May 25, 2022

I've assembled 10 TikToks for your delectation. Let me know what you like best.

1. What Ricky Gervais said that got some tweeters calling him transphobic. 

2. And Ricky Gervais explaining cancel culture.

3. "I love Franch."

4. A man imitates his introverted wife (she's filming and laughing).

5. What's really going on this painting?

6. One too many turtles.

7. "The frog is not available...."

8. When The Band was The Crackers.

9. That nod!

10. Inside the twee cabin.


Rory said...

Gervais actually gives a pretty substantial minute, demonstrating how one person can try to have a discussion on the facts while the other tries to nullify the discussion by controlling the language.

FullMoon said...

They got any nekkid women on tiKtok?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

A simple explanation:

Imagine you are a male rapist.

Imagine that all you have to do to be able to get into places where your potential victims are vulnerable is to go into those places, and tell anyone who complains that she is a "transphobe" and an evil "TERF".

Imagine that my saying the magic words "I'm trans", you can keep cops from tracking you and protecting your potential victims.

Now, how many rapists and child molesters do you think are so full of integrity that they won't be willing to lie in order to get access to victims?


So, the real world situation is that by making it easier for men who suffer from gender dysphoria, you're making life much more dangers for all girls and women

If you really think that protecting the feelings of people who suffer from gender dysphoria is MORE IMPORTANT than protected girls and women from being molested and raped, YOU have a serious mental problem.

I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings, but any person with a penis who wishes to go into a "female space" should be legally required to carry a doctor's note saying that "person X suffers from gender dysphoria, is under my treatment, and currently needs to be able to use women's bathrooms" (sorry, but if you have a penis, you don't get to go into women's locker rooms, or any other single-sex place where people are communually undressed). Said person should have to carry a state issued photo ID that matches the name on the note. And there should be a mobile phone app that lets you validate that the letter is real.

Such letters should be tracked, and doctors who give out too many of them to men who abuse female victims should face criminal sanction.

Because the feelings of the mentally damaged are NOT more important than the safety of the normal

Temujin said...

I love Ricky Gervais and will undoubtedly watch his new special. And The Band is one of my all-timers.

But the Castle Cabin is amazing. That's the winner. I'd love to see a documentary on their entire process. If only...

Leslie Graves said...

Introvert's Husband.

Quaestor said...

Number 1.

By "transphobic" they mean empirically accurate.

(That's Quaestor being kind-hearted, BTW. Embrace it while it's being offered.)

Quaestor said...

Number 6.

Vicious feminist misanthropy, if not rabid misgendering. They mercilessly pounced on an innocent terrapin who had no opportunity to declare his/her/their pronouns and called him/her/they by a male name of their choice (obvious hu-person imperialism, btw) in order to wrongfully blame him/her/them for a moving log plainly under the malign influence of anthropogenic climate change.

If you're wondering how to tell a male turtle from his female counterparts, examine the plastron. If it is concave, the turtle is male. If it's flat or slightly convex, shes's a she. I'll let the Althousians look up plastron for themselves.

Quaestor said...

Number 7.

That little girl and today's SpaceX launch were the most enjoyable moments of my day.

Bender said...

Ricky Gervais saying that a woman with a penis is a "she" is transphobic now?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Castle cabin #1 forever.

Gary the turtle.

Static Ping said...

Introvert's Husband.

I do not get the "Franch" one but for some reason it intrigues me.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Ducournau—whose previous film, the 2016 Raw, detailed the exploits of a cannibalistic veterinary student—works hard to titillate us in the movie’s first hour or so, spreading out a buffet of gruesome, deadpan violence for our delectation.

For the delectation of the emperor he wrote, about 1211, his Otia Imperialia in three parts.

When a man has had produced before him for his own and sole delectation any article or articles, how can he avoid eulogium?

Helen smiled in her sleeve, and laid the little discussion away in her memory for "Motherdie's" delectation.


WK said...

Thanks for The Band link. Ended up spending 20 min on YouTube looking a old concert videos. Never saw Wembley 1974 video.

michaele said...

2, 5 and 7 were most entertaining to me.

Mary Beth said...

I like turtles, but Monday was World Turtle Day.

What I liked best about the Franch one was "chardenoix".

The Band one made me the happiest.

Not Sure said...

I thought 3 was going to be about Franchy Cordero.

Bryant said...

Enjoyed them all, thanks!

Rosalyn C. said...

Ricky Gervais 1&2
The frog is not available
What's really going on in this painting?

BudBrown said...
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Nancy said...

Omg, that nod!
Also enjoyed the turtles and the unavailable frog. At a similar age my daughter referred to some animal as "squooshed, dead, and unhappy".

farmgirl said...

Love ‘em.
All of ‘em!

lgv said...

Best collection ever, so far. "Franch" not so much. I couldn't help laughing at the "paint". And finally, the cabin, the tour we have waiting for. It was so well designed. What's two years of labor worth? While small, the design does not lend itself to cost efficiency. He's likes the loft because it is so quiet. The cabin is in the woods. Every room is quiet.

Shane said...


EAB said...

“Yeah, sweetheart, but it’s a fish.” I snort laughed.

Ann Althouse said...

If you're having trouble picking up what's so amusing about "I love Franch," check out some of his other stuff. Maybe it will click.

farmgirl said...

I loved Franch.
Oh la la- lol!