"Under Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine. I stand as the only president of the 21st century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country.... I have no doubt that President Putin made his decision to ruthlessly attack Ukraine only after watching the pathetic withdrawal from Afghanistan, where the military was taken out first, our soldiers were killed and American hostages, plus $85bn worth of the finest equipment anywhere in the world were left behind... The problem is not that Putin is smart – which of course, he’s smart – but the real problem is that our leaders are dumb. They’ve so far allowed him to get away with this travesty and an assault on humanity.... So sad. Putin is playing Biden like a drum and it’s not a pretty thing as somebody that loves our country to watch.... No president was ever as tough on Russia as I was. But with respect to what’s going on now, it would have been so easy for me to stop this travesty from happening."
Said Donald Trump, quoted in "Donald Trump defends calling Putin ‘smart’, hints at 2024 presidential bid/Ex-president tells CPAC he could have stopped ‘appalling’ Russian invasion of Ukraine before giving strongest indication he will run again" (The Guardian).
When the man's right, he's right. Of course, the easiest solution is "stop funding Nazis in the Ukrainian militias," but then Donald Trump did get the Saudis to cut off ISIS. I'm sure he could come up with creative solutions like the Polish making expeditionary moves on Russia while Americans handle the defense of Poland.
Biden's such a tool you practically expect NATO to lose completely in the region.
Putin delayed the invasion because he wanted to give Trump a better shot at a second term. Putin timed it with the astroturf Trucker revolt and CPAC events to try and turn deplorables into Russian stooges.
the real problem is that our leaders are dumb.
truer words never spoken
Under Trump, Russia didn’t have to invade Syria, because Trump gave it to him.
Howard said...
Putin delayed the invasion because he wanted to give Trump a better shot at a second term.
yepper! if there is ONE THING, in the world, that Putin WANTS; it's increased drilling in the US
Reminds me of Nixon and his secret plan to win the war.
About as likely to actually exist, too.
Howard said...Putin timed it with the astroturf Trucker revolt
Putin built his invasion around a protest in Ottawa!?
Sometimes I wonder, sometimes I’m sure—Howard is a parody account.
America went for boring and landed on dumb.
He's right, of course.
"Putin timed it with the astroturf Trucker revolt and CPAC events", that's quite a stretch, but at some time in the last week he gave his stooges in the west permission to say nasty things about him. Have to keep the con going.
Bunker Biden has always been prepared for war.
...but the real problem is that our leaders are dumb.
Not dumb so much as can't seem to understand that not everything should be gamed/spun for their personal benefit.
No timmaguire, the aborted failed dark money astroturf Trucker revolt from California and Pennsylvania. Threatening shutting down DC promoting request for National Guard troopers.
Plus Trump declaring for 2024. All carefully coordinated with the Putin regime for Trump the strongman hero to save the day.
These two megalomaniacs over playing their hands hopefully will be a suicide pact.
Don't think the Biden administration is dumb? Biden's gang of merry men/women shared intel with Xi Jinping Pong, who promptly gave it to Putin.
I suspect the Biden administration remains steadfast in their beliefs the greatest threats to US security are as follows: 1) Parents at school boards meetings, 2) Climate change 3) White supremacists, 4) Wayward truckers.
Trumps right of course. Who else could have gotten a Peace Treaty in the Middle East?? He will never get the credit he deserves, because people would rather career politicians make more money by keeping us in constant wars.
Hint: This post isn’t about Trump, or Putin.
All true, of course. Quibble if you want at whether or not Putin invades if Trump was President. Not knowable. What I do know is that 40+% of the country think Putin invaded because of Trump.
What I also know is the American left is much more of a threat to my safety, security, and freedom than Putin.
World leaders across continents spent the last 36 hours scrambling to do something, anything, to deter Putin. Macron spent 3 hours on the phone with the dictator of Belarus trying to convince him to stop the invasion from his country.
Biden is lights out in Delaware. Entire administration is radio silent. Understandable. It's the weekend.
…”the real problem is our leaders are dumb.”
He’s not wrong. Another notable real problem is that so many of our voters are similarly equipped in the noggin department.
He makes a good point here. Solid.
the corrupt hack D press will ignore.
(It's too bad Trump stepped on his dick with his word salad interview on the Clay and Buck show) but this is a good come back. He's not wrong.
Howard - I know you hive-mind leftists need to buy the bullshit you bought wholesale that Putin and Trump are connected or in line, but it's bullshit.
If you buy it - You might as well go give Hillary and Maddow a hug. and some campaign cash.
"Biden is lights out in Delaware. Entire administration is radio silent. Understandable. It's the weekend." They're cutting off Swift, do you have any idea what that means?
If you want to buy Russian oil you'll need to fly to Moscow with a suitcase full of cash (or more realistically use bitcoin, which leads me to think cryptocurrencies will be up in the next weeks).
I'm not quite sure how my company will pay our few dozen Russian programmers. I know we have already cut connections to all Russian banks, which means the Russian employees of several auto companies are no longer being paid.
tim maguire said...
Sometimes I wonder, sometimes I’m sure—Howard is a parody account.
2/27/22, 7:42 AM
Oh, it's nothing like that. Howard may have troll instincts, but so do lots of people in the Internet age. I actually appreciate the fact he doesn't take himself terribly seriously, unlike low-IQ drones who post Media Matters press releases because they have nothing going on. He'd likely be a more competent Secretary than most of the Biden cabinet.
As the American military is hollowed out by vaccine mandates and obviously incompetent political leaders who have been bought out by the CCP, Putin will be increasingly confident in walking over Canadian forces in Latvia. Then what larks.
Sunday morning and the trolls have had their mimosas during early brunch. You can tell from their comments.
They're cutting off Swift, do you have any idea what that means?
The proposal, at least where it stood last night,is that some Russian banks will be cut off. Nothing is formalized. Germany and Italy are stating publicly they are now on board. As I said yesterday, the only thing keeping Russian in SWIFT is Biden.
I don't pretend to know what the future holds, but I do know democrats/libs. The "solution" will inevitably harm average Americans and strengthen our enemies.
To focus on Trump and what he said or didn't say or did or didn't do is to not take any of this seriously.
It is to miss the @#$% point of what is happening altogether.
You all can cover your eyes and ears and pretend that none of what's happening concerns you, but what happens to Ukraine now affects Europe, what affects Europe affects the U.S. (and Asia), what affects the U.S. affects YOU, even from the comfort of under your beds.
Meanwhile, Putin "who isn't a danger to me" just put the Russian nuclear forces on high alert. Now, in the past, this could be just gamesmanship, but in the current state of mind of Putin and Russian leadership, they just might actually push the button.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Under Trump, Russia didn’t have to invade Syria, because Trump gave it to him.
For the best, now isn't it?
Blogger Mark said...
To focus on Trump and what he said or didn't say or did or didn't do is to not take any of this seriously.
Lefty Mark seems oblivious that the Biden regime empowered Putin by shutting off US energy independence and setting oil prices, which were $30 a barrel under Trump, to $100 a barrel and higher. Putin depends on gas and oil to fund his military. Now, who is the Putin ally ?
"Putin is playing Biden like a drum"
Is that better or worse than the usual fiddle?
"Biden is lights out in Delaware"
Mean. Joe's fighting on the beaches.
1. Trump agreed with the Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan. Biden fucked up the execution of the withdrawal but it was Trump's agreement. It was the decision to give up the fight that emboldened Putin. The MAGA commentators here fully supported the withdrawal even if it meant a Taliban take over.
2. Trump wanted to weaken if not destroy NATO. Not to mention the EU. Russia of course is the primary beneficiary.
3. Trump substantially delayed providing critical weapons and training to Ukraine in order to extract a promise that they would announce an investigation of Biden.
4. Trump has never cared about the people of Ukraine. On the other hand, his close relationship with Putin and his cronies goes way back. In 1983 Trump Tower was one of the first buildings in NYC to allow shell companies to purchase apartments. Russian Mobsters swept them up. The corrupt relationship has been continuous and substantial since then.
He refers to the Ukraine people as proud, just a few days after praising Putin's "genius". Did he say anything favorable about the Ukrainian people while he was president? Doubt it. If he did, it certainly wasn't sincere.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Under Trump, Russia didn’t have to invade Syria, because Trump gave it to him.
OMG that’s dumb even for a Lefty. I guess you forget Trump ordering bombing in Syria that killed hundreds of Russian special forces. But no. We know you guys don’t forget. You prefer to lie. The Trump in your head apparently makes you lie.
I remember a “RED LINE” drawn in Syria by Obama…and then the “RED LINE” was erased.
Who gave what to whom???
Mr. Trump apparently failed to say what he think the US should be doing right now in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s a conspicuous omission. It’s almost as if he has no clue.
Maybe we should give Putin a reset button.
jim5301 said...
1. Trump agreed with the Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan. Biden fucked up the execution of the withdrawal but it was Trump's agreement. It was the decision to give up the fight that emboldened Putin. The MAGA commentators here fully supported the withdrawal even if it meant a Taliban take over.
Pathetic. Biden fucked it up. Period. You are responsible for that because you supported the drooling idiot.
2. Trump wanted to weaken if not destroy NATO. Not to mention the EU. Russia of course is the primary beneficiary.
You are a stupid liar. Trump forced European Countries to start paying the amount they agreed to pay. This strengthened NATO in every way.
3. Trump substantially delayed providing critical weapons and training to Ukraine in order to extract a promise that they would announce an investigation of Biden.
This is a lie. And funny how investigating Democrat and GOPe corruption makes you mad. You just want to cover for the fact that Joe Biden took money from foreign countries and is a known traitor.
4. Trump has never cared about the people of Ukraine. On the other hand, his close relationship with Putin and his cronies goes way back. In 1983 Trump Tower was one of the first buildings in NYC to allow shell companies to purchase apartments. Russian Mobsters swept them up. The corrupt relationship has been continuous and substantial since then.
More obvious lies and wish casting. 62% of Americans don't think Russia would have invaded if Trump was President. Suck on it.
He refers to the Ukraine people as proud, just a few days after praising Putin's "genius". Did he say anything favorable about the Ukrainian people while he was president? Doubt it. If he did, it certainly wasn't sincere.
We all appreciate the armed populace of Ukraine fighting back against Russia while your leader calls a lid on the weekend.
It is really hard for you to keep going right now. You look like such a stupid shill.
Douglas B. Levene said...
Mr. Trump apparently failed to say what he think the US should be doing right now in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s a conspicuous omission. It’s almost as if he has no clue.
Stupid is as stupid does. You people just aren't that smart.
Trump was right in every way about Russia. 50$ a barrel gas keeps Putin at home.
And some lefty commenters here get even dumber.
I didn't think it was possible, yet here we are...
Mark said...
Reminds me of Nixon and his secret plan to win the war.
About as likely to actually exist, too.
Don't know much about history, huh? or just conveniently forgetting that Nixon and Kissinger did actually end the war in Vietnam, and enabled South Vietnam to stand up to the North until the Democrats pulled the plug?
Which neighboring countries did Putin invade between 2017 and 2021?
This is even more dishonest than trying to push Kerry's vaporware in 2004 with the lie that W 'had no plan' for Iraq. We have four years of history to tell us what Trump would have done and it worked, too.
And then there are Manafort, deep ties with Russian oligarchs, pardoned by Trump, Gates, deep ties with Russian oligarchs, Bannon, deep this with Russian oligarchs, pardoned by Trump, Stone, deep ties with Russian oligarchs, pardoned by Trump, Rex Tillerson, deep ties with Russian oligarchs, J. Kushner, deep ties with Russian oligarchs, and Mnuchin, deep ties with Russian oligarchs. To name a few.
This idea that Putin didn't want Trump president is laughable.
Trump sounds like the Narcissist-in-Chief here. And Biden is the Weekend At Bernie's president. It's sad these are our two options.
"This idea that Putin didn't want Trump president is laughable."
No. The fact that you believe that to be true is. But you voted for Biden so it's understandable.
"Meanwhile, Putin "who isn't a danger to me" just put the Russian nuclear forces on high alert."
Sending US troops isn't likely to change that, it will only escalate the situation. So instead of risking a few hundred American lives, we will be risking millions. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they can handle, but don't get into a shooting war with another nuclear power.
@Achilles: Not having a clue is one possible explanation for why Mr. Trump failed to say what he thinks the US should do now in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. There are other explanations. Maybe he doesn’t want to offend the pro-Putin folks in his base. What’s your theory?
Lefty Mark seems oblivious that...
Wrong. AGAIN.
“These two megalomaniacs over playing their hands hopefully will be a suicide pact.”
Amen to that.
At this point, MK, the issue isn't Trump. And it really isn't Biden's incompetent mental capacity, and that was before his diminished state.
The issue is the invasion of Ukraine and threat to all of Europe and to all the world. The issue is the imperative of the liberation of Ukraine and security of Europe and the world.
Putin has put his nuclear forces on high alert. Get a fucking clue on the right priorities. Trump is not the center of the universe.
To jim5301,
Please change your screen name back to Inga and just get it over with.
Mr. Trump apparently failed to say what he think the US should be doing right now in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Why should he? You guys would shit on it anyway.
The point he's making is we wouldn't BE in this situation if he were still President. And he's right. We have four years of proof.
So far it's 42 posts.
Not one arguing Biden isn't stupid.
Another Kosovo, perhaps Libya, maybe another Kiev, Syria, UAE, Iraq revisited, Aghanistan, #ThemToo, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, per chance "Arab Spring" and "burdens" aborted with a humane faith in their fashion with the first heart beat and a brain deveopment in the second, third, ninth, and tenth trimesters. Heroes. Wicked solutions to hard problems.
Kevin, thanks for demonstrating what an echo chamber this comment section has become.
Bizarrely, Michael used to call me lefty Mark, now he even calls religious mark by that.
I guess we are all the same in that unlike Michael K, our mouths are not firmly attached to Trump's privates.
Hi Inga👍🤪👍
Belarus will renounce its non-nuclear and neutral status, allowing Russia to place nuclear weapons on its territory, as a result of the referendum held today.
65.16% of citizens allegedly supported these constitutional amendments.
Dictator Alexander Lukashenko also significantly extended his executive powers.
Multiple sources say the decision has been made — and as soon as on Feb. 28 at 5 a.m. local time, the first Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft is very likely to take off carrying Belarusian paratroopers to be deployed against Ukraine.
@Achilles: Not having a clue is one possible explanation for why Mr. Trump failed to say what he thinks the US should do now in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. There are other explanations. Maybe he doesn’t want to offend the pro-Putin folks in his base. What’s your theory?
It's a fascinating troll swarm here in these comments. Almost as if orders went out from somewhere to activate all of the America-hating leftist trolls to push BS ideas and see which ones might stick.
Almost as if the DNC and the Chicom-loving press were working together, and all of those Soros-funded dark money groups told their troll farms what to post.
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