April 5, 2022

Musk advances, promising significant improvements.

ALSO: Dillon is CEO of The Babylon Bee.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Like free speech?
Nah - free speech is only for White Left SoiBoy antifa arsonists!

Sebastian said...

"Musk advances, promising significant improvements."

Time to join Twitter? Might as well get something out of all the subsidies I gave Elon.

Achilles said...


Twitter is big for announcements in crypto space but I have resisted supporting the sewer.

Let us see what actually happens.

Original Mike said...

Tucker last night played a clip of Twitter's CEO stating that the issues of the day are too important to worry about the First Amendment.

minnesota farm guy said...

It's hard not to admire guy who puts big bucks where his mouth is. I hope he can bring about some change in the censorship of social media.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Speaking of Twitter lies - there a whopper going around in an attempt to smear Tucker Carlson.

hmmmm. Someone named Alyssa Mastromonaco is to blame?

Alyssa Mastromonaco is "a former White House Deputy Chief under President Obama, spread the fabricated quote attributed to Tucker Carlson. She also worked for Vice Media & Marie Claire magazine."

Beasts of England said...

History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of man.

Seems appropriate…

Skeptical Voter said...

Well when the Big Dog takes an almost ten percent bite of your stock, you put him on the Board. It will be interesting to see if Twitter can clean up its act.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Adam Kingzinger also falls for fake quote

Background on Alyssa Mastromonaco - she's the one who called Sinema a B and a C.

Breezy said...

Do we believe Parag is truly excited to have Elon on the board? LoL!!

Chris said...

Maybe Elon can unblock me. I was permanently blocked a few years ago for suggesting that some terrorist get kicked in the nuts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets see who else fell for the fake Tucker quote?

"Trump impeachment prosecutor & former federal prosecutor who served as counsel to House Democrats, @danielsgoldman
, spread Joe Walsh's fake quote falsely attributed to Tucker Carlson."

A fake quote created by a woman named Alysa Mastromonaco(D) - A good leftist Soviet liar.

Freeman Hunt said...

Is it too squee-ish to say hooray for Elon Musk? Because hooray for Elon Musk!

Interested Bystander said...

Good news. I've wondered for years why wealthy conservatives don't buy out the communist/Marxist news and social media. Why is left up to peope like Jeff Bezos and Zuckerman to control our national news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shouldn't Alyssa Mastropmonico(D-Soviet) be forced off Twitter?

Mike Sylwester said...

Does Parag Agrawal really not understand that Elon Musk intends to stop Agrawal from suppressing other people's free speech?

YoungHegelian said...

I mean, how fucked up do you have to be to suspend The Babylon Bee? The satire of The Bee, compared to the National Lampoon I grew up with, is so gentle that I wonder just how wimpy you've gotta be to take offense.

Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter) is now doing public penance for the monster he created. It doesn't let Dorsey off the hook for me, not yet at least. He was among my least favorite CEOs, a position cemented by such outrageous public performances like this one.**

** Yeah, I know, you ain't got a spare three & a half hours. But, trust me, it's one of the most craven public appearances by a Silicon Valley 2.0 ever!

PM said...

And with neuralink, whatever pops into your head becomes a tweet.
Well, I guess it's already that.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Does Parag Agrawal really not understand that Elon Musk intends to stop Agrawal from suppressing other people's free speech?"

On Zero Hedge someone called Musk's response to Agrawal's welcoming tweet (Musk said, "Looking forward to working with Parag & Twitter board to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!— Elon Musk") "the politest pink slip in history".

The rule of Lemnity said...

Best news I’ve heard long time. I might even go back to Twitter. I’m going to wait and see.

n.n said...

To paraphrase Ali: Floats like a butterfly, stings like a Babylon Bee.

hawkeyedjb said...

I'd bet 90% of the twitter staff would quit before they'd give up their commitment to wokeness and censorship.

Owen said...

Elon's buy moved the stock price upward in one day 27%. Everything he does will make for crazy gyrations in the market cap. Even if he's silent (ha!) he will loom over the trading floor. Management should be sweating: God forbid he should dump his holdings or start a proxy war!

Maybe he can find a way, with enough shareholder support, to revise the articles of incorporation so that Dorsey's shares become worthless?

Pass the popcorn.

Original Mike said...

"James Woods
Dear @elonmusk, welcome to Twitter. I join millions of users in hoping your presence will restore integrity to this once valuable forum.
Two thoughts:
Remove all politically motivated algorithms from the site.
Make people have to use their real identities to end abuse."

Excellent suggestions. I imagine Twitter will claim there are no politically motivated algorithms, which would clearly be bullshit. So lets implement that one using a doctrine near and dear to the left's heart: disparate impact.

John henry said...

As a condition for the seat, Musk had to agree not to buy much more stock while on the board and for 90 days after he leaves.

I think he is allowed to go up to 14.9%.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Update from leftist Soviet Twitter liar:

alyssa mastromonaco
· 6h
hi twitter I just deleted a tweet from yesterday about t*cker carls*n bc it turns out…it was not true. trying to be a good twitter citizen and admit when i am wrong.

Gypsy Jenni said...

The Babylon Bee interviewed Elon Musk three months ago; it's on YouTube.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

These are the same leftwing liars who buy any leftist lie that comes down the pipe.

Jussie Smolette
Trump is a Russian spy
Tulsi is a Russian Spy
Hillary - denial of her private server to enrich herself
Biden and Hunter are clean clean clean.
Kavanuagh rape rooms and bed bounced a woman who lied about her fear of flying+ SWETNICK
all the crap that flows out of Stephen Colbert's lips
No questions for Ray Epps
Comey - flip flop adoration

Original Mike said...

Blogger John henry said...
"As a condition for the seat, Musk had to agree not to buy much more stock while on the board and for 90 days after he leaves.
I think he is allowed to go up to 14.9%.
John LGBTQBNY Henry"

Yeah, I'm still not seeing how he has much leverage.

Josephbleau said...

I don’t know if Twitter voting rights are held in special shares, but if musk takes 10 or 15 percent he can be twitter’s Carl Icahn. He can create a lot of internal dissension and if necessary resign his chair and sue, if he wants. I suspect he will try to make some behind the scenes policy changes first. Jessie Jackson caused a lot of trouble by buying 10 shares of the target company and showing up at the stockholders meeting.