May 3, 2022

A boy and his mom.

At the Met Gala:


Gahrie said...

If you were unaware that Musk is socially awkward, you haven't been paying attention.

gilbar said...

My entire net worth is in hands of this man
stupid, if true.

Remember the Enron people? The people that had their 'entire net worth' "wiped out" by Enron?
The people that
a) put their ENTIRE 401k's into ENRON?
b) mortgaged their houses, and put That money into ENRON?
c) got SECOND mortgages, and put THAT money into ENRON??
d) bitched and moaned and whined and cried; that Enron "wiped out" their 'entire net worth' ??

Beasts of England said...

Please tell me the back of his tails read ‘Tax the poor!’

R C Belaire said...

Fully at ease in his world. Uninhibited? Wacko? You decide...

Will Cate said...

I realize I'm just a rube from Arkansas, but what is "Met Gala?" I presume it has something to do with the Metropolitan Opera. Is this when all the rich folk whip out their bottomless checkbooks to keep it going?

David Begley said...

Where was Grimes? At her house taking care of X and Y.

Mr. Forward said...

I believe they won the World Series in 1986. I don't know why they are still celebrating.

Sebastian said...

"Please tell me the back of his tails read ‘Tax the poor!’"

It's what they do in Europe, and they know better.

Meade said...

@Beasts of England, lol

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Based on how some of the other "celebrities" dressed and behaved, Elon making faces at the camera is almost normal.

Tank said...

Musk is like Trump (is that a tag yet?).


Iman said...

Turn the screws up on these people, Musk, and do it with a smile.

Humperdink said...

African-American breaks the glass ceiling.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Musk is giving Trump a run for his money for the title of the left’s favorite punching bag.

Night Owl said...

People like Musk and Trump are confusing to people who don't have a sense of humor.

Joe Smith said...

I'm really surprised he was there.

Didn't think he went in for this sort of thing.

On the other hand, he seems to like jerking chains, and what better place?

mikee said...

Was Musk an invitee or did he pay for his & his mom's ticket? Maybe he already donates, I don't know nor care. If he was there free, his elite celebrity & business status is marked as secure by his presence. If he paid the $35k cost per ticket, he's just playing with those who believe themselves better people.

Either way works for him, I'd guess.

Craig Howard said...

stupid, if true.

Lighten up. It’s his [very proud] mother.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Kardashin wears a 5 million dollar dress.

These people make me sick. HUNGER GAMES.

No wonder that lying liar AND Kremlin asset Hillary was there.

Marc in Eugene said...

I'd be happier if they were raising money for other collections at the Met but, eh, the wealthy have always patronized the arts and I'm not one to whine about that.

If Mr Musk can laugh at himself, at his own antics, I'd say that he has surpassed Mr Trump, who, so far as I recall anyway, doesn't much do spontaneous self-mockery.

stunned said...

Did anyone walk the red carpet wearing an outfit emblazoned with "Please STOP this WAR!" message? In scarlet letters.

n.n said...

Eccentricity with wildly disparate productivity. Mom may entertain the former, but is surely proud of the latter.

wendybar said...

"No wonder that lying liar AND Kremlin asset Hillary was there."

With her CONSTANT companion, HUMA. Just come out already.

stunned said...

Clueless prancing and preening last night at the shameless $$$$$ extravaganza at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. A tasteless display of a sick society.
Rome is burning while the impervious dance trough the night. Ghastly.

Michael K said...

Blogger Night Owl said...

People like Musk and Trump are confusing to people who don't have a sense of humor.

I think Musk is having a Trump moment when he realizes how much the left hates anyone who seems to interfere with their agenda. Who knows ? Maybe he will run in 2024.

Rusty said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
"Kardashin wears a 5 million dollar dress."
I don't care how much she paid. Her ass is still bigger than a 56 Buick. Her dressmaker charges by the yard.