March 12, 2022

I watch TikTok so you don't have to. Here are my 5 selections of the day.

1. Nurse Melissa channels Nancy Pelosi. 

2. Tiny toddler tastes a Peep and reaches a new level of consciousness. 

3. How to interact with a crackhead. 

4. Have you encountered the "Be a man" man yet? Well, here's one example. Lots more here.

5. A sheep burdened with 40kg of extra wool is saved.


Quaestor said...

Mom (or vile sugar temptress from the nether regions): You want some?

Tiny Toddler: Sure as hell I do!

Not quite, but the little girl's quasi-language utterance captures the essence of her enthusiasm. They say girls acquire language earlier than boys while boys acquire geometric reasoning earlier than girls, which is generally true in my limited experience. Toddler girls try to converse with you with plenty of steady eye contact, whereas boys would rather stack blocks.

I remember Peeps as being one of the most revolting confections ever devised. Instead, I prefered Easter chocolates and candy bird's eggs, particularly the black licorice ones and the white anise-flavored bits. (I'd say my current fondness for patise and absinthe was founded pretty early.)

I clearly remember my first glimpse of my first chocolate bunny. From across the room that neatly-lifesize rabbit sculpture nestled in that green whatever that stood in for grass and the arch of the colorful basket handle above was breathtakingly sublime -- a virtual lifetime supply of cacao-tinged bliss, that is until I discovered it was hollow, the waxy sweet being a mere crust. Thus I became a jaded cynic at age four.

Doug said...

A sheep burdened with an extra 40 kg of wool is shaved. FIFY.

farmgirl said...

I’ve watched the Pelosi tok a few times.
I think I deserve a few times more.

So funny!!

farmgirl said...

Heh. I like stories, Q.
W/definite points to make.
I agree about the peeps.

JAORE said...

"4. Have you encountered the "Be a man" man yet? Well, here's one example."

Find any similarly Hi-lar-e-us "Be a woman" TicToks yet?

Occasionally, mostly through this site, I view a TicTok. The vast bulk are not entertaining or, at best cute little bits.

JAORE said...

I should have pointed out....

I don't mind the topic, "Be a man". But how in the hell could this series of 6 second bits about stereotypes, delivered in an entirely amateurish manner garner 500,000 views?

Doing the same thing under "Be a woman" would be crucified, and likely just as unfunny.

TaeJohnDo said...

I think I'd like crack head woman.

Joe Bar said...

Thanks. That was amusing.