April 12, 2022

"Herd immunity now seems impossible. Welcome to the age of Covid reinfection."

 Writes Devi Sridhar in The Guardian. 

The rising number of documented reinfections, sometimes occurring relatively quickly after the initial infection, as well as the high number of infections with the Omicron variant among the fully vaccinated, means that herd immunity is likely impossible – even if seroprevalence hits 100%.... 

Vaccines have largely blunted the virus’s ability to kill, and its destructive impact on health services. However.... Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like the common cold because it makes people so ill that they cannot work.... 

It’s clear that it’s better that no one is infected with this virus.... An increasing number of people who are unable to return to work, or suffering from chronic illness, will be a major burden on healthcare services as well as the economy...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mid-terms are coming.

gilbar said...

More Covid horror stories? Is there an election coming up?

Original Mike said...

I hope Fauci, Daszak, and Zhengli are proud.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Herd immunity now seems impossible. Welcome to the age of Covid reinfection."

Bruce Willis said it better regarding Johnny-come-latelies.


Gahrie said...

Covid is nothing more than a severe flu now, and is here to stay. Just like we told everyone two years ago.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I don't understand the sentence below:

"However.... Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like the common cold because it makes people so ill that they cannot work.... "

This leads to a few questions:

1) Are we now comparing it to a common cold and not the flu?
2) I don't go to work when I have a cold. Do most people?
3) Are we beginning to admit that the vaccines over promised and under delivered?
4) What is the data that supports the statement- "an increasing number of people unable to return to work"?

What is this person's actual recommendation? No one should ever get sick again? How does that work?

Lucid said...

I visited the local mall last weekend which was packed with almost entirely unmasked people. The mall's parking has been full every weekend for months now. This doesn't square with the description of Covid-19 continuing to be a problem.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes a vaccine that provides durable immunity is necessary to herd immunity. Duh. Fauci and his experts recommended all the wrong moves over and over and silenced their critics so we had no course correction so here we are with vaxxed and boosted folks still testing positive. Way to kill any trust in “Public Health” authorities!

Jersey Fled said...

I guess this means that we have not achieved herd immunity for the common cold, which everyone gets every year but nobody dies from.

tim maguire said...

Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like the common cold because it makes people so ill that they cannot work

Yeah, it's more like the flu. Which we live with. With each wave, the number of cases becomes less important. Each major variant behaves as expected--more infectious, less virulent. Health services are finally accepting that we don't need to lock down again just because cases rise. So we're left with media outlets desperate to keep the panic going.

Joe Smith said...

And the drug companies celebrate...

MayBee said...

Remember when our President, President Biden, made a speech to the citizens of the United States blaming unvaccinated people for making other people sick, and saying this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated?

That rhetoric went away pretty fast, when it became more clear than ever it wasn't true. But how reprehensible for the POTUS to speak that way about the citizens of his country.

If you get it, or get reinfected, that sucks. But it isn't a moral failing, and someone didn't do it to you.

Jake said...

Anecdotally I have to disagree that covid cannot be treated like the common cold because it prevents people from working. First of all, the common cold can, at times be bad enough to prevent a person from working. Covid appears no different. Numerous people I work with in the same business and then others from other businesses effectively work remotely even while "sick." But for the restrictions and precautions in place, those people likely would have simply come to work pre-covid.

Moreover, I recently donated blood and found out my blood was "Reactive+" with covid last anti-bodies meaning it could be used as convalescent plasma. I tested positive for covid Christmas and have donated blood twice since then. First about a month and a half after Christmas and again about two weeks ago. My first donation was not 'Reactive+" - in fact I wasn't advised I had any anti-bodies at that time. Clearly I had covid a second time and I gotta say, I never skipped a beat. About two weeks before donating the second time I had a cough, congestion and the occasional sneeze. Never tested for covid, but I must have had it again. People need to move on.

Critter said...

How much did Pfizer pay this guy to write this article?

stunned said...

I am just thankful I don't live in China.

Jersey Fled said...

Just for fun, substitute "hangovers" for covid or any of its equivalents in the above article.

Unclebiffy said...

Always remember, it is more likely than not that this virus is man made and did not occur naturally. We did it to ourselves.

The Drill SGT said...

notice he said it wasn't comparable to the common cold

and ignored the good fit to seasonal flu variants and shots of marginal effectiveness

Achilles said...

Look at the shitheads lying and trying to cover their tracks.

There are going to be stupid people out there who listen to this. There willing be deranged people who claim gravity pulls up and use this to claim they are not evil shitheads pushing a “vaccine” that they had to change the definition of the word to include.

Polyzen said...

Gotta keep that mail-in voting through November.

Sebastian said...

"The rising number of documented reinfections, sometimes occurring relatively quickly after the initial infection, as well as the high number of infections with the Omicron variant among the fully vaccinated"

So what exactly is the point of vaccine and booster mandates as a public health measure?

Don't say hospitals--they aren't overwhelmed; don't say it's for people's own good--for most healthy people the actual risk is minor, and we don't force people to do lots of things that would reduce risks. Making fat Americans lose weight would do more good.

Levi Starks said...

Herd immunity was never the objective.
Decisions were made that may have reduced the short term death toll, (flatten the curve) but at the same time insured the curve was so flat that it stretched to infinity.
Of course the scientists/politicians will argue they had no choice, but they absolutely did.

joe said...

And so what? For the overwhelming majority of people, COVID is now as disruptive as a cold or a mild flu. We can certainly live with it if we stop pretending it's a big deal.

M Jordan said...

I tested positive last week. It was a bad cold: fever 102.8), chills, sore, sore throat, exhaustion. The worst of it was over in three days.

I did get the first two vaxxes, no booster. Who knows, that may have saved my life. Who knows anything, really? Science has been completely compromised, the health food nut jobs vindicated somewhat, the world’s leadership class exposed as utterly corrupt, hypocritical, and stupid. My faith in humanity would have been shaken but it was never high. I believed from Day One that this virus was being co-opted by evil spirits. Still believe it.

But I’m well now, the sun is shining, temp finally hitting 60 … life is good for the moment.

Birches said...

This is silly. Lots of people get sick every year and are unable to go to work. Just because it's a new something doesn't make it special.

Rollo said...

However.... Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like the common cold because it makes people so ill that they cannot work....

So in other words, it's as dangerous as the flu.

Owen said...

Thank you China!

Thank you Fauci!

I won't bother now to search out and name the many, many others complicit in building and releasing this hell-spawn.

Rollo said...

Heard immunity is already here.

The Guardian just hasn't herd.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

I guess the CDC should not have been funding Chinese COVID gain of function research, should they?

c365 said...

Either that or the PCR tests are junk, which define a the detection of a particle in your nose, of which we are literally swimming in a sea of viral particles, as an "infection".
Google search, "Viruses-lots of them-are falling from the sky" which predates covid by 2 years; the study detected virus particles navigate the globe. Our ruling class have used technology to fool the people.

I'm not saying no one is getting sick or infected, but that many millions are bound to be swept up in a positive covid test who aren't infected, but guilty of sharing the same planet at some point with someone who was.

The presence of a particle is not an infection, or if it is, an infection is virtually meaningless.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I can’t tell which is more rampant now, misinformation about the virus or the virus itself. Lots of work for the censors though. #OnTheBrightSide

rcocean said...

The Democrats need to justify closing in-person voting and mail-in ballots. Vote fraud.

typingtalker said...

Medicine is an inexact science. Humans are not machines. Prediction is hard -- especially about the future.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

This is not unexpected if you follow the evolution of pathogens and responses. See the Red Queen hypothesis, from Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll's Queen: "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!" [Through the Looking-Glass]

We will adapt, albeit slowly. And the virus will also change, as does the flu - into mild and virulent strains. Good hygiene and improving physical fitness will help.

rhhardin said...

Herd immunity just means the government stops quarantining everybody and nature goes on as it will.

Howard said...

Do you cunts ever store whining?

R. Duke said...

The use of "herd immunity" is a tell. There never was any possibility of herd immunity. If you read the literature on respiratory virus's, you will learn that they mutate so quickly that herd immunity is unachievable. That's why there's a new seasonal cold every year, new flu, etc. Theoretically, our "experts" knew this, but they pitched herd immunity anyway, and now because it is so obviously wrong, they have to walk it back.

Michael K said...

What's going on in Shanghai is the logical consequence of the idiots running the CDC and the NIH. People have been locked in their homes and are starving. Now they are jumping out of windows in high rises. At least red states have shown some sanity here.

wendybar said...

Time to seal you in your house to force you to vote by Mail again, so the Progressives can cheat again.

Bystander said...

It may be worse than this. There are people with relevant titles and initials after their names who believe mass vaccination with non-sterilizing vaccines, especially during the early phases of an outbreak, leaves the population more vulnerable to later variants. Do a search on:

Hoskins effect
Antigenic imprinting
Original Antigenic Sin

Overly short version, infection or non-sterilizing vaccination turn our immune systems into one-trick ponies. The immune system continues to generate anti-bodies specific to the original, dominant antigens on the surface of the virus. This is fine until a new variant comes along with previously recessive antigens now dominant and previously dominant antigens now recessive. The immune system detects the now recessive antigens and sends in antibodies against those antigens but does not generate antibodies against the new dominant antigens. The immune response is far less against the new strain.

gilbar said...

As Time Goes By...
Covid-19 is DEATH ITSELF because it makes people so ill that they cannot work..
Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like the flu because it makes people so ill that they cannot work..
Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like hayfever because it makes people so ill that they cannot work..

"Please comply with COVID restrictions. Control your soul's desire for freedom."
Serious Question: How Many children will end in suicide because of COVID?
Will we be Able to PRETEND they were all suicidal because of gender dysphoria?

gilbar said...

Sebastian said...
So what exactly is the point of vaccine and booster mandates as a public health measure?
Don't say hospitals--they aren't overwhelmed;

As of today, the total number of Serious or Critical cases in the USA is: 1619

That's for The ENTIRE COUNTRY.
That's not a tenth of what it was in January.. That's a TWENTIETH of what it was in January
That's RIGHT, serious or critical cases are down 95% from three months ago.

Dr Fraudci is saying: "Numbers are Skyrocketing! They are up 10% from last week, which isn't even true

Robert Cook said...

"So in other words, it's as dangerous as the flu."

Which can be fatal.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Herd immunity now seems impossible. Welcome to the age of Covid reinfection."

We have known this since at least last July with the P Town superspreader event, where a bunch of gay guys were deep kissing other gays with gay abandon, and, despite being vaccinated, spread the virus. Theoretically, you can reach herd immunity with a leak type vaccine, and a virus with very low contagiousness. Which is part of why you can’t get to herd immunity with easily mutating respiratory viruses like this one. Assuming a non leaky vaccine (unlike these), it was theoretically possible to reach herd immunity with the ancestral variants. But Delta’s increased contagiousness (R0) increased the Herd Immunity Threshold (HIT) to 80%, and Omicron probably over 90%. Combining vaccinated with those with natural immunity, we might be at that point already, except that these vaccines are leaky, and seem to be getting more and more so, as time goes on. There are studies out now that suggest that the vaccinated are more likely now, not less, to catch the virus, than the unvaccinated, that the vaccinations interfere with our normal immune responses to the virus. There are theorized several mechanisms involved, and if you want the gory details, reading or listening to Dr Malone is a good place to start.what should scare everyone is that the vaccinated seem uniquely vulnerable to repeated reinfection. Looking back, it shouldn’t be surprising - the vaccines target a couple of spike proteins from the ancestral variants of the virus. That is what the immune systems of the vaccinated focus on, even after catching and surviving the virus. But Omicron, in particular, has mutations in this area. Someone who is unvaccinated, but with natural immunities, has a much broader immune system focus. The immune system’s focus on the first exposure to a virus is one of the reasons why the vaccines don’t work as well now, and is an explanation for why flu viruses come in waves.

And, of course, none of this addresses the fact that these vaccines have side effects, that seemingly increase as the number of doses increase (probably thanks to overreaction to the massive reintroduction of the spike proteins). The real scandal is that the vaccines should probably never have been approved for more than use in the most vulnerable - the old and those with significant comorbidities. The FDA allows drug companies to do their own testing, and they cut a lot of corners doing so. Pfizer, at least, did see significant side effects in its initial trials, some of which were reported to the FDA. This is very probably why the tried to spread out the release of their supporting documentation over 75 years. A federal judge said “no way”, it is coming out over a much shorter time frame (I think 10 months) and it isn’t pretty. One thing that the Republicans in Congress requested was risk stratification - where trade offs between risks of side effects were compared to risks of the virus (such as age). This was rejected by the FJB administration.

Mark O said...

We will see more of these panic pieces the closer we come the the disaster of the midterms for Democrats. There will be more unlawful mask mandates, even on the airlines. There will be calls for lockdowns, using Shanghai as precedent.

Tulip mania strikes again.

Real American said...

if sick people are gonna be a burden on the economy, then it's best not to shut down the economy.

Owen said...

The virus looks at us as a herd to be domesticated, not slaughtered.

Drago said...

Groomer Enabler Howard: "Do you cunts ever store whining?"

Seems like only yesterday our very, very obsessive Howard was tracking every single attendee at Republican "superspreader" events and reporting minute by minute on the devastation Covid had wrought.

Of course, we knew he was lying and being melodramatic then and didnt really mean a single word he was tossing about.

Skeptical Voter said...

Forget it Jake. It's the Guardian--a fount of misinformation, disinformation, and outright progressive propaganda.

madAsHell said...

I am just thankful I don't live in China.

I'm sure the crackdown in Shanghai is being watch carefully. They're thinking "Can we implement the same here in the States?"

~ Gordon Pasha said...

12 cases in the Catholic Hospital system in western Idaho, eastern Oregon. Only 1 in the ICU. And they marked the hospital's as far as "Overall Hospital Capacity Assessment". Hospital administrators are the worst.

Howard said...

I should have been cheering, Drago. The Ghina virus will have taken out 500K anti-vax Trump voters by the time of the 2022 midterms. There's always a silver lining.

BUMBLE BEE said...

University of Malmo Report...

Horrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term Basis
Dr. McCullough: "If this is true... we'll never be able to get this spike protein out of the human species

Edmund said...

There are theorized several mechanisms involved, and if you want the gory details, reading or listening to Dr Malone is a good place to start.what should scare everyone is that the vaccinated seem uniquely vulnerable to repeated reinfection.

If you are using Malone as a source, take it with a huge grain of salt. He's an angry man that seems to be bitter that others took some of his early work on mRNA and ran with it to make actual vaccines and (in the near future) drugs. He's gotten increasingly angry as time has gone on and gone full anti-vaxx, seemingly because he gets more PR from that crowd.

What is clear from data from studies on memory cells and viral loads is that:
- antibodies wane in the bloodstream after both vaccination and infection (this is normal for all infections)
- the vaccines protect against hospitalization and death long term and infection while anti-bodies are high
- long term, the body has robust memory cell response to all variants with both vaccine and post-infection cases, with good response to variants (this is typical for memory cell response, btw)
- vaccine and post-infection breakthroughs have a slightly different course of infection - you get symptoms before your viral loads peak and the fall-off is faster. That makes you less likely to spread the infection, especially if you stay home when ill.

MadTownGuy said...

"It’s clear that it’s better that no one is infected with this virus...."

Lots of luck with that...

MadTownGuy said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Yes a vaccine that provides durable immunity is necessary to herd immunity. Duh. Fauci and his experts recommended all the wrong moves over and over and silenced their critics so we had no course correction so here we are with vaxxed and boosted folks still testing positive. Way to kill any trust in “Public Health” authorities!"

Yet there are still people who insist that the 'Science' has changed and we still must put our trust in the experts, and anyone who disagrees is lying. At some point you can use up your credibility by continuing to double down.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Medicine is an inexact science.

Bullshit. Epidemiology has a long history and the lessons were clear, even for respiratory viruses, even for so-called "novel" respiratory viruses. We knew what to do and not do. For the first time in human history we were goaded into locking up healthy people as "preventative care." That was stupid and so socially destructive as to be akin to war on our economy. Doctors were suddenly restricted in the off-label use of approved treatments and gagged from discussing adverse affects of The Vaccine, which actually required a new definition for the word vaccine to even be applied to the weird experimental RNA-producing shot they now call a vaccine. There are true medical mysteries out there. How to handle this one and what best practices are for it were not mysteries. The best practices were well known in epidemiology. Unfortunately, the goal of the regime was not to keep America healthy or safe but to shut it down for political reasons, and worry about restoring the reputations of Public Health and the medical community and our national institutions after rigging the last election.

It worked. Now what?

Static Ping said...

I supposed technically "herd immunity" was the word that was being used by the layman, but the actual goal was to (a) not overwhelm the medical resources and (b) keep the deaths as low as possible, while (c) not wrecking the country. The fact that COVID will become another flu is, in the general orders of things, a good outcome. I'd rather it be gone forever, but this is an acceptable situation. The fact that the author is treating it like a disaster seems strange.

Jupiter said...

"Vaccines have largely blunted the virus’s ability to kill, and its destructive impact on health services."

He's so full of shit.

baghdadbob said...

Remember all the media coverage marking the recent milestone of 1mm American covid deaths?

Me neither.

It's like the doomsday clock. One minute to midnight the moment Trump took office, no mention today, even as a real global World War threat exists.

Jupiter said...

Fucking disease is so lame it can't even kill Nancy Pelosi.

n.n said...

Welcome to the age of the quick fix, the empathetic appeal, the age of non-sterilizing "vaccine" mandates for distribution to low risk cohorts across the population, upon penalty of shame, unemployment, cancellation, and redistributive change.

n.n said...

I guess the CDC should not have been funding Chinese COVID gain of function research, should they?

No transparency in China, no transparency in Ukraine, for what are illicit enterprises through shared responsibility.

Karen of Texas said...

"An increasing number of people who are unable to return to work, or suffering from chronic illness, will be a major burden on healthcare services as well as the economy..."

One wonders if this is a narrative that is being trotted out to blame "chronic illness" on natural infection and not on side effects from the injections.

MalaiseLongue said...

Howard: "Do you cunts ever store whining?"

Why, yes, Howard. I store all my whining in my lady parts.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

I should have been cheering, Drago. The Ghina virus will have taken out 500K anti-vax Trump voters by the time of the 2022 midterms. There's always a silver lining.

The voice of ignorance. Soon you may notice (and not admit) that those vaccinated, especially with multiple boosters, are having worse morbidity.

Data from California, Georgia and Illinois show that during the post-vaccine delta wave, deaths among the vaccinated and boosted accounted for around 21 percent for California and Georgia and 38 percent in Illinois. This is an already very high amount. But after the emergence of the omicron variant, the proportions in California and Georgia rose substantially to 35 percent each while Illinois’ remained relatively unchanged.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Just to make things worse Democrats in the California Legislature (but I repeat my self) are looking for a way to discipline physicians if they fail to parrot the party line. This will apply to any condition. Medicine is broken.


Che Dolf said...

Walgreen's covid testing shows much higher infection rates among vaxxed than unvaxxed.


Anecdotally, I know a number of unvaxxed middle-aged, out-of-shape men in public-facing jobs (meeting hundreds of people every week) who take the antibody test every few months, and result always comes back negative.

May be time to stop overreacting to this.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I supposed technically "herd immunity" was the word that was being used by the layman...

You suppose wrong. It is a technical term. It is well known in epidemiology, but was one of those terms distorted by and for the regime in 2020 in order to gaslight the public*.It is the reason we no longer see polio in America unless a new immigrant brings it generally. It is the reason we give all the other true vaccines to children. Measles, pertussis and rubella kill many children worldwide, but not here (usually) and that is because true anti-vaxxers are few and so don't upset the established herd immunity.

*Last week an old video of Fauci surfaced where he waxes elegantly about the "the most durable immunity to viruses" which is to have and recover from an infection. It is the context of a bad flu season that this old new item was taped. He literally contradicts the New Fauci we all met in 2020, but it illustrates perfectly his willingness to play dumb ("I'm not sure what you mean by herd immunity") and outright lie ("masks are not/are necessary") in any given situation. Believe me if I hadn't learned 95% of what I know about epidemiology BEFORE the WuFlu hit I would not now know what to believe either. The misinformation on viruses has way outstripped the legit sharing of good medial knowledge. It's sad.

Michael said...

Only one in ten think the virus is still a thing. Except Philadelphia! Sad.

Jersey Fled said...

I can't believe Ann let Howard get away with calling us cunts.

rsbsail said...

The problem with the Walgreen's data is that the group is self-selected. In other words, no one knows if that group represents the population as a whole.

I have heard the claim before that vaccinated people are more likely to contract Covid than unvaccinated people. I find that hard to believe, and no one has ever been able to explain how this would occur. I did hear Alex Bereston on the Travis/Sexton radio show mentioning this, but he was specifically comparing people who had already been infected vs vaccinated people. Not unvaccinated people. And for cripes sake, that is the comparison that means anything. Of course, natural immunity is the best.

Chris Lopes said...

"Which can be fatal."

And yet we don't shut down national economies to fight it. We don't give up traveling freely. We don't deny kidney transplants and other services to those who aren't vaccinated against it. We don't surrender broad power to incompetent politicians because of it. In short, we behave like sane adults who way the cost/benefits of our actions.

Chris Lopes said...

"Just to make things worse Democrats in the California Legislature (but I repeat my self) are looking for a way to discipline physicians if they fail to parrot the party line. This will apply to any condition."

Like abortion. Yep, no future administration would ever misuse such a law for purely political purposes.

wendybar said...

It's over. When Psaki can say with a straight face, that Kamala didn't wear a mask inside (like Psaki LIED about the day before, and got caught when Biden put out a picture) so the excuse is "Because It Was “Emotional” And “Historic” Day"!!! SCREW them. They are laughing at us. Why do the elites think we can't see them?? Because they DON'T CARE.

wendybar said...

Groomer Enabler Howard: "Do you cunts ever store whining?"

Nope. We just love to irritate pedophilia lovers on the left.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Were the funeral homes swamped? Is there still space in the cemeteries? Coffin shortage?

jrapdx said...

So much misinformation out there. I try to "go to the source", that is, actual/original research reports published in peer-reviewed journals. (If you think it's NOT a good source, then tell me WHAT is?)

Anyway, a new report re: COVID-19 viral load (VL) among people with mild COVID symptoms. Bottom line, VL was lower for people with 2-dose vax (variants alpha,delta). For omicron, VL was lower for boosted (3-dose) vax, but not 2-dose. Boosted subjects showed lower infectious VL suggesting a short period of isolation while symptomatic is probably all that's necessary to minimize spreading COVID to others.

Good to know that 3-dose vax is effective in reducing infectiousness as well as severity of infection.

Jim at said...

"So in other words, it's as dangerous as the flu."

Which can be fatal.

Yes. And?

Should we shut down the entire world every flu season?

Joe Smith said...

'"So in other words, it's as dangerous as the flu."

Which can be fatal.'

Yes, if you are old or have co-morbidities.

And yet we don't shut down our economy during flu season.

Trump fucked up when he listened to Fauci...

Che Dolf said...

"The societies that women design if their impulses are unchecked are hellish to endure and nowhere is this more evident than in schools. High school is the culmination of years of this type of life..."
- Covfefe Anon

Richard Aubrey said...

Che Dolf

If we stop overreacting to this, what's left to overreact to? Must have something or there's no use getting out of bed in the morning. Plus it lets us make other people do stupid stuff.

Seamus said...

Covid-19 is not yet mild enough to be treated like the common cold because it makes people so ill that they cannot work.

If it makes people so sick they can't work, then maybe they'll stay the hell home and not spread their germs like they do every time they get a cold.

effinayright said...

4) What is the data that supports the statement- "an increasing number of people unable to return to work"?

So far, no one here has provided that data.

That tells it's not there.

But ...prove me wrong!

effinayright said...

Che Dolf said...
"The societies that women design if their impulses are unchecked are hellish to endure and nowhere is this more evident than in schools. High school is the culmination of years of this type of life..."

Meanwhile, no bridges or dams will be built or repaired, no new roads, no new airplanes, no new NUTHIN'

It's just be "Mean Girls"---"Mean Girls" all the way down.

Seamus said...

But I’m well now, the sun is shining, temp finally hitting 60 … life is good for the moment.

Whoa, dude. I know you don't want it to be as high as the 102.8 you had last week, but 60 sounds like you died and are now a vampire.

Maynard said...

The WuFlu has been normalized among normal people. There is no need to panic about it anymore unless you are a strong Democrat partisan.

Let's move away from gene therapy (i.e., the mRNA vaccines) and onto other therapeutics that will help people who will inevitably catch COVID. It will be around for a long time and we need a diversity of approaches to manage it.

Drago said...

Groomer Enabler Howard: "I should have been cheering, Drago. The Ghina virus will have taken out 500K anti-vax Trump voters by the time of the 2022 midterms. There's always a silver lining."

Yes, that is something you would believe.

Let me guess, you read it in a hoax dossier?

Readering said...

I do hope post-covid that folks will isolate when they get sick. Pre-covid my Mom would get sick every winter from lying bridge partners.

Chris Lopes said...

"I can't believe Ann let Howard get away with calling us cunts."

He's running out of pejoratives that will get a response.

Dr Weevil said...

Someone doesn't seem to have figured out that foul-mouthed sexist whining about other people's supposed whining is not some kind of meta-whining, as superior to ordinary whining as a metaphysician is to an everyday physician. No, it's just whining, with a bit of an incestuous edge to it.

Kai Akker said...

Consider the source. Just dumb.

Che Dolf said...

rsbsail said... I have heard the claim before that vaccinated people are more likely to contract Covid than unvaccinated people. I find that hard to believe, and no one has ever been able to explain how this would occur.

It supposedly has something to do with a phenomenon called "original antigenic sin." Vaccines (or exposure to the virus) prime your immune system to defend against specific virus strains, but this prevents (or hinders) your immune system from creating antibodies to new variant strains. So a vaccine may provide good protection against Strain 1, but then when Strain 2 comes along, someone with a "naive" immune system can eventually create antibodies against it, while the person with a vaccine-"trained" immune system can't.

I'm not a biologist, so I apologize if I've garbled this.

n.n said...

Groomer Enabler

Shame, sue. and seduce is how they infiltrated the churches, schools, families, Boy Scouts, etc. to groom their Posterity. And, they make mom, dad, and taxpayers, generally, pay for their transgendered, queer, and malicious orientation. A neat trick, and they pulled it off. Take a knee, beg, good girl.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I have heard the claim before that vaccinated people are more likely to contract Covid than unvaccinated people. I find that hard to believe, and no one has ever been able to explain how this would occur. I did hear Alex Bereston on the Travis/Sexton radio show mentioning this, but he was specifically comparing people who had already been infected vs vaccinated people. Not unvaccinated people. And for cripes sake, that is the comparison that means anything. Of course, natural immunity is the best.”

What seems to be happening with 2nd, etc jabs is that the immune system sees a major infection by a known pathogen (the spike proteins) and overreacts. The issue is that the immune system is seeing way more of the pathogens than it normally would in the face of a viral attack. So, it commits all of its resources, essentially wiping out the immune system until the cells can be replaced. Not with everyone, of course, but a lot of them. This can have a dramatic effect in some cases - such as fighting off viruses that should be easy.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ If you are using Malone as a source, take it with a huge grain of salt. He's an angry man that seems to be bitter that others took some of his early work on mRNA and ran with it to make actual vaccines and (in the near future) drugs. He's gotten increasingly angry as time has gone on and gone full anti-vaxx, seemingly because he gets more PR from that crowd.”

So, your answer to Malone’s points is that he is an angry man. Good to know. Logically, it’s called an ad hominem attack.

“What is clear from data from studies on memory cells and viral loads is that:
- antibodies wane in the bloodstream after both vaccination and infection (this is normal for all infections)
- the vaccines protect against hospitalization and death long term and infection while anti-bodies are high
- long term, the body has robust memory cell response to all variants with both vaccine and post-infection cases, with good response to variants (this is typical for memory cell response, btw)
- vaccine and post-infection breakthroughs have a slightly different course of infection - you get symptoms before your viral loads peak and the fall-off is faster. That makes you less likely to spread the infection, especially if you stay home when ill.”

Of course antibodies wane over time. What is important, long term, is immune memory. You seriously don’t want to go through the rest of your life with your immune system triggered to destroy a couple of very specific spike proteins, or the viruses they are attached to. What happens if some other virus comes around? Is your immune system going to say: sorry, busy?

As for having robust memory cell responses - vaccinated and then infected is not as strong as infected first, because the first infection by a specific virus type is the one that imprints the strongest. And, in the case of these vaccines, the first imprint was by a couple of spike proteins out of many, and which have seen mutations. The result is that vaccinations cannot be as effective as being exposed to the entire virus, when the immune system first encounters the virus. Moreover natural immunity is not as effective if vaccinated first.

But we continue to get side tracked. What is the purpose of getting vaccinated? Is it to survive the virus? Fine, then vaccinate the elderly and the morbidly obese. A friend of mine was asking to help her set up 2nd boosters for her and her mother. She is 70, and her mother, living with her, is 100. I helped. But then WTF are they vaccinating kids? It is highly likely that the vaccines are far more dangerous to them than the virus. It just doesn’t kill kids who don’t have serious comorbidities. It mostly doesn’t even make them that sick. And with the herd immunity myth exploded, there is no discernible reason to vaccinate them with a novel mRNA treatment, that has side effects whose frequency appears to be inversely related to age. (That said, I think it likely that I know more people killed by the vaccines, than the virus - and I am 3 months older than Ann).

Yancey Ward said...

Put yourself in Howard's shoes- he voted for this shitshow. That fact has got to really, really sting his sense of self-respect.

LA_Bob said...

jrapdx said, "Good to know that 3-dose vax is effective in reducing infectiousness as well as severity of infection."

This article contradicts your source, which seems to hold "viral load" in high regard.


rbsail and Edmund take note. This is thinking which supports Bystander's comment. We are looking more and more at a vaccine-driven pandemic, especially with booster shots.

glacial erratic said...

The Medical Authorities did not lose their credibility; they threw it away with both hands.