March 13, 2022

Sunrise — 7:10.



Talk about whatever you want in the comments.


Bender said...

He's back.

tim in vermont said...

This war. has taught me complete contempt for the normies, and that has brought me a kind of peace. Who cares what somebody who believes what Joe Scarboro says, thinks?

rcocean said...

"Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives."

Said by:

A) Hillary Clinton
B) Mitt Romney
C) A homeless person ranting in the street
D) All of the above.

rehajm said...

Korean Youtube golf instructor poor translation of the week: This kind of old fashioned thing keeps me off the streets

She’s talking about preventing hooking the ball

JZ said...

How are we going to get up early enough tomorrow morning to see the sunrise? How can we make our rulers leave our clocks alone?

Dave Begley said...

William Hurt died.

“Body Heat” and “The Big Chill” are two great movies.

One Eye said...

Really enjoyed Hurt with Costner in "Mr. Brooks". A great buddy movie.

Beasts of England said...

B). And I’d pay $25k for a ringside seat to see Tulsi beat that corrupt traitor into a coma…

The rule of Lemnity said...

Dr Julie Ponesse: [Mandates] an invasion by the state into what should be private.

Link to video 👉🏽

Caroline said...

William Hurt? Wow.
Just rented Gorky Park a few weeks ago, got reacquainted with him.

ngtrains said...

JZ I this you have it backwards.

They will keep fooling with our heads forever,

madAsHell said...

Now that we have the Biden gaffe machine in the White House, do we still have BAD-LIP-READING videos??

Ampersand said...

Spent the weekend in pain with a pinched nerve, listening to and reading the William Barr book. It's not political revenge porn. It's an autobiography by a man who loves this country and who is blessed with an exceptionally clear mind.

Nicholas said...

Ann, I liked the previous picture of you in the Borsalino hat much better.

rhhardin said...

The Law Talk podcasts seem to have ceased, probably because there's not much law going around these days so it won't be relevant to anything.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Out Go the Lights...

Christopher B said...

Sunrise at 7:10am .. ugh.

DST just makes two more weeks of winter.

tim maguire said...

Caroline said...
William Hurt? Wow.
Just rented Gorky Park a few weeks ago, got reacquainted with him.

My wife ruined it (along with most movies made in the 80's and 90's) by going off about how the female characters are just decoration around which the men drive the action. Irina, the female lead, gets called "the girl" by characters supposedly close to her more than she gets called by her actual name.

Danno said...

Blogger Ampersand said...Spent the weekend in pain with a pinched nerve, listening to and reading the William Barr book. It's not political revenge porn. It's an autobiography by a man who loves this country and who is blessed with an exceptionally clear mind. Recommended

Naw, he is a weasel from the deep state, where only the folks in DC count. And they are immune to the laws that everyone else is subject to.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

In Seattle, someone stole an Apple iphone. The victim track the phone down with its tracking function, shot the perp and took the phone back. Vigilante justice in action.

The new mayor, Bruce Harrel, is recruiting police officers back after the previous administration downsized the force in the name of "social justice." He's been very successful. Six officers in two and a half months.

Amazon is moving its 1,800 workers from its 3rd & Pike location in downtown to Bellevue, across Lake Washington. They're in the former Macy's/Bon Marche building, across the street from West Lake Center and West Lake Park. Too much crime.

Original Mike said...

"Ann, I liked the previous picture of you in the Borsalino hat much better."

Me, too. That image was exceptional.

Original Mike said...

Oops, scratch my photo comment. I see the old when is back, which is the one I like.

I haven't had my coffee yet.

walter said...

Did he discuss Epstein's demise?

wendybar said...

Mayor Eric Adams
Good morning, New York City! We’re officially live on @tiktok_us. Follow along for the fun:

Stephen L. Miller
Replying to @redsteeze
Eric Adams entire strategy right now is to look like a fun and cool celebrity to the media so they won't pay attention to the city crumbling right behind them and it's working.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"This war. has taught me complete contempt for the normies, and that has brought me a kind of peace. Who cares what somebody who believes what Joe Scarboro says, thinks?"

Why would anyone care what you think? I'm glad you've found some peace in being completely wrong. It's good for you.

madAsHell said...

Amazon is moving its 1,800 workers from its 3rd & Pike location in downtown to Bellevue, across Lake Washington. They're in the former Macy's/Bon Marche building, across the street from West Lake Center and West Lake Park. Too much crime.

The corner of 3rd & Pine is not a new problem. Thirty years ago, my mother worked at the Bon Marche/Macy's, and she was concerned for her safety while waiting for the bus home on that same corner.

The problems arrived with the McDonald's restaurant.

gadfly said...

So "Ginni" Thomas attended the January 6, "Stop the Steal" rally but got cold feet before the Capitol invasion and left - or so she tells the press.

If nothing else we now know for sure who runs the Clarence Thomas household.