February 13, 2022

"Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign paid an internet company to 'infiltrate' servers at Trump Tower and the White House in order to link Donald Trump to Russia, a bombshell new legal filing alleges...."

"Special Counsel John Durham filed a motion related to potential conflicts of interests in connection with the case of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who is charged with lying to the feds.... Sussmann allegedly told the FBI he was not working on behalf of Clinton when he presented the agency with documents that supposedly linked the Trump Organization to a Kremlin-tied bank two months before the election.... Durham’s motion reportedly alleged Sussmann 'had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.' Records showed he 'repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations,' which involved an investigative firm, a tech executive, cyber researchers and numerous employees at internet companies, the motion reportedly stated."

The NY Post reports.



Jersey Fled said...

More to follow ...

gilbar said...

That Crazy Trump!
remember? back when?
Back when Crazy Trump claimed (without evidence!) that they had "wire tapped" the Trump Tower?
What a Crazy guy! We all laughed and laughed! "wire tapped" the Trump Tower; as if!

Now what's that? The Hilary! campaign, working with the FBI broke into the Trump Tower's computers;
and not only spied, but falsified information to 'justify' further FBI spying?

rhhardin said...

It's too complicated to follow. It sounds like a lying to a federal officer offense confused with what they lied about.

The media are responsible for the Russia hoax, not the originator. Everybody knew it was bogus. The walls are closing in was too attractive a story not to run it on the left.

Strick said...

So, to be clear, they did the modern equivalent of Nixon's White House burglars, committed a conspiratorial cover up and are just now getting caught. That makes the main difference the order and timing between events?

Curious George said...

Looks like it's "suicide" time...

Saint Croix said...

She's Nixon!

Temujin said...

The NY Times has another hit piece on Trump in their upper left corner. NOTHING on Durham's latest. But none of this is news. Most people know what happened here. What is news is that it's becoming a part of an official investigation.

But what of the years wasted? The attacks from all sides that held his Presidency, and our country, back? What of Adam Schiff, NBC News, CNN, James Comey, John Brennan, Jim Clapper, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and many others? They all walk free and they will continue to walk free.

Which is one reason you see truckers by the hundreds, people by the thousands all over North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand going into the streets, protesting their feckless leaders and the 'experts'. These may not seem to be related, but they are. All over the democratic world, people are up to their eyeballs with this sort of bullshit where a certain class can stomp all over freedom, act with arrogant corruption, and still walk free, untouched by the laws we all follow. There is an end to this. It is coming. The Hillary Clinton's of the world may not end up in jail, but they also will no longer be listened to. They should, and will be mocked, ridiculed, and disposed of. The Clinton's and others here. Trudeau in Canada. Macron in France. Others to follow.

David Begley said...

What did Hillary know and when did she know it?

Bob Boyd said...

Why Hillary's eyelid is twitching.

PaoloP said...

Your institutions are corrupt beyond repair, sorry.

Steve Pitment said...

Well, now we know with certainty what topic the Sunday morning shows will be studiously ignoring this week, while warning us all about the threat to democracy Trump represents.

wendybar said...

It's time to hang her for TREASON. Let's unite the country!!!

Bob Boyd said...

"She's Nixon!"

Nixon was prettier and more likeable.

gilbar said...

Does this mean that Hilary! shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof ?

I mean, Trump was the duly elected President of the United States;
so, shouldn't Hilary! be prevented from holding any office in the United States Government?

Iman said...

Pantsuited Pantload
break out box of Franzia
get jiggy wit it

Iman said...

rug muncher deluxe
you foul mouthed becankled
Carville sucking mook

Iman said...

and it’s off to church I go…

Bob Boyd said...

I wonder who will have not killed themselves by the time this doesn't amount to anything.

Paul said...

Somehow I think this is now coming out cause Hillary is thinking again of running for Prez....

And she has so much slime surrounding here it is just easy to show what like of low life she really is.

narciso said...

they created a fake digital trail, to cover for a real Kremlin enabler, remember Ukraine was invaded on John Kerry's watch, a Soviet tool since 1971, who was a witness to the assasination plot against several US Senators,

Ann Althouse said...

"The NY Times has another hit piece on Trump in their upper left corner. NOTHING on Durham's latest...."

Yeah, Meade and I were talking about the upper left corner of the NYT. It's like they just take their favorite Trump story and it's the top story of the day. Meanwhile, you have to search the page to find anything the actual President is up to. (He did a phone call.)

Mark said...

It's amazing how long the Clintons have lived rent free in people's heads here.

Larry J said...

Jersey Fled said...
More to follow ..

And yet, nothing will follow, at least not by the government or the MSM. If the MSM doesn't report it, and they won't, then to much of America it never happened.

jim5301 said...

"Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign paid an internet company to 'infiltrate' servers at Trump Tower and the White House in order to link Donald Trump to Russia, a bombshell new legal filing alleges"

The key word of course is "infiltrate" Is the Post quoting the filing, or paraphrasing what it thinks the filing says? Article doesn't say so and doesn't quote the filing using that word, much less using that word in context. Odd.

"Durham’s motion reportedly alleged Sussmann 'had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.'"

Reportedly? So the reporter is reporting on a public filing that the reporter hasn't bothered to read? The Post at its finest.

Meanwhile, as recently as yesterday Steve Bannon said that the U.S. to to blame for Russian aggression against Ukraine.

So when Trump supporters are asked by their grandkids in 30 years why they supported Putin and the newly formed Soviet Union over their own country, what will you say?

Sebastian said...

Good to get the details from Durham. Let's see if any actual heads will roll.

Of course, the Althouse commentariat was onto the hoax years ago, but even we cynics underestimated the depth of deep-state/Dem depravity.

chickelit said...

Hillary Clinton shenanigans were the reason I voted Trump in 2016. I'd vote for him again if she and her minions keep it up.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

She's Nixon!

She was kicked off the Congressional Nixon investigation for unethical conduct.

There are Federal laws against unauthorized access to computer systems. But, Hilarybeast has never let little things like laws get in the way of what Hilarybeast wants. Laws are for little people and the basket of deplorables.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maddow+Hillary = there's your actual corrupt collusion.

BUMBLE BEE said...

And Hillary struts...


The dumbocrats found someone that makes the Bidens look law abiding.

James K said...

No surprise that this is getting the pillow treatment by the NYT and WaPo. I did a search for "Durham" in the NYT. The last relevant appearance was two months ago, and it read like a Sussman press release. Of course there are daily hair-on-fire stories about Trump.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Trump found "CLEAN" by so, so many investigations.

Michael K said...

Meanwhile, as recently as yesterday Steve Bannon said that the U.S. to to blame for Russian aggression against Ukraine.

This idiot seems to still believe the collusion hoax. Putin is no dummy. He has watched Biden dismantle the US economy and recognizes his opportunity. China sees the same. The insane Democrat psychological war on Russia, after trying a goofy "Reset" has pushed Russia and China back together. The result will not be anything good for us.

Ceciliahere said...

Lock he up!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary's mugs and hats should say "But Her Private Server for Clinton cash"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey, let's not forget Obama's firing of the combat generals. The new bunch will be picked off early cause of their Pink Pussy hats.
As my friend pointed out, "The Conspiracy Buffs were afflicted with foresight".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Corrupt Clinton camp figures the media will cover her criminal and corrupt activity - because the media did so for Biden.

MartyH said...

I’ve followed this closely for years. I’ve read the OIG report as well as Durham’s indictments. I will withhold judgment until I can read the latest filing.

Disclaimer: not a lawyer, just a cynical citizen trying to cut through the BS.

daskol said...

There is what, a 3-5 year lag between the narrative for those who get their info from the corporate press, and those with more catholic reading habits?

Big Mike said...

Good to get the details from Durham. Let's see if any actual heads will roll.

@Sebastian, do not hold your breath.

Lyle said...

Any Federal official who lied on the behalf of Hilary Clinton for this should be prosecuted and give some jail time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media cannot verify any leftist democrat corruption. Ever.

it's a miracle!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gee, what we need now is a BIG crisis. AnybodY? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

Readering said...

The article reads as if the writer has not read the court filing being reported on. Is it under seal? Why no link? As it is, article clear as mud. What is the spying on the Trump campaign? And if allegations relate 2016, a race between 2 private citizens, where does capital punishment come into it?

Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.

From what I can tell, the filing somehow relates to a claim of conflict of interest on the part of a law firm, Latham + Watkins, involved the Dunham investigation. Huh?

MartyH said...

FWIW, this is my opinion of the Russiagate scandal:

The Clinton campaign funded and ran two disinformation operations at the FBI and the CIA. One was the fabricated Steele documents, which the FBI bit hard on, showing either malice or gross incompetence (or both) on their part. The Steele documents allowed the Hillary campaign to "leak" to the press that Trump was being investigated for connections to Russia.

The second was the Trump Tower/Alfa Bank faked DNS info that was presented to the FBI.

This gave the Clinton campaign the pretext to "leak" to the press that the FBI was investigating Trump for the backdoor server connection.

Clinton's top advisors were aware of and probably directing these activities.

To summarize, the Clinton campaign MO was to:

1) pay someone to make some shit up tying Trump to Russia;
2) Have a trusted, seemingly neutral third party (Steele or Sussmann) present this manufactured conspiracy to the FBI (and CIA in the Alfa Bank case)
3) The Clinton campaign would then run to the press and scream "The FBI is investigating Trump campaign ties to Russia!"

As a side note, had we a diligent press corps, I would say that the Clinton campaign ran disinformation ops against them as well. But I see them more as accomplices than dupes.

iowan2 said...

Link to the Conservative Tree House.


There are links to techno frog also.

It takes me several different sources, and their opinions, to zero on on something understandable.

Big Mike said...

Trump was right. Again.

Leslie Stahl lied. Again.

Jersey Fled said...

I see that those who pushed the claim that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary for all those years are back to claim that there's nothing to see here.

iowan2 said...

Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.

Four audits of 702 lookups conducted by FISA Judges covering different time blocks determined each time, +80% of the lookups were illegal. Mostly done by contractors under FBI supervision. Each time, the Director of the FBI, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme court, did nothing to make the data base secure.

702 lookups are simple backward lookups, of telephone, email, text, search history data base maintained by NSA, by defining a time span and Name, Number, address,etc.

It is much easier to believe all of Trumps circle were included in the illegal searches, than to think all were some how ignored. Especially now that we have proof of electronic spying, and past DoJ/FBI corruption.

daskol said...

Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.

And here’s someone proving me that my estimate of a 3-5 year lag is merely a mean.

MartyH said...


The conflict of interest arises because the same law firm is representing two parties involved in two different prongs of the same investigation. One is a little fish (Steele's source). The other is a big fish (high powered lawyer billing the Clinton campaign while feeding the Alfa Bank disinformation to the highest levels of the FBI.)

I'm guessing cross contamination of information is Durham's concern. Durham will put the squeeze on the little fish to get him to give up info that may ultimately lead to the big fish's roles in both branches of the investigation. Information shared with the little fish's lawyer will make it to the big fish's lawyer, hindering the investigation.

Again. not a lawyer

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.

Wrong. What do you think a FISA warrant is for? The FBI illegally obtained a FISA warrant in August 2016 to spy on Carter Page and anyone who had contact with Carter to the 2nd degree. The FBI is full in on illegal spying on the Trump campaign and then the Trump presidency. Fire them all.

Browndog said...

I guess "But her Rose Law firm billing records" didn't fit on a hat.

Michael K said...

Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.

Another hoax believer. Who do you think was running the federal government in 2016? Snoopy ?

Michael K said...

The Durham filing is here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Readering - Trump knew he was spied on. He assumed it was Obama. He was wrong.

"Trump said he was vindicated by Durham’s filing in a Saturday evening statement, adding there was a time that Sussmann’s alleged crime “would have been punishable by death.” "

I'm not sure why Trump felt the need to say that. He often steps on his dick.
But it doesn't change the fact that Hillary hired people to help with her scheme.
All while SHE was the person her benefited financially from secret deals with the Russians.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

rhhardin said...

Nixon was less of a officious gasbag than Hillary. Nixon even treated the proles as equals in private correspondence.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.”

By whom? The NYT/WaPo “fact checkers”? We do know that the Trump campaign and transition team were electronically surveillance by at least the FBI under the four Carter Page FISA warrants - the illegally obtained warrants which are part of what Durham is continuing to investigate. So was Trump himself wiretapped? Maybe not. But the people around him obviously were. So another instance of Trump being maybe literally incorrect, but clearly figuratively correct. The former, of course, is what leftist “fact checkers” always hang their hats on.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I just searched for "Trump Clinton New York Times." It seems that there have been several articles about Trump's record keeping in the paper in the last two days. I didn't hit on anything regarding this new story. Looks like they are taking the Leslie Stahl 60 minutes position in spite of pretty darn solid evidence. It seems to me it's news whether it is true or not. I have no confidence that these allegations will ever be heard, seen, or read by the vast majority of Americans. If only someone would make a reality show about them then everyone would find out!

h said...

Can anyone explain to me why this behavior (ok alleged behavior) by the Clinton campaign isn't exactly as bad as the Nixon watergate attempted coverup?

Iman said...

“Word is…”

“From what I can tell…”

Weak-suck lefties must do better.

Bilwick said...

Statists involved in skullduggery? Oh go on!

Owen said...

Temujin @ 8:10: Word.

rcocean said...

Durham’s motion reportedly alleged Sussmann

Reportedly alleged - you got to be kidding me. Can't anyone write English clearly and consisely anymore?

So, Hillary had a firm spying on President Trump. Not candidate Trump. The President of the USA. This could be big. But then its Dunham, so paint me skeptical. This has all the marks of a coverup, leaking out drips and drabs to reduce the damage.

Original Mike said...

"Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked."

I thought the LLR had been banned from this blog.

Chris Lopes said...

"From what I can tell, the filing somehow relates to a claim of conflict of interest on the part of a law firm, Latham + Watkins, involved the Dunham investigation. Huh?"

Actually it relates to a lying to Federal investigators. Large amounts of DNS traffic from the Trump organization were collected and some of it was shown to the Feds. The person showing the information claimed he wasn't working for any client when he clearly was. Had the Feds known that he was working for the Clinton campaign, they would good reason to be skeptical of the information they were given.

Jim at said...

And yet nothing will happen to anyone involved.

Jaq said...

"Had the Feds known that he was working for the Clinton campaign, they would good reason to be skeptical of the information they were given."

Yeah, sure. I worked in the industry with comms protocols, like thousands of other people, and they could have asked any one of us, working at any of thousands of companies, and we would have told them that Glenn Greenwald had it almost exactly right, about four days after the story broke, it was marketing emails, sent all over, not just Alpha Bank. The Feds chose to act as if they believed it, and ran with it, to help Hillary.

Jaq said...

"Trump's allegation had been that Obama was tapping his phones. Long since debunked.”

One of the things I used to do, when I worked for a living, is specify taps used for network surveillance, not all of which is nefarious; I know what I am talking about,Trump was tapped. There was no other way to get the transcripts of phone calls he made that were almost immediately selectively leaked and published by the New York Times. Whether Obama personally ordered it, it was done under his administration. The word you are looking for is "denied" in the face of damning evidence.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Had the Feds known that he was working for the Clinton campaign, they would good reason to be skeptical of the information they were given.”

In a perfect world, with an honest FBI, then sure, yes. But they knew the provenance of the Steele Dossier, and the fraudulent basis for the four Carter Page FISA warrants, but sought, gained, and used them anyway. They had reason to believe that the Steele Dossier was bogus since probably mid summer of 2016, but used it for the FISA warrants starting a couple months later. And by the second one, had fired Steele for lying to them, but continued to use his bogus Dossier for the last three.

Jaq said...

I am still trying to figure out where the New York Times got that transcript of Trump's phone calls without surveilling his calls. Oh, that's right, they falsified a FISA request, and used that to "legally" surveil Trump's calls. I am pretty sure that the FBI's admission that they lied to the FISA court came long after the "debunking" of surveillance of Trump, and didn't take into account that much of that surveillance was illegal.

Imagine feeling like you have to defend this shit by the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, and now Biden's big mouth looks like it is getting us into a war nobody wants but the neocons and their new Democrat friends.

Browndog said...

h said...

Can anyone explain to me why this behavior (ok alleged behavior) by the Clinton campaign isn't exactly as bad as the Nixon watergate attempted coverup?

Sure. Right after you explain to me why, after witnessing what this government has said and done over the past 5 years, why you still believe what the government said about Nixon/Watergate.

gilbar said...

Trump Tower ‘wiretapping’ Mark Levin discovered in 2017: 'Real insurrection'
Trump has taken a victory lap that the Durham filing 'proves indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied'

Joe Smith said...

'It's amazing how long the Clintons have lived rent free in people's heads here.'

This is wrong...

People just want them to go the fuck away, preferably to a federal penitentiary.

Nobody wants to think about them ever again, and personally I don't until I read stories like this.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Poor Leslie.

Is 60 minutes going to do a follow up?

"This is 60 minutes; tonight, we acknowledge we screwed the pooch."

cfkane1701 said...

Hillary Clinton is the worst cancer on the American body politic I can think of. Who else comes close and for a longer period of time? It's been a solid thirty years that she's been grasping at power, enriching herself at the trough, ruining institutions, and disregarding the law.

Boss Tweed relegated himself to New York City. Huey Long's reign of terror was short-lived and didn't really change anything. LBJ was a horse-trader and strong-armer, but he signed the Civil Rights Act. Woodrow Wilson did a lot of damage to the rule of law, but he had the courtesy to die soon after. Nixon reinvented himself after Watergate. McCarthy was a boor and a scoundrel, but it turned out he was right all along.

Nobody else comes close to such a lengthy, sustained, omnipresent malevolence as Hillary Clinton does. She won't shut up, she won't go away, she won't try to fix herself. She's just historically horrible. I wait and wait for a reckoning, but there's really only one to look forward to. And I know she'll be final proof that the good die young.

farmgirl said...

Althouse- this vindication makes me hopeful.
It’s sure been a long time coming. Just like Spring…

I appreciate your posting this.

StephenFearby said...

It seems that many commenters don't remember that Trump tweeted the word wiretapped IN QUOTATION MARKS ("wiretapped")

His shorthand on Twitter for any kind of illegal surveillance.

Of course, the press mocked him for using this word instead of recognizing what he meant.

I'm glad to see the long-delayed and criticized Durham investigation seems finally bearing some tasty fruit.

Of course, post his COVId experience in October 2020, Trump, unfortunately, continues to act like a complete idiot, which is reflected in his recent popularity polls.

A recent example: Trump declared the crime [of spying on him at Trump Tower] "would have been punishable by death" in a "stronger period of time."

Nichevo said...

The proper comparison is not to the subversion of the Nixon Administration but the assassination of JFK. Let's hope the second coming of LBJ doesn't get us into the second coming of Vietnam.

James K said...

Trump, unfortunately, continues to act like a complete idiot, which is reflected in his recent popularity polls.

A recent example: Trump declared the crime [of spying on him at Trump Tower] "would have been punishable by death" in a "stronger period of time."

Why is that idiotic? What they did is arguably sedition, as it continued after he was President. Sedition is a capital offense, and certainly there were times in history when that punishment was carried out.

chickelit said...

cfkane1701 said...Nobody else comes close to such a lengthy, sustained, omnipresent malevolence as Hillary Clinton does. She won't shut up, she won't go away, she won't try to fix herself. She's just historically horrible. I wait and wait for a reckoning, but there's really only one to look forward to. And I know she'll be final proof that the good die young.

Well, she did get stood up by a minivan. No one can ever unsee that. That probably cost her that election and any future one too.

Rory said...

"Nobody else comes close to such a lengthy, sustained, omnipresent malevolence as Hillary Clinton does."

Christopher Hitchens, interviewed by Hugh Hewitt in 2008:

HH: 20 seconds, who’s going to be the next president of the United States?

CH: Hillary Clinton.

HH: Oh…because of yesterday?

CH: No, no, I’ve feared it for a long time, and there’s something horrible and undefeatable about people who have no life except the worship of power.

HH: The Mummy is back.

CH: …people who don’t want the meeting to end, the people who just are unstoppable, who only have one focus, no humanity, no character, nothing but the worship of money and power. They win in the end.

HH: Mordor.

StephenFearby said...

James K said...
"Why is that idiotic? What they did is arguably sedition, as it continued after he was President. Sedition is a capital offense,..."

No, the so-called "wiretapping" happened at Trump Tower, BEFORE Trump became President.

You certainly have the free speech right to say it was "arguably sedition", even though it was just garden-variety political snooping.

Readering said...

I see a link to a longer article but no link to the Court filing. I still see no explanation of what was going on that any jury could comprehend. Pings???? It remains that the most significant post-indictment (not amended) revelations are that government notes and Baker's other statements show Sussman saying he had a client but would not name the client. Durham offers explanations for these contradictions, but they won't leave a jury without a reasonable doubt. So now Durham takes pains to remind folks he's still investigating stuff.

Gahrie said...

"Nobody else comes close to such a lengthy, sustained, omnipresent malevolence as Hillary Clinton does."

I've posted repeatedly on this blog that Hillary's not gone until they drive a stake through her heart. I could easily see 2024 as a repeat of 2016. (How sad would that be?)

The part that bugs me the most about the Left's devotion for the old ghoul is the fact that she is exactly the type of woman that the original feminists hated the most. Add to the fact that she is one of the most corrupt people in my lifetime.

I'd hate to see her run again, but I'd love to see her lose again.

Readering said...

Clinton 2024?? Whatever happened to #Hillaryhealth?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

No, the so-called "wiretapping" happened at Trump Tower, BEFORE Trump became President.

You let out the hacking of the White House servers, after Trump was president. Dare I say it? Yes. That's sedition - the incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. That's also a violation of the information security statues, also known as hacking.

The FBI is totally corrupt. They knew the Russian story was a hoax but did nothing. They sent agents to entrap Mike Flynn in a process crime. They knew there was no underlying crime to talk to Flynn with. They knew the Trump administration was just forming, so they moved quickly to make the process crime happen without informing the White House counsel about what was going on.

James K said...

No, the so-called "wiretapping" happened at Trump Tower, BEFORE Trump became President.

And when they were unable to prevent Trump's election, the conspiracy to take him down continued into his presidency, based on the same lies. The entire Mueller investigation was triggered by this fraud.

Mutaman said...

"Yeah, Meade and I were talking about the upper left corner of the NYT. It's like they just take their favorite Trump story and it's the top story of the day. Meanwhile, you have to search the page to find anything the actual President is up to. (He did a phone call.)"

Its sort of like waiting for the Old Professor Althouse to comment on Trump mishandling classified documents. Don't hold your breath.

Mutaman said...

"Yeah, Meade and I were talking about the upper left corner of the NYT. It's like they just take their favorite Trump story and it's the top story of the day. Meanwhile, you have to search the page to find anything the actual President is up to. (He did a phone call.)"

Its sort of like waiting for the Old Professor Althouse to comment on Trump mishandling classified documents. Don't hold your breath.

Mutaman said...

"Durham takes pains to remind folks he's still investigating stuff."

Three years and this is the best this Boy Scout can come up with? And to coordinate with the Trump potty revelations. I submit that stupidity should be "punishable by death".

Arthur Kinley said...


Arthur Kinley said...

Durham filing


Ray - SoCal said...

The technical part of what is in the latest filing:


This one is a bit different than wire tapping. What access to the DNS Server did was allow them to see every single place anyone / connection for Trump Tower, Campaign, and Presidency went on the Internet.

Then a team I think it was at Georgia Tech took this data, till they could find any Russian Link.

There is more to come on this, this was just a filing to say there may be a conflict of interest for a Law Firm representing a Russiagate Suspect.

NYC JournoList said...

Somebody needs to ask Joe what happened in the Jan 3 meeting. He was part of a plot to take out his political opponent. Understand that is an impeachable offense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The NYT/CNN/NBC axis flooded the zone every time Robert Mueller scratched his nose. They spent hours and hours deciphering his every sneeze. Actual criminal indictments from Durham of Hillary's lawyer or FBI operatives -- crimes that created Russiagate -- barely merit an article.

from this thread:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"The two journalists who primarily promoted the Alfa Bank/Trump fraud -- @NatashaBertrand and @FranklinFoer -- were promoted. Both were hired by supreme Iraq War liar @JeffreyGoldberg, now editor of @TheAtlantic.

**This** -- not FB, Rogan, QAnon -- is the hive of disinformation."

h said...

I know nobody is following this anymore, but BrownDog apparently challenges my interpretation that Nixon tried to use the FBI to help his re-election, and that behavior was at the very heart of the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon's resignation. Anyone who has doubts about this, do a websearch for "Nixon watergate smoking gun tape". https://watergate.info/1972/06/23/the-smoking-gun-tape.html

Readering said...

That's not the link. Should be dated Friday.

Readering said...

Re Nixon, I thought he tried to use CIA to warn off FBI. Vernon Walters at center.

Readering said...

Just clicked link. Yeah, that.

Readering said...

Meanwhile the actual Durham filing illustrates the maximum that the lie travels around the world before truth puts its boots on. Fever swamps of the right spin bullsh!t from barely understandable statements in pretrial filing. When folks in the know review against facts and expertise, it's revealed to be mundane and have nothing to do with the Clinton campaign. Maybe Durham will sometime file charges with some relationship, but not yet. Stay tuned and I hope AA commenters are taking their blood pressure medicine.

jim said...

Dear Readering, exactly.

Being in the industry in question my immediate thought was someone's looking at DNS data, were they supposed to? Turns out yes, that's his job.

So, good that this was brought to our attention. Not so good that morons, including the main moron, are pretending this is what it isn't.

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