"... why the prospect of another rise in prices would alarm some people in the White House. But, with Russia’s government reliant on energy exports for about forty per cent of its income, the moral argument for cutting off these mammoth revenue streams is hard to counter. 'The world is paying Russia seven hundred million dollars a day for oil and four hundred million dollars for natural gas,' Oleg Ustenko, an economic adviser to the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, told me, in a telephone interview from Kyiv this weekend. 'You are paying all this money to a murderous leader who is still killing people in my country.'"
From "The Economic Challenge and Climate Opportunity in Supporting Ukraine/Putin’s dependence on oil-and-gas exports presents a chance to make the U.S. less beholden to fossil fuels and the autocratic governments that control them" by John Cassidy (The New Yorker).
Joe Biden wants this war. If he lets Texas pump oil the war ends. This war is happening because of Democrat energy policies.
But Democrats would rather feed Russia money than let Texas prosper.
Because they know who their real enemies are.
And when Visa and Mastercard are done crushing Russia they will turn on Joe Biden's political opponents in the US.
People forget that the US was a net exporter of oil until Biden took over just a little over a year ago.
Part of the right answer is to return to the Trump policies here in the US.
Had to do some searching to find that "forty two" percent number.
Well,I am rich, I guess this means I can probably find that next pickup truck I have been thinking about by buying if off of some poor deplorable who can't afford the gas anymore. Biden is a great president for rich people who don't even know what a gallon of gas costs.
$4/gal is cheap.
Los Angeles
We have plenty of oil in the US that we can easily cut out Russia from our imports.
BUT, what we don’t have - and the EPA and DOE has not allowed - is for US refineries to refine all the oil we can produce.
Once again, the government intervenes in business, the market conditions change rapidly, and the government has no way to respond.
We saw this in healthcare in certificate of need states like KY. A pandemic arises but, because any new medical service needed a certificate of need from the state (to protect existing healthcare monopolies), we didn’t have enough facilities or beds for all the sick people.
Government must get out of the the way of markets.
"Germany will become utterly dependent on Russian oil, if it does not immediately change course." - Donald Trump.
I was surprised to see gas at $3.74/gallon yesterday. I think that's about as high as I've seen it here ('tho I didn't check the little book in the car where I record all purchases).
Biden supporters don't seem to understand supply and demand. And what happens when you shut down North American production in the name of Green-ness. What you get is Red-ness, as in blood.
Jennifer Granholm, our former Great Governor of Michigan, now you Energy Secretary, appeared on Bloomberg several months ago. They wanted hear her plan to reduce gas prices, as it had shot up to $2.89/g in Michigan.
this is the 9 second clip with her response to increasing domestic oil production
Note: For her official portrait that hangs in the State House along with all former governors, it depicts her standing next to a table. On that table is a Chevy Bolt and a windmill.
""Prices at the pump already top four dollars a gallon in some states, and Joe Biden’s approval rating stands at just forty-two per cent... so it’s easy to see...""
42% is a lie also. It is in the low 30's everywhere else.
Even honest Democrats can see that the Biden Regime caused this war and is extending it as long as possible.
His public statements begged Putin to invade.
His energy policies are forcing us to fund this war.
Democrats would rather have war in Ukraine than let Texas pump oil.
Illegitimate failing regimes need a foreign enemy to distract from their failings and an excuse to denounce their enemies at home.
And when all of the Corporations/Governments are done with punishing the Russian people, they will turn on western political opponents continuing their censorship and seizure of bank accounts.
You are stupid if you don't see this coming.
Gas stations here in Georgia keep taking Biden “I did that” stickers off their pumps. There’s got to be a number whereupon they would reflect and say, you know what? Leave the stickers on. At $4.90 premium, that number is not yet, at least here in Georgia.
MadisonMan said...
I was surprised to see gas at $3.74/gallon yesterday. I think that's about as high as I've seen it here ('tho I didn't check the little book in the car where I record all purchases).
Biden supporters don't seem to understand supply and demand. And what happens when you shut down North American production in the name of Green-ness. What you get is Red-ness, as in blood.
They understand it well enough.
They just hate Texas more than Russia.
Isn't the wise strategy to supplant Russian supply with domestic production to influence the world price lower?
But Biden can't do that because global warming or something.
So, instead, our only option is higher prices and pushing Russia closer to China?
The democrat insiders are poised to pocket big Hunter-bucks on their insider so-called Green energy.
Biden had to turn off domestic energy. It's for Pelosi family retirement funds!
Trump was correct in regard to energy policy. The United States was energy independent, and he opposed Germany's foolish dependency on Russian natural gas. Biden or whoever is guiding his energy policy, believes in the exact opposite, obsessed with wind and solar power that are not remotely ready and may never be.
Do remember that Biden was elected on the belief he would restore norms. Instead, he's basically Trump if Trump was really, really, really stupid.
But the Green Zealots want this. It makes EVs look cheap.
The Greens hate the oil producing states and the people who live there. The CAGW crowd really believe that so-called global warming is the number one problem so they are fine with all of this.
Ya'll must be mistaken. Just two days ago Freder was assuring us U.S. oil production is UP under Biden!
Why are people surprised?
Obama/Democrats have been working towards petro being the same price as Europe, for decades. They said this out loud, proud of their goal. To reduce carbon fuels, rationing by price, is a core agenda item.
Despite the words out of Psaki's mouth, Democrats are achieving their goals. Democrats are getting exactly, what they voted for...good and hard. The intelligent 60% of the population is just collateral damage.
Just as long as we don't give Texas any of that oil money....
There was no climate change in the stone age.
You'll see, we're headed there.
Hey, some of the natural gas pipelines into Europe are under Ukrainian control- if Zelenskiy wants to cut those off, he can do so at any time. He doesn't have to wait for the Europeans and us Americans to stop buying Putin's fossil fuels.
Some enterprising young rep should float a bill that reduces fed tax payments by the amount we had to put into our vehicles because of Joe’s demented and short-sighted policies. Sorry Joe, had to put my fed income tax dollars in my car.
If Only! If only WE had oil or gas resources!!
Imagine how much BETTER our world would be, if the USA had oil or gas resources we could tap!
We'd be more secure, more comfortable, and even more equipped to move on to future fuels (because we could direct the Billions we'd save into new fuel research.
If Only! IF ONLY!!
what a sad circumstance, that the USA is an area COMPLETELY DEVOID of petro resources :(
I mean, EVEN If those resources were in environmentally fragile areas; i bet, with american ingenuity we would find a way to extract without too much damage to the earth.. Certainly Far Less damage, than the upcoming Global Thermonuclear WAR!!
If Only! If Only! If only WE had oil and gas resources :(
Biden supporters don't seem to understand supply and demand.
See my previous post.
You are pretending Democrats don't understand supply and demand, when their actions toward achieving their goals prove they understand just find.
You do not understand cause and affect.
Democrats repeat ad nauseum, they are going to force the United States into carbon neutral life. That means a massive reduction of all fossil fuels. Pricing fossil fuels to trigger consumer rationing, is a huge tool the are using. Bidens Executive orders when coming into office, were always designed to raise the price of crude oil.
Affect desired: Reduce use of gasoline.
Cause required: Limit United States Oil production and refining. Thus raising crude oil prices, and reducing private vehicle use.
And in my house btw…. $4.99/gal for home heating oil in the NE…
@Ryan, how many farmers in LA County, raising the food you eat by using gas- (or diesel-) powered machinery?
"I was surprised to see gas at $3.74/gallon yesterday."
"But that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone," as the song says.
Achilles said...
"And when Visa and Mastercard are done crushing Russia they will turn on Joe Biden's political opponents in the US."
Yes they will, and gleefully. Canada and Russia were good test cases - government working hand in hand with the big techsters and banksters to squash Deplorables. PayPal already does this, with a vengeance - any organization even remotely right-wing will be kicked off as soon as the PayPal censors get wind of them. And most big corporations are thrilled to be able to do the government's dirty work, while leaving government-worshippers to say "It's not censorship if it's private industry doing it!"
Why worry about Russian oil? Biden is checking out Venezuala, Iran and Saudi Arabia for help.
You know, the good guys. They'll come to our rescue.
I laugh at the Biden efforts to say high food prices are just due to greed. High oil prices are due to the war. It's as if they think we've all been asleep for the past year.
I'm knocking on 4 decades of age and I've never understood our energy policy, from either republican or democratic published statements. Here's an example:
Democrats: We need to decrease fossil fuel usage and prevent drilling or refining on our shores. But while we are using fossil fuels, which have been and will continue to be our number one source of energy for the foreseeable future, it's entirely ok to rely upon those sources to be extracted, refined, and shipped from some of the most brutal and unstable countries who don't care about the environment or their own people - thereby enriching them.
Republicans: Securing reliable fossil fuel energy is a large priority for the U.S. for security and economic reasons and therefore we should minimize regulation and oversight of our energy industries and allow them to drill wherever such reserves are found with minimal red tape. And we should mock and hold our noses at government efforts to perform upfront investments in currently expensive technologies (i.e. wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) that hold the potential to reduce the total consumption of fossil fuels we use, cause that's just environmental pet projects. And we should give lip service to building more nuclear, but very few major efforts to advance that cause. And if our total national fossil fuel consumption keeps going up and up, well then it's democrats fault we haven't drilled more.
More and more as I age, I see resources such as oil, nuclear fuels, and rare minerals necessary in current industrial production to be absolutely vital to our national security, economic prosperity, and stability. The future of our country depends, in part, upon securing those resources domestically with a plan for long-term availability....along with building partnerships with ally countries who can and will uphold agreements to export to us at well established rates.
Instead we've built empires and protection agreements around some of the most unstable sources of resources. Look at us, right now, putting high level state assets in Venezuela because Russia became undesirable. What a joke.
I have an idea, let's turn our food (corn) into fuel (ethanol). Let's subsidize it in the billions$. Then we should curtail crude oil production in the US. It's a win, win, win! Food prices go up, the US treasury loses revenue, and gasoline price skyrocket.
"There was no climate change in the stone age."
Google Younger-Dryas.
But the Green Zealots want this. It makes EVs look cheap.
Yes, because they haven't paid their electric bill yet. The thing about gas is we quickly see the state of the situation. Even if you don't need gas, you can see the sign on the street showing prices. The Green's think they locked in a low cost electric bill, but those will get adjusted and then we will have the whining. Electricity is simply a lagging indicator, and the powers at be like that because it gives them time to spin the message to the right narrative.
So the US and it's allies are dithering on curtailing Russian oil imports. The Vlad, never known to dither, has shut off fertilizer exports to the west. My dairy farmer neighbor is already bemoaning the high cost of fertilizer for his spring planting. This globalization trade thingy is working out quite nicely.
But the Green Zealots want this. It makes EVs look cheap
That’s part of the idea- make extremely expensive green alternative energy sources more competitive with fossil fuels and reach tipping point in favor of the disruptive technology. Sunshine and wind aren’t reliable as primary sources but pish posh, stop bothering us with facts and details…
…and on that note, the EV makers who were beginning to see cost relief from covid disruptions are now faced with $130 oil. Mining EV battery elements is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and the EV makers are feeling the crunch of higher costs on one end and customer backlash to product price increases on the other. Last week Rivian announced 15-20 percent price increases to around 70 thousand R1T and R1S reservation holders. The company had to reverse course after too many customers cancelling orders.
(Disc: I’m a reservation holder but didn’t cancel)
But the Green Zealots want this. It makes EVs look cheap.
The Greens hate the oil producing states and the people who live there. The CAGW crowd really believe that so-called global warming is the number one problem so they are fine with all of this.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, most of the nation's electricity was generated by natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy in 2019. Electricity is also produced from renewable sources such as hydropower, biomass, wind, geothermal, and solar power. Together, renewable energy sources generated about 17% of the country's electricity in 2019 and 20% in 2020. Otherwise, it is 20% nuclear, 20% coal, and 40% natural gas.
because of the nature of generating electricity through steam, much of the available energy in these fuels is lost during generation of electricity - estimates of the loss run from 30-65% of the total available energy. Further, it is estimated that there is about a 5% loss of electricity during transmission and distribution. Finally, charging a car battery generally takes 12-15% more electricity than the battery will put back out.
So to power electric vehicles, the country currently uses 80% non-renewable energy (60% of which is petro or coal-based); and we lose between 47 and 85% of the available energy of those fuels to electric generation, transmission and battery storage. Doesn't sound so green after all - and of course the push for more electric vehicles over the next several years will result in greater pressure on the electric systems of the country, which do not have excess renewable sources available at the moment and will necessarily result in a greater percentage of the electricity being generated from nuclear, petroleum or coal.
Five-and-a-half bucks in NorCal. And that's the 'cheap' stuff.
Even so, it's ain't gas lines - that was the best for bringing out the worst in people.
“Do remember that Biden was elected on the belief he would restore norms. Instead, he's basically Trump if Trump was really, really, really stupid.”
Not elected. Cheated into office. Month by month, more information about the coordinated election fraud comes out that installed FJB. A week or two ago, it came out that nursing home employees in WI illegally voted (because they weren’t family members) for more nursing home residents than the Biden winning margin in WI. And here in AZ, where his margin was 10k, the number of illegally cast ballots found so far is in the 500k-700k range, so far. So, please refrain from the narrative that he was elected for restoring norms, or any other legitimate reason. He wasn’t. He was elected, or rather installed, through an extensive collection of election fraud actions in six swing states. 10k illegal votes here, 30k there, and you do that enough and Trump’s hundreds of thousand vote win in a state is turned into a loss.
One thing that you need to ask is what were Soros, Zuckerberg, etc after with the money they invested to pull this election fraud off. Was it innocent fun (I know a guy who very legally did this with a judge). Both of those probably have less invested than a new jumbo jet, for more fun. Or was it to destroy the current world order, in order to replace it with a new one? In any case, everyone in charge is running on stupid. It was stupid to subsidize Putin by killing our energy independence. It was stupid for Putin to invade Ukraine, with the state of his military. It was stupid to try to debunk the Russians for their invasion (since that will likely result in the US$ losing its place as the world reserve currency), etc. and that is likely to result in the US finally having to pay for its massive spending deficits. China is seriously eyeing invading Taiwan, which would likely result in massive damage to the world economy and supply chains. Think of what the effects would be if the Taiwanese IC fabs are knocked out of production. Not just computers and cell phones, but the supply of cars, trucks, appliances, etc would be severely impacted. That would also destroy China economically, as big companies around the world remove them from their production trees. Which would probably end up costing tens, if not hundreds, of millions of middle class jobs in China.
And we should mock and hold our noses at government efforts to perform upfront investments in currently expensive technologies (i.e. wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) that hold the potential to reduce the total consumption of fossil fuels we use,
What is mockable is the insistence by the left that we end fossil fuel use before we have any concept of how to replace it with wind and solar. I don't think that wind and solar will ever be a reliable source for baseline use. I used wind and solar to keep batteries charged on my sailboat. That was years ago. I will take seriously these lefties after they endorse nuclear power. Until then, they are just posturing.
This is a lefty, greeny wet dream.
Obama said he was going to bankrupt the oil industry and now they're getting the chance.
And the whole time they have Russia to blame as cover, not Joe's shutting down pipelines and drilling rights.
Premium is well over $5 where I live and diesel is $6.
Cheap gas here (Rotten Robbie gas, Silicon Valley) is $5.29, up about .50 from last week.
California won't pump oil, but they (we?) also won't mine the state's known rare-earth minerals. Because, you know, electric cars are made of magic fairy dust.
(But here the real unacknowledged problem is the aging and inadequate water infrastructure. The biggest reservoir in the South sf bay area (by a factor of 5) has been unusable for ten years because of earthquake worries.)
Biden has already lost on this one.
Whatever he decides in the future, we all know his preference was to continue.
His true nature has been exposed.
Or a bill that forces a decrease in fed spending which would be tied to the inflation rate. Any rate above 2%, which has been the norm, requires a reduction in fed spending by that same %. For example, a 7.5% inflation rate would force 5.5% reduction in fed spending. This effectively doubles the penalty because the dollar already does not go as far with the higher inflation rate. People should not have to send fed dollars in when they need more themselves for the basics.
All the headlines that we read are about the price of fuel at the pump, or home heating oil, etc. -- those fuel costs that hit our pockets directly.
But that ignores the fact that many of the products that make our "today" lives so much easier and more comfortable or fun than those of "yesteryear," are reliant on petroleum.
From where you’re sitting or standing look around the room you’re in, and consider all the items in that room that are all or partially made from petroleum or a petroleum derivative.
Gasoline and diesel at the pump is but one type of product (although transportation is an incremental cost added into every stage of manufacture, from each input to retail sale.)
Crude at $130/bbl likely triples the cost of every bit of plastic, rubber & a myriad of other items in your room, from what it cost pre-Biden, when last the U.S. produced a surplus of fossil fuel. ...and then factor in the additional costs to agriculture, for the foods we eat.
Finally, what are the indirect costs, the "unseen" consequences preached by Bastiat, of refusing to expand domestic resources in favor of sourcing oil from our international antagonists like Russia, Venezuela, and Iran? That's just insane.
And here in AZ, where his margin was 10k, the number of illegally cast ballots found so far is in the 500k-700k range
I'm confused, in the last couple days you have claimed to live in both MT and AZ, which is it?
But here's someone explaining how it's not Biden's fault!
Some people will perform all kinds of intellectual gymnastics to justify their voting habits.
Gas hit $4.00 here in north Alabama over the weekend. Gas price on the water - the most important issue with the season upon us - was $6.29 yesterday. Fuck that corrupt imbecile Biden.
"I'm confused, in the last couple days you have claimed to live in both MT and AZ, which is it?"
Freder is keeping a dossier.
It's beyond parody that Biden would rather buy oil from Venezuela, Iran or Russia! Russia! Russia!, than allow Americans to produce it. What sort of pretzel logic do Dem voters have to use to justify this to themselves?
The ridiculous policy decisions of the current administration go beyond incompetence, and look like deliberate attempts to inflict economic pain on Americans. And yet many people will continue to vote for them. It boggles the mind.
"It's beyond parody that Biden would rather buy oil from Venezuela, Iran or Russia! Russia! Russia!, than allow Americans to produce it."
But don't question their patriotism.
I have to wonder whether these assholes actually believe that the CO2 from the coal that burns in China never enters our airspace, or whether they just hate white people so much they are willing to tell any fatuous lie if it serves to damage the interests of the US. Could this idiot possibly suppose that if he does not pay for gasoline, the Iranians, Nigerians, Kuwaitis and Russians will leave it in the ground? Could anyone be that stupid? Or is he just a lying liar who always lies?
Freder Frederson said...
"I'm confused"
Election judge Freder is questioning someone with two homes. Montana is cold ass in the winter. In Arizona we call them snowbirds. There's lots of them here in winter.
"And we should mock and hold our noses at government efforts to perform upfront investments in currently expensive technologies (i.e. wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) that hold the potential to reduce the total consumption of fossil fuels we use,"
Yes. Because they don't. I takes an enormous amount of petroleum products to "go green". What do you think windmill blades are made of? Spiderwebs?
The only reason the U.S. is importing any oil from Russia is that some fool killed a pipeline on his first day in office that would have brought more oil to the U.S. for refining than the total amount that is being imported from Russia. That same fool issued executive orders banning oil exploration on federal lands, as well as putting more red tape in the way of drilling for oil on American soil. All in the name of "saving the planet" from "climate change." If you're more concerned with the climate 50 years from now than you are with keeping our cars, trucks and economy running NOW, you are a special kind of stupid!
"I'm confused, in the last couple days you have claimed to live in both MT and AZ, which is it?"
If you want to refute his numbers, by all means find the real ones and post them. Calling him a liar doesn't convince anyone of anything.
Original Mike said...
Ya'll must be mistaken. Just two days ago Freder was assuring us U.S. oil production is UP under Biden!
Yeah, and the chocolate ration is being increased from 50 grams to 40 grams.
I give Joe an A++
I knew he was a clusterfuck and he's exceeded my expectations.
Reliable, black, organic, bio-degradable high-density fuels, or dependence on intermittent/renewables, toxic rare Earth dumps for laundered, recycled greenbacks redistributed from China's progression into sovereign annexation, violent border disputes with democratic nations, practical and actual slavery and diversity, and one-child/selective-child regrets on a forward-looking basis.
Diesel was $5.04 at Cordes Junction yesterday morning as I drove south to Phoenix. Seven hours later on my way back north the sign showed $5.22. I saw higher prices here and there in Phoenix, but I always notice the big truck stop sign at Cordes. Pretty big hourly price jump...
Miss Trump Yet?
And F*ck Joe Biden.
Yancey Ward said...
Hey, some of the natural gas pipelines into Europe are under Ukrainian control- if Zelenskiy wants to cut those off, he can do so at any time. He doesn't have to wait for the Europeans and us Americans to stop buying Putin's fossil fuels.
Yeah, that would be a good way to totally piss off, and turn into enemies, everyone downstream of Ukraine.
TreeJoe said...
Republicans: ... And we should mock and hold our noses at government efforts to perform upfront investments in currently expensive technologies (i.e. wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) that hold the potential to reduce the total consumption of fossil fuels we use, cause that's just environmental pet projects. And we should give lip service to building more nuclear, but very few major efforts to advance that cause. And if our total national fossil fuel consumption keeps going up and up, well then it's democrats fault we haven't drilled more.
We've been "investing" in wind power since at least the 70s. Where is it? Other than "over there, killing lots of endangered bird species"?
"Solar"? The name "Solyendra" mean anything to you?
I note you don't mention hydro-electric power. That being because the Lefties are now against that.
Should the Federal gov't be funding research? Yes.
What the Democrats do, and what we quite properly attack, is give out payoffs to corrupt Democrat funding weasels who can't build anything other than a press release.
The actual Democrat / environmentalist goal is not to create cheap and clean power sources, it's to drive up the cost of power.
Because cheap power empowers the masses, the "deplorables", and the Left hates nothing more than it hates teh thought of the "lesser" people having rich and happy lives not under the direction of the Left.
Forcing up the average cost of energy makes Russia, and Putin, richer. But its what the Democrats want. It's also what they need, if they're to force people to use their crappy power sources, rather than oil.
As for nuclear? No, the GOP hasn't gone to the mats fighting for nuclear, and yes that is too bad.
But since the Left fights tooth and nail against it, whereas the Right just doesn't fight hard enough for it, if your'e honest you need to direct your ire on that one to the Left
Last Friday I journied to my dermatologist’s office about six miles outside the Washington Beltway to have stitches pulled. Gas was $4.09. The Washington. DC, suburbs is a great place for expensive gasoline.
On what planet is his approval rating at 42%?
"It's beyond parody that Biden would rather buy oil from Venezuela, Iran or Russia! Russia! Russia!, than allow Americans to produce it."
Beyond parody? The Babylon Bee disagrees...
“Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia So We Can Start Drilling For Oil There Again”
Who really believes Biden's numbers are "ticking up"? Who believes he's in the low 40's? He's in the low 30's and hasn't hit bottom yet.
Now, I can imagine Slow Joe has 40% approval of democrats, that makes sense. Imagine what his numbers would be if he didn't have the 24/7 ass licking from the media and entertainment industry that props up all democrats in office?
At any rate he's all done, he just doesn't know it yet.
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