Here's the video I found after I was watching a bit of the event live:
Did you hear the line? "I thought I was going to get to drive one of these [???] today." I hear "fuckers."
I'd just run into the live event on TikTok, and I was surprised at all the abuse the TikTok users were putting in the live comments. Here's a screenshot I took:
There was a very fast moving stream of comments. Very nasty. It's just by pure chance that the screenshot ends with "Where's Will Smith when you need him?"
I got some background on the event from Washington Examiner. Biden was talking about trucking as "a national priority, including improving training and employment standards." And apparently, back in 2017, Trump had an event where he was "photographed in the cab of an 18-wheeler Mack honking the horn and pretending to drive before a listening session with executives and their employees on healthcare," so that may have prompted Biden to express disappointment at not getting to sit in the truck. I'm guessing his handlers were afraid it might look weak rather than strong (like Dukakis in the tank).
Oh! I see the Washington Examiner fills in the blank with "suckers." You tell me. I think if you watch believing you'll hear "suckers," you will hear "suckers," but when I didn't have a text, I heard "fuckers" every time (and listened 10 times).
Sounded like "fuckers" to me. Slow Joe will get us into a world war one of these days.
Clearly suckers.
Get your hearing checked. The first thing to go with age are the sibilant sounds (esses).
I listened expecting to hear fuckers (because Biden) and heard suckers.
As much as I wish it were the F word, I clearly heard "suckers."
I heard "suckers" too. However, I rarely hear an f-bomb in my daily life, so I wouldn't have expected to hear it. The only time I really hear people use the f-word these days is when I'm watching a Disney-owned TV channel.
With the sky rocketing price of diesel I doubt Biden has many fans in the trucking industry. Not getting any votes from truckers so I don't see what they thought they going to get out of the photo op.
'one of these suckers today'. He didn't say the f word. He's old and his lips don't move very well anymore, and maybe his teeth don't fit - but you can clearly hear the sibilant.
He probably thought saying "fuckers" would get him tight with actual working truck drivers.
I heard the "f". But, in my headphones, it's pretty obvious he's saying "suckers" through some bad dentures and I'm guessing some anti-stutter tongue placement. Like (air rush/whistle)ssthuckers(air rush/whistle).
Like the american people after he was selected.
I heard "sucker" before I scrolled down far enough to see what the Examiner thought.
Trains and trucks.
What a British diplomat friend said about Theodore Roosevelt: "You must always remember that the president is about six years old."
Maybe if they let Biden drive an earth mover he wouldn't have killed the pipeline.
I heard "suckers" without the script.
Maybe that was in reference to the people who believe what he's saying.
I heard suckers on first go.
I didn't read the paragraph you wrote until after I listened to him and I thought he said 'suckers.'
Ann if you think the comments in the screenshot are nasty, you have a very low threshold.
Thanks again for helping elect this dolt. Yeah, I know, you didn't vote. As I said, thanks for helping elect him.
there's so much to be out-raged about over this horrible crook - this is not one of those times.
If Brandon f*cks in the forest, does anybody hear it?
I hear suckers.
Reminds me of Biden voters.
I vote "suckers". Or were it the suckers who voted for Brandon?
Biden always has a long story to tell and all of them are untrue.
What, he drops the 'f' bomb so he gets off Scot-free on his "I used to drive a truck" fabulism?
"I used to drive a truck... it's a long story."
Probably yet another lie out that fuckers mouth.
He's pretty far gone of course but I don't think he is quite yet so daft as to say "fuckers" in public.
Biden is out by Christmas; one way or another.
Pete is building he's 25th Amendment file every day.
There was a very fast moving stream of comments. Very nasty. It's just by pure chance that the screenshot ends with "Where's Will Smith when you need him?"
This is what you would see if you looked around outside the ever shrinking media bubble the NYT's and WAPO inhabit.
The backlash is coming.
People that support Biden are just not respected anymore. They are terrible people.
I heard "suckers."
The usual suspects said Trump's manner was too crude for the Executive Mansion.
Pull the other one.
The ssss is clear.
I drove a dump truck for about three weeks, working for a neighbor's company constructing apartment complexes. I hauled trash and debris from site to a dump a few miles away, when the bed was full.
Cheap bastard wouldn't maintain the thing, or perhaps couldn't--it was ancient and there was a length of 2X4 in the cab to hold the brake pedal down at stops (wedge against the seatback--there's room).
Probably several kinds of illegal. OTOH, it was actually pretty fun work, if dirty.
It sounded like "suckers" to me.
FWIW, I heard "suckers".
The only truck Biden (probably) drove was a Tonka truck.
It sounded like "suckers" to me.
I think he said “suckers.”
He used to drive one of these!
Did you know that? Anyway, it's a Long Story (totally devoid of facts)
I heard a faint sibilant "s".
And it's what I would've expected him to say.
As my grandmother got older, More and More things that i KNEW never happened became fixed in her mind. My 89 year mother is doing that too. I think Biden started 'remembering' things that never happened a little earlier than most (like by the mid 1980's)
I can't believe he's ever worked as a truck driver, and I heard "fuckers"!
Fuckin' A...
He says 'suckers.' But he did repeat his canard about driving a truck that even Snopes rates as false (he was on a ride-along once).
I hear suckers. He's slurping on his "s" a little, but it's pretty clear to me.
The fucker said fucker.
Baby you can drive my truck
Yes, Dementia Joe said fuck
I think he said “suckers”.
Regardless, he’s a dope.
I hear "suckers."
And I heard it before I read your final paragraph.
I hear "suckers". But if you want a hilarious example of "hearing what you were told to hear" check out this video:
I read your question, was prepared to hear "fuckers" but instead heard "suckers."
So, Biden just drops "[cock]-suckers" right in a speech, huh?
It's refreshing to hear real people's language used.
I hear "suckers".
I am second to no-one in my loathing and contempt for Joe Biden, but he clearly says "suckers" much as I hoped and expected he was going to say "fuckers;" you can see his tongue form the 's.' The truth about Joe Biden is bad enough. I hope he is enjoying his war. If you have ever read "The Guns of August" you will see how much effort leaders put into getting the other side to go first in a war, to put the "odium" on them, usually, a war that the "agressed upon" side was the one who really wanted and had been planning for years, like since 2014. It drags along the simple minded and pure of heart who would never buy a war of aggression, and stirs up the blood lust in populations whose best interest is actually peace. In a just universe, Joe Biden would burn in Hell for not avoiding this war, alone.
I listened twice. The first time I did not watch and heard "fuckers". The second time I watched his lips and heard "suckers.
Either way, the man is and always has been a fool.
I watched expecting fuckers but I clearly heard suckers.
Everyone knows trucks are neither sucker nor fu**ers. They are Sum Biches.
"This sum bich got 18 wheels and 24 gears and my cross tops are kicking in so I best be getting on the road."
"That's another story."
Pretty much every claim out of his mouth is another story. He loves this story, about driving a truck, which is a particularly stupid claim, given how much training and practice (plus a special license designation) are required to drive one of those things. Old Blue-Collar Joe knows nothing about blue collars.
Sounded like suckers to me. AA poll?
Yes. He said it. No doubt. And he has NEVER Driven a truck. That was established during the campaign.
I cannot hear "fuckers." I can only hear "suckers." I hear the ssss sound slipping through his teeth.
No, I heard some something between an F and An S. Sorta like FFSSSuckers. Could be his bridge work.
While a Gaffe machine, Biden doesn't have a record as a potty mouth. Been speeking in public for 50 years. Comes from a generation and state where dropping an F bomb in public appearance would be your demise.
Course he is going senile, if he's not aleady gone.
The Democrats can blame Putin all they want, but regular people who are mostly non-political are seeing the prices at the gas pump, and the prices in the grocery store, and are mostly coming to the correct conclusions on their own.
Of course, what they don’t entirely realize is that the price of groceries is in many respects just a reflection of the price of petroleum products. Not so much gasoline, but rather the diesel that runs the tractors, runs the trucks, and runs the trains. And of course petro chemicals that are part of fertilizer and other farming inputs.
The Democrats generally won’t shut up about their hatred for the fossil fuel industry, and their weak and latterly attempts to cover that up aren’t fooling anyone with an IQ over room temperature, measured in centigrade.
Good old Scranton Joe, and his war on the coal industry, the steel industry, and the natural gas industry.
Right after he fired thousands who had already gotten covid because they didn’t need or want an experimental shot. Where is Will Smith when you need him. There is a *ucker all right in this video but it’s at the podium.
I could care less about Biden- who is ruining everything he’s touching: foreign policy, economic policy- the border!! Supply/demand- transportation…
The truckers were headed to DC- did the media black them out?! I never heard a thing about their final destination. Diesel prices this yr are going to wreak so many agricultural incomes. We bought plastic- to wrap our marshmallow bales- we paid 100$/roll. 4800$ investment. It’s now 150$/roll, I hear. Plastic is a petroleum based product, yes? We’re a small farm. Grease, oils, other fluids. All increased in price.
Summer is going to be difficult.
PS Trump. He has so much fun w/people. I miss him.
I watched his mouth when he was talking and it does not look like he is making an "F" sound with his lips. I heard suckers.
He's unquestionably saying "fuckers"
Read his lips. Suckers.
I hear "suckers", but is there any evidence that he used to drive a truck? I thought that had been debunked.
I read your headline and therefore was predisposed to that. But I heard "suckers" the one time I listened to it.
"one of these suckers"
Biden has already said (sometime last year) that he drove a 18-wheeler at some point in his "ole Scranton Joe" middle-class past.
O.K., I’ll bite. I watched it seven times and heard “sucker” each time, and “The Daily Mail” also reports it as “sucker.” I can’t find any additional reports, but I doubt if Biden even remembers what he said.
I heard suckers before scrolling down to see others heard the same. Don't really care, because I'm more concerned that trucks like those won't be allowed in some states and countries because of policies that Biden also endorses. If you want to improve employment standards, get rid of laws preventing owner/operators.
As much as I would like to hear "fuckers" I hear "suckers."
Heard it only the one time. Sounds like "suckers" to me.
Heard it only the one time. Sounds like "suckers" to me.
"one of these suckers" (And I am no fan of Biden. I watched the Dem Primary debates and could see how bad he had faded after an hour. At the end he could be near incoherent.)
I heard "suckers". Played it for my wife. She heard "suckers". We both wonder why he keeps telling the "I used to drive a truck" lie.
Biden uses "suckers" all the time.
Listened with no expectations, and I heard "suckers." Listened again hoping to hear the f-word, still heard "suckers." Played it many times and never heard the f-word. To me it seems clear he said "suckers."
Well, according to Kelli Stavast, Brandon said ‘suckers’, but everyone knows it was Biden saying f***ers!
I was primed for fuckers by your comments, but I heard suckers...
Did he ever actually drive a truck? I thought that had been de-bunked last year:
“The extent of Biden’s trucking experience is that he rode in a truck once, for one night in 1973,” Parkinson wrote.
Just the Washington Post's helpful version of "Let's Go Brandon". But I can see why old Slow Joe wanted to sit in the cab of a big truck. After all he once claimed that he'd driven an 18 wheeler--probably just another Biden lie. But he could get halfway there if at some point in time he'd actually sat in a big truck.
He's such an asshole.
fwiw I heard suckers without reading to the bottom of your post where it is mentioned.
He said suckers.
I heard "suckers." And watch his lips. They don't assume the "f" shape. They don't change shape at all -- which is what one would expect going from "these" (-s at the end) to "suckers" (-s at the beginning).
I remember being grossed out by the term "suckers" back in the 80's, these days it's "fuckers" all day long. I heard Biden say "fuckers" which goes along with Joe's looser language and devil may care attitude these day. However I realize that isn't an argument one way or the other since Biden is temporally challenged. He recently referred to his wife as the VP under Obama and our current president seems eager to shift into the past without hesitation.
He is not a good man, he is selfish and vulgar.
But I guess most Americans deserve having that selfish and vulgar man for what he is.
"I thought I was going to get to drive one of these..." LOL. Joe, they took your license away, that's why they have to drive you to the Dairy Queen.
I watched it expecting to hear the "f" because I clicked before reading the rest of the post. But I was watching his mouth, and I heard "suckers." He didn't tuck his bottom lip as one does when forming the 'f' sound.
I read your headline and listened to the clip, and it very clearly sounded like 'suckers' to me- and that was before I read to the bottom of your blog where you revealed that as the proffered explanation. I'm not one to cut Sleepy Joe any slack, but I don't think he said 'fuckers.' Potentially more problematic is the fact that he reiterated his claim that he used to drive a truck, which has been fact checked and shown to be basically false in the past. (He apparently drove a big-rig truck once as part of a campaign event, or something like that.)
I heard "these suckers" but it's fun to think he says fuckers.
Sounds like Joe has a bad case of white line fever from when he used to drive the big rigs, he told us all about it.
I'm pretty sure that he said it with an f, but there is just enough distortion to make it ambiguous.
Finally, I’ve asked a question where everyone has an opinion!
“ Ann if you think the comments in the screenshot are nasty, you have a very low threshold.”
I saw many more comments flow by and am characterizing the whole experience. This is how it looked for a fraction of a second.
What kind of people say suckers and not fuckers? Either say the word or don’t. It’s pretty clear we want him to have said fuckers!
We both wonder why he keeps telling the "I used to drive a truck" lie.
What's he going to say, "I never drove a truck but I spent a lot of time slandering a truck driver"?
There's an interesting video on this, known as the McGurk Effect.
Apparently, there's also a Nature article out there entitled "Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices".
Finally, I’ve asked a question where everyone has an opinion!
Definitely blue with black lace. I mean "laurel".
He should stick with a hearty “corksoakers”… it’s more genteel.
What kind of people say suckers and not fuckers?
(1) The kind of people who say malarkey.
(2) People who don't think in terms of vulgarities and would never even associate the two.
I didn't voice an opinion before, but I will now. Hate to be left out.
Sucker. My wife says I have a lisp that I never had before since I've lost quite a few teeth.
Nothing up front, yet, but according to her even the lost molars etc. affect the thibylanth.
As long as he doesn't break into a song about weed, whites, and wine, we good.
Iman 3:55 = LOL
Reminds me of the famously ambiguous line from Blade Runner:
"I want more life...father/fucker."
Sounded like "suckers" to me, but I can see how it could be mistaken for "fuckers". Neither word is something a US President should use with any regularity, too much risk of ambiguity.
I predict the "Garrulous Joe" act will be a large part of his eventual undoing.
""I used to drive a truck... it's a long story."
Probably yet another lie out that fuckers mouth.
4/4/22, 3:24 PM"
Where do you think he got the chain to fight off Corn Pop from?
nice strategic move on WH comm staff ??? so FJB from now on >>> SJB =
He said suckers.
I hear "suckers", and Valentine Smith's comment makes me feel better about myself.
As much as I wanted to hear the F word, it was clearly the S word. I was listening with my headset in a quiet home with the sound turned up slightly from my usual listening range. He did say suckers. He also said he used to drive a truck. At most, probably a pickup truck. I believe his lie about driving a big rig was flattened some time ago.
Don't be disappointed. Give Biden a few months and every other word out of his mouth will be "fuckers".
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