May 31, 2022

I've selected 8 TikToks for you tonight. Let me know what you liked best.

1. CoCo's sad checklist.

2. Rooster crowing in slow motion must be the sound the dinosaurs made.

3. Oh my gosh! Look! It's a pretzel from last night.

4. Whoa! That hat!  

5. The most beautiful landscape in Scotland?

6. Downtown L.A. is really dodgy.

7. Moose versus grizzly bear.

8. Don't get Paul McCartney mad.


rcocean said...

Moose v. Bear. WOnder that brought that on.

wildswan said...

I guess I liked the moose and the bear. Seems the moose can run as fast as the bear - and then what? The bear doesn't wait to find out. It keeps doubling back and swerving. Finally it foxes the moose.

J L Oliver said...

I have never seen a moose chase a bear. I like it

Sarthurk said...

Definitely the Moose vs Bear. Don't get the moose mad. An the killer was, that the bear apparently ran headfirst into a plate glass window!

Kay said...

Pretzel from last night, hands down.

tcrosse said...

But where are the pretzels of yesteryear?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Moose /bear chase. A reminder not to piss-off a moose.

the other reminder.

Eric said...

What would the moose do if it caught up to the grizzly?

Mea Sententia said...


David53 said...


Left Bank of the Charles said...

The Scotland landscape loses for want of a moose chasing a bear.

Howard said...

Isle of Skye landskype.

Martin said...

Definitely the mother moose and the grizzly that went after her calf.

Saint Croix said...

That is one scared bear.

Saint Croix said...

When the stock market goes back up, we ought to play that video.

Nancy said...

Am I the only one who loved the check list? I wanted to say "I'll be your friend!"

Nancy said...

And I wanted to tell CoCo, you still have another month!

farmgirl said...

Nancy, I really loved the check list.
Losing -5 lbs! Lol

The guy. THE guy w/the voice that’s so funnily expressed!!? He always makes me laugh silently into tears. He’s like some kind of stress reliever. I think I’m glad I don’t live w/him.

Animals- are always on the verge of violence. Or edge. Always be on guard, right? They sure were moving.

Ann Althouse said...

Here's part 1 of the grizzly bear situation, in which you see what provoked the moose.

Ann Althouse said...

"The Scotland landscape loses for want of a moose chasing a bear."

Yes, if only a moose were chasing a bear across that landscape, it would be perfect.

Susan in Seattle said...

Moose and bear tied with the Scottish landscape.
I'm fond of the pretzel guy, after Box Hair from a bit ago, I wondered what he would come up with next.

Nancy said...

Oh noes! The bear killed the baby moose! Murderer!

michaele said...

Coco's checklist struck a chord. My daughter deals with a level of perfectionism that ends up paralyzing her. My "words of wisdom" to help her move forward is to encourage her to just make the bar low enough that she can get over it. And, sigh, no, that doesn't seem to work. Perfectionism can be a very cruel and disheartening taskmaster.

BudBrown said...

Dont listen twice. It aint alright.

JustSomeOldDude said...

Coco's Sad Checklist! Got me laughing immediately.

FleetUSA said...

WOW The moose sacrificed one of her meese to the bear first.

Andrew said...

I liked the ABBA song in the background of the L.A. video. Made it more existential. As for his question at the end, the obvious answer is a particular political party.

Art in LA said...

Sadly, our LA landscape can look like that. What are these folks' stories? What happened? Where are their families? I have never seen it this bad. "Skid Row" was much more isolated when I was a kid. The big tent cities started popping up 6 or 7 years ago, everywhere. California's population has doubled in the last 50 years.

Dave64 said...

#4, the Hat