May 27, 2022

Today, I encountered my favorite place at 5:39 a.m. and again at 5:15 p.m.


It's where we like to go. What can I say? 


Write about anything you want in the comments.


Friendo said...

Love both, especially the second one with beautiful clouds in the sky

rhhardin said...

The Oberlin president refers to whoever the black lady was that they renamed the Mudd library for as an "alumnum" of Oberlin, using the neuter. I don't know if this is an Oberlin moral discovery. They discovered microagressions, after all.

I'd supposed that Mudd paid for the new library and this black lady didn't, but such traditions are patriarchical.

madAsHell said...

Wow!! Nice favorite space!!

My favorite space is in a hammock under the shade tree.

Original Mike said...

It's a wonderful place; nature, lake views, a cityscape. I worked at the Hospital and liked to walk out there when I was mulling over a problem. It's been awhile since I've visited it.

madAsHell said...

Trump shows up!!

Scott Patton said...

"she met Katz when she was 18 and he was 44"
Potential contestant in his mid 30's... Meet Your Second Wife - SNL.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The siding is almost all done on our house. There's a small section that is still awaiting for the siders to finish.

Next week, the electrician will do the electrical rough in, the propane tank will be installed and work will start on the septic tanks and drain field. After the electrician finishes, I'll install the ethernet cables to the major rooms. We'll have 23 drops plus one line for the starlink antenna and a line for a 4G/5G external antenna.

See for pictures.

LibertarianLeisure said...

Did anyone else watch the closing arguments of Camille Vasquez today?

Narr said...

I've been musing on the possibility of war or quasi-war with Russia. Leave aside probabilities and just assume that we start mobilizing and deploying the Guard and Reserve, and distribution centers like Memphis start to hum with war-related product destined for the Ukraine and other places to make the world safe for democracy.

Serious people who oppose any further steps toward war--and many have outed themselves here--should find it easy in this day and age to use social media to track shipments of war material on American railroads--at least those that pass through urban bottlenecks such as abound at hubs like Memphis.

I can't count the number of times that I've seen tanks, APCs, and military vehicles of all sorts on long trains of flatcars on the NorSo line here. What would happen if such trains were prevented from moving by creative mass non-violent actions such as parking dozens or hundreds of vehicles at grade crossings? Or blocking trains from leaving the yards at all?

Perhaps we'll get to see some old-fashioned anti-war militance abroad in the land. But only if the same people who opposed the Vietnam venture so effectively have the same commitments. And they are mostly successful and can self-fund--no Commie cash subsidies for struggling students necessary this time.

But most of the ones I know like that have turned into the kneejerk supporters of the Organs, ready to swallow any crusading nonsense spewed by the jackals and ghouls of imperial DC.

As always, asking for a friend.

alicante69 said...

Why do governments recruit teenagers as their infantry troops? Because they have no sense of their own immortality, and more importantly they have no appreciation of life, especially of children, whom they have never had any occasion to love, as parents usually do, and they see kids as inconsequential beings with no significance, alive or dead. There are exceptions, of course, to this categorical condemnation, but those kids don't make the headlines.

gadfly said...


The Mary Church Terrell Main Library, located in The Seeley G. Mudd Learning Center, is the central library facility for Oberlin College. The building was paid for by the Seeley G. Mudd Foundation.

Alumnum is the accusative singular of alumnus - which means alumnus is being used as a direct object of a verb and in some cases the object of a preposition. In English, only the pronouns, me, him, her, us, and them are in the accusative. Alumnus, of course, is Latin.

Joe Smith said...

"Authorities investigating if retired federal agent knew of Buffalo mass shooting plans in advance"

Sorry about not using html for the link...wasn't working tonight.

Rt41Rebel said...

I have two questions about the Robb Elementary massacre, and unless they are reasonably explained, I shall have no choice but to assume the worst about our FBI. The same FBI that conspired to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

1) How does a young man who has long made threats on the internet and has been bullied for being dirt poor buy thousands of dollars of gear and ammo all at once?

2) What are the chances that a teacher at the school props open a secure door into the school 5 minutes before the killer enters it?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Science has said cockroaches can survive a nuclear holocaust. So, I say the odds of them circumventing our pesticides are very good.

Joe Smith said...

This one's for rcocean:

tim in vermont said...

I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that Hollywood is putting out a war movie this weekend as a candidate summer blockbuster.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sure looks like our government is an empty promise all around. Should be an interesting summer.

iowan2 said...

Mike, I've followed your house project with interest.

Our Daughter and family bought a house in progress. They are moving for a job. They are going though the same progress. They bought several weeks before the siding started. Now just in the last couple days, the completion is emanate. Close enough for the appraisers to do their job. completion and move in, is June 10th. They are very excited. So I can live vicariously through both of your experiences. Good luck!

iowan2 said...

So, I say the odds of them circumventing our pesticides are very good.

My dad told me 50 years ago, farmers in Iowa would never get rid of foxtail and velvet leaf weeds. The population was too prevalent and adaptable. But today, seeing either is something to take note of. Like a two headed frog.

RBE said...

Mike...thanks for sharing your house site.

Beasts of England said...

’…and in some cases the object of a preposition.’

When it expresses purpose, which it doesn’t in this case of alumnum. Nominative neuter for the win.

gilbar said...

Narr said...
assume that we start mobilizing and deploying the Guard and Reserve, and distribution centers like Memphis start to hum with war-related product destined for the Ukraine

yesterday, on our way back from Utah; we saw a semi carrying Army 8X8's..Not unusual at all;
except they were fresh new Forest Green paint, instead of Desert Tan..
I Can't Remember the last time i saw Army vesicles that weren't Desert Tan

What would happen if such trains were prevented from moving by creative mass non-violent actions such as parking dozens or hundreds of vehicles at grade crossings? Or blocking trains from leaving the yards at all?

THAT'S simple! Such Putin planned insurrection would result in indefinite detention without trial.
Just like the Jan 6th Putin planned insurrectionists!
No One (NO ONE!) is allowed to question The State. LONG LIVE BIG BROTHER!! LONG LIVE BIDEN!!

jaydub said...

"I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that Hollywood is putting out a war movie this weekend as a candidate summer blockbuster."

Really Tim? Do you really think Hollywood put together and shot Top Gun II for propaganda purposes after your Ruskie friends invaded Ukraine on 24 Feb, or do you think the movie was shot and promoted in anticipation of the Feb 24 Ruskie invasion?

BTW, have you apologized yet for your other recent conspiracy theories, i.e., the ones involving the crossing of certain river in the Donbass and the Ruskie capture of a retired US 4 star admiral?

What's in the water up there in Vermont?

jim5301 said...

Serious thinkers like Narr think they can stop the U.S. armed forces with a few pickup trucks on the train tracks. Silly boy.

Narayanan said...

My favorite space is in a hammock under the shade tree.
don't you need two trees to sling a hammock?

jim5301 said...

Tim in Vermont. Yesterday you volunteered to answer questions people may have re the 2000 Mules movie. I took you up on your offer and you never responded. Were you only going to answer questions from people who agreed with you?

jim5301 said...

In case you missed it Tim:

I'll meet your challenge Tim. Respond to the critiques of the film here:

and here:

and here:

and here:

Enlighten me. I am truly interested in your response because unlike most of those here in the Trump cult where rule number 1 is you can never question the Leader, the truth does matter to me.

gilbar said...

and Yet, jim5301 asks NO QUESTIONS .. Just posts links to places that might go somewhere.
IF you are Too Lazy to ask Questions... WHY should tim (HOW should tim) respond?

Rusty said...

The sad fact is this didn't have to happen. Biden invited this. I'm not anti war. I'm anti this sh*t doesn't serve our interests and isn't worth one American life. Remember. I warned you guys that Bidens weakness would get us involved in this kind of sh*t. Biden voters did this.
alicante69 said...
You're assuming all young people that enter the military are stupid. Young people, men and women, can handle the stress and trauma better than old farts.

Humperdink said...

@jim 5301 The links you listed amuse me. Especially WaPoo and Politifact. CNN and MSNBC not available?

Rusty said...

Do you have any references that aren't left leaning? The WaPo is a high school newspaper. The Denver Post is basically a weekly shopper rag run by
You might want to watch Ben Shaperio's take on it and then watch DeSousas response.
How do I know there was cheating? I'm from Chicago and that's all you need to know.

Humperdink said...

The recount has been completed in my rural NW Pa county. OZ and McCormick each received one, count 'em, one additional vote.

Narr said...

Read it as many times as it takes for you to understand, jim5301.

Then get back if you have a serious comment to make.


Narr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jim5301 said...

Rusty - I see, Tim will only respond to questions raised in media biased in his favor. I.e., media that doesn't question the movie's claims and analysis. Wish he had said that upfront and I wouldn't have wasted my time.

Serious people (like Narr I hear) can respond to arguments on their face regardless of the source.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Expected completion of our house is September/October. That will be when we can move in. Putting up the fence and planting grass will come later. Still lots to do after move in.

Narr said...

Very neat site, Mike of Snoqualmie.

gadfly said...

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and other Republicans argue that gunmen can be stopped by locking all but one door and posting guards at schools.

Guns don’t kill people, doors do.

gilbar said...

jim5301 said...
- I see, Tim will only respond to questions raised in media biased in his favor. I.e.,

YOU Still haven't Asked, ANY questions Jim.. All you've done is listed links

Try this! Please respond to THESE questions