May 4, 2022

I've made 7 selections from TikTok for you today. Let me know what you like best.

1. A teacher rates the insults he received from students today.

2. An impersonation of Amber Heard.

3. How America pictures a workday in Finland.

4. How Finland pictures a workday in America.

5. Follow the simple instructions and you, kids, can make a nice image of a horse.

6. The first half of the show was fashion for adults, the second half the toy version of those things.

7. Office jobs are kind of fake jobs, aren't they?


Jaq said...

Could not get past “whom have no chill.”

Is there some diagramming trick that shows this to be actually correct? It sounds wrong.

hugh42 said...

No. 7, the logic, the incisive expression, the apparent experience all justify this outrage
No. 3. sense of humor from Finland
No. 4 teacher must solicit these insults

hugh42 said...

No. 7 -- the logic, the incisive expression, the apparent experience all justify this outrage.

No. 3 -- sense of humor from Finland.

No. 4 -- teacher must solicit these insults.

robother said...

While I, like, hate Valley Girl uptalk, she does have a point. A lot of office jobs are fake, at least in the periods between real things that have to be done.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Easily #1. Followed by #7.

Temujin said...

Numbers 3 & 4 from Finland were the best. And best seen paired with each other.

Honorable mention to #7 on today's office jobs because she's right.

Rockeye said...

No. 7: I went from being a normal, standard, saving lives nurse, to working for a hippy-run care management company doing case management. Summary: yeah, office jobs are fake jobs. The entire office was empty from Friday before lunch to Monday after lunch. We could drink at lunch, as long as we didn't get sloppy. sheesh

Mea Sententia said...

3 and 4. Marx and milk!

Carol said...

If it's the subject of a clause, it takes the subjective case.

So yeah "whom have no chill" is totally and pretentiously wrong.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Finland/America - how did he know we get tucked in by Jeff Bezos?

Daniel12 said...

I liked the American version of Finnish but the Finnish version of American produced in me some combination of amusement, familiarity and abject horror.

Critter said...

Teacher insults all the way. If students are really that creative and have such a good relationship with their teacher, I am hopeful their ears are open to learning the 3 R’s. Sounds like a positive classroom culture. Kudos to the teacher.

Amexpat said...

1.Teacher insults. Bet that guy is a good teacher.

JK Brown said...

The office job rant is how I felt when I got assigned to my government agency's headquarters. In the field, there was accomplishment. At HQ, there was office politics. Anything you tried to accomplish brought forth a couple people who were opposed and it was never the same people.

Blackbeard said...

This is quickly becoming my favorite part of your blog.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It’s a tie between the teacher insults and the Amber Heard impersonation.

Curious George said...

Teacher insults. "Soup boy! LOL"

farmgirl said...

I only really liked the workday in America. Lmao.
For some reason, the others didn’t strike my fancy, but I watched them all. It’s good to watch and hear things that don’t always jive. That’s why I think I found the American workaholic drinking directly from the coffee pot so funny. Still smiling thinking about it!

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I don’t know but I remember when teachers expected and got respect from their students. I thought that one was clever but I hated that it exists.

Leland said...

Lots of truth in 7 which I think explains why productivity, at least in my business, went up when we started working from home.

Nancy said...

Ann, this was your best selection ever!
I loved both workdays, the horse craft projects, the teacher insults, the fashion show. I was bored by Amber Heard and the fake office f-bombs. I worked in an office and this woman is pretending to be an idiot.

The Drill SGT said...

#3. The Finnish PM is hot!

CJinPA said...

“An impersonation of Amber Heard.”
VERY GOOD. Short and funny.

“How America pictures a workday in Finland.”
“How Finland pictures a workday in America.”
Enjoyable contribution to international harmony.

“Follow the simple instructions and you, kids, can make a nice image of a horse.”
I was smiling at the narration, but feel bad laughing at kids’ art, as I should.

“A teacher rates the insults he received from students today.”
Good gags, but don’t encourage middle schoolers to insult their teacher. And definitely don’t use them to build an online audience.

“The first half of the show was fashion for adults, the second half the toy version of those things.”
FACT: I know his brother, the chairman of the Pennsylvania Senate Appropriations Committee.

“Office jobs are kind of fake jobs, aren't they?”
N/A Can’t tell if she’s being serious.

Ann Althouse said...

“ I worked in an office and this woman is pretending to be an idiot. ”

The office jobs woman says in the comments over there: “I’m a cadaver lab teaching assistant getting a cell & molecular biology degree and working to become a surgeon! i’m not uneducated or stupid :)”

MadisonMan said...

The Finnish TikTok is talking about hygge -- which is not a Finnish word. So I didn't listen.

Bill R said...

An 8 year old boy is in the modern art museum with his dad who points out a painting and explains "That's supposed to be a horse."

"Then why isn't it?", the boy inquires.