May 12, 2022

Trout lilies and rue anemone yesterday at sunrise.

IMG_0345 3

This morning, they were gone.

IMG_0349 3


gilbar said...

Went on a Wildflower walk with the Fayette County Conservation people yesterdays
Learned the difference between a rue anemone (multi flowers) and a false rue anemone (one flower)
and saw LOTS of other flowers. The Naturalist pointed out that flowers that sure have flowered in march were Still flowering because it had been so darn cold
(hard to remember, that two weeks ago it was still snowing

Humperdink said...

My daughter is pro-choice. As the mother of 8 month infant, she wants the right to choose between breast feeding and using formula. The Biden administration, in all of it's incompetence, has restricted that right. She's looking for a blue state to flee to obtain must needed formula, but alas there are none.

New mother, Pete Buttigieg, apparently does not have a problem.

tim in vermont said...

Does anybody have a link to Joe Biden stuttering when he was a Senator? Because people are saying that that is why he only appears senile.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

lovely green... spring.

ot: Maher and his creepy pro-censorship democratic guests. yikes.

tim in vermont said...
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Ampersand said...

Nicely observant. If the rue anemone stops blooming in the forest, and nobody notices, did it really stop blooming?

Original Mike said...

Is all the rue anemone the white variety? I have the pink in my garden.

I also have trout lily all over the garden, volunteers from a couple of plants I put in 25 years ago. Have never seen a flower on any of it, however.

MadTownGuy said...

Isaiah 40:8.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Learned the difference between a rue anemone (multi flowers) and a false rue anemone (one flower)”

There are multi.

Humperdink said...

At the southern border, the US gets fentanyl, the migrants get baby food. Sweet deal!

tim in vermont said...

Behold the great MAGA King!

This is real, in Italy. It's intent, as I understand it, it to mock Trump. However, I think Trump fans will enjoy it, mostly for the pearl clutching it elicits from so-called liberals.

gadfly said...

Today's good news, Putin has myeloma!

"Putin is set to undergo surgery for an unspecified form of cancer in the near future . . ."

"He certainly looks bad. The bullfrog mien, awkward gait, and fidgety behavior at televised events including his April 22 meeting with his embattled defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, at which a slumped Putin clung to the edge of a parodically tiny table as if to steady himself against a tremor or vertigo."

"New Lines has obtained an audio recording of an oligarch close to the Kremlin who describes Putin as 'very ill with blood cancer'."

"[O]n March 13, a top-secret memo was dispatched from the Lubyanka, the headquarters of the FSB, Russia’s domestic security agency, to all regional directors of the FSB. “The memo instructed the regional chiefs not to trust rumors about the president’s terminal condition."

Myeloma, even the more aggressive forms of it, doesn’t necessarily require chemotherapy at all anymore. It can often be treated with immnuno-modulatory agents [such as Velcade] and steroids [usually prednisone]. Myeloma can, however, lead to compression fractures of the spine, which make a patient hunched (see again that abnormal vignette with Shoigu) or even shave inches off height.

walter said...

Trout are more industrious than I knew.

walter said...

Ever try to get a death threatening high from baby formula?
Guvmint is here to hep ya.