February 8, 2022

"Science adviser Eric Lander apologized for mistreating subordinates. The White House struggled Monday to explain why he wasn’t departing. In the evening, he quit."

That's the sub-headline at the Washington Post article, "Top White House scientist resigns after review finds he demeaned staff," where is says it was published "Yesterday at 10:57 a.m. EST" and "Updated yesterday at 9:18 p.m. EST." 

The top-rated comment is: "It’s hard to reconcile Biden’s statement with the lack of consequences for Lander. The science community has no shortage of qualified individuals to fill this post. Lander should resign." 

So you can infer what happened. It took the WaPo article to force Lander out, but it only took a few hours for the article to work. 

"Biden's statement" refers to this:

Lander’s resignation came after the White House struggled throughout the day to explain why he had not quit or been fired, and how that squared with a pledge Biden made on his first day in office. On that day, he told staffers at swearing-in ceremony, “If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts.”

The editing at WaPo is slapdash: "he told staffers at swearing-in ceremony." I guess that means Lander's swearing in.

Female staffers in particular raised concerns about Lander’s pattern of belittling women at the White House, complaints that were corroborated by the internal White House investigation. Some noted Biden’s close personal relationship with Lander, who served on the board of the Biden Cancer Initiative, the nonprofit Biden started after his term as vice president ended.

There's still an old boys network, apparently, so it's important to lay strong blame on Biden — who has used gender politics to elevate himself — when he's caught using it egregiously and to the detriment of women.


Humperdink said...

From the Wapoo article: "Donald Trump, who regularly criticized and demeaned the scientists in his administration struggling to deal with the pandemic...."

Trump proven correct again.

Fernandinande said...

And my masculist alarm went off: no mention of his clothes, office, house or neighborhood, thereby Othering him into a generic bureaucrat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think Biden should appoint an African American woman to the post. It would be a huge first.

Christopher B said...

Joe Biden says a lot of things.

Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden said Thursday during his final debate with President Donald Trump that presiding over the nation as 220,000 Americans died from the coronavirus should disqualify Trump from reelection.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," Biden said in the opening remarks of the showdown that comes just 12 days before the election.


The death toll is now over 1 million. When is Biden going to resign?

David Begley said...

How do we really know Lander belittled women? Maybe these women are lying. Maybe these people don’t like Lander’s science.

All of this is very East German and Soviet. One faction can get rid of someone in the other faction with a whispering campaign that ends up Pravda.

But these fuckheads deserve it. Bolsheviks v. Mensheviks. Hope they both lose.

Jaq said...

Biden’s close personal relationship with Lander, who served on the board of the Biden Cancer Initiative, the nonprofit Biden started after his term as vice president ended.

If I am not mistaken, Hunter Biden's infamous laptop had a sticker from the "Beau Biden Foundation" on it, in case anybody is wondering what the true purpose of that "foundation" was, which was, like the Clinton Foundation which received hundreds of millions from Putin cronies, to launder bribes.

Clyde said...

The Biden regime doesn't just have people with bad ideas but bad people as well. Every time a rock gets turned over, it's pillbugs and worms.

rhhardin said...

Female staffers in particular raised concerns about Lander’s pattern of belittling women at the White House

He sounds okay to me. The women at the white house need belittling. An example would be nice though. Is it insights or just prejudice.

rhhardin said...

It's not a good sign that he apologized. He felt he was right, is my feeling. Stick to it. If you can't say what you think, you're a woman yourself.

peacelovewoodstock said...

I'm a boomer, we grew up with "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

It seems like we are a lot tougher than the succeeding generations.

iowan2 said...

Patronage politics is as old as man. Of past Presidents, the least guilty would be President Trump. He did not have a huge pool of DC politicians to fill all the patronage slots. So he had to rely on others to fill all the opening. But more important he had no plan to clean house, and fill with like minded people

Browndog said...

I'm just going to apply the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect to the underlying "facts" in this "reporting".

rehajm said...

So you can infer what happened

Can I?

infer 1 : to form (an opinion) from evidence : to reach (a conclusion) based on known facts

2 informal : to hint or suggest (something) : IMPLY

Are there any facts presented other than some women felt bad? There’s a flowery language word salad- demeaned, talked down, pattern of belittling? I’m supposed to infer something happened that was grounds for dismissal?

Sounds to me like the women here have all the power. The scientist goes but Biden stays, say the women.

Amadeus 48 said...

What we have with Biden is a true kakistocracy.

The word was heavily used about Trump. Now 2017-2021 look like the Age of Gold in public policy. Team Biden keep topping themselves in awfulness, sometimes on an hourly basis.

Biden's Federal Reserve nominees, Supreme Court nominees, presidential advisers: all are third-tier and driven by alien ideologies. Eric Lander? Another one bites the dust.

Owen said...

So the story is WH hypocrisy? Or WH incompetence at message management?
Or both?

Not exactly big news here.

gilbar said...

... disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts.”

well we Already Know; that doesn't apply to Jo Biden himself; HE can be insulting and rude all e wants

rhhardin said...

It's hard to get to the bottom of, but I found this complaint along with only generalties

"Numerous women have been left in tears, traumatized, and feeling vulnerable and isolated."

rehajm said...

The goal of Biden’s cancer initiative is to show up in the ninth inning of a hard won battle, take a few swings in the on deck circle then take credit for the win.

tim maguire said...

“If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts.”

So? Who cares what Biden says? Biden sure doesn't. It sounded nice, he thought it would go over well, so he said it. His words mean nothing--they have nothing to do with actions he will take at a later time, which are entirely determined by the needs of the moment.

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Lewis Wetzel said...

The reason Biden made the pledge was part of his plan to be succesfull by doing the exact opposite of everything Trump did!

That's not working out very well, is it?
He can't fill the office. He is a second banana, now well past his prime, promoted by the suits in management to being the star of the show.

Jeff Brokaw said...

That’s great, I guess, but until the Hair Sniffer in Chief takes accountability for his excessive little girl handsiness, it’s all bread and circuses for the little people.

Robert Marshall said...

Well, there goes the so-called "cancer moonshot." Bummer. I was so totally counting on that.

But if people were getting their feelings hurt, we can't let that happen, can we? Strange that the media doesn't seem too eager to publish details of whatever it is this Lander guy did; "bullied" and "disrespectful" are pretty generic accusations.

Some leaders are actually real assholes. But sometimes their leadership contributions to the projects they run outweigh the hurt feelings they cause. Don't know if that's the case with Lander, but it seems clear that sort of cost/benefit analysis is no longer thought worthwhile. "Safety" comes first.

Josephbleau said...

Apparently Beiden’s management style is to to make strong verbal policy statements but then ignore them and allow his staff to get away with anything. He waits until the stench has been exposed and the damage has been done, then when the heat is on, the perp walks the plank.

On the bright side, normal people have realized that the only way to get the government to listen to them is to have mass protests. I expect normal university students to start occupying the chancellor’s office with manifestos now, but they will be attacked by police.

Iman said...

Perhaps the rest of Biden’s cabal of clowns should follow the Science out the door.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

I can't read the WaPo article but saw it in the WSJ. I can't see any actual description of the behavior involved, just that it was demeaning. It was a career female civil servant who made the compliant, from what I can tell. I would assume it was not sexual harassment because they would have specified that.

What exactly did he do? Demeaning can be a very brought category of actions.

Temujin said...

Please. If Biden's treatment of women had been any concern, he'd have been tossed out of the Senate years ago. Let alone his Veep slot with Prince Obama and this hideous term as our Potemkin President.

Its just that the Left cannot hide or abide the mess any longer. If they could, they would.

Caroline said...

Clearly women don’t belong in the workplace.
Guys just blow that stuff off.

Achilles said...

Just another example of poor leadership. This is what bad managers at every level do.

It is at it's base a lack of integrity on the part of the leaders involved.

But a lack of integrity is what defines a democrat these days.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Lander was a jerk when I knew him in college (he's actually a mathematician, who came to biology later in life), and like a lot of technically brilliant people acts like a jerk to others because no one has ever told him "NO!" before. A personality without borders because no one enforced them.

Achilles said...

You also don't need to search for reasons to hold Biden accountable.

He is a rapist.

His supporters are involved in so many of these incidents that you pretty much just need to be a rapist and abuser or an enabler to be a Regime toady at this point.

Joe Smith said...

Paywall...what did he do?

Did Hunter 'demean' the Chinese hooker when he snorted coke off her ass?

Well, she was getting paid so I guess that makes up for some of the humiliation.

I await the WP investigation...

Big Mike said...

There's still an old boys network, apparently

And there always will be. Men on the rise help people they know can get the job done. Some of them are women, but it’s nothing like 50-50. Women on the rise look for other talented women so they can stab them in the back and prevent them from being competition. Fix that, madam feminist, or is that a bit too much like work?

Jersey Fled said...

Another lefty bully. What a surprise.

Sebastian said...

"when he's caught using it egregiously and to the detriment of women"

How so? Of course, any use of gender politics by any Dem politician is egregious and to the detriment of women, but why specifically in this case? OK, so Lander wasn't fired on the spot -- but still, pretty quickly let go. Close enough for Dem government work.

Sorry about not investigating, but how did Lander "demean" women, and did they they do anything worth being demeaned about? Did anyone in his office do or understand any actual science, at his level?

Mark said...

Psaki needs to be next.
Psaki needs to be next.
Psaki needs to be next.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

There's still an old boys network, apparently, so it's important to lay strong blame on Biden — who has used gender politics to elevate himself — when he's caught using it egregiously and to the detriment of women.

Wait, are you telling us you're surprised that Democrat male politicians think that the purpose of "gender politics" is to support Roe in exchange for getting to screw, and screw over, lots of women?

What rock have you been hiding under for the last 30 years?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Humperdink said...
From the Wapoo article: "Donald Trump, who regularly criticized and demeaned the scientists in his administration struggling to deal with the pandemic...."

So, Trump went after people who could fight back, if they weren't full of sh!t, and Lander went after who?

He "demeaned staff"? What does that even mean?

Did he tell them their work was inferior and shoddy when it was? Or was he pulling a Kamala Harris and telling them their work sucked because he screwed up?

I'm going to guess that none of that is covered. Which means it was probably the former.

Lucien said...

But Biden said “If I ever hear you . . .”, not “If I ever hear someone say that you . . .”.

Martha said...

It was only when the results of a two month long White House investigation into charges that Eric Lander had bullied and demeaned his subordinates and violated the White House’s workplace policy—an investigation concluded in December but revealed Monday by Politico—that Biden remembered his pledge to fire anyone who demeaned an underling. And only after Lander’s aides became aware of the extent of POLITICO’s investigation, did Lander sent an email late Friday to all OSTP staff apologizing for his behavior.

Biden and Lander thought this would blow over. Lander was put in charge of the Cancer Moonshot last week—long after the results of the Internal investigation was known.

rehajm said...

I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts.

...ya gas-pumpin' pony-soldier!

Remember when he still had enough open neural pathways to string together a two part insult?

Ann Althouse said...

"How do we really know Lander belittled women? Maybe these women are lying."

The thing we know is that Biden *promised": "If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts."

You are offering an "if"... but Biden promised he would spend *zero* time figuring out all the details. It's an on-the-spot firing if he even *hears* of disrespectful treatment, so your question is completely superseded by the scope of the promise.

Words have meaning.

Ann Althouse said...

"So you can infer what happened"/"Can I?... Are there any facts presented other than some women felt bad?"

You are misreading. What I am saying you can infer is that the WaPo article went up and it led to the firing.

rcocean said...

Belittling women, or telling the truth? My experience at work is that women, much more than men, dislike criticism and think its personal. They cry. They get angry. They plot "revenge". So do men, but its a lot more women percentage-wize.

Women, more than men, aren't willing to put aside their feeling and their egos for "The good of the team".

That aside, this shocked me. I thought the Democrat way was to sleep with your female subordinates and create a Harem. With the liberal/Left women keeping silent beause they don't want to help those Goddamn republicans.

MadisonMan said...

So Biden lied. He heard, and did not fire. His buddy in scamming money re: cancer had to save Biden's butt by quitting.
I'm cynical: I suspect he has been given a very nice buyout, and/or a big raise to go back to working at the "Cancer Initiative".

narciso said...

lander is the creepy scientist, who wants to create a panopticon, with a health pretext

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Ann Althouse said...
"How do we really know Lander belittled women? Maybe these women are lying."

The thing we know is that Biden *promised": "If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts."

You are offering an "if"... but Biden promised he would spend *zero* time figuring out all the details. It's an on-the-spot firing if he even *hears* of disrespectful treatment, so your question is completely superseded by the scope of the promise.

Words have meaning.

And the meaning for Biden's word's is insane.

Welcome to the witch hunt. Accuse someone of a crime, and they're immediately considered guilty, and fired.

I guess that's in line with what they want to do with schools and sexual harassment accusations, but the complete and utter destruction of due process is not something that any sane person should be behind

mezzrow said...

The highlighted sentence in the post is a great example of flummery. The point is that the speaker of said statement was forced to stand behind it by exposure in the mainstream media. They called him on it.

Why this exposure and not so many others? Because the people who produce the newspaper referenced here care about this issue, as do many of the President's base, as does our esteemed host.

There are world leaders who do not need to focus on this issue. Biden is not one of them. At this point he really needs to hang on to as much of his base as he can.

Howard said...

Sounds like he was a prick, asshole and cunt.

Wallace, Lander's ex-general counsel, said the director "retaliated against staff for speaking out and asking questions by calling them names, disparaging them, embarrassing them in front of their peers, laughing at them, shunning them, taking away their duties, and replacing them or driving them out of the agency. Numerous women have been left in tears, traumatized, and feeling vulnerable and isolated."

Michael K said...

More concerning is the long relationship between Biden and Blinken. A science advisor is a token. Blinken screwed up the Afghan evacuation. Lt Col Schiller has a new video on what happened.

Dave Begley said...


If someone makes an unsubstantiated allegation of "disrespect" (whatever that means) and Biden "hears about it" then you get fired.

That's a one-way street and a way to get rid of bosses or co-workers that "the right people" don't like or disagree with.

Tara Reade (Biden's former employee) was treated with disrespect. She said so! Why doesn't Biden resign?

PM said...

In so many cases of workplace mistreatment, either the details are so egregious news outlets' better nature won't reveal them, or they're so absurdly minor as to be laughable.

M Jordan said...

Navigating the "Old Boys Network" is Joe Biden's one great life skill. He knows how to schmooze, mock, praise, guffaw, nudge, conspire, elbow, preen, exhort, apologize, denounce, belittle, uplift, double-talk, lie, extol, moralize, and smear with the best of them. He really is THE BEST OLD BOY of all time, imho. George W. Bush was a frat-brat but, outside his circle that stuff didn't work. But Biden ... it works like a charm.

Can't stand either of them but Biden is worse. Give me Obama, or Clinton, or Trump any day over these two.

hombre said...

Why would anyone expect QuidProJoe to keep his word or to do the decent thing? He is neither honest nor decent. Never has been.

JAORE said...

I'm becoming a big fan of Psaki. She contort herself more than a performer for Cirque du Soleil.

POTUS said "FIRED!" IMMEDIATELY, no ifs, ands or buts.

Psaki, That's why we have a process.

Stephen St. Onge said...

Ann Althouse said...

"How do we really know Lander belittled women? Maybe these women are lying."

The thing we know is that Biden *promised": "If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot — no if, ands or buts."

You are offering an "if"... but Biden promised he would spend *zero* time figuring out all the details. It's an on-the-spot firing if he even *hears* of disrespectful treatment, so your question is completely superseded by the scope of the promise.

Words have meaning.


        Words definitely have meaning, but the phrase “If you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone,” would seem to me Biden would have to hear it with his own ears, not “hear of it.”  So I can’t gig him for not firing Landon as soon as he was accused.  An investigation was definitely in order.

        But once the investigation concluded he was treating co-workers badly, then Biden can be justly condemned for failing to fire him, IMAO.  Of course, hypocrisy from Biden is what I expect.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Personnel is Policy.
Hence the current terrible policies.

Trumps's biggest mistake and/or difficulty was not firing enough people on Day One. I'm amazed he got anything done.

("Trump's" was autocorrected to "Truman's". Hmm.)

n.n said...

Kamala "take a knee" Harris #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed

They sincerely believe that they can abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too.

boatbuilder said...

"Words have meaning."

Not if they are Joe Biden's words. Especially if they are expressed as "promises."

boatbuilder said...

I am guessing that it was the involuntary eyeroll that did him in. Gets me in big trouble on a regular basis around here.

NYC JournoList said...

I’ve heard Biden’s management style is to yell and belittle people … but no one cares because is that good to have a West Wing office.

Drago said...

The examples of Fen's Law are never ceasing and voluminous:

The left doesnt believe in a single thing they have spent decades lecturing us about.

And they never have.

Rory said...

Agree with Stephen St Onge at 11:41. Biden was talking about behavior he would personally witness.

Which raises the question: how many people are there who would chew out their subordinates in earshot of the president?

walter said...

" Biden’s close personal relationship with Lander, who served on the board of the Biden Cancer Initiative, the nonprofit..."
Grifters stick together.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Ann, I don't see how you can assume that it was Lander's swearing-in. To me, it's obvious that it was Biden's. "On his first day in office," yes? And he made his pledge to "staffers," not to Lander.

MikeR said...

I promise I will fire you on the spot, if the newspapers notice it.

narciso said...

blinken is just the mouthpiece for robert malley, I dubbed him Nod, an islamist founder of the crisis group, he went to the same paris lycee, that his father a lifelong lefty parked him at,

rhhardin said...

You are offering an "if"... but Biden promised he would spend *zero* time figuring out all the details. It's an on-the-spot firing if he even *hears* of disrespectful treatment, so your question is completely superseded by the scope of the promise.

Words have meaning.

Women tend to find meaning where there isn't any. What man hasn't had that experience. It's why there's a crazy vs hot graph.

mikee said...

When Earl Butz was fired by Nixon, at least we got to read the racist joke he was fired for telling. Even Clarence Thomas faced Anita Hill in public - and we knew it was in part over comments about a supposed pubic hair on a Coke can.

Here, we have only accusations of "bullying, yelling, cutting off" women, and one case of potential retaliation for complaining, with zero details of what he said or actually did. I guess the accusations were serious enough that details of the accusation didn't matter.

The Soviet Union's show trials weren't meant as an ideal to emulate, were they?

Jupiter said...

"You are misreading. What I am saying you can infer is that the WaPo article went up and it led to the firing."

I doubt that. I don't think the WaPo publishes things the WhoreHouse doesn't want printed. Lander wasn't getting the picture, he thought he could just apologize and move on. So someone over at the WhoreHouse called up a buddy at the WaPo and had them stick a longer pin in him.

Jupiter said...

"Did Hunter 'demean' the Chinese hooker when he snorted coke off her ass?"

Hmmm... tough call. Is that "creating a hostile workplace"? I guess it depends on how she felt about it, right? But anyway, you're a racist for calling her Chinese, racist. Only Chinese people can use that word.

Michael K said...

Did Lander swim naked in front of female Secret Service agents ?

If not, why the fuss?

Rollo said...

Eric Lander resigns — potentially imperiling the rest of Biden’s scientific agenda

I find it hard to take that headline seriously. Biden's imperiled scientific agenda?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I worked under nursing and social work hierarchies. Let me tell you about the old girls' network. It is not as elevated as the highest reaches in many field, I absolutely agree. But it is real, affects many people (education, library science, HR, arts) and is generally discounted as illusory.

Hmm. Sounds like I am feeling resentful today.

Iman said...

“Words have meaning.”

C’mon, man! Don’t be a pony-faced dog soldier. All bets are off when Biden’s “speaking”.

Zev said...

Being nice generally is a good thing, but it's not the only good thing.
Surely there are other even better things someone not so nice might bring to the table that makes it worth keeping him.
I'm so tired of this absolutism, the inability to weigh competing values.
As with covid, so with everything else, apparently.

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