February 2, 2022

"President Biden has approved the deployment of about 3,000 additional American troops to Eastern Europe, administration officials said on Wednesday."

"The troops, including 1,000 who are already in Europe, will head to NATO allies on the alliance’s eastern flank, the officials said. Their purpose will be to reassure NATO allies that while the United States has no intention of sending troops into Ukraine, where Russia has been threatening an invasion, Mr. Biden would protect America’s NATO allies from any Russian aggression. ... The number of Russian troops assembled at Ukraine’s borders has reached well north of 100,000...."

The NYT reports.


Achilles said...

Polls look bad.

Time for a war.

Right after pulling out of Afghanistan too.

It is almost as if they are trying to look incompetent and Joe is trying to look like a Chinese Agent who has taken more than 31 million dollars from Chinese spies and front corps.

Joe will start a war with Russia and then he will pull out and make sure we lose it.

daskol said...

The surest sign our leadership would like to move on from Covid is the attempt to start a war over Ukraine.

Dave Begley said...

Send the Washington Commanders football team.

gilbar said...

What Do We Want? WAR!
When Do We Want It? As Soon As Possible to distract people!!!

wendybar said...

So happy for the left that they chose another war. Congratulations you war mongers!!! We had a President who was against wars, and wanted to end them all, but that wasn't good enough for you...you wanted more Cheney. Now you have Cheney, and you have Biden. All yours. Don't blame me, I voted for the President who was against war.

rcocean said...

Anyone who thinks we'll get a sensible AMERICAN foreign policy from Biden is on laughing gas. Biden (or whoever is the real POTUS) is being blown back and forth between the NeoCon warmongers,"The Blob", political optics obsessives, and the bought-off foreign assets.

What Biden (or whoever is the real POTUS) will land is unclear. Look for further zig-zags, half measures, and conflicting messages. If we had a real POTUS, he'd call for meeting with Putin and the Ukrainians and broker a deal.

Instead we get sabre rattling, and hysterics. Lindey Graham and Mittens approve.

Jaq said...

Let's send our children to wag Biden's dog as he drags us further into the Democrats' "Teapot Dome" and risks a hot war with Russia.

Interesting the news that came out yesterday that the actual position of the US with regards to the prosecutor that Biden demanded be fired was that he was doing a great job, per internal US emails, and that messaging only changed after Biden fired him to protect the billionaire kleptocrat, who became a billionaire by stealing from the people of Ukraine, BTW, the billionaire kleptocrat who was paying his son millions of dollars. Interesting that a kleptocrat would seek out the services of a highly connected Democratic aligned law firm like Perkins - Coie. Son of a bitch! Those guys get stuff done.

Yeah, this has "just war" written all over it.

Also, if any Biden defenders are going to bring up Europe's agreement that the guy Biden fired was corrupt, my challenge to you is to find any documented instances of them saying so prior to Biden's actions. Because they all came afterwards. These emails are the the only evidence we have of what the foreign policy establishment thought before Biden did that solid for his son's client.

BTW, after the prosecutor was fired, the billionaire kleptocrat's legal problems disappeared and he was able to return to Ukraine.

Not to mention that the fake "Black Ledger" that was totally made up, was made up by Ukrainians who met with Biden and Ciaramella in the White House, prior to it's "release." It was total fake news, on the front page of the New York Times in August leading up to the election.

This stinks on ice.

D. B. Light said...

The pandemic is winding down, climate change never really caught on, the deplorables are not cowering in abject fear -- time to start up the war.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Why would hosting a few more troops make any difference to the NATO allies?

It would be more accurate to say that this is so Biden, if he wants to, can say he responded with a threat of force and stood up to Putin, and on the other hand, if he wants to, he can claim that he didn't.

It's all about messaging. But not to the NATO allies.

GDI said...

Brandon's windmills.

Jaq said...

It's funny how closely "resident Biden" comes to the word "Approval" in your headline about him blundering into a war.

Lyle said...

Poland is increasing the size of their active military so that it will be the 3rd largest in NATO. They know Germany is going to do f all about their borders with Belarus and Ukraine.

That said no US troops should be anywhere near Russia. Germany has sold itself to the CCP/Russia Eurasian Axis of economies. Let Germany be the lesser member of the new Axis of Powers.

hawkeyedjb said...

Yeah, great. Any troops going to the Texas border where there's an actual invasion going on?

Scot said...

Next week, Joey will announce the 3,000 troops will return to U.S by July 4. Plus 10,000 troops stationed in Bavaria.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Maybe it's time for Kamala Harris to make another trip to Europe. The border with Mexico can wait.

Robert Cook said...

"So happy for the left that they chose another war."

Hahahaha! As if you don't know that both parties are war parties!

"Congratulations you war mongers!!! We had a President who was against wars, and wanted to end them all...."

Ahahahaha! If he (I presume you mean Trump) really was against all wars wanted to "end end them all," why didn't he withdraw us from Afghanistan? He had four years...he could have done it on Day One!

Michael K said...

Wag the dog continues unabated.

Anonymous said...

JFK & LBJ could not be reached for comment.

Dude1394 said...

As usual with this propaganda president, it’s all about the optics.

Browndog said...

If you had told my that, in my lifetime, an American President was openly trying to instigate a war with Russia I would have assumed the CCP and 3 billion china men over-ran the United States and installed their puppet.

Tina Trent said...

rcocean is right. Also, participating with NATO rules of combat can be dangerous, just as participating with UN rules removed our best trained special forces from Mogadishu and replaced them with relatively green Army units who were instantly shot down. Then our special forces had to be recalled to rescue army members, with assist from UN and private forces.

One special forces veteran who was in Mogadishu from the start told me this story. He said he knew the army replacements would be slaughtered. He said everyone knew. He was barely drinking his first beer in Israel when he had to return to Somalia for the bodies. He very rarely speaks about any of it. He has no love lost for the generals or the UN or the Somalis and doesn't want to be thanked for his service. Listening to him for five minutes was the best geopolitical education I can imagine.

Kay said...

I was willing to overlook whatever mistakes Biden made in ending the war in Afghanistan, because at least he ended it. But he completely lost me with this move.

Achilles said...

Ah yes. It all becomes clear.

Expected Job growth: 200,000

Actual Job "growth:" -301,000

The economy lost 301,000 jobs in January. And December was revised down.


And here we go."

Leland said...

Just more people to be evacuated chaotically later. One way to avoid that optic is not to send them. Better, how about not pushing for a war between Russia and Ukraine?

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Remember when Bob Dole was criticized for saying all of our wars have been started by Democrats? The good old days. Good times. Of course, at the time he was right. As far as I can tell, the only war that was started by an R was Iraq/Afghanistan by the Bush's. Maybe Reagan and Grenada through that was hardly a war. Why indeed are the D's considered the party of peace by the press and the R's considered war mongers?

Drago said...

This Person: "Why would hosting a few more troops make any difference to the NATO allies?"

Our NATO "allies" have already cut their initial deals with Putin and the ChiComs and are now simply hosting US troops for the cash and sending that cash over to Putin for the gas that arrives via pipeline into Germany where they got rid of their nukes and now lay with their bellies up in air as Putin scratches it.

A few more troops in Europe simply means more cash flowing to the NATO nations that hate our guts and just want to ride us all the way to the bank.

Germany and France are meeting with the russkis on an ongoing basis, and they made it clear that they didn't want Biden's Earpiece involved.

Our NATO "allies" are perfectly okay with the russian-majority in eastern Ukraine eventually consolidating control in that province, they just want it done slowly so as to boil the narrative frog and to keep that gas flowing!

Meanwhile, in the US we've got democratical wag-the-dog-ers joining with NeverTrump/AlwaysDemocratical Forever War enthusiasts and defense contractor lobbyists who desperately want to launch offensive combat operations in ethnic-russki dominated eastern Ukraine for all the usual reasons.

Biden's Earpiece and the people behind the puppet will be doing everything they can to crank this war up. We've even seen that on these very Althouse blog threads, and all to the benefit of the ChiComs, who are the ONLY real existential threat to the US over the long term.

The ONLY real threat.

But the ChiCom's have bought off the entire governing and "elite" factions of our society so everything must be done to obfuscate and protect the ChiComs.

Drago said...

This Person: "Why would hosting a few more troops make any difference to the NATO allies?"

Our NATO "allies" have already cut their initial deals with Putin and the ChiComs and are now simply hosting US troops for the cash and sending that cash over to Putin for the gas that arrives via pipeline into Germany where they got rid of their nukes and now lay with their bellies up in air as Putin scratches it.

A few more troops in Europe simply means more cash flowing to the NATO nations that hate our guts and just want to ride us all the way to the bank.

Germany and France are meeting with the russkis on an ongoing basis, and they made it clear that they didn't want Biden's Earpiece involved.

Our NATO "allies" are perfectly okay with the russian-majority in eastern Ukraine eventually consolidating control in that province, they just want it done slowly so as to boil the narrative frog and to keep that gas flowing!

Meanwhile, in the US we've got democratical wag-the-dog-ers joining with NeverTrump/AlwaysDemocratical Forever War enthusiasts and defense contractor lobbyists who desperately want to launch offensive combat operations in ethnic-russki dominated eastern Ukraine for all the usual reasons.

Biden's Earpiece and the people behind the puppet will be doing everything they can to crank this war up. We've even seen that on these very Althouse blog threads, and all to the benefit of the ChiComs, who are the ONLY real existential threat to the US over the long term.

The ONLY real threat.

But the ChiCom's have bought off the entire governing and "elite" factions of our society so everything must be done to obfuscate and protect the ChiComs.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"More optics! Stat!"

Chris Lopes said...

None of our NATO allies really believes Ukrainian sovereignty is worth risking a war with Russia. We know that and Putin knows that. So this is just empty posturing.

Skeptical Voter said...

Apparently Joe Biden is not the only addlepated senior citizen in the Swamp. Nancy Pelosi claims we "took an oath to protect and defend" the Ukraine. It's news to me--but maybe not Lt. Colonel Vindman.

Or maybe the oath was to protect and defend politicians who are bought--and to insure that they remain bought. The Big Guy got his cut of Hunter's cash from the Ukraine. He'll stay bought. It's the Delaware Way after all.

Joe Smith said...

Democrats, neocons and never-Trumpers sure as hell love war.

Must be all that sweet, sweet defense contractor money...

traditionalguy said...

The old fool is sending 10% of the 82nd Airborne to die fighting Russian tanks. Stolen elections have consequences.

wendybar said...

Go back to sleep Robert Cook.

MayBee said...

Remember when Trump was impeached over Biden's problems with Ukraine? Looking at what's going on now, I wonder what that was really about.

Big Mike said...

3000 American troops aren’t even a decent speed bump. Where are our F-22s, F-35s, and A-10s? That might deter 100,000 Russian troops with T-90 tanks. That anyone would dream of risking war with a nuclear power with Milley as chairman of the JCS, Austin as SecDef, and Biden as C-in-C is madness.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

"Go back to sleep Robert Cook."

I thank you for your concern that I get adequate rest, but that is not pertinent to this thread or to my apt and accurate comment.

n.n said...

A violent western-backed coup a la Libya per chance delegated sodomy and abortion of their "burdens". A separation in a post democratic republic. That said, 3000... minnows. Aren't they a protected species?

Mike Sylwester said...

Easy To Disprove Claims Of A Russian Attack On Ukraine

Excerpts from the article. dated December 4, 2021 (emphasis added):

... The current U.S. propaganda of an Russian attack on the Ukraine is pure bullshit designed to prepare the public for the above preplanned narrative.

When the Russian counter-attack takes place, the Ukrainian army will get destroyed by a rainstorm of Russian missiles. But Russian forces will not invade the country. Russia will only hold, via its proxy forces, onto the rebel republics around Donetzk and Luhansk. Russia's aim is to federalize the Ukraine as laid out in the Minsk agreements with the east having a veto against any NATO membership of the country. That aim does not require an occupation of the Ukraine. ....

While Ukrainian assessments have said Russia has approximately 94,000 troops near the border, the U.S. map puts the number at 70,000 — but it predicts a buildup to as many as 175,000 and describes extensive movement of battalion tactical groups to and from the border “to obfuscate intentions and to create uncertainty.”

.... Moscow has raised eyebrows in Washington with a sudden mobilization of reservists this year .... Russian officials have defended the reserve mobilization as a necessary measure to help modernize the Russian armed forces. ....

The somewhat murky BARS-2021 program to establish a combat army reserve (BARS) in Russia was only launched in the mid of this year. We are talking about reservists who will conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense, receive certain money for being in the reserve and regularly participate in military training and exercises. Such reservists have been participating in military exercises since 2016, as an experiment. ...

The aim of building that reserve force is to eventually do away with compulsory conscription. It has nothing to do with a war in Ukraine.

The 100,000 "ready reserve of contract reservists" do not exist today. There are currently only experimental units .... It will take years to stand up and train a 100,000 strong force of weekend warriors before it can be taken into any serious action.

The whole claim of a 175,000 strong Russian force by early next year is thus pure bullshit. ...

The satellite pictures the report mentions are also not relevant. They simply show troops on their regular training grounds hundreds of kilometers away from the Ukraine. Troops train for war all the time. It is their job. ...

n.n said...

Democrats, neocons and never-Trumpers sure as hell love war.

All's fair in lust and abortion.

Must be all that sweet, sweet defense contractor money...

Abortion! What is it good for? Redistributive change.

Joe Smith said...

The next president should campaign on getting out of both NATO and the UN.

The EU has enough money to defend themselves, and we sure don't need them to help defend us.

Why are we the unpaid bodyguard of Europe?

And Manhattan would be a much better place if it were free of freeloading, one-worlders who refuse to pay their parking tickets.

If they want to have a UN-like organization, how about putting it in Darfur or Mombasa...

rcocean said...

The Democrat Party:

Come for the baby killing,
Stay for the Wars and bombing innocent civilians.

Bonus: Freeing Death row inmates

Lars Porsena said...

Just enough to be provocative; never enough to be decisive. New Woke Pentagon motto.

Narayanan said...

why do the WEST want China to develop but want to stymie Russia?

is it less safe to take $$$$$$$ from Russians?

narciso said...


Mike Sylwester said...

Ukraine: Guides to Reflection, an article by Michael Brenner, a professor of international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh.

Excerpts from the article (emphasis added):

... Biden, Blinken et. al. began in October [2021] to stoke the war fever with dire predictions of an “imminent” Russian invasion. They conjured a “lightening strike” ....

Washington was thrown off stride when Moscow refused to play the role assigned to it. They said and did nothing to substantiate the claim. The Russophobia had taken on a life of its own that left the White House painted into a corner. The level of desperation was evinced by C.I.A. Director William Burns’ tour of European capitals with a briefcase filled with C.I.A.-generated “infallible” evidence that an invasion was in the offing – and that, therefore, the Europeans immediately should commit to the trip-wire sanctions so as to deter the in-fact, fantastical invasion.

The hottest material were satellite photographs purporting to show Russian armored units in battle formations “at the Ukrainian border” (just 180 miles away). We now know that the photographs were doctored. The tanks and other equipment were at their permanent bases adjacent to barracks and other fixed facilities. ...

With tensions growing more acute day-by-day, the floundering Biden administration tried a brief fuite en avant via two daring telephone calls: Biden’s to Zelensky, and Blinken’s to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Both were fraught; each exacerbated the American dilemma.

The Kiev leadership had become upset by the mounting beating of the war drums from Washington fueled by claims that Russia was likely to strike soon. That assumption did not confirm with Ukrainian intelligence. Moreover, Zelensky was deeply worried by the damaging impact on Ukraine’s fragile economy. He went public with remarks distancing himself from the American portrayal of the threat and calling attention with alarm to the spreading “panic.” ....

Biden vehemently rebutted Zelensky’s criticisms, bluntly reminded him what he and his colleagues owed the United States, and in raised-voice told Zelensky to straighten up and fly right. The conversation ended in a row with a resolution of the crisis further away than ever. ...

Blinken’s exchange with China’s foreign minister proved even more acrimonious. Washington’s supposed objective was to convince Beijing to use its influence in Moscow to persuade Putin to cancel the looming “invasion.” ....

What Blinken got in return was a blast of complaint and accusation from Wang — pronounced in atypically sharp language. Wang made it clear that China fully backed Russia in every respect, blamed the U.S. for destabilizing Europe, pledged all manner of tangible support for Russia were the West to act on its threatened draconian sanctions.

Wang also pointed out that the economic pain would cut deeper in Western Europe than in Russia — let alone China. The Chinese people, he declared, were prepared to bear any cost out of solidarity with their Russian partner. ....

Where do we go from here? ... A reasonable surmise is the following. There will be no armed conflict across the contact line in the Donbass. If the local Ukrainian crazies do something reckless, the Russians will recognize its derivation and react with measured caution. There will be no massive economic sanctions.

The Biden administration will proclaim loudly that the Russian bear’s hand was stayed by the steadfast, credible threat of retaliation. ....

Russophobia will remain a hallmark of the United States’ foreign policy. The Sino-Russian strategic partnership will tighten and deepen. American strategy will become progressively more disengaged from reality. U.S. leadership will remain blinkered, its thinking dogmatic, its diplomacy amateurish and accident-prone.

M said...

While I don’t want the US in ANY war I would rather we fight for Europe than the M.E. where only Israel is worth fighting for. If we are going to be flooded with “refugees” I would rather they were Ukrainians who have a distant relation to our own culture, than Afghans who’s only relationship to America is we are all humans.

Browndog said...

I thank you for your concern that I get adequate rest, but that is not pertinent to this thread or to my apt and accurate comment.

I think he was being facetious.

If he was really concerned he would have posted a link to MyPillow.com for the best night's sleep in the whole wide world.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

I see the Russian troll farm is active again today.

Drago said...

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed: "I see the Russian troll farm is active again today."

Everyone who disagrees with me on Ukraine policy works for Putin!!

Rabel said...

There will be no war with Russia.

Russia will not invade Ukraine.

The war talk and US troop movements are just a set-up for tough guy Joe to later claim that he stood up to Putin and backed him down.

Tough guy Joe could get out over his skis and screw this all up and bring about the end of civilization, but probably not.

rcocean said...

Can we get our "Noble Kurd allies" to help?

Wonder what Mittens thinks?

If you're old enough, all this hysteria is just plain Funny. I never heard a single fucking word about Ukraine being independent in the 70s or 80s. Nor do I remember anyone giving a damn in the 1990s or the 2000s whether Crimea belonged to Russia or the Ukraine.

The russians-ukrainians have a border dispute. Let them solve it. Its 5000 miles from the USA. And its right on the Russian border. Putin isn't going to conquer the world with 100,000 troops. He's not even going to conquer the Ukraine.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"I never heard a single fucking word about Ukraine being independent in the 70s or 80s. Nor do I remember anyone giving a damn in the 1990s or the 2000s whether Crimea belonged to Russia or the Ukraine."

Then you just weren't paying attention. Was it important enough to rise to the top of the news cycle in the US? Nope. But it was important enough that many people WERE paying attention. Especially when the US convinced the Ukes to get rid of their nukes.

I do note to your benefit that in the 90s people were much more concerned about Serbia being cemented into Russia's sphere as the Balkans became a war torn hell hole. That little party was just the beginning, and those who were paying attention knew it.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

@M at 1343-
No reason for "us" to fight for Europe, for Israel, or for anyone else other than ourselves.
You are of course free to volunteer yourself of your children for the Grand Army of the Ukraine, or any other that will have you.
I spent most of a decade in military service, and one of my children currently serves.
I have no confidence that Brandon is not itching to waste my kid's life if there is a dollar in it for his kid or himself.

Saint Croix said...


He should threaten to cut off Putin from the world economy. That shit hurts. As Iran found out.

Biden is releasing Iran from its cage as they are crying from the pain.

Biden has no interest in hurting Russia, stopping Putin, or protecting Ukraine. This is all for show. And he doesn't care if Americans die from his blunders (obviously). I don't know if a younger Biden would be better, but this is spectacularly stupid and ineffective foreign policy.

Trump was way, way better at dealing with foreign powers. As bad as Biden is on the economy, he's actually worse with foreign relations. Trump might have annoyed our allies, but he scared the shit out of our enemies.

Saint Croix said...

In the Trump debates there were no questions about foreign policies. That's how damned good he was -- there was nothing to talk about.

In the 2024 debates, foreign policy will definitely be a debate topic. Mr. Fuck Up will have to defend this shit.

Also I think Biden is going to have at least one, and maybe more, Democrats who primary him. When you're this incompetent, even people in your own party start to notice.

Bilwick said...

I'm so old I can remember when the Democrats were the Peace Party!

narciso said...

I'm old enough when they were crazy over deploying 50 advisors to el salvador now 3,000 troops to surrounding countries to a nuclear power, is just gravy


yes I trust this group implicitly,

Dave64 said...

I could care less about the Russia/Ukraine dust up, their history is a lot longer than we have been a nation. If the PTB are so intent on an intervention let's do Chicago, Baltimore or any other murder crazed city. We have enough here to worry about.

robother said...

3,000 to 100,000? Brandon says no problem. Haven't you all seen the movie 300? It's not the number of the men in the fight, it's the fight in the mumbler men. Or something, I couldn't really make out the dialogue in that movie.

Achilles said...

Saint Croix said...


He should threaten to cut off Putin from the world economy. That shit hurts. As Iran found out.

Biden is releasing Iran from its cage as they are crying from the pain.

Biden has no interest in hurting Russia, stopping Putin, or protecting Ukraine. This is all for show. And he doesn't care if Americans die from his blunders (obviously). I don't know if a younger Biden would be better, but this is spectacularly stupid and ineffective foreign policy.

Trump was way, way better at dealing with foreign powers. As bad as Biden is on the economy, he's actually worse with foreign relations. Trump might have annoyed our allies, but he scared the shit out of our enemies.

Biden is doing exactly what you would expect a person who is taking billions of dollars from foreign governments would do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you go against the democrat party - you are a Russian Troll!


gilbar said...

Bilwick said...
I'm so old I can remember when the Democrats were the Peace Party!

When was That? '64? by which, i mean of course, 1864

Maynard said...

There will be no war with Russia.

Russia will not invade Ukraine.

The war talk and US troop movements are just a set-up for tough guy Joe to later claim that he stood up to Putin and backed him down.


Drago said...

This just in:

"The White House says it's no longer using the word "imminent" to describe the potential for a Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was sending an unintended message, Jen Psaki says."

Another Forever War Narrative collapses because reality was impossible to wish away.

Rusty said...

Our idiot in chief are going to get us in a shooting war with somebody. Give Ukraine and Taiwan everything they need to defend themselves, except our troops, airmen and sailors.

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