1. Thought it was a clown, but it was just a guy.
2. Making friends as an adult.
3. Box hair.
4. "Oh, madam, I will tie your garter..."
5. Johnny Depp — Day 1 versus Day 20.
6. An elegant 150-year-old puzzle.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
1. Thought it was a clown, but it was just a guy.
2. Making friends as an adult.
3. Box hair.
4. "Oh, madam, I will tie your garter..."
5. Johnny Depp — Day 1 versus Day 20.
6. An elegant 150-year-old puzzle.
I'm a sucker for puzzles.
#6 is delightful
#7 just makes me happy that young women are singing classic songs
the puzzle was way cool. Thanks for doing the hard work of finding something worth watching on Tik Tok.
I loved the puzzle- quite amazing
Loved Que Sera Sera- the sweet harmony of it.
And our towel guy!! He may have been selling that no hair a little too hard.
Other than those- it was ok.
I liked the Que Sera Sera clip, and it sent me down a deep dive on Jay Livingstone, Mr. Ed, and Sunset Boulevard. Good work!
Loved the puzzle.
Simple weirdness is out, as is anything to do with that actor fellow, leaving me therefore with the 19th c puzzle or the two featuring singing. Because singing outranks puzzling in the hierarchy of goods, it's down to the two videos. Overmuch adolescent sweetness cloys the duet so I will call the other singing 'best' (although I couldn't read the lyrics-- if they are grossly indecent or worse then I'd go with the Hitchcock duet in spite of the fact that their video made my sore tooth throb).
Box hair…
No one is talking about #1
I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. I had to struggle to regain control because it started to hurt.
Just thinking about it now makes me chuckle.
#1 was funny.
Loved both singing ones. Have an Irish friend in his 50’s. Know him from the neighborhood tavern but not beyond that. He asked my wife and I to his house one Christmas to meet his family from Ireland. Normal party; Guinness, chit chat, etc. till suddenly our friend started singing just like that. Things got quiet and over the next 15 minutes 2-3 other voices joined in. I was afraid to move because I did not want to break the spell.
Though when he talks I can’t understand half of what he says. When he leaves me a voicemail I know it’s him because I can rarely figure out what the message says.
I'm hours late, but I just took a look at these and...I laughed out loud for an extended minute at the clown. It took me a second, but it was hilarious.
This was a good batch of TikToks.
Also loved the 'Making friends as an adult' and #4, the Irish guy singing. I'm always a sucker for Irish people singing. Don't know why. My wife also commented from the other room as she could hear it.
But the 'thought it was a clown' bit was so funny.
Que sera sera
#1 was annoying. Who screams at someone like that? I could see a little shriek, if she was startled, but that drawn out scream? Too high strung. (This could just be my inability to relate to it. I've never had much of a startle reflex.)
I liked the young women singing the best - not just their harmony, but the little smiles that showed they were enjoying singing it.
Why do clowns scare the crap out of people? I wonder how often that guy gets that reaction?
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