March 5, 2022

Oh, come on. If it isn't an orange hair, it's not worth saying.

At The Washington Post right now, there's the headline on the column...


... and the teaser on the front page:


And though that doesn't seem to me to be something worth reading at all, it's currently ranking #1 on WaPo's "most read." I take that to mean there's still a ravenous demand for anti-Trump porn.

ADDED: The hair-on-the-sleeve metaphor calls to mind clandestine sexual relationships. That orange hair found on your sleeve that should have been noticed and removed — one pictures a wife discovering your adulterous affair. 

AND: Here's the link to George Will's column in case you want to read it. Let me know if he characterizes the Trump haters' relationship to Trump as sexual. 

Oh, I'll read what Will wrote about hair: "Floundering in his attempts to wield political power while lacking a political office, Donald Trump looks increasingly like a stray orange hair to be flicked off the nation’s sleeve." 

Bleh! Mixed metaphor! If something is "floundering," it doesn't look like a stray hair. It looks like a flopping, dying fish. 

And speaking of the "fl-" words in that dismal sentence, flicking isn't the right motion for removing a hair from clothing. Flicking works on dandruff and other small flakes and flecks. You'd better get a pincer grip on that hair and pull. 

No wonder you're having so much trouble with deTrumpification. You don't know how to use the right words, and you don't know how to take the right actions.


Iman said...

Trump is much more relevant than Will. So much more, this I can tell you.

David Begley said...

I want back all my time that I wasted reading the work of George F. Will.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

AND,,,,,,this is how you get more Trump.

Owen said...

WaPo circulating today’s reading from the Two Minute Hate Manual.

Yancey Ward said...

George Will used to a be a must read for me from age 12 or thereabouts, but he too succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

tolkein said...

Looks increasingly like Trump did, in fact, win. After Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin (36 EV, meaning a tie in the Electoral College, = a win in Congress, 1 state, 1 vote) cases, wait for Pennsylvania to go red in November and forensic audits take place, and it'll be clear why Democrats are desperate for Trump not to run in 24. I'm waiting for articles claiming that because Trump won in 16 and 20 he's not eligible to run in 24.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I guess there's not else important going on in the world....

iowan2 said...

Nicole Wallace does an hour of Trumphate every day. I don't speak 'deranged', but it sounds a lot like "the walls are closing in" (Haven't listened to any news on Sirius since the war started.)

rehajm said...

That's just so goofy and timed perfectly with the 'Time for the Biden Comeback!' stories.

Sounds more like people like George are worried Trump's coming back. Only someone who has already torched their credibility would be willing to stake their reputation stating Trump is over...

rehajm said...

Floundering in his attempts to wield political power while lacking a political office

Looks like the ad algorithm believed you'd be interested in wild caught seafood because of this...

wendybar said...

Trump will forever live in Progressives heads. It is hilarious that their ratings suck since he left, so they keep him in the news.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump has awakened desires in George Will the satisfactions of which are not to be contemplated without horror.

Readering said...

Well then he has that going for him I guess.

Mary Beth said...

I have never understood the anti-Trump people's obsession with his skin tone.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Will who?

D.D. Driver said...

"It looks like a flopping, dying fish."

Sort of like "wild caught salmon delivered right to your door," Ann? 🤔

As if we wouldn't notice!

Michael K said...

They realize that Putin would have stayed home if Trump were still in office. I've seen reports that Putin began planning this invasion around January 20, 2021.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Anti Trump porn?

Did Althouse just come up with that?

It deserves its own sub-Reddit.

Howard said...

The WaPo is soiling itself. Put this treasonous cunt in the rear view mirror and let him fade into nothing. After the threat of nuclear war gets dialed back to DefCon 4, then we can spare the attention to place him before HUAC. Until then, move forward. Put more pressure on the Western politicians and the enlist the real billionaires to choke the life out of Russian financial material and real estate assets all over the globe.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

The eunuchs and hysterics still eat that Trump porn up. They cannot resist it.

mezzrow said...

I see George Will as a baseball writer these days.

All those years of following the Cubs has driven both of us around the bend.

Wince said...

Donald Trump looks increasingly like a stray orange hair to be flicked off the nation’s sleeve.

Meanwhile, George Will is a pubic hair to be hacked out of the throat of conservatism.

Limited blogger said...

His hair's not orange, his skin is. Right?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I've just created the r/AntiTrumPorn subreddit. Bad news is, am a "moderator" now. I don't have time for that.

Brylinski said...

Poor George Will doesn't have the Washington baseball team to occupy his attention - what's their nickname anyway? Commies?

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Also, I really haven't thought about George Will but about twice in five years. He used to be on the TV every time I turned it on and his columns were everywhere. I don't even remember if he was full No Trump or Lincoln Project or what. He just disappeared from my view somehow.

Breezy said...

I think he’s more like yellow mustard, myself. One of those goops that you somehow get on you and its all over everything in an instant and can’t be contained.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So much hate for a man who brought us peace and property.

These insiders sure to like their crooks named Biden, Clinton, Pelosi.

Sad little dickless elites.

BUMBLE BEE said...

You can see through them cause they're scared shitless. Hey, Carville clarified his degraded mental state by stating Joe Biden was "born for this minute" in Ukraine.

gilbar said...

Is George Will STILL alive? I thought he got Down's Syndrome; and they aborted him?

Heartless Aztec said...

Haven't read Will in years and I'm not sure I appreciate you doing it for me. Just kidding! Sort of...

gilbar said...

Speaking as someone, who has been an ardent Cubs fan since the Summer of 1969;
George Will is a Cubs fan. This fact disqualifies Anyone from Ever being Taken seriously

Big Mike said...

George F. Will is an example of a certain type of conservative that is only happy when on the outside with their nose up in the air, haughtily critiquing what is going on inside government. Trump is a living rebuke to assholes like him.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is playing a significant role inside the GOP. Item: Every single Republican primary candidate in Texas that was endorsed by Trump won their primary outright or advanced to a runoff. Every. Single. One. Some political analysts argue that in many cases Trump endorsed the front runner. True, but not in every race.

Meanwhile, of Trump’s Republican critics in the House of Representatives, Adam Kinzinger is retiring because he doesn’t even have a district to run in thanks to Democrat gerrymandering (sucking up to Nancy Pelosi didn’t help you much, did it, boy?), Liz Cheney has been kicked of of the Wyoming Republican Party, and Nancy Mace is hanging on by her fingernails. Mace may survive because she’s gone anti-Biden even more strongly than she ever displayed TDS, but last I looked she was running behind her (Trump-endorsed) primary challenger.

Brian said...

The hair-on-the-sleeve metaphor calls to mind clandestine sexual relationships. That orange hair found on your sleeve that should have been noticed and removed — one pictures a wife discovering your adulterous affair.

Weird. I thought of this: The Obama brush hits Internet.

A. It's political.
B. It draws attention to Obama. The last "good" president.
C. It's a meme!
D. To brush one’s shoulders off, according to the Urban Dictionary, “means to brush off negative energy of statements made about you.

Makes more sense than an adulterous affair.

RNB said...

The use of 'flicking' recalled to me the famous snippet of video showing Obama brushing Hillary Clinton off his shoulder.

FleetUSA said...

Let's see, there's nothing more important in the world for a supposedly intellectual elite write to consider this weekend? His TDS must be terminal. His family needs to place him a "memory care" facility.

Christopher B said...

If he was going for sexual imagery, it'd be an orange air on the top of his can of Coke.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

George Will used to a be a must read for me from age 12 or thereabouts, but he too succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Will has always been lying to you. He has always been a tool of the aristocracy.

Trump just removed his mask.

Kevin said...

The hair-on-the-sleeve metaphor calls to mind clandestine sexual relationships. That orange hair found on your sleeve that should have been noticed and removed — one pictures a wife discovering your adulterous affair.

The hair exposes the truth.

Flicking it away enables lying to continue.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

The WaPo is soiling itself. Put this treasonous cunt in the rear view mirror and let him fade into nothing. After the threat of nuclear war gets dialed back to DefCon 4, then we can spare the attention to place him before HUAC. Until then, move forward. Put more pressure on the Western politicians and the enlist the real billionaires to choke the life out of Russian financial material and real estate assets all over the globe.

Howard really is just a tool of the Aristocracy.

He does not even understand the ramifications of the stupid shit he says.

You support an illegitimate regime that is funding Russia's war.

They are doing it on purpose.

You are either really fucking stupid and/or an evil piece of shit.

cf said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...



Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I would appreciate it if you all come across some anti-trump porn either send it to me to post or post it yourselves. you may have to start a reddit account to post. if you don't have an account, just email it to me and I'll post it when i get a chance. thanks.

Maynard said...

George F. Will is an example of a certain type of conservative that is only happy when on the outside with their nose up in the air, haughtily critiquing what is going on inside government.

I remember when George Will criticized Ronald Reagan for cutting taxes back in the early 80's.

Will and his father are both academic Ph.D.s (History, I think). George has to be a tame "moderate" conservative in order to stay on the cocktail party circuit.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, I am glad that George Will has settled that.

But why stop with Trump? Next, do Joe Biden (the stain of fifty years in Washington needs to be scrubbed from the underpants of the Republic). How about Kamala (the flakey dandruff of the woefully inadequate Vice President needs to be swept from the shoulder of the nation's pants suit)? And there is always Speaker Pelosi (the ill-fitting dentures of the Speaker need to to be soaked in the the country's cleansing potions of ethical Efferdent).

Let's go Brandon.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I've been a reader of George Will literally since the 70s. It isn't difficult to see why he's Trump-allergic. It's a style thing as much as anything else; Trump is too rude, too uncouth. I mean, Will knows as well as anyone what a mess Washington is, but there are limits :-)

The "doddering old fool" meme wrt Will is a WaPo commenters' specialty. They clamor in droves just to say that Will's dragged out his thesaurus again, or "I didn't read a word of it b/c I know what it says already." There are actual people out there who think someone will care what columns they didn't read, and why. Bleh.

Jupiter said...

How does this serve the interest of Jeff Bezos?

tcrosse said...

Not to be flicked off, Hillary is instead a bleeding hemorrhoid on the body politic.

Richard Dillman said...

Will offers insipid thoughts wrapped in faux intellectual rhetoric. His awkward metaphors suggest an addled mind.
Since we can’t easily separate style from content, he is essentially telling us that Trump is a stray orange hair, that we can eliminate him by flicking, and that he is also a fish, perhaps a flounder. He should be embarrassed.

Michael K said...


Put this treasonous cunt in the rear view mirror and let him fade into nothing.

I agree. Who needs Will around when we have Psaki?

gspencer said...

Someone remind old George Will that he has some baseball game that he wants to take his son to. And that after that game George will then babble on and on about great it was but that the defense should have applied the Infield Fly Rule.

bobby said...

I don't think that Trump was the Second Coming in any way at all, but as a reaction to these . . . people . . . I'll probably vote for him if he runs again.

They want to "keep up the skeer" because they see Trump as the only possible Republican who might get higher negatives than Biden, and they need to be able to point to someone - anyone - who is less popular than Biden.

FullMoon said...

Trump haters should have their own week every year. Pussy hats and parades. Discounts at stores and restaurants. Speeches by battle hardened celebrities who spoke truth to power back in the day.

Antifa riots, vandalism and destruction. Doxxing Trump supporters and American flag bearers.

Could be like Super Bowl. Media building up anticipation for months, high priced tickets for premium spots. Broadcast live daily, rotating networks with expensive advertising and creative commercials.

Why keep the hate alive for free when it can be made more profitable?

FullMoon said...

Speaking of Trump, word is Fauci has been eliminated.

Achilles said...

FleetUSA said...

Let's see, there's nothing more important in the world for a supposedly intellectual elite write to consider this weekend? His TDS must be terminal. His family needs to place him a "memory care" facility.

The problem for them is they know he is coming back and he isn't going to be in a deal making mood this time.

Especially for the "Republicans" in Washington DC.

wildswan said...

To the flicking flack:
You wish.

traditionalguy said...

The nose picker Will is flicking a booger of his finger while he ridicules a great President.

And the CIA sends the nasty man his bonus check. But what to call DJT next?

Mea Sententia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

Newswise, the past few days have been very untrumpy. True, Trump did talk at CPAC a little while back. That didn't get much coverage. There's been talk about why Putin didn't invade anywhere while Trump was president, but in general the war has pushed him off the front pages.

So it's strange that George Will publishes this today. How is this relevant to our current pressing concerns? It sounds like a grumpy old man's "Get off my lawn!" screed, especially if "my lawn" is the "conservative movement" and the kids he wants off his property are Trump and his supporters. There's a feeling of proprietorship in Will, Kristol and the other NeverTrump movement conservatives and what motivates them looks a lot like a turf war.

The flicking off is meant to be a gesture of contempt. It suggests that conservatives or Republicans could just brush Trump and his voters off without even thinking about it, but really the contempt and the enmity are important to Will. What he wants is a more serious purgation, but he's pretending it would be easier than it could be.

Why didn't Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was president? Because Trump wasn't planning to bring Ukraine into NATO. I guess he just didn't want to or feel he had to, but it does look as though he might have been smarter than the guy with 50 years of foreign policy experience and his team.

Howard said...

Poor Achilles. He's helplessly mired in RusBot talking points. Another useful idiot.

iowan2 said...

More than a year out of office and they can't go a single issue without writing about President Trump. And George Will? There's a name trying to be relevant.

Jamie said...

Amadeus 48, thank you for your 11:08 comment! Hilarious!

Iman said...

Get a life, Masshole Howeee.

Daniel Jackson said...

"Floundering in his attempts to wield political power while lacking a political office."

Perfect description of Mr. Will's career.

Mikey NTH said...

Russia: "Why do these countries keep trying to join NATO? We don't like that."

Other Countries: "Because you keep being you. Have you tried not acting like you? For just a bit? No? Then we want a big friend who can keep you from being you."

Howard said...

I'm a dilettante Masshole Californicator thank you very much

Amadeus 48 said...

Hi Jamie— it is a target-rich environment.
It is gratifying to hear that you were amused.

Humperdink said...

Speaking of orange hair, Psaki is running a close second, except at the roots.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“there's still a ravenous demand for anti-Trump porn.”

There’s a ravenous demand for anything that will rationalize their complicity in the current (and totally foreseeable) disaster.

Readering said...

Lucky GFW, still getting paid nicely for his comments.

Mutaman said...

"There's a name trying to be relevant."

next thing you know he'll be on the phone to John Daley.

Mutaman said...

"have never understood the anti-Trump people's obsession with his skin tone."

He's a man who uses make-up. Lots of it. Nuff said!

Tom said...

If Donald Trump had run for President as a Democrat, he would have been a two term president. And democrats know they would have voted for him and protected him from accountability.

heyboom said...

Trump endorsed candidates went 33-0 last week in Texas. Nothing is more pathetic than the mainstream media.

Quaestor said...

Trump, the once and future President.

Lurker21 said...

The question about the "aristocracy" is whether it serves the interests of the country. It doesn't really look like it does nowadays. Did it ever? I don't know. It did contribute to our winning the Second World War and meeting the Soviet challenge in the postwar years. You can make a case that elites tend to put their own interests first unless there is some reason not to, but every advanced society has its governing elites. Throw one out and soon enough you have another one in charge.

Will himself has been too much in love with the British system and notions of a benevolent aristocracy. He was able to accommodate Reaganism because it brought him into the center of power, but he's gotten far too comfortable being there to like any further changes to the system or challenges to his position.

Kirk Parker said...


Good observation, but you should also add: "Trump is too effective." (Will is absolutely part of the talker class, as opposed to the doer class.)

Rosalyn C. said...

Re: Lurker21's comment Trump does indeed appear like a fly in the ointment of how things are supposed to be. (a better metaphor imo) I can't imagine the horror being experienced in the private meetings of our elite class facing the catastrophic events unfolding under the watch of our professional political and bureaucratic classes. But I do see on a daily basis the floundering attempts by liberals to hold onto their contempt for that horrible man Trump and their total inability to explain the obvious: Putin didn't attack Ukraine under Trump but went full force once he saw the ineptitude of Biden. There's no way that invasion was an accident or coincidence. But who knows? Maybe Europe will handle this themselves and all will be well. I hope so.

Kirk Parker said...

cf @ 10:40AM,

If the Romanovs or Bourbons were still around, I suspect they would object to your statement.

Rusty said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
“there's still a ravenous demand for anti-Trump porn.”

"There’s a ravenous demand for anything that will rationalize their complicity in the current (and totally foreseeable) disaster."
Totally preventable disaster. All Biden and his handlers had to was not fuck up and leave the sanctions Trump put in place alone. But no.

Mutaman said...
"have never understood the anti-Trump people's obsession with his skin tone."

"He's a man who uses make-up. Lots of it. Nuff said!"

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