way, has Moby done anything other than that one song that got played incessantly called 'Toilet'?

Butkus51 said...

Some cretin named Moby thinks im a dick.

The Vault Dweller said...

I wasn't particularly enthused with anything in the list, but my favorite was the coffee one. I liked it for what it was but mainly I liked it because it reminded me of the "Fraunch" one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Moby can suck my big black D*ck

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

is that really Ricky?

chuck said...

avoid talking about Hutchinson's testimony.

It was already debunked, DOA. What did you expect?

Flat Tire said...

I didn't enjoy any of these. First two are unbearable for more that three seconds.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I is really Ricky.

Helena B C - her family is impressive when it comes to serving in WWII.

farmgirl said...

Helena Bonhom Carter.
Is there a more perfect concoction of a woman? Yeah, I know. Most likely progressive.

I just love her style.

Then I liked our guy. “Our guy”. I like my coffee like that. I put honey in it- Green Mt Dark Magic. Then cream.

Steve said...

Who had “Rickey Gervaise more relevant as a pop star than Moby” on their TikTok bingo card?

rrsafety said...

Can someone explain DCPlateKing to me?

Rocketeer said...

I fully expected to loathe the Moby TikTok, but it ended up being my favorite. I still can’t stop laughing!

tim maguire said...

Temujin said...it's not the first time Moby was wrong. By the way, has Moby done anything other than that one song that got played incessantly called 'Toilet'?

He was the creator of what came to be known as Mobying, where a liberal pretends to be Conservative while generally acting like a dirtbag in order to make conservatives look bad. Mobying provided one of the earliest pieces of hard evidence (since supported by science) that liberals have no clue how conservatives think (Mobys turned out to be incapable of playing a convincing conservative and were always easy to identify). That may be his greatest achievement.

Ann Althouse said...

"Can someone explain DCPlateKing to me?"

It's kind of a know-it-when-I-see-it type thing.

Ann Althouse said...

"I fully expected to loathe the Moby TikTok, but it ended up being my favorite. I still can’t stop laughing!"

I agree. He's so immobile yet indignant.

Nancy said...

I love many that you show us, Ann --but not these. Shame about HBC, she was I thought the most beautiful woman in The world in the Merchant Ivory pix. I couldn't bear to watch the Gervais accompanist, he was sitting a foot too high.

Dave64 said...

I try, but Tik Tok is a mental wasteland.