June 28, 2022

"[Elizabeth] Warren called on Biden to declare a national medical emergency, and she said the administration could establish Planned Parenthood outposts on the edge of national parks."

"'The point is the acknowledgment of the emergency situation and the urgency of getting help out,' she said in an interview. 'People need help immediately.' Biden and his team have signaled discomfort with many of these ideas.... A senior White House official said Biden is simply being honest with the public about what he can do unilaterally.... The official said that while the proposal to set up abortion clinics on federal lands was 'well-intentioned,' it could put pregnant people and providers at risk, and that in states where abortion is illegal, women and providers who are not federal employees could be prosecuted. Some legal experts have also raised questions about whether such a proposal would stand up in court, and White House officials worry it would violate the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion except if a pregnant person’s life is in danger or if the pregnancy results from rape or incest.... If Biden pursued aggressive executive actions to expand abortion access, even if those moves were ultimately overturned by a court, it would energize supporters and signal to voters that Democrats are putting up a fight, advocates said.... Some Democrats... say it’s critical to show voters what the party would do if it had even slightly bigger majorities...."

ADDED: She should have said national forests


David Begley said...

Elizabeth Warren taught at Harvard Law?

tim maguire said...

It makes Democrats look demented and desperate. A person would have to be very strongly pro-abortion to think turning national parks into abortion centers was a good idea. And those people, relatively few in number, are already dedicated Democratic voters.

Jaq said...

Democrats have zero problem with authoritarianism, ignoring the courts, they just want to be the ones dishing it out.

mccullough said...

Most national parks are in remote areas.

Much easier to travel to a state where abortion is legal.

Mississippi allows abortions up to 15 weeks.

Kay said...

Why would a consistently anti-abortion catholic president lift a finger to help people in this situation?

Michael said...

Just a reminder that the Democrats had complete control of the White House and Congress in '09-10. With all that power their priority was to bailout Wall Street.

J Severs said...

Somehow it is only the pro-abortion voters who would be energized.

Captain BillieBob said...

What's the deal with Democrats advocating for the killing of babies?
Can we call them what they are now, the Death cult party.
Could they be any more barbaric?

Lucien said...

Biden will do it, coward that he is. He knew he couldn’t extend the eviction moratorium, but did it anyway to pander to his base. He knew OSHA couldn’t mandate vaccination but did it anyway to pander to his base. Asked whether he’s using the constitution as toilet paper he shook his head and said “Depends.”

Clyde said...

"Rising" anger? Please! These people's anger started at 11. There's no place to go up from there.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

Howard said...

I admit I have some reservations about Warren's proposal. With the new Biden rules on sexual misconduct, every pregnancy could be claimed to be a result of rape therefore no slowing of abortion in the Deplorable States of America.

R C Belaire said...

I hear the Capitol Rotunda is pretty empty these days.

Robert Marshall said...

Yeah, and we could call it the Abortion Insurrection! Down with the rule of law! Defy the Supreme Court!

History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes: Abortion Today, Abortion Tomorrow, Abortion Forever!

The Dems never change, they just change the subject.

Aggie said...

It's not that Elizabeth Warren is stupid, it's just that she has no imagination, and is incapable of any really creative thought. All of her ideas - like this one - end up making her look like a complete bonehead - which is not inconsistent with her 'hall monitor' reputation for loving to impose punitive rules. Unimaginative and shrill, self-unaware, it's surprising that a state that prides itself on its Progressive Leftist intelligentsia would keep putting her back in office.

WK said...

“ Some Democrats... say it’s critical to show voters what the party would do if it had even slightly bigger majorities...."
I think many people are starting to recognize what the party would do if it had even slightly bigger majorities. Maybe both parties recognizing that.

Cappy said...

Just tell her to calm down.

Temujin said...

Again- the Democrats have had years in different administrations when they held the power in both houses. They did nothing to establish this. And there are reasons they did not. Perhaps....it's possible that some of them were uncomfortable with it? Why not? Much of the country is.

To say that now- Biden- is not doing enough is preposterous. Look about you. He's done plenty. And everything he's done has created further damage in this country, to our economy, our safety, our financial situations, energy prices, national security and on and on. You sure you want this bunch to lead the charge on a new national policy for baby ending?

"Some Democrats... say it’s critical to show voters what the party would do if it had even slightly bigger majorities...." We've seen enough of what they'd do. Which is why the voter rolls have 1,000,000 more Republicans today than it did 18 months ago.

Leland said...

GOP hard hitting tactics? Voters haven’t demanded an abortion clinic at the Gateway Arch. Democracy is dead at WaPo.

SoLastMillennium said...

Should there not be some embarrassment at being so eager to kill babies? This is one of the most serious choices to make and there is desperation and, well, madness in to many statements like this.

Amadeus 48 said...

Vote Democrat--the Party of Death.

I think the GOP has been too clever by half by enacting those trigger laws while Roe and Casey were on the books, apparently for all time. I thought that the GOP would have to backpedal because the outcomes were too extreme. But now many of the Dems are shouting for no restrictions at all, even post-partem, thereby establishing a higher level of nuttiness.

Never try to out-crazy the Left. You can't do it.

wendybar said...

Why can't the left leave the rest of us alone. Stop shoving DEATH, violence and hate down our throats. Enough.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Abortions 'R' Us

U rape 'em,
We scrape 'em.
No fetus
Can beat us.

Maybe set up some of their abattoirs on Indian reservations, too.
Lose a paycheck, lose a baby.


Temujin said...

Imagine going to Yosemite to see the beauty and...the...carnage. Wouldn't quite make an Ansel Adams image, would it?

Mike Sylwester said...

As a American Indian, maybe Warren can arrange for the abortion facilities to be located on her relatives' Indian reservations.

John Holland said...

National medical emergency?

Are we to suppose that the streets of America are filled with struggling, weeping masses of shivering women, exhausted and dehydrated after 16 weeks of unprotected sex, desperately careening from park to forest to back alley in search of a D&C?

Democrats don't have a very high opinion of American women, do they? Well, of course not; they don't even know what a "woman" is.

TrespassersW said...

"[Elizabeth] Warren called on Biden to declare a national medical emergency, and she said the administration could establish Planned Parenthood outposts on the edge of national parks."

Planned Parenthood? But I was assured that abortion is only a small percentage of the services they provide.

TaeJohnDo said...

This is just stupid on all levels - from the optics of it to the logistics of it. It just shows how shallow and unserious Warren is.

Humperdink said...

Howard said: "I admit I have some reservations about Warren's proposal."

Howard has Native American real estate he wants to offer up also. Shocked, but not surprised.

Bob Boyd said...

Would there be a lottery system to get an abortion at a national park?

JAORE said...

I'm sure, at the fringes, the Roe decision will motivate some. Focused on areas already heavily left.
Offset, to some extent, by those that fear loss of filibuster and court packing.

M Jordan said...

Dems flailing is a joy to behold. I just have the feeling this cartoonish death spinning dervish is more real this time. The zeitgeist is changing.

Mark said...

It's dictatorial, an abuse of whatever power a president does have, a clear violation of existing statutory law, and dangerous to women. But they think it will help in the elections.

Seriously, the Dems need to all be swept from office and the party permanently banned and outlawed, like they did in German with the National Socialists and like they should have done here in the 1860s.

Two-eyed Jack said...

So, sort of a Planned Parenthood Archipelago?

Bob Boyd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

The machinery of death must grind on.

AMDG said...

When your only tool is a tomahawk every problem looks like a scalp.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It’s not a national emergency and Warren knows it. She could have countered Pelosi’s crazy reproductive rights bill with a more sensible one earlier this year but she didn’t. About half the country has workable laws in place. Why don’t the blue zones? Aren’t the blue states’ legislatures and executive offices filled with progressives who have been talking about “a woman’s right to choose”? Yes they endlessly talk but apparently have done nothing to prepare for this day. Other than having crayons and cardboard ready for the signs. What constructive acts has Lizzy Warren taken? Why the weak and helpless response to a landmark decision telegraphed more than a month ago?

Bob Boyd said...

Never thought I'd see the day when a woman had to bring bear spray to her abortion appointment. That's just fucked up.

Gusty Winds said...

The Feds could set up or reuse the temporary M*A*S*H units that cost millions like they did for COVID. They never got used for COVID, so maybe a canvas abortion clinic outside of Yosemite National Park would get some activity.

They could put it at the top of El Capitan and really make you work for that abortion.

B. said...

Why can’t Native reservations set up clinics? They’re separate nations, right?

The Drill SGT said...

David Begley said...
Elizabeth Warren taught at Harvard Law?

an affirmative action hire. Indian and all that

Blair said...

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the sound of complete, despairing impotence. Which is, in fact, what abortion is.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
"ADDED: She should have said national forests."

Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister abandoned in a forest, where they fall into the hands of a witch who lives in a house made of gingerbread, cake, and candy. The cannibalistic witch intends to fatten the children before eventually eating them, but Gretel outwits the witch and kills her.

Whitmer and Hochul are likely to be soon made available from central DNC casting for the role of witch.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

I actually support this idea. When the next pro-life president comes into office they could shut it all down and trigger more riots to remind everyone how violent the left is.

Literally any route other than democracy. Elizabeth Warren, intellectual, didn't learn the most basic lesson of all from Dobbs. Live by the sword die by the sword, sweetie. It's hard to think straight when you're filled with rage, huh.

Earnest Prole said...

White House officials worry it would violate the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of federal funds for abortion . . .

Don’t think national forests will do much to resolve that leetle impediment to their otherwise-genius plans.

JMR said...

A national health emergency! Millions of unborn babies crying out to be aborted!

These people are unhinged.

Nancy said...

Ann, why forests instead of parks?

Jamie said...

"National forests"? Because of the Japanese death forest thing?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

"A national health emergency! Millions of unborn babies crying out to be aborted!"

A national health emergency, like, say, a pandemic (of abortions), would be sufficient reason to temporarily set aside all types of privileges. Right?

Where did all the sanctimonious assholes go who just yesterday were laughing about "muh freedumbs"?

Arizona Pirate said...

There are 423 National Parks in the system, although most are Historic Sites and National Monuments, many inside large cities. Lots of opportunity here. Visit Mark Twain's house complete with abortion clinic in the basement. An abortion clinic along the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail just writes it's own ads.

Mrs. X said...

So the people who shriek about protecting Mother Earth want to build medical facilities, with power lines, generators etc., in pristine wilderness settings. Whose ox gets gored? Decisions, decisions…

Bob Boyd at 8:17, lol.

Temujin said...

B. said: :"Why can’t Native reservations set up clinics? They’re separate nations, right?"

You may be on to something there. I think we could market things up by working out an arrangement with the Tribal heads operating casinos all across the country. Make it a weekend getaway package. Come in on Thursday night. Get the job done Friday. Spend Saturday in the casino. Throw in a Sunday Brunch and I think we'd have something Senator Elizabeth Warren just might get behind. I've heard she likes to try to drink beer with the people. This could give her an opportunity to do so, and if I might say this, do so with some of her own blood. If they'll accept her. All 1/1024th of her.

retail lawyer said...

I would go with military bases and Indian casinos.

rcocean said...

I think Liz Warren should step up to the plate and start doing Abortions in her Office. Personally. With a tomahawk.

Critter said...

The bloodlust of abortion zombies like Warren is something to behold.

By the way, is it purely coincidental that D&C and DNC sound the same when spoken?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

National Parks are not a safe space for pregnant women with children. They are a Climate Change tinder box.

LA_Bob said...

Great comments on this post. Honorable mentions to Humperdink and AMDG. Very clever, folks.

Elizabeth Warren is almost as entertaining as Whoopi Goldberg when she called for Jill Biden to be Surgeon General as "she's a great doctor".

ConradBibby said...

The only sensible way to mitigate this "emergency" (for those inclined to want to) would simply be to assist women in traveling to a state that still permits abortion. It obviously would be simpler and cost less than any of the elaborate alternatives being bandied about.

My theory is that they don't want to do anything as a simple and cost-effective as that because it will reveal that overturning Roe wasn't the huge disaster that dems made it out to be for decades.

JK Brown said...

Why not just use the senate and congressional office spaces in federal buildings for an abortion clinic. The elected Democrats could use their own funds to secure other office space for their constituent offices.

Also, how soon before "disparate impact" comes into play since any of these government programs could easily be seen to negatively impact POC populations given current abortion demographics. Sure the women of color are choosing to abort, but after concerted effort by abortion advocates, and the impact is that minority populations are lower than they would be without the programs

Ceciliahere said...

Elizabeth Warren is an hysterical nut case! She is wild eyed and yelling for a place to perform abortions. Quick, this is a national emergency…except where abortions still remain legal. So why go to a remote area when you could go to any Blue state. Screaming and gnashing of teeth to get attention for her next presidential bid???

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, why forests instead of parks?"

The national parks are very distinctive, iconic places. The forests are more extensive land and they are used for things like logging and grazing and ski resorts. It doesn't seem as offensive to intrude on them. And yet using them just as some extra land controlled by the federal government still seems wrong. Logging is done because of the trees that are there. Grazing, ski resorts — similar reasoning. For the feds to have taken over land and then to use it to run a facility that has no particularized need for the land feels wrong... but not as wrong as using the national parks!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Smokey the abortionist 😞

Beasts of England said...

How about a converted paddle wheel cruising up and down the mighty Mississip! They could have some banjo music, period costumes, and cotton bales for decoration. Gotta think outside the box / uterus...

Michael K said...

Democrats could have passed legislation to legalize abortion in years when they had legislative majorities. They didn't. Why ? Because it was more useful as an issue. They could have approved lots of nuclear power plants to generate the electricity for EV cars. They didn't. Why? Because none of these issues are real to Democrats. They are all about elections and power. Reality is something else. It is going to come to a head this summer.

PM said...

You can only imagine the madness at the SF Chronicle.
First, the Chesa Boudin flameout. Then Lowell High back to merit. Now Roe. Most damaging, its decision up-ended the Pride Parade on Pride Weekend. Today the paper asserts Kamala Harris is now the "leading voice" of abortion rights. To me, she's the leading voice on every issue. A national treasure.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

It's amazing the desperate workarounds the Democrats come with, as opposed to simply going to the voters and campaigning for their preferred position

it's almost like they're completely convinced that the voters don't agree with them

Joe Smith said...

Yosemite; come for the natural beauty. Stay to have your baby's brain sucked out with a vacuum hose.

It would make a nice T-shirt

Dagwood said...

Um, just how far away can a wolf or a grizzly detect the scent of blood?

Quaestor said...

Beasts of England writes, "How about a converted paddle wheel cruising up and down the mighty Mississip!"

Capital idea. Biden can deputize the Coast Guard to act as shuttle service between Vicksburg and the SBAM Roger B. Taney. Biden realizes he must pare down the surplus Darkies; there just aren't enough cotton bales for all of them to shift.

Earnest Prole said...

why forests instead of parks?

If I may play law professor for a moment: National forests, unlike national parks, allow and support a wide range of private for-profit and non-profit activities on federal land. Theoretically speaking the US Department of Agriculture (the Forest Service’s master) could write administrative rules allowing (say) Planned Parenthood to operate abortion clinics. But judges are skeptical of krazy legal work-arounds like this, and state law, not federal law, generally governs Forest Service land.

Vance said...

I prefer the "Let's put up Aztec Temples on every Indian Reservation and do it old school!" solution being bandied around.

Aztecs offered infants to one of their gods; Tlaloc among others. Nothing would drive home the Democrats's desperation to murder children like reinstituting worship of Tlaloc. Throw in a temple to Moloch at the same time.

It would clear up the ideology here a bit.

Amexpat said...

It doesn't have to be national parks or forests. Aren't VA hospitals considered to be Federal property, as well as Federal court houses and administrative buildings?

And perhaps abortion clinics could bet set up on Indian reservations?

Jupiter said...

"Could they be any more barbaric?"

Sure. They could cut the dead babies up and sell them.

Fustigator said...

Ann, to clarify your national forest comments - there are federally controlled lands in both the national forests and BLM land. A lot of the national forests (at least out west) are very similar to National Parks and also include wilderness areas, as you already know from your visits to Colorado and the Rocky Mountain West.

But there are millions of acres BLM land that is nothing but desert or sage. it's not like the abortion camps would detract from the beauty of most of the BLM land. Seems awful inconvenient to transport pregnant mothers out to BFE when they could travel to another nearby state.

I am amazed that some of these politicians are considered the best and brightest the US has to offer. I think suggestions like this just reveal that most are the dumbest of the dumb who have no idea about real life.

Big Mike said...

She had 54 days between when Alito’s draft was leaked and when Dobbs was released by the Court, and this is the best she can come up with? And Democrats thought she might make a viable Presidential candidate?

Beasts of England said...

Thanks, Quaestor!

I’ve been spit-balling some advertising and suggest large banners:

Port: ‘Don’t Let That Fetus Make You A Slave’

Starboard: ‘Emancipate Your Body And Your Booty’

Earnest Prole said...

A footnote: Everything I said about the Forest Service applies to the Bureau of Land Management as well.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

TR once wrote this:

"There are many kinds of success in life worth having . . . but for unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison. It may well be true that he travels farthest who travels alone; but the goal thus reached is not worth reaching."

I can't imagine the author of those words being OK with abortion mills in National Parks or other Federal lands.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I said...

"Smokey the abortionist."

Only you can prevent forest abortions.

n.n said...

An abortion chamber on every corner. A wicked solution cloaked under a layer of privacy in plain sight. That's so socialist.

Blair said...

"Come for the baby slaughter, stay for the view".

The only way this could possibly be legal would be private clinics allowed on federal land, but even then, not likely.

There are in existence ships dedicated to performing abortions, which will sit in international waters and transport women from the coast to do their filthy business. I expect they will sit one off the coast of Galveston soon enough.

JaimeRoberto said...

Wouldn't the women, uh, birthing persons, uh, aborting persons need super fast internet to make a reservation at these clinics in the national parks? Minorities hardest hit again. Sounds like a deal breaker.

TestTube said...

Remember the last Federal shutdown? There was a lot of anger towards using National Parks as political tools, and a lot of questioning why these parks had to be run by the Federal government, as opposed to the State.

Pull shenanigans like Warren's proposal, and there will be a lot more serious questioning of why the Feds are running a park system, when it is something the States could manage just as well.

Joanne Jacobs said...

If Congress won't vote to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortions, then there's no majority for far more radical actions such as opening abortion clinics on federal land.

FDA now lets women get abortion drugs mailed to them after telehealth appointments. If Congress passed a law authorizing this -- U.S. mail, interstate commerce -- would it trump state laws? If so, I think it's a doable compromise. Meds are used now in 39% of abortions, all in first 10 weeks. Most women take the drugs at home. Very, very accessible.

who-knew said...

Nothing says protecting our democracy (TM Nancy Pelosi) like the president unilaterally declaring a national emergency to prevent democratically elected legislatures from writing abortion laws in their state. Thank you for your service fauxahontas

Bruce Hayden said...

“National Parks are not a safe space for pregnant women with children. They are a Climate Change tinder box.”

“ADDED: She should have said national forests.”

The very same National Forests that have over the last decade had to shut down many of their satellite offices, and cut programs, because so much of their budget was going to fighting fires (and we all know here whose fault that is)? Where’s the money going to come from? Fire fighting funds? That’s where the bulk of their budget goes anymore. And keep this in mind - the forest fires don’t just inconvenience the local yokos who mostly vote Republican anyway. They impact air quality for many hundreds of miles downwind. So, who’s going to tell suburban voters that they can’t go outside this August and September because of low air quality because fire fighting funds were diverted by USFS to providing late term abortions?

Bilwick said...

Why is it that in every photo I've seen of her in recent years, Warren looks like some crazed Karen? Is the obvious answer that she IS a crazed Karen?

Rollo said...

Politics has really gotten hysterical lately.

Warren did say she was native American and played that up when she got the job, but I think Harvard hired her mostly because they wanted her husband.

Jim at said...

National parks for abortions. Good lord.

Do you leftists realize just how insane you sound to normal people?

Michael K said...

Fauxcahontas never fails to amuse.

Bunkypotatohead said...

There are plenty of back alleys in the blue zones for Planned Parenthood to set up shop...no need to use national forests.

Marc in Eugene said...

Who was the commenter who always went on and on about Black people not using the national parks? This subject of this post seems made for him.

MacMacConnell said...

Are we sure Warren wasn't at some point a victim of a National Health Service venereal disease experiment on the reservation?

gilbar said...

Marc said...
Who was the commenter who always went on and on about Black people not using the national parks? This subject of this post seems made for him.

Exactly! what better way, to get Black People of Color (BPC's) to go to the parks?
Come for the D&C, stay for the scenery!

DanTheMan said...

>>Some Democrats... say it’s critical to show voters what the party would do if it had even slightly bigger majorities...."

PLEASE tell voters all about what you would do with larger majorities.

Richard Dolan said...

Elizabeth Warren personifies the sliver of Democrats who have been driven bat-shit crazy by the reversal of Roe, which from her perspective tops all the other critical issues of the day -- trans rights, systemic racism, white supremacy and AGW-driven climate change. I doubt that she cares how she comes across to those who don't share her agenda -- even those who are in some respects sympathetic to her cause. Her vein-bulging, eye popping screechiness just cannot be topped no matter how hard SNL may try. As it happens, she (like most similar Dems) is from a state in which the abortion ruling has no practical significance, a fact which I suspect she regards as irrelevant. More than the practical impact of the ruling, it's the existential insult (as she sees it) that gets her going.

Perhaps I misread her. Even if I do, one can only hope that she will become the face and voice of Team Dem, perhaps even their nominee in 2024. Anyone from the Squad (Omar, AOC, Pressley, Tlaib) would make an ideal running mate.

If only.

JAORE said...

Warren - Avenatti 2024. Or Cuomo - ??? Or Hillary third time's the charmless....

where do they get these people?

Tina Trent said...

But national forests and parks (and, I think, buildings and parking lots) are governed by the same law enforcement and code section. There is no legal difference between them. For example, rapes committed in any national forest or park are both subject to the only exclusion to hate crime laws that has actually been written into the code section.

Everywhere else, they are just excluded extralegally.

I'm sure there are other examples, gun-rights for one, but hate's my bailiwick.

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