May 31, 2022

Biden's in trouble, and the solution could be... Anita Dunn!

I'm reading "Inside a Biden White House adrift/Amid a rolling series of calamities and sinking approval ratings, the president’s feeling lately is that he just can’t catch a break — and that angst is rippling through his party" (NBC News):
Speculation is churning that Biden could shake up the West Wing staff, although that’s not about to happen right away. Multiple people close to the White House said they’ve heard that chief of staff Ron Klain will depart at some point after the midterms, and one has heard him discuss leaving. Should Klain go, a potential successor is Anita Dunn, a White House adviser and Biden confidant whom he often turns to when his fortunes look bleak. Dunn began working at the White House at the start of the term, then left and returned in early May at Biden’s specific request. No woman or person of color has ever been the White House chief of staff since the position was created after World War II.

Anita Dunn. What I remember about her is that in 2009, she got into trouble for quoting Chairman Mao: "You know, you fight your war, and I'll fight mine." And in 2011, it was revealed that she said that the Obama White House "actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women."

The idea that women will rescue Joe Biden is persistent and strange.


Bob Boyd said...

That's because the narrative is persistent and strange.
No one is going to do a story on how a white male is going to save the Dems.

Bob Boyd said...

Interesting that the important thing is to save the incompetent, corrupt, demented old man, not the country, not the people.
They have no one to replace him with who wouldn't be worse. No one.

Joe Smith said...

'No woman or person of color has ever been the White House chief of staff since the position was created after World War II.'

She's not black? She's not gay? Not trans? Not differently-abled?

Then fuck her, cis-gendered hetero normie.

Btw, all the black staffers seem to be leaving the White House in droves.

Did they finally figure out that Biden has a long history of being a racist?

tim maguire said...

Persistent, yes, but why strange? If you accept that Joe Biden won the election, it's because women thought "no mean tweets" was a good enough reason to hand the most powerful and consequential job in the world to a corrupt and doddering old fool.

And if thousands die and millions suffer, hey, no mean tweets, amirite?

Original Mike said...

"…the president’s feeling lately is that he just can’t catch a break — and that angst is rippling through his party" (NBC News)

Biden canceled the Keystone Pipeline on Day 1. It would be finished about now, supplying almost 1 million barrels a day from Canada.

Yet, somehow this clusterfuck is somehow just bad luck.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sad, the democrats are so awash in lies and deceit - their only answer is more lies and deceit.

Wince said...

Kennedy: Best and the Brightest.

Biden: Wokest and Marxist.

Michael K said...

Klain may not be communist enough for the rest of Biden's handlers. Anita will fix that.

Clyde said...

Stick a fork in him, Biden's Dunn.

gilbar said...

Jo Biden... OWNED by the Chinese Communist Party
Anita Dunn..Once Said Chinese Dictator Mao Zedong Was One Of Her ‘Favorite Political Philosophers’

Besides... Jo likes the way her hair smells!

TA said...

She's the woman who chews her tongue when she talks.

Beasts of England said...

Poor ol’ Joe just can’t catch a break!! It’s like he’s unlucky or something. A real mystery…

Bob Boyd said...

"Just the tip, okay?"

JAORE said...

(any support for) "Joe Biden is persistent and strange."

Propped up Joe.

Sniffing children, rarely fact checked, clarifying (reversal) statements by staff on a regular basis, appointments to top positions based on (apparently) checked boxes versus abilities, inflation, hungry babies, overall results are disastrous...

The administration most closely resembles a saloon in Star Wars.

wendybar said...

What I remember about 2009 Anita Dunn is the speech where she kept licking her lips like a lizard. When she spoke of her admiration of Mao.

CWJ said...

Biden reaps the justified anger and blowback from his administration's policies and actions, but he's not to blame. No, he just can't catch a break.

Temujin said...

I chuckled when I saw that Anita Dunn was back as Joe Biden took office. (actually, before he took office). There is such are lifelong job for all Democrats. It's really kind of amazing how loyal they are to each other and their philosophies (in Dunn's case, that of Chairman Mao).

But this is exactly why people in both parties are up to their eyeballs with the entire thing. No new faces. No new ideas. The Dems haven't had a new idea since the mid-1900s. It just gets reworded from time to time. And that is Anita Dunn's specialty.

n.n said...

This isn't about women and men, but about #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed and Biden came tumbling after, and a sustainable cover-up a la Whitmer/Michigan, Cuomo/New York in the age of Spring violence, dysfunction, progressive prices and availability, and poorly conceived Mengele mandates with excess adverse events on a near-term and forward-looking basis.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Whoopy! She is the same commie “genius” that chaired the “ultra MAGA” fiasco.

Jake said...

Perhaps the Biden administration feels that women are more suited to nurse this administration back to health.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

First, it appears to me that everyone surrounding President Biden thinks that he's not competent to be President and that they should be in charge. Think about that.

While they are probably right that he's not fully competent, this isn't the way the Executive is set up. It's not a Junta.

Second, I was once a Joe Biden supporter - but this was in about 1979. He revealed himself to be an incompetent blowhard in 1987 and should have never seen the light of day again. Sure, he could have served out his term in the Senate like other incompetent Senators - see Virginia's John Warner, for example. He should have never been elevated to the VP position (while serving there did not harm, if something had happened to the President, he would not have been able to take over - he's incompetent).

Last, and related, I keep thinking about this old video from his 1987-88 campaign. It's a twitter link and shows the media's view of Biden at the time.

FleetUSA said...

Does she pass the Dr. Jill test?

love johnson said...

Anita Dunn, if only she were trans or lesbian, then she would check ALL the boxes!

John henry said...

Perhaps Dunn can help with the transition.

The question the Dems have to answer at the moment, is whether to transition now or after Jan 2.

If now, Donald Trump could only serve out this 2 year stub and would not be eligible in 24. The Dems could use this to mitigate upcoming losses "That evil bastard snuck back in! Vote demmie so we can hamstring him. Don't let him get a majority!"

Downside is they have to get rid of Kamala then Brandon and that will be messy.

Or they just wait til January and blame everything on the Repos. but then DJT gets a shot at 6 more years. The 2 year stub plus can run in 24.

Whichever they choose, Anita Dunn A/K/A Lizard Tongue is the perfect person to manage the transition for the demmies.

(For the intellectuals who are convinced there is no legal way for PEDJT to get back in the oval before 25, Kamala resigns, he is sworn in as VP, Brandon quits and Don's our uncle. Uncle Sam, that is)

John LGKTQ Henry

farmgirl said...

Persistent and strange? Why?
He poses absolutely no threat. To them…

Lurker21 said...

Former Obama appointee now at Democrat DC PR firm SDSK married to former Obama appointee now at Democrat DC law firm Perkins Coie. Way to break out of the usual DC bubble. But she's also the niece of modernist composer Milton Babbitt, so there's that, if anybody cares.

Owen said...

“… The idea that women will rescue Joe Biden is persistent and strange.”

The only women rescuing Biden will be the attendants in the memory care unit.

Narayanan said...

Problem >> Calamities
Solution >> Calumni[ti]es

Amadeus 48 said...

Biden creeps me out, and I am not even a woman. But then Anita Dunn creeps me out, too.

His fantasies at the Naval Academy (Biden was a potential college football star. Caleb Boggs recommended him to the Naval Academy the year that Biden graduated from UDelaware. Boggs later conceded how wonderful Biden was. Biden respected Boggs, etc.) are all too typical of his demented world-view. He just makes this stuff up.

wildswan said...

Anita Dunn is as far you can get from knowing or caring what is going on with regular Americans. She's a lefty who thinks her policies, once adopted, will reform major areas of American life making things better for all. "Why listen to people who don't know what would be good for them?" she thinks. Police reform has made things worse for the black community. She doesn't care. Climate change matters more, to her, than the black community being able to afford gas and groceries. Point is - the black community might as well feel the same. It still supports Biden so there isn't even any political reason for Dunn to care what happens to that community. And she doesn't. And a lot of the rest of us are Republicans or white or white Hispanic. She feels about the rest of us the way Putin feels about Ukrainians: we need re-education, that's it.
But, however, there will be an election.

Earnest Prole said...

The idea that women will rescue Joe Biden is persistent and strange.

Anyone would be better than Ron Klain, and since 50 percent of "anyone" are women, the idea seems far from persistent and strange.

Sebastian said...

"he just can’t catch a break"

Poor Joe! He just couldn't catch a break in A-stan, where the Taliban so rudely refused to keep their side of the bargain! He just can't catch a break at the border, where huddled masses mysteriously continue to invade! He just can't catch a break on inflation--if only Congress had passed BBB and increased spending to rev it up a bit more! He just can't catch a break in Ukraine, where he wants the Ukrainians to keep fighting, boosting inflation and starvation! He just can't catch a break on climate, doing everything possible to ruin energy supplies while not making a bit of difference! Poor Joe!

Virgil Hilts said...

a lttle rant about Ron Klain. I knew him at HLS. He finished 1st in his class - he was brilliant. No reason to dislike him, only loosely followed his career (around the edges of power) until last 2 years. When Biden won I thought Klain might be the smartest person in history to hold as much power as he did (wrong - that might be Bill Clinton). Klain inherited a country in good shape. They just had to manage Covid and keep Trump's successful econ and foreign policy stuff in place & minimize Biden's speaking engagements and this country and the world might still be in pretty good shape. Didn't vote for Biden but thought at least with Klain running things it might not be so bad. Yeah right -- Ron Klain is in my book the biggest loser of the 21st century to date.

Virgil Hilts said...

For the record, here is that I wrote about Klain 8 years ago here:
Blogger Virgil Hilts said...
I also thought it was a weird choice, but Klain is AT LEAST 5 to 10 times smarter than any one else in the Obama administration. Given what is at stake (lives) and my guess that Klain will want to come out of this looking good and not someone who caused ebola to get out of control, I think he is about as good of choice as we could have hoped for. 10/17/14, 12:14 PM
I remain dumbfounded at what Klain has done over the last 18 months.

Kai Akker said...

@Virgil Hilts -- Frog and scorpion?

@Virgil Hilts -- Where did Reagan rank in his HLS class?

Rusty said...

Let me get this straight. The boat is sinking and you're going to replace the guy who drilled the holes in the bottom with somebody with a bigger drill?

mikee said...

Use of a tossed coin, heads versus tails, to make decisions would improve the Biden administration's track record. After all, Biden is famously the man who has been incorrect on every single foreign policy issue since he was first arrived in DC from Delaware (per Obama Def Sec Bobby Gates). Making random choices rather than following the guidance of his ideological minders should improve Biden's decisions up to 50% correct over time.

Jupiter said...

Have they tried more cowbell?

ga6 said...

George Costanza disappointed.

Narayanan said...

US Crude Oil Imports from Canada
3.498M bbl/d for Wk of May 20 2022
not by pipeline but rail

Narayanan said...

The research project that led to the term "ultra-MAGA" was led by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the liberal group, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the Washington Post reported.

Narayanan said...

Virgil Hilts said...
a lttle rant about Ron Klain. I knew him at HLS. He finished 1st in his class - he was brilliant.
Do they allow teachers to have pets at HLS?

realestateacct said...

I'd recommend he find someone who is able to talk to Republicans in the Senate and Congress. I kind of recall Bill Clinton did okay doing that.

Bunkypotatohead said...

"The research project that led to the term "ultra-MAGA" was led by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the liberal group, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the Washington Post reported."

It took a committee to come up with that term? MEGA-MAGA just rolls right off the tongue and I would have sold it to them for a tank of gas.

Howard said...

Cool, we can reuse those "I believe you, Anita" bumper stickers.

Drago said...

Howard: "Cool, we can reuse those "I believe you, Anita" bumper stickers."

Makes sense.

With the collapse of all your other democratical hoaxes over the last 6 years, perhaps now is the right time resurrect your older hoaxes.

Paul Doty said...

Hope so. I expect she'll do for Joe what she did for Harvey Weinstein.

Robert Cook said...

That the Dem leadership could select no better a candidate for President than Joe Biden reflects how sclerotic and corrupted they are, (corrupted by hubris, by self-interest, by their inability or unwillingness to understand their voters or care about their needs, and by their fealty to the big-money donors they serve). The few in their party who would be worthy candidates (and one not in their party--Sanders--who would have been, if not great, at least better than Trump or Biden), were never going to be allowed by the leadership to be their candidate. So, we get Biden, who will beget us an equally bad or possibly worse President next term: a Republican.

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