Is a "person of grievance" someone who overdoes their grievancing? as I think Hillary meant? More generally, aren't virtually ALL Hillary supporters "person of [some sort of] grievance"? I don't necessarily mean that in a condemnatory way. You could say, in a democracy, all political views are expressions of grievance. Is this a new phrase I've missed?
Frederick Douglass, speaking to a group of abolitionists almost 140 years ago, delivered a message lost on today’s majority:“[I]n regard to the colored people, there is always more that is benevolent, I perceive, than just, manifested towards us. What I ask for the negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice. The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us… . I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! … And if the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! … [Y]our interference is doing him positive injury.”What the Black Man Wants: An Address Delivered in Boston, Massachusetts, on 26 January 1865, reprinted in 4 The Frederick Douglass Papers 59, 68 (J. Blassingame & J. McKivigan eds. 1991) (emphasis in original).
Like Douglass, I believe blacks can achieve in every avenue of American life without the meddling of university administrators.
We all have grievances. But what do we do with them? Do we center our life on grievance? Do we align with a political party that offers to help us — perhaps in election after election — and then wait and see what form that help takes and whether it actually helps? Or do we become skeptical — like Douglass — and say "Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us!"
Thomas has made his position clear. It's the argument for going right-wing. Is that grievance or a withdrawal from a life full of grievance?
Hillary Clinton — a Democratic Party politician — wants to impugn him: A "person of grievance" seems like someone quite unpleasant. If you knew him as a schoolmate, you'd do that schoolkid shunning. And as an adult — an elderly adult! — you still want that old mean-girl action.
Hillary is certainly a "person of grievance" so she may be projecting. Everything I have read about Thomas suggests he is good humored and related well to people he meets on his travels. I understand he and his wife travel around by motor home in summers. I cannot imagine Hillary doing that.
I think it was an unconscious take on 'Person of color.'
I think she wanted to say, 'Boy.'
That kind of clunky phrasing usually signals that the speaker is trying to avoid saying something else that might get her in trouble. In this case, that something else was probably, "angry black man."
Elistist White woman attacking the uppity Black man. What else is new?
Democrats like Hillary made their career manipulating the Persons of Grievance in what ever group that was most useful to her at the time. If Clarence Thomas is a POG, then he is one that escaped Democrat 'elite' control. Instead, he's a Person of Patience in that he bided his time till the right case, the right colleagues came along to get the right decisions issued. He's not known for asking questions to make point, just listening, until recent years.
Well, Hillary is a Cunt. So, I don’t care what she says about Justice Thomas.
Clinton would like to reduce Thomas to inclusion in a diversity segment, a color bloc...a bloc of color. However, Thomas is the model of dignity, agency, and responsibility, who does not conform... will not take a knee to her bigotry.
As she is a full-on progressive, I would think the term “person of grievance” or anger would be a person Hillary greatly admires. It’s certainly the kind of person that can get whipped up into rioting and/or breaking voting laws without a guilty conscience.
By the way, Hillary looks just awful in that clip.
The First Amendment assumes that we're all at least potentially persons of grievance.
Only surprised she didn’t say person of the cotton…
Felonia von Pantload
Clarence Thomas travels the country every summer in an RV with his wife Ginnie. He has a huge opportunity to be around people and to a man, everyone who is ever interviewed says he is the most happy-go-lucky guy they've ever seen.
He's frequently told he looks a lot like Clarence Thomas by people who don't even realize that it's actually him.
Hillary Clinton sits in her house drunk on box-wine all day long. Except to go to private New York restaurants, she wants nothing whatsoever to do with the American people ... folks she calls "deplorables."
This is the most blatant case of projection I've ever seen.
We all know what Hillary Clinton wants to call Clarence Thomas. She can't do that though, so calls him the Angry Black Man ... harkening back to the darkest of racism.
Our country will be far better off when some of these old bags meet their mortal coil.
Not sure Hillary can have a grievance. She's a carrier.
White supremacist power-obsessed leftist old angry control freak liar says what?
"you still want that old mean-girl action."
HRC has to be one of the most aggrieved women in history. She twice loses in her attempt to become POTUS. The first time to that slick Black guy who had zero experience. And then the second time to "grab'em by the pussy" Donald Trump.
Bill Clinton humiliated Hillary with his WH affair with the young Monica. After the WH, Bill was a regular at Lolita Island; banging young girl after young girl.
Yeah, Hillary has grievances. And she's bitter about them. Who wouldn't be?
Clarence Thomas admits that when he was in college and law school - and a Democrat - he was a Black Panther type and use to wear fatigues to class. He wised up.
So Hillary notes "I went to law school with him. He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I’ve known him. Resentment, grievance, anger."
As I recall from watching the film biography of Thomas, he only became a conservative after his contact with Senator Danforth after he had graduated from law school. In the years that Hillary knew him at Yale, he was, as I recall from the film, under the influence of the black power movement. Yeah, resentment, grievance, and anger seem both then and now to be part of the baggage of that movement. Fortunately for the country, Thomas turned away from the ideological movement that Hillary has increasingly embraced over the years.
The Klan thanks Grand Dragon Clinton for coining yet another wink-wink-nudge-nudge for uppity darkie.
But seriously folks, Dobbs was a 6-3 slam dunk, but the Democrats' ennemi du jour is just one of the six, the black man. If asked, ninety percent of those twerking tattooed crones couldn't name any of the other five. Their obsessive hatred of the un-white un-female looks like naked racism to me.
Shelob is planning to primary Joe Shit-For-Brains in 2024, or Harris, whichever is left standing.
I wonder what her standard is for 'person of grievance'? Clearly she doesn't see herself as a complainer. It's all about those deplorable citizens. Or those Wascally Wussians. Or that vast right wing conspiracy.
I wonder if Stacey Abrams would quality as a person of grievance?
Or Al Sharpton?
How about Ibram X. Kendi?
Nikole Hannah-Jones?
Robin DiAngelo?
Or are these just hard working folk who work tirelessly for the cause of 'justice', and on the way just happened to find a path toward riches?
On the other hand, I wonder if Hillary or any of the clowns on the Left who have racially attacked Clarence Thomas for years, have attacked his intelligence, his moral foundations, his very being, know anything at all about his life, where he came from, how he got to where he is.
If ever there was an American who's life should be examined, learned from, and praised, this is one. Hillary Clinton should not even be discussed in the same article as Clarence Thomas. It's like asking a career grifter her opinion on the one person she cannot con.
Has Althouse ever apologized for her support of Hillary Clinton?
Hillary coined the term "Vast right-wing conspiracy" back in the 1990s where there was more evidence of a vast left-wing conspiracy...certainly much more post-2016. She now ascribes "person of grievance" to Thomas when the left voices many more grievances.
Psychological projection of her own traits onto others, yes. It's her core personality.
Q said -
The Klan thanks Grand Dragon Clinton for coining yet another wink-wink-nudge-nudge for uppity darkie.
As I recall from watching the film biography of Thomas, he only became a conservative after his contact with Senator Danforth after he had graduated from law school.
Excellent point, steven. I had forgotten that.
“Person of grievance” is how Hillary repackages “whinger.”
Is anger just assumed because of the high tech lynching he endured? A little retroactive guilt maybe?
That was my take.
So: a vicious, malevolent, mendacious, unaccomplished third-rate drunk criticizes a thoughtful, considerate man because he dares to be black. Note that Hillary does not attack Alito, who actually wrote the Dobbs opinion - no, she reserves her bile for the man who refuses to play the role she assigns to him. What a small, miserable, charmless character she is. In a parliamentary system, her skills would make her a lifetime back-bencher, seated with the other political hacks, never allowed to speak.
She should look in the damn mirror (if it doesn't explode into a million pieces first) Everything she claims about him, goes DOUBLE if not TRIPLE for her. She is a disgusting pig of a woman. I can't wait for her to be put behind bars where she belongs.
AlbertAnonymous said...
Well, Hillary is a Cunt. So, I don’t care what she says about Justice Thomas.
6/30/22, 9:37 AM
Don't look too deeply. She was just trying to think of a cut down and "person of grievance" popped into her head and she thought it was sharp enough but still let her act like she's not getting into the mud. It's meaningless aside from expressing her dislike of him.
Hillary takes her lifetime appointment as Karen-in-Chief very seriously.
Watching Joe Biden destroy the nation she had planned to ruin herself is driving the evil old bat even crazier than she was before Trump kicked her to the curb.
A racist dog whistle!!!
I confess to being "a person of grievance." As someone who values liberty over statism, my grievance is against State-shtuppers such as Hillary who want to drag us down that road to serfdom.
"I went to law school with him."
Thereby implying that Hillary KNEW Thomas. Conjuring up images of Hillary and Thomas sitting in the same class discussing law. Or perhaps chatting in some dorm room bull session.
Of course, thats not the truth. Hillary was 2 years ahead of Thomas. They were never in any class together. During much of Thomas's 1 year (her 3rd year) she was working on the McGovern campaign. Later, she stayed for a 4th year in law school to be near Bill, and finish up the classes she missed because of McGovern.
THere were 600 people in Yale Law school. What are the chances that White Bread Hillary knew Clarence Thomas?
She's admitted her campaign funded the Steele dossier, and then pretended it was from British intelligence with a "deep sources" in the Kremlin. She's constantly lied about everything, yet no matter much she lies, she's presented as a credible ethical person by the MSM.
Wasn't it Hillary who bleated piteously that she was robbed of "her turn" to be POTUS?
There's yer "Person of Grievance", right there!
projection x 1,000,000
"a vicious, malevolent, mendacious, unaccomplished third-rate drunk"
"Hey, lets get one thing straight here. I'll have you know that I'm a first-rate drunk."
A little weird. The Clintons a class ahead of Thomas, so overlapped 2 years. YLS famously small, so I suppose they might have encountered one another. He entered the spotlight with his USSC nomination 20 years after starting YLS (too young!). When Bill getting ready to run for president. But 30 years later this the first I can remember her commenting in some fashion on their time at school together.
On the other hand, Thomas could be characterized as a person of grievance in that period. Like RBG a decade earlier, Thomas got no Wall Street job offers. So he went to Missouri government, blaming backlash to affirmative action for his treatment. I picture him out of a scene in Pretty Woman, carrying his judicial robe in a shopping bag, going to one of those liberal Wall Street firms and proclaiming, Big Mistake.
And as far as I know he passed the bar exam on the first try.
Interesting that Hillary supports Antifa, BLM, and the "Greviances" and "anger" of the black protesters. Yet, she's upset that Thomas had the same Greviances/anger in the early 70s. "He was just a malcontent. Just a whiny willie. He was always one of THOSE poeple." She seems to be saying.
Thanks Trump for saving us from POTUS HIllary. And fuck mitch, mittens, Bush, Mccain, and all the Nevertrumpers, who wanted Trump to cede the election in October 2016.
Friendly reminder people…Bill Clinton did not have an “affair” with Monica Lewinski. He let her suck his dick and he jammed a cigar in her vagina, he didn’t even know her name when it started.
Oh my. This is one of those box within a box within a box type things. That woman is so unaware. No words can even unwrap the outside box. Wendy said she wants to see her behind bars. Fair enough. Meanwhile I’ll dig a hole.
Her voice sounds different. Huskier. What's up with that?
Ask Vince Foster if Hillary is and aggrieved woman.
person of grievance >>>> POG
person in grievance >>>> PIG
adjust thinking accordingly
Has Althouse ever apologized for her support of Hillary Clinton?
is that like getting close BMOC through his gf
Hillary!: "I went to law school with him (Clarence Thomas). He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I’ve known him. Resentment, grievance, anger."
Well I went to Wellesley with Hillary! Hillary! was a year ahead of me. She was a person of grievance even then. Resentment, grievance, anger.
See how easy it is to smear someone you knew in passing decades ago.
Hillary! was also a person of outlandish ambition (befriending anyone with connections to power like Ellie Acheson who was in her class) and so aggressive you did not want to get between Hillary! and her goal. Not known for her brilliance though she was President of the student government so you could call her a leader. Hillary! stood out at Wellesley because in a college made up of intelligent, overly polite, docile women—Hillary! was the extreme opposite. She was shrill and fugly too!
Well, Hillary is a Cunt
That's a put-down to c*nts everywhere.
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Has Althouse ever apologized for her support of Hillary Clinton?
Do you look good in blue? Don't hold your breath.
"Albert Anonymous:
Well, Hillary is a Cunt. So, I don’t care what she says about Justice Thomas.
6/30/22, 9:37 AM"
Mean girl?
WI law prof, blogger lady w/ live-in gardener = what we see here.
This post is funny.
Grievance and resentment are a big part of politics in a democracy. Clinton has certainly made use of them to advance her own career. Thomas is surprisingly free of America's usual politics of grievance.
And yes, weird phrasing like that is usually a sign of twisted thinking or feeling.
Bitter is as bitter does.
Can't have a Black man with the levers of power in his hands flee the reservation!
People need to understand the difference in the basis for a right and the right or policy preference. Thomas has consistently said (and so did Scalia and others) that the entire body of case law creating and expounding "substantive due process" is illegitimate - and it is. Process is not substance. To pretend otherwise is just silly. And the only reason the court embarked on this farcile journey is because the court assumed it was wiser than the political branches. This entire body of case law is just self aggrandizement. Now, the policy preferences embodied in it are likely well supported. The fear theater about Griswold is just that - theater. No one is going to outlaw contraceptives. Pretending they are is just grasping at straws.
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